DoveTales/ eTales February 9, 2015 Wheatfield, NY 14304 Holy Ghost Lutheran School 731-3030 / 731 - 9449 ww February 10 - School Club Pictures 16 - No School - Presidents Day 17-20 - no bus service; school in session 19 - Cultural Night 6:30p 24 - Open House 6:30p Chapel this week - Wednesday at 9:15a We are hosting St. Peter Sanborn for the worship and the Fire Prevention Week Contest Awards - join us Leader- Pastor Sallach - Offering- Latvia Mission Project NLSW Sunday - thanks to our families We had a great turn out for Lutheran Schools Sunday - the students did a great job singing and leading worship. In your prayers this week, remember our Lutherans School and praise for all of it’s blessings! Transportation- attention all bus students and families Please note there will not be any bus transportation from the following districts the week of February 16th Starpoint, Lockport, Niagara Wheatfield, Grand Island and Lew-Port due to their mid-winter break. Holy Ghost will be in session February 17th-20th - Tuesday - Friday. Parents are responsible for transporting their children to school that week. Thanks in advance. Cultural Night - calling all world travelers Holy Ghost will be hosting Cultural Night on Thursday, Feb. 19th at 6:30p in the school gym. This event is a fun way to learn about different countries - student projects will be the focus - join us. Enrollment Holy Ghost is currently accepting enrollment registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. To date, we have received many registrations, *reminder - families that register by Thursday, Feb. 19th, will pay a discounted Registration Fee. Tuition- Those families that are on the three payment plan or are past due, the final payment is due by March 2nd. Statements will be mailed to your home by the end of the week. Any payments received after March 2nd a 2% finance charge will be added to your balance. Call the office with any questions 731-3030. School Closings In the case of inclement weather, HG may close the school - this action will cancel all classes, programs, and extracurricular activities. School Closings will be communicated via text message and posted on the following media outlets: TV- channels 2, 4, 7; and Radio 930am. Niagara Hospice Bouquets --Holy Ghost will be selling them this year. All proceeds benefit Niagara Hospice. Thank you for your support! Cost is $8.00. You can pre-order your bouquet through the office by February 24th. Just turn in your money to the office with the envelope marked Niagara Hospice. For a gift of $16 Niagara Hospice will deliver on your behalf 2 Spring Bouquets. One to a current Hospice patient and one to a Niagara County Veteran. Hot lunch menu Monday- Spaghetti Meatballs/Fruit Tuesday- Pancakes/Hashbrown/Fruit Wednesday- Chicken Finger Sub/Chips/Fruit Thursday-Soft Shell Taco/Rice/Fruit Friday- Pizza/Salad or Carrot Stix/Ice Cream PTL R eminder - SCRIP order is due Monday, February 16th. Extra copies of order form are available at the office. Visit to see the 100's of retailers available. Family Game Night with Mini Golf on Friday, March 13th from 5:00-9:00. We are looking for volunteers to set-up and clean-up as well as sell concessions. Please see Shutterfly sigh-up sheet. Upcoming dates: PTL hosted Lenten Dinner - Date TBA Cake Auction - April 24th Teacher Appreciation Week May 4-8 *Are you thinking about becoming more involved with the events at HG? Let us know. We'd be happy to help you find an opportunity to volunteer that fits with your interests and availability. Preschool 3’s - “Thank you” to our friends and their families who came to the National Lutheran Schools worship service yesterday! It is a wonderful gift to share your voice for the Lord and you sounded great. We look forward to the opportunity to see everyone again at the Valentine Party this Thursday at 11:30. This week’s class theme will be Valentine work, and our Bible lesson will be about Jesus feeding 5000. Mrs. Coble and Mrs. Sallach 4’s – Our Bible stories will center around Jesus’ Miracles. The Letter of the Week is “Pp.” Tuesday & Wednesday will be our Pirate & Princess Days - come to school in costume, but leave wands, swords etc at home. On Thursday and Friday we will have fun playing various Valentine games and silly activities! Mrs. Crawford Kindergarten A big thank you to all the families who attended our Lutheran Schools Sunday service. The kids sounded great with all of their songs. A few events coming up within the next two weeks, Valentine’s Day Party is this Friday at 1pm. Please check our shutterfly site to sign up for items to bring. Next week Thursday is our 100th Day of School. We will be having a big celebration on this day. Cultural Night is also on Thursday. This is a fun event where we as a class, as well as all the middle school students are showcasing various countries. Please join us. Theme - Valentine’s Day ELA -This week we are working on our reading groups. Activities will depend on your child’s group. Our first spelling unit starts this week. Words went home on Friday, spelling test is this Friday. Math - This week we are still working on addition. Religion -We are focusing on Jesus’ Miracles If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me anytime at Mrs. Meissner This week’s Kindergarten Schedule: MondayTuesday- Gym Class Wednesday- Chapel / Art Class Thursday- Gym Class Friday- Spelling & Memory Test / Valentine’s Day Party Grades 1 ELA - We will have a spelling unit this week. Our focus will be on long i words with silent e. We will also be working on words with the long “i” sound spelled “y”. The children will continue to work in their Common Core Clinic books. Children will be working in their guided reading groups, as well as their Daily 5. Reading logs should be coming back and forth to school. Please have your child read every night and record what they read in their reading logs. Math - We will be learning about related facts and fact families. Homework will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. Theme - We will continue with our Penguin theme. We will be reading a variety of Penguin books and doing extension activities. Religion - This week our Bible story is about Jesus Blessing the Children. Our memory verse can be found in our classroom newsletter. Memory verses are tested on Friday. Social - We started learning about Egypt last week. The children have started to learn about the culture of Egypt, the flag and people. Cultural night is February 19th. We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Friday February 13th. We have 18 children in our class. Children can send in Valentine cards for their classmates. They can also send in a small treat to pass out as well. Some treats include wrapped candy, stickers, and pencils. Please check out our Shutterfly site to sign up for the the class party. Thank you. Yours in Christ, Mrs. Stenzel Grade 2 Thank you to the students who sang yesterday for NLSW at Holy Ghost. Your praise to our Lord sounded wonderful! Religion- This week, we will be learning about when Jesus fed a huge crowd and when He walked on water. Memory verses are recited on Wednesdays and Fridays- be sure to practice at home. ELA- This week our spelling words focus on the consonant blends, l and r. Spelling homework is due on Friday. Work with your child to plan which nights they will complete each section. Please remember to read each night with your child and fill out their reading logs. We will continue to work in leveled groups, focusing on asking questions for comprehension. Social- We will be starting our next unit, People Long Ago, learning how people change.. We will also be starting our Cultural Night project on the country of the Philippines (yes, we changed countries!). Look for a research sheet to come home for your child to complete. Math- We will be working with models to subtract two and one numbers, as well as paper and pencil to subtract. Please continue to review math facts with your child. Science- We will look at how people grow and change. There will be Tasting Tuesday. Yours in Christ, Mrs. Carrier Mon.- Art Tues. -Gym; Practice spelling test; Tasting Tuesday Wed. – Chapel & Offering; Math homework due; memory recitation Thurs. -Gym; Scholastic News due Fri. - Final spelling test; spelling & math homework due; Memory recitation; Valentine’s Day party Please be sure to send in a large, paper grocery bag for the craft at our Valentine’s Day party! Grade 3 ELA - Reading -We will be working in leveled reading groups. We will also be working on cause and effect in the Common Core Clinic book. Spelling - Unit 18: Review Writing- Students will continue working on their How-To Essays. Math- We will continue working on Topic 9 on fractions. During math workshop, students will work at math stations in small groups. Students will also work with the teacher in small groups reviewing multiplication and division concepts and problem solving. Social Studies- We will work on our Cultural Night project focusing on Switzerland. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at . Mrs. Gilgore Grades 3/4 Religion- We will be learning about the prophet Elijah and the fiery chariot. We will have one memory verse, which is due Thursday. Science- We will be learning about how ecosystems are affected by hazardous waste and pollution. Penmanship- Grade 3 will be learning lowercase cursive g, o, and c . Grade 4 is reviewing uppercase cursive letters Z and V. Grade 4 ELA -. Spelling unit 20 is working with words with the -le and -en patterns. In writing, we will be working on the final copy/presentation step of our compare/contrast essay. In grammar we will continue to work with homophones; for example, there, their, and they’re. We will be starting the book The BFG in reading. Math - We are learning about division patterns and estimating quotients. The IXL homework is E13 and E14. Social Studies - We will be starting a unit on the country of Spain for the school multicultural night. Mrs. Woodley Grade 5 Q1. Which of our past Presidents was an animal lover and he probably would be running an animal shelter today? Q2. Which President is the only President that never ran for President? Q3. Which President refused to receive payment asking only to be reimbursed for any expenses? Q4. Which President owned a cat that ate at the dinner table? Q5. Which President ran for the Senate twice but lost? Answers: 1 Lincoln, 2 - Washington, 3 - Washington, 4- Lincoln, 5- Lincoln. We will explore some cool facts about some of our past Presidents with some reading and writing connections. Check out this really cool web site to learn more about our Presidents and the United States. Parents and students, remember to check our ‘Daily Classroom Homework’ Google Doc Page for current updates in all of our academic subjects and last minute changes to homework/tests/special announcements. This is a wonderful partnering tool. Peace and Joy, Mrs. Gildersleeve Math 5: We will continue to work on fractions. Quiz Wednesday! Middle School Math 6 : We will continue to work on how to substitute and solve in various geometry equations. Math 7 : We will work on identifying and finding the measure of angles, and calculating the area of various shapes. Math 8 : Our focus will shift to geometric shapes and various types of transformations Algebra : We will focus on writing explicit formulas for various sequences. Earth Science : We will review this week, test on Friday! Physical Science : We will spend time understanding the organization of the periodic table, and using it to answer questions. Middle School ELA and SS: Spelling and Vocabulary lists have been shared with students. Spelling pretests are on Wednesdays, corrections are due before their final test on Friday. Vocabulary tests are also on Fridays. There are spelling and vocab quizzes. 6ELA : We are continuing with reading and responding in the journals to A Single Shard and will have a Final Test on Friday. We will also continue our grammar lessons. We will also be working in the Common Core books. 7ELA : We are reading The Giver. Final test on the Giver is Wednesday.We will continue grammar lessons. We will also be working in the Common Core books. 8ELA : We are reading To Kill a Mockingbird. We will continue grammar lessons. We will also be working in the Common Core books. 6SS : We will continue the unit on ancient China. We will be reading up on Scholastic topics and current events. Every Friday from now until Cultural Night (Feb. 19th) students will be working on their projects. These projects are due on Feb. 17th. 7-8SS : We are finishing another chapter on colonial America. There will be a test on Tuesday, Feb. 10th. Notebooks are also due on the 10th. We will be reading up on Scholastic topics and current events. Every Friday from now until Cultural Night (Feb. 19th) students will be working on their projects. These projects are due on Feb. 17th. Specific assignments and lesson plans have been shared with students via google docs. If you ever have a question regarding an assignment or want an update as to how your child is doing. Don’t hesitate to contact me at . or by cell: 478-2018 Mr. Meissner SPANISH Grade 7: This week we will continue with the unit on Adjectives. I will be giving a retake tomorrow on last weeks quiz for any students that wish to try and raise their grade. I will be assigning various assignments for students to practice using adjectives this week. Lastly, I am hoping to have the test on this Unit on Friday. Grade 8: Students will move on to Chapter 17 this week. There will a test tomorrow on Chapters 1-16. There will be written homework this week on Wednesday and Friday this week. Please feel free to contact me at, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child. ART Kindergarten will create a snowman. Grades 1&2 will have fun manipulating clay and create a small free standing sculpture. Grades 3-5 continue to work on their weaving projects. Middle school will create a watercolor painting in the style of Charles Burchfield, a nationally known artist who lived in Gardenville, NY. A very large portion of his work is located at his gallery The Burchfield Penney Art Center , Buffalo NY. Middle school students have a homework assignment: to find a painting by Burchfield they wish to replicate. They may google - Charles Burchfield images or Charles Burchfield paintings - a picture of the painting they wish to work from is due NEXT week. WISH LIST: We are in need of empty and washed tuna cans. Mrs. Crawford Music SKIP Choir (Singing Kids in Praise)- Great job singing for Lutheran Schools Sunday! Our next regularly scheduled performance is on March 1. We will be singing with some choir members of the Valporaiso University choir. In His praise, Mrs. Woodley Instrumental Music Lessons -s Contact me for more information. For best results please have your child practice 30 minutes every day. PIANO: - Parents, please sign up for the Remind service to receive important updates regarding piano lessons. Text @mrsforsey to (716)995-4381 . Sports All sports season schedules are posted online at: - enter the school site and find the Sports Calendar link in the left side bar Congratulations to our BB players on their fantastic seasons!!! Games: There will be an All-Star Game at St. James on Tuesday, Feb. 10th beginning at 5:00 with the girls, followed by the boys at 6:15. Girls Varsity Basketball The girls had a great season and we saw many skills improve throughout the season. Keep working on those skills throughout the year so that you’re ready for next season! Please wash and return your jerseys this week. Volleyball practices begin on February 17th. Remember, there is a $40 fee for Volleyball and a new medical form must be filled out. Please contact Mr. Meissner with any problems or concerns. 478-2018. HG Extras We are collecting canned goods and non-perishables to donate to local food pantries. This an ongoing project, so please feel free to drop off items in front of Mrs. Gildersleeve’s room or the office. Thanks for your generosity. Campbell’s Labels/Box Tops for Education: We are still collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s labels. Please continue to send them in. You can also go online to for additional bonus points for our school. Check it out! Our last submission was for $424.20 to Box Tops for Education. Campbells labels is having a million dollar giveaway!! Go to : www. to enter our school to win. You may enter daily until 12-31-14. Thanks for your support! Coke Rewards- Something new families can do to help our school is register Coke Rewards points on the Coke website in the name of Holy Ghost. Just buy qualifying products, visit the website, and follow the directions to credit our school. - school code-BUFF-GHOST HG is registered with - simply purchase a deal and provide our school code and HG will receive 10% of the proceeds. Tops- Sign up on line and use your Bonus Card to earn money for our school.
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