131st Annual Meeting of the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association

131st Annual Meeting
the human side of animal health
February 5-8, 2015
Indianapolis Marriott East
generAl inForMAtion
Welcome to the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association
131st Annual Meeting, scheduled for February 5-8,
2015. You are invited to participate in Indiana’s
premier annual gathering of professionals in
veterinary medicine. The IVMA Annual Meeting
has a long and rich history of providing excellent
continuing education by national and international
presenters and for providing an inviting atmosphere
of collegiality.
The meeting will be held at the Indianapolis
Marriott East (7202 E. 21st Street). The location is
user-friendly with plenty of meeting space, easy
access, and complimentary parking. You will enjoy
this venue for quality IVMA continuing education,
fun, and fellowship!
Advanced registration for the 131st Annual
Meeting is recommended. Registration is required
for admission to the meeting.
Your 4-day registration includes all scientific and
practice management sessions, access to the Exhibit
Hall on Thursday evening including the “Beer Garden”
event sponsored by Midwest Veterinary Supply and
Boehringer Ingelheim, all breaks held in the Exhibit
Hall, the “Engaging the Future” reception hosted by
the Indiana Animal Health Foundation on Friday
evening, the IVMA Membership Luncheon on Saturday
sponsored by Henry Schein Animal Health Supply,
Family Game and Casino Night on Saturday evening,
sponsored by Elanco, and online Proceedings Notes.
Note: On the registration form, please note which meal(s)
you plan to attend.
The Early-Bird registration deadline is Thursday
January 15, 2015, to receive the advanced
registration rate. Registrations postmarked or
received by fax, e-mail or online after this date must
include an additional $50 late fee. Registrations at the
door must also pay the $50 late fee. Checks should
be made payable to the IVMA. Payment will also be
accepted by Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American
Express. You can register online at www.invma.org.
when you arrive at the meeting! Your registration
packet will include your name badge and badge case,
information on printing your speaker notes ahead
of time, and all other pertinent information for your
registration. There will be a $25 charge for name tags
reissued at the Registration Desk.
1. Online - Visit www.invma.org
2. By fax - Fax registration form to (317) 974-0985
3. By mail - Send registration form to IVMA,
201 S. Capitol, #405, Indianapolis, IN 46225
All registrations must be postmarked by January 15,
2015. After that date, you must register on site. The
Registration Desk will be located in the Atrium of the
Marriott Hotel East. Registration hours will be as
Thursday, February 5, 2015 Noon – 5:00 p.m.
Friday, February 6, 2015 7:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, February 7, 2015 7:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 8, 2015 7:45 a.m. – 1 pm
nAMe bAdges
MeAl tickets
cAnned Food drive
When you are packing up to attend the annual
meeting, please bring along canned food items to
donate at the meeting. In the past three years we
have collected nearly 1400 pounds of food thanks
to your generosity! Food items will be donated to
Gleaners Food Bank of Central Indiana. You will
receive a ticket for a drawing for a free registration
for the 2016 annual meeting just for participating.
For every five additional items you donate, you
will receive an additional ticket for the drawing.
Please help us make a difference in our community
by making a donation to the food drive.
Again this year: Your registration materials will be
MEETING! This means no waiting in line to register
Name badges will be required for participation in
all sessions, workshops, and exhibit viewing. Meal
tickets will be required, and will be collected, for each
meal during the meeting. You must indicate on the
Registration Form which meals you plan to attend, or
no reservation will be made for you for that meal.
hotel reservAtions
reFund policy
The Indianapolis Marriott EAST is the headquarters
hotel for the 131st Annual Meeting. The hotel is
located at 7202 E. 21st Street, Indianapolis, IN,
46219. The group rate for rooms is $128. To ensure
availability at this special rate, make your reservation
no later than January 5, 2015. To make reservations,
call 317/352-1231 and mention the Indiana
Veterinary Medical Association meeting.
No refunds will be issued after the registration has
been submitted to the IVMA. If it is an extenuating
situation, the registrant may submit a written request
for a refund which will be considered no sooner than
two weeks after the meeting is completed. If granted,
the registrant would receive a refund of the original
amount less $25.
progrAM plAnning coMMittee
AGAIN this year! The Exhibit Hall will be open on
Thursday evening, February 5, 2015, from 5:30 –
7:00 pm. Come join our ‘beer garden’ event in the
Hall! The Exhibit Hall will also be open on Friday,
February 6, 2015, from 8:45 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.
Hours on Saturday, February 7, 2015, will be from
8:45 a.m. until the end of the last break in the schedule. The Exhibit Hall will NOT be open on Sunday.
A dedicated group of volunteers has worked
year-round to ensure a quality continuing education
offering for veterinarians, registered veterinary
technicians, and veterinary staff. The committee is
chaired by Dr. Tony Rumschlag, and assisted by Dr.
John Schnarr, Dr. Carol Ecker, Dr. Julie Davis, Dr.
Kristi Graham, Dr. James Stepusin, Dr. Maria Cooper,
Dr. Michele Roberts, Dr. John Johnston, Dr. John
Feutz, Dr. Marybeth Feutz, Dr. Matt Cantrell, and
Ms. Lisa Perius.
proceedings notes
exhibit hAll
Speaker notes will be made available in advance of
the meeting on the IVMA web page. When you
receive your Registration Packet information, there
will be directions included on how to print off your
notes in advance of the meeting. If you wish to
purchase a thumb drive of the speaker notes, the
cost will be $25. You can pick up your thumb
drive at the Registration Desk at the meeting.
continuing educAtion
ForMs And hours
Registration forms and questions should be
directed to the IVMA, 201 S. Capitol Avenue,
Suite 405, Indianapolis, IN, 46225, 317/974-0888,
fax 317/974-0985, 800/270-0747, or e-mail at
upcoMing Meeting dAtes
February 4 - February 7, 2016
Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel
February 1 – February 5, 2017
Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel
Continuing education proof of attendance forms
will be available at the Registration Desk during the
responsibility to document which sessions you
attended and the number of hours you received. One
credit for one hour of lecture will be given. Attendees
can earn up to 21.5 hours of continuing education.
indiana veterinary Medical Association | 3
speciAl events
euchre tournament Thursday evening,
February 5, 7:30–10:00 After the Exhibit Hall
closes, join friends and colleagues for a fun euchre
tournament. Prizes include: 1st place $100.00 Visa
card each; 2nd place $50.00 Visa card each; 3rd place
$25.00 Visa card each. The cost is $20 per person
and will include food for dinner. A portion of your
registration fee will be donated to the Indiana Animal
Health Foundation. Register for this event at
info@vetamac.com. You can also register the evening
of the event. Come have a great time, raise funds for
the IAHF, and help celebrate 25 years of Vetamac!
rabies titer draws MidAmerica Clinical Labs
will be at the annual meeting on Thursday and Friday,
February 5-6, to draw for a rabies titer. The cost is
$65 for this service. You can sign up for this on the
registration form.
ivtA board Meeting and business
Meeting The Indiana Veterinary Technician
Association (IVTA) will hold a board meeting on
Thursday evening, February 5, at the hotel. The
IVTA will conduct its business meeting on Friday,
February 6, during a luncheon from 12:30-1:30
p.m. in Veterans 1.
Friday Afternoon general session
Friday, February 6, 2015, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Veterans Hall 2-3-4; The General Session is open to
all attendees – this includes veterinarians, registered
veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants, and office
staff. You will receive 1.5 hours of continuing
education at this session. The featured speaker will
be Mr. Ted McKinney who was sworn in as director
of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture in
January, 2014, by Governor Mike Pence. With more
than 25 years of agriculture leadership experience,
Director McKinney brings an extensive knowledge
and understanding of Indiana and global agriculture
to ISDA. Prior to joining ISDA, he was Director of
Global Corporate Affairs for Elanco Animal Health,
a subsidiary of Eli Lilly and Company.
“engaging the Future” reception
hosted by the Indiana Animal Health Foundation
Friday, February 6, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Freedom Hall
(off the lobby and restaurant area); The Indiana Animal
Health Foundation is pleased to host this reception to
honor Purdue Veterinary Medicine students who will
make brief presentations about the wonderful world
travels and activities they have participated in while
in veterinary school. The cocktail reception and brief
presentations will include light snacks. Don’t miss
the fun and interesting evening! (one hour of continuing
education is awarded for attending this event).
christian veterinary Mission breakfast
saturday, February 7; the CVM continental breakfast
will be held from 7:30-9:30 a.m. in Veterans Hall 5 of
the hotel.
indiana Animal health Foundation
silent Auction saturday, February 7; For the
15th year, the Indiana Animal Health Foundation
will hold a Silent Auction in the Exhibit Hall at the
meeting. The proceeds will benefit the Indiana Animal
Health Foundation. Please stop by and bid on some
fun gifts that will benefit a very worthwhile cause
right here in Indiana.
behavior Forum for the public
saturday, February 7; The 17th Annual Behavior
Forum, organized by the Indiana Animal Health
Foundation, is set for all day on Saturday. This session
is generously sponsored by Elanco Animal Health. A
registration fee of $40 will be charged to members of
the public. Paid registrants to the IVMA Annual
Meeting may attend this session at no additional
charge. The featured speaker is Dr. Jacqui Neilson.
ivMA Membership luncheon
saturday, February 7; The IVMA Membership
Luncheon will update you on the business of the
IVMA, and then you can return to quality continuing
education! This event is generously sponsored by
Henry Schein Animal Health Supply. If you wish to
attend, indicate your reservation on the Registration
Form. The luncheon will be held in Veterans Hall 3-5.
Family game and casino evening
saturday, February 7; This fun and exciting evening
will feature family games, buffet dinner, cash bar, and
gambling events with “IVMA money.” Spend the evening
socializing, gambling, and enjoying the fun activities
of the evening. Cash in your “winnings” at the end of
the evening for chances to win donated prizes. Bring
the family! Children’s activities include fair games
and the balloon ladies will be back! One ticket is
included with a veterinarian registration. Additional
tickets can be purchased for this event on the
registration form. All children are welcome. There
is no charge for children under the age 12.
scholarship winners ‘14
business meeting
Thursday, February 5, 2015
12:30 p.m.
12:30-5:00 p.m.
5:15–7:00 p.m.
7:30–10:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Registration Desk opens in Atrium of hotel Continuing Education programs begin
Draw for Rabies Titer - Atrium
Exhibit Hall Opens – Visit the “Beer Garden”, sponsored by Midwest
Veterinary Supply and Boehringer Ingelheim - Liberty Ballroom
Euchre Tournament – sponsored by Vetamac – Private Dining Room
off the restaurant area of the hotel
Indiana Veterinary Technician Association Board of Directors Meeting
Friday, February 6, 2015
7:15 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
10:00–11:30 a.m.
12:30–1:30 p.m.
1:30–3:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00–7:30 p.m.
Registration Desk opens in Atrium of hotel
Exhibit Hall opens, Liberty Hall
Draw for Rabies Titer - Liberty Hall
Indiana Animal Health Foundation Board Meeting - Patriot Room
IVTA Business Meeting and Luncheon - Veterans 1
General Session - Veterans Hall 2-4
Exhibit Hall Closes
“Engaging the Future” Reception hosted by the Indiana Animal Health Foundation - Freedom Hall
Saturday, February 7, 2015
7:15 a.m.
7:30 a.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Noon–1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
6:30–9:30 p.m.
Registrations Desk Opens in Atrium of Hotel
Registration Opens outside Veterans 1 for
IVMA Member/Beef Producer Meeting
Christian Veterinary Mission continental breakfast, Veterans 5
Registration Opens outside Salon A&B for Behavior Forum
Exhibit Hall opens - Liberty Hall
Silent Auction benefiting the IAHF begins in the Exhibit Hall.
Bidding ends at 3:00 p.m. followed by pick-up and payment
of auction items.
IVMA Membership Luncheon, Veterans Hall 3-5
The lunch is sponsored by Henry Schein Animal Health.
Exhibit Hall closes
Family Game and Casino Evening, Veterans Hall 3-5
This event is sponsored by Elanco.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
7:30 a.m.
7:45 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Past President’s Breakfast, Patriot Board Room
Registration Desk Opens in Atrium of Hotel
Meeting Ends
Indiana Veterinary Medical Association | 5
IVMA Family Game & Casino Night
A very special thank you goes to the following
companies for their very generous commitment to the
2015 Partnership Program (as of 9/22/14):
Generously sponsored by Elanco
Don’t miss this fun event!
Patterson Veterinary
Elanco Companion Animal Health
Henry Schein Animal Health Supply
The IVMA thanks the following exhibitors for their
participation in the Annual Meeting. The IVMA hopes
you will do the same! (Exhibitors as of 9/22/14):
Animal Dermatology
Boehringer Ingelheim
Chester, Inc.
Christian Icons & Xrays
Circle City Veterinary & Emergency Hospital
Commerce National Bank
Companion Therapy Laser by LiteCure
Cuattro Digital Imaging
Diamondback Drugs
Elanco Companion Animal Health
Henry Schein
Heska Corporation
Hill’s Pet Nutrition
Indy Vet Emergency & Specialty Hospital
Jorgensen Laboratories
Lighthouse Veterinary Personnel Services, LLC
Midwest Veterinary Supply
MiraVista Diagnostics LLC
MWI Veterinary Supply
Nutramax Laboratories
Patterson Veterinary Supply
Paws & Remember
Pet Angel
Pet Health Pharmacy
Pet Rest Inc.
Road Runner Pharmacy
Royal Canin USA
Simmons Great Lakes
Universal Imaging
VCA Advanced Veterinary Care
Vetamac, Inc.
WestPoint Financial Group
Wickliffe Pharmacy
Have Fun At The
IVMA 131st Annual
Meeting Exhibitors
Saturday, February 7, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
“Engaging the Future” Reception
Friday, February 6, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
sponsored by the Indiana Animal
Health Foundation; Freedom Hall Room
The IAHF is pleased to host this reception to highlight veterinary
medicine students who have participated in extraordinary
experiences during veterinary school. The evening will feature
brief presentations from Purdue veterinary students including JR
Challie, Melissa Sim, Nareiby Llanes, and She Roth. One hour
of continuing education will be awarded for attendance.
IVMA General Session:
“Current Topics in Indiana Agriculture”
Friday, February 6, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
sponsored by Elanco Companion Animal Health
Mr. Ted McKinney,
Director of Indiana State Department of Agriculture
With more than 25 years of agriculture leadership
experience, Director McKinney brings an extensive knowledge
and understanding of Indiana and global agriculture to ISDA.
Prior to joining ISDA, he was Director of Global Corporate
Affairs for Elanco Animal Health, a subsidiary of Eli Lilly and
Company. Director McKinney grew up on a family grain
and livestock farm in Tipton, Indiana.
One and a half hours of CE will be given.
1. E
arly registration deadline – Jan. 15, 2015;
Register online at www.invma.org or by mailing your registration to the IVMA office
2. Reservation deadline at hotel – Jan 5, 2015
3. Meeting location – Indianapolis Marriott East,
7202 E. 21st St., Indianapolis, (317) 352-1231
4. You can obtain 21.5 hours of continuing
5. Go Green! Print off speaker notes from the
IVMA website in advance of the meeting.
thursdAy FEBRUARY 5, 2015
small Animal
pain Management
Salon 1-3
Veterans 1
Dechra; Salon A-B
Veterans 2
12:30 pm
Updates in Anesthesia
and Analgesia
Dr. James Gaynor
News in HorseEquine Medicine
Dr. Tom Divers
Canine Hypoadrenocorticism: Diagnosing
and Treating Difficult
Dr. Catharine
Current Trends and
Cases in Small Animal
Dr. Christina Wilson
br e A k
1:30 pm
1:45 pm
Everything You Wanted
to Know…or Didn’t
about NSAIDS
Dr. Gaynor
2:45 pm
Tick-borne Diseases
in Horses
Dr. Divers
Case Studies in Small
Animal Poisoning and
Diagnostic Approach
to Cases
Dr. Wilson
br e A k
Fringe Therapy?
Maximizing Use of
Fringe Benefits?
CBC and Chemistries
3:00 pm
Non-drug Approaches to
in Equine Practice
Dr. Divers
Dr. Gaynor
4:00 pm
4:15 pm
Diagnosis of Canine
What is the Role of Sex
Hormone Profiles?
Dr. Scott-Moncrief
Treatment of Canine
Mitotane or Trilostane?
Dr. Scott-Moncrief
Current Trends and
Cases in Livestock
Dr. Stephen B. Hooser
br e A k
Logical Approaches to
Chronic Arthritis Pain
in Dogs and Cats
Dr. Gaynor
Review of Selected
Equine Neurologic
Dr. Divers
What’s New
in Feline
Dr. Scott-Moncrief
Case Studies in Large
Animal Poisoning
(cont’d.) and Use of the
Diagnostic Laboratory;
Dr. Hooser
5:157:00 pm
Sponsored by Midwest Veterinary Supply and Boehringer Ingelheim
Liberty Hall - Doors open at 5:15 pm
7:3010:00 pm
Sponsored by Vetamac - Private Dining Room
indiana veterinary Medical Association | 7
FridAy FEBRUARY 6, 2015
Accreditation Modules/
public health
Zoetis / Salon 1-3
Salon A-B
Merck / Salon D
Salon C
Hemolytic Anemia
Dr. Andrew Mackin
Use of Molecular
8:30 am
Lose Your Pharmacy
Gracefully and Keep
the Revenue
Dr. Robert Gribble
Module 11 Sheep
and Goats: Disease
Awareness and
Health Certificates
9:30 am
10:00 am
b r e A k - v i s i t th e e x h i bi t h A l l
Dr. Mackin
KISSS - Keep it Simple
for Staff Sanity - Part I
Dr. Gribble
11:00 am
11:30 am
Old and New Challenges
of Equine Infectious
Respiratory Diseases
Dr. Pusterla
Module 12 Animal
Disease Traceability
b r e A k - v i s i t th e e x h i bi t h A l l
KISSS - Keep it Simple
for Staff Sanity - Part II
Dr. Gribble
Dr. Mackin
The Role of the Equine
Practitioner in
Dr. Pusterla
Module 14 Evaluation
of Aquatic Animals for
Detection of Reportable
Diseases and Pathogens
12:30 pm
b re A k - lu n c h o n yo u r oW n
1:30 pm
GENERAL sEssION - Mr. Ted McKinney - “Current Topics in Indiana Agriculture”
3:00 pm
b r e A k - v i s i t th e e x h i bi t h A l l
3:30 pm
Veterans Hall 3-5; All attendees are invited. 1.5 hours of CE
Bimodal Marketing
Approach - Going Old
School - Combine into
New School Marketing
Plan, Dr. Gribble
Therapy: Better Use of
Established Drugs
Dr. Mackin
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
for Infectious Equine
Dr. Nicola Pusterla
Emerging Enteric Pathogens
- Equine Coronavirus and
Lawsonia Intracellularis
Dr. Pusterla
Hoarding, Abuse and
Neglect - A Veterinarian’s
Guide to Taking Action
Dr. Jodi Lovejoy
b r e A k - v i s i t th e e x h i bi t h A l l
Put Your Smart Device to
Work in Practice and Other Cool
Gadgets, Dr. Gribble
Therapy: What’s New
Dr. Mackin
Recent Insights into
Equine Protozoal
Dr. Pusterla
Zoonotic and
Disease Update
Dr. Jen Brown
6:00-7:30 pm; Freedom Hall, 1 hour of CE awarded
Food Animal
dvM and
staff team
Salon 6-8
IDEXX / Salon 5
Elanco / Salon E
Salon 4
Management of
Critically Ill Patients
Dr. Marie Holowaychuk
Thoracic Radiography
Dr. Anthony Pease
What is that cranial
right-sided ping when it’s not
an RDA? Duodenal sigmoid
flexure volvulus
Dr. Susie Vogel
Discover Your Online
Dr. Tony Bartels
b r e A k - v is it th e e x h i bi t h Al l
Misconceptions in the
Management of Shock
and Trauma
Dr. Holowaychuk
Radiography in the
Acute Abdomen
Dr. Pease
Umbilical Hernias
and Abcesses
Dr. Vogel
Build Your Online
Dr. Bartels
b r e A k - v is it th e e x h i bi t h Al l
Triage, Assessment, and
Monitoring of the
Emergency Patient
Dr. Holowaychuk
Thoracic Cases Common Lesions of the
Thoracic Cavity
Dr. Pease
Do the right thing! Local
anesthesia and NSAIDS for
routine castrations
and dehorning
Dr. Vogel
Respond to Your
Online Reviews
Dr. Bartels
b r e A k - lu nc h o n yo u r oW n
GENERAL sEssION - Mr. Ted McKinney - “Current Topics in Indiana Agriculture”
Veterans Hall 3-5; All attendees are invited. 1.5 hours of CE
b r e A k - v is it th e e x h i bi t h Al l
Clinical Guidelines for
Veterinary CPR
Dr. Holowaychuk
Abdominal Cases Common Lesions of the
Abdominal Cavity
Dr. Pease
Teats & Mammary
Glands I - Commonly
Encountered Problems and
What They Look Like on
Ultrasound; Dr. Vogel
Practice Management:
Efficient Utilization of the Veterinary Healthcare Team
Ms. Katy Towles, RVT
b r e A k - v is it th e e x h i bi t h Al l
Making Sense of Fluid
Plans: A Case-Based
Dr. Holowaychuk
Aggressive Versus
Bone Lesions
Dr. Pease
Teats and Mammary
Glands II - What to do for
commonly encountered
problems - treat, surgery,
refer or slaughter?
Dr. Vogel
RVT Salary:
How to Get the Pay
You Deserve
Ms. Katy Towles, RVT
6:00-7:30 pm; Freedom Hall, 1 hour of CE awarded
indiana veterinary Medical Association | 9
sAturdAy FEBRUARY 7, 2015
Salon 1-4
Salon D
Veterans 1
8:00 am
Fear-Free Veterinary Visits Taking the “Pet” out of Petrified
Puts Pets Back into Practices Part 1; Dr. Marty Becker
Update on Antimicrobial
Drugs in Horses
Dr. Jennifer Davis
Why Speak Cow When I
Can Just Yell? Effective
Communication with Cattle
Dr. Lynn Locatelli
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
b r e A k - v i s i t th e e x h i bi t h A l l
Fear-Free Veterinary Visits Taking the “Pet” out of Petrified
Puts Pets Back into Practices Part 2; Dr. Becker
Movement Cattle Can Read.
What? Cattle can Read?
Dr. Locatelli
NSAIDS: Uses and
Adverse Effects
in the Horse
Dr. Davis
b r e A k - v i s i t th e e x h i bi t h A l l
Fear-Free Veterinary Visits Taking the “Pet” out of Petrified
Puts Pets Back into Practices Part 3; Dr. Becker
Alternative Anti-inflammatory
and Analgesic Agents
in the Horse
Dr. Davis
Early Calfhood Education,
Prep School for a Future
on the Ranch!
Dr. Locatelli
12:00 pm
Sponsored by Butler Schein; Veterans 3-5
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:309:30 pm
The Secrets of
Exam Room Superstars
Part 1
Dr. Becker
Diagnosis and Treatment
of Endocrine Diseases
in the Horse
Dr. Davis
Teenage Runaways or
College Graduates - you choose.
Creating a Partnership with Your
Cattle; Dr. Locatelli
b r e A k - v i s i t th e e x h i bi t h A l l
The Secrets of
Exam Room Superstars
Part 2
Dr. Becker
Diagnosis and Treatment
of Muscle Diseases
in the Horse
Dr. Davis
Over the Hill….Gone,
or Not! Effective Movement
of Grazers
Dr. Locatelli
b r e A k - v i s i t th e e x h i bi t h A l l
The 20 Mistakes No
Veterinary Hospital
Should Make
Dr. Becker
Diagnosis and Treatment
of Ocular Diseases
in the Horse
Dr. Davis
Traffic Circles for Cattle….
Is There an Easier Way?
Troubleshooting and Proper
Use of Cattle Handling Facilities
Dr. Locatelli
Sponsored by Elanco; Veterans 3-5
complementary Medicine
Salon 5
Elanco and Indiana Animal
Health Foundation
Salon A-C
Salon E
Five Step Formula How to Treat Almost Every
Behavioral Problem Part 1
Dr. Jacqui Neilson
Are You Holisitic
Enough for Your Clients?
Dr. Donn Griffith
Abdominal Fluid Collection
and Analysis Made Easy
Dr. Marie Holowaychuk
b r e A k - v is it t h e e x h i bi t h A l l
Management of Cats
in Shock: They’re Not Just
Small Dogs
Dr. Holowaychuk
Five Step Formula How to Treat Almost Every
Behavioral Problem Part 2
Dr. Neilson
Who Needs Them Anyway?
Dr. Griffith
b r e A k - v is it t h e e x h i bi t h A l l
Practical Approach
to Fluid Therapy
Dr. Holowaychuk
The Socially Inappropriate
Dog: Expanding Horizons
by Improving Behavior
Dr. Neilson
Acupuncture has Crossed
Over to Conventional
Dr. Griffith
Sponsored by Butler Schein; Veterans 3-5
RECOVER Recommendations:
Clinical Guidelines for
Veterinary CPR
Dr. Holowaychuk
Separation Anxiety:
Risk Factors &
Dr. Neilson
Traditional Chinese
Medicine: An Herb
for Everything
Dr. Griffith
b r e A k - v is it t he e x h i bi t h A l l
Diagnosis and
Management of
Airway Obstruction
Dr. Holowaychuk
Feline House-soiling Solve, Not Surrender Part 1
Dr. Neilson
How to Choose a
Safe and Effective
Dr. Griffith
b r e A k - v is it t h e e x h i bi t h A l l
Management of Head
Trauma and Traumatic
Brain Injury
Dr. Holowaychuk
Feline House-soiling Solve, Not Surrender Part 2
Dr. Neilson
Nutrition is the
Best Medicine
Dr. Griffith
Sponsored by Elanco; Veterans 3-5
indiana veterinary Medical Association | 11
sundAy FEBRUARY 8, 2015
small Animal
Salon 6-8
Salon A-B
8:00 am
Evaluation and Treatment
of Canine Corneal Disease
Dr. Anne Metzler
Current and Emerging
Therapies for IMHA and IMTP
Dr. Karen Tefft
9:00 am
9:15 am
br e A k
10:15 am
10:30 am
br e A k
Evaluation and Treatment of
Canine Glaucoma
Dr. Metzler
11:30 am
11:45 am
12:45 pm
Diagnostic Approach
to the Febrile Patient
Dr. Tefft
Evaluation and Treatment of
Canine Cataracts and Lens Instability
Dr. Metzler
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
in Dogs and Cats
Dr. Tefft
br e A k
Feline Ophthalmology
Dr. Metzler
Management Strategies
for the Constipated Dog and Cat
Dr. Tefft
Me e ti n g e n ds
Salon 1-4/Merial
Salon 5
Atopic Dermatitis
in the 21st Century
Dr. Valorie Fadok
Osteoarthritis Pain Management
in Dogs and Cats
Dr. Debra Weisman
Managing Pyoderma in the Age of
Methicillin Resistance
Dr. Fadok
The General Practitioner’s
Orthopedic Exam
Dr. Weisman
Otitis Externa, the Bane
of our Existence
Dr. Fadok
Small Animal
Intestinal Surgery
Dr. Weisman
Flea Control: What Clients Want,
What Pets Need
Dr. Fadok
Surgery of the Lower
Urinary Tract
Dr. Weisman
M e e t in g e n ds
indiana veterinary Medical Association | 13
thank you
Partnership Sponsors:
2014 Industry Partner Sponsors:
directions to the indianapolis Marriott east | 7202 E. 21st Street, Indianapolis, IN 46219
From I-69 (Muncie/Ft. Wayne/Anderson: 69 S To 465 S to 70
W (Exit 44a) To Shadeland Avenue (Exit 89). Turn right on Shadeland, left at intersection (21st St. – 2nd Light). We are on the left.
From Airport: 70 E Across city to Shadeland Avenue (Exit 89).
Turn right on Shadeland, left at intersection (21st St. – 2nd Light).
We are on the left.
From I-74W: From Ohio – 74 To 465 N To 70 W (Exit 44a),
to Shadeland Avenue (Exit 89). Turn right on Shadeland, left at
intersection (21st St. – 2nd Light). We are on the left.
From Castleton/Carmel: 465 E To 70 W (Exit 44a) to
Shadeland Avenue (Exit 89). Turn right on Shadeland, left at
intersection (21st St. – 2nd Light). We are on the left.
From I-74E: From Illinois – 74 To 465 S To 70 E, to Shadeland
Avenue, (Exit 89). Turn right on Shadeland, left at intersection
(21st St. – 2nd Light). We are on the left.
From I-65: Either North Or South – Take 70 E to Shadeland
Avenue. Exit (89). Turn right on Shadeland, left at intersection
(21st St. – 2nd Light). We are on the left.
From Hwy 31: From Either Direction – Take To 70 E to
Shadeland Avenue (Exit 89). Turn right on Shadeland, left at
intersection (21st St. – 2nd Light). We are on the left.
From Bloomington: 37 North To 465 E To 70 W (Exit 44a) to
Shadeland Avenue (Exit 89). Turn right on Shadeland, left at
intersection (21st St. – 2nd Light). We are on the left.
From Downtown: 70 E to Shadeland Avenue (Exit 89). Turn
right on Shadeland, left at intersection (21st St. – 2nd Light).
We are on the left.
From Westside: 70 E to Shadeland Avenue (Exit 89). Turn right
on Shadeland, left at intersection (21st St. – 2nd Light).
We are on the left.
From Greenwood: 465 E To 70 W (Exit 44a) to Shadeland
Avenue (Exit 89). Turn right on Shadeland, left at intersection
(21st St. – 2nd Light). We are on the left.
From Chicago/ Lafayette: 65 S To 70 E to Shadeland Avenue
(Exit 89). Turn right on Shadeland, left at intersection
(21st St. – 2nd Light). We are on the left.
From I-70: Either Way – Get off at Shadeland Avenue (Exit 89).
Turn right on Shadeland, left at intersection (21st St. – 2nd Light).
We are on the left.
indiana veterinary Medical Association | 15
201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 405
Indianapolis, Indiana 46225
indiana veterinary Medical Association
131st Annual Meeting
FEBRUARY 5-8, 2015
IndIanapolIs MarrIott East