Using Edusoft and Excel to Extract SLO Data for the BPSD Growth Target Calculator Spreadsheet 1 CREATING AND GIVING PRE-TEST: 1. by Granger Meador Where to save and retrieve SLOs in Edusoft Create separate assessment(s) in Edusoft for your pre-test and post-test and save them using the Benchmark Exams tab, the Assessments option, and opening the top-level folder “District Benchmarks” and then the sub-folder “14-15 District SLOs/SOOs” and then the appropriate subject-area folder; click here for instructions for creating tests. 2. Give the pre-assessment and scan the answer sheets. THESE INSTRUCTIONS WERE WRITTEN USING AN EDUSOFT GROUP ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT, BUT AN INDIVIDUAL TEACHER ACCOUNT WORKS ALMOST IDENTICALLY; THE ONLY SLIGHT DIFFERENCES ARE SOME OPTIONS IN THE REPORT BUILDER SCREEN. 3 EXTRACTING PRE-TEST RESULTS: 3. Back in Edusoft, click the “Benchmark Exams” tab at the top of the window. 4. Click the “Reports” icon or menu link on the resulting screen. 5. Click “Report Builder”. 6. On the next screen, click the right START > buttton for “Create New Report:”. 4 5 6 Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 1 of 12 7. Navigate folders to find the SLO of interest. 8. Click to put a check mark beside the correct SLO in the right column. 9. Under “Choose score types:” click to put a check mark by “Raw Score”. 10. Also click to remove any check mark(s) by the remaining options. 11. Under “Choose which students to include:” change it to “Include all selected students, including those that don’t have scores”. 12. Click the NEXT > button. 8 7 10 9 11 12 13. If you are using a Group Administrator account, use the “Select school to report on:” pull-down menu to select the site (e.g. Bartlesville High School); you can select “Secondary Schools” if a class has a mix of students from multiple sites (e.g. BHS students taking a class at the Mid-High or vice versa). An individual teacher account often defaults to that teacher’s site, with no option to select other sites. Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 13 2/6/2015 Revision Page 2 of 12 14. Change “Report layout” pull-down option to “Individual Student”. New options will now appear to the right. 14 15. Turn OFF “Student ID” option that appears to the right. 16. If you need to see specific periods of a course, turn on the “Period” option. (For example, you might need this information for special education coteachers who only co-teach during certain periods with the teacher who administered the SLO.) 17. Turn on the “Ed Programs” option. 18. That brings up a new set of options; switch to “Selected values as columns:”. 19. 15 16 17 18 19 Click on the “Choose…” link. Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 3 of 12 20. Put check marks by the categories “English Language Learners (ELL)” and “Section 504 Plan” and “Special Education (IEP)”. (You can also select “Economically Disadvantaged” and “Gifted and Talented”, but the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator does not currently use those categories.) 21. Click the CONTINUE > button. 20 21 22. Back on the Report Builder main screen, click on the “Select students based on demographic options” link. A new set of options will appear below that, allowing you to specify which course and, if you are using a Group Administrator account, which teacher’s data to use. You could also filter the report to only see those on specific programs (IEP, ELL, 504, etc.), but the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator is designed to use the complete class roster. 23. Click the Course: link first. 22 23 Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 4 of 12 24. If you are using a Group Administrator account, all of the courses for the site or sites will be listed. Find the course you need, which might even be on a subsequent screen for BHS, and put a check mark beside it. For individual accounts, you can pick from the courses you teach 25. Click the CONTINUE > button. 24 25 26. For Group Administrator accounts, the teachers of the course will be listed, with the number of students with scores matching the options you have set. Put a check mark beside the appropriate teacher’s name. For individual accounts, this step doesn’t apply since you will only view your own data. 27. Click the CONTINUE > button. Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 26 27 2/6/2015 Revision Page 5 of 12 28. FOR TYPICAL USE, SKIP TO STEP 31 BELOW. Back on the Report Builder main page, if you want to only see certain groups of students in this report, you would click the “Ed Programs” option. 29. On the new screen, turn on the program(s) of interest (or leave them all blank to stick with all students). 30. Then click the CONTINUE > button. 28 29 30 31. Once you have all of the options set the way you want them, click the NEXT > button to generate the report. NOTE: If you are using an Individual Account, you’ll have to specify “All” Periods in the setting shown at left, or select specific periods, before you can generate your report. 31 Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 6 of 12 32. Review the report to check that it shows the information you need. In this example, the students are listed with columns to the right showing any special categories they belong to, and their pre-test scores are in the column at the far right. The BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator is set up for this arrangement. If something isn’t set right, click on the “Demographic Options” link, or “School” or other links to change the settings. You can also click the “< Back” link, but that takes you all of the way back to a blank Report Builder screen, so only use that after you have saved your data in Excel as shown below. We want to export this data to Excel so that you can edit in Excel for easy cutting-and-pasting into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator spreadsheet: 33. Click the VIEW/SAVE IN EXCEL button to the right above the data. 34. The data will be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet. 33 In the Chrome browser, the download appears in a bar at the bottom of the screen which you can click to open. A similar bar opens up in the Internet Explorer browser, but you pick Open or Save to see the spreadsheet. 34 for Chrome browser 34 for Internet Explorer browser In the Firefox browser, a dialog box will appear prompting you to open or save the spreadsheet. 34 for Firefox browser Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 7 of 12 USING THE EXCEL SPREADSHEET EXPORTED FROM EDUSOFT: But you definitely want to cut-and-paste the student roster and pre-test raw scores into the Calculator spreadsheet. 35. Open the downloaded spreadsheet; Excel will often display a PROTECTED VIEW warning bar at the top of the screen. You must click the “Enable Editing” button to do anything useful with it. 36. Now click on the first student’s name in the spreadsheet (in my example it was cell A13). CLICK AND DRAG the mouse to the right to highlight the names, the three categories, and the raw scores (columns A through E), and then DRAG the mouse down the screen slowly to keep selecting more and more rows. Hold it down near the bottom of the window and the spreadsheet will scroll downward, allowing you to highlight ALL of the students and their raw scores. 37. 35 36 37 Once you have highlighted everything you need, let go of the left mouse button, hit CTRL-C on the keyboard to copy the data into the Windows clipboard. Alternatively, you can put the cursor anywhere in the highlighted area, and RIGHT click to bring up a context menu dialog box. In that box, select COPY to paste the highlighted information into the Windows clipboard memory. We are now going to open the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator spreadsheet and paste that student data into it. Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 8 of 12 Open the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator spreadsheet. You can open this with your desktop copy of Excel or you can upload a copy at work into Office 365 and edit it from any computer using the your Office 365 account. (Office 365 is a free online version of Microsoft Office available to district employees. To use it, steer your web browser to, pick Organizational Account if necessary, and then enter the same username and password you use to login to your computer at work.) 38. If the spreadsheet opens in the DIRECTIONS tab, click on the tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet window that is labelled “SLO TARGET CALCULATOR”. 38 39. The Target Calculator window will appear. Click on the cell for the first student’s name. In the example below, it is cell D4. Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 9 of 12 40. To avoid pasting data with locked values and Edusoft’s formatting, you want to paste only VALUES or TEXT. How you do this varies with the version of Excel you are using: For Excel 2013, RIGHT-click on cell D4 to open a context menu dialog box, and either click on the clipboard icon with “123” on it to paste value. 40 for Excel 2013 For Excel 2010, RIGHT-click on cell D4 to open a context menu dialog box, and click on the “Paste Special…” option. In the dialog box that opens, select “Text” and then click OK. 40 for Excel 2010 If you are editing the spreadsheet in the online Office 365 version of Excel, click on lower portion of the Paste icon in the ribbon above the spreadsheet (on the word Paste with a down arrow), then select Paste Values from the drop-down menu. 39 40 for Office 365’s Excel Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 10 of 12 The student roster and raw scores will be pasted into the calculator for your use and it will automatically adjust the growth targets for ELL, 504, and IEP students. 41. Fill in cell A4 with the number of points possible on the pre-test, B4, with the number of points possible on the post-test (if you know that yet), and fill in cells B6 through B11 with the appropriate identifying information. 41 Resolving missing scores and inactive students: A red box for a pre-test score indicates no score was recorded in Edusoft. o If the student is in your class, give him or her the pre-test, scan it in Edusoft (you can scan more answer sheets any time) and view the resulting score in the Edusoft Grader or by logging into Edusoft later. MANUALLY TYPE THE SCORE INTO COLUMN H of this spreadsheet. IT DOES NOT IMPORT AUTOMATICALLY FROM EDUSOFT. o If the student is no longer in your class (you are no longer providing direct instruction to him or her), then click on the student’s cell for column K, Manual Override. Rather than typing in a value into the box, click on the down arrow that appears on the right side of the cell; a drop-down menu will appear. This student is not part of your course early in the term, so select the “Discard This Data” choice to ignore the pre-test and post-test scores and not include this student in the calculations. Enter a brief reason (Moved Away, Dropped Class, etc.) in column M. Click in Column K for a manual override Another override, which you should use when inserting post-test scores, is “Absent > 15%” for a student who was in your class for less than 85% of the SLO’s instructional term. Finally, there is “Override Ratio”, which lets you manually set the “close the gap” ratio instead of accepting the default ½ the gap for regular students and ¼ the gap for ELL, 504, and IEP students. If you select that override, you must enter a new ratio in column L and provide a brief reason in column M. Any changed ratios should already be explained in the original SLO you and your supervisor signed off on. For inactive students, select “Discard This Data” from the drop-down menu You cancel an override by selecting the blank choice at the top of the drop-down menu for column K cells. Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 11 of 12 Adding missing students: If a student enrolls in your class after the Edusoft roster was generated, scroll down to the final entry and on a new row: Type the student’s name in column D Click the appropriate cells in columns E, F, and G and use their pull-down menus to set “Y” for ELL, 504, or IEP if they apply; the ratio in column J will adjust automatically Give the student the pre-test, scan the answer sheet into Edusoft, and type the pre-test score in column H You can then use the sort button at the bottom right of cell D3 to re-sort the data alphabetically, or do other sorts as shown below. Sorting the data: You can quickly sort the data by name, ELL/504/IEP status, pre-test score, post-test score, or manual overrides by clicking the little squares in the header row above the data. Clicking on a square will bring up a pull-down menu so that you can sort the column in either direction. This is useful when you have to add a student to the roster and then want to re-alphabetize the spreadsheet, want to see the highest or lower scores on the pretest or post-test, etc. These buttons let you sort the data by each column as needed. When you click a button, a drop-down menu lets you pick the sort you want. Post-test scores and TLE rating calculation: It is likely possible to do another import from Edusoft after the post-test to draw in all of that data plus the post-test scores; we can explore that later. But it wouldn’t be that difficult to just type in the post-test scores from an Edusoft printout. Once the post-test scores are entered, the spreadsheet automatically calculates how each student did on the Growth Target and computes the overall TLE rating. Importing SLO Data from Edusoft into the BPSD SLO Growth Target Calculator 2/6/2015 Revision Page 12 of 12
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