CURRICULUM VITAE Li Pei OFFICE ADDRESS, TELEPHONE & EMAIL Department of Real Estate 4 Architecture Drive Singapore 117566 Tel: +65 65163555 Mobile: +65 85716387 WORKING EXPERIENCE 2008-2014 Research Fellow in Department of Real Estate, National University of Singapore EDUCATION Ph.D. in Economics, Remin University of China, Beijing, China, 2008 M.A. in Economics, Remin University of China, Beijing, China, 2005 B.A. in Economics, Shandong University of Technology, 2002 RESEARCH INTRESTES Environmental Economics, Urban Economics and China Economy PUBLICATIONS M. Kahn., P. Li and D.X. Zhao. 2015. Water Pollution Progress at Borders: The Role of Changes in China’s Political Promotion Incentives. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming (NBER Working Paper No. 19620). Wu, G.Y., Q. Feng and P. Li. 2015. Does Local Governments’ Budget Deficit Push Up Housing Price in China? China Economic Review, forthcoming. Li, P. and Y. Tu. 2014. The Impacts of Openness on China’s Air Quality. Environment and Development Economics, 19, 201-227. Li, P. 2008. Metropolitan Economic Growth and Spatial Dependence: Evidence from a Panel of China, Frontiers of Economics in China, 3, 279-297. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS IN CHISESE 李培.经济适用房住户的福利改进与主观评价[J]. 南方经济, 2010 (4):15-26. 李培.中国人口迁移的时空特征及其影响因素[J]. 经济学家, 2009 (1): 50-57. 李培.房屋租赁的替代效应与福利评价[J]. 南方经济, 2009 (2): 3-13. 李培.中国经济适用房供求的特征分析[J]. 财经研究, 2008 (12): 129-139. 李培.中国经济适用房供求的省际差异分析[J]. 财贸经济, 2008 (9): 109-113. 李培.中国城市间的分工效应研究[J]. 财经研究, 2008(4): 72-81. 1 李培.中国住房制度改革的政策评析[J]. 公共管理学报, 2008(3): 47-55. 李培.城市经济增长的效率与差异[J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2007(7): 97-106. 李培.泰国城市化过程及其启示[J]. 城市问题, 2007(6): 86-91. 李培.最优城市规模研究述评[J]. 经济评论, 2007(1): 131-136. WORKING PAPERS Li, P. 2015. The Political Economy of Environmental Regulation in China: The Enforcement of the Two Control Zones Policy. Li, P., D.X. Zhao and M. Kahn. 2014. Chinese Manufacturing on the Move: Local Governments Move Polluting Factories Away from Borders When National Regulation Tightens. Li, P. 2014. Does Fiscal Decentralization Improve Government Efficiency? Deng, Y.H., P. Li and W.C. Liao. 2014. Does Fiscal Decentralization Affect Firm Productivity and Entry? Li. P and Y. Tu. 2013. The Determinants of Housing Location Choice in Urban China. (R&R requested at Housing Studies) Tu, Y., P. Li. and L.J. Qiu. 2013. Housing Search and Housing Choice in China. (R&R requested at Urban Studies) WORKING IN PROGRESS “Does Government Flattening Improve Economic Performance?”, joint with Y. Lu. “Going West: Does the Boundary Matter?”, joint with Y. Lu and J. Wang. “Urban Population Concentration and Economic Growth”, joint with Y.M. Fu and Q. Li. “Dog Tooth in Border Setting”. “The Settlement of China 1776 to 2010: The Long Transaction towards Openness”. “Export Types, Markup and the Exporter Performance: Exceptional or Ordinary?”, joint with H.S. Zhang. GRANT 2007 China Development Research Foundation for the project “Affordable Housing Policy and Provision in China.” ACADEMIC INITED PRESENTATIONS 2014 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Taiwan 2 2013 The 8th meeting of the Urban Economics Association, Atlanta, USA. 2013 The 5th International Conference on Transition and Economic Development, Shanghai 2012 The 8th Asia Pacific Economic Association Annual Conference, Singapore 2012 The 3rd Annual Symposium on Asia Growth and Urban Economy, Singapore 2010 The 15th Asian Real Estate Society International Conference, Taiwan 2007 The 14th International Conference on Panel Data, Xiamen 2007 The 2nd Global Conference on Economic Geography, Beijing 2006 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics, Xiamen TEACHING AND PBULIC SERVICE 2011 Teaching Research Methodology (Graduate course in Department of Real Estate, NUS) Referee for Urban Studies (3), Housing Studies (2), Singapore Economic Review (1), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (1) COMPUTER SKILLS STATA, Matlab, ArcGIS 3
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