LAKEWOOD SHORES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Reflections Winter – 2015 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 Administrative Information (989) 739-2607 /Fax (989) 739-7556 Facilities & Events Reservations (989) 739-5360 Email: or visit us at: Upcoming Events • February 14~ Saturday Valentine’s Day Dinner. Several Dinner options. served 5-8 Don’t Forget! • You can send and receive a fax through the POA office 739-7556. • We are accepting VISA, MasterCard & Discover cards. • Notary service available at the administration office. Board News The Board of Directors continued working hard for the members in 2014 and they look forward to an equally busy and productive 2015. Thank you to all those members who continue to patronize the Beach Club. If you have any ideas for an event, please contact Beach Club Chair, Diana Miller or the Executive Director with your thoughts. To date, the Board of Directors have not received any requests for consideration for the Annual Meeting in June. There is still time to submit a request for the Board of Directors consideration. In addition to hearing committee reports, we will also be voting to fill upcoming vacancies of the Board of Directors. Any member in good standing wishing to be considered for these vacancies please contact the office for information. Further information regarding the Annual Meeting will be provided in the spring edition of the “Reflections.” Valentines Dinner Saturday Feb. 14, 2015 ~ Serving from 55-8 Join us for Chef Bill McDaniel’s final dinner at the POA Queen or King cut prime rib ~ $15.99/$17.99 Italian Stuffed Chicken ~ $12.99 or Shrimp Scampi ~ $14.99 Dinner includes appetizer, salad w/bread, choice of twice baked potato or French fries (no potato w/shrimp), vegetable and dessert. Call to reserve your time. 739739-2607 STATE OF THE ASSOCIATION The 2014 fiscal year ended with the Association exceeding the budgeted maintenance fee revenue, collecting 89% of the 2014 Maintenance Fees. For a second straight year the Association finished out 2014 in the black, have a balance in the checkbook at year end of close to $23,000.00. This continues to help us build our reserve accounts as recommended by our Accountant. In 2014 we were able to once again make many capital improvements in and around the association, such as continuing to replace fences around the subdivision, new driveway at the Beach Club and tree removal in our storage area for added storage spaces, just to name a few. For a third year in a row the association didn't see any “new builds” from the Architectural Control Committee. However, we did see many new home and lot owners in 2014: twenty two new homeowners, same number as last year and 92 vacant lot sales for 2014, up 10 from the same time last year. We welcome all those new members again, and we look forward to meeting you. The Finance Committee has worked hard assuring operation within the 2014 budget, as well as continuation of collection of delinquent accounts. The 2015 budget was presented to the Board of Directors in January and has gained unanimous approval. The start of 2015 looks very promising for the budget and providing some more much needed maintenance to the amenities, as well as continuing to add to the reserve accounts for that “rainy day”. The Beach Club will be looking for a new cook/chef. Bill McDaniel will be leaving us to take a job on the west side of the state, he has been a great asset to the POA and he will be greatly missed. We wish him all the best in his new endeavors. With this said, please be patient with us and this transition as we fill this position. Finally, I would also like to personally thank those members who make up the committees of the POA. These members volunteer their time to help enforce “Rules and Regulations,” “Architectural Control Standards,” and “Articles of Organizations and By-Laws.” Thank you all for your time!! Gina Cinquino, Executive Director From your President… I am very optimistic as we begin another promising year of service here at Lakewood Shores. This optimism is based on the progress that the POA has achieved working together as a team comprised of caring and committed property owners, an excellent staff who takes great pride in doing their job to the best of their ability in all of their work endeavors and a Board of Directors whose vision is to deliver the services and amenities that the developers of Lakewood Shores envisioned some 47 years ago. In 2011, your Board of Directors spent several months compiling what is called a SWAT Analysis. The purpose of this undertaking was to arrive at a strategic plan to address the future needs of the POA. Based on this analysis, 2015 is the year to address the needs of the aging tennis courts and the Racquet Club. Using the team approach of caring members, a hard working staff and a Board of Directors that is committed to excellence, I am again very optimistic that the end results will be a Lakewood Shores Property Owners Association that we can all take great pride in our collective accomplishments for the year 2015. Charles “Buzz” Steffes 2014 YEAR END - FINANCIAL STATUS Beginning Cash Balance - January 1, 2014 2014 Revenue Net 2014 Funds Available Minus 2014 Expenses Minus Acquision of Capital Expenses Adjustment for Inventory, Payroll Liabilies, Bad Debt & Other Accruals $ 90,357.00 $ 484,119.00 $ 574,476.00 $(422,298.00) $( 58,565.00) $( 8,945.00) Bank Balance - All Cash Accounts December 31, 2014 $ 84,668.00 Financial Report—2014 Association Function Actual Net Percentage of Net Annual Expense Annual Expense Breakdown of POA Breakdown of POA Fees-Developed Lots Fees-Vacant Lot Actual Data-2014 Fixed Operations (Insurance/Taxes) Administration Maintenance Security Beach Club Improvements/Renovations Total $ 24,526.11 6% $ 18.00 $12.00 $ 128,622.42 $ 47,432.75 $ 69,509.63 $ 55,322.50 $ 58,565.16 $ 383,978.57 34% 13% 18% 14% 15% 100% $102.00 $ 39.00 $ 54.00 $ 42.00 $ 45.00 $300.00 $ 68.00 $ 26.00 $ 36.00 $ 28.00 $ 30.00 $200.00 Budgeted-2014 Fixed Operations Administration Maintenance Security Beach Club Improvements/Renovations $ 24,819.00 $129,450.00 $ 57,700.00 $ 72,100.00 $ 51,000.00 $ 64,731.00 6% 33% 14% 18% 13% 16% $ 18.00 $ 99.00 $ 42.00 $ 54.00 $ 39.00 $ 48.00 $ 12.00 $ 66.00 $ 28.00 $ 36.00 $ 26.00 $ 32.00 Total $ 399,800.00 100% $300.00 $200.00 Budgeted-2015 Fixed Operations Administration Maintenance Security Beach Club Improvements/Renovations $ 23,898.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 55,600.00 $ 73,900.00 $ 58,300.00 $ 46,502.00 6% 33% 14% 19% 15% 13% $ 18.00 $ 99.00 $ 42.00 $ 57.00 $ 45.00 $ 39.00 $ 12.00 $ 66.00 $ 28.00 $ 38.00 $ 30.00 $ 26.00 Total $ 388,200.00 100% $300.00 $200.00 ` PLEASE!!! If you are inving a guest to use any of the facilies, please remember to get a guest pass. This is required when parking/using ANY of the POA amenies. This is an effort to keep your amenies/facilies safe from trouble and vandalism. General Information PLEASE NOTE!! Friday Night Dinner/Sunday Breakfast: Friday night full menu and Sunday Breakfast menu will be in use until February 15th as that is Bill’s last day with the POA. The future of the menu/winter hours are uncertain at this time as we search for his replacement. I will make every effort to keep you all informed as we move forward in filling this position. Lakewood Shores Friends Directory Are you included in our ‘Friends Directory’? Contact the office if you would like to be included in the updated version. You will be required to fill out an informa'onal sheet as we ask for your permission to include your informa'on, we don’t publish your informa'on without your approval. The directory has names and numbers of your neighbors and also important numbers in and around the areas. Are you getting the monthly ’Liaison’? Several years ago the POA, in an effort to save money, went to an electronic version only of the ’Liaison’ so if you are not getting it please call the office and give us an email address. If you do not use email we do offer a mailed version as well. Administration Office—739-2607 Sunday Breakfast 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Lunch Served Wednesday & Thursday 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Dinner Served Friday 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm—We have the bar opened at 4:00 for happy hour, snacks served. Closed – Monday, Tuesday & Saturday Comments or suggestions: send them to February 2015 SUNDAY For Reservations Call 989-739-5360 or 989-739-2607 MONDAY TUESDAY Security Happy Hour 989-305-1146 (during the hours of 9-4 weekdays) 1 2 Breakfast Served 9:00—1:00 Super Bowl XLIX 8 Breakfast Served 9:00—1:00 Dining Room Closed 9 Dining Room Closed Maint.. Mtg. 10:00 BC 15 Breakfast Served 9:00—1:00 16 Quilters & Crafters 10:00 am -B/C Board Meeting ~ 4:30 Beach Club BEACH CLUB CLOSED Breakfast Served 9:00—1:00 23 Quilters & Crafters 10:00 am -B/C Dining Room Closed 5 Ladies Cards 11:00 am Open for Lunch 11-2 Pinochle 6:00 pm BC 11 6 Men’s Cards 10 am Serving Lunch 11-2 pm Mahjongg 10:30 12 Fin. Comm. Mtg. 9:00 am BC Open for Lunch 11-2 Mahjongg 10:30 24 BEACH CLUB CLOSED BEACH CLUB CLOSED 18 Ladies Cards 11:00 am Open for Lunch 11-2 Pinochle 6:00 pm BC 25 Ladies Cards 11:00 am Open for Lunch 11-2 7 Dining Room open 5-8 pm Full menu/ Specials. Reservaons helpful 19 Dining Room open 5-8 pm Full menu/ Specials. Reservaons helpful 739-2607/5360 20 Men’s Cards 10 am Serving Lunch 11-2 pm Mahjongg 10:30 26 Dining Room open 5-8 pm Full menu/ Specials. Reservaons helpful Mahjongg 10:30 14 Valentines Dinner Serving from 5-8 See front page for more info 21 BEACH CLUB CLOSED 739-2607/5360 27 Men’s Cards 10 am Serving Lunch 11-2 pm BEACH CLUB CLOSED 739-2607/5360 13 Ladies Cards 11:00 am BEACH CLUB CLOSED Jan 31 739-2607/5360 Men’s Cards 10 am Serving Lunch 11-2 pm 17 SATURDAY Dining Room open 5-8 pm Full menu/ Specials. Reservaons helpful BEACH CLUB CLOSED President’s Day 22 FRIDAY Jan 30 4 10 Quilters & Crafters 10:00 am -B/C THURSDAY served Fridays 4-5 drink specials and snacks 3 Quilters & Crafters 10:00 am -B/C WEDNESDAY Dining Room open 5-8 pm Full menu/ Specials. Reservaons helpful 739-2607/5360 28 BEACH CLUB CLOSED PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Mailed from Zip Code 48750 Permit No. 30 Lakewood Shores POA- Reflections Property Owners Association, Inc. 7701 E. Cedar Lake Drive Oscoda, MI 48750 Administration ~ 989-739-2607/989-739-7556 Beach Club~ 989-739-5360 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Tim O’Brien, Anil Aggarwal, Jacob Gore, John Holenda & Stewart Kasnick. James & Margaret Curruthers 7071 Huntington Dr. Scott McClarren & Ginny Cagle 7138 Lakewood Dr. Bruce Geeraert 6917 Lakewood Dr. 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Name-Posi'on Buzz Steffes, President Colleen Nieman, Vice President Irene Dunn, Treasurer Dot Bissell, Secretary Adam Curley Diana Miller Tony Dawson Alysa Pichler Tim Schmieder* Commi-ee (Maintenance) (Ambassadors) (Finance) (Beach Club) Phone 739-2732 820-2757 739-3744 739-8317 305-5000 739-4574 739-3809 329-2623 569-6293 Term Expires 06/15 06/16 06/16 06/16 06/15 06/15 06/17 06/17 06/17* *Appointed to fill a vacancy until the next Annual Meeting of the Members in June 2015.
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