Around the Table SILVER SPRING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Currie Burris, Pastor Thank God for Silver Spring Presbyterian Church As we begin a new year, we can look back with joy and thanksgiving to the life we have had together in 2014 at SSPC. We have faithfully gathered for worship and service each Sunday with praise, spirit and thanksgiving. We have worshiped God and gained spiritual nourishment in service to the Lord. We have grown as a congregation in 2014. We had two new member classes this year adding 52 new members including 9 young people making professions of faith. Several of our members transferred to other churches. Jan/Feb 2015 We also removed 16 of our members from the active role. We started the year with 587 active members and Kinish with 616. We estimate that there are another 100 persons who are not registered members of SSPC, but w h o a t t e n d o u r services regularly. Our Vision: The Spirit of God calls us together in witness, celebration and struggle. As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to be a people of vibrant faith, proclaiming the Gospel, living the Word, and serving each other and the world as a community of responsible stewards of God's grace. We are a growing church with all the signs pointing to more growth this year. So we are dealing with the blessings and challenges of new growth. Our sanctuary is Killed to capacity almost every Sunday. Sometimes there is no place to sit. On many Sundays, we have people worshiping in Founder’s Hall. This year we lost Kive of our members: David Spangenberg, Lucas Tassi, David Njinjoh, Vincent Manjo, and Bill Stockton. May they rest in perfect peace. The French language service continues to meet and worship God at 4:00 pm every Sunday. From a slow beginning the service has grown steadily now averaging over 80-‐90 people every week. In June our Balloon Sunday was a wonderful celebration of our children and Youth. In April, we shared the 30th annual Yom Hashoah service with our Interfaith partners Tikvat Israel congregation. In November we gathered for our Tenth Thanksgiving Sing together. In 2012 the congregation created a new ministry, the Associate Pastor for Christian Education. In November of 2013, Lakesha S. Bradshaw was ordained and installed to this new ministry at SSPC. Page 2 In 2014, she has engaged that ministry with faith, passion and commitment T h e C h r i s t i a n W o m e n Fellowship has grown to over 100 members, and the Christian Men Fellowship remains strong and v i b ra n t . T h e C h r i s t i a n Yo u t h Fellowship (CYF) group continues ministry for young adult Christians aged 18 to 35. Our Sunday School ministry has grown exponentially, with well over 120 in Sunday School each week. Our choirs are alive and strong. Bethel Choir welcomes new members. The Chancel Choir is sustaining its numbers. The Bell Choir rings on a regular basis, and our singing groups, including Shalom Voices, the Soul Searchers, and the Mami and Aunties group provide praise and worship in song and spirit. In addition to our monthly service to the poor and homeless at Shepherd’s Table, we joined with Habitat for Humanity in two special build projects here in Montgomery County. Every month we support Ministries United Silver Spring Takoma Park (MUSST) and MANNA, a hunger ministry. We also support “One Great Hour of Sharing” each Easter, Heifer Project, and Church World Service blankets, Crossways Community, Presbyterian Disaster Relief, the Christmas Joy Offering during Adve n t , a n d N a t i o n a l C a p i t a l Presbytery Mission. God has been good to Silver Spring Presbyterian Church. We are b l e s s e d b e y o n d m e a s u r e , a s individuals and as the gathered community. The shining light of God continues to guide us, strengthen us, heal and redeem us. We are held safe in the palm of God’s hand. We are called to be the church, a faithful community of believers, coming together to worship and to serve God. As we move into a new year, let us give thanks and praise to God, our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. Amen. Pastor Currie Some Dates to Note…. Jan 19 Martin Luther King’s Jr Holiday; Church ofKice closed Jan 25 Congregational meeting Feb 1 Communion Sunday Feb 12 Shepherd’s Table Feb 12 Lincoln’s birthday Feb 16 President’s day Church ofKice will be closed Feb 17 Session meeting Feb 18 Ash Wednesday Lent season begins Feb 22 First Sunday of Lent Feb 28 Session retreat Mar 1 Second Sunday Lent Communion Sunday Mar 8 Daylight savings time begins Mar 17 St Patricks Day Session Meeting Mar 19 Around the Table.. is a monthly newsletter of the Silver Spring Presbyterian Church. Your dateline for the March issue is February 21. Please, email your articles to me at Page 3 Shepherd’s Table The Weekly readings from the Typical winter weather on Thursday, January 8, Lectionary… Shepherd’s Table resulted in an increase in patrons at Shepherd’s Table. Thankfully, we had a sufKicient number of volunteers to serve them. The volunteers dished out beef stew, mashed potatoes, veggies, bread, coffee, and dessert to 148 patrons ( 1 2 1 m e n a n d 2 7 women). Many thanks to the volunteers – Monique Bilezikian, Mary Febeh, Dan Peed and our friends from Oakdale Methodist. The Lectionary is a listing of Bible passages that covers the entire Bible in a 3-‐year series. A reading from the Old Testament, a Psalm, an Epistle, and a Gospel is provided below for each Sunday. These readings should be helpful as you study at home and prepare for worship. Each Sunday, a Daily Grace for Living is provided as an insert to the bulletin. This spreads these Lectionary passages throughout the week for your daily meditation and study. The early shift sets up the tables and dinnerware, cuts bread and salad veggies, and lays out the desserts. Feb 15 The dinner shift serves the food, washed the dishes Psalms 5; 147:1-‐11 and mopped up afterward. The evening shift (6:00 – Jonah 3:1-‐4:11 7:45 P.M.) is the busiest, so more helpers are needed Hebrews 12:1-‐14 then. We need at least two on the early shift and three Luke 18:9-‐14 on the dinner shift. Psalms 27; 51 Shepherd’s Table is a soup kitchen for the homeless in downtown Silver Spring. It has been operating since Feb 22 the fall of 1983. That’s over 30 years. Since opening, Psalms 84; 150 Jeremiah 9:23-‐24 ST has served more than 1 million meals! 1 Corinthians 1:18-‐31 Our turn is the second Thursday of the month. So Mark 2:18-‐22 our next service day will be Thursday, February 12th. Psalms 42; 32 Shepherd’s Table is located at Georgia Avenue and Colonial Lane, across the street from the Fire Station Mar 1 Psalms 84; 150 Restaurant. Jeremiah 1:1-‐10 If you are interested in participating in this vital SSPC 1 Corinthians 3:11-‐23 mission project, please contact me, Dan Peed, at (301) Mark 3:31-‐4:9 593-‐8045 [h] or (202) 343-‐5921 [w]. I can tell you Psalms 42; 32 more about Shepherd’s Table and how to get there. Mar 8 — Dan Peed Psalms 84; 150 Mission Committee Jeremiah 6:9-‐15 1 Corinthians 6:12-‐20 Mark 5:1-‐20 Psalms 42; 32 Page 4 A NOTE ABOUT MUSIC IN JANUARY It would not be quite fair to write about music in January without offering a big THANK YOU to all the groups, choirs and individuals who helped to make the music of worship during the Advent/Christmas season truly special. Given the fast pace of the various December services, everyone hit his or her mark, and the overall result was a grand collection of special musical moments. THANK YOU! That said, the need for new singers in e a c h o f o u r g ro u p s a n d c h o i r s continues. New handbell ringers are also in great demand. Granted, rehearsals can be a real time commitment at certain moments; yet, one day, those who participate will receive a special reward from the One to Whom all of our musical offerings are dedicated. In short, even as the month of January helps us to make the transition to the time of L e n t a n d E a s t e r, o u r worship music promises to offer something for everyone at some point. Given that the music of worship resembles the variety of pieces that constitute a typical opera, somehow our assortment of styles and rhythms will serve us well: for what is the music of worship, if not the ongoing artistic expression of grateful praise for all the God has done for us. You will not want to miss any of this. However, now that a new year has begun, we cannot rest on our December "success". We must all attempt to maintain an "Advent/Christmas" season level of musical quality throughout the coming days and weeks. In addition to our regular choirs and groups, we will hear from more of our younger instrumentalists. From time to time, we will also listen to a few new vocalists. Similarly, your Chancel Choir will offer new pieces from the most recent edition of the denomination's hymnal: this will provide us with a chance to hear how contemporary poets and composers have been interpreting the lessons of Holy Writ to provide new songs for See you in choir....... and in church! —Russell Moore Page 5 Answers to the questions about Footnote to a Favorite Hymn music and Holy Writ in the December newsletter: For the hymn writer and composer C. Austin Miles, the fact that the resurrected 1. The words of praise intoned by Jesus appeared Kirst to most of the same Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon may be women who had stayed with Him until His Kinal breath on the cross was a constant found in Daniel 4: 34-‐37. source of interest. As a result, on one 2. In II Samuel 22 one may Kind occasion, as Miles was trying to imagine another copy of Psalm 18. David what Mary Magdalene might have been crafted this song of praise and prayer thinking in the early hours of that Kirst when the Lord had delivered him Easter morning, a series of verses suddenly formed in his mind. By his own recollection, from all of his enemies. Miles immediately put pen to paper to 3. A "noisy gong" or a "clanging record those verses. cymbal" is the musical instrument used by Paul to describe empty Consequently, as Miles endeavored to gain insight into Mary's attempt to grasp what religious speech about love was occurring around her on that most (I Corinthians 13: 1). unique of mornings, he crafted and set to music "In The Garden", a hymn that still Three More Questions about speaks -‐-‐ as the organist Don Hustad has Music and Holy Writ: noted -‐-‐ to those suffering bereavement as 1. Which musical instruments were well as to all those Kinding inspiration in the used when the new walls of a rebuilt promise of the Kinal resurrection. Jerusalem were dedicated? 2. How many trumpets will sound to announce the beginning of God's Kinal time of judgment? 3. Which well-‐known character in one of Jesus' parables becomes quite upset when he hears "music and dancing"? Page 6 The serenity of the grounds and spiritual allure of the sanctuary gets to me in a solemn way. What makes our church is the members and pastoral leadership. However, MANY THANKS to all who made our spiritual space is equally as important. SOUPER Sunday, February 1st, totally L a s t y e a r , w e h a d a l o t o f SUPER! Our special collection for food for accomplishments ranging from replacing all of the hungry in Montgomery County netted our light bulbs and some appliances with $204.00. That’s 53.4% more than last energy efKicient ones, renovating our church year. apartment to installing solar blinds in the sanctuary. The proceeds will be sent to MANNA, an organization that supplies We do however have some challenges for this food for needy families in Montgomery year: County. NOTE: Our church is one of 854 nation-‐wide who participate in Souper • Make our entrance ADA compliant by replacing entrance ramp and doors Sunday. • Sanctuary carpet • Complete solar shading of windows in — Dan Peed sanctuary Mission Committee Maintaining Our Worship Environment The church would welcome any donations speciKically restricted for a project of your choice. T h e b u i l d i n g & g r o u n d s committee need you. Please, contact Shirley Webb, Phillip Anagho or Akuh Mundi if your are interested in joining our team. Shalom to you from the Building & Grounds Committee! I do not know about you but for me, I do get a feeling of deep reverence every time I am on our church property. It is personal for me. SSPC has been my spiritual home for 22 years, my longest afKiliation with any church -‐ It is now my home church. Be on the watch out for our next workday. We need more to inject some new light on to our space. SSPC is our church and let us all take ownership of it. Please, dedicate some of your time to keep it looking its best! Page 7 — Akuh Mundi Building & Grounds Committee Birthdays of the Month Jan 1 Rose Enjei Hannah Kah Mary Kwende Evelyn Manka Esther Mbah Jerry Mbah Magdaline Mbayi Lydia Ndifor John Njinjoh Simon Njong Martha Nkosu Anna Tabala Agnes Takem Phebe Ticha Jacob Yengwai Marthe Poh Jan 2 Stella Techwei Jan 3 Miranda Fominyam Esther Bong Jan 4 Lydia Evakise Carolyn Hush Augustine Tembi Jan 5 Agya Adadey Jan 6 Betsy Allo Jan 7 Noella Atud Jan 8 Frida Tataw Jan 9 Bob Crossgrove Joseph Ofosu Jan 10 Bridget Asana Richard Kwende Jan 11 Lum Fube Paula McMartin Jan 12 Marie Claire Kometa-‐Mbun Jan 13 Martin Mbanong Jan 15 Wilson Adua Tebo Margaret Njoka Donald Sanyi Jan 17 Sophia Atabe Jan 21 Gordon Dobbins Jan 22 Esther Ndamukong Jan 23 John Hoffsommer Jan 25 David Njinjoh Jan 25 Immaculate Nwumfor Jan 26 Simon-‐Pierre Teko Jan 27 Priscilla Nguh Jan 28 Divine Ticha Honore Tchoumte Jan 29 Acha Mba Jan 30 Benard Shu Jean Wilson Feb 1 Joan Fombang Conrad Mbun Feb 2 John Mba Helen Werengie Gladys Teke Feb 3 Agnes Akwe Monica Labah Feb 4 Monique Bilezikian Ngwe-‐na Mancho Nick Tindong Feb 5 Grace Andin Feb 7 Joseph Eyong Feb 8 Ohene Ofosu Zoe Martindale Feb 9 Appoline Folem Feb 11 Alice Ayuk Feb 14 Clovis Assi Martina Tinong Feb 16 Braxton Mbeng Rosaline Tendoh Feb 18 Philip Timbu Feb 23 Robert Ewang Florentine Nzebove Feb 23 Patty Wile Feb 25 Agnes Montanzza Feb 27 Gwen Dobbins Mbong Kum Feb 28 Mary Esapa Christiana Ofosu Page 8 Recent Actions of the Session December 16, 2014 • Sustained the Examination of Deacons and Elders Elect for 2015 and set Ordination and Installation for 01-‐18-‐2015 • Adopted balanced budget for 2015 • Approved Session Retreat for February 28th • Approved motion for a Special Offering to support the Pastoral Sabbatical • Declared vacant a Deacon position from the Class of 2016 • Elected Zoe Martindale, Clerk of Session, and Dan Peed, Assistant Clerk of Session. Will continue the search for a new Clerk of Session • Received letter of reply from the SSPC Christian Men’s Fellowship • Voted to reduce the number produced of “Daily Grace for Living” to 50 copies per Sunday and to be placed at rear of Sanctuary to be picked up by those who use it. • Agreed to research why the attendance at worship has been declining, including asking the Deacons to ask their family if there are any problems that might affect their attendance at worship January 13, 2015 • Approved motion to announce any upcoming Pastor’s absence in the bulletin one week in advance and verbally during announcement time. • Approved removal from active role: Sophie Ade, Rose Abangma, Nchang Chi, Bob Crossgrove, Sally Epie, Solomon & Jennet Fon, Samuel Forkwar, Samuel Mbuh, Comfort Njiko, John and Odilia Njinjoh, Doris & Harry Onyeaghala, Debra Orock, Menthol & Nixon Sama • Approved alternative resolution of disciplinary case • Approved hiring Building Manager, part-‐time, 25 hours per week • Approved making announcement of the Refrigerator Grant from PEPCO Page 9 A Poem for the New Year — submitted by Dan Peed Ring Out — Wind Bells By Alfred Tennyson Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out false pride of place and blood, The civic slander and the spite; Ring in The love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we see no more; Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress for all mankind. Ring out old shapes of foul disease, Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be. Ring out the slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the care, the sin, The faithless coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes But ring the fuller minstrel in. Page 10 2014 In Pictures Page 11 Silver Spring Presbyterian Church 580 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD EAST SILVER SPRING, MD 20901 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Silver Spring, MD ADRRESS SERICE REQUESTED Place Label Here Silver Spring Presbyterian Church 580 University Boulevard East Silver Spring, MD 20901 Telephone: 301-439-4646 Fax: 301-439-4647 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10 AM - 5 PM Pastor: Currie Burris Home Phone: 301-587-0444 Associate Pastor: Lakesha Bradshaw Around the Table: Edit & Layout, Akuh Mundi Production, Mary Humphrey-Wallace and office Volunteers Around the Table Jan/Feb 2015 Dates to Note 3 Shepherd’s Table 4 Lectionary 5 Music 6
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