February 2015 Forgiveness “The same love that propelled God to create by giving propelled God to mend creation by forgiving.” (Miroslav Volf, Free of Charge) “Forgiveness is the healing stream flowing out from the crucified Christ over a world that does not know how desperately it needs the healing.” (Marjorie J. Thompson, Forgiveness) “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matthew 6:14-15, NRSV) Bishop Desmond Tutu (The Book of Forgiving) writes that we are always both people who need forgiveness and people who need to forgive. Forgiveness is always a choice between a bloodbath and healing, between the bitter poison of anger and resentment, and the sweet healing balm of reconciliation. We pay a price for being unforgiving and unforgiven, not just a personal price. Ultimately our families, our church, our community, and the whole world suffer from the shredding of a delicate network of interdependence when forgiveness is lacking. We are deeply connected. We need each other. Our quality of life and even our survival depend on it. I have seen families, once close, now torn apart when two family members refuse to speak to each other over some offense, recent or long past, minor or major. Children and grandchildren who may never even know what caused the break in relationship can tell you “we don’t visit them.” These families are weakened and the future physical, emotional, and mental health of each member of the family diminished by the poison of un-forgiveness. The same is true of churches and whole communities. This year for Lent we will enter deeply into the practice of forgiveness, so that we may forgive and be forgiven, and so that our relationships may become whole and strong. Forgiveness is a path, a journey, an encounter, and a place. We can make the journey together this Lent. Grace and Peace, Pastor Greg Continued on Page 3 2222 Sunday School Classes Pastoral Care PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS Special Care Concerns: First Presbyterian Church 213 Main Street, Clarksville, TN 37040 SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. CITY CHURCH 5:00 p.m. in the Chapel ON THE WEB AT www.fpcclarksville.org TELEPHONE Voice: 931-645-6551; Pastor: 931-257-1780 OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 2 Classes for all ages meet each Sunday, 9:45-10:45 am in the Christian Education building. Heidi Hedstrom Joel Thomas Becky Keene Sara Brooks Erika Mitchell Susan Elliott CHILD CARE is provided for infants and toddlers on the 2nd floor. Deaths: Donald E. Williamson Williamson, father of Greg Williamson Anna Kathryn Atkinson, mother of Ted Atkinson and Elizabeth (Betty) Gibson and aunt to Chip Connell R. Jacquelyn Shuler, wife of Archibald F. Shuler Hubert E. Griffey, father of Steve PRESCHOOL CHILDREN & YOUTH Preschool through 12th graders meet on the 4th floor Griffey Memorials: Anna Kathryn Atkinson Jill Crow, Charlie & Linda Wall, John & Janet Rudolph, James Eldon & Mary Thomas, Jack & Suzanne Uffelman, Mark & Marcia Williams, Sam & Pixie McCord McCord-Mills and Bill & Barbara Hutton ADULTS four different classes meet on the 2nd and 3rd floors 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. TO NOTIFY THE CHURCH of illness, hospitalization, birth, death, FPCClarksville@gmail.com, 931-645-6551, OR Pastor Greg at 931-257-1780. or prayer request, contact 3 We celebrate communion monthly on the first Sunday of the month. Be here every communion Sunday in 2015! Do you need a Bible reading plan? Check out YouVersion.com for a free Bible reading app on your phone, tablet or computer. Then “friend me” on the app so that we can encourage one another to keep our resolutions! ~ SERMONS AND SCRIPTURES~ Sunday Morning Schedule: Worship at 8:30 & 11:00; Sunday School for all ages 9:45 10:30. Sunday Evening Schedule: City Church at 5:00 in the Chapel. Sermons and Texts Sermon Series: Just Walk across the Room February 1 February 8 The Power of Story Grander Vision Living Romans 8:31-39, John 4:7-26 Matthew 5:13-16, Luke 5:1-11 February 15 Asking for Harder Miracles 2 Kings 2:1-12 Sermon Series: Forgiveness February 18 February 22 March 1 Letting Go: The “Loss” of Forgiveness Family Matters Self-Examination Isaiah 58:1-12, Psalm 51:1-17, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Luke 15:11-32 Psalm 51 & 139 Rev. Jeff Ritchie of the Outreach Foundation will be our guest for a “Minute for Mission” during worship and will speak to our combined Adult Sunday School classes in the chapel on February 8. LENT Ash Wednesday, February 18, 6:00 pm, in the Sanctuary. Begin the journey of Lenten forgiveness by coming forward for the imposition of ashes, in the sign of the cross. Wednesdays: Evening Prayer, and Forgiveness Studies 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm February 25-March 25, in the Chapel February 25, Forgiveness: Family Matters March 4, Forgiveness: Self-Examination and a New Mind March 11, SPRING BREAK / NO STUDY March 18, Forgiveness: Inner Struggle and Confrontation March 25, Forgiveness: Embracing Freedom and Reconciliation 4 ~ A GLOVER FAMILY THANK YOU ~ The Glover family cannot thank you enough for your many gifts and kindnesses to us over the Christmas season. We are overwhelmed by your generosity as individuals and a congregation. The very generous “Christmas Bonus” and the many delicious goodies that showed up on my desk; the wonderful cards and invitations to many different Christmas celebrations; all of it made our Christmas especially joyful this year. Blessings and heartfelt thanks, Pastor Greg, Beth, and Christina Glover ~ MUSIC ON THE MENU ~ Our church receives funds from Tennessee Arts Commission through Clarksville-Montgomery County Arts & Heritage for a grant to provide live, professional music at Loaves and Fishes at least once per month. To date featured artists/groups have been Briana Larsen, Charlsie DeLoach, Cumberland Winds (jazz) and Red River Breeze (a Celtic group). Loaves and Fishes is housed in our AOC and serves about 150 meals each day. Meals are served from 10:30-noon, MondaySaturday. The public is welcome at Loaves & Fishes anytime, so feel free to stop and enjoy "Music on the Menu" with the diners! ~ WOMEN’S 12TH ANNUAL RETREAT, MARCH 20-22 ~ The Women’s 12 Annual Retreat at NaCoMe (our Presbytery’s camp) will be Friday through Sunday, March 20-22. All women are encourage to attend! If you are interested in helping with devotionals, crafts, yoga, music, or anything else—please let Ann Waddle know waddleiread@gmail.com or 931624-2597. Be sure to spread the word! The retreat just keeps getting better! ~ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ELDER CLASS OF 2017 ~ The members of the Class of 2017 are Daniel Ellis, Charlie Foust, Gail Hudson, David Kanervo, Phil Kemmerly, Margaret Lyle, Ted McCurdy, Sam Mills and Karla Posey. A service of ordination and installation was held January 11 during the 11:00am service and at City Church January 18. ~ PANCAKE BREAKFAST ~ There will be a pancake breakfast benefitting the Pastoral Counseling Center of Clarksville Saturday, March 7 from 7:00 am to 11:00 am at the Grace Lutheran Church, 2041 Madison Street, Clarksville. They will be serving pancakes, sausages, juices, coffee & tea. Contact Don Beck and Diane Miner for tickets. Cost is $5.00. ~ PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION & ENROLLMENT ~ Preschool registration for fall 2015 begins on Monday, Feb. 9 for church families. On Tuesday, Feb. 17 we will begin registration for children already enrolled and their siblings. On Monday, Feb. 23, enrolling begins for all other children until classes are filled. Call the director, Mary Linn Sadler, at 645-0313, for information, an application, or to schedule a visit to the Preschool. 5 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Laura Black, Chair Rhonda Banasiak Melanie Cobb Marshall Duncan Kelly Dye Matt Dye C. David Elliott Daniel Ellis Ashley Gallaher Bob Hudson Julia Semsick Liz Thomas Nursery Advisory (sub committee) Julia Semsick Brooksie Arrington Helene Schmidt COMMUNICATIONS Janet Hudson, Chair C. David Elliott Janice Ledbetter Leong Lee Rick Prall Eric Salyer Sound System (sub-committee) Gary Norris, Chair Will Arrington Tim Carbary C. David Elliott Leong Lee Eric Salyer Charles Wall Technology Advisors (sub-committee) Leong Lee Gary Norris Charles Wall CONGREGATIONAL CARE Yvonne Hiett, Chair Elynor Busler Jane Coates Linda Crear (ad hoc) Beth Glover Charlotte Graves Bessie Grimaldi Charlyne Harvey Eleanor Hay Kathryn Kemmerly Tamara Long Ivy Prall Elaine Price (ad hoc) Carolyn Riggins Hannah Shingler Elaine Smith Marcia Williams Diana Woodson Funeral Guild (sub-committee) Jane Wallace FELLOWSHIP Ed Ritter, Chair John Bettencourt Jane Coate Chip Connell Tony Constanza Tom & Shirley Dixon Tamara Long Steve Miner Bill Mosier Karla Posey Neesa & Don Trotter FINANCE & STEWARDSHIP Tracy Jackson, Chair Christina Barnett Jill Crow Tom Graves Ross Hicks (Stewardship Chair) Randy Kelley Joyce Norris Don Trotter Kerri Woodson HISTORIC PRESERVATION Rhonda Banasiak, Chair Karen Goggin Jennifer Griffey Barbara Grigsby HOSPITALITY Arland Batson, Chair Christina Barnett Mary Ann Connell Jennifer Ellis Beth Glover Virginia Lowe Marcia Williams MISSIONS Ann Waddle, Co-chair Steve Gallaher, Co-chair Margaret Adames Rhonda Banasiak Linda Crear Sharon Duncan Kelly Dye Kris Foust Heidi Hedstrom Mary Pinardi Elaine Price Mary Linn Sadler Craig Schryver Diana Simmons Brock Young PROFESSIONAL STAFF Vicki Wallace, Chair Lesa Goder David Kanervo Phil Kemmerly Diane Miner Niesha Wolfe PROPERTY Charlie Foust, Chair Steve Gallaher Steve Griffey Faye Hand Mark Hennis Doug Hildreth Tracy Jackson Hank Livingstone Gary Norris Tom Presler Joel Thomas Charles Wall Gordon Woodson Memorial Garden (sub-committee) Ann Waddle, Chair Mary Linn Sadler Steve Griffey Bill Hutton (ad hoc) SERVICE Gail Hudson, Co-chair Bill Hutton, Treasurer Suella Arrington, Secretary Tim Arrington Don Beck Jeanine Bettencourt Kitty Boaz Roger Busler Jill Crow Bob Gandy Charlotte Jolly Kathy Kelley Reg Lowe Virginia Lowe Ted McCurdy Tom Presler (organizes Room in the Inn) Sue Reynolds WORSHIP Sarah Morgan, Chair Christina Glover Margaret Lyle Pixie McCord Mills Sam Mills Lydia Schoonover Carol Shippen Denice Williamson Rod Wolfe Wedding Guild (sub-committee) Millie Armstrong Dale Childers Vicki Hildreth Diane Miner Sarah Moser Denice Williamson Committee Descriptions are available on website in the January 2015 Newsletter. ee t t i omm C 5 201 s 6 Empty Bowls is in its seventh year addressing some of the most basic needs in our community. The annual event raises funds to support two local organizations: Loaves and Fishes and Urban Ministries Grace Assistance Food Pantry. More than 500 individuals visit the Urban Ministries Food Pantry each month. Each food box given to a family provides three meals a day for five days-a total of 7500 meals every month for families in need. Loaves and Fishes served over 43,000 meals from January through October in 2013. Loaves and Fishes is also a distribution center and distributes food to 29 local agencies that support our community programs. Coming together as a community to help feed our hungry neighbors, is the heart of Empty Bowls. Guests are invited to a simple meal of soup and bread. Guests are asked to select a bowl as a reminder of all the empty bowls in our community (guests take their bowl home). All proceeds help local hungry efforts. The Empty Bowls fundraiser event this year will be February 24. Presbyterian Women will be helping provide desserts for the dinner at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. We have been asked to provide 150 zip-lock baggies containing 2 generous-sized desserts. Cookies or brownies without icing are the easiest to store neatly in the zip-lock baggies. If you would like to help, please bring 2 dozen baggies containing 2 desserts each to the Presbyterian Women meeting on February 23 or to the church Sunday, February 22. If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Graves at (931) 368-1614 or Suella Arrington at (931) 645-4392. ~ ROOM IN THE INN ~ Room in the Inn runs November-March. Please keep this ministry in your prayers. Volunteer hosts prepare, serve, and clean up an evening meal with 10-12 guests. The program is held at the AOC on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Contact Tom Presler (436-4466) or Bill Hutton (648-1119) for additional information. 7 BULLETIN BOARD THOSE WHO ARE ILL OR IN THE HOSPITAL Please call the church office or Yvonne Hiett with any news of someone taking ill, in the hospital or needing prayer that the Congregational Care Committee may be able to help. We visit folks at home, hospital or wherever we can to provide the loving care we all need during stressful times. We cannot help you if we are unaware of a need. The church office will be closed on February 16 in honor of Presidents’ Day. POTLUCK February 8, following City Church, there will be a potluck dinner at Matt & Margaret Lyle’s home, 1540 Appleton Road. Please join us!! HEL P TH If you E CH are in URC by em terest H SA ed in ail, yo VE M ing. J r u e c c eiving ould h ONE ust em Y elp de the ch ville@ ail or creas urch n gmail ca ll N e e on ou . t e r chur com or 64 esa at the he cost of wsletter O NLY 5 ch we printin -6551 churc If you b g h . s T a i o t h n e, ww f a wfpcc e newslett fice, fpccla d mailor if y re receivin e r l a ou kn ksr rksvil is als ow of g the new the ne l o e . a o vailab rg. sle fr w le tance sletter in iends or fa tter by em any fo mily w is gre ail AN D atly a r pprec mat, pleas ho no long by regula iated! r er wis e noti fy Mo h to r mail, e nica. Your ceive assis - WORSHIP LITURGISTS T h e W o r sh i p C o m m i t t e e h a s a r o t a t i n g g r o u p o f p e o p l e w h o s e r ve a s l i t u r g i s t s f o r a o n e ye a r t e rm . I f yo u a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n c o n t i n u i n g a s a l i t u r g i s t o r i f yo u wo u l d l i k e t o j o i n t h i s g r o u p t o s e r ve b o t h S u n day services on a rotating basis, please contact Sam Mills. R HOI C S ’ eets REN m D r L i I e CH Cho s ’ n th n o e r m d a Chil the 9:45 n 9 i r m . All fro floo m o h t o r r e fou hoir c grad s ’ h n t re t -6 r child rs in 1s No prio e . ! sing elcome sary s e c w e are ce n n e i r expe CITY CHU RCH EVE CAS NING Sund W UAL O ays, R S 5-6:0 H 0 pm IP Chap el in th e (chil dcar e is a requ est t o the vailable 11:00 upon chur am o c h offic n the eb prior Frida y y) S LASSE C A G O nd FREE Y rative a o t s e r is d a Class g o Y hing an ilac r t e r Ou t s are ava tle n s k e c g o l s b t involve ats and we mee M e r . e s e h s w o ll basic p ship ha w o l l 0 pm. e 3 f : 6 e h 0 t 3 5: ble in y from a d s e u each T 11 8 Every woman attending First Presbyterian Church is automatically a member of PW and is welcome to attend all functions. Guests are also welcome. PW meets Monthly, August-April, for interesting programs, services, and fellowship. August and April are dinner meetings and the remainder are 12:30 luncheons, held on the 4th Monday of each month. The meals are catered (10.00) and sign-ups are on the bulletin board or through the church office. 3 ary 2 u r b n which Fe o e , h c n n o u e ly l unch r month u o a sneak r o PW L d f n s a u , n joi ship /singers vited to , fellow s r n d i o o t e o c f r a a d by oo en ional, g Angels” All wom t o k v n e o t d y nk ture a e of “Ho c will fea n a m r perfo re. preview y Theat x o R pm e , 12:30 from th 3 2 . b e ,F na Monday : n reast o e b h n W e k l l c hi Ha nd grilled c lemon cake a owship l : l e H F C : N e s LU tin ead, Wher deliciou ey, French br p on the bulle a r o f l u $10 ble med ns by signing a t e Co st: g e v o vati rice, bed of s. Make reser e beverag F eb. 16. y board b In the month of February PW will collect supplies for L&F. We have been asked to provide cleaning and paper supplies. They will be appreciative for any regular type cleaning supplies or paper supplies you use in your home! All women are also invited to be part of one the small groups for monthly study and fellowship through Presbyterian Women Circles: The Deborah Circle meets each Mon. 9:00 am on the 2nd floor. Childcare is provided. The Morning Circle meets on the 1st Tues, 10 am in the library. The Night Circle meets on the 2nd Tues, 7:00 pm in the library. The Martha Circle meets on the 2nd Tues, 12:30 pm in the library. 9 MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH Sun. Feb. 1, 5-7:30 pm, Youth Group -We will meet at the AOC to watch the first half of the Super Bowl. Sun. Feb. 8, 4-6:00 pm, Youth Group -We will have devotion and play games. Feb. 13-15 *WINTER RETREAT Sun. Feb. 22, 4-6:00 pm, Youth Group -We will have devotion and go for a fast food dinner. Feb.28-Mar.1 NaCoMe Work Trip If you have questions call Mikey @ (931) 216-0975. ga n i r B d! n e i fr SENIOR HIGH YOUTH Sunday Night Meetings FEB. 1, 4-6:00 pm Youth Group at the AOC. NaCoMe Winter Retreat registration deadline.* FEB. 8, 4-6:00 pm Youth Group at the AOC. FEB. 11 (Wednesday), Work Trip registration deadline. FEB. 13-15, *WINTER RETREAT FEB 18, SUMMER MISSION TRIP deposit due. FEB. 22, 4-6:00 pm Youth Group at the AOC. FEB.28-Mar.1 NaCoMe Work Trip WEDNESDAYS, FEB. 4, 11, 18, 25: 6:30-7:30 PM--we will fellowship and have supper at Chick-Fil-A on Madison St. Please bring $$ for the meal. *NaCoMe Winter Youth Retreat will be Feb. 13-15 at the NaCoMe Camp & Conference Center. This year’s theme is “Because He First Loved Me”. The cost is $120 per person, registration forms are available from Mark or Mickey. If you have questions, contact Mark Banasiak at 980-8185. CALLING ALL 3RD, 4TH & 5TH GRADERS! CLUB 345 MEETS ON SUNDAYS, FEBURARY 1 & 15 from 2-3:45 pm with Bessie Grimaldi. We will have snacks, a devotion, and play games in the AOC. FEBURARY 2015 Sun 1Communion Homebound Communion 2-3:45pm Club 345 @AOC 4-6 pm Middle School & Senior High Youth Groups meet 5pm City Church NaCoMe Winter Retreat Registration Deadline 8 12:30pm 2nd Sunday Lunch Boy Scout Sunday 5pm City Church Mon Tue 2 7am Men’s Breakfast 9am PW Deborah Circle 5pm Theology on Tap @ Guadalajara Grill 3 10am PW Morning Circle 9 9am PW Deborah Circle 5 pm Theology on Tap @ Guadalajara Grill 10 10am PW Morning Circle 2pm Congregat’l Care Comm. 5:30pm Yoga 5:30pm Yoga 15 16 2-3:45pm Club 345 Office Closed @AOC 9am PW 4-6pm Middle School Deborah Circle and Senior High Youth Group meetings 5pm City Church 4pm Mission Committee 17 12:30pm PW Martha Circle 4pm PW lunch reservation deadline 5:30pm Yoga 7pm PW Night Circle Deadline for March newsletter articles 22 4-6:00pm Middle School & Senior High Youth Group meetings 5pm City Church DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS Girl Scout Sunday 23 24 9am PW Empty Bowls Deborah Circle 5:30pm Yoga 11pm Preschool Board 12:30 PW lunch 5pm Theology on Tap @ Guadalajara Grill Wed Thu 10 Fri Sat 4 10am Bible Study 3pm Disciple 3 5pm Disciple 1 5pm Room in the Inn 6pm Handbells 6:30 Senior Highs @ Chick Fil A 7pm Adult Choir 5 10:30am Staff Meeting 6 7 11 10am Bible Study 3pm Disciple 3 5pm Disciple 1 6pm Handbells 6:30 Senior Highs @ Chick Fil A 7pm Adult Choir Work Trip Registration Deadline 12 10:30am Staff Meeting 13 14 NaCoMe Winter Retreat through Feb. 15 18 Ash Wednesday 19 10:30am Staff Meeting 20 21 26 10:30am Staff meeting 27 28 Youth Work Trip (NaCoMe) Feb.28-Mar 1 10am Bible Study 3pm Disciple 3 5pm Disciple 1 5pm Room in the Inn 6pm Handbells 6:30 Senior Highs @ Chick Fil A 7pm Adult Choir Summer Mission Trip Deposit Due 25 10am Bible Study 3pm Disciple 3 5pm Disciple 1 6pm Forgiveness Study in the Chapel 6pm Handbells 6:30 Senior Highs @ Chick Fil A 7pm Adult Choir 11 ~MEN’S BREAKFAST, FEB. 2 ~ All men, all ages, are invited to participate in conversations about life and faith! Meet on Monday, February 2 at 7:00 am at Shoney’s, 791 N. 2nd Street. A brief devotional follows the meal. ~ IN THE EVENT OF BAD WINTER WEATHER ~ We encourage members to evaluate dangerous road conditions and decide whether or not to drive to worship. Should it be necessary to cancel any events scheduled for Sundays, we will request two local news media make the information available to the public after 6 pm on Saturday. You can look on the Leaf Chronicle web site or listen to WJZM AM 1400 or check FirstPresbyterianChurch,Clarksville,TN on Facebook. Also on the days that the public school system closes for dangerous road conditions, the church will be closed for evening activities. ~ OFFERING ENVELOPES ~ Those who would like Offering Envelopes for 2015 should email Connie Parker (conniep64@gmail.com) or drop a note in the collection plate. Boxes of envelopes will be organized alphabetically according to last names. The boxes will be available for pick up after Sunday, Dec. 28 on the table outside the church office. Please throw away your 2013 envelopes to avoid confusion on your 2014 and 2015 contributions. ~ FIRST PRAY —PRESBYTERI AN PR AYER CH AIN ~ Members of our congregation regularly pray for each other! We have a prayer chain, First Pray, via e-mail to share concerns and celebrations. Contact Ann Waddle at waddleiread@gmail.com or 931-624-2597 if you would like to be a part of the prayer group or to place a loved one on the prayer list. ~ CALLING ALL MEN ~ Please mark your calendars for our annual Men’s Work Trip to NaCoMe. This is a great time to work and fellowship! This year we will stay the entire weekend of April 17-19! Registration will be through March. ~ CHRISTMAS EVE OFFERING ~ Thank you for your generous spirits! We collected $3,937.14 during our two Christmas Eve Services which will be divided equally between the Service Committee and Loaves and Fishes to support those in our community who need help during the year. ~ FROM CITY CHURCH ~ It is healthy to take time to expand our offerings to God beyond money. Do you have a spiritual gift, musical talent, or testimony of how the Lord is working in your life? Please consider blessing the City Church congregation through your “alternative” offering to the Lord? Contact Margaretwallace87@gmail.com for more information and/or to sign up. 12 ~ FROM THE SERVICE COMMITTEE ~ The Service Committee is inviting six to eight people from the congregation to volunteer to do only clerical work while they are seeing clients. Gail Hudson would train you, so please contact her at 820 -3005 if you are interested. ~ THEOLOGY ON T AP ~ Theology on Tap is a group that meets each Monday at 5 pm at the Guadalajara Grill on Riverside Drive. Come, join us on Feb. 2, 9, and 23 for conversations about theology and real life. ~ EMERGENCY CARDS ~ The Congregational Care Committee has emergency cards to have on file at the church office. These are hard copies (not stored on a computer) so we can access them immediately in case of an emergency. Cards are available in the vestibule and church office. Each person in the church will need to have one. Information will be kept confidential. ~ WED. BIBLE STUDY, 10 AM ~ You are invited to join the group who gather for Bible study with Pastor Greg each W ednesday in the church library. ~ RECORDED WORSHIP SERVICES ARE ON OUR WEBSITE ~ If you miss worship on Sundays and would like to hear the service, please go on the website (www.fpcclarksville.org) and download the audio of any worship service! ~ FIRST PRESBYTERI AN CHURCH 2015 BUDGET ~ The Session of First Presbyterian Church adopted the 2015 operating budget at its January 24 meeting. The budget is printed here for your information along with the Year End Financial Report for 2014. Please note that our estimate of revenue for 2015 is based on your very generous giving estimates on Consecration Sunday. As you compare 2014 to 2015, please also be aware that we are making every effort to reduce personnel costs while maintaining or increasing our support for the vital programs, benevolence, missions, and service to others. We think this is what Christ would have us do. In addition to the information contained in the report below, it is important to note that the church ended the year with the following additional assets: General Fund: $146,570.66 Other Funds (restricted and unrestricted): $561,156.96. The church's total assets were $709,727.62. If you have any questions about the budget or the financial position of the church, please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Greg, or Elder Tracy Jackson (Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee), or any of the other elders on Session. (Budget is posted on page 13.) 13 2015 Budget (Adopted January 25, 2015) Revenue 2014 2015 (Budget) 2014 (Year End Report) Estimated/Pledged $600,000.00 $444,658.00 Non Estimated/Pledged $35,000.00 $90,995.42 Other Revenue $48,800.00 $61,815.47 TOTAL REVENUE $683,800.00 $597,468.89 $296,335.17 $322,002.30 Sanctuary/Educational $166,975.00 $165,295.72 AOC $35,000.00 $32,197.20 Office $20,150.00 $20,248.17 Total Buildings / Supplies $222,125.00 $217,741.09 Christian Education & Youth $19,750.00 $18,520.91 Communication $600.00 $383.66 Worship $15,620.00 $10,800.03 Stewardship $7,900.00 $3,558.39 Fellowship & ESP $850.00 $719.06 Historical Preservation $650.00 $221.94 Congregational Care $8,450.00 $382.59 New Members $1,250.00 $117.71 Presbyterian Women $100.00 $100.00 Total Committees $55,170.00 $34,804.29 Service Committee $15,015.00 $12,030.21 Missions $5,000.00 $400.00 Pastoral Counseling Center $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Presbytery (designated benevolence) $12,060.00 $12,060.00 Total Service $34,075.00 $26,490.21 Presbytery (operating budget support) $22,940.00 $22,940.00 NaCoMe Annual Fund $500.00 $0.00 New Pastors / Seminary Education Fund $500.00 $0.00 Total Denomination $23,940.00 $22,940.00 EXPENSES Personnel Buildings / Supplies Committees Service to Others Denominational Connection / Support Miscellaneous Expense $1,622.97 TOTAL EXPENSE $631,645.17 $625,600.86 NET $52,154.83 -$28,131.97 14 Below is a list of names of the Blue Hymnals dedications. If you dedicated a Hymnal and would like to have it; please contact Sarah Morgan at 387-3333 or Sam Mills at 8016542. You have until the end of February. FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Janet Hudson (2nd) Tracy Jackson (2nd) Jennifer Griffey (2nd) Leon Sitter (21st) Annie Mae & Harry Allen John Moser (2nd) Randy Wood (24th) Austin Ausenbaugh Albert Marks (3rd) Alex Gomez (24th) Barbara Darden Francis Dana Price (4th) Faye Carbary (25th) Benjamin Patch Marks Tammy Wood (5th) Kristie Kimmell (26th) John Long James Grigsby (5th) Julia Adames Purdue (26th) Allegra S Thompson Anna Belle Darden Barbara Rigsby Cecil Morgan, Sr. Charles Allen Scott Giles (5th) Clarence Langford Lee Berry (6th) Derman Morris Wendy Blake (7th) Mabel Morrow Dot Reich Tom Steel (7th) Emma Bilderback Doug Hildreth (7th) Ernestine & Henry Merritt Margaret Wallace Lyle (7th) Felix G. W oodward Fount Robinson Sam Sitter (7th) George A. Livingstone C.H. O’Brien (8th) James E. Baily,.Sr. Sarah Moser (9th) Joan Schoonover Joe & Elizabeth Stitt Jack Brown (9th) Joe Stephens Frank Sullivan (11th) John Chamberland Telford Matthew Goder (11th) Juanita K. Kee Katie & Harry Menendez Janet Winn (11th) Katie Menendez Anna K. Atkinson (13th) Laura J. McGehee Nolan O’Shoney (15th) Martha B. Morgan Miss Margaret Lacy Emily Briggs (16th) Mr. & Mrs. John W . Kirk Gary Silvey (17th) Mr. & Mrs. Ben A Patch Mrs. Cynthia Monroe Green Eloise Ladd (17th) Mrs. Corinne C. Bailey Eve Rice (18th) Mrs. N.R. Bardwell Laura Black (20th) Myrtle & Guy Tresch Robert Jane Shelley Law Russell B. G. Darden Voila Cover your on’t see d u o y If ted, name lis church t the please le w your date! no office k
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