The Islander February 2015 Venice Isle Estates 603 Roma Road Venice, Florida 34285 941-488-9648 Venice Isle Website: VIAC Website: VALENTINE’S DAY SUPPER CLUB February 14, 2015 ATTENTION CRAFTERS OLD AND NEW Annual craft show Is Feb.21 2015 9:00AM to 2:00 PM If you are interested in being in the craft show, call Faith VanZanten, 941 483 3308 We are always looking for new, hand-made crafts. Sorority will have a bake sale again. This brings a lot of people in. All the proceeds from the bake sale go to Cancer research. We would appreciate anyone who would like to help bake for the cause. Thanks Faith 1 Join us for an evening of fun Saturday, February 14, 2015 Clubhouse #2 Ticket Price: $15.00 per person A light supper will be served followed by Venice Isles own “Pan’s People” in THE U.S.O. SHOW We will conclude the evening with two hours of dancing to the music of: Debonair Entertainment. These are tables of 8-10 and only a limited number are available. Menu: Appetizer, Fresh Salad, Roast Chicken, Potato, Rolls, Dessert, Coffee or Tea, B.Y.O.B. and Soft Drinks Sandi McCulloch – 941-882-4965 Director/Producer MANAGER’S REPORT: Carl Romano Park Manager I was not expecting a change with our maintenance staff personnel, but some issues came up and we felt is best to make some changes. The timing wasn’t ideal as we just started our busiest time of the year. We decided it was best to former maintenance staff employee Bill Crowe to be let go. Bill had worked for the Park for several years and had become less productive in completing his duties. I also thought that it was a good time for me to get more involved with the day to day operations of the maintenance staff. That decision did not sit well with our former maintenance supervisor Duane Card, so Duane and his wife Cathy decided to quit their jobs here at Venice Isle. Cathy was an exemplary employee. She worked hard, was well liked, and her services will be missed. When Duane first came to work for us, he said he intended to raise the bar on the Park’s level of service and appearance. Duane was very instrumental in helping the Board and management to make many needed improvements. He deserves a lot of the credit for the improved appearance of the Park, including the numerous landscaping projects Duane was a part of. I think when we have Shareholders working for Venice Isle that it increases the job pressure on the employees. If it’s your day off and you are just hanging around the Park, you will also have people approach you with park issues. Anyway, it is imperative that we move on. On behalf of the VIHO Board of Directors and myself, I would like to thank Bill Crowe, Duane Card and Cathy Card for their years of valuable service to the Park. Their service is very much appreciated and we wish them all well in their future endeavors. I think the Renters Orientation Meeting that we held on January 2, 2015 went well. I was able 2 to speak to our seasonable visitors about the Park’s traffic regulations, trash, and guest policies. We also were able to inform them about the Islander Newsletter and the in-house TV channel and also about our courtesy bus services. I also have some ideas about creating an Orchid Garden near the miniature golf course, with the flowering plants being lent or donated to the Park. Anyone interested in helping with the Orchid Garden should contact me. I would love to hear what ideas you have. PRESIDENT’S CORNER I would like to second the message of our manager’s info concerning personnel here in Venice Isle. The other issues I would like to address are the plans for 2015. The most pressing issue is our road maintenance program. The Board is currently exploring the options open to us for maintaining and conserving the roads. This is a huge issue that must be addressed this summer. It has been 6 years since we have done any major work on them and they are starting to show the wear. Whatever the course we take, it will be a very expensive project. Fortunately we do have the money in reserve. We are looking to rehab at least one other lake this summer. We are not doing these lakes for appearance, but they are actually retention ponds and are crucial for runoff of rains and the infrastructure of the park. In numerous locations they have eroded lawns by several feet over the recent years. Once they are done, they should be fine for many years to come. Other than routine maintenance or any unforeseen problems these will be the only issues addressed this year. Respectfully submitted Brooke Appleby , President Our sales commission is a low 5 and 1/2 % of the sale price so call me about how I can help. Sale of Home Reminder If you are selling your home personally or through an outside Real Estate Agency, please contact the Administration Office or have your agent come into the Administration Office for the proper procedures. If you are interested in the homes we have, please stop by the office and I would love to show you around the Park. Neville Demo, Broker for Venice Isle Real Estate Sales 1-941-920-4598 anytime cell . Are you a New Home Owner? NOTES FROM NEVILLE: Welcome Back HELP, HELP HELP!! I am running out of homes to sell and buyers are still looking even in the dog days of August. We have had a great start the first part of the year and home values are increasing. If you are thinking of selling, please call me to discuss what your values have increased to. We are still at only 5 homes for sale in the Park. If you are looking to buy, do not wait too long. We always have a list of homes on the office door. This is a small number for sale in our Park, and they are going fast as fast I list them. We are in need of homes to sell since our inventory is so low. If you are thinking of ending your stay in paradise, I am sorry, but give me a call and I will be glad to talk with you about how I can help. If you have any questions, we will be glad to offer our expertise in the Venice Isle real estate market. We are the number one property seller in Venice Isles and do not take your buyers to other Parks. Don’t forget Venice Isle Real Estate is your company! When Venice Isle Real Estate Sales makes a sale (buying or selling) 30% is paid to the park, keeping your maintenance fees lower. When an outside real estate company sells a home in our Park (buying or selling), None of their commission goes back to the Park. So whether you are buying OR selling, use your company to help support your Park. 3 If you have purchased a home in Venice Isle In the past 6-10 months, give me a call so I can set up an appointment to bring you some information about the park and own town of Venice. Give me a call so we can get together. Thank you. Janet Keckler VI Greeter 941-488-5511 Trouble with a Utility- Call the utility company you are having a problem with, not the Administration Office. You will receive better service calling yourself. Questions will be asked that only you can answer. Islander Mailing Service: Mindi Holtz has taken over the Islander Mailing Service. If you are interested in receiving the Islander via mail when you go up north after season, please contact Mindi at 941-467-0317. You will need self-addressed stamped ($1.62) 9 x 11 envelopes for the months you would like your Islander mailed. The Islander can be viewed on the VIAC website at -e-mailed or email attachment to – typed name, phone number and date required THE ISLANDER: The deadline for The Islander articles is the 11th of the month at noon. I would appreciate receiving the articles as early as possible. Forms are located in a file holder on the Clubhouse 2 veranda wall by the Bulletin Board, pool side. Please follow the guidelines and instructions so that your announcement will be printed. E-mail articles to or put in the box under the file holder. Thank you, Sharyn Morgan – 859-907-2960 GUIDELINES FOR ISLANDER ARTICLES, MESSAGES & INPUT (The purpose of the Islander is to provide information to our residents, renters, and guests regarding Venice Isle Estates’ interests and activities) All copy is subject to editing (punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc.) by the Editor. No complaints, opinions, or personal political messages will be accepted for publication. The Islander is not a forum for letters to the Editor. The Editor shall determine the appropriateness of any submitted material. If the suitability of material is questionable, the Editor will confer and defer to the President of the VIHO Board of Directors or his/her designee’s decision. Except for volunteer services, all commercial advertising must be placed through the publisher (On Trac Publishing). The Advertising Sales Manager sets the rates by contract and is responsible for determining acceptance. Articles/Messages/Input will be acceptable in the following formats: -printed on standard paper – printed name, signature, phone number and date required -typed on standard paper – material typed in all capital letters will not be accepted 4 NO MESSAGES BY PHONE WILL BE ACCEPTED. Completed “inputs” should be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the “Islander” and placed only in the “Islander Box” outside the West entrance to Clubhouse #2 (poolside) Deadline for submission: Noon on the 11th of every month. Thank you. Your cooperation in using these procedures is most appreciated. VIHO, Inc. Board of Directors Sharyn Morgan – Editor 859-907-2960 COPIES FOR VIAC ACTIVITIES: The VIAC copier is located in the Lido Room (Poker Room) in CH2. The request folder is now located on a shelf placed on the copier cabinet. The folder with copies is placed on the second shelf located on the copier cabinet. Please include a contact name with your request. VIAC will not reimburse anyone for copies made elsewhere. Priscilla Conklin- 485-9295 Venice Isle Activity Website: VIAC.US ( ) is your Venice Isle Activity web site. We also post the latest VI Islander on our front page throughout the year. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please let us know at Thank you, Lynn Bailey, Webmaster Need Sound for Your Event? RECYCLING Please remember to give five days’ notice for your event or function. This includes all weekly or monthly events. In addition, your performer(s) must contact me before they perform to ensure that sound, lighting and musical selections are discussed fully before the performance. Skip Martinek- 483-3516 Rob Holsgrove- 244-7757 PLEASE RECYCLE Blue Bins Aluminum cans/foil trays Steel/tin cans and lids Aerosol cans (empty-no caps) Glass bottles and glass jars (no lids) Drink boxes Milk/juice cartons Plastic bottles w/shoulders and necks (no caps) Venice Isle Name Tags It's that time of year again to order your name tag, if you would like one. It can be worn at all Venice Isle activities. Please wear your name tag to introduce yourself at any and all of the many activities you attend. Prices are as follows: Pin - $5.75---tax included Magnet - $6.00---tax included Red Bins Newspaper (including inserts) Magazines, Catalogs, Phone Books Brown Paper Bags Corrugated Cardboard (no larger than 2’x3’) Writing and office paper Junk Mail Envelopes (including window envelopes) No plastic lids or metal covers ever No clear plastic containers from the food at the grocery store (i.e., cookies, muffins or prepared food items. Please contact Marna Corbus @941-4129213 if interested. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Waste Management/Trash: All garbage, yard waste, and recycles will be picked up on Thursdays only. If you are in doubt as to what goes in the red and blue bins, if something should be bagged or bundled or how long or heavy it is supposed to be- call Waste Management – 493-4100. Remember: The dumpster in the Maintenance Compound is not for disposal of appliances, carpeting, flooring, etc. Call Waste Management for an appointment. 5 Ticket sales at V.I. Volunteers are the lifeblood of this park. Let's show them how much we appreciate them. Please be considerate and do not call them or visit them at their homes before 9 am or after 9 pm. Ticket sale times are listed in the Islander and on the bulletin board and on channel 195. Thank you for supporting our activities. Channel (195) Announcements: Currently only channel 195 is available for in-house dissemination of information. Comcast has removed all other channels for their use. If you wish to input any information on the VIC channel, please note that forms are available in the San Marco Room (Billiard Room) at CH2. There is a pocket with blank pink sheets that must be used to submit articles for the channel. Completed forms should be put into the slot adjacent to the blank sheet pocket. Only pink forms will be accepted. Please, no phone calls or e-mails. Information is provided on the back of the forms. There are several VIC channel coordinators processing these sheets so please print legibly and include your name and phone number. If you have any questions, please drop a note into the slot and one of the coordinators will call you back as soon as possible. Picture Directory If you had your picture taken this past winter for the Park Directory, the books are available for pick-up. Call Diane Tarr at 941-486-0816 or e-mail at for availability. Park Directory The Park Directories are in and available for pick up during office hours, 9am – 2pm. One per household please. 6 Clubhouse #1 Bulletin Board: To keep the Bulletin Board orderly and to have available space to post as many notices as possible, please do the following: 1. Use 3x5” index cards or paper. 2. Mark the date you are posting the notice on the right bottom corner. 3. Post it in the area assigned: ‘Rentals, Want to Rent, For Sale, Services, etc.’ 4. Notices will remain for 30 days. You may re-date, if needed. 5. Please remove or have someone remove your posting when your property is rented or sold. Venice Isle Courtesy Bus Our bus leaves from both Clubhouses at approximately 9:30 am, 11:30 am, and 2:30 pm., Monday through Thursday except for Holidays. You may arrange with the driver, Don Black, for the pickup or your return trip. However, if you leave the Park on a 2:30 pm bus, you will need to provide your own transportation back to Venice Isle Estates. Note: The Wednesday 11:30 am bus only goes to the Venice Village Shops and Wal-Mart if requested. On request, passengers will be taken to Venice Beach, Venice Library, Venice Regional Medical Center and Health Park, downtown Venice, grocery stores, Doctor’s offices, etc. Please call the Administration Office, 488-9648, for further information and to make special requests. There is no charge to the residents for this service. SPRING FASHION SHOW UPCOMING EVENTS BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING February 18, 2015 Clubhouse #2, Venetian Room 9am – 10:30amNow that your heart has been pierced by Cupid on Valentine’s Day, come and have your blood pressure taken. Hope to see everyone. Mary Nuzzo 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On Sunday, Feb. 15, the church that meets at VI will celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversaries. If you are reaching that milestone in 2015, we’d love to have you join us at our worship service. We must know ahead of time that you want to be included, therefore, we ask you to contact our church secretary, Joyce Durbin. You can call her at (Cell) 813-841-4863 or send an email to her . Please do so no later than Mon., Feb. 9. At this service we honor those VI residents who have achieved 50 years or more of marriage. We also honor the two couples living at VI who are present and have been married the longest. Those achieving 50 years of marriage in 2015 are invited to renew their vows, have their picture taken, and receive our blessing. The 50th Wedding Anniversary service is on Sunday, Feb. 15. The service starts at 9:20AM and is held at Clubhouse 1. Pastor Liz Jensen 941 493-1420 Wed. March 4th - 1 pm CH 2 Refreshments - Prizes Fashions by "Anthonys" Ticket price $6.00 pp Tkt sales: Sat. 2/14 8-10 am CH 2 Gen-483-3339 Joan 483-3516 Sponsored by Beta Sigma All proceeds to Cancer Research PENNSYLVANIA/OHIO DINNER The Pennsylvania/Ohio Dinner has been cancelled. Pennsylvania is included in the TriState/Canada Dinner (along with New Jersey and New York) There is not an Ohio Dinner planned at this time. Joanne Bartholomew 941-223-7595 CELEBRATION OF LIFE On Saturday, February 28 at 1 PM in Clubhouse 1, the Church that meets at Venice Isle will celebrate the lives of loved ones who died in 2014. We will remember and celebrate by name those you ask us to include in the service. If you would like the life of your deceased loved one celebrated during the service, please call Joyce Durbin, our Church Secretary, at (Cell) 813-841-4863 or send an email to: . There will be a table for you to place a memento of your deceased loved one, e.g. a picture, a possession, or their name on a card. The service will be a “Christian” Celebration of Life that will include readings from Christian Scripture, prayer, singing, reading the names of the deceased, and a message from Pastor Liz. The service is open to ALL residents (owners and renters) at VIE. Please join us as we remember and celebrate God’s gift of love shared through the special people He brought into our lives Pastor Liz Jensen 941 493-1420 7 MARCH PARK DINNER MOVIE Sunday Feb 8th - 7 pm CH 2 JERSEY BOYS, directed by Clint Eastwood. rated R - for extreme language Popcorn, BYOB, Admission $1.00 Skip - 483-3516 BANDANARAMA Saturday, March 28th 7:30-10:30 pm CH 2 BYOB & Snacks Tkts: $10.00 pp Friday, March 6th 5:30pm - CH #2 ST. PATRICK’S DAY CELEBRATION Salad Corned Beef, Cabbage & Roasted Chicken Carrots & Seasoned Boiled Potatoes Green Cake Entertainment by First Brass of Sarasota (Bag Pipes) $14.00 PP Ticket Sales Sat. Feb 10th 8-10am CH#2 Feb 28th 8-10am CH#2 Shirley 419-561-1432 Music by Bandana Tkt sales: Saturday March 14th 8-10am Joan - 483-3516 PARK BREAKFAST Sat. Feb 14th 8-10 am Choice of Blueberry Pancakes, or Biscuits & Gravy, or Scrambled Eggs & Ham $4/00 per person Dennis Westra 488-4113 FEBRUARY PARK DINNER Friday, February 6th 5:30pm – CH #2 Tossed Salad Carved Roast Pork Loin w/gravy & applesauce Roasted Red Potatoes Baby Green Beans Strawberry Shortcake & Beverage Entertainment by Venice Isle Men’s Glee Club $ 14. PP Ticket Sales Feb. 10th 8-10am CH#2 Feb 28th 8-10am CH#2 Shirley – 419-561-1432 8 TRI-STATE/CANADA DINNER (N.Y., N.J., Pa., Canada) Meet Your Friends & Neighbors Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Clubhouse #2 Appetizers @ 5pm Dinner @ 5:45pm “Chicken Marsala” BYOB Music & Dancing with “Bruce Stone” $13.00 pp The evening includes dancing, door prizes, 50/50 raffle. Ticket sales at February Pancake Breakfast Tables are reserved for groups of 8-10 guests Tickets and info contact Edie – 421-3225 Carol – 488-0526 POKER RUN/CHILI FEED Sunday, March 1 CH#2 – 3;00PM $7.00 per person We’re introducing a new activity here in Venice Isle In association with the newly formed Golf Cart Klub, you will gather at CH#2 on the Veranda between 3:15 and 3:30 to pick up a map and a starting point. Via golf cart, bicycle, car, or on foot, you will visit five host sites located around the park to enjoy snacks, drinks, meet new friends and socialize with all. Name badges are strongly encouraged. The Golf Cart Klub members have volunteered to host the neighborhood sites which we will locate throughout the park. You will pick up one chit from each host. After socializing and receiving a chit from each host, you will go to CH#2 to exchange chits from your poker hand. Your poker hand will be recorded to determine winning hands. The chili and cornbread dinner will begin around 4:30 with serving from the clubhouse kitchen. Chili will be mild with additional spices available for you to increase your personal heat level. Drinks and table service will be provided. BYOB. After dinner, there will be prizes awarded for best poker hand drawn. Tickets will be sold at the February pancake breakfast on Feb. 14 at CH#2 from 8:3010:00jam. We welcome your cash or checks. For further information, call Loretta Scott at 941-485-5403 DANCING FOR A CURE Sponsored by the Beta Sigma Chapter Phi Beta Psi February 28, 2015 7:00 – 10:00pm CH#2 $10.00 pp Get on the dance floor with MOMENTS 2 REMEMBER. Their genre include hits of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s through today. For tickets, call Marilyn Vincent 483-4561 or Joetta LaPole 480-0460. Tickets also for sale at the February Pancake Breakfast. 9 2015 STAR ENTERTAINMENT Wed. Feb 11th CH # 2 $ 15. pp THE SHINDIGS This dynamic group comprised of five lead vocalists who perform 100% live. This groovin’ rhythm section is guaranteed to make you feel good. Their specialty is the music of the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, played just the way you remember it…note for note. Gen – 483-3339 Joan 483-3516 This show is open-seating. 6pm. No reserved seating. Doors open at There are a few seats available at this time for the following shows: Sunday, February 22 7 pm CH 2 NIGHT OF COMEDY Sunday, March 8 7 pm CH 2 STRING FEVER Tickets are $15.00 pp VIAC APPROVED CASINO TRIPS Tuesday, February 17th, 2015 $25.00pp Location Hard Rock Casino in Tampa. If over 32 people, free Bingo (3- $50 prizes) Bus leaves CH#2 (by Bocce Courts) at 9am (arrive by 8:30am). Bus returns to CH#2 around 4:45PM. Sign up sheet at CH#1. For more info or sign up call Joe Zalewski @ 486-4257 or Claude LeVasseur @ 484-0421 MENS’ GLEE CLUB This noted, enjoyed and popular group may be suddenly challenged for survival. Our numbers are down but lingering veterans wish to add to the roughly 33 years of singing enjoyment. A band of near 30 or more men in past years has dwindled to about 2 dozen. The above reference to enjoyment speaks, we know, for not only our own but for audiences up and down this coast, north and south, entertaining thousands of people. For our own residents, we have performed about 30 Spring Concerts, mostly sell-outs. Let the “Sound of Music” continue at V.I. Estates. Consider, no decide, to join our fun, our contribution to so many folks with well-directed music. Let’s make it impossible to say, “gosh, we miss that Men’s Glee Club”. Waiting to hear from you! Mel Studley 488-2359, Glee Club Member and Coordinator link to VIAC VENICE ISLE KNITTERS January 7, 2015 - Today I PP'd 51 knitted items to World Vision in Swickley, PA. Box 22. It contained 19 caps from Susan Holsgrove's mother Helen Dubbin. Hope she doesn't forget her knitting needles when she visits VI in February!!!! 5 caps and 2 blankets from Susan - 3 sweaters from Leah Birdsall - 11 caps from Shirley Dawson - 2 sweaters from Janet Beardsley. 5 sweaters from Rita Belden, plus my thanks for sewing my sweaters. Thanks to John Dubbin and the gal at the PP office who toted the box from house to car and car to PP office. Just can't do it anymore!!!! As everything else, PP rates have increased. This box #22 cost $32.98. The Venice Library has asked me to display our knitted items again in May!!! I have yarn - keeping those needles clicking!!!! Dolly Richards 485-9374 VI QUILTERS We meet every Thursday morning at 9:30 am for our general meeting in the Tuscany Room at Clubhouse 1 and on Monday afternoons at 1:00 pm in the Tuscany Room for workshops and extra help. If you quilt or are interested in quilting, please join us. Our Quilt Show is scheduled for Sunday, March 15th from 1:00 4:00 pm. Peggy McAuliffe 207-332-8670 10 VENICE ISLE SINGLES Meeting February 19 at Club House #1 in the Tuscany Room at 1; 00. All Single Men & Women are invited to hear from the Art Center telling us all about the History of the Center and what changes they have made in the last few years. So please come and join us and wear your name tag and bring along your calendar so you can sign up for our tour of the Channel 7 TV Station. Joyce Clark 484-0780 VENICE ISLE READERS VENICE ISLE GARDENERS Garden Trip We meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month in the Venetian Room, CH#2 at 10:00am from November thru April. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! February 11th – Planning Meeting - Select Books for 2015-2016 February 25th “The Good Earth” by Pearl S. Buck. We have books available for you to borrow. Just call one of our Librarians. Questions: Call Phyllis Rinke 941-488-7861 or Rhonda Leroux 941-483-4274 Winter Librarian: Dotty Tabor 320-846-9623 Summer Librarian: Mary Kennedy 941-8824456 VI Gardeners will visit Lemon Bay Garden Club’s beautiful gardens and Englewood Farmers Market on February 19th. EVERYONE is welcome to go. You may bring lunch or buy it there. The bus will leave from in back of CH2 at 9:00am and return at 2:00pm. You MUST RESERVE a seat by calling Nancy (488-1486) or Pat (485-2046) We are also planning a walk of VI yards in March. If you or someone you know would like to have their yard on the list that people may visit, please contact Nancy or Pat. We are also looking for prizes for this occasion. If you know of something which could be used, please call us. Thank you for your help. VENICE ISLE SINGLES Meeting February 19 at Club House #1 in the Tuscany Room at 1; 00. All Single Men & Women are invited to hear from the Art Center telling us all about the History of the Center and what changes they have made in the last few years. So please come and join us and wear your name tag and bring along your calendar so you can sign up for our tour of the Channel 7 TV Station. Joyce Clark 484-0780 11 Computer Club The Venice Isle Computer Club is offering technical assistance to residents on Wednesday afternoons 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the Rialto Room at Clubhouse 2. This service will be provided each Wednesday through March. Volunteers will help with a wide range of computer problems and needs on an individual basis. There will be not be a formal class due to the wide range of software and hardware devices that are being used by today’s Venice Isle residents. We have an urgent need for more volunteers to help with computers here at Venice Isle. If you have interests and abilities with computers, we would very much appreciate having you join our volunteer team. Also, if you know anyone with these skills please encourage them to volunteer. If you wish to do so, contact either Alan or Mert or just come to the computer room on Wednesdays. If you are having computer problems that are beyond the efforts of our volunteers, or in need of immediate attention, you are encouraged to call one of the local computer shops which have a wider range of services to offer. We will attempt to maintain a list of nearby businesses that should be able to help with most computer problems. We have found the following three firms are known to offer competent and fairly priced services: LeaderChip, 744 East Venice Ave., 941-2073800 MicroTek, 1776 South Tamiami Trail, 941-4088222 Paradise Computer, 1832 South Tamiami Trail, 941-493-5126 If you want other firms added to this list, please let us know. Also, if you have any problems with any of these businesses we would also like to know about that, too. The recommended list will be modified accordingly. We obviously cannot be responsible for the business practices of any of these outside firms. We only offer recommendations to give you some assistance. You should feel free to choose any firm with which you are comfortable doing business. Alan Metcalf 231-250-0856 Mert Johnsrud 941-488-5983 CERAMICS We will meet on Thursday afternoon at 1:00 pm in the Sorrento Room at Clubhouse 1. If you are interested, please join us. Paint and all the tools that you will need are provided. Lessons are also free. Make your sweetheart a Valentine mug! Peggy McAuliffe 207-332-8670 12 RISE & SHINE AEROBICS - YEAR ROUND The Rise & Shine exercise group meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 8:30 am in Clubhouse #1. Feel the beat with our new sound system and work out at your own pace. We follow up with weight exercises. This is a great way to start out your day. All are welcome. TENNIS TENNIS TALK -The tennis courts here at VI are buzzing with activity as casual play and inter-park competition continue. We have been blessed with good weather and court time is now at a premium with our numbers increasing daily. On Monday and Thursday from 4 to 5 PM, residents and renters can take advantage of drill sessions aimed at beginners and seasoned players both. The instructor is Alan Metcalf who coached tennis before retiring. On February 15, the group will enjoy a gettogether at the Tiki Hut including snacks and music. Note: Depending on such factors as skill level and wait time, a vigorous singles tennis match can burn up to 500 calories in an hour, while a doubles match can burn up to 380! Tennis also increases flexibility and endurance. So get in the swing of things! It's your serve! Mimi Cacciatore 412-0707 VENICE ISLE MEN’S GOLF LEAGUE TUESDAY MIXED GOLF The Venice Isle Men’s Golf League plays 18 holes each Thursday at Oyster Creek Golf & Country Club in Englewood. We are four weeks into the schedule with 40 players enjoying friendly competition and fellowship. New friends are always welcome. Entry fee $35.00 for prizes and annual dinner including spouses. Sign up each Wednesday at CH1 between 8am and 9am Doug Jones 483-3921 Tom Gosler 441-8656 Jim Chastain 412-4142 Dan Donovan 978-853-4388 We play every Tuesday at Venice Golf course. Our tee time is 10-30. Someone from your group must sign the sign-up sheet in Club house #1. Arrive a little early to secure your spot in the bag line. We pay our own green fees and don’t forget to mention that you are with Venice Isle to get your discount. For more information you may contact Frank Bifaro at 485-5026. SHUFFLEBOARD LEAGUE New players welcome for practice at CH#1 courts at 1pm on Mondays and Fridays. BINGO Thursdays – 6:30pm – CH2 Dayle and Ed Kohut WATER AEROBICS – YEAR ROUND 41 League Standings are listed: Venice Shuffle Club Wins 191, Losses 97 Japanese Gardens Wins 168, Losses 120 Lake Village Wins 162, Losses 126 Venice Isle Wins 132, Losses 156 Spanish Lakes Wins 112, Losses 176 Ridgewood Wins 99 , Losses 189 Interested in joining us? Please call Captain, Pat Hill 941-244-2600 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays at the Clubhouse #2 pool. Hope to see you there. Billie Lindstead – 445-5170 MEXICAN TRAIN DOMINOES We meet at Club House 1 at 6:45 with table assignments drawn at 6:50. You must be present at 6:50 to participate that night. Domino players are welcome and encouraged. Carl Risch – 445-5170 13 WALKING WORKOUT- CH#2 (Meeting Year Round) We exercise in CH#2 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 am. The session lasts 45 minutes using primarily walking fitness exercises by Leslie Sansone. Please bring your own hand weights and plan to experience a lively, energizing workout. Anyone is welcome, and you can modify the exercise according to your individual abilities. Mike & June Buckley- 244-0587 TEXAS HOLD-EM 2014 Monday night’s at 6:30 PM and Thursday’s morning at 10 AM sharp, in the Lido room CH2. $10 buy-in and an optional $1 high hand. Both games have been well attended, so come on over and enjoy the fun. John Abbott 485-7893-Bill Bibeault 485-3436 TAI CHI Hope everyone had great Holidays and safe travels. Again this season Ellen will be working with beginners while I will be helping the more advanced people. If you don’t know what Tai Chi is about, come and watch/participate in this ancient Chinese art form of moving meditation, moving yoga, slow motion martial arts or Tai Chi dance; whichever name you prefer. Even though the motions are not strenuous the health benefits are numerous as attested to by the Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins University Hospital. Come play Tai Chi with the group Tuesdays and Thursday 8:30-9:30, usually at Clubhouse 2. Chris Wallhouse 941-375-2164 MAHJONGG LESSONS BOCCE We are back for another season of bocce. We are already playing on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 9am. The traveling team practices on Thursday but there is plenty of room for all who want to play. We have an inpark league which will be starting in January, so watch for more information on that. Last year we had 9 teams and had a great time. So come and try your hand at it. We are always looking for more players. Don’t know how to play bocce? Come and join us as we all will be glad to teach you. Pat Hill 14 We will be playing and teaching Mahjongg at CH#1 in the Tuscany Room at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights. The cards and games are furnished. Men and Women are welcome. Call Jean DeLoreto, 488-1521. VI BRIDGE PLAYERS We need you on Monday nights at 7 P.M.,Club House #1 or Saturday nights at 7 P.M., Club House #2. Call Leah Birdsall 483-3579 or Jane Renner 480-1693. COUNTRY LINE DANCING BEGINNERS Free COME JOIN THE FUN!!!! Let’s Learn Together January thru March Clubhouse #1, 12:30 – 1:30pm Darlene Thomas 740-973-1028 HORSESHOES Wednesdays, 10am League is open to everyone, male or female, experienced or non-experienced players. Come on down to the pits behind CH1, and we will hook you up with a partner John Abbott 485-7893 Like the game? Come and play on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm – Clubhouse #2, Venetian Room. .25 cent entry fee for 6 games. What a deal! FUN NIGHT LINE DANCING VI TRIVIA Fun Night Line Dancing on Mondays in club house 2 at 7pm. We also meet at 6:30 pm for review and for beginners. So come and join us for an hour of fun and great exercise and dance to some of your all-time favorites and as always, there is no charge. For more information you may contact Frank or Sue Bifaro at 485 5026 CRIBBAGE Join us February 18 at 7 pm in CH2 for a fun night of trivia. Six people per team and all the cash goes for prizes. Betty Bellany 941-244-0985 MONDAY MORNING BOWLING Remember that any new bowler can join at any time they get into the park. No past dues for any week missed. Submitted by Claude LeVasseur 941-484-0421 15 The VENICEISLEVINE FRIDAY BOWLING It was a tight race to capture 1st. place, but the team of the Wanabes managed to beat out the Buckeyes consisting of Mary Haddox, Phyllis Sewell, Loretta PIckett and David Welsh. The team Alleycats consisting of Kathryn Ladu, Lois Dobbie, Doris Meyer and Bob Kennedy and the Spartans consisting of Carmen Rainke, Mary Egbertson, Liz Pogwizd, and Jim Lamar finished tied for 4th. The team of Fire and Ice had honorable mention consisting of Pat Wolverton, Doris Ott, Arlene Mondry, and Frank Orlowski. We were able to add two more teams for the 2nd. half making 12 full teams. If you are interested in subbing, call me and I'll put you on the list. Jean DeLoreto 488-1521 PICKLEBALL Saturdays & Sundays Foxworthy Park 12 Noon Everyone Welcome This is another way of communicating in the Park and is a tool for buying, selling, renting or services. Once you join, you'll receive postings when they are sent or once, if this is the option you select when signing up. Yahoo no longer allows me to sign up members. You will have to sign up with a yahoo email address if you don't already have one, but once a member, you can select to have your mail sent to your regular email address by going to the main page and clicking on Membership/Edit, next to Identity click Edit Settings Icon, click or add new email and save. Email and attachments are archived on the site until deleted by you or me. Our group email address is listed in the yahoo group's directory. To post a message email: Use this address to join: To unsubscribe: Group home page: VENICEISL EVINE (The Venice Isle Vine is not a function of nor endorsed by the VI Homeowners Association.) 16 THE SOUTH COUNTY PANTRY PROUD OF YOU! VENICE ISLE HAS DONATED $5,865.50 TO THE SOUTH COUNTY PANTRY IN 2014 PLUS THOUSANDS OF POUNDS OF FOOD Here comes the month of FEBRUARY in all its glory. There are some wonderful events that happen during this month. Some of these are silly and others are interesting. Did you know Skippy Peanut Butter was created in 1933? The Bottle cap was patented in 1822. The Monopoly Board Game developed in 1935. The La-Z-Boy chair was developed in 1948. Mr. DuPont invented Nylon in 1937. Oh, yes, that little wooden item, the toothpick, was patented in 1872. That chocolate Tootsie Roll was created in 1896. The first movie Cartoon was shown in February 1909. Of course, there are thousands more items that were created/invented and developed in February. Least but not last, the Pocket was developed in 1590, but it was not until 1784 that pockets were sewn into modern garments. That’s all Folks!! Last month, the author Deb Martinson, a former Homeless Person, suggested THINKING LIKE A HOMELESS PERSON WHEN PURCHASING/DONATING FOOD ITEMS. She had many ideas that you might think about when donating food. 1) Make sure you leave the labels on the packages especially if they are GLUTEN-FREE AND ALLERGEN-FREE. 2) Make it easy to open: packaging and pouches are better than pull-top cans, which are better than traditional cans. If you receive perfectly good can goods, but have no way of opening the can…the can is useless to you. 3) The food bank may want non-food items, like soap, toilet paper, tampons and pads, diapers and pet food because these cannot be purchased with food stamps. IF YOU READ THE TOP PORTION OF THIS ARTICLE, YOU NOTICED HOW 17 WONDERFUL YOU ARE! CAN YOU IMAGE YOU ARE APART OF THIS AMAZING FEAT! ON BEHALF OF THE SOUTH COUNTY PANTRY AND THE VENICE VOLUNTEERS THAT TRANSPORT YOUR DONATIONS, THREE CHEERS FOR BLESSING OTHERS WITH YOUR DONATIONS. Here is a list of items the Food Pantry needs most of the time: Beef stew, corned beef, tuna, chicken, salmon, canned fruits and vegetables, various types of beans, powdered milk, baby food, hamburger/tuna helper, jam, jelly, honey, family size peanut butter, juices, muffin mix, pancake/baking mixes, dry pasta, instant potatoes, dry/boxed rice, soup, soup mixes, spaghetti sauce, sugar/syrup, tea, coffee, macaroni & cheese, bar soap, dishwashing liquid, laundry soap, paper towels, napkins, shampoo, toilet tissue, toothpaste, toothbrushes, pizza sauce, combs, body lotion, razors, can openers, cereals, flour, cleaning products, and anything that you use, the clients at the Pantry will use. Thank you for taking your bags of donated items to the Office on Roma Road. Should you need your food items or checks to the Pantry picked up, please call: Jan Lawrence 488-2487 Evangelical Covenant Church Web site: Pastor Liz Jensen Worship Services are held every Sunday morning at 9:20 a.m. - Clubhouse #1. Always Present “I can never escape from your spirit! I can never get away from your presence!” Psalm 139:7 (NLT). Eponine is one of my two cats; she has hyperthyroidism. I have read that without treatment she would die a slow and painful death. Treatment involves .25 ml. of a liquid medicine twice/day by mouth. As you may have guessed, she needs help taking her medication; I am that help! She’s also not very enthusiastic about taking her meds. Do you know how much .25 ml. is? That is point 25, a quarter of one milliliter, 6 drops. It’s less than 1/8th of a teaspoon; looks like maybe 1/16th. She just does not like it and cannot understand its value. She knows my moves, the time she gets her meds and when I am coming to get her to give her those meds. But I know her moves, too. If she hides under a bed I wait for her to come out. Sometimes I follow her until she stops, then I gently pick her up, give her lots of love and then “BAM” .25 ml. right in the mouth. How do I get her to accept that this is vital and resistance is futile if not foolish; I will not to let her go untreated? The words of Psalm 139 tell us that God is like that with us. God knows us up and down, back and forth, inside out and through and through and still He loves us. There is nowhere we can go that God is not there. We cannot hide from the God who is love and whose love for us is so great that He gave his son so that all who believe in Him would be restored to right relationship with God forever. Even when life is difficult, frightening, and challenging and we just want to run away, God is near to direct and protect. Even when we are part of the problem and think we can hide from God, He knows our moves and will patiently wait or gently pursue. And when life is good and blessings are abundant, God’s love is still present; thank God that there is no escape. God knows that without him there is no life; there is only death. Eponine has chosen to tolerate me in spite of my role in her twice a day torture. Day in and out we choose how we will respond to God, whose love for us is so great that he took the torture FOR us. This is the God we worship on Sundays at 9:20AM in Clubhouse 1. It is His word that we study on Thursdays at 2PM in the Venetian Room at Clubhouse 2. Take a few minutes from your busy week to worship the 18 One whose value is immeasurable and to get to better know the One who is ever present. Pastor Liz Jensen 493-1420 19 IMPORTANT NUMBERS 911 – Emergency Only Be sure to check office hours before you go Sarasota Sheriff 316-1201 – 861-5800 (Although we have a Venice Address, we do not live within the Venice City Limits. We must rely on the Sarasota County Sheriff Dept. to handle law enforcement issues) FPL (electric) Water/Sewer 917-0708 861-6100 Venice Public Library 300 S. Nokomis Ave. 861-1330 VIE Park Office (M-F, 9am-2pm) 488-9648 Jacaranda Public Library 4143 Woodmere Park Blvd. 861-1260 VIE Real Estate Office 485-7743 Venice Hospital 485-7711 Venice Health Park (Center Rd. & Jacaranda) 497-7800 -Lab work 6:30am-3pm – no appt. necessary -X-ray 8am-5pm – some appts necessary Center for Wound Care (Health Park, M-F, 8am-4pm) 486-6027 Urgent Care 483-9760 Gulf Coast Medical Group 1700 E. Venice Ave. (M-Sat, 7:30am-6pm) (Sun. 10am-3pm) Gulf Coast Medical Group Internal Medicine 1720 E. Venice Ave. (M-F 8am-5pm) 483-9700 Walgreen’s Pharmacy Hwy 41 Bypass & Center Road 493-3925 Walgreen’s Pharmacy Pinebrook Rd. & E. Venice Ave. 488-8122 CVS Pharmacy Hwy 41 & E. Venice Ave. 484-8814 Walmart Pharmacy Hwy. 41 & Jacaranda, S. Venice 493-5902 Waste Management 493-4100 Comcast Cable 20 1-800-266-2278 THURSDAY FEBRUARY DAILY SCHEDULE MONDAY 8:30am 8:30am 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00an 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:00pm Anytime 6:30 6:45 7:00pm 7:00pm Walking Workout – CH2 Rise & Shine – CH1 Art Group (all medias) – CH1 (Tuscany) Open Tennis League Comp - Courts Water Aerobics – CH2 (pool) PJ Mahon Bowling - AMF Lanes Yoga – CH1 Musical Theater Jazz Dance – CH1 Ladies Pinochle – CH1 (Sorrento) Quilt Group – CH1 (Tuscany) Shuffleboard Practice – CH1 courts Billiards – CH2 (San Marco) Texas Hold’em – CH2 (Lido) Mex.Train Dominoes – CH1 Duplicate Bridge – CH1 (Sorrento) Line Dancing/Fun Night – CH2 8:30am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 11:00am 10:30am 11:00am 1:00pm 1:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Tai Chi – CH2 Bocce – CH2 Bocce Courts Open Tennis League Comp. - Courts Teddy Bear/Pine Needle Crafts – CH1 Water Aerobics – CH2 (pool) I Pad Class – CH2 (Rialto) Golf Mixed League – Venice Lake GC Golf-Gentlemen’s League – Capri Isle Ladies’ Bridge – CH2 (Venetian) Mahjong – CH1 (Lido) Poker – CH2 (Lido) Euchre (everyone) – CH1 (Sorrento) 8:30am 8:30am 9:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 11:45am 1:00pm 3:00pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 7:00pm Walking Workout – CH2 Rise & Shine Group – CH1 Bocce – CH2 Bocce Courts Open Tennis League Comp. – Courts Horseshoes – CH1 – Horseshoe Pits Mens Glee Club – CH1 nd th VI Readers (2 & 4 Wed) – CH2 Hand & Foot – CH1 (Tuscany) Computer Help – CH2 (Rialto) Church Choir – CH1 Mahjong – CH1 (Tuscany) Pinochle –CH1 (Sorrento) Cribbage – CH2 (Venetian) TUESDAY 8:30am 9:00am 9:00am 9:30am 9:30am 9;30am 10:00am 10:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 6:30pm TaiChi – CH2 Bocce – CH2 Bocce Courts Open Tennis League Comp - Courts Water Aerobics – CH2 (pool) Quilters – CH1 (Tuscany) Men’s Golf League – Oyster Creek Yoga – CH1 Texas Hold’em – CH2 (Lido) Line Dance Beginners – CH1 Ceramics – CH1 Bible Class – CH2 (Venetian) Bingo – CH2 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 1:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Walking Workout – CH2 Rise & Shine Group – CH1 Ladies’ Coffee Klatch – CH1 (Tuscany) Open Tennis League Comp. - Courts Water Aerobics – CH2 (pool) Fri. Bowling – AMF Lanes Shuffleboard – CH1 courts Hand & Foot – CH1 (Tuscany) Euchre (all cards) – CH1 (Sorrento) 9:00am 9:30am 12:00pm 6:45pm 7:00pm Open Tennis League Comp. - Courts Church Set-up – CH1 Pickleball – Foxworthy Park Pinochle – CH1 (Sorrento) Bridge – CH2 (Venetian) 9:20am 12:00pm Church Service – CH1 Pickleball – Foxworthy Park FRIDAY SATURDAY WEDNESDAY 21 SUNDAY VI Billiards Club Monday – Saturday 12:30-2:30pm Call Rita Klintworth (485-8997) to reserve CH1, CH2 or the Tiki Hut FEBRUARY SPECAL EVENTS Feb 3 1pm – VIHO Workshop CH2 Feb 6 5:30pm – Park Dinner CH2 Feb 8 7pm – Movie Night CH2 Feb 10 9am – Church Council CH2 Feb 10 1pm – VIHO Board Mtg. CH2 Feb 11 10am – VI Readers CH2 Feb 11 7pm – Star Entertainment CH2 Feb 14 7:30am – VI Breakfast CH2 Feb 14 5pm – Supper Club CH2 Feb 15 4pm – Tennis Club Social THut Feb 17 4pm - VI Cruisers Klub THut Feb 17 1pm – Fashion Show CH2 Feb 18 9am – Blood Pressure CH2 Feb 18 7pm – Lets Play Trivia CH2 Feb 19 9am – VI Gardeners CH2 Feb 19 10:30a – Craft Show Mtg. CH2 Feb 19 1pm – VI Singles CH1 Feb 21 9am – Craft Show CH2 Feb 22 7pm – Star Entertainment CH2 Feb 24 9am – VIAC Board Mtg. Feb 24 5pm – Tri/Canada Dinner CH2 Feb 25 10am – VI Readers Feb 28 7:30p – Dance For A Cure CH2 22 CH2 CH2 FIND AN ACTIVITY (some activities are seasonal) (please check monthly schedule) Activities Art Groups/All Media – Mon 9a Bible Class – Thursday 2p Billiards – Mon thru Sat 8a-10p Bingo – Thursday 6:30p Bocce – Tues, Wed, Thurs 9a Church Choir – Wed 3p Church Service – Sun 9:20a Church Set-up – Sat 9:30a Clogging – Thur 2p CH1-Tuscany CH2-Venetian CH2-SanMarco CH2 CH2-courts CH1 CH1 CH1 CH2-Venetian Coffee Klatch/ladies- Fri 8:30a Dancing/Line Instr. – Thur 12:30p Dancing/Fun Night – Mon 7p Dancing/Theatre Jazz – Mon 11a I-Pad Class – Tues 11a Mex.Train Dominoes – Mon 6:45p Glee Club/men – Wed 10a Horseshoes – Wed 10a Mahjongg – Wed 6:30p Pickleball – Wed 10a, S&S 12p Quilt Group – Mon 1p Quilter’s Class – Thur 9:30a Shuffleboard Practice – Mon 1p Shuffleboard – Fri 1p Tai Chi – Tues/Thur 8:30a Teddy Bear/Pine Needles – Tues 9a Tennis/Open League – Tues-Sat rd VI Singles-3 Thurs-1p Water Aerobics – M/T/T/F 9:30a CH1-Tuscany CH1 CH2 CH1 CH2-Rialto CH1 CH1 CH1-Pits CH1-Tuscany FoxworthyPark CH1-Tuscany CH1-Tuscany CH1-courts CH1-courts CH2 CH1-Tuscany Tennis Court CH1-Tuscany CH2-pool Cribbage – Wed 7p Euchre – Tue/Fri 7p Hand & Foot – Wed 11:45a, Fri 6p Pinochle/ladies – Mon 12:30p Pinochle/everyone – Wed/Sat 6:45p Poker – Tues/Wed 6p Texas Hold’Em – Mon 6:30p Texas Hold’Em – Thur 10a CH2-Venetian CH1 CH1-Tuscany CH1-Sorrento CH1-Sorrento CH2-Lido CH2-Lido CH2-Lido Exercise (workouts) Rise & Shine – M/W/F 8:30a Walking Workout – M/W/F 8:30a CH1 CH2 Golf Bowling PJ McMahon – Mon 9:30a Mixed Bowling League – Fri 10a AMF Lanes AMF Lanes Cards Bridge/everyone – Tue/F/Sat 7p Bridge/duplicate – Mon 7p Bridge/ladies – Tue 1p 23 CH2-Venetian CH1-Sorrento CH2-Venetian Golf/Mixed League – Tues 11:00a Men’s Golf League – Thur 10a Gentlemen’s Group – Tues 11:30a Venice Lakes Oyster Creek Capri Isle
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