FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Term 2 2014 The amazing start to our just continues to get better! Wednesday 4th February Date Claimers February 2014 Thursday 5th February Sacramental Program Launch St Patrick’s Beenleigh 6.00—7.00pm Thursday 12th February School Swimming Carnival Saturday 14th February Sacramental Program Blessing Mass - St Patrick’s Beenleigh Tuesday 17th February Parent Information night and welcoming. Wednesday 18th February Ash Wednesday This week we welcome some new members to our student community; Luke (yr 3) and Thomas (Yr 5) join us from Gladstone, and on Monday we welcome Jake (Yr 5) and Jett (Prep) from Yeppoon as well as Jacob (prep) and Megan (yr 1) freshly arrived from Canberra. We wish the warmest of welcomes to these families as they settle into their new schools and homes. To welcome new (and existing families) to the school year, we will be holding a parent information evening on Tuesday February 17. We have changed the structure a little this easier in a bid to make it easier for families to attend, especially if you have students in multiple grades. The program is: 6.00pm. Prep and Year One. The sessions are focusing more on the practical weekly routine items, rather than the big picture of schooling which you heard last year. It’s also a great time to have those important questions answered! 6.30pm We gather in the Undercover Area, for a wine and cheese type gathering to meet new and existing parents. At that time I will outline the school goals and major projects for the year ahead. Tuesday 24th February School Photos 7.00pm Year 2/3 Information sessions March 2014 7.30pm year 4 and 5/6 Information sessions Tuesday 3rd March P & F Meeting These nights are a great way to welcome new families, and establish a positive two way communication, which can only make better learning for our children! Tuesday 24th March First Reconciliation—St Patrick's Beenleigh 5.00—6.30pm April 2014 Thursday 2nd April Last Day Term 1 Friday 3rd April Good Friday Monday 20th April First day Term 2 In other exciting news, next Thursday (12th Feb) we will be holding our first ever school swimming carnival at the Woongoolba Pool. Normally (and in the future) these would be twilight events, but for our first event, we wanted the whole school to be present. We will arrive at the pool for an 11.00am start and aim to be back at school at 2.00pm. Children who turn 10 years or older will be eligible for District Swimming trials, and as such need to demonstrate they can swim 50m. Nomination forms for those swimmers were sent home today. Our younger grades (p-3) will be doing ‘across the pool’ events. Participation is the key, and given the young age of our participants, we would like (and need) as many parents as possible who would like to participate in a nice cool dip on a hot day to support our younger swimmers. SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS : 8.00AM – 3.00PM We will also need assistance with timekeepers, judges etc. so please, if you can, come along and help make it a great day! The children will be travelling to and from the carnival by bus. And a permission form will be sent home tomorrow in your child’s satchel. That Thursday (12th) will be a big day, as we start at 9.30 with our first whole school liturgy, and conclude the day with our school assembly. I don’t think the children will have too much trouble getting to sleep on Thursday night! Last night we had a great P&F Meeting and it was terrific to see so many new faces. We have a lot of events planned for this year, and a number of key projects to support. A full calendar is being out together and will be sent home as soon as dates and venues are confirmed. Our first major fundraiser is a two day bbq outside Master’s hardware. We need as many volunteers as possible, so please look out for these notes when they go home, and see if you can manage one hour out of your weekend to assist in raising funds for the children at school. A high priority discussed at last night’s meeting was to purchase more Upper Primary fiction books for the library to support and encourage readers in our growing senior population. Last week I neglected to inform you of the new staff employed over the holidays. We have appointed Mrs Anne Flood to the position of Music Teacher. Anne is a very experienced teacher and bring great student engagement to her role. Mrs Lucy Ames has joined us a teacher aide in prep. Lucy would be known to many from some of her casual work here last year. And finally, Mrs Kerri Riding has been appointed as our School based Speech Pathologist. Kerri is a former teacher, which gives her terrific insights into speech and learning. We were all very pleased and proud (especially in the Kerrins house) to see one of our staff members being acknowledged by both Brisbane catholic Education and the Federal Government for their passion for learning. On Monday, Ibu Kerrins’ picture and story have been the front page highlight on the BCE website (copy attached). It is nice to know that our vision and culture of learning is being recognised and supported beyond our immediate community. We have some exciting things planned for our teaching of Indonesian this year, and I am sure that at the year’s end we will be able to look at our efforts and say, “Bagus sekali!” (ask your children to translate! Have a great week everyone! APRE News It has been a lovely start to the new school year and it has been great to reconnect with our continuing families and to also meet many of our new students and parents over the past week. There are many opportunities in the upcoming weeks for parents to be involved in the religious life of the school and further develop the partnership between family, school and parish in nurturing your child’s faith. Each class participates in a daily morning/afternoon prayer circle and, once the children have settled into their routines, teachers will begin to invite parents to participate in these class prayer experiences. Please check communications from your class teachers for more information about class prayer. Parish Sacramental Program St Patrick’s Sacramental Program for the children begins on Thursday 5th February. The evening begins with a BBQ at 6pm followed by the orientation. This session is for children and parents. Please bring the completed forms with you with payment of $70 (correct money please – cash only) if you have not already registered at the Parish Office. For more information please contact the parish office 32872282. Please be aware that only Baptised children are able to commence the program and must be 8 years old before the 14th June 2015. If your child was not baptised at St Patrick’s, you will also need to bring your baptism certificate to complete the registration. Whole School Beginning of Year Liturgy We invite all family and friends to join us for our first Liturgy of the Word to celebrate a new school year on Thursday the 12th of February at 9am. We will gather as a whole school community in the undercover area. Parents are welcome to share a tea/coffee in the tuckshop area before/after the liturgy. We look forward to seeing you there. Care Group Our school community is looking for someone to take the lead of our Care Group. The Care group is a sub-committee of our P & F and provides pastoral support for our school community. The aim of this group is to coordinate help and assistance to anyone in our community during their time of need. This includes maintaining a database of people who are able to help out with moving lawns, cooking meals, child minding etc. The care and concern group has been working hard to build a relationship with our parish church and community also. We are asking for expressions of interest from parents who would like to be part of this group. If you would like to know more, or would like to volunteer to be part of the group this year, please email the school at with your name and contact details. The format of meetings and times etc. will be discussed with the group in consultation with Peter Kerrins and myself once the group has been formed. Kathleen Crawford 2015 Staff Principal – Mr Peter Kerrins Assistant Principal Religious Education – Mrs Kathleen Crawford School Secretary – Mrs Irene Aldridge Finance Secretary – Mrs Helen Day Teacher Librarian – Mrs Robyne Cooke Support Teacher Inclusive Education – Mrs Megan Bush Guidance Counsellor – Mrs Caroline Vakaci Speech Pathologist – Mrs Kerridyn Riding Prep Classroom Teachers: Miss Renata DeMonte and Mrs Danielle Reeves Prep School Officers: Mrs Cheryl Evans, Mrs Lucy Ames Year 1 Teachers: Miss Caroline Coyle and Miss Kate Campbell Year 2 Teacher: Mrs Gina Lyons Year 3 Teacher: Mrs Alana Feddema/Mrs Kellie Hewson Year 4 Teacher: Mr Jake Knowles Year 5/6 Teacher: Mrs Cassandra Massey Classroom School Officers: Mrs Corrie Millard, Mrs Nicole Sprott Music Teacher: Mrs Anne Flood HPE Teacher: Mrs Cindy Farinosi LOTE Teacher: Mrs Rina Kerrins Tuckshop Convenor: Mrs Karen Tack Uniform Shop Co-ordinator: Mrs Kylie Dodd Finance News Term 1 statement of fees and levies are expected to be emailed out next week. School fees and levies are issued 4 times a year, at the beginning of each term, and are payable by the due date. This can be paid by either of the following methods EFTPOS, Credit Card and Debit Card at the School Office or over the phone, BPay, Direct Debit, Cheque or Cash (ensuring you have the correct amount, due to NO cash on the premises). Fees are broken up into tuition, student levy, capital levy, family levy and P&F. An additional $50.00 per family per term will be charged as a voluntary building fund contribution. Families are encouraged to contribute to the building fund in which a separate tax receipt will be issued to you at the end of the financial year in which you can then claim this expense with your tax return as its tax deductable. This is used to help maintain our beautiful new buildings. It’s still not too late to set up Direct Debit for paying school fees and levies, 2015 DD forms are available on our web site or from the Admin Office. This is easy to set up and it eliminates the concern of having to pay the School Fees and Levies in a lump sum at the beginning of each term. If you have any questions regarding fees please contact me on the school no. 5549 5000 or by email Warm regards Library News Hi Parents / Caregivers, Welcome to the Library for 2015. My name is Robyne Cooke and I am the Teacher/Librarian at Mother Teresa Primary. I am at the school two days a week, Wednesday and Thursdays. The Library is here to support and assist your children to achieve a greater confidence and gain success at using the Library. I am hoping to create a fun and entertaining learning space. Below is a little information about the Library, about what will occur during Library Lessons and Library Procedures. Please feel free to contact me directly about any concerns that you may have. The children will take part in a 30min weekly Library lesson. Prep - Wednesday Year 1 - Thursday Year 2 - Wednesday Year 3 - Thursday Year 4 - Wednesday Year 5/6 – Thursday The Library lesson will consist of around 20mins teaching time by my self, 10mins individual reading/choosing time by the children and borrowing time. The lessons will be entertaining and informative including, storytelling, puppetry, magnetic / felt stories, string stories, paper cutting stories, poetry, child inclusive stories, songs and books, both fiction and non-fiction along with learning how to use the books to achieve knowledge. The children will borrow using their Home Satchels as Library Bags. The children can borrow one book for one week and may renew the item for another week if they wish. The books will be collected from the classrooms to return to the Library on the morning of the children’s Library lesson. Teachers will be given a notice of any overdue items. These notices may be sent home to the parents. If an item becomes lost or damaged it would be appreciated if you could contact me as quickly as possible so that we can rectify the problem. The Library is open at second break for the children to come and be involved in quiet reading, colouring and drawing or quiet games. I am looking forward to sharing my love for Libraries and literature with the students of Mother Teresa Primary. Kind Regards Robyne Cooke Teacher / Librarian Year 3 News We welcome 6 new people to our class; Roman, Jhett, Avah, Archer, Benjamin and Luke. In Year Three this week we have been learning lots of new things. We’ve learnt that our feelings can BOUNCE BACK when we use Green thoughts (positive thoughts). We learnt that bad times don’t last forever and we should try to do things that make us feel happy. In English we have learnt about types of texts. Texts can either Persuade, Inform or Entertain (P.I.E). We are learning mental maths, where we use our brains to solve sums using strategies like count on and count back. We are very lucky because we have brand new laptops which is very exciting. Written by: Year 3 students. General Interest BAZZA’S GARDENING TIPS… Using vegetables as a decorative border along garden beds can be pleasing to the eye and a joy to the taste buds. Use carrots which have a lovely lacy foliage , red leaf beetroot and lettuce that come in colours of green, pink and purple. Make a furrow, sprinkle some carrot seed then plant a few lettuce seedlings, followed by a few beetroot plants. Repeat this all along the garden bed edge to give contrasting colour. The lettuce and beetroot are available as seedlings from all good garden centres. PLAYGROUP @ MOTHER TERESA Our schools’ P and F run a very popular and successful playgroup for non-school aged children. It is held every Wednesday between 8:30 – 10:30am for a gold coin donation. It is not exclusively for Mother Teresa families but is open to the wider Ormeau community. Our playgroup utilises the before and after school care room where there is an abundance of age appropriate games and toys. We also venture out for outside activities (sandpit, playground etc). We have music and dance time which is heaps of fun and we end with story time. I look forward to seeing new faces and of course my regulars! PCYC OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS If you have any questions or would like enrolment information regarding PCYC Outside School Hours Care or Vacation Care please contact: Carmen on 0417246054 or or come in and see us. For a quick and easy way to enrol please follow the link UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop is open on Thursdays from 8.00 am to 8.30 am. If you require any uniforms outside of these hours you can simply download the order form from the school website and enter required details. Payment can be made by credit card (complete all your details on the order form) or eftpos. Please forward the completed form to the office (in person, by email or fax) for processing. Your order will be processed on a Thursday and will be sent to your child’s classroom. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE A valued member of our Mother Teresa community would like to offer her services as a Justice of the Peace. If you require this service please contact the school office and your details will be passed on. Cost Only $70 ORMEAU JAFC NAB AFL Auskick Centre Sign on & 1st Session: –Thursday 26th February Time: 4:00 – 5:00pm Venue: Ormeau Bulldogs Football Club Address: 16 Upper Ormeau road Cost: $70 For more information contact: Matthew Palmer 0429335129 Or visit Participants receive benefits which includes, Hat, Football, Back pack and much more. TO REGISTER: PREFERRED OPTION -: Register online & pay online at 1. Please print your receipt and bring to the first session SCHOOL BANKING School Banking is available on Friday Opening accounts for School Banking School Banking accounts can now be opened at any Commonwealth Bank branch. Just go into any branch and ask to open a Youthsaver account for School Banking. Remember to take in identification for you and your child (such as driver’s license and birth certificate), you will receive a Dollarmites wallet and deposit book on the spot and be able to start banking on Friday’s – it is that easy! If you are a Commonwealth Bank customer with NetBank you have the option to open the account online as well! When completing the deposit slip please ensure the following: Correct money is included in the deposit wallet Deposit slip is completed in blue or black pen Student id number is included on the deposit slip Rewards It is with great excitement that we are able to announce some fantastic new rewards available this year!! Claims will be forwarded to the Commonwealth Bank for redeeming. Reward items will be presented at assembly once the school receives them from the Commonwealth Bank. We're excited to launch the new reward items for 2015 from our Outer Space Savers range. ET DVD and Planet Handball, released Term 1 Invisible Ink Martian Pen and Intergalactic Rocket, released Term 2 Glow-in-the-Dark Solar System and Cosmic Light Beam Torch, released Term 3 Outer Space Savers Money Box and Lunar Light Band, released Term 4 No Parking in the Loading Zone or Pick Up Zone (No Parking Times 8am – 9am, 2:30 – 3:30pm) Cars utilising the Pick Up Zone queue in this area. Driver Must Remain in Vehicle. 2:50pm teachers move to undercovered area with class and send registered children to Outside School Hours Care Class teachers dismiss children if parents are waiting in undercovered area Parents walking to cars with children use two side paths that connect with crossings in carpark 2:55pm Children using pick up zone assemble with teacher on duty and move to pick up zone Children remain seated while waiting Children can enter first two cars only (teacher on duty will direct children to vehicle) Parents will be asked to move along into the loading zone and park if their child/ren are not ready when they arrive at the front of the pick up zone (in order to keep the line of traffic flowing) Parents must remain inside car while in Pick Up Zone After school supervision ends at 3:15pm (parents are required to make alternative after school arrangements for children not able to be collected by this time) MOTHER’S KITCHEN Welcome to Mother Teresa Primary School Ormeau, Mother Teresa operates a tuckshop, thanks to a highly dedicated team of volunteers. Our tuckshop is open on a Wednesday only and uses an online ordering system (e.g. no cash). Attached are the details on how to register. The account you set up is similar to that of Go Via in that you place an amount in the account, then each week when you make an order that total amount of your order is deducted from your credit amount. When your credit amount becomes low you will need to manually top it up. We tend to alter our menu twice a year; generally for a winter and a summer menu, however slight changes may occur through-out. You will stay abreast of these changes via the online system, school 24. Now on a more serious matter, our tuckshop wants YOU. We love having many volunteers lending a hand. There are many benefits to helping out, here are a few: Maintains communication lines between parents of the school Meet and catch up with new friends Contribute to our lovely school Children love seeing someone they love in the tuckshop during their breaks. Flexible shifts and you don’t have to commit to every week. AND, if you have younger non-school aged children, don’t despair, Mother Teresa’s runs a playgroup in house. So your little one can play in a safe, happy environment while you’re in the tuckshop. This playgroup is run by a current, registered teacher. If you have any queries, concerns, desires to help etc you can contact our tuckshop administrator/chairperson through email or phone, see below: Sumaya Lane 0417 243 438 Again we welcome you to our school and look forward to meeting you and your child/ children. From your friendly tuckshop committee ONLINE TUCKSHOP ORDERING WITH ‘SCHOOL24’ Follow simple steps: Go to: Top left click ‘login/register’ Click second tab across ‘create account’ Register your details NOTE: School registration ID is: 25229963 Click ‘Sign up’ An email will be sent. (No need to click on any links) Login to school24 site with your details (username (email) and password) https:// Choose service fee option: Pay As You Go (25c per order, per student. Good if you only have 1 child and don’t get tuckshop very often) or Unlimited ($2 per term/per family paid in advance for the remainder of the year). Great if you have tuckshop every week and/or you have 2 or more children). If you choose unlimited you will be directed to PayPal to pay the fee. Click ‘Top up’ on left hand menu of home page, make payment by one of the two ways: Direct deposit (slow/ 2 days, but attracts no fees) Account details are on page. If you email a copy of your internet banking transaction receipt to the process will be a lot faster. Credit card (fast/instant, but attracts fees: 30c to PayPal for each transaction) If you use direct deposit ensure that you fill in the ‘Manual top up’ request form located on your home page of School24 website. You will be notified when your top up request has been accepted (seen in the bank account) by way of email. From link on left ‘Add child’. Enter your child/children’s details. Then you’re away!!!!! LOTE teacher Rina Kerrins has secured a Federal Government Endeavour Language Teacher Fellowship (ELTF) to further her development in the teaching of culture and language. Rina, who works part time at St Peter’s School, Rochedale, and Mother Teresa’s School, Ormeau, applied for, and received funding for Action Learning Projects at both schools to investigate better ways of teaching languages from Prep to Year 7. She has been proactive in promoting Indonesian culture and language, as well as her normal lessons, in both schools. In a letter received from Federal Education Minister Christopher Pine, he commended Rina on her commitment to language teaching in schools. He said he hoped the professional learning experiences she gained through participating in the program would be both interesting and rewarding. The fellowships provide an opportunity for practising, retraining or a pre-service language teacher, to improve language skills and gain valuable cultural experience through a fully-funded, three-week in-country study program in one of 10 countries. Participants gain new knowledge and skills, and an increased understanding of target languages and cultures; an opportunity to network with fellow language teachers from around Australia and helps strengthen linkages between schools and other countries Rina has networked with a wide range of LOTE (Language Other Than English) teachers from both Education Queensland and Catholic schools to share resources and knowledge. She also helps prepare performances for assemblies, parish events and special occasions and organised a combined performance of Indonesian songs with St Joseph’s School, Beenleigh, at their Multicultural Mass. Rina Kerrins and her students are passionate about all things Indonesian
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