2015 Official Parade Registration Saturday, March 21, 2015 @ 11:00 PM Lights, Camera, Action A journey down the red carpet Organization Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City / State / ZIP ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home: (_______) __________________________ Office: (_______) __________________________ Cellular: (_______) __________________________ E-Mail Address (MANDATORY): _____________________________________________________________ PLEASE INDICATE THE NUMBER OF ENTRIES YOU WISH TO REGISTER FOR THE PARADE: # OF FLOATS # OF TRUCKS # OF CARS # OF HORSES # OF PEDS # OF OTHER* * Please specify below ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any unusual and uncommon vehicles may require the approval of Parade Officials Will you operate a sound system on your float / vehicle? Will you hand out candy, gifts or other promotional items? YES YES NO NO IMPORTANT: THE PROPER ENTRY FEES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THIS PARADE REGISTRATION 2015 LEHIGH SPRING FESTIVAL PARADE ENTRY FEE $ 30.00 Please make all checks payable to: LEHIGH SPRING FESTIVAL For more information, please contact us at: Parade@LehighSpringFestival.com FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Registration Completed Entry Fee Paid in Full Check Cleared Line-Up Number Assigned Line-Up Information Transmitted ______________________________ LINE UP NUMBER 2015 Official Parade Registration Saturday, March 21, 2015 @ 11:00 PM Lights, Camera, Action A journey down the red carpet !!! IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY !!! A. The Lehigh Spring Festival will allow you to enter one or multiple units per organization, which will be included with your registration fee. The additional fee for multiple units has been discontinued for this year. B. All entries MUST be registered with the Lehigh Spring Festival PRIOR to the registration deadline. C. Any changes to types of “units”requires the approval of Parade Officials prior to parade day. D. Entries not registered with the Festival will not be permitted to participate in the parade! No exceptions! E. The entry fee must be submitted and received with this registration. All checks must clear and must be received by the Festival prior to registration deadline. If the entry fee is not received with your application, you will not be registered and your application will be declined. F. NO REFUNDS of any kind of your registration fee will be provided, if you cancel your registration at any time after your registration is received, if you arrive late or don’t show up on event day. This is a rain or shine event! G. The registration deadline for the 2015 Spring Festival Parade is FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015. H. The parade check-in will be located along South Loop Boulevard, near the intersection of South Loop Blvd. and Business Way. All entries MUST enter the Parade Staging Area by entering South Loop Boulevard off Homestead Road (Landmark: Shell Gas Station). Do not attempt to enter the Parade Staging Area from any other direction or entry point. Please visit www.LehighSpringFestival.com for a detailed map of the Parade Stating Area and Parade Route I. Parade line-up will begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, March 21, 2015. Parade Officials will assist you in locating your line-up position. All participants, especially vehicles and drivers, must be checked in and at their line-up position NO LATER THAN 9:30 am. Traffic will be heavy, so plan your travel time accordingly. Temporary traffic back-ups are common and unavoidable. IMPORTANT: Any late arrivals are subject to being eliminated from the parade line-up! J. Your entry will be judged during the parade. The judging area will be located along the parade route, in front of the SunTrust Bank. Make sure to be creative and put on your smile for the judges! The official theme for this year will be: “Lights, Camera, Action! A journey down the Red Carpet”. Think movies, blockbusters and academy awards! K. The official parade starting point will be at the corner of Homestead Road and Beth Stacey Boulevard. The official parade end will be at the corner of Homestead Road and Arthur Ave. All parade participants must stay on the parade route the entire time! IMPORTANT: Absolutely no early drop outs are allowed - NO EXCEPTIONS! L. For the safety of all participants and spectators, NO ITEMS OF ANY KIND SHALL BE THROWN OR HANDED TO THE PUBLIC FROM ANY MOVING VEHICLE! You are encouraged to have volunteers walking next to your vehicle or float and hand out items, such as candy, gifts or other promotional items, as long as you keep up with the normal flow and speed of the parade. I/We have read and understand the Lehigh Acres Spring Festival Rules and Regulations as stated above and I/We agree to abide them at any and all times while participating at the Lehigh Spring Festival Grand Parade. I/We agree to and hereby assume any and all risks of personal injuries to myself and any member (including minors), including injury, death and damages to my/our property arising from participation in this event. I/We agree to defend, indemnify and hold the Lehigh Acres Spring Festival, its members and volunteers harmless from and against any claim, demand, suit, loss causes of action, damages, liabilities, obligations, costs, expenses and judgments (including without limitation, death, and damages to property) caused by participant’s acts or omissions and arising out of participant’s involvement in this event. I/WE HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE FOREGOING RELEASE AND IDEMNIFICATION _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Chairperson _____________________ Date _________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name of Chairperson PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR PARADE REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT TO THE FOLLOWING MAIILING ADDRESS: Lehigh Spring Festival Attn. Grand Parade P.O. Box 747 Lehigh Acres, FL 33970 !!! ALL REGISTRATIONS AND PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 !!!
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