OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH JOHNSTON, RI Dear Friend of Youth, I have some very exciting news to share with you. Our parish, Our Lady of Grace, Johnston, Rhode Island, is sending young people and chaperones to be with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, when he addresses the youth of the world in Krakow, Poland. It is a great honor for these young men and women to represent our parish at this event. I am very proud of them and their commitment to their parish and to the Church. At this time, I am hoping you would consider helping our pilgrims travel to WYD Poland 2016. Please consider making a financial contribution as your means allow. Thank you and please remember the parish youth in your prayers. Respectfully in Christ, Reverend Peter J. Gower World Youth Day Poland 2016 Sponsor Form World Youth Day – 2016 Official Prayer God, merciful Father, in your Son, Jesus Christ, you have revealed your love and poured it out upon us in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. We entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every man and woman. We entrust to you, in a special way young people of every language, people and nation: guide and protect them as they walk the complex paths of the world today and give them the grace to reap abundant fruits from their experience of the Krakow World Youth Day. Heavenly Father, grant that we may bear witness to your mercy. Teach us how to convey the faith to those in doubt, hope to those who are discouraged, love to those who feel indifferent, forgiveness to those who have done wrong and joy to those who are unhappy. Allow the spark of merciful love that you have enkindled within us become a fire that can transform hearts and renew the face of the earth. Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us. St. John Paul II, pray for us. AMEN I will support our parish youth pilgrimage. Enclosed please find: ___$25.00 ___$50.00 ___$_______(other) ___$100.00 OR I would like to sponsor the entire pilgrimage for one WYD parish pilgrim! Enclosed please find: ___$2,999.00 Donated by: ______________________________ Please make checks payable to “Our Lady of Grace WYD”. Detach this portion and return it with your donation to the rectory or drop it into the collection basket. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! CATHOLIC CHARITY APPEAL 2015 The start of the 2015 Catholic Charity Appeal is fast approaching. Most families have already received a letter from Bishop Tobin asking for your support. If you respond directly to the Diocese our parish will receive credit. Our in-pew solicitation will take place on the weekends of March 14/15 and also March 21/22. Your gift to the 2015 Appeal reaches out to countless people in need throughout the diocese. No matter where you turn, you will find someone who will benefit from your kindness. Page 2 - 906 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Readings & Music for February 7/8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (year B) Readings: #1122 Gathering Hymn: Your Hands, O Lord In Days of Old Offertory: Christ, Be Our Light Communion: You Are Mine Recessional: Lord You give the Great Commission This Weekend (February 7/8) Lectors: 4:00 R. DiOrio 8:30 D. Buffi 10:30 S. Lemoi Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 4:00 J. Burley, A. Marta 8:30 S. Cabral, M.S. Andreozzi 10:30 P. Williams, F. DiBiasio Altar Servers: Our readings this week bring us to the Book of Job, the story of a man from whom God has taken everything. As he lives his life, we learn of his suffering at losing his family, his home, and his materials. This particular excerpt finds us with Job wishing for death at the agony he is currently experiencing. As we move forward, we find another example of someone suffering for God. Paul, who was formerly against Christianity, has turned his life to be a slave for the Lord. And again in the Gospel we hear of suffering; this time on the part of Peter’s mother-in-law. Jesus shows us the first example of literally practicing what he preaches, as he heals the sick townspeople. Our music today links all these together. Our gathering hymn speaks directly to Jesus and his ability to use his hands to heal the sick and our offertory and communion songs speak to the power of God to heal and save, and be a light for us at even our darkest times. As we close our Mass, we sing the mighty hymn, Lord, You Give the Great Commission, and hear a direct call and challenge to go out to the world and serve those amongst us in our every day lives. 4:00 C. Colavita, Ant. Cabral 8:30 Alexia Cabral, K. Fowler 10:30 K. White, B. Budway Next Weekend (February 14/15) Lectors: 4:00 L. Buono 8:30 J. Antonucci 10:30 P. Gondreau Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 4:00 G. Gauvin, M. Gauvin 8:30 A. Colannino, C. Colannino 10:30 S. Lakeland, R. Poli Altar Servers: 4:00 Ant. Cabral, A. Broccoli 8:30 Alexia Cabral, K. White 10:30 M. & M. Colardo, L. Gondreau THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The Altar Breads used this week are In Memory of Mary Irene Iannuccilli The Sanctuary Lamp will be lit this week In Memory of Mary Irene Iannuccilli DO IT ANYWAY!!! Doing God’s work often attracts attention, sometimes good, sometimes bad. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that we continue to do it, while remaining indifferent to those who would seek to stop us. Page 3 - 906 OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH JOHNSTON, RI OUR LADY OF GRACE CALENDAR OF EVENTS HOLY NAME SOCIETY NEWS 2015 Wednesday, Feb. 18 – Ash Wednesday (lent begins) Sunday, Mar. 8 – CCD confessions Sat. & Sun., Mar. 14/15 – Catholic Charity in-pew Sunday, Mar. 15 – CCD confessions Wednesday, Mar. 18 – Life Line Screening Thursday, Mar. 19 – The Feast of St. Joseph Sat. & Sun.,Mar. 21/22 – Catholic Charity in-pew Sat. & Sun., Mar. 21/22 – Fr. Patenaude speaks at all Masses Monday, Mar. 23 – Confirmation Tuesday, Mar. 24 – Palm Weaving begins Tuesday & Wednesday, Mar. 24/25 – Lenten Mission with Fr. Patenaude Tuesday & Wednesday, Mar. 24/25 – Confessions Saturday, Mar. 28 – First Communion Rehearsal Sunday, Mar. 29 – Palm Sunday Thursday, April 2 – Holy Thursday Friday, April 3 – Living Stations of the Cross Friday, April 3 – Good Friday Saturday, April 4 – Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4 – Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) Sunday, April 5 – Easter Saturday, April 11 – First Communion Rehearsal Sunday, April 12 – First Communion Sunday, May 3 – Primavera Thursday, May 14 – The Ascension of the Lord (holy day of obligation) Sunday, May 17 – May Breakfast Sunday, June 7 – Holy Name Installation & Breakfast Friday, June 19 – 20 Week Club Dinner Tues., Wed., & Sun., Sept. 8, 9 & 13 – Triduum Thurs. – Sun., Sept. 10 – 13 – Annual Feast & Festival Saturday, Nov. 7 – Ham & Bean Supper ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK North East Auto Body & Sales 21 Humbert St., No. Providence 20 WEEK CLUB The 20 Week Club has begun. Start thinking of a lucky number to play and get on board. The club begins with an early bird drawing at the beginning of Feb. for all those members who are paid in full at that time. Then there are 20 weekly drawings with prizes of $100.00 each. Every paid up club member is entitled to a dinner at Lancellotta’s Restaurant on June 19th. On the night of the closing dinner prizes are: $500 - $500 - $200 $100. See a member of the Holy Name Society in the vestibule of the church to pick your winning number. Praise the Lord Who heals the broken hearted RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Regular Schedule: Grades 1 through 7 meet at 9AM and are dismissed after the 10:30 Mass. Confirmation class (grades 8 & 9) meet for the 10:30 Mass and are dismissed at 12:45PM. Confirmation will take place on Monday, March 23rd at 6:30PM. First Holy Communion will be on Sunday, April 12th during the 10:30 Mass. There are no School of Religion classes on Sunday, February 8th and 15th. Classes will resume according to the regular schedule on Sunday, Feb. 22nd. Page 4 – 906 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 8, 2015 THIS WEEK’S HAPPENINGS Lent A Journey to Holiness Sunday, Feb. 8 – School of Religion classes are in recess until Feb. 22nd. Sunday, Feb. 8 – Baptism during the 10:30 Mass. Tuesday, Feb. 10 – Italian Class at 6:00PM in Fioretti Hall. Thursday, Feb. 12 – Italian Class at 6:30PM in Fioretti Hall. Sunday, Feb. 15 – School of Religion classes are in recess until Feb. 22nd. The Feast of St. Joseph St. Joseph’s Day is a big Feast for Italians because in the Middle Ages, God, through St. Joseph’s intercessions, saved the Sicilians from a very serious drought. So in his honor, the custom is for all to wear red, in the same way that green is worn on St. Patrick’s Day. In keeping with tradition, this year Our Lady of Grace Rosary Society is sponsoring a celebration in honor of St. Joseph. Beginning this week you will see a special table on display in the church. On the table will be a statue surrounded by flowers or greens and various symbols representing St. Joseph. There will be a basket on the table for you to place petitions or pictures of loved ones you would like remembered at the Mass on the Feast Day. The Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, March 19th at 6:30PM. Following the Mass we will go downstairs to Fioretti Hall for a “St. Joseph Meal”. Following Italian tradition the Rosary Society will serve a meatless meal consisting of Minestrone Soup, Pasta with Breadcrumbs (representing St. Joseph’s sawdust), salad and Zepoles. Tickets are on sale for the dinner now and are $10.00 per person. Please see a member of the Rosary Society after Mass. A Holistic Approach to Lent PRAYER: Balance your spiritual life by integrating the body, mind, and soul in your prayer life. Increase the quality, not the quantity of your prayer. Enhance meditative prayer by “unplugging” from the TV, the iPod and the car radio. Create spaces where God’s voice can be heard. For more active or external prayer, keep a journal, or read the psalms aloud. FASTING: Use your fasting, not to impress God with your discomfort, but to feed on the gifts for which you hunger most. Let your fasting serve the lives of others as well as your own. It does little good to give up dessert, but then to grumble at your children’s need for attention. Fast from anger, blame, and entitlement; feast on forgiveness, affirmation and the common good. ALMSGIVING: Connect your almsgiving to your fasting. If you skip a daily latte, give the money to a local food bank. If you have limited finances, give your time and talent. Give generously, not just from the leftovers, but from the “first fruits” of your table. ST ANNE SODALITY NEWS Due to inclement weather and snow covered walkways, the Sodality meeting, which was cancelled this past week, has been re-scheduled. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 10th at 7:00PM in Fioretti Hall. Due to this rescheduling, there will be NO Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament before the meeting. Page 5 - 906 OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH JOHNSTON, RI PARISH DIRECTORY MASS INTENTIONS SAT Holy Services MASSES: Saturday Vigil: 4:00PM Sunday 8:30AM and 10:30AM Monday through Friday 8:00AM Feb. 7 Vigil: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 Salvatore DeLuise (14th Anniv.) req. by Family 7:00 Bells: Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Saturday at 3:00PM Holy Rosary: Saturday at 3:30PM SUN Feb. 8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 Lottie Landolfi (10th Anniv.) & Jaclyn Snow (1st Anniv.) req. by Family 10:30 Phyllis Gesualdi (Anniv.) req. by Family 7:00 Bells: TUE Feb. 10 St. Scholastica 8:00 Joseph Fratus (1st Anniv.) req. by Gloria & Family 7:00 Bells: WED Feb. 11 Our Lady of Lourdes 8:00 Wilford H. Dardeen (Mem.) req. by Angela D’Amico & Family 7:00 Bells: Reconciliation: SACRAMENTS Saturday 3-3:30PM or by appointment. Baptism: Second Sunday of each month, during the 10:30AM Mass. Please contact rectory to schedule baptismal instructions. THU Feb. 12 8:00 Pro Populo Parishioners of Our Lady of Grace 7:00 Bells: 7:00 In Residence Rev. Alfred Almonte, C.S. PERSONNEL Facilitator of Rel. Ed/Office Mrs. Joanne Burley Secretarial/Office Mrs. Donna Lussier Building Superintendent Mr. Joseph Quartino Director of Music Mr. Stephen Higgins Music Minister Mr. Jeff Del Gigante Coordinator of Ushers Mr. Armand Desrochers St. Anne Sodality President Mrs. Susan Mansolillo Holy Name Society President Mr. Jeff Mancini MON Feb. 9 8:00 Michael Saccocio (Mem.) req. by M/M Kenneth Cascella 7:00 Bells: Maria Savino Vigorito FRI 8:00 Pastor Rev. Peter J. Gower Matrimony: Notify parish priest at least one year before anticipated date of wedding for necessary pre-marriage arrangements and preparation. Feb. 13 Danny (30th Anniv.) & Josephine Catalano (25th Anniv.) & Florence D’Alessio (1st Anniv.) req. by Daughter & Sister, Shirley Bells: SAT Feb. 14 Vigil: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 Louise Spremulli Chairamonte (Mem.) req. by Joe & Eleanor Spremulli 7:00 Bells: SUN Feb. 15 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 Community Mass Donna Adessi, Theodore Richard, Jr. and Vincent Guertin 10:30 Michael LaSalandra (5th Anniv.) req. by Wife Holy Orders: If you have a heartfelt desire to serve the Lord, by preaching His Eternal Word, by celebrating the Sacraments, and by assisting His people in need, you may be among God’s chosen for a vocation to the priesthood. Speak to a priest today, or contact the Office of Vocations at 8318011. Ministry To The Ill Please notify the rectory when a parishioner or family member is hospitalized, or confined at home or in a nursing facility. Church Address: 15 George Waterman Rd., Johnston, RI Mailing Address: 4 Lafayette St., Johnston, RI 02919 Telephone: Rectory – (401) 231-2220 Religious Ed. (401) 231-8959 FAX: (401) 231-3905 Parish email: ourladyofgraceri@aol.com Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9AM – 4PM (closed 12 – 12:30PM for lunch) Page 6 – 906 Pontarelli Marino Traditional Services Cremation • Pre-Planning 971 Branch Ave., Providence, RI 401-331-7390 Directors: Daniel A. Pontarelli Jeremie R. Thibault Kelsey N. Casey Mark S. Marino Maceroni Laura Fortin Funeral Home DEPENDABLE ROLL-OFF SERVICE 944-3920 2141-R Plainfield Pike Johnston Commercial • Residental Industrial We Recycle Funeral Home 508-801-1909 THE LauraF@MelloGroup.com www.MelloGroup.com M ELLO GROUP R E A L E S TAT E S A L E S & D E V E L O P M E N T Family Owned & Operated Since 1926 Anthony W. 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Huston Directors 2251 Mineral Spring Ave. Norht Providence, RI Cage Free Chicken, Turkey & Eggs 324 Greenville Ave. Johnston, RI 02919 401-231-6315 Retail & Wholesale 231-9307 Professional Lawn Care, Inc. Complete Landscape Maintenance and Construction 401-944-8717 Woodlawn Funeral Home, Inc. 86 Greenville Ave. Johnston, RI 02919 LCCA.com AAA Thomas G. Gattone, Founder “Woodlawn” 600 Pontiac Ave. Cranston RI 02910 401-521-7318 Quality Used Cars Complete Automotive Work Domestic • Foreign 421-0289 www.WoodlawnGattone.com Robert J. Lepore Assistant to the Director Michael P. Tasca - President Susan M. Tasca - Director Ductwork HVAC Maintenance Service & Troubleshooting We MEAT your needs. 233 (R) George Waterman Rd. 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