IJPRD, 2014; Vol 6(12):January-2015(12 - 18) International Standard Serial Number 0974 – 9446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DENSITIES AND VISCOSITIES FOR BINARY MIXTURES OF ETHYLENEDIAMINE WITH WATER AT HIGHER TEMPERATURE G.P. Borse *1 and U.G. Deshpande2 1* 2 Department of Chemistry, R.L. College, Parola – 425 111. Department of Chemistry, Pratap College, Amalner – 425 401. ABSTRACT The densities and viscosities of Binary mixtures of ethylenediamine with water have been measured at six temperatures over the entire range of mole fraction of the compounds at atmospheric pressure. From these measurements, excess molar volume (vE), viscosity deviations (), excess Gibbs free energy of activation GE* of viscous flow, Grunberg Nissan (d), Tamura and Kurata (T12), Hind et al (H12), Katti Chaudhari (Wvis) interaction parameters were derived. The negative values of excess molar volumes were exhibited by the systems. These results suggest strong hydrogen bonding interactions in the composition of the entire mole fraction. Keywords: ethylenediamine, deviations, densities etc. Binary mixtures, INTRODUCTION The physical properties of a binary mixture such as viscosity and density are important from practical and theoretical points of view to understand the theory of liquids. Their properties are extremely useful for the design of types of transport and process equipment in chemical industries. The present paper is an attempt to study the excess properties of the binary mixtures in a Correspondence Author G.P. Borse Department of Chemistry, R.L. College, Parola – 425 111 MH, India viscosity systematic way. The paper describes the binary mixtures of di-amine which are industrially important organic compounds. Properties such as viscosities and excess molar volumes of binary mixtures of ethylene diamine and water are studied here. EXPERIMENTS – METHODS Ethylenediamine (A.R. Grade from S.D. Fine Chemicals) was kept over potassium hydroxide and Available online on www.ijprd.com 12 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development calcium oxide for 48 hours and then distilled. The first and last fractions were discarded only the middle fraction was collected and stored and protected against moisture and carbon dioxide. Triple distilled water (specific conductance less than 10 S cm-1) was employed in making of the compositions. Densities of the pure components and their compositions were measured on a vibrating tube density-meter, reproducible to 1 x 10-5 gm cm-3 (Anton paar model DMA 5000) measuring with high temperature accuracy (± 0.001 K) in a wide temperature range. The density-meter was calibrated with triple distilled water, the observed density was 0.998212 gm cm-3 at 20 °C which is closer to literature value.1 The mixtures were prepared by mixing known masses of pure liquid in air tight, narrow-mouth ground stoppered bottles taking precautions to minimise the evaporation losses. All measurements of mass were performed on an electronic balance with accuracy of 0.1 mg. Measurement of the dynamic viscosity viscosities and various compositions was carried out by using a suspended level Cannon-Ubbelohde viscometer. The viscometer was suspended vertically in a constant temperature bath (± 0.05 °C). The time given to attain thermal equilibrium for content of viscometer was 15 min. The flow time was measured to an accuracy of 0.1 S till a constant flow time was observed. The viscometer was separately calibrated with benzene and toluene (HPLC grade). At 303.15 K, the reproducibility in the viscosity measurement was ± 0.01 mPaS. Viscosities of the pure component of water were taken from the literature. RESULTS – Excess molar volumes VE were calculated from the measured densities2,3 () by using the relation. VE = (x 1 M 1 + x 2 M 2 ) − (x 1 V1 + x 2V2 ) ρ ISSN: 0974 – 9446 ——— (1) Where, x1 and x2 are mole fractions, M1 and M2 the molecular weights and V1 and V2 are the molecular volumes of ethylenediamine (1) and water (2) respectively. The experimental densities, excess molar volumes, viscosities and deviation in viscosities of binary mixtures of ethylenediamine (1) + water (2) at six different temperatures are reported in Table 1. Dynamic viscosities () of ethylenediamine (1) and water (2) mixtures of different temperatures were calculated by measuring density and flow time of the mixture (Table 1). The viscosity deviation was calculated6,7 by the equation (2) ——— (2) = – {x1 1 + x2 2} The experimental values of are also reported in (Table 1). On the basis of theory of absolute reaction rates, the excess Gibb’s energies (G*E) of activation was calculated 8,9 from equation (3) η V η V ∆G * E − x 1 ln 1 1 ——— (3) = ln η V RT η 2 V2 2 2 where v, v1 and v2 are the molar volumes of the binary mixture and pure components and calculated values of GE* are shown in Table 1. The activation parameters G*, H* and S* were calculated using Eyring and John’s equation10,11. hN ∆H * ∆S * = exp − ——— (4) V R RT where is viscosity of binary mixture in Pa.S and h, N and V are Planck’s constant, Avogadro’s number and molar volume respectively. When ln (V / hN) is plotted against 1/T, the slope is equal to H*/R and intercept is equal to – S*/R. Using graphical method, the Available online on www.ijprd.com 13 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development They suggested a regular solution model of approximation. Hind et el13 calculated second viral coefficient H12 by the equation — m = x1² 1 + x2² 2 + 2 x1 x2 H12 ——— (6) It could give a useful description of the behaviour of the mixtures. Where H12 is the Hind et al interaction parameter. Tamura and Kurata14 gave the definition mutual viscosity and derived a new Semi— empirical equation — h = x1 1 1 + x2 2 2 + 2(x1 x2 1 2)½ T12 ——— (7) where 1 and 2 are the volume fractions of components 1 and 2 respectively, T12 is Tamura and Kurata constant. Gruenberg and Nissan15 derived an equation correlating the viscosity of liquid mixtures with viscosity and constituents, composition of the mixture and interaction parameter between the molecules ln = x1 ln 1 + x2 ln 2 + x1 x2 d ——— (8) where, , 1 and 2 — are the viscosity of binary mixture, ethylenediamine (1) and water (2) respectively, d is Gruenberg and Nissan constant. Wvis, H12, T12 and d values were calculated by eqn. 5, 6, 7 and 8 are presented in Table 4. DISCUSSION The graphical presentation of the excess molar volumes of ethylenediamine + water as shown in Fig. 1. In this system also the values of excess molar volume are found to the indeed negative, indicating strong hydrogen bonding interactions in the composition; of the entire mole fraction range. Maximum deviation in the excess molar volumes occurred at 0.42 mole fraction. The largest value in this system of excess molar volume is — 1.990330. It is observed that changes in the excess molar volume values are almost same in the temperature region 318.15 K to 328.15 K. 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 318.1 5K 320.1 5K 322.1 5K 324.1 5K 1.00 -0.50 VE (cm3 mol-1) activation parameters H* and S* were obtained and G* was obtained using the equation G* = H*– TS* values obtained are presented in Table 3. The interaction energy for the activation flow were determined using Katti and Chaudhari12 equation — Wvis = RT [ln η V − x 1 ln η 1V1 − x 2 ln η 2 V2 ] ——— (5) x1 x2 ISSN: 0974 – 9446 -1.00 -1.50 -2.00 -2.50 X1 Fig. 1 : Excess molar volume (VE) for the system ethylenediamine (1) + water (2) from 318.5 K to 328.15 K. In this binary system molecular association of ethylenediamine (1) and water (2) is found to take place. The hydrogen bond in association of ethylenediamine and water is N—H ———O type. The strength of which is determined by the geometry of the molecules and nature of the substituent ethane moiety. In non—electrolyte systems, positive deviations from ideal behaviour are attributed to dispersion forces and negative deviations to the geometric considerations. Graphical presentation of the experimental values plotted against the fitted equations are as shown in Fig. 2. Available online on www.ijprd.com 14 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 X1 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 0 0.5 1 P a s ) ∆ η(m 318.15 K 1.5 320.15 K 322.15 K 2 324.15 K 326.15 K 2.5 328.15 K 3 3.5 4 Fig. 2 : Viscosity deviation for ethylenediamine (1) water (2) from 318.15 K to 328.15 K The value of are positive over the entire range of mole fraction and maximum positive value at mole fraction at six temperatures due to association between ethylenediamine (1) and water (2) molecules through hydrogen bonding (to form adducts between them) over the dissociation effects in the system16. 2.10 *Ex10-4 (Jm ol-1) ∆G 2.05 318.15 K 2.00 320.15 K 1.95 322.15 K 1.90 324.15 K 326.15 K 1.85 328.15 K 1.80 1.75 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 X1 Fig. 3 : Excess energy of activation for viscous flow Excess energy of activation for viscous flow is shown in Fig. 3. The observed GE* values are positive17,18 for entire mole fraction of ethylenediamine (1) + water (2). Large positive values indicates the specific interaction due to complex formation through intermolecular hydrogen bonding interaction between ethylenediamine (1) and water (2) molecules (unlike molecules) compared to like molecules. The observed values of H* and G* for the binary mixture are positive as shown in Table 3. The G* and H* values steadily increases with conc. extraction upto 0.34 mole fraction and then decreases. The viscosity values of Binary mixtures of the system are fitted in eqn. 5, 6, 7 and 8 to evaluate Chaudhari—Katti (Wvis), Hind et al (H12), Tamura—Kurata (T12) and Gruenberg Nissan (d) interaction parameters from the analysis of these table (4), the values of these parameters indicate strong specific interaction between the component of ethylenediamine (1) + water (2) molecules. The positive values of d and Wvis indicate the presence of strong specific interaction between unlike molecules.19,20 Available online on www.ijprd.com 15 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Table — 1 : Densities, Viscosities, excess molar volume, excess viscosities and Gibb’s Energy of activation of Viscous flow for ethylenediamine (1) + water (2) at 318.15, 320.15, 322.15, 324.15, 326.15, 328.15 K (gcm—3) (mPa-S) VE (cm3, mol—1) 0.00 0.10 0.990188 0.982588 0.598680 2.129875 — —0.603484 — 1.494083 — 1.879991 0.23 0.979226 4.400016 —1.491199 3.315981 2.043570 0.34 0.967176 4.477770 —1.896767 3.752913 2.064908 0.38 0.42 0.961322 0.955328 4.327451 4.144480 —1.958261 —1.990330 3.587759 3.389934 2.051759 2.035615 0.45 0.950436 3.915129 —1.971753 3.149449 2.016747 0.50 0.942282 3.532876 —1.932342 2.748641 1.982562 0.60 0.80 0.926548 0.899183 2.853656 2.010784 —1.726711 —1.025662 2.032310 1.115217 1.909731 1.776331 1.00 0.876295 — — X1 (mPaS) GE* (J mol—1) 318.15 K X1 320.15 K 0.00 0.10 0.23 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 322.15 K 0.00 0.10 0.23 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.969791 — —3 (gcm ) (mPa-S) E V (cm , mol ) (mPaS) GE* (J mol—1) 0.989419 0.981686 0.977629 0.965393 0.959508 0.953488 0.948593 0.940432 0.924692 0.897331 0.874398 0.576280 2.013648 3.685177 4.091936 3.960494 3.800613 3.600639 3.267645 2.674276 1.913185 0.932590 — —0.622074 —1.500175 —1.903590 —1.964794 —1.996210 —1.988136 —1.938805 —1.733145 —1.031536 — — 1.401737 3.0269456 3.394511 3.248816 3.074683 2.864019 2.512911 1.884204 1.051857 — — 1.887672 2.045595 2.064970 2.052151 2.036453 2.018237 1.985339 1.915585 1.785416 — 0.988647 0.980794 0.976033 0.963611 0.957694 0.951649 0.946750 0.938583 0.922836 0.553880 1.897421 3.370339 3.706223 3.543537 3.456747 3.226149 3.001817 2.494885 — —0.628994 —1.499169 —1.901862 —1.963261 —1.995185 —1.987368 —1.938815 —1.732439 — 1.309390 2.737412 3.036230 2.909883 2.759433 2.518589 2.277182 1.736099 — 1.894608 2.045702 2.092648 2.050232 2.035082 2.012740 1.986351 1.920769 3 —1 Available online on www.ijprd.com 16 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 0.80 1.00 324.15 K 0.00 0.10 0.23 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 326.15 K 0.00 0.10 0.23 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 328.15 K 0.00 0.895445 0.872501 1.815586 0.895390 —1.032595 — 1.988497 — 1.793866 — 0.987876 0.979883 0.974437 0.961828 0.955880 0.949809 0.944907 0.936733 0.920980 0.893576 0.870604 0.531480 1.781193 3.055500 3.320450 3.226581 3.112882 2.971659 2.736288 2.315497 1.717980 0.858182 — —0.635981 —1.498165 —1.900093 —1.961723 —1.993816 —1.986594 —1.938783 —1.735651 —1.034789 — — 1.217042 2.448876 2.677889 2.570951 2.444183 2.293159 2.041453 1.587993 0.925137 — — 1.900912 2.043735 2.057644 2.045754 2.032704 2.017265 1.990128 1.932061 1.772214 — 0.987107 0.978981 0.972839 0.960046 0.954062 0.947965 0.943063 0.934883 0.919122 0.891075 0.868706 0.509081 1.664965 2.740662 2.934678 2.858624 2.769014 2.657169 2.470759 2.136114 1.620385 0.820989 — —0.642939 —1.497107 —1.898369 —1.960056 —1.992305 —1.985814 —1.938760 —1.736861 —0.995953 — — 1.124695 2.159843 2.319548 2.232018 2.128932 2.007729 1.805724 1.439838 0.861777 — — 1.906476 2.039180 2.049227 2.038026 2.024498 2.009422 1.982532 1.926336 1.809831 — 0.986334 0.486680 — — — 0.10 0.23 0.34 0.38 0.978080 0.971244 0.958264 0.952252 1.548739 2.425824 2.548904 2.492667 —0.650049 —1.496210 —1.896701 —1.958729 1.032348 1.870809 1.961206 1.893085 1.911650 2.031329 2.036337 2.026060 0.42 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.946130 0.941120 0.933034 0.917265 2.425148 2.342679 2.205230 1.956728 —1.991203 —1.980949 —1.939892 —1.738174 1.813682 1.722299 1.569995 1.291782 2.013752 2.000427 1.976698 1.927255 0.80 1.00 0.889836 0.866808 1.522785 0.78379 —1.039243 — 0.798417 — 1.816843 — Available online on www.ijprd.com 17 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Table 2 The activation parameters G*, H* and S* of ethylenediamine (1) + Water (2) mixtures are various temperature X1 G* x 10-4 * x 10-4 S* -1 -1 (J mol ) (J mol ) (Jkmol-1) 1) 0.00 0.6070 0.4081 6.2525 2) 0.10 0.9457 0.6245 10.0962 3) 0.23 1.5533 0.9554 18.7906 4) 0.34 1.7584 1.0669 21.7352 5) 0.38 1.7139 1.0454 21.0143 6) 0.42 1.6454 1.0114 19.9265 7) 0.45 1.5593 0.9678 18.5945 8) 0.50 1.3898 0.8818 15.9665 9) 0.60 1.0189 0.6933 10.2336 10) 0.80 0.9361 0.6473 9.0763 11) 1.00 0.4897 0.4066 2.6112 11. 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