课程大纲 证券投资学(中文) 课程编号:02834420 授课对象:本科生 学 任课教师:赵龙凯 分:3 课程类型:必修 开课学期:2015 年春 先修课程: 任课教师简历(500 字左右) : 赵龙凯为光华大学管理学院金融系副教授,其研究领域主要包括行为金融、公司金融、 投资学与国际金融等方向。其研究成果发表在 Management Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Banking and Finance 等国际国内期刊。 赵龙凯教授拥有 CFA 资格,并参与筹建了中国 CFA Society。其研究观点也多次被 NBC、Bloomberg、CNBC、CCTV 等媒体引用。赵龙凯教授本科就读于清华大学经 济管理学院,后分别在新加坡国立大学和加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学获得金融硕士和博 士学位。 任课教师联系方式: Email: lzhao@gsm.pku.edu.cn(期待回复时间 2-5 天) Tel: 10-62754810 助教姓名及联系方式: 辅导、答疑时间: 预约制 一、 项目培养目标 Learning Goal 1: Graduates will possess a solid understanding of business and management and will be able to translate this knowledge into practice. 1.1 Objective 1 Our students will have a good command of fundamental theories and knowledge. 1.2 Objective 2 Our students will have a good command of analytical methods and decision-making tools. 1.3 Objective 3 Our students will be able to apply theories and methodologies in key business functions. Learning Goal 2: Our students will be able to think critically. 2.1 Objective 1 Our students will be able to identify and summarize problems 2.2 Objective 2 Our students will be able to collect data and analyze problems in a critical manner 2.3 Objective 3 Our students will be able to put forward effective solutions to business problems Learning Goal 3:Our students will have a sense of social responsibility. 3.1 Objective 1 Our students will be aware of the importance of ethics. 3.2 Objective 2 Our students will be able to provide solutions that take account of contrasting ethical standpoints. Learning Goal 4: Our students will be effective communicators. 4.1 Objective 1 Our students will be proficient in oral and written communication. 4.2 Objective 2 Our students will possess good interpersonal skills. 4.3 Objective 3 Our students will be able to adapt to diverse learning environments. Learning Goal 5: Our students will have global perspectives. 5.1 Objective 1 Our students will be aware of social and cultural differences. 5.2 Objective 2 Our students will be aware of the impact of globalization on business operations, opportunities, and challenges. Objective 3 Our students will be proficient in English. 二、 课程概述 This course develops the fundamental principles underlying investment in financial securities. We will begin by examining portfolio selection theory and its implications for the risk-return tradeoff. Techniques for the valuation of riskless investments (e.g. government bonds), as well as risky investments (e.g. common stock) will then be examined. Finally, we will study the theory of derivative pricing and apply it to the valuation of futures and option contracts. 三、 课程目标 The purpose of the course is not to provide a cookbook style “how to invest” definitive methods but rather to present an overview of some of the issues and concepts in the field of investment. Students are expected to develop the basic concept of investment decision making after the course. 四、 内容提要及学时分配 Course Outline: Security Markets 1 lectures Valuation of riskless securities 2 lectures Portfolio Choice 1 lectures Mean-variance analysis 2 lectures Equilibrium Pricing (CAPM) 2 lectures Equilibrium Pricing (APT) 1 lectures Efficient markets 1 lectures Derivatives (futures) 2 lectures Derivatives (options) 4 lectures 期末考试时间:2015 年 6 月 26 日上午 五、 教学方式 This course is taught in a combination of lectures, student presentations, simulations, videos, and case discussions. 六、 教学过程中 IT 工具等技术手段的应用 Interesting website and investment analysis software will be introduced. Relevant video clips will be shown. 七、 教材 Bodie, Zvi, Alex Kane, and Alan Marcus, Investments, McGraw-Hill - Irwin, 8th Edition, or later edition. Note: there is a Chinese version available. 八、 参考书目 九、 教学辅助材料,如 CD、录影等 十、 课程学习要求及课堂纪律规范 Please show respect to classmates, lecturers, every one’s time, and most importantly yourself. 十一、 学生成绩评定办法(需详细说明评估学生学习效果的方法) Methods of assessing student progress in the course (including gradings) Evaluation: Pop Quiz Assignment Midterm exam Final Exam 10% 20% 35% 35% Important Notes 1. The weight allocation to exams in the course evaluation is only tentative and may change according to circumstances. 2. Assignments include case analysis, group work, and problem sets. 3. Students should be comfortable with probability,statistics and regression analysis. Use of a spreadsheet package such as Excel willbe vital for the homework assignments, saving time and aiding in understanding thematerial. Some use of calculus and linear algebra will also be required.
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