February 2015 - Corvette Legends of Texas

Ad your ma
new it to your
February 2015
Legends President
Sam Deneault
with 2014 Member
of the Year,
Susan Joseph
(story on page 11)
February Meeting
February 14, 2015
BJ’s Brewery
4901 Belt Line Rd., Dallas
Details on page 3
*Feb.13-15 Autorama
Market Hall
11:00 AM
Legends plans to display C1-C4 Corvettes again this year. Sign up to man the display
and promote the Legends club during this three-day indoor show. Contact Jerry Echols 214-435-3753 or
*Feb. 14 Legends Meeting
BJ’s Brewery, 4901 Belt Line Rd., Dallas 972-392-4600
Program: LBJ Express Project Presentation on current and projected status of the LBJ project and Representatives will answer questions from our members.
Feb. 19-22Decatur Swap Meet
10:00 AM
Wise County Fair Grounds, 3101 S. FM 51, Decatur, TX 76234, Hwy. 51S, 1.5 mi
south of Jct. 287 & 51. 3,000+ vendor spaces sold. 80% of the vendor’s items must be auto-related. FREE
Admission, 6am-6pm, Rain or Shine. Wise County Antique Auto Club, 940-389-0054, www.wcaac.com
*Feb. 22
Legends Brunch
Legends Meeting
10:00 AM
Tierney’s Cafe & Tavern, 208 E Main St, Lewisville, TX, Phone:(972) 353-2109 (1 block
east of Mill St in Old Town at the corner of Kealey & Main north of 121 Business)
*Mar. 14
11:00 AM
Spring Creek BBQ, 270 N. Central Expy/US 75, Richardson (972) 669-0505
Mar.20-22 Good-Guys Texas Motor Speedway
*Mar. 21 Dinner Cruise to Shumardii’s
*CLoT Club Participation Event
Ft. Worth
Meet at 1:15
We will meet at BBVA Compass Bank, 2620 Preston Rd, Frisco, TX (just north of 121
& Preston at 1:15 (on the East side of Preston at the second driveway. If you get to Great Wall Chinese
Restaurant, you went too far). Then take a scenic back roads Cruise to Shumardii’s, Highway 121 South,
Bonham, TX (903) 640-0900. Planning to eat about 3pm. Event Contact: Esther (972) 442-6414.
*Mar. 22 Legends Brunch
*Mar.25-29 Dallas New Car Show
Dallas Convention Center
Dallas, TX
Legends has space for about 20 Corvettes. If you could to hang out at the show and
man our club exhibit please come join us for this fun show. No judging. Move in day is Tues, Mar. 24.
Move out is Sun. night. Anyone interested in displaying their new or old Corvette in the Club display contact Jerry Echols at JerryHE2006@aol.com or call (972) 924-2591. You will receive free entry and there
is no car registration fee to display. Show Hours: Wed-Thur: 4-10 pm, Fri-Sat: 10am-10pm, Sun: 10am7pm. Tickets: $12 adults, $5 senior citizens, $5 children 6-12 years old; children under 5 free.F
Mar.27-28 DFW Collector Car Swap Meet
Grand Prairie
Fri-Sat. 8 am-5 pm Lone Star Park, I-30 & Beltline Free admission. Info: Dean Earhart
at 254-751-7958, deanearhart@aol.com or www.deanearhart.com
Cha triot Paw
item tart NOW Auct
s for
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April 2-4 Greenville Swap Meet Greenville, TX
Presented by Northeast Texas Region of the AACA. 350 vendors. Hours 7-7. Admission
free. Parking $3. More Info: http://www.greenvilleswapmeet.com/
Apr.10-11 NASCAR Race
Texas Motor Speedway
Apr. 11
Oklahoma Corvette Expo *Apr. 11 Legends Club Meeting & Live Auction
Ft. Worth
Enid, OK
11:00 AM
Ye Shire Tavern/Restaurant, 3600 Shire Blvd. #112, Richardson, 972-881-7570
SW Corner of Jupiter & George Bush Tpk. Live Auction for Patriot Paws start gathering items now!
Please invite friends to join us and participate in the Auction.
Apr. 11 8th Annual Heights Car Show Richardson
The Heights Baptist Church, 201 W. Renner Rd, Richardson (Renner Rd & US 75)
11am-4pm, $20 per entry or 20 canned food items. www.heightscarshow.com
Apr.16-18 Hot Springs Corvette Weekend
w ers
Brad Sample
2002 Silver Coupe
Hot Springs, AR
A GREAT WEEKEND! See page 10 See full details at www.centralarkcc.com
Custom Car Cover
for Chev Cobalt 2-door coupe with mirror pockets.
Paid over $200 new. Never used. In original box in
storage bag. Waterproof but lets air thru. $100.
Custom Car Cover for Chev Equinox with mirror
pockets. Paid over $200 new. Never used. In original box. Waterproof but lets air thru. $100.
Call Craig Conde 214-726-5011
KSST Radio Video of 2014
Sulphur Springs Corvette Show
Excellent video of the event and interview
with Bill Preston. Go to: http://www.ksstradio.
Legends Brunch-10 am
Sunday, Feb. 22 at
11 am-Saturday, Feb. 14
BJ’s Restaurant & Brewery
4901 Belt Line Rd., Dallas
Program: LBJ Express Project
Presentation on current and projected status of the
LBJ project and Representatives will answer questions
from our members.
(Originally scheduled for Oct 2014, but the venue at Gas
Monkey didn’t work out for it. Please show appreciation
for them coming again to give us this info by coming to the
meeting, even if the weather is crummy.)
Main St.
February Meeting
Tierney’s Cafe & Tavern
208 E Main St, Lewisville, TX
Phone:(972) 353-2109
(1 block east of Mill St in Old Town at the corner
of Kealey & Main north of 121 Business)
President:............................................ Sam Deneault.....................sldeneault@verizon.net .............................................(972) 530-8017
VP of Operations:................................ Joel Joseph........................jjjoseph@yahoo.com..................................................(972) 727-6833
VP of Special Events:........................... Jerry Echols........................jerryhe2006@aol.com ...............................................(214) 435-3753
Secretary:............................................. Linda Deneault...................ldeneault@elarnoldandassociates.com......................(972) 530-8017
Treasurer:............................................. Roger Berry............................................................................................................(972) 386-6224
Director of Communications:................ John Zachary......................jzac13tx@verizon.net.................................................(214) 707-2265
Weekend Wrench Coordinator:............ Jack “Rude Dog” Hays.......sprintst@swbell.net....................................................(214) 797-3922
Membership Coordinator:.................... Tom Lainson.......................redvette@ix.netcom.com............................................(214) 862-3555
Newsletter Coordinator:........................ Diane Preston.....................VetteLegends65@earthlink.net..................................(405) 615-3856
Legends Ledger Newsletter: Published monthly. Send submissions to VetteLegends65@earthlink.net
Submission deadline is the 20th of the month.
Club Web Site:
Coordinated by John Zachary (see above)
Send submissions to John at: jzac13tx@verizon.net
Meeting Speakers:
Coordinated by Scott Buzzell
If you have a recommendation for a guest speaker to address the club
at one of our meetings, please contact Scott at
(214) 641-5590 or westone@sbcglobal.net
Membership Information:
Coordinated by Tom Lainson (see above)
$25 for an Individual membership or
$35 for a Couples membership
Dues are paid annually at a meeting or mailed to:
Club Mailing Address:
Corvette Legends of Texas
P.O. Box 260316
Plano, TX 75026-0316
R -- 2nd
2nd -- 62
by Ron &
Pat Cople
Ron and Pat Cople, who met in a Glendale, CA
supermarket, were married September 3, 1961 in
Los Angeles, California. At the time Pat was driving
an MGA and Ron an Austin-Healey 3000. The marriage was almost over before it really started,when
they walked out of the Church and Pat saw a white
’61 Corvette parked at the curb. Ron convinced Pat
he had not bought it, but just two months later they
did place an order for a new Corvette: R–1st–62. The
Healey was used in trade and the MG was sold to a
private party when the Vette was delivered February
13, 1962. The Vette would later be referred to as their
Valentine Car and was their only transportation until
shortly after their daughter was born in January 1964.
In late 1965 Ron accepted a job in Chicago and
they moved from Los Angeles to Chicago in December. Before the move, it was decided two cars would
not be needed in Chicago and probably they should
sell the Corvette. There were two good reasons: (1)
Corvettes are not good in snow and (2) a two passenger Corvette was not ideal for three people. The
Corvette was sold.
Fast forward to 1984 when the Coples, now living
in Maryland, received a ’62 Buick Skylark from Ron’s
widowed Aunt in Fresno, California who, upon reaching the age of 90, chose to no longer drive. Back in
1962 Ron had convinced her the Buick would be
an ideal replacement for her ’41 Chevrolet (bought
new). Pat had taken delivery of the Buick for her,
driving it off the showroom floor in Pasadena.
Shortly after it was received in Maryland Pat
casually said, “Maybe we should have our old Corvette back, too.” As luck would have it, that weekend
the Washington Post ran an ad for a ’62 Corvette.
To shorten the story, while the second ’62 looked
pretty good it needed a lot of work. To start with, the
wiring was bad and Pat, an engineer, said she could
read wiring diagrams. So they proceeded to rewire
the Vette. Pat left town on a business trip before the
job was completed, but Ron finished it and it actually
started on the second try.
Over the next to ten years many things were done
New Feature
Each month our new contributor will test your
knowledge of Corvette minutia
ear Am
to the Vette both by professionals and by Ron and Pat.
In 1994 Pat, after a 38 year career with the Department of Defense, joined Ron in retirement. She soon
became bored and obtained a second job. In 1996
she announced she thought she had enough money
to paint the Vette. WRONG! Thus started a whole new
chapter in the life of the ’62. First came the paint stripping which revealed multiple hidden problems, such as
a cut-out in the hood for an air scoop, floor board holes
for the installation of a roll bar and metal inserts in the
fiberglass fenders, which had to be corrected.
In the end it was a total frame-off restoration for
what is now a matching numbers, 327 cu in, 300 hp,
Roman Red 1962 Corvette with 4-speed transmission,
Wonder-Bar radio, and both tops. In AACA competitive judging it has advanced to the level of “Senior
Grand National” however NCRS gave it only a “Second Flight”. The paint was too good they said. It now
spends most of its time resting on the upper level of a
lift in the Cople’s Frisco garage.
1.I have two Recessed Headlights, covered
by a screen, and Rocket taillights.
2.I am White with a Red Interior.
3.I have a 235 cu. in. Blue Flame Six engine.
4.I have three Side Draft Carbs with Individual
Air Breathers.
5.The Oil Filler Cap is located on the front of
the Engine Valve Cover that mounts with
four slotted head screws through the gasket
6.I don’t have any exterior Door Handles.
Answer on page 10
Set of Magnaflow Mufflers
# 15713 (I think) off 2002 Corvette with less than
2,000 mi. of use $450. Tom Lainson
214-348-8396 or 214-862-3555 cell
ccccccccLive Auctionbbbbbbbb
Bowties for Paws
April 11th Meeting
Start now collecting donations
for our Charity Auction!
Invite your friends to come to the Auction to
bid on these items to benefit Patriot Paws.
tte Sport Trips Computer
ood Corve
3600 Shire Blvd. #112, Richardson
Item s
SW Corner of Jupiter and George Bush Tpk
Again this year we are going ent Tickets Items Restaufrtan ToolsServuictoe
Gi tes
to hold a LIVE Auction.
Services Cert
CLoT member Dan Jacobs will be the auctioneer.
11 am @ Ye Shire Tavern/Restaurant
Please bring or seek donations of some REALLY
NICE gifts. If you are unable to attend, but would
like to make a donation or send a gift for auction,
please contact Sue Joseph 972-727-6833 or any
board member and we will bring it to the auction
for you. Our Goal this year is $3,000!
All Live Auction proceeds will be donated to our chosen charity, Patriot PAWS, an organization designed to
help American disabled veterans
enjoy a more independent life by
pairing specially trained service
dogs with veterans, while also
benefiting the dogs and trainers.
Gary & Denise Spurlock
John Zachary, Erica & J.C. Cherry
Ed O’Brien & John Cantleberry
Corvette Legends of Texas
Indian Creek Golf Club
photos by
Allen Eggleston
& Diane Preston
Scott & Donna Buzzell
Corvette Legends of Texas’ annual After Holiday
Party was held January 10 at Indian Creek Golf Club.
The evening was damp and chilly, but it didn’t keep
Kathy Weller & Jan Dyer
anyone at home. Most members did leave their Corvettes
tucked in the garage at home, though.
The staff at Indian Creek prepared a delicious dinner
Randy Ediger & Janae McPeek
Julia Kelsey, Tom Atchison, Esther Towles & Carl Johanson
A rare picture... Allen Eggleston takes a picture of Diane Preston taking pho- Bob & Sherri Demmel, Allen Eggleston and Tom Entrekin at the buffet.
tos at the party. Also shown, Sam Deneault and Brenda Jacobs.
Sharon Conde, Sherry Williams, Lynn & Phillip Schilt and Mary Jean Entrekin
Kathryn Maulsby, Victor & Gloria Freeney
for us. The main course was delicious prime rib
and chicken breast with pineapple.
We enjoyed an evening of visiting with new
and old friends. We were especially happy that
so many of our newer members attended for the
first time.
Highlight of the evening was the presentation
of the 2015 Member of the Year Award to Susan
Joseph. See an article on this presentation on
page 11.
Members attending were:
Randy Ediger & Janae McPeek
Tom & Mary Jean Entrekin
Carl Johanson & Esther Towles
Tom Atchison & Julia Kelsey
John & Mickye Zachary
Victor & Gloria Freeney
Scott & Donna Buzzell
Gary & Denise Spurlock
Bill & Diane Preston
Joe & Kathryn Maulsby
Pete & Sherry Snider
Don & Martha Pinson
Allen Eggleston
John & Carole Arakelian
Sam & Linda Deneault
Sherry Williams
Joel & Susan Joseph
Joel Joseph and Sherry Williams
Sharon Conde
Roger Berry
Phillip & Lynn Schilt
Ron & Pat Cople
John Cantleberry
J.C. & Erica Cherry
Ed & Diane O’Brien
Nick & Marge Bohun
Jerry & Barb Echols
Ken & Linda Dobbs
Bob & Sherri Demmel
Dan & Brenda Jacobs
Tom & Sandy Lainson
Bill & Nadine Tichy
Tom & Cathy Hubbert
Ken & Kathy Weller
Larry & Jan Dyer
Mary Jean Entrekin, Carl Johanson, Esther Towles and Mickye Zachary
Roger Berry, Ken & Kathy Weller
Allen Eggleston and Sam Deneault
Susan & Joel Joseph
Corvette Legends members thinking about making this trip, please let John Zachary know: yes or
maybe at: jzac13tx@verizon.net.
Corvette World supports the five major Corvette
Clubs in Houston as a sponsor in their car shows,
holding street meets at Corvette World, and helping
anyway that they can. They had a vision of 1000+
Corvettes headed down I-45 to beautiful Galveston
Island for a week end of showing Corvettes and enjoying several events and fellowships. Plus all of the
proceeds after expenses being donated directly to
the affiliated clubs’ charities.
Christopher Tine, General Manager of Corvette
World Houston, says all of downtown Galveston and
the Strand will be closed to traffic on Saturday for the
Show. Parking will be assigned for Clubs that wish to
be together.
The last day of the event will be a massive 80
mile round trip cruise along the Texas coastline from
Galveston to Surfside Beach. Imagine the sound of
hundreds of Corvettes making their way down the
Galveston Seawall, across San Luis Pass Bridge,
down the Blue Water Highway to Surfside, Texas and
back. AWWWESOME!!!!!! Don’t miss your chance to
attend this inaugural event!!
Friday, May 29, 2015
4-9 pm Registration Meet & Greet at Moody
Gardens Hotel
Saturday, May 30, 2015
9-4 pm Corvette Show-Downtown
11am-3pm Judging
7-11 pm Awards “Gala Event”, Galveston Island Convention Center at the San Luis Resort
Sunday, May 31, 2015
9am-noon Seawall-Blue Water Hwy Corvette Run
Afternoon Free time to enjoy Galveston Island
See full details and hotel information at:
Corvette Parts For Sale
67-82 Rebuilt Steering Box
for Corvette $250.
Call Gene @ 214-295-4385.
2-2 Ron Patterson
2-2 Char Henry
2-3 Jerry Echols
2-4 Lee Thomas
2-4 Sharon Nelson
2-6 Sharon Hager
2-8 Donna Buzzell
2-11 David Baker
2-11 Ken Weller
2-11 Ron Hanson
2-17 Randy Henry
2-17 Walter Plumley
2-19 Buddy Cundieff
2-21 Rick Herrick
2-23 Scott Buzzell
2-24 Wess Griffin
2-25 Brenda Jacobs
2-26 Ed Linberg
2-26 Marty Brennan
2-27 Bill Preston
2-27 Catherine Brodsky
2-28 John Cantrell
2-29 Randy Cleaver
Need more room for
your VROOM
If your passion has taken
over your garage, call
fellow Corvette Legend
Member, Erika WoodCherry!
She can help you find a
home with a larger
garage, covered parking
or a longer drive way!
Don’t leave your “baby”
out in the cold,
For Real Estate
results, call Erika!
Cell: 214/704-3079
Office: 972/987-3800
VM: 972/733-7105
EVERYTHING for Corvettes
& GM Muscle Cars!
Attention Lady Legends!
We can now order “Lady Legends”
iron-ons for Shirts,Jackets and Hats.
The iron-ons come in a
variety of sparkly colors:
multi-color, silver, platinum, navy, blue, red,
green, peach, gold, hot
pink, pink, black, and
Didn’t list a color you
want? Just ask.
Plano, Texas 214-632-2270
• C1-C6 Specialists
• Knowledge, Maintenance, Repairs & Restoration
• Engine, Trans, Brakes, Chassis, Exhaust, Suspension,
Interior, Fiberglass Repair & Paint
A/C Repair & Aftermarket Installation
Transmission Conversions
• Multiple National Awards, Magazine Features & Covers
• Resto-Mods, NCRS, Bloomington & Concours
• Magnuson, STS, Street Shop, Inc., Newman Car
Creations, Keisler Overdrive Systems & Many More
We do it all...AND do it right the first time!
Solid Axle Gang
2. Take shirt to
Embroidery King
for Legends Logo
& your name
The cost is $5 per iron-on. For $1 more you can
supply a shirt or other item and our supplier will
professionally heat press the logo on for you.
If you would like her to press the logo on your
item for you, please put the item/items and payment
in a ziplock bag, labeled with your name and logo
color choice for each item. Bring it to a meeting and
Sue will have it back to you at the next meeting or
arrangements can be made to get it sooner. Sue will
start taking orders after January 1. You can order
at any meeting or call Sue Joseph, Lady Legends
Coordinator: 972-727-6833 or email jjjslj@att.net
Club Shirts & Hats
Embroidery King!
1. Order shirt
with your Corvette
on it from
Corvette Central
We have identified 21 Solid Axle Corvettes among those
owned by our 105 members/ couples. Tom Lainson has
designed a special club shirt to identify these car owners.
It features the owner’s car in the appropriate color and
body style on the left and the Legends club emblem,
“Solid Axle Gang” and member’s name on the right.
Tom will have a sample at the next meeting.
Shirt can be ordered in White, Red or Black
with your car embroidered from Corvette Central
at 1-800-345-3122 $6718 (including tax & shipping)
#101740 thru 101991 (varies with color & car year)
Right side embroidery is done at Embroidery King
(972) 317-1686, Address: 1297 FM 407 Suite 302A, Lewisville, TX 75077
For more info:
$2106 (including tax)
Tom Lainson, RedVette@IX.netcom.com or 214-348-8396
We carry Corvette Legends merchandise for you to wear
to your next club meeting or just to show your love for the car.
Men’s Shirts
-Cotton Short Sleeve Polo
-Long or Short Sleeve Oxford
-Long or Short Sleeve Twill
-Long Sleeve Heavy Denim
-Long or Short Sleeve
Lightweight Denim
Women’s Shirts
-Cotton Short Sleeve Polo
-Long Sleeve Oxford
-Long Sleeve Twill Dress
-Long Sleeve Heavy Denim
-5-panel, mesh
back, plastic
snap closure
-6-panel, selffabric closure
***Orders placed before the 25th of every month
will be available for pickup at the following month’s meeting.***
Price includes Corvette Legends embroidered logo on upper left chest.
Add your first name to upper right chest for $5.00 extra.
If there are any questions about an item, call Embroidery King at
(972) 317-1686, Address: 1297 FM 407 Suite 302A, Lewisville, TX 75077
Hot Springs Corvette Weekend
Leave Dallas on Thursday, April 16 and cruise the
scenic roads of Oklahoma and Arkansas, arriving in Hot
Springs for 6 pm check in and Thursday evening event
activities. This is a fun Corvette weekend!
Choose your Fri activity: 1) A Poker Run to five
interesting locations around the area to visit at your
own pace with other club members or on your own, 2) A
Scenic Road Trip over a planned route led at a leisurely
pace including a lunch stop, or 3) A Cannonball Run over
a longer scenic route at a “brisk” pace for those of you
with a lead foot and a need for more speed.
The INDOOR car show on Sat.is a unique event that
includes vendors, silent auction items, live auction, Valve
Cover Car Races (bring your own), and great Corvettes
to look at and Corvette owners to visit with.
The event is over around 4 pm on Saturday, if you
need to drive home on Saturday night. Or stay over,
have dinner in Hot Springs with Legends members and
drive back to Dallas on Sunday!
Make your reservations now:
Host Hotel: Austin Hotel, 877-623-6697
Next to Conv. Center: Embassy Suites, 501-624-9200
Historic with Spa: Arlington Hotel, 800-643-1502
Complete info: centralarkansascorvetteclub.com
Legends Colorado
Corvette Trip!!
September 19-30, 2015
Bill Tichy is famous for planning many great out of
town trips for Corvette Legends of Texas over the past
years. Here’s your chance to go with him, his wife
Nadine, and other Legends members to Colorado.
Bill will report details as they are confirmed. Sign
up at the next meeting and he will keep you posted.
Corvette Parts For Sale
--- Top & Bottom Grill Mouldings for 58-62 Corvette,
original not repro-$50 pr.
--- BeCool Radiator for 56-57 Corvette in VGC.
--- BorgWarner 4 Speed Super T-10-2.43-1st.$325.
--- Aluminum SBC Intake Manifold mfg by GM for
Q-jet $50.
--- Eldebrock SBC Performer Intake $65.
--- Red Tail light lenses from my 59 Corvette-original
& not in bad shape $10 pr.
--- Set of Delco Rear Air Shocks for 58-62 Corvetteused $20 pr.
Call Tom @972-985-7915
January Brunch
Vicky & Mike Flugstad show off their Green Bay spirit, gloating over
the win over Dallas. A few hours after this picture was taken at Jake’s in
Frisco on Sunday, January 18, they too suffered the agony of defeat by
Seattle in an equally frustrating ball game!
Rare member sighting... John Hoffman (right) returns from a
13-month business trip to Pennsylvania and brings two more C4 Corvettes to the club. In addition to his matching 1990 Steel Blue Metallic
Convertible and Coupe, he now has matching 1993 Ruby Red 40th Anniversary Special Edition Convertible and Coupe.
From page 5
Answer: I am a 1954 Corvette.
What detail defined the 54? Detail #5.
1. The recessed headlights, rocket taillights and
no door handles (#6) are common to all 53-5455 Corvettes.
2. The 53 Corvette ONLY came in white, but white
was also available in 54 & 55.
3. The Blue Flame Six reduces the possibility it’s a
55. Although the 265 V-8 was introduced in 55,
it was an option. There were 6 of 700 55’s built
with the Blue Flame Six. So, if it is a V-8, it IS a
55, but if it’s not it doesn’t mean it’s not.
4. All Blue Flame Six Engines had the Three
Side Draft Carburetor configuration. The three
Individual Bullet Air Cleaners narrow the possible production year. A Dual Pot Air Breather/
Manifold system was introduced in mid 54, so
my vintage could be a 53 or early 54.
5. The engine Valve Cover is the tell. The 53
engine exhibited a unique Valve Cover different from the 54 or 55 Corvette. The 53 Valve
Cover is more rounded, it mounts with two
studs that penetrate the center of the Valve
Cover, and locates the Oil Filler Cap in the rear
third of the cover. A 54 Valve cover is more
square shaped, it mounts with slot head screws
through the gasket flange, and locates the Oil
Filler Cap at the front of the cover.
Susan Joseph-2014
Member of the Year
A special presentation is made each year to the Corvette Legends of
Texas Member of the Year. The award was conceived by Larry Dyer in 2008
to recognize a member or member couple, who fully participate in club
events and drive, display and enjoy their Corvette. Currently elected officers
are not eligible. Our club survives on many members who put a lot of effort
into planning events, keeping things running, and reaching out to our members and other Corvette owners. This Award acknowledges just one of many
who are deserving.
Susan Joseph was named the Corvette Legends of Texas 2014 Member
of the Year at the After-Holiday Party on January 10, 2015. Susan and her
husband, Joel, drive a 1971 Blue Coupe and joined Legends in 2005.
Susan has recently become the Lady Legends Chairman and introduced
a unique new iron-on logo for the ladies’ shirts. She has been a key organizer of the annual Patriot Paws Silent Charity Auction for many years. In
2013 she devised a system to run the auction as a Live Auction with bidders’
paddles, etc. Countless hours were also spent collecting, labeling and organizing all of the donated items for several years. These efforts have helped
increase the Club donation to Patriot Paws to $3,100 in 2014.
Legends contributions to Toys for Tots has also increased due to Susan
working with Corvette World for the last two years to make the toy drive an
event and get more members and other Corvette owners involved. There
were over 100 cars participating in 2014!
photo by Allen Eggleston
One of the first events
Susan organized for the club
was the Corvette Show sponsored by La Hacienda Ranch in
April 2013. We had a great turn
out and La Hacienda Ranch
donated prizes for the special
awards they invented, like Hot
Pepper Award, Cool Jalapeno
Award, Grand Enchilada Award
and more.
irecto ed
Legen dum enclo r!
Addenis newslettoeur
in th
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Pleas Directory.
of Corvette
We were 30 years young
when we got our first Corvette...
How ‘bout you?
1400 South Stemmons Freeway
Lewisville, TX 75067
There is NO reason for Corvette
Legends Club Members to go
ANYWHERE but Huffines!
Call Ted at 972-538-7000
or Fred at 972-538-7126
for Special Club Member Prices
on New and Pre-Owned Vehicles.
Our inventory changes daily,
and we will work to get the
vehicle you desire!