NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 Number 6 – 2014/2015 English Speaking People Resident in Turin February 2015 Pino, 30/01/15 The first month of 2015 is now nearly over and it seems that at last there should be some recovery in the Italian and European economies by the end of the year. Whilst pundits have been saying this for years, this time there is some basis for optimism - for example expanding Fiat production in Melfi and Pomigliano of the Panda, new 500X and Jeep Renegade, a 60% reduction in crude oil prices in the past 6 months and an enormous injection of capital month by month by the European banks. It has taken many long years of suffering and readjustment to a new reality to make this possible and in Italy rather than spending Italians have been saving and may soon be ready to help an expanding economy. All this is an atmosphere of terror on our doorsteps but the courageous reaction of the French population is an example to all nations how we must beat this menace and daily relevations of curruption in Italy at all levels are being countered by mass arrests and a willingness of our current leaders to contain and put an end to this kind of dishonesty. As I write this the new Italian President is being elected and should Sergio Matarella be the final choice (he was) it would give the Italians and the rest of the world a message of encouragement in this direction. So what have we been getting up to since Christmas - those lucky enough to have the time and the homes by the sea have sampled clear skies, amazing colours and surprisingly mild temps whereas in Turin we have seen spectacular views of the surrounding mountains especially Monviso which is so often hidden from sight. Esprit events began with another discovery, at least for me, of an outstanding home grown artist of International fame Giovanni Battista Quadrone born in Mondovi in 1848 and who lived and worked in Turin until his premature death at only 50 in 1898 in Turin. His passion was hunting and his paintings of animals especially dogs give them real personality and his ability to reproduce the pleats of his models dresses was quite amazing. Thanks to Piero for proposing and organising this event. Our pub evenings seems to be losing support and may need a rethink and the monthly dinner at the Tokyo Japanese restaurant yesterday evening was well attended and reasonably priced but for me was not up to the standard we have come to expect of Esprit dinners. In February I hope to put this right with a dinner on the 26th in one of the most characteristic piedmontese restaurants in Turin, the Antica Bruschetteria Pautasso in Piazza Filiberto, in a wonderful atmosphere with good food and wine. We will also be visiting the Cinema Museum on the 14th for the "At the Front" exhibition of First World War documentation and returning to the Jazz Club on the 19th. PHOTO GALLERY JANUARY 2015 Quadrone Exhibition Jan 10th Prima della Partenza Il Compagno Fedele Torino from Superga Jan 11th Monviso from Superga Jan 11th Basilica Superga at sunset Jan 11th FEB/MAR PROGRAMME MONDAY 26 TUESDAY 27 WEDNESDAY 28 THURSDAY 29 (ESPRIT EVENTS) FRIDAY 30 SATURDAY 31 SUNDAY 1 FEB INTERNATIONS DANCE EVENING 2 3 4 5 9PM 6 12 FEB COMMITTEE MEETING ANTONIA'S 19 PUB EVENING JAZZ CLUB 13 20 7 POT LUCK SUPPER BEPPE'S 8PM 14 CULTURAL VISIT CINEMA MUSEUM 21 26 27 28 1 MAR JAZZ INSIDE TRIO & GINGER BREW LUCE E GAS REST 9 10 11 INTERNATIONS GET TOGETHER CASA MANITU 16 17 18 23 24 25 8 15 22 MONTHLY DINNER PAUTASSO 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PUB EVENING 13 14 15 20 CULTURAL VISIT 27 21 22 28 CONCERT AVE VERUM 9PM 29 CONCERT AVE VERUM 4.30PM MAR COMMITTEE MEETING ANTONIA'S 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 MONTHLY DINNER FEBRUARY EVENTS POT LUCK SUPPER BEPPE MARTELLOTTA'S HOME Via San Marino Torino SATURDAY FEBRUARY 7TH 8pm Bring a dish and/or bottle of wine After many years of parties for invited guests mainly from the Esprit, Beppe has this month kindly offered to open his home to all members of the club for a pot luck supper for which you are requested to bring a dish and or bottle of wine. Your chance to prepare a gourmet dish the Esprit club is used to and is so good at. Call Beppe by Thurs Feb 5th to book and agree what to bring. CULTURAL EVENT- WW1EXHBITION CINEMA MUSEUM SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14TH Mole Antonelliana Via Montebello20, Torino Tel 011.8138560 Meet at 11.00am Ingresso €10 Over 65 €8 Museum cardholders free Last minute change of programme to be more topical and to appeal to a wider audience we are proposing a visit to the Cinema Museum, interesting in itself but which is also offering from Jan 29th to May 3rd an exhibition "Al Fronte" or "At the Front" - the story of the First World War told by cameramen and photographers through 160 unpublished photographs taken by Luis Bogino following the Royal Italian Army and by amateur soldier photographers. Next to this runs a cinematic journey: a selection of films of live action at the front and in the rear. There are also some fictional titles written over time based on eye witness experiences. Artists Paola De Pietri, Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi propose a personal view of the War, the places seen and often forgotten. Please book with Piero Sgariboldi by Thurs Feb 12th. Cost is €10, over 65 €8, museum cardholders free. After the visit we will have a drink or light lunch at the Eataly Café Vergnano inside the Mole. MUSICAL PUB EVENING JAZZ CLUB TURIN THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19TH Via San Francesco da Paola angolo Via Giolitti 9pm 011-8822939 We are returning this month to the Jazz Club for a musical pub evening although as we go to print the Feb programme has yet to be announced. Once it is an email will be sent with details. We have been advised there will be live free music starting around 9.30pm. Suggest arriving at 9.00pm to be sure to get a seat. Let Peter Allen or Beppe Martelotta know if you intend to go. MONTHLY DINNER ANTICA BRUSCHETTERIA "PAUTASSO" Piazza Emanuele Filiberto 4 10122 Torino Tel 011-4366706 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26TH 8.30 pm €28 members €30 guests A new discovery for us recommended by Paola Cossu and with a name like Pautasso this has to be a traditional Piedmontese and Torinese location. It lives up to expectations with a really characteristic and cosy locale with red walls like Langhe wine and a classic menu including of course Bagna Caoda their speciality. The menu chosen is 3 antipasti Bagna Caoda with or without garlic served with a selection of vegetables, vitello tonnato, vegetable flan with fonduta, primo - tagliatelle with salsiccia, secondo - vitello al Barbera, dolce, cafe, wine from the Colue cantina in Diano d'Alba (Barbera or Dolcetto) all for €28. This is a must so please book by Tues Feb 24th with Graziella or Peter . PROVISIONAL DIARY DATES FOR MARCH Wed March 11th March Committee Pub Evening Thurs March 12th Cultural Visit Frid March 20th Monthly dinner Thurs March 26th NOTICES JAZZ CONCERT WITH GINGER BREW €20 - Jazz Inside Trio with special guest star singer Ginger Brew are playing on Thurs Feb 5th at 9pm at the Ristorante Bar Luce e Gas Torino in Via 4 Marzo 12/C Tel 011.4365483. See OUR WEBSITE - Now launched and fully functional (although still being completed) on definitive address It has 5 pages : home, events, calendar, newsletters, photo albums .Check it out to download photos of past events and the newsletter. INTERNATIONS : Now the biggest expat club in the world with over 1 million members worldwide. Turin branch with over 1000 members meets monthly for apericena evenings with typically with 100 attendees including some Esprit members. First get together in 2015 is at the Casa Manitu in Via Virle 19 on Feb 11th. Other events like films in English and after work drinks are organised by sub groups. Turin ambassadors are Michael De Luca, Patrick Delarbre and Esprit member Paola Cossu. Check out their website for info and to join for further details. THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING CHURCH IN TURIN – Services are held on Sundays at 10.30 a.m. in the Casa Valdese, entering from the gate on Via Principe Tommaso 1, just off Vitt Emanuele (5 min walk from P. Nuova station towards the river Po). All are welcome. A new minister Rev Thomas Noffke has been appointed. Contact Dawne Whitten or Jean Rossi email for the latest information or to receive a copy of the church newsletter. THE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH OF TORINO - Services are held in English on Sundays at ITIS Avogadro, via Rossini 18 - starting at 10.00 a.m. for "Meet and Greet" followed by church service at 10.30 a.m. All are welcome. For information, please phone Pastor Huw Williams on 011.747474, cell 340.9178920 – e-mail EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT TORINO – This Web Site is sponsored by the International Church of Torino and is intended to help the community and visitors to get to know Torino and what is available to them. Go to the site and check it out! THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S CLUB OF TURIN (IWCT) is the English-speaking club of Turin for women. They have meetings and outings every month from September to early June mostly daytime but also include an occasional evening apericena and an annual summer dinner end May. For further information contact the President Jamie Petucci through the website THE ESPRIT CLUB cannot be held responsible for personal injury, loss or damage to property of a member/guest at Esprit events. CANCELLATION POLICY: members wishing to cancel reservations must do so to the published call-in number at least 24 hours before the scheduled event. If you fail to do so you may be charged any costs the club incurs. THE RESTAURANT PHONE NUMBERS which appear in newsletters are for emergency purposes only. Under no circumstances should members call the restaurant to book or cancel a reservation! 2014-2015 Esprit Committee Name Surname 1 Ralph Griffiths 2 Peter Allen 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Piero Sgariboldi Maria Olsen Claudia Rey Stefania Bonini Antonia Sorrenti Graziella Alpe Joe Chirone Paola Cossu Beppe Martelotta Mercia Whitten Sandra Werling Domenica Bottero Monteverdi Position Honorary President Chairman Vice Chairman / Cultural Advisor 1 Treasurer Secretary Membership secretary 1 Membership secretary 2 Committee Member / Cultural Advisor 2 Committee Member / Trips advisor Committee member / InterNations Interface Committee Member Committee Member Past Chairman Acting Member - IWCT interface
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