New Titles from For our New Titles Order Form for April 2015, we have selected titles from our new publishing that will interest your audience. Please visit our website at to stay up-to-date with our activities in Australia and New Zealand. Health Communication This indispensable guide to health communication provides readers with detailed A Media and Cultural Studies Approach and practical insights into the role of media and culture in contemporary health issues. Belinda Lewis, Jeff Lewis Accessible theory is blended with case studies This book is about communicating for health from around the world giving students, and social change. With a clear focus on public academics, and practitioners an invaluable health and health promotion practice, it provides framework for practice and a rich source of a unique introduction to media and cultural material for discussion. studies perspectives on health communication. Health Communication explores the dynamic 'This is the type of book students need to use to world of contemporary mass media and diverse develop their perspectives of public health and forms of alternative, mobile and social media: health promotion practice.' — Dr C Margaret Skropeta, Senior Lecturer, • How are communities using media to School of Science and Health, University of communicate about health and advocate for Western Sydney, Australia social change? • What are the challenges and opportunities involved with using the media for health $49.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230298323 communication? NZRRP$63.95 • How can health promotion practitioners December 2014, 272 pages utilise media to create opportunities for more Palgrave Macmillan participatory and empowering approaches to QTY *Textbook health communication? Assessment in Social Work Understanding Street Culture Judith Milner, Steve Myers, Patrick O'Byrne Assessment is a crucial social work task. This book provides structured, practical guidance on how to approach this vital professional skill. In a clear and accessible style, the authors provide both the theory behind assessment as well as helpful practice examples. Highlights of this fourth edition are: • insights into the kind of high-quality collaborative assessment that is most likely to lead to effective interventions • chapters discussing the specific challenges of assessment in children's and adult services • careful analysis of the latest legislation and government guidance • engaging features such as case studies, questions to challenge your perceptions, and thinking points to make you consider your own experience in the workplace. Poverty, Crime, Youth and Cool $54.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137375650, NZRRP$69.95, 4th Edition April 2015, 336 pages, Palgrave Macmillan *Textbook Psychoanalytic Theory An Introduction Jonathan Ilan An insightful and theoretically informed overview of street culture in various parts of the world - its origins, functions, manifestations and appeal examining both its bearing on criminal lifestyles and on the cultivation of 'cool.' Contemporary examples and original research are used to evidence new ways of thinking about street culture today. Jonathan Ilan is Lecturer in Criminology and Director of Studies for BA Criminology at the University of Kent, UK. He has researched youth cultures in Dublin and published numerous journal articles in the field of cultural criminology. $66.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137028587, NZRRP$84.95, April 2015, 192 pages, Palgrave Macmillan *Textbook QTY Biochemistry AUS Author Anthony Elliott This comprehensive introduction to psychoanalytic theory and its application to the social sciences and humanities is now available in a new and fully revised edition. Elliott provides lucid interpretations of key psychoanalytic theorists and examines the political and cultural dimensions of psychoanalytic studies. Anthony Elliott is Director of the Hawke Research Institute and Research Professor of Sociology at the University of South Australia. He is also Visiting Professor of Sociology at the Open University, UK, Visiting Professor of Sociology at University College Dublin, Ireland and Visiting Fellow at the Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Anthony Elliott is a prominent social theorist and sociologist and the author and editor of numerous books. His work has received international acclaim and has been translated into a dozen languages. $59.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137300836, NZRRP$74.95, 3rd Edition April 2015, 216 pages, Palgrave Macmillan*Textbook QTY QTY Jeremy M. Berg , John L. Tymoczko, Gregory J. Gatto Jr., and Lubert Stryer For four decades, this extraordinary textbook played an pivotal role in the way biochemistry is taught, offering exceptionally clear writing, innovative graphics, coverage of the latest research techniques and advances, and a signature emphasis on physiological and medical relevance. Those defining features are at the heart of this edition. This edition features new assignable and assessable biochemistry case studies, enabling students to work with data, develop critical thinking skills, connect topics and apply what they’re learning to real scenarios. Cases include suggestions for using them in the classroom and aligned assessment questions for quizzes and exams. This edition also features new clicker questions (Word and Powerpoint). With these questions, instructors can integrate active learning in the classroom and assess students’ understanding of key concepts during lectures. $174.95 Hb, ISBN 9781464126109, NZRRP$204.95, 8th Edition April 2015, 1120 pages, W.H. Freeman *Textbook QTY 1 History Transnational Nation United States History in Global Perspective since 1789 A History of the British Labour Party AUS Author Andrew Thorpe After thirteen years in power, Labour suddenly returned to being the party of opposition in 2010. This new edition of A History of the British Labour Party brings us up-to-date, examining Gordon Brown's period in office and the Labour Party under the leadership of Ed Miliband. Andrew Thorpe's study has been the leading single-volume text on the Labour Party since its first edition in 1997 and has now been thoroughly revised throughout to include new approaches. This new edition: • covers all the party's history, from 1900 to 2014 • examines the reasons for the party's formation, and aims • analyses the party's successes and failures • discusses the main events and personalities of the party Ian Tyrrell The development of nationalism, movement of peoples, imperialism, industrialization, environmental change and the struggle for equality are all key themes in the study of both US history and world history. In this revised and updated new edition, Tyrrell explores the relationship between events and movements in the US and wider world. "An important book, pleasingly brought up to date, written in a clear way." — Adam I. P. Smith, University College London, UK "An innovative way to understand U.S. development." — Chester J. Pach, Ohio University, USA $38.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137338549, NZRRP$48.95, 2nd Edition April 2015, 352 pages, Palgrave Macmillan*Textbook QTY $52.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137409829, NZRRP$66.95, 4th Edition April 2015, 400 pages, Palgrave Macmillan *Textbook QTY Sinauer Discovering Human Sexuality Primer of Human Genetics Simon Levay, Janice Baldwin and John Baldwin Discovering Human Sexuality is an evidence-based, accessible introduction to the study of sexuality and the diverse ways in which it brings joys and challenges to our lives. The backgrounds of the authors—in biology, sociology, teaching, and writing—have made possible a text that is multidisciplinary, authoritative, sex-positive, and a delight to read. Now in its Third Edition, Discovering Human Sexuality has established itself as a popular and widely praised text that respects diversity both in the sexual world and among the students who read it. The Third Edition has many new boxes, illustrations, FAQs, and other features, as well as countless new references. What shines through is the richness of ideas about human sexuality that only an interdisciplinary collaboration can provide. Greg Gibson A Primer of Human Genetics is an introductory textbook designed to give students the foundation they need to understand and appreciate the extraordinary shifts in human genetics that have accompanied the arrival of genomics. The book lays out the key concepts of human evolution, quantitative genetics, and personalized medicine before describing the tools that are missing from most contemporary textbooks: genome-wide association studies, whole-genome resequencing, gene expression and epigenome profiling, and integrative genomics. The final section provides an up-to-date survey of specific findings in six major domains of human disease: immunological, metabolic, cardiovascular, cancer, neuropsychological, and aging disorders. $149.95 Pb, ISBN 9781605352756, NZRRP$194.95, 3rd Edition February 2015, 645 pages, Sinauer *Textbook QTY QTY $94.95 Pb, ISBN 9781605353135, NZRRP$122.95, January 2015, 442 pages, Sinauer *Textbook Business and Management Linguistics Global Diversity Management Language and Conflict An Evidence-Based Approach Selected Issues Mustafa Ozbilgin, Ahu Tatli, Karsten Jonsen Grounded in research but firmly linked to best-practice strategies, this new edition is fully updated and includes student-friendly pedagogy and a wide range of international case studies. It provides a comprehensive real-world perspective of diversity in competitive organizations and is an ideal course companion for all students. Mustafa Ozbilgin is Professor of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour at Brunel Business School, University of Brunel, UK. Ahu Tatli is a Senior Lecturer in International Human Resource Management at the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary, University London, UK. Karsten Jonsen is a Research Fellow at IMD in Switzerland. Karol Janicki An entertaining and accessible guide for students taking an undergraduate course in discourse analysis or sociolinguistics. This is a book that will give students some useful 'hands-on' experience of discourse analysis and will point the way forward for readers who want to specialise in this area of study. Karol Janicki is a Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Bergen, Norway QTY $45.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137381408, NZRRP$57.95, March 2015, 244 pages, Palgrave Macmillan*Textbook $80.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137334350, NZRRP$101.95, 2nd Edition April 2015, 413 pages, Palgrave Macmillan *Textbook QTY Politics The Relevance of Political Science Comparative Employment Relations France, Germany and Britain AUS Author Edited by Gerry Stoker, B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre What does political science tell us about important real-world problems and issues? And to what extent does and can political analysis contribute to solutions? This is the challenge addressed by leading political scientists in this original text which will be essential reading for students and scholars alike. Susan Milner Comparative Employment Relations explores employment relations in three key European countries: France, Germany and the UK. The comparative approach examines key areas of employment relations to analyse national differences and similarities. This comparative text fills the gap between single country studies of employment relations and more broad-brush multicountry approaches. Gerry Stoker is Professor of Politics, University of Southampton, UK and Centenary Professor at the University of Canberra, Australia. Jon Pierre is Professor of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. B. Guy Peters is Maurice Falk Professor of Government, University of Pittsburgh, USA. Susan Milner is Reader in European Studies in the Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies at the University of Bath, UK. $84.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137353689, NZRRP$104.95, April 2015, 264 pages, Palgrave Macmillan*Textbook QTY $68.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230201095, NZRRP$84.95, March 2015, 296 pages, Palgrave Macmillan *Textbook QTY 2 New Indent Titles Conjugality Marriage and Marriage-like Relationships before the Law The World According to Philip K. Dick AUS Author Heather Brook Conjugality explores the legal shape of marriage as it has been determined by countless decisions concerning entry and exit into the ancient rite. Heather Brook examines the countless rules and protocols governing marriage that make it valid in the eyes of the law. She argues that the various sexual performatives associated with marriage can establish, reinforce, or rupture conjugal unity while exploring the historical and politcal regulations and prohibitions marriage has faced. Brook unites past and present, public and private, to investigate the changing meanings and effects of conjugality, and challenge the way we think about sex, gender and relationships. AUS Contributor Edited by Alexander Dunst, Stefan Schlensag As the first essay collection dedicated to Philip K. Dick in over two decades, this volume breaks new ground in science fiction scholarship and brings innovative critical perspectives to the study of one of the America's most influential authors. With contributions by major voices in literary and cultural studies, the book thoroughly situates Dick in the history of the twentieth century and includes sections on cultural theory, adaptation studies, as well as the first in-depth discussion of his last major work, The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick, only published in 2011. QTY $109.95 Hb, ISBN 9781137414588, NZRRP$142.95, March 2015, 240 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent QTY $54.95 Pb, ISBN 9780230120051, NZRRP$69.95, April 2015, 240 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Childhood Brain Injury The Palgrave Handbook of International Labour Migration AUS Contributors AUS Contributor A Practical Guide Law and Policy Perspectives Edited by Jonathan Reed, Katie Byard, Howard Fine Although a brain injury can be a potentially devastating childhood medical condition Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Childhood Brain Injury explores the developing field of neuropsychology to aid rehabilitation. The book brings together contributions from leading international clinicians and researchers to describe not only what we understand about childhood brain injury but also what has been demonstrated to help and possible innovative directions that can be taken in the future. Edited by Marion Panizzon, Gottfried Zürcher, Elisa Fornalé This authoritative state-of-the-art reference collection maps the changing landscape of labour mobility. It explores the dialectic between state sovereignty and market-based logic, which is transforming the speed, scope and scale of trans-boundary migration for employment. The Palgrave Handbook of International Labour Migration goes beyond the assumption that states are the only actors in the design and implementation of migratory policies. It maps the field, framing legal and political questions to address the main elements of labour mobility, including the limits and challenges of state action. $59.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137388216, NZRRP$79.95, April 2015, 256 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent QTY QTY $274.95 Hb, ISBN 9781137352200, NZRRP$354.95, February 2015, 576 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent Death, Dying, and Mysticism The Ecstasy of the End International Perspectives on ELT Classroom Interaction AUS Contributor Edited by Thomas Cattoi, Christopher Moreman Contemporary society tends to conceal death and the dying process from public view, seeking to erase them from our consciousness. This attitude of denial stands in great contrast to the approach of the great spiritual traditions of humanity, for which the dying process was an integral and often crucial part of our own spiritual practice. This volume offers a sample of reflections from scholars and practitioners on the theme of death and dying from scholars and practitioners, ranging from the Christian tradition to Hinduism, Lacanian psychoanalysis, while also touching on the themes of the afterlife and neardeath experiences. $124.95 Hb, ISBN 9781137472076, NZRRP$159.95, April 2015, 288 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent The Politics of Adaptation Media Convergence and Ideology QTY $39.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137340726, NZRRP$51.95, April 2015, 240 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent International Students and Crime AUS Contributor Edited by Dan Hassler-Forest, Pascal Nicklas In the 21st century, the parallel movements of media convergence and globalization have reshaped our understanding of media boundaries. The rise of digital culture has increased our access to narrative media, while also providing new ways of engaging with them. But, at the same time, global media corporations have intensified their power over these media and the channels through which they reach us. This book brings together a broad range of scholarly approaches to the challenges and opportunities of adaptation studies in this new era. Together, they focus on the political and ideological tensions that underlie and shape processes of adaptation and cultural transformation in the age of media convergence. $119.95 Hb, ISBN 9781137443847, NZRRP$154.95, April 2015, 256 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent AUS Contributor Edited by Christopher J. Jenks, Paul Seedhouse The last few decades have seen an increase in interest in classroom interaction, and this has coincided with the global spread of ELT. This book gathers together 11 empirical-based studies of classroom interaction carried out in different countries, including the USA, England, Kenya, Sweden, and China. Implementing methodologies including conversation analysis, corpus-based analysis and discourse analysis, and covering investigatory issues such as CLIL, multilingualism and computer-assisted language learning, each chapter provides cutting-edge accounts of classroom issues and challenges. Along with a state-of-the-art literature review, the chapters provide key insights and engagement priorities that will prove relevant to a variety of learning and teaching contexts. QTY QTY AUS Authors Helen Forbes-Mewett, Jude McCulloch, Chris Nyland International students and crime is of major international concern, impacting on lucrative international student markets, international relations, host countries' reputations as tolerant and safe, and on the security of students and the public. While crimes against and by international students have attracted a deal of media attention and discussion internationally, there is little research that systematically describes, analyses and reflects on the phenomena. International Students and Crime analyses a spectrum of crime from petty theft to kidnapping and murder, presenting vital knowledge about international students as victims and perpetrators of crime in the US, the UK and Australia. It highlights the largely hidden phenomena of crimes against female international students and strategies students use to stay safe. Examining the different approaches to student safety in host countries, the book considers the ways in which governments, higher education providers and police approach and implement their responsibilities for international student safety. $129.95 Hb, ISBN 9781137034960, NZRRP$169.95, April 2015, 304 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent QTY 3 New Indent Titles The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophical Methods AUS Author Edited by Martin Davies, Ronald Barnett Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education explores critical thinking in higher education in all its forms, from definitions to teaching and incorporating it into the curriculum, its relationship to culture and the professions, and its social perspectives and scientific and cognitive manifestations. Davies and Barnett ask what is critical thinking, especially in the context of higher education? The handbook explores these questions, with contributors offering their insight into the contemporary understandings of higher education worldwide. $274.95 Hb, ISBN 9781137378033, NZRRP$359.95, April 2015, 576 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent AUS Contributors Edited by Christopher Daly This book contains 26 original and substantive papers examining a wide selection of philosophical methods. Drawing upon an international range of leading contributors, this Handbook will help shape future debates about how philosophy should be done. Topics explored include philosophical disagreement, thought experiments, intuitions, rational reflection, conceptual analysis, explanation, parsimony, and experimental philosophy. $299.95 Pb, ISBN 9781137344540, NZRRP$389.95, April 2015, 000 pages, Palgrave Macmillan ^Indent QTY QTY Other Titles AUS Authors AUS Authors ^ I n d e n t ^ I n d e n t Leadership and Collaboration Edited by Dawn Forman, Marion Jones, Jill Thistlethwaite QTY ISBN 9781137432070 AUS Contributors AU$116.95 NZ$152.95 ^ I n d e n t ^ I n d e n t Educational Innovations and Contemporary Technologies Edited by Petrea Redmond et al ISBN 9781137468604 AUS Contributors QTY Contemporary Debates in the Sociology of Education Edited by Rachel Brooks, Mark McCormack, Kalwant Bhopal ISBN 9781137502278 Transnational Labour Migration, Remittances and the Changing Family in Asia Edited by Lan Anh Hoang, Brenda S. A. Yeoh QTY QTY ISBN 9781137506856 AU$49.95 NZ$64.95 AU$149.95 NZ$194.95 AU$129.95 NZ$169.95 ^ I n d e n t ^ I n d e n t Changing Employee Behavior Nik Kinley, Shlomo Ben-Hur ISBN 9781137449542 QTY AU$45.95 NZ$59.95 ^ I n d e n t Women and the Women's Movement in Britain since 1914 Martin Pugh ISBN 9781137414908 QTY AU$57.95 NZ$72.95 Psychiatry and the Business of Madness Bonnie Burstow Media, Myth and Terrorism Darren Kelsey ISBN 9781137410689 AU$119.95 NZ$154.95 ^ I n d e n t ^ I n d e n t ^ I n d e n t QTY ISBN 9781137503848 ^ I n d e n t ^ I n d e n t The Fascination of Film Violence Henry Bacon After Apollo? John M. Logsdon Thinking Through Digital Media Dale Hudson, Patricia R. Zimmermann ISBN 9781137476432 ISBN 9781137438522 ISBN 9781137433626 AU$119.95 NZ$155.95 AU$44.95 NZ$59.95 QTY QTY Invoice to: QTY Macmillan Science & Education UBD Account Code, if known: Customer Name: Address: AU$36.95 NZ$47.95 Postcode: (Street address is required for delivery - do not state PO Box number) Signature: Date: / / Booksellers please leave this order with your Macmillan Science & Education representative or direct it to United Book Distributors (UBD) by email or phone. Other customers please place your order with your usual bookseller. In case of difficulty contact UBD directly to place your order. Prices herein are recommended only and there is no obligation to comply with the recommendations. Prices subject to change without notice. An express fee may apply for any small orders, please confirm with UBD customer service. QTY AU$51.95 NZ$69.95 Palgrave Macmillan A division of Macmillan Publishers Australia Pty Ltd ABN 96 004 688 519 Level 1, 15-19 Claremont Street South Yarra 3141 Tel: (03) 9825 1111 Fax: (03) 9825 1010 Email Web UBD - United Book Distributors CUSTOMER SERVICE - Australia Tel: 1800 338 836 CUSTOMER SERVICE - New Zealand Tel: (09) 442 7410 European Integration and the Problem of the State Stefan Borg ISBN 9781137409324 AU$115.95 NZ$149.95 QTY I hope that you have enjoyed reading our New Titles Order Form - feedback is welcome. Thank you for your interest and support. Nick Reynolds Marketing Coordinator *Textbook terms apply Tel (03) 9825 1157 ^Indent terms apply *Textbook terms apply 4
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