Tech TechTalk Talk NSW PUBLIC SCHOOLS - CREATING THE FUTURE FEBRUARY 2015 SCHOOL CONNECTIONS FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome to the 2015 School Year. A warm welcome to new students and their families. The school has a Parent Partnership Program for Year 7, 8 and 9, and these well attended seminars are a chance to meet other parents, share ideas and gain insight into the school and into our education system in New South Wales. Our program is advertised elsewhere in Tech Talk, and your input into these seminars is very much appreciated: if you think we should have a special guest or would like to see a particular topic discussed please let me know. Our P&C welcome BBQ takes place on 12 February and I look forward to meeting families new to the school then. SCHOOL STRATEGIC PLAN We are currently working on our school plan for 2015-2017 and would like to invite you to participate in some discussion about our future directions at the March P&C meeting. We would like to know what social, emotional and academic qualities you would like to see developed in Tech graduates by the time they leave the school, given how important it is to have a balanced resume for universities and employers. HSC RESULTS We very pleased with our HSC results, and we are engaged in serious analysis of all results this term, so that in a few weeks we can publish our findings to you. Arthur Huang was dux of the school, and 19th in the State for Chemistry. Nine students were on the top all rounders lists, very pleasing results indeed. Shrinivas Sapre was 5th in the State in Engineering Studies and Stephen Payne was 6th in the State in Engineering Studies. Engineering Studies was 18.65 above State mean, a very impressive achievement. Talented artist Oliver Xu was 7th in the State in Visual Arts . Our three year school target was to ensure that students who enter the school in the Contents Page 1: Page 3: Page 5: Page 6: Page 8: From the Principal Deputy Principals’ Report P&C Report Creative Arts/LOTE Report STHS welcome Year 7 686 Forest Road Bexley 2207 Page 10: Year 12, 2014 Celebrates Page 12: Announcements Page 16: School Calendar Phone: 9587 5899 Fax: 9553 8315 highest bands in the State do not underachieve in the HSC, so that we have devoted much strategic thinking to minimising Band 3 in the HSC. (Band 6 is the highest HSC Band). I am very pleased to report that we achieved a very significant reduction in Band 3 in 2014, and we hope to see this continue in 2015. If you have any concerns about your son’s education, please do not hesitate to contact the school to make an appointment. I am always happy to see you. Jacqueline Lyons Principal CONCERNS PARENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Term 1, Week 5 Term 1 Week 4 Term 1, Week 4 Thursday 26 February Meet the Team and School Curriculum Term 2, Week 5 Thursday 19 February Tuesday 17 February Adolescent Development Discussion Forum: “What should we expect our boys to be like at the end of Year 12?” Your input into our 2015-2017 Strategic Directions. Term 2, Week 4 Term2, Week 4 Thursday 28 May Thursday 21 May Tuesday 19 May Reading for Success Adolescents and Computer Games Reading for Success: The new reading program for Year 9. Term 3, Week 5 Term 3, Week 4 Term 3, Week 4 Thursday 13 August Thursday 6 August Thursday 6 August The School Wellbeing Team Cyber Safety/Cyber Bullying Cyber Safety/Cyber Bullying Term 4, Week 5 Thursday 5 November Gifted and Talented Education Term 4, Week 4 Term 4, Week 4 Thursday 29 October Tuesday 27 October Motivating Students into Year 9 Careers: Work Experience What universities and firms look for in new graduates. A few of our Year 12 boys were keen to show off their new .jerseys Nicholas Jiang Page 2 Andrew Lucas Peter Chung Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys DEPUTY PRINCIPALS’ REPORT UNIFORM STHS is a uniform school and our students should be proud to be seen in their uniform. Details about correct school uniform are listed in the school diary. Regulation shoes are black leather and not joggers or any other type of footwear. The wearing of black sport shoes, joggers or boots has never been endorsed. Belts must be black or grey. All students must be in correct uniform each day - this includes ties being done up, shirts tucked in, long socks pulled up and hats removed inside school buildings. All students are permitted to wear the official school sports uniforms on Wednesdays, but must not wear a combination of school and sports uniforms. Students not in correct uniform must see Mr Hewett, HT Administration, or a Deputy Principal before school with a note from home in order to obtain a pass. If a student does not have the official pass, he will be automatically placed on Friday detention. LATENESS AND LEAVING EARLY Students who arrive late must sign in at the office to gain an entry slip. They need to bring a note from home explaining their lateness. Seniors who have non-timetabled first period lessons are to attend roll call then go to the Library. They are not permitted to come late to school. All seniors who have returned permission notes, may leave after their last timetabled class but must sign out at the front office. Students who do not have timetabled lessons during the day may not leave the school grounds, but may use the library for private study. PARKING Welcome back to a new year at Sydney Technical High School and welcome to our new students and their families. Student Welfare is of paramount importance to us at Sydney Technical High School. If parents need to talk to someone about their son, you may contact either Deputy Principal, although it may be preferable to speak to the Deputy who handles your son’s year: Mrs Wilson will monitor Years 8, 10 and 12, and Mr McNaught Years 7, 9 and 11. Alternatively, you may contact the Head Teacher Welfare, Mr Grinham or the appropriate Year Adviser. Year 7 – Mr Gamage Year 8 – Mr Roche Year 9 – Ms Farr Year 10 – Ms Ryan Year 11 – Mr de Rooy Year 12 – Ms Faulder Parents who pick up their sons after school should do so at the back of the school in Ethel Street or in Botany Street. There is plenty of parking and very little traffic in those two streets. It is too busy and too dangerous to stop in Anderson Street since staff and senior students are leaving at the same time. Please do not double-park as it is both illegal and dangerous. The Anderson Street and Forest Road car parks are for staff only. Please be aware of Bus Zones and No Stopping Zones. ILLNESS Students who are ill during the day or who have an accident must report to the front office. They are not to phone parents. That is the duty of the office staff, who have very clear procedures to follow when students attend the school clinic. Parents will be phoned if the office staff and Deputy Principals believe that the student should be taken home or an ambulance is called. It is essential that the school has correct contact details. Have you changed phone or mobile phone numbers recently? Please let the school know. This is also important for notification of student absences. Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 3 SKATEBOARDS, ROLLER-BLADES, MOBILE PHONES AND OTHER VALUABLES classes before and after school and the library will be open for students undertaking research work. Students and parents are reminded that skateboards and rollerblades are banned from the school. It is also most unwise to bring valuable equipment to school. If students bring a mobile phone, it must be turned off inside buildings and may not be used during school hours – turn them off between 8.45 and 3.05. Wallets and valuables must never be left in unattended bags. If a student must bring a large amount of money to school, it should be left in the front office for safekeeping during the day. Occasionally staff take photos of individual students or groups of students for various school forums, such as the school website, Tech Talk, the annual Journal, the annual school report, school year photos, artwork and other internal purposes. No photos are ever taken for commercial purposes or for outside groups. Any individual photo taken is always with the individual student’s permission. Any parent who does not wish his/her son to be photographed will need to put that request in writing and return it to the Deputy Principal, Mrs Wilson by 27 February. In such cases it will be the responsibility of the student to remove himself from any activity where photography may occur. STUDENTS DRIVING TO SCHOOL Senior students who drive to school are reminded of the following: There is no student parking in any of the school car parks, including the Anderson Street and Forest Road carparks. Cars are to be parked in the streets surrounding the school. Students are not to leave the school grounds during the school day, except at the conclusion of lessons. Study periods must be conducted in the library or the canteen area. Drivers and their passengers are to lodge driver/ passenger information forms with Mrs Wilson. Remember to drive safely and abide by the road rules which are there for your protection. SUPERVISION BEFORE SCHOOL Supervision of students before school begins at 8.30am. There is a very low incidence of accidents in the playground before school, which reflects the nature of the student body and their level of maturity. The playgrounds present no obvious hazards in terrain or equipment, nor are they adjacent to any busy road. PHOTOGRAPHS SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS School Photographs will be taken on Thursday 5 February in the auditorium. Payment envelopes have been distributed and should be returned on the day and given directly to the photographers. No change can be given. All students are to be photographed whether they are purchasing or not. The photos are used for student ID cards. The schedule for the day is on noticeboards around the school. VACCINATIONS NSW Health provides vaccinations for school age children. Year 7, 11 and 12 will be receiving the first round of vaccinations on Monday 9 February. Information and permission notes have been distributed to students. Permission Notes are to be returned to the front office by Friday 6 February. Diane Wilson, Greg McNaught Deputy Principals Students should not be present in the school grounds before 8.30 am. Parents remain responsible for their sons until 8.30am when staff supervision begins. From 8.30 until 8.45 the Principal and/or Deputy Principals and/or Head Teacher Administration will be available in the administration block to attend to any incidents which may occur. There are also senior Page 4 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys P&C REPORT Hi Everyone WELCOME BBQ I’d like to extend a warm welcome to every newcomer to STHS and a huge welcome back to all the returning students and their families. Our first event for this year will be the Newcomers Welcome BBQ. It will be held under the shade sails near the Anderson Street carpark or the canteen covered area depending on the weather, on Thursday 12 February, 2015 at 6pm. All the P&C members, School executive committee, head teachers and other new parents will be there so we hope all the newcomers and their families can come along and enjoy the night. We, the parents of the STHS P&C, are a group of extremely friendly and helpful parents who meet once a month with the school executive committee to help maintain and support the school in any way possible. Through funds raised by the P&C we have managed to buy text books for the science, maths and English departments, instruments for the music department, multiple laptops for the school, sports equipment for the school gym, a new industrial oven for the canteen and too many more to mention here. However, as our young men graduate and inconveniently insist on taking their parents with them, we are always in search of new like-minded parents to help our cause. If you feel you fit the bill, please come and join us. P&C Meeting Our P&C Meeting will be held on Tuesday 3 February 2015 in the STHS Common Room at 7:30 pm. All Welcome! Next Month’s meeting will be on Tuesday 3 March, 2015 P&C INTRANET/EMAIL For up-to-date information on what we are doing and our future agendas, please log onto the STHS home page where our agendas are updated every month. You can also access the P&C Intranet page by logging into moodle and posting your questions, concerns and any other issues for all parents to discuss. For a more personal approach, you can also email us on MEETINGS F E B R UA RY TRIVIA P&C meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month during term at 7:30pm in the Staff Common Room. We generally have special guest speakers who grace our meetings with their knowledge and expertise. STHS first opened its doors as a coeducational high school in 1911. The fun and frivolities ended abruptly when the girls were shipped off to Fort Street Girls’ High School in February 1913. The boys have never been the same since… Our first meeting for the year is on Tuesday 3 February, 2015 at 7:30pm. Our guest speaker will be Mr Kirk Grinham, Head Teacher Welfare, and he will address topics regarding students’ welfare and wellbeing here at STHS. Hope to see you all at our next meeting. After all, we are all here for the same reason. Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys TECH Angela Kim President Page 5 CREATIVE ARTS/ LOTE REPORT Welcome to all returning and new students and may your 2015 be full of creative energy. Congratulations are due to all students and teachers whose hard work and intellect yielded such wonderful 2014 HSC results in Visual Arts, Music and LOTE. Most notable among these are Roger Lu, who topped the school in Japanese and Japanese Extension, Oliver Xu in Music 2 and Ben Turner in Extension Music. Excellent results in externally delivered courses were achieved by Nam Kiet Nguyen in French Extension, Filip Drazovic in Serbian, Shi Qi Wang in Heritage Mandarin and Adrian Wu in Beginner Japanese. Year 12 Visual Art students William Huang and Oliver Xu were nominated for Artexpress, the annual exemplar exhibition of HSC art making, with William’s work displayed at Bega Regional Gallery (above) and Oliver’s work (pictured below) exhibited in Art Rules at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery. Oliver placed equal 7th in the state in Visual Arts which is a superb achievement. Most students in Languages, Music and Visual Arts achieved their highest or second highest HSC result in these subjects and should be justifiably proud of their sustained commitment to learning. Three of our talented Year 11 Art students completed an extension course at the National Art School late in 2014. In the Studio Practice discipline, Connor Tan achieved a high distinction in painting, while Cassidy Lowe and David Lu achieved distinctions in drawing. Congratulations to these students who will no doubt build on these excellent results for their Year 12 Visual Arts course. Page 6 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Also, late last year, Year 10 Music student Nayeem Halim achieved 1st place in the Classical Music section of the Australian Children’s Music Foundation’s National Songwriting competition. Nayeem received $1500 for himself and $1000 for the school to go towards the purchase of musical equipment. Congratulations to all students involved in these outstanding creative and intellectual achievements. The STHS Performing Ensembles commence rehearsals for the year in Week 2. All current band members should bring their instruments for normal rehearsal times beginning Monday 3 February and Mrs Ryan and Mr Gamage will coordinate the program again this year. Information about Ensemble Fees will be given to students in coming rehearsals. Invoices for these mandatory fees will be posted to parents later this term. YEAR 7 MUSICIANS – There are two ways new students can join the Performing Ensembles. 1. Any experienced Year 7 student interested in auditioning for a position in an ensemble, should see Mrs Ryan or Mr Gamage in Week 3 (beginning Monday 9 February) in the Creative Arts staffroom, with details of their expertise and instrument. They can then audition, with a view to starting in Week 5, after Year 7 camp. 2. An instrumental beginners program will operate in Term 2. Information about this will be issued to all Year 7 students later this term. We look forward to a wonderful year of musical production, artistic creation and cultural exchange. Jo Wright Head Teacher, Creative Arts/LOTE The school’s Performing Ensembles Program includes Beginner Band, Intermediate and Concert Band, Stage Band, Strings, Choir (seen below) and Guitar Ensemble. Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 7 Page 8 SydneyTech Tech- -an anacademically academiclly selective school for boys Sydney Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 9 Page 10 Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS GROUP YEARS DAY TIME TUTOR Concert Band all Monday 3.05 – 4.30 Shane Gamage Intermediate Concert Band 7-10 Tuesday 3.05 - 4.30 Emma Riley Strings Ensemble all Thursday 3.05 – 4.30 Vov Dylan Choir all Tuesday 1.10 – 1.50 Emma Riley/ Julie Ryan Stage Band 9-12 Friday 2.25 – 3.30 Emma Riley/ Dave Panici Beginner Band 7-8 Friday 2.25 – 4.00 Peter Sampson Page 12 PERFORMING ENSEMBLES TIMETABLE 2015 All rehearsals are in the auditorium except Beginner Band and Choir which are in Room 42. Beginner Band for Year 7 2015 starts in Term 2. Information will be sent home later in Term 1. Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Please do not park across any private driveways or school driveways, in our surrounding streets, when dropping your children at school or collecting them from school. Also do not drive into any of our school carparks to stop or park. Transport News The NSW Government released new transport timetables effective from 20 October 2014. This applies to Sydney Trains in our area. You can access further details of the train timetable by downloading the new train timetable app ‘New Times” from the App Store or Google Play or visit the website To print a copy of the timetable, go to 2014 National Adolescent Vaccination Program Vaccinations are taking place at school on the following dates: Visit 1 - Monday 9 February 2015 Visit 2 - Monday 4 May 2015 and Visit 3 - 31 August 2015 Vaccination envelopes were sent out to Year 7 in Week 1 2015. STHS SECOND HAND CLOTHING POOL The Clothing Pool is run by volunteers, The Clothing Pool is located in the Professional Learning Centre. During the school terms, the Clothing Pool is open on the Second Tuesday of each calendar month, from 10.30am - 12 noon. The next date for the clothing pool this year will be on Tuesday 17 February 2015. Come along and grab a bargain. If you have any donations of used uniform items, please send them to the Office. Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 13 If you have a special occasion coming up, contact Choosypix Photography. Antonia Hayler is the Managing Director of the company and is one of our volunteer parents at the school. Choosypix specialises in Weddings, Christenings, Birthdays, Family occasions, School Formals and Sports events. Contact Antonia: Mob: 0410 584 066 Email: NEW DEPARTMENT POLICY FOR STUDENTS TAKING LEAVE DURING THE TERM Due to new Policies and Procedures from the Department of Education and Communities, students wishing to take leave during the school term must submit a leave application for consideration by the principal. This letter must be received at the office at least two weeks prior to going on leave. Change of Mobile Phone Numbers and Addresses If you have changed your mobile phone number or address, please contact the school immediately so that we can update our records. Attention Parents When returning SMS messages to the school after receiving an absent or late message regarding your son, please type your son’s FULL NAME on the return message. Page 14 It is Departmental Policy that if your son needs to leave the school early for an appointment, then a letter must be brought to the school and it must be signed by one of the Deputy Principals before the start of the school day for leave to be granted. Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys BUILDING FUND Tech High, established in 1911, was originally located in a building in Mary Ann Street, Ultimo, and known as Ultimo Central Technical School. The Official Opening of the new school buildings on McConnachies Paddock, Forest Road, was performed on 2 August 1958. Our school buildings are always in need of upgrading and renovation. The priority areas for our Building Fund in 2013-14 are to upgrade staff and student toilets. Currently our bathrooms do not meet environmental standards, waste water and electricity. Your contribution to the fund will enhance student and staff well-being and contribute to an improved school environment. There are various amounts you can donate or you can suggest your own amount. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. LIBRARY FUND The school has established a school Library fund. This fund is designed to enhance student learning and improve access to up to date resources from a range of different media. Our school Library is in constant use by students and teachers for research, private study and building general knowledge. Our Librarian Ms Campbell is always seeking to provide our boys with fiction and non fiction resources for reading pleasure and for study that will really engage their interest. Your contribution to the fund will enhance our ability to provide inspiring and essential reading for our students. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Yes I would like to contribute to the Sydney Technical High School I wish to pay by Building Fund Library Fund $130.00 $250.00 $500.00 $750.00 …………….. (write amount you wish to donate) OR debit my credit card Cheque (enclosed) Visa Money order (enclosed) Mastercard Security Code: Expiry Date: / Card No: Cardholder’s Name: …………………………………………………………………………… (please print) Signature …………………………………………..…………… can also be paid by on (02) 9587 All over $2 are tax Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 15 School Calendar February 3 P&C Meeting 7.30pm, Common Room 5 School Photos 9 Vaccinations - Years 7, 11 and 12 10 Swimming Carnival 12 School Photos Catch Up Day 12 P&C BBQ 13 Speech Day 13 Year 7 Swimming Assessment 17 Parent Partnership Program - Year 9 Discussion Forum: “What should we expect our boys to be like at the end of Year 12”. 9am, Common Room 18-20 Year 7 Camp 19 Parent Partnership Program - Year 8 Adolescent Development - 9am, Common Room 26 Parent Partnership Program - Year 8 27 Clean Up Australia Day in Schools March 2 Zone Swimming Carnival 6 Zone Swimming Carnival 12-13 Duke of Edinburgh Expedition For a full list of school activities please check the calendar on the school intranet. Sydney Tech - an academically selective school for boys Page 16
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