THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY VOLUME XLI NovExii, I962 NuuBER 5 HOMOTRANSPLANTATION OF THE CANINE LIVER AS AN ORTHOTOPIC VASCULARmIED GRAFT HISTOLOGIC Al%1 FUNCTIONAL CORRAnONS DURING RESIDENCE IN THE NEW HOST RAYMoND A. McBxnw, MD.*; H. BtowwEL Wnmu, MD.; Louis L SMIT, M.D.; FRANCS D. Mooxz, MD, A" GUSTAvE J. DAMXKN, M.D. From the Departments of Pathology and Surgery, Harvard Medical School and the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Mass. Previous reports from this laboratory12 have outlined the surgical technique required to transplant successfully the intact canine liver as a temporarily life-sustaining, vascularized orthotopic homograft. This procedure has been carried out on a total of 35 dogs with longest survival to the twelfth postoperative day. The feasibility of such a procedure in clinical medicine may eventually become established in some instances of irreversible hepatic damage as it has for the kidney in selected instances of renal failure. Such heroic measures are at this time beset with many obstacles other than the basic one of biologic antigenic incompatibilities which tend to preclude continued viability of tissues exchanged between individuals of the same or different species. Not the least of these problems is the one posed by the liver being an unpaired organ, making it necessary to use cadavers as organ source. Another major problem is posed by virtue of the large complement of potentially immunologically competent reticuloendotheThis work was supported by grants from the United States Public Health Service and the National Heart Institute, (H-177I, HTS-5274), and by contracts with the United States Army Medical Research and Development Command (MLD-2o6I), and the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Accepted for publication June 25, I962. * Research Trainee of the National Heart Institute, NI.H. Present address: Transplantation Biology Laboratories, Queen Vitoria Hospital, East Grinstead, Sussex, England 50S 502 MC BRIDE ET AL. Vol. 4z, No. 5 lial tissues contained within the liver, making the possibility of graftversus-host reaction a genuine hazard to be feared. It is the purpose of this report to present the histologic alterations observed in the transplanted liver at varying time intervals during its residence in the homologous host and to relate these changes to functional failure. The morphologic features observed are interpreted to be a result of cellular response on the part of the host to factors (antigens) present in the homograft. The functional failure which developed is thought to be related to the loss of hepatic parenchyma incident to infiltration of the graft by host-derived mononuclear cells. MATERIAL AND METHODS Mongrel dogs of either sex and of approximately equal size were used. Detailed description of the operative technique involved has been previously presented1'2 but will be briefly outlined here. In the experimental group, including those dogs which underwent whole-organ homotransplantation, there were 35 dogs. In the whole-organ autotransplant group there were 27 dogs. A third group which underwent what was essentially a sham operation (complete dissection of the liver with one or more vascular anastomoses) consisted of 13 dogs. The donor and recipient animals were operated upon simultaneously. The normothermic recipient had a hepatectomy through a midline abdominal incision. The inferior vena cava was freed to a point 4 inches below the renal veins and, above the liver, was dissected to the diaphragm. The aorta was mobilized for temporary occlusion above the celiac axis. A shunt was established between the inferior vena cava and right jugular vein. The portal vein was divided and its blood shunted to the left jugular vein. The donor animal was prepared in a similar fashion; however, when the liver was mobilized, the animal was made hypothermic (280 C.) by the application of cold isotonic saline to the peritoneal cavity. The liver was removed and placed in the recipient animal and the anastomoses established in the following order: inferior vena cava above the liver; portal vein; inferior vena cava below the liver; hepatic artery. The anastomoses were all end-to-end, and portal vein perfusion was accomplished within 30 to 45 minutes after removal of the liver from the donor, followed shortly by establishment of hepatic artery perfusion. Splenectomy had been performed early in the series while in later experiments the spleen was left intact. Cholecystoduodenostomy or cholecystostomy have both been used to re-establish biliary drainage. Two control groups were used. (i) Autotranspiants: the same procedure as described for the recipient animal was carried out. The liver was removed from the animal, cooled in isotonic saline or by perfusion with chilled oxygenated blood, and was resutured within the same animal. (2) Liver dissections or sham operations: complete dissection of the liver and establishment of shunts were carried out without removal of the liver from the animal. Complete necropsy examinations were performed on all animal at the time of death. Tissues were fixed in io per cent buffered neutral formalin, embedded in paraffin, and sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Selected tissues were fixed in absolute methyl alcohol for the methyl green-pyronine stain. RESULTS Histologic Features A major problem in interpreting the histologic alterations of homografted livers was the presence of significant surgical artifact. The enor- Nov., I962 LIVER HOMOTRANSPLANT 503 mity of the surgical procedure, the exquisite sensitivity of the hepatic parenchyma to physical trauma and the frequent association of severe myocardial disease added significant hepatic structural derangement to those related to host-graft interaction. To some extent, the controls selected provided base lines of structural derangement, above which consistent significant differences might be attributable to factors other than pure operative manipulation and nonspecific host responses. It was within this general category of tissue alteration that specific changes reflecting host-graft interaction were sought. In attempting to relate morphologic changes to the duration of residence of the graft within the homologous host, it is important to remember that the specinens emined were obtained from animals who died or were sacrificed at the stated time intervals. The sequence of histologic alterations suggested might reflect the cause of death and altered physiologic status of the particular animal, rather than representing a true temporal sequence of tissue changes which might be expected in one particular animal surviving a prolonged period. Sequential representative liver biopsy specinens might have helped solve the logistics of this problem. However, it was thought that such added trauma would have jeopardized the survival times that were achieved. Reimplantation of an animal's own liver failed in several respects to represent an ideal control situation. The technical aspects of the vascular anastomoses were more difficult because of the shorter lengths of vessels. Regional hypothermia was not possible in vivo at the time of vascular occlusion, as this would have resulted simultaneously in a cooled recipient, which, early in the course of the experiments, was found to be undesirable. Nonetheless, the clinical course of these animals was entirely different from those with the homotransplants. Several longterm survivors were obtained, the animals were not clinically as ill, and, as wil be noted, the histologic pattern was quite different. Liver Homotransplants Thirty-five animals underwent the homotransplantation procedure. Eighteen died during the operative or immediate postoperative period, 8 survived from I to 3 days, 5 from 3 to 6 days, and i each survived 6, 6/2, 82, and I2 days. In those subjects surviving 4 or more days, the more usual lesions at necropsy consisted of gastric and duodenal ulceration with hemorrhage, thrombosis of the hepatic artery or vena cava, peritonitis, infarcts of the liver, atrophy of hepatic parenchyma and disseminated foci of necrosis in the myocardium. Gross Features. At the time of necropsy, irrespective of the length of survival, the most common gross alteration was an increase in size of the liver and swelling, as evidenced by bulging of the parenchyma above 504 MC BRIDE ET AL. Vol. 4z, No. 5 the sectioned surface. Alterations in color reflected varying degrees of vascular congestion. Within the first 3 to 4 days postoperatively the texture of the liver was resilient and somewhat soft; however, beyond 5 days increased resistance to cutting was usually observed. Infarcts, when present, were usually small and located over the anterior surface, particularly along the anterior edge. Their color rapidly changed from reddish-purple to bright yellow. The lobular architecture was usually markedly accentuated on the cut surface with intense reddening and slight depression of central zones. In longer survivors the lobular pattern was frequently completely obscured. Bile staining of the parenchyma was noted in every instance in which there was clinical jaundice. Partial or complete occlusion of the hepatic artery by thrombus at the anastomotic site was an occasional complication. Complete occlusion of the hepatic artery produced obvious softening and necrosis of large segments of the liver. The small peripheral infarcts were usually not associated with vascular occlusion of larger vessels. Thrombosis at the site of venous anastomosis was unusual; however, it was very common at the site of shunt insertion into the inferior vena cava below the renal veins. The extrahepatic biliary drainage system, whether cholecystoduodenostomy or cholecystostomy, was usually patent; however, in several of the animals early in the study it served as the source of ascending suppurative cholangitis. Microscopic Features. The hepatic lesions observed in the animals dying within the first 3 postoperative days were essentially similar in all groups and probably reflected the nonspecific results of surgical trauma, anoxia, and hepatic outflow obstruction. These alterations consisted of: (a) central and peripheral congestion of the hepatic lobule, with or without associated hemorrhage into the surrounding parenchyma; (b) central necrosis of hepatic parenchyma, most marked in areas of hemorrhage; (c) slight neutrophil infiltration, especially in regions of central necrosis and to a lesser degree within the portal tracts; (d) generalized interstitial edema with proteinaceous precipitate within the spaces of Disse and separation of hepatic cell cords; (e) varying degrees of intracanalicular bile stasis, most marked centrally. The hepatic cells within the peripheral portions of the lobule were usually unaltered. Sinusoids contained red cells, and Kupffer cells were more prominent than usual. The bile duct epithelium was intact and usually contained subnuclear vacuoles. Survival beyond 3 days heralded a striking change in the character, quantity, and distribution of the cellular infiltrate. Mononuclear cells replaced the neutrophils as the predominant cell type. The first mononuclear cells to make their appearance were located in the loose adventitia surrounding small portal and central veins (Fig. 2 ). In the earliest Nov., I962 LIVER HOMOTRANSPLANT 505 stages these cells were of the small- and medium-sized lymphocyte type; however, a minority were larger and more closely resembled reticulum cells. By the fifth and sixth day the quantity of the infiltrate had increased to the point of complete replacement of many small portal tracts, with obliteration of architecture (Fig. 5). In larger portal tracts, at this time, the infiltrate was never as intense and remained confined to the perivenous adventitia and the adventitia surrounding the larger branches of the bile ducts. The infiltrate around the small central and portal veins increased in quantity to the point of apparent compression and compromise of the vein lumens. In animals surviving beyond the fourth day, mature plasma cells were present in the infiltrate. Some of the cells were of the reticulum-cell type with large nuclei, prominent nucleoli and scanty, pale basophilic cytoplasm; others were larger than the mature plasma cells and had intensely hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant deep basophilic cytoplasm. The latter cells exhibited cytoplasmic pyroninophilia. Kupffer cells lining sinusoids and connective tissue cells within the portal tracts were prominent. There was no evidence of transition of Kupffer cells to cells present in the infiltrate; mitotic figures were not seen in either of these cells. Vascular endothelium was unaltered except for slight prominence and occasional vacuolation of that within small arteries. Central congestion was less intense than that seen in earlier postoperative periods, particularly in regions with the heaviest central infiltrate. Generalized edema persisted. Derangement of the architecture of the hepatic cell cords in central regions was progressive and was proportional to the quantity of cellular reaction. To a lesser degree, there was beginning perivenous proliferation of connective tissue elements in some of the longer survivors. Bile stas, initially confined to central zones, was present throughout the lobule beyond the sixth day and was only rarely noted in larger bile ducts in portal areas. Evidence of regeneration of hepatic parenchyma (mitosis and polyploidy) was seen in only one animal (X-69) surviving to 8 days. Sinusoids remained patent; however, they were distorted in the central zones and contained large numbers of mononuclear cells within their lumens. Lymphatic channels in the walls of hepatic and portal veins were prominently dilated. This probably resulted from severance of the vessels at the vascular poles, with consequent disruption of lymphatic channels. Acute fibrinoid necrosis in the walls of small hepatic arteries was seen in a few animals surviving to and beyond the fifth day. These lesions were rare; they were unaccompanied by appreciable cellular reaction within the vessel wall, and the intima was minimally affected. The arterial lesions were found within the liver only in the homotrans- 506 MC BRIDE ET AL. Vol. 4i, No.- 5 plantation group and were not observed in the control autotransplants. Peripheral infarcts were usually associated with thrombosis of small portal and central veins and were rimmed by intense neutrophil infiltration. Progressive degeneration of bile duct epithelium was usually a prominent feature and in every instance was associated with an intense cellular infiltrate within the surrounding tissue. The final histologic picture seen in the longest survivors was one of complete disruption of lobular architecture with few surviving hepatic cells around the periphery of the lobule (Figs. 3 and 4). Distorted sinusoids, filled with mononuclear cells and lined by hypertrophied Kupffer cells containing phagocytized basophilic debris and hemosiderin, composed most of the hepatic lobule. Interestingly, the longest survivor (X-58; I 2 days) showed less histologic derangementthan the animal surviving for 8/2 days (X-69). The cellular infiltrate was less intense, consisted almost entirely of mature plasma cells, and there was minimal disruption of the cell cord architecture. Centrilobular proliferation of connective tissue was present and in several regions connected adjacent central veins. Whether or not splenectomy had been performed had no observable effect on the tempo or character of the cellular infiltrate. Liver Autotransplants Twenty-seven autotransplantations were performed. Ten survived 24 hours or more and 7 for 4 days or more: 2 for 4 days, 3 for 5 days, i for io days and i for I4 days. Technically, the autotransplantation procedure was the most difficult to perform, and the highest incidence of thrombosis at anastomotic sites was encountered in these animals, although their postoperative course was far less stormy if thrombosis did not occur. In those subjects surviving 4 or more days, lesions at death consisted of thrombosis of the portal vein or hepatic artery, infarcts of the liver, hepatic and subhepatic abscesses and myocardial necrosis. Gross Features. The gross anatomic appearance of the livers varied considerably. It reflected vascular insufficiency, when present, in the form of multiple discrete infarcts throughout the hepatic parenchyma or diffuse generalized softening. In addition, those features reflecting vascular congestion, as seen in the homotransplants, were also observed in this group. Exsanguination through disrupted suture lines was an occasional complication. Microscopk Features. Many histologic alterations were common to this group and to the homografted experimental group. These included: Novw., z962 LIVER HOMOTRANSPLANT 507 acute peripheral and centrilobular congestion with or without necrosis; infiltration by neutrophils into regions of parenchymal damage and occasionally into portal tracts; dilatation of lymphatics in the walls of central and portal veins; early pericentral and late diffuse intracanalicular bile stasis. A higher incidence of ischemic infarction and ascending suppurative cholangitis was present in these animals. The single most striking difference between this group and the homotransplantation group was the qualitative difference in the cellular infiltrate (Fig. i; compare with Fig. 2). The predominant cell at all times was the neutrophil. Large reticulum cells and plasma cells, or their precursors, were not seen. In no animal was there complete replacement of lobular tissue with mononuclear cells; on the contrary, except for regions of infarction, the hepatic cell cords were well maintained. Degenerative changes of the type seen in the homotransplants were not observed in the autotransplants. An interesting phenomenon observed only in several animals of this group was the presence of foci of extramedullary hematopoiesis. These were randomly scattered throughout the lobule and some contained large megakaryocytes. Sham Operations on the Liver Thirteen sham operations were performed. One dog succumbed from intussusception on the sixth day, another on day i 6 with massive ascites. The remaining animals were sacrificed after periods of survival ranging from i8 to 63 days. Gross Features. Various gross anatomic lesions were observed. These were clearly related to vascular insufficiency related to thrombosis at the anastomotic site in the hepatic artery, if the dissection had been extended to include this procedure. Generalized softening and peripheral infarcts were observed under such circumstances. In most of the animals the livers were unaltered grossly. Microscopic Features. Changes similar to those detailed above, attributable to surgical artifact, anoxia and outflow obstruction, were present in the early postoperative period. In the longer survivors essentially normal hepatic architecture was found. Dilated lymphatics in the walls of central and portal veins were frequently observed. Varying degrees of centrilobular intracanalicular bile stasis were observed in a few animals who were not clinically jaundiced. Pathologic Alterations in Other Organ Systems The vast majority of the lesions present in the experimental group of animals were classifiable as surgical artifacts and were not attribut- 508 MC BRIDE ET AL. Vol. 4i, No. 5 able to the temporary residence of a foreign liver within the abdomen. The experimental and autotransplantation controls shared most extrahepatic lesions, whereas sham-operated animals had fewer and less severe lesions. It soon became obvious in the course of the experiment that severe myocardial lesions were contributing to structural hepatic alterations and death in all groups (Figs. 6 and 7). These lesions consisted of multiple subendocardial foci of myocardial necrosis without related vascular lesions. The myocardium of all 4 chambers was usually involved. The foci of necrosis were more extensive in the right than left ventricular myocardium, and in some instances were transmural. The affected myocardial fibers tended to undergo early calcification. In their initial stages the lesions were present as early as the first postoperative day. The longer survivors had fewer such lesions. Similar findings have been observed in this laboratory in dogs subjected to mild hemorrhagic shock for short periods of time. Pulmonary congestion, edema, atelectasis and bronchopneumonia became less of a problem after the operative technique was altered so as not to include entry into the thoracic cavity. Pulmonary emboli with infarction were not infrequently associated with thrombosis at the site of the shunt insertion into the inferior vena cava. Entrapped giant cells (megakaryocytes) within alveolar capillaries, focal thickening of alveolar septums and focal interstitial infiltrates of mononuclear cells were findings not limited to the homotransplantation group. These lesions were possibly related to prior helminthic infections, so common in the dog. The kidneys of the animals with homografts contained nonspecific lesions which were found with equal frequency in the control groups. The kidneys were frequently swollen and congested. Peripheral wedgeshaped infarcts in varying stages of organization were common. Many of the necrotic tubules in the infarcts underwent early calcification. Areas adjacent to infarcts were infiltrated with neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells, depending on their age. Miliary granulomas, some of which contained small helminth larvae, were common. Perivascular and periglomerular cellular infiltrates composed of plasma cells and lymphocytes were observed in the kidneys of the experimental and control groups of animals; these were found in kidneys without infarction. Lymph nodes from the porta hepatis and retroperitoneal regions were xmined. In all groups the nodes were enlarged and soft. Histologic differences between the experimental and control groups were not always striking. In general, the control lymph nodes had large fol- Novw, z!92 LIVER HOMOTRANSPLANT 509 licles with prominent, active centers, whereas the experimental nodes usually had a thinner cortex with smaller follicles and reticulum centers. In some of the latter group the follicular architecture was obliterated and the cortex markedly thinned. MIedullary cords, which were more prominent in the group with homotransplantation, were thickened and contained moderately increased numbers of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Sinusoids were dilated and contained many lymphocytes. Hemosiderin pigment was frequently found within the reticuloendothelial cells lining sinusoids. Typical megakaryocytes were present within the medullary cords of lymph nodes in some of the animals in the autotransplantation group. Similarly, marked differences in the spleens of the experimental and retransplantation control groups were not observed. The majority of the changes was attributable to acute congestion. A varying degree of splenomegaly was a constant feature. Well-preserved follicles with large germinal centers were more common in control animals. Similar degrees of reticuloendothelial hyperplasia and lymphocytic and plasmocytic content of the pulp cords were present in both groups. Hemosiderin pigment deposition was a more constant feature within the spleens of the experimental animals. Myeloid hyperplasia of the bone marrow was present to some degree in most of the animals. Perivascular accumulations of lymphocytes and plasma cells were nonspecific changes found in both groups. Acute gastroduodenal ulceration with hemorrhage was the cause of death of several animals in both the experimental and control groups. Acute arteritis, characterized by fibrinoid necrosis in the walls of small muscular arteries, with minimal involvement of the intima and sparse lymphocytic response in the adventitia, was seen occasionally in various organs in the experimental group and retransplantation controls. The organs involved were the intestine, gallbladder, heart and pancreas. Involvement of the liver, though rare, was observed only in the experimental group. DIscuSSION Previous studies of the renal homograft in man and renal and splenic homografts in the dog have demonstrated the prominent feature of mononuclear infiltration of the graft, the intensity of which tended to parallel functional decline and eventual "rejection" of the graft by the host. Most experimental evidence supports the concept that graft rejection, whether of skin or of a vascularized organ transplant, is mediated by cells elaborated by the immune-centers of the host in response to tissue antigens present in the graft but lacking in the host. The mecha- 5IO MC BRIDE ET AL. Vol. 4i, No.- 5 nism(s) by which such "sensitized" cells mediate the sequence of events which precede death and functional failure of a graft is unknown. The apparent necessity for the "sensitized" cells to come into close contact with structures within a graft in order for rejection to proceed implicates either adverse mechanical factors incident to the presence of such cells, e.g., altered blood flow, or antibody-like factors produced by and effective only in the immediate vicinity of the infiltrating cells. In a recent publication from this laboratory,2 the clinical course and chemical values in the animals discussed in the preceding pages have been outlined in detail. It was demonstrated, by the parameters chosen, that the liver homograft was functional and temporarily life-sustaining. The cause of death in most instances was attributable to identifiable factors other than liver disease or failure. Animals with homografts surviving the immediate postoperative period showed evidence of liver function up to 24 hours prior to death. Death was preceded in these instances by rapid rises in bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase values, and a lowering of the prothrombin level. In many ways the picture looked "obstructive" and might well have been associated with an infiltrate in the portal areas rather than primary liver cell necrosis. The autotransplantation control animals, besides having a distinctly better postoperative course, did not demonstrate these chemical abnormalities consistently. The morphologic counterparts of these clinical differences between the experimental and control groups of animl were quite evident in the qualitatively and quantitatively different histologic hepatic lesions within the two groups of animals surviving beyond the third postoperative day. The constant feature of extensive loss of hepatic parenchyma with replacement of large portions of the lobule by mononuclear cells was the readily apparent feature peculiar to the experimental group which corresponded to the clinical differences observed. The constant relation between the loss of hepatic parenchyma and mononuclear cell infiltration was striking enough to suggest a cause and effect relationship. Such a relationship was also suggested by the degenerative changes in bile duct epithelium, limited to the homotransplantation group. In each instance an intense cellular reaction was present in the periductal adventitia. The question of whether or not the parenchymal cells were destroyed by cytotoxic factors (antibody) released by the infiltrating cells or by altered intrahepatic circulatory dynamics incident to obstruction and distortion of sinusoids by the massive infiltrate, is of basic importance. No decisive answer is forthcoming from this or previous studies. From the observation that comparable or even more intense cellular infiltrate into the human liver in leukemia is not associated with such extensive parenchymal necrosis, added emphasis is given to the possibility of Now., z92 LIVER HOMOTRANSPLANT 5II elaboration of cytotons by the infiltrating cells in the homotransplanted livers. The paucity of cellular infiltrate in the longest survivor in our experimental series may account for the survival time obtained on the basis of less parenchymal damage incident to fewer cells. A similar observation was recorded by Starzl, Kaupp, Brock and Linman 3 in their recent publication. Other factors unrelated to the cellular infiltrate, yet which certainly contributed to hepatic failure, were nonspecific, as they were also present in the control series. The most prominent among these were: (a) intense centrilobular congestion, possibly related to extensive myocardial damage and hepatic outflow obstruction; (b) generalized edema and multiple parenchymal infarcts, possibly related to hypervolemia and subsequent plasma dispersal hemoconcentration. The latter was frequently a complication in the early postoperative period in both groups of animals. Arteritis of the type found in the experimental and control animals has also been described in kidney homografts in man4 and the dog.5'6 Another type of arterial lesion consisting of subendothelial, medial and perivascular infiltration with mononuclear cells (sometimes noted in huiman and canine renal homografts) was not observed in the liver homografts. Possibly this was because of the relatively short period of observation. The early cellular infiltration of the veins in the liver homograft resembled the pattern seen in the rejection of renal homografts in man and the dog.7 The cause of the myocardial lesions remains obscure. These were found with equal frequency in the experimental and control animals. It is difficult to implicate possible etiologic factors at this time because of the numerous procedures which can produce myocardial necrosis in experimental animals, as recently outlined by Selye.8 That the cells infiltrating a homograft originate in the host has gained support from studies of renal homografts in man9 and skin and renal homografts in the rabbit and dog."0 Simonsen, Buemann, Gammeltoft, Jensen and J0rgensen 11 and Dempster,5 studying the histologic pattern of renal homograft rejection in the dog, first introduced the concept that grafted tissues may be capable of reacting agan st the foreign antigens present in the host's tissues. Such a reaction is evident in transplantation of the spleen2'12 where early enlargement of the lymphoid follicle appears to be associated with an early "graft-versus-host" reaction. Such a reaction, occurring in an immunologically competent organ such as spleen, may or may not find a counterpart in tissues that are not active in the production either of immune bodies or lymphocytes. A graft-versus-host reaction would result from the local production of immunologically 512 MC BRIDE ET AL. Vol.,4z, No. 5 competent cells within the graft, which upon their transport to the host's tissues, would be capable of producing adverse effects. Indeed, the capability of immunologically competent cells, or their stem-cell precursors, within grafted tissues to produce deleterious effects on the host is the generally accepted mechanism of the runting syndrome in tolerant mice 13 and of homologous disease in x-irradiated chimeric mice.'4 The large complement of reticuloendothelial cells within the liver, in the form of Kupffer cells lining sinusoids, provides a potentially similar situation in which evidences of a graft-versus-host reaction must be sought. Histologic evidence of such a reaction would, in its simplest form, consist of: (a) demonstration of the local production of cell clones from reticuloendothelial cells within the liver; and (b) the finding of cells thought to be immunologically competent within host tissues where they would not normally be found. The former consideration warrants an examination of the possibility that the mononuclear cells found in the homotransplanted liver were entirely or in part produced de novo from stemcell precursors in the liver in response to host antigens (leukocytic) present in the perfused blood. The competence of Kupffer cells to produce clones of hematopoietic cells has representation in human pathologic conditions (erythroblastosis fetalis) and in the hematopoietic foci found in several of the autotransplantation controls. In the latter situation the stimulus for hematopoiesis must be sought in factors other than response to foreign antigens. Welldefined foci of hematopoiesis were not observed in the liver homotransplants. The distribution of the cellular infiltrate within the homografts differed markedly from the focal character of hematopoiesis. In the homografts, the earliest foci of cellular aggregates were within the loose adventitia of small central and portal veins (reminiscent of perivenous inflammation in tuberculin sensitivity). Hematopoiesis was intrasinusoidal. Marked parenchymal necrosis accompanied the infiltrate within the homografts; whereas there was little to suggest a similar reaction to foci of hematopoiesis. A similar infiltrate with predilection for vessels has been described in the homografted kidney in man'-5 and the dog,5'6"' an organ in which the reticuloendothelial system has little representation as compared to the liver. For these reasons we concluded that the cells within the homograft were host-derived. If, indeed, many or all of the cells observed in the liver homografts were produced within the liver, they would presumably possess a complement of individual specific antigens similar to those of the Kupffer and parenchymal cells and hence would be subject to similar consequences of an immune reaction directed against them. Such a mechanism may account for the absence of hematopoiesis in the homograft. Conversely, if Nov7, zI962 LIVER HOMOTRANSPLANT 5I13 Kupffer cells do possess features of stem cells which would permit them to elaborate clones of immunologically competent cells, there is as yet no experimental evidence which would deny them the prerogative of becoming tolerant to host antigens. Such a tolerant state could arise as a result of selective influences in the host's response favoring mutant noncompetent clones or from the fact that such clones would have been exposed to host antigens during their entire period of ontogenesis.16 This last proposition makes the assumption that the adult canine liver contains cells sufficiently immature to actively acquire tolerance in the classic sense. Some of the large mononuclear cells of the infiltrate within the liver homografts bore a striking resemblance to the "large lymphoid cells" described by Scothorne 1 in the regional lymph nodes of rabbits bearing skin homografts. Scothorne postulated that these cells were producers of antibody and were intimately involved in the rejection of skin homografts. He demonstrated the cells within the regional lymph nodes as early as the third day after homografting; however, they were fewer in number at day io, when the skin homografts were in an advanced stage of destruction. Scothorne stated that at this time "the cortex (of the regional nodes) gives the impression of being depopulated of cells." Presumably, these large mononuclear cells left the lymph nodes via the efferent lymphatics and reached the graft by way of the bloodstream. However, in Scothorne's experiments, the cells were not found within the graft at any time. In our experience with the homografted liver, the cortex of the regional lymph nodes was thinner than corresponding nodes of the autotransplants. Our failure to find "large lymphoid cells" within the regional nodes may be the result of the more rapid mobilization of these cells from the nodes in response to the more massive antigenic stimulus of a liver homograft as compared to skin. We believe that the large mononuclear cells reached the liver via the bloodstream and there became part of the cellular response of the host. We have spoken of the immunologic competence of the hepatic reticuloendothelial cells as "potential," intending to survey the existing confusion concerning this point. Stavitsky 18 demonstrated that homologous adult liver was incapable of producing circulating antibodies under conditions which allowed for their production by homologous spleen, marrow and lymphoid cells of the rabbit. Siskind 19 was unable to demonstrate competence of liver tissue to produce the runting syndrome in immature nice. However, there are conflicting reports on the capability of fetal liver to protect lethally x-irradiated mice and to produce delayed death via the homologous-disease syndrome.20 Simonsen 6 has shown that in certain experimental situations, fetal mouse liver cell grafts could 5I4 MC BRIDE ET AL. Vol. 4, No. 5 attack the host. The fetal liver is, of course, normally an active hematopoietic center. Nevertheless, it is of interest that the hepatic reticulum cells can produce immunologically competent cells even in the fetal stage. Examination of tissues from subjects in the experimental group revealed no specific lesions which might be interpreted as evidence of a graft-versus-host reaction. Focal accumulations of mononuclear cells within various tissues and organs were found with equal frequency in both the experimental and control groups of animals. The presence of such cellular accumulations in animals who died during operation or in the early postoperative period argues against the possibility of their representing a graft-versus-host reaction. Splenomegaly, which is a valid indicator of a graft-versus-host reaction in mice 1620 must be considered in these experiments a response to altered circulatory dynamics. Starzl and co-workers' observations 3 differ from our own insofar as they found lesions in various host organs designated by them as specific for the homotransplantation group of animals. They attributed such extrahepatic lesions to a "general host reticulo-endothelial response to the antigenic stimulus of the homograft." Lesions of this type were noted in our control groups and were, therefore, not interpreted as host-versusgraft reactions. SUMMARY The homotransplanted canine liver is temporarily a life-sustaining and functional organ. Death was usually preceded by functional failure which correlated with the loss of hepatic parenchyma incident to infiltration by mononuclear cells derived from the host. The microscopic patterns of homografts and autografts was similar up to the third postoperative day, after which the homograft was progressively infiltrated with mononuclear cells. No specific lesions interpretable as representative of a graft-versushost reaction were found. Such lesions were sought because of the large complement of potentially immunologically competent reticuloendothelial cells contained in the liver. REFERENCES I. MOORE, F. D.; Shmr, L. L.; BURNAP, T. K.; DALLENBACH, F. D.; D~imw, G. J.; GRUBER, U. F.; SHOEMAKER, W. C.; STEENBuRG, R. W.; BALL, M. R., and BELKO, J. S. One-stage homotransplan-tation of the liver following total hepatectomy in dogs. Transpl. Bul., 1959, 6, 103-IO7. 2. MOORE, F. D.; WHELTER, H. B.; DEmiSSANOS, H. V.; SMITH, L. L.; BALANKURA, O.; ABEL, K; GREENBERG, J. B., and DAmxw, G. J. Experimental whole-organ trlantation of the liver and of the spleen. Ann. Surg., i96o, I52, 374-387. 3. STARZL, T. E.; KAuPP, H. A-, JR.; BRocK, D. R., and LiNEw, J. W. Studies on Nov., 1962 LIVER HOMOTRANSPLANT 5I5 the rejection of the transplanted homologous dog liver. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., i96i, II2, 135-I44. 4. DAMxEN, G. J. Serum Sickness and Related States. In: Cellular and Humoral Aspects of the Hypersensitive State. LAwRvNcE, H. 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Mononudear cells obscure the wall of the central vein and occur in abudance in the sinusoids around the vein. Hepatic parenchymal cells in the infiltrated area have been reduced in number, and those remaining are altered. X 360. FIG. 3. Dog X-69. Liver homotrausplant on the eighth postoperative day. The findings here characterized most of the portal areas in the liver homotranslants, in tht the portal area is prominent because of mononudear cell infiltration. There is degeneration of bile duct epithelium, and the portal vein is invaded, with subendothelial cellular infiltration (arrow). X 300. NovT., I 5I7 LNIER HOMOTRANSPLANT 62 i't: "C iw. . -. 13 . zil I ..... .e- - V I, :dwo-V ^W v I ip.i t4 k."& eq 0 2 -w- -4rappl, VW 0.- WI .. r- 41 ... - -0 0 S. A I!r 40 zo r .1 . a 1 5I8 MC BRIDE ET AL. VOI. 41, No. 5 FIG. 4. Dog X-69. This illustrates another portal area from the liver shown in Figure 3. There is more advanced degeneration of bile duct epithelium and cellular debris in the bile duct (arrow). No hepatic cells are recognizable. X 300. FIG. 5. Dog X-i8. A prominent portal area is observed in the homograft illustrated in Figure 2. The mononuclear cell infiltration is well established by post-transplant daY 5. The cells are found in the wall of the portal vein, as well as surrounding it and other structures in the portal area. The arrow indicates a hepatic arterial branch with focal necrosis and fibrinoid. X 240. FIG. 6. Dog X-35. Heart. In this subject with a liver homograft the clinical course was good for the first 4 days. Jaundice and weakness appeared, and the dog succumbed 3 days later. Focal necrosis of the myocardium with calcification. as shown here, represented a widely disseminated lesion. Similar lesions were noted also in dogs with autotransplants (see Fig. 7) and sham operations. Only in the relatively longer survivals. however, was calcium deposition noted in addition to necrosis. X 250. FIG. 7. Dog X- I. Heart. The operation here was autotransplantation with survival of the subject for 24 hours. The myocardial necrosis with acute interstitial inflammatorv reaction characterized much of the mvocardium. X 200. Nov.. I952 LIVER HOMOTRANSPLANT 5I9 4 6 7
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