Dual Credit United States History HIST 1302- Spring 2012 Mrs. Jennifer Stephens Manvel High School- C239 jstephens@alvinisd.net 281-245-2232 Course Description: HIST 1302: United States History 1877 to Present is a general survey of the history of the United States since Reconstruction. The course emphasizes the political, social, economic, and cultural events of the country by studying topics including westward expansion, industrialization, progressivism, imperialism, participation in World War I and World War II, the 1920s, the Great Depression and New Deal, the Cold War, and foreign and domestic policies through the present day. Student Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate: - A survey knowledge of United States history from Reconstruction to the present. An understanding and appreciation of how events through this period of U.S. History shape and affect our nation today. An ability to organize the information gained from this course into topical and chronological sequence. An awareness of the nature and scope of historical literature dealing with this period in history. Basic analytical skills by writing college-level reports, papers, and essays. Required Text and Materials: The textbook for this course is available for purchase in the ACC bookstore. Students are responsible for material contained in the readings and should read the assigned text prior to the date listed on the syllabus. James L. Roark, et al. The American Promise: A History of the United States. 3rd ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2005. Cheating/Plagiarism: There is a zero tolerance policy for cheating/plagiarism. If you cheat or plagiarize you will earn a failing grade of “F” for the course and be referred to your high school Assistant Principal and the ACC Associate Dean of Student Services. Student Evaluation: - There will be 6 exams given throughout the semester, consisting of multiple choice and short answer questions. Material will come from lectures, discussions, and readings. The Final Exam will be a project based. There will be 14 quizzes based exclusively on textbook readings. There will be 8 assignments based exclusively on class readings or activities. These will either be small group seminar, Socratic-type seminar, or analysis writings. Class participation will be based on class discussions and class activities. TAKS Requirements: All Dual Credit students will take the US History Benchmark tests in preparation for the Exit Level TAKS test in April. Grading Breakdown: Exams- 6 @ 100 pts each Final- 100 points Quizzes- 14 @ 10 points each AHR Assignments- 8 @ 15 points each Participation- 40 points Grading Scale (ACC) 600 points 100 points 140 points 120 points 40 points A= 900- 1000 B= 800-899 C= 700-799 D= 600-699 F= 599 and below Course Structure: 1. Warm-ups: The purpose of these is to focus discussion for the day. I will randomly collect warmups for a grade. This grade will only affect your MHS grade. Therefore, you need to come to class, find your seat, and immediately begin working on the warm-up. 2. Reading quizzes: Quizzes will cover key vocabulary from homework readings. 3. QuickWrites: The purpose of QuickWrites is that the more you write the better you write. These will be short, content based writings that will be graded. 4. Notes, Lecture, Discussion: assigned readings will benefit you during class discussion, as I hold the right to call on anyone at anytime. I do not think that you would enjoy hearing my voice for such an extended period of time, nor do I, so be prepared to participate. My expectation of you during this part of class is to respect your classmates and your teacher, be on task, and PARTICIPATE! 5. Activities: my expectation during learning activities are that you are prepared, you participate, you respect your fellow classmates as well as your teacher, and that you learn from them. 6. Tests/Exams: basic exam structure is multiple choice and short answer. Policies and Procedures: 1. Entering the classroom: You will have an assigned seat. You will have the opportunity to earn the right to sit where you would like. You should enter the classroom and find your assigned seat. If you are not in your assigned seat, you are absent- no questions asked. Once in your seat, you should begin working on the daily warm-up, which can be found on the front board or screen. 2. Restroom: You may not go to the restroom during the first 10 minutes of class. You should take care of this business before class. 3. Attention Please!: When I need your attention I will raise my hand in the air and count down, out loud, from 5. I should not need to reach 5! 4. Make-up Work: There is no make-up for missed reading quizzes. Your grade for any missed reading quizzes will be your points for all quizzes taken divided by the total points for all quizzes given. I will have a box labeled MAKE-UP WORK. If you are absent, check this box when you return. Look for your class folder in the box. I will place any handouts in this box. If you miss a test day or an AHR day, you may come Tuesday or Thursday morning OR Wednesday afternoon to make this up. 5. Cell phones are not allowed in class. 6. Leaving the classroom: You may NOT gather at the door before the bell rings! Also, do not ask to go to other classrooms during class. If they need you, they will call! Required Materials: 1. Spiral Notebook 2. Something to write with- I am not picky about this on most things, but NO RED on assignments) Course Calendar- Important Dates- This is only a guideline and is subject to change. Unit 1 1/25- QUIZ Chapter 17-18 1/30- QUIZ Chapter 19 2/3- EXAM Chapter 17-19 Unit 2 2/6- Reading Day 2/7- QUIZ Chapter 20 2/10- QUIZ Chapter 21 2/17- QUIZ Chapter 22 2/20- NO SCHOOL 2/23- EXAM Chapter 20-22 Unit 3 2/24- Reading Day 2/27- QUIZ Chapter 23 3/1- QUIZ Chapter 24 3/5- EXAM Chapter 23-24 Unit 4 3/7- TAKS 3/23- QUIZ Chapter 26 3/28- QUIZ Chapter 27 4/2- EXAM Chapter 25-27 Unit 5 4/3- Reading Day 4/4- QUIZ Chapter 28 4/6- NO SCHOOL 4/12- QUIZ Chapter 29 4/18- EXAM Chapter 28-29 Unit 6 5/1- QUIZ Chapter 30 5/11- QUIZ Chapter 31 5/21- EXAM Chapter 30-31
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