From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. Treatment of the Anemia of Myelodysplastic Syndromes Using Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in Combination With Erythropoietin By Robert S. Negrin, Richard Stein, James Vardiman, Kathleen Doherty, Jill Cornwell, Sanford Krantz, and Peter L. Greenberg We treated myelodysplastic syndrome patients (MDS) with both recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) t o determine whether such combination therapy resulted in improvement of their anemias. Twenty-four of 28 patients begun on study completed the protocol and were evaluable for erythroid responses. Therapy was initiated with G-CSF at 1 pg/kg administered by daily subcutaneous injection and adjusted to either normalize or double the neutrophil count. EPO was then administered by daily subcutaneous injection at a dose of 100 U/kg and doseescalated to 150 and 300 U/kg every 4 weeks while continuing the G-CSF. Changes in absolute reticulocyte count, hematocrit level, and need for RBC transfusions were compared with pretreatment values as well as other blood cell T HE MYELODYSPLASTIC syndromes (MDS) are characterized by chronic cytopenias that predispose patients to symptomatic anemias requiring RBC transfusions, infection, bleeding, and a high incidence of conversion to acute myeloid leukemia (AML).14 These patients have limited treatment options and often respond poorly to cytotoxic ~hemotherapy.~,~ Recently, a series of studies have been reported using recombinant human colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) to treat MDS patients. Both granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) have been used in this patient popul a t i ~ n , ~as- ’well ~ as preliminary studies with interleukin3 . I 5 , l 6 With these growth factors the majority of patients have improvements in neutrophil counts that in some studies using G-CSF and GM-CSF, has been correlated with a decrease in infection r i ~ k . ’ ~ , ’ ~ Despite the improvements in myeloid cell numbers in these patients, the majority of patients who were anemic and thrombocytopenic remained so. A low proportion of these patients had erythroid responses to either G-CSF or GM-CSF.7,L2 Because many patients with MDS have ongoing needs for RBC transfusions and often have serum erythropoietin (EPO) levels that are lower than would be expected relative to the degree of anemia,” investigators have explored the use of recombinant human EPO treatment in this patient population. These studies have shown that approximately 10% to 25% of patients demonstrated erythroid response^.'^-'^ Generally, the doses required for erythroid responses were high and responding patients had variable serum EPO levels before treatment. In vitro, marrow erythroid hematopoietic precursor cell (burst-forming unit-erythroid [BFU-E]) responses to EPO in MDS patients have also been ~ u b o p t i m a l . ~ ~Recent , ’ ~ studies have demonstrated in vitro synergy between G-CSF and EPO for normal and MDS e r y t h r o p o i e s i ~Thus, . ~ ~ ~ ~we~ have evaluated combination therapy with G-CSF and EPO in patients with MDS to determine whether treatment with both agents resulted in erythroid as well as myeloid responses. Blood, Vol 82,No 3 (August 1). 1993:pp 737-743 counts. Ten of 24 patients (42%)had erythroid responses, whereas all patients had neutrophil responses. Six previously transfused patients no longer required RBC transfusions during the treatment period. Erythroid responses were found to be independent of patient age, FrenchAmerican-British subtype, duration of disease, prior RBC transfusion requirements, or cytogenetic abnormalities at presentation. Pretreatment serum EPO levels were lower in erythroid-responding as compared with nonresponding patients (median 157 v 600 U/L; P = .05).The combined treatment modality was generally well tolerated. We conclude that a substantial percentage of MDS patients had both erythroid and myeloid responses when treated with the combination of G-CSF and EPO. 0 1993 by The American Society of Hematology. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients. Twenty-eight patients with MDS were enrolled in this study, 16 at Stanford University Medical Center and 12 at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. All patients had histologically confirmed MDS evaluated both at the treating institution and by central pathology review (by J.V.) at the University of Chicago Medical Center before entering the study. Bone marrow aspirates were classified according to French-American-British (FAB) criteria as either refractory anemia (RA), refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS), refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB), or refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation (RAEB-T).m The clinical characteristics of the patients are shown in Table 1. All 28 patients were evaluable for myeloid responses and toxicity. Four patients did not complete the dose escalation of EPO because of bone pain (I), splenic pain (I), splenic pain with progression to AML (l), and gastrointestinal bleeding ( 1). These four patients were therefore not eligible for evaluation of erythroid responses. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients according to guidelines established by the Human Experimentation Committees at either Stanford University or Vanderbilt University. From The Department of Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA; the Department ofMedicine, Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville, TN; the Department of Pathology, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL; the Veterans Administration Medical Center, Nashville, TN; and the Veterans Administration Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA. Submitted January 4, 1993; accepted March 24, 1993. Supported in part by research funds j o m AMGEN and Ortho Biotech. Presented in part at the International Society of Experimental Hematology meeting, Providence, RI, August 1992. Exp Hematol 1992, 20:745a (abstr). Address reprint requests to Robert S. Negrin, MD, Room H1353, Bone Marrow Transplant Program, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA 94305. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C.section 1734 solely to indicate this,fact. 0 1993 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/93/8203-0003$3.00/0 737 From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. NEGRIN ET AL 738 Table 1. Characteristicsof MDS Patients Enrolled in the G-CSF Plus EPO Clinical Trial No. enrolled No. evaluable for erythroid responses Age in years, median (range) Male/female FAB subtype: RA RARS RAEB RAEB-T Anemic RBC transfusion dependent Neutropenic Thrombocytopenic Cytogenetic abnormalities 28 24 71 (34-84) 2117 13 8 5 2 28 25 18 12 9/26 Study design. All patients were evaluated before study entry with complete history and physical examinations. Eligibility criteria included histologically confirmed MDS performed by our central pathology reviewer, hemoglobin level 5 10 g/dL, hematocrit level 1 3 1% or symptomatic anemia, serum creatinine <2.0 mg/dL, and bilirubin less than 2.5 times the upper limit of the institutional normal value. Patients were excluded if they had received cytotoxic or radiation therapy within 4 weeks of study entry, were receiving current therapy with lithium, vitamin A or D, steroids or danazol, or had cardiac disease with decompensated congestive heart failure, active gastrointestinal bleeding, or uncorrected iron deficiency anemia (defined as absence of marrow iron, transferrin saturation of <16%,serum iron <40 pg/dL or serum ferritin <20 pg/L. Patients previously treated with other hematopoietic growth factors within 4 weeks of study entry were also excluded. Eligible patients underwent baseline laboratory evaluation including a complete blood cell count (CBC) with reticulocytes and platelets, serum EPO, B12 and RBC folate levels, stool guaiac determinations, chest radiograph, and electrocardiogram. B 12 and RBC folate levels were normal in all patients. G-CSF was administered as a daily subcutaneous (SC) injection with a starting dose of 1.0 pg/kg. CBC counts were obtained twice weekly until stabilization of the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) occurred. The dose of G-CSF was adjusted to normalize the ANC if the pretreatment ANC value was less than 1,800/pL, or to double the ANC if above 1,8OO/pL. The dose required to achieve this ranged from 0.2 to 5.0 pg/kg/d. EPO administration was then begun by daily SC injection while continuing the daily G-CSF injections. The EPO dose was started at 100 U/kg/d and increased every 4 weeks to 150 and finally 300 U/kg/d. The 300 U/kg/d dose was continued for a total of 8 weeks. CBC counts were obtained weekly once the EPO was begun and a chemical survey panel was obtained monthly. Bone marrow aspiration with cytogenetics was performed at study entry and at either the end of 8 weeks of the 300 U/kg/d EPO treatment or the time of erythroid response. Patients were questioned weekly concerning possible adverse events. Patients were instructed to draw up the appropriate amount of G-CSF and EPO into a syringe and self-inject the drugs SC. Treatment was discontinued if severe side effects occurred or at the patient’s request. Recombinant human G-CSF was supplied by AMGEN, Thousand Oaks, CA, and recombinant human EPO was supplied by Ortho Biotech, Raritan, NJ. The factors were provided to the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP), Investigational Drug Branch, National Cancer Institute, which then distributed them to the participating medical centers. Statistical analyses were performed by Student’s t-test. Response criteria. Erythroid responses were defined as being a good response (GR), partial response (PR), or no response (NR). A GR was defined as an increase in untransfused hemoglobin values of >2 g/dL or a 100%decrease in RBC transfusion requirements over the treatment period. A PR was defined as an increase in untransfused hemoglobin values of 1 to 2 g/dL or a greater than 50% decrease in RBC transfusion requirements. NR was defined as responses less than a PR. Pretreatment RBC transfusion requirements were calculated over the months before study entry when accurate data were available. This ranged from 1 to 36 months (median 7 months), and was stable for 1 to 2 months before study entry. Myeloid responses were categorized as being either a complete response (CR), PR, or NR. A CR was defined as normalization of the ANC (>l,800/pL) if initially < 1,8OO/pL, or if the pretreatment ANC was > I ,800/pL then increased by 100%.A PR was defined as an increase in ANC to between 500 and 1,8OO/pL if initially <1,8OO/pL, or a 50% to 100% increase in ANC if initially > 1,80O/fiL.NR was defined as changes in ANC less than a PR. RESULTS Patients. The clinical characteristics of the 28 enrolled patients are shown in Table 1. The median age was 7 1 years (range 34 to 84) with 2 I males and 7 females. Thirteen patients had RA, 8 RARS, 5 RAEB, and 2 RAEB-T. All patients were anemic and 25 were RBC transfusion dependent. Eighteen patients were neutropenic (tl,800/pL) and 12 were thrombocytopenic. Twenty-six patients had cytogenetic studies performed, of whom 9 patients showed abnormalities, primarily involving chromosomes 5 and 8. All 28 patients were evaluable for toxicity and myeloid responses. Four patients did not complete the dose escalation of EPO, and thus, were not evaluable for erythroid responses. Myeloid responses. Treatment was started with daily SC G-CSF injections beginning at 1 .O pg/kg. All patients had a myeloid response (26 CR, 2 PR), with all patients but one requiring between 0.2 and 1 .O pg/kg/d to maintain this neutrophil level (Table 2). One patient required dose escalation to 5.0 pg/kg/d. Both PR patients withdrew from the study early because of toxicity (patients no. 112 and 209). Erythroid responses. Once a myeloid response occurred, EPO was begun by daily SC injection while continuing the G-CSF injections. The EPO dosage was initially 100 U/kg/d, with escalation every 4 weeks to 150 and finally 300 U/kg/d, which was continued for a total of 8 weeks. A representative responding patient’s course is shown in Fig 1. This patient (no. 102) had been dependent on approximately four units of RBCs per month for 12 months and was chronically neutropenic, with an ANC of 1,4OO/pL before therapy. Treatment was initiated with G-CSF at 1.0 pg/kg/d, which resulted in a prompt increase in a total white blood cell (WBC) count and ANC to the 6,000 to 12,00O/pL range. Two weeks later, EPO administration was started at 100 U/kg/d. Increases in absolute reticulocyte counts and untransfused hematocrit levels were noted at the 150 U/kg/ d EPO dose, although these values were not sustained. At the 300 U/kg/d EPO dose, a sustained increase in hematocrit level was noted, and the patient did not require any From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. G-CSF AND EPO IN MDS 739 Table 2. Hematoloaic Characteristics of MDS Patients Receivina G-CSF Plus EPO RBC Patient No. Age (yrs) 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 21 1 212 72 78 61 79 72 82 69 69 84 82 82 82 81 77 70 64 64 67 34 61 67 67 70 68 82 84 71 78 Sex M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M F F M M M M F F M F M M FAB Subtype Serum EPO (U/L) RA 1,635 RARS 604 RARS 169 92 RARS RA 948 128 RA 3,010 RA RA 127 258 RAEB/RS RA 35 RARS 342 12 RAEB RARS 157 112.7 RARS 122.3 RARS RA 312.9 RA 600 RAEB 1,500 ND RA ND RA ND RARS 40 RAEBT RAEBT 960 RA 28 RAEB 120 RAEB 18 RA 950 RA 22.000 Transfusions (units/month) Cytogenetics Before Before NN AN NN AN NN NN NN NN NN NN AN NN NN NN NN NN AA AA NN AA NN ND AA ND AN NN NN AA 2.0 4.0 3.4 1.6 2.5 3.0 2.4 2.0 2.5 0.0 1 .o 2.0 2.4 3.1 2.3 0.4 2.4 6 0 6 4 0 2.6 1.3 2.6 1.3 3.3 3.3 After 4.5 0.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.5 3.0 1.5 2.0 O+ 1.5 Neutrophils x Hematocrit (%) Before 23.6 22.1 25.6 24.2 27.7 30.5 19.2 29.0 26.8 30.6 21.3 NE 30.5 0.0 23.9 3 27.4 0 25.1 0 29.7 2 22.1 6 25.6 0 27.8 2.7 31.2 4 27.8 0 31 4.5 23 0 25 ND 20 0 28 2.8 30 2.5 29 After 25.8 27.2 23.1 27.6 32.2 35.3 19.5 26.2 32.9 50.9-i 24.7 25.8 26.2 34 31.4 45.6 21 26 27.8 27 24.4 41 17 28 ND 35.9 28 26 Erythroid Response Before NR GR PR NR PR NR NR NR NR GR NR NE CR NR GR GR NR NR NE PR NR GR NR NE NE GR NR NR Platelets x 1 0 3 ~ ~ G-CSF 2.4 1.4 3.7 0.7 1.6 0.5 1.5 1.3 0.3 1.3 1.3 0.4 1.5 4.4 4 2.2 1 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.2 1.1 7.9 1.5 4.3 5.1 3.2 2.6 After 5.4 7.3 11.3 3.2 10.4 6.6 2.6 4.7 4 7.2 9.7 1.5 4.5 8.5 8.1 9.8 11.8 4.8 7.1 12.9 3.2 4 10.8 3.7 8.7 15.4 12.7 8.5 Dose Fg/kg Myeloid Response 0.2 1 1 0.3 0.3 1 0.3 1 0.3 CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR PR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR 1 0.3 1 0.3 0.3 0.2 1 1 5 1 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 1 1 0.3 0.3 1 PR CR CR CR 1 0 3 ~ ~ Before After 344 188 242 420 250 234 124 80 305 60 566 184 287 168 296 22 32 83 105 128 176 50 51 32 472 740 145 197 294 173 198 416 258 103 102 117 238 45 428 125 216 90 246 32 33 16 45 192 187 21 9 19 237 240 79 159 Abbreviations: ND, not done; NE, not evaluable; NN, all normal; AA, all abnormal; AN, mosaic of abnormal and normal karyotypes (by patient no.) +, patient phlebotomized. 102 +8. 104 +22. 1 1 1 20q-, 201 5q-, 202 5q-, 204 5q-, +8,207 -7, 209 +8,212 1 lq-, -y. RBC transfusions for 4 months of subsequent treatment. Platelet counts did not change. The response of a second patient (no. 1 10)is shown in Fig 2. This patient had a prior diagnosis of idiopathic hemochromatosis with chemical and clinical evidence of iron overload. His anemia was caused by MDS, which precluded phlebotomy therapy. At the time of protocol initiation, the patient had a stable hematocrit level of 30% and was neutropenic, with an ANC of 1,33O/pL. On initiation of G-CSF, an increase in WBC count and ANC was promptly noted, with an ANC in the 6,000 to 10,00O/rLrange. EPO administration was begun at 100 U/kg, resulting in an increase in absolute reticulocytes and hematocrit level from 30% to 51% over a 10-week period. This patient’s treatment was maintained on 100 U/kg of EPO and did not undergo dose escalation. The scheduling of EPO administration was decreased to three times weekly and courses of therapeutic phlebotomies were initiated for his hemochromatosis. Erythroid responses of the 24 evaluable patients are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Ten of the 24 patients (42%)had erythroid responses. Seven patients had a GR and three had a PR. Of the 10 responding patients, 9 required the 300 U/kg/d dose of EPO, whereas 1 patient (no. 110 discussed above) responded at a dose of 100 U/kg/d. In all patients the responses were maintained over the course of the protocol. Six responding patients of the 22 evaluable patients (27%) who were previously dependent on RBC transfusions to control symptoms no longer required transfusions. A variety of clinical features were compared in an effort to evaluate retrospectively possible correlations with erythroid responses (Table 4). No correlation was noted between erythroid responses and age, FAB subtype, disease duration, prior RBC transfusion requirements, reticulocyte, neutrophil, or platelet counts at study entry, presence of cytogenetic abnormalities, or the pretreatment or posttreatment relative myeloid or erythroid differentiation indexes of the bone marrow. The only pretreatment laboratory parameter that was different between the responding and nonresponding patients was the serum EPO levels. Responding patients had lower levels, with a median value of 157 (range 18 to 948) U/L as compared with nonresponding patients, with a median value of 600 (range 92 to 3,010) U/L (P = .05), although there was significant overlap of these values between the two groups (Fig 3). Platelet counts were generally unaffected by treatment. However, two patients had significant decreases in platelet counts, one of whom was found to have evolved to AML. Five patients had previously received treatment with EPO alone (without re- From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. NEGRIN ET AL 740 GCSF & ERYTHROPOIETIN FOR MDS -e 14 12 2z 0 z 4 4 10 8 6 P 4 E 2 n MONTHS Fig 1. Hematologic response of MDS patient no. 102 to combination therapy with G-CSF plus EPO. Baseline hematocrit (a),absolute reticulocyte count (0);WBC count [e),absolute neutrophil count (0)are shown. RBC transfusions are denoted by the solid bars. G-CSF was started as a daily SC injection denoted by the arrow. Two weeks later, EPO was begun, initially at 100 U/kg, with doses escalated to 150 and 300 U/kg/d. tion. One of these patients, who had previously received 1,000 U/kg of EPO IV three times weekly for over 4 weeks, responded to G-CSF plus EPO. Serum femtin values were >400 pg/L at study entry in 27 sponses) at least 2 months before enrolling in this study. The EPO for these patients had been administered in a variety of doses and schedules, generally between 50 to 1,000 U/kg three times per week by either intravenous (IV) or SC injec- * G-CSF & ERYTHROPOIETIN FOR MDS 46 42 50 a HEMATOCRIT - 120 383430- 16 12- - 200 - 160 0 RETICULOCYTES .LA - 80 - 40 a - a WBC OANC a- - 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig 2. Hematologic response of MDS patient no. 110 to G-CSF plus EPO therapy. €PO was administered by a daily (hatched area) SC injection of 100 U/kg for 10 weeks and then decreased to three times weekly for an additional 4 weeks. Response of blood counts is demonstrated. From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 741 G-CSF AND EPO IN MDS Table 3. Erythroid Responses of MDS Patients Treated With G-CSF Plus EPO FAB Subtype GR PR NR RA RARS RAE6 RAEE-T 2 3 1 1 2 1 0 0 7 4 2 1 11 8 3 2 Total 7 3 14 24 Total Overall response rate (GR plus PR) 10/24 (42%) ofthe patients. Serum ferritin levels increased by >20% in 8 of 13 nonresponding patients, as compared with only 3 of 9 responding patients, probably reflecting their continued treatment with RBC transfusions. Marrow myeloid and erythroid dysplasia and the presence of ringed sideroblasts persisted in patients who had demonstrated these morphologic abnormalities, independent of their clinical responses. Cytogeneticstudies. Twenty-sixpatients had marrow cytogenetic studies performed before study entry. Nine patients had abnormal cytogenetics, of whom five patients had all abnormal cytogenetics(AA) and four patients had a mixture of normal and abnormal chromosomes (AN). These cytogenetic abnormalities were either 5q-, monosomy 7 or trisomy 8 in 6 of these patients. Identical marrow chromosomal patterns were found in all patients tested after the treatment protocol. Of the patients in whom cytogenetics were performed, 7 of 9 responders had normal cytogenetics as compared with 8 of 14 nonresponders (Table 4; P = NS). The two patients with cytogenetic abnormalities who had erythroid as well as myeloid responses (patients no. 102 and 204) had trisomy 8 as their karyotypic abnormality, one of whom also had a 5q- lesion. These two patients had persistence of their karyotypic abnormalities during their responses, suggesting responsiveness of their abnormal hemopoietic clones. Two other patients with the 5q- abnormality (no. 201 and 202) did not respond. Toxicity. The combined treatment with G-CSF and EPO was generally well tolerated. There were no significant lesions at the injection sites and all patients were treated as outpatients. Two patients (no. 202 and 208) progressed to AML over the 4- to 5-month treatment period. In all other patients bone marrow aspirations at the end of the treatment protocol showed the same FAB classification as that noted before initiating treatment. As stated above, four patients did not complete the treatment protocol. These individuals were patient no. 112, who developed severe bone pain shortly after beginning the G-CSF injections before EPO administration, no. 203, who developed splenic pain, no. 208, who developed splenicpain and evolution to AML, and no. 209, who developed gastrointestinal bleeding before administration of EPO. Patient no. 212 also developed splenic pain, but was able to continue the protocol after decreasing the dose of G-CSF. Patient no. 21 1 also developed bone pain following G-CSF administration but completed the protocol. DISCUSSION In this report, we have evaluated the clinical efficacy of combination therapy with G-CSF and EPO in an effort to improve the anemia in MDS patients. Previous phase 1-11 studies have documented that the majority of MDS patients had neutrophilic responses to G-CSF”-’3and a small subset of patients also had erythroid responses when treated with G-CSF or GM-CSF In a prior study of G-CSF treatment of MDS patients, 4 of 18 (22%)patients had erythroid responses,” all of whom would have been classified as PRs by the criteria used here. Treatment with EPO alone has also been widely studied in MDS In the eight reported trials, a total of 84 patients have been treated with EPO alone, of which there have been 19 responders (23%).In our current study, 10 of 24 patients (42%) had erythroid responses, a finding that compares favorably to results with either G-CSF or EPO alone. However, direct comparisons of results from our study with those obtained with EPO alone is not possible, because EPO dose, scheduling, and mode of administration differed. Further, MDS patients are heterogeneous, and it is possible that selection factors could contribute to these different response rates. The rationale for using G-CSF and EPO in combination Table 4. Comparison of Pretreatment Clinical Characteristics With Erythroid Responses in MDS Patients Treated W i t h G-CSF Plus EPO Median (Range) Age, years Disease duration, months Prior REC transfusion requirements (units per month) Reticulocytes X 103/pL Neutrophils X 103/pL Platelets x 10 3 / p L Serum EPO, U/L Relative erythroid differentiation index’ Relative myeloid differentiation indext Cytogenetic findings (abnormal/normalkaryotypes) Responders n = 10 Nonresponders n = 14 70 (61-84) 11 (1-84) 2.3 (0-6) 23 (13.6-49.2) 1.6 (1.l-5.1) 188 (22-740) 157 (18-948) 1.8 (0.73-4.44) 10.2 (0.92-15.7) 71 (64-84) 16 (3-102) 2.6 (1-6) 14.1 (2.5-46.9) 1.3 (0.3-7.8) 168 (32-566) 600 (92-3,010) 2.6 (0.16-11) 4.65 (2.87-10.5) 618 217 Results are expressed as medians (range). Orthochromatic polychromatic normoblastsJbasophilic pronormoblasts. t Neutrophils bands metamyelocytes myelocytes/promyelocytes myeloblasts. + + + + + + NS NS NS NS NS NS P = .05 NS NS NS From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. NEGRIN ET AL 742 0 3000 3 E 3 E v 0 2000 f ; 0 BI 0 I- > a W I a w v) low I 0 8 -0- 0 -f0 RESPONDERS N=9 0 0 8 NON-RESPONDERS N = 13 Fig 3. Serum EPO levels obtained before initiation of treatment in erythroid responding ( 0 )and nonresponding (0)patients. The median value is denoted by a horizontal bar. The median values were 157 U/L for responding patients (range 18 to 948) as compared with 600 U/L for nonresponding patients (range 92 to 3,010; P = .05). was the documented in vitro synergy for erythropoiesis of these agents, both for normal and MDS erythroid presursors28~29 and the in vivo responses stated above following the use of either agent alone. Further, the data of Leary et a13' demonstrated that G-CSF enhanced the development of early precursors into EPO-responsive progenitor cells, supporting the possibility that clinical responses may reflect in vivo synergy of these agents. Alternatively, the in vivo responses could relate to the relatively high EPO doses or the daily dosing used in this study. To distinguish between these possible explanations we plan to discontinue the G-CSF in our responding patients to determine the possible persistence of the in vivo erythroid responses. Preliminary evaluation of in vitro-in vivo correlations of patients in whom in vitro erythroid clonogenicity (ie, marrow BFU-E) were evaluated indicated that patients with responsive marrow BFUE in vitro were the in vivo responders as compared with those patients lacking detectable in vitro BFU-E growth.32 The persistence of cytogenetic abnormalities in two of the erythroid and myeloid responders does not support the hypothesis that more responsive normal hemopoietic clones emerged during treatment. However, for more precise assessment of the issue of clonality evaluation of X-linked gene homozygosity using restriction-length polymorphisms analysis is needed.L2,33 The only pretreatment clinical Characteristic of the patients that was predictive of erythroid responses was the serum EPO level. However, there was substantial overlap of these values between the responding and nonresponding patients. Other features including age, sex, FAB subtype, duration of disease, duration of RBC transfusional needs, absolute reticulocyte count, ANC, platelet count, marrow morphology, and cytogenetics did not correlate with erythroid response. Of interest was the general lack of alteration in the qualitative marrow morphologic features (dysplasia, ringed sideroblasts) in the responding patients. This finding and the persisting cytogenetic abnormalities in two responders suggests that a quantitative increase of responsive (though abnormal) erythroid precursors occurred in these patients. The in vitro correlative studies showing increments in BFU-E3*are consistent with this requirement for adequate numbers of responsive erythroid precursors. The combination of therapy with G-CSF and EPO was generally well tolerated. Two patients progressed to AML. However, it is not known whether G-CSF or EPO impact on the rate of transformation in this disease, which has a potential for evolution to AML. An ongoing phase 111 study comparing G-CSF with supportive care is aimed at definitively answering this question. Of interest was the observation that three patients developed splenic pain without splenomegaly, a finding which has not previously been noted using either G-CSF or EPO in MDS patients. Splenomegaly has been reported in a portion of the children with congenital agranulocytosis (Kostmann's syndrome) who were chronically treated with G-CSF.34 In summary, we have evaluated the utility of combination therapy with G-CSF and EPO in MDS patients. One important aspect of this study was the determination that it is possible to administer two cytokines together without a negative interaction. A substantial proportion of the patients had clinically beneficial erythroid and myeloid responses, possibly related to synergy between these two agents for stimulating hemopoiesis. The durability of these responses and determination of factors that are predictive for both erythroid and myeloid responses are currently under study. The results would be important to predict which patients are likely to respond to such therapy because of the potential relatively high cost of treating such patients with both cytokines. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The committed administrative efforts of Drs Shem Brown (AMGEN), David Gordon (Ortho), and Langdon Miller (CTEP/NCI) are greatly appreciated. The expert secretarial assistance of Sara Clarke and Vibeke Cleaver, and the statistical analysis by Byron Brown, PhD, Stanford University Biostatistics Department, are also appreciated. REFERENCES I. Block M, Jacobson LO, Bethard W F Preleukemic acute human leukemia. JAMA 152:1018, 1953 2. Greenberg PL: The smoldering myeloid leukemic states: Clinical and biologic features. Blood 61: 1035, 1983 From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. G-CSF AND €PO IN MDS 3. 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For personal use only. 1993 82: 737-743 Treatment of the anemia of myelodysplastic syndromes using recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in combination with erythropoietin [see comments] RS Negrin, R Stein, J Vardiman, K Doherty, J Cornwell, S Krantz and PL Greenberg Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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