Mary Cornelia Bradley Society a m e r i c a n fa m i ly c h i l d r e n ’ s h o s p i ta l 2012 report to donors Dear Friends, It’s hard to believe that American Family Children’s Hospital turns five years old this summer. Many of you may remember our grand opening like it was yesterday. Yet in just five years, we have made monumental strides on behalf of the needs of acutely ill children and their families. For example: • We were named a “Top 50” children’s hospital by U.S. News & World Report in seven different pediatric specialties. • We have recruited scores of pediatric specialists and surgeons from across the nation, resulting in the advancement of pediatric care for the patients and families we serve. • We have expanded and added a number of services to improve the care of children. • We have cared for children from all over Wisconsin and from 49 of the 50 United States. • Our new patient- and family-centered care practices continue to enhance the entire experience that children and families have during their stay. In everything we do, we understand that children are not just small adults; they require specialized care from a team of professionals. We have excelled at providing this care, and along with that success we have seen an increase in the number of children needing our care. We now need the hospital to grow with our success. On the following pages, you will learn more about our new capital campaign – Sick Kids Can’t American Family Children’s Hospital • Location: 1675 Highland Ave., Madison, Wisconsin (connected to University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics) • Year opened: 2007, replacing the former University of Wisconsin Children’s Hospital that was located within UW Hospital and Clinics • Number of beds: 61 • Number of inpatient admissions: 3,500* • Number of specialty clinics: 28 • Number of Clinic visits: 132,064* Wait – and have the opportunity to meet a few of the incredibly brave hospitalized children we cared for during the past few months. American Family Children’s Hospital is a non-profit health care provider that is part of University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, a 501 (c) (3) organization, located in Madison, Wisconsin. Opened in 2007, American Family Children’s Hospital was constructed without any state taxpayer dollars, and, like UWHC, operates without any state subsidy. For more information or to support its mission, please visit or call (608) 264-KIDS. We could not have become a nationally recognized center for children and served so many courageous *For fiscal year 2011 Donna Katen-Bahensky Jeff Poltawsky Clinics, received the prestigious Magnet® designation for President and CEO Vice President nursing excellence. UW Hospital and Clinics and American Family Children’s Hospital • Number of Wisconsin counties represented by American family children’s hospital patients: 72 of 72 • number of States represented by American family children’s hospital patients: 49 of 50 • Named one of the Top 50 Children’s Hospitals for 2011-12 by U.S. News & World Report. • Has, along with University of Wisconsin Hospital and • number of surgical procedures: 5,457* • A national model for patient- and family-centered care. patients and families without your wonderful support. Thank you, our donors, for making such a difference in the lives of these children who truly depend on us. Sincerely, American Family Children’s Hospital 1 “Right now, pair I’m helping re a heart defect. You can too.” Our New Capital Campaign: Sick Kids Can’t Wait as Bret Bielema think of Coach You may not unately, he t specialist. Fort a pediatric hear to make a huge to be a doctor . have kids not ed does italiz the lives of hosp difference in dren’s rican Family Chil Ame g ortin “By supp fellow Badger UW, I join my ’s life,” Hospital at the ing save a child ma. coaches in help says Coach Biele help donation can Right now, your ntly needed ing build urge too – by help re we al care units whe additional critic sick children. care for very g ealthkids.or Please visit uwh . kids can’t wait because sick “Right now, I’m he n’ t W a it S ic klpKinidgs C a cure cancer. You can too.” lt h at u w h e a you can i v e w h at Please g CH-30551-12 No one ever thinks it will happen to their son, Our growth has been noted far and wide, as daughter or grandchild, but when a child needs demonstrated by our “Top 50” designation in the level of advanced medical care only available seven pediatric specialties by U.S. News & World from a world-class children’s hospital, we are Report. Projections clearly show that we will ready at a moment’s notice. need more beds and equipment to keep up with Since our grand opening in 2007, demand for care at American Family Children’s Hospital has grown beyond everyone’s expectations. Our You may not think of Coach Bo Ryan as a pediatric canc trained er specialist. Fortunately, he have to be a does not doctor to mak e a huge diffe lives of hospitaliz rence in the ed kids. beds are always at, or close to, capacity. By “By supportin g American Fam ily Children’s the UW, I join Hospital at my fellow Bad ger coaches child’s life,” says in helping save Coach Ryan. a 2015, our inpatient volume is expected to be 50 Right now, your donation can help too – by helping build urgently need ed additional critical care units where we care for very sick child ren. percent higher than the day we opened our doors. Please visit uwh ealthkids.or g because sick kids can’t wait . Currently, we sometimes admit children to an overflow unit at the adult UW Hospital because our pediatric beds are often full. , “Right noSw ic k K id s C a n’ t W a it with g in lp he I’m ic tr ia a ped . liver transplant .” o to n You ca Please g i v e w h at you can at u w h e a lt h rmodel think of supe You may not surgeon. as a transplant Cindy Crawford to be a does not have Fortunately, she rence in the e a huge diffe mak to or doct ed kids. lives of hospitaliz ily g American Fam “By supportin I am pital at the UW, Children’s Hos save a part in helping proud to do my Cindy. child’s life,” says CH-30441-12 Family Children’s Hospital launched a new capital campaign in 2012 called Sick Kids Can’t Wait. With your support, we will add two more floors, 26 new critical-care beds and several urgently needed clinical spaces as described on the next page. These essential improvements, which will be completed in 2014, will place American Family Children’s Hospital among the ranks of the nation’s truly extraordinary pediatric Badger Coaches and Cindy Crawford join forces for American Family Children’s Hospital A multi-media Sick Kids Can’t Wait advertising campaign features University of Wisconsin Badger Coaches Bret Bielema, Bo Ryan, Mike Eaves and Mark Johnson – as well as supermodel Cindy Crawford, whose younger brother Jeffrey passed away in 1975 after being treated for leukemia at the old UW Children’s Hospital. help donation can Right now, your ntly needed ing build urge too – by help re we care units whe al critic al addition sick children. care for very g ealthkids.or Please visit uwh . kids can’t wait because sick a longtime Cindy has been Did you know that en’s Hospital? can Family Childr supporter of Ameri for leukemia Jeff was treated Her little brother g away just 1970s before passin here during the Cindy has then, Since ay. before his 4th birthd the Children’s Hospital and rted generously suppo ch at the UW. resear r cance pediatric • Provide life-saving care for acutely ill babies by creating a 14-bed, Surgical/High Acuity, Level IIIC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This unit will provide the most advanced medical and surgical care possible for the very sickest infants, giving them a new chance at life. This Surgical/ High Acuity NICU is uniquely designed with all private rooms and family space, allowing parents the opportunity to nurture, feed and bond with their newborn. the increasing demand. Accordingly, American medical centers. Big Dreams for Little Patients Please visit to learn more about Sick Kids Can’t Wait, view our new television commercials or make an online gift to support the campaign. Your gift is greatly needed and deeply appreciated. Once our surgical NICU is complete, more babies like Max from Madison will be treated with highly advanced neonatal intensive care. Families need to know that there will always be room at American Family Children’s Hospital for their child or grandchild if they are faced with a medical challenge. Moreover, they want the convenience of having the most advanced level of care provided in a supportive environment located close to home. The following steps are needed to accommodate the growing demand and provide the highest level of medical and surgical care: • Expand our capacity to care for the sickest children by adding 12 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) beds (yielding 33 PICU beds in total). This project will create highly advanced, private, spacious rooms staffed by specialty-trained pediatric critical-care physicians, nurses, pharmacists and respiratory therapists. For maximum flexibility during periods of high volume, these 12 rooms will easily adjust for any level of care: intensive, intermediate or general. • Support further development of a world-class Pediatric Heart Program by constructing a Pediatric Hybrid Cardiac Catheterization/Operating Room/Interventional Radiology Laboratory. This project will ensure that children needing invasive heart and radiological procedures now performed at the adult UW Hospital, will instead have them performed in the Children’s Hospital in a unit specially designed and dedicated to pediatric care. The Hybrid Catheterization Lab, supported by pediatric-trained staff, will provide state-of-the-art care currently available in only a handful of centers in the Midwest. • Provide a dedicated Pediatric Imaging Suite where children will receive X-ray/imaging procedures with low-dose radiation technology. This will be a fullservice imaging suite for children requiring MRI, CT, ultrasound and fluoroscopy services. • Meet the growing demand for pediatric surgeries and minimally invasive surgical interventions by equipping the final two pediatric operating rooms. Pediatric surgery volume has increased by 35 percent since 2007 and is projected to continue growing rapidly. The Time to Act Is Now In 2007, Wisconsin celebrated the grand opening of a world-class pediatric health care facility unlike any other. On the day we opened the doors of American Family Children’s Hospital, we knew the need was great. Today, that need has grown much faster than expected, and we must respond. Simply put, sick kids can’t wait. Wisconsin has never shied away from a challenge, especially one that champions the needs of its most vulnerable members – our children and grandchildren. We hope you will join us in taking the dream of this magnificent children’s hospital to the next exciting stage. To learn more, please call (608) 264-KIDS or e-mail us at n’ t W a it S ic k K id s C a lt h at u w h e a you can i v e w h at Please g 2 CH-30551-12 3 They Are So Brave President and CEO Donna Katen-Bahensky is always deeply moved by visits with our young patients You see the courage and fight in their eyes. These vulnerable children, who come from across the nation, can’t help but steal your heart. UW Hospital and Clinics President and CEO Donna KatenBahensky knows this first-hand, and is always deeply moved whenever she visits these brave patients, be they infants, toddlers, tweens or teens. “I am a mom, myself,” says Katen-Bahensky. “When I visit kids in the Children’s Hospital who are battling a very serious illness, I can’t help but notice the frightened look in the eyes of every mother and father. Fortunately, that look tends to soften with time as the families come to know our Katen-Bahensky’s passion for expanding American Family Children’s Hospital was further enhanced after her personal visits with families. Katen-Bahensky looks forward to the anticipated grand opening in 2014 of 26 new acute-care beds where critically ill babies and children will be treated in beautiful child- and family-friendly rooms furnished with the latest pediatric medical equipment. “When our beds are full at the Children’s Hospital, we have to admit patients to a pediatric overflow unit located at the adult UW Hospital. While the care these patients receive is excellent, the environment is not the same as that in the Children’s Hospital. We want to be sure every family has the best experience possible.” “The addition of these 26 critical-care beds will relieve the pressure we face every day to accommodate each child who needs us,” she says. “With enough private support from those who share our passion to improve the lives of children, our new fundraising campaign - Sick Kids Can’t Wait - will make this dream a reality.” caring staff and sense that their child is truly in the right place.” UW Hospital and Clinics President and CEO Donna Katen-Bahensky cannot resist clapping along with one-year-old Robert “Hudson” Bowers. Robert was hospitalized for a rare condition affecting the blood vessels in his brain. At left, cancer patient Tala Henning, age 1, is held by her mother, Nikki. 4 5 Children and families come to American Family Children’s Hospital for treatment for everything from cancer to heart disease to complex neuromuscular disorders. Moreover, the children we see, on average, are sicker than those at all Wisconsin hospitals that care for pediatric patients. Both girls pictured at left on this page – Vida Chute, age 1 (left) and Kirsten Chaignot, 16 (with guitar) – come to Madison from northern Wisconsin for treatment of cystic fibrosis, a disease with which patients are living longer, due in part to advances by University of Wisconsin pediatric researchers. Below, Noelle Hagen, 18, recovers from surgery to remedy hearing loss. Noelle is looking forward to starting college in the fall of 2012. Patrick Gerberding, age 2, is held by his mother, Stefanie, who brings her son to American Family Children’s Hospital for treatment of a rare neurological condition, bilateral schizencephaly. Despite his diagnosis, Patrick is a happy boy who loves to laugh and smile. Patrick’s father, Tim, looks on at his son in the photo on the facing page. 6 7 It is not only hard, but also heartbreaking, to believe that children can get so incredibly sick. We see precious kids fighting life-threatening disease and we cannot stop thinking about how wrong it all seems. Yet, when a child needs the kind of medical attention that can only be found at a comprehensive pediatric academic medical center, American Family Children’s Hospital is there like a beacon in the night. Ally Jansen, 6 (photos at left, this page), has been battling neuroblastoma since late 2010, and Giselle Bouldin, 2 (below, with her smiling mother, Gaelle), who received a bone marrow transplant in late 2011 for sickle cell anemia, have both spent countless days and nights on our acutecare unit. 8 American Family Children’s Hospital is also known for its world-class pediatric surgery team, with surgical specialists ranging from cardiothoracic to orthopedic. One of our recent neurosurgery patients, Emily Martinez, 8 (below) smiles at UW Hospital President and CEO Donna Katen-Bahensky. Although she has many physical limitations resulting from a traumatic brain injury at age 2, Emily made a great impression on the CEO. “I will never forget the expression of joy on Emily’s face,” says Katen-Bahensky. “Even though she cannot speak, Emily knows how much she is loved by her family and friends.” Kathleen Fahey, 14, reflects for a moment after recovering from neurosurgery related to lisencephaly, a rare neurological disorder. She has been treated by a multidisciplinary team of specialists, including pediatric neurologists, pediatric urologists, pediatric gastroenterologists and pediatric surgeons. 9 A History of Giving A Message From the Development Partners Advisory Board American Family Children’s Hospital traces its roots to the story of Mary Cornelia Bradley, a little girl born to Dr. Harold Cornelius Bradley, a UW biochemistry professor and his wife, Mary Josephine (Crane) Bradley, of the renowned Chicago industrialist Crane family. Stricken with measles at age 6, Mary died in 1916 from meningitis shortly before her seventh birthday. Spring 2012 A message from the Co-Chairs of the American Family Children’s Hospital Development Partners Advisory Board: John Flad (left in photo), President of Flad Development, and Jack Salzwedel (right in photo), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of American Family Insurance. Deeply heartbroken by the loss of their firstborn child, the Bradleys’ loving tribute to Mary would become a pediatric research and teaching hospital built in connection with the UW Medical School. Mary Cornelia Brad ley S O C I E T Y B e n e f i t i n g pa t i e n t s a n d fa m i l i e s o f A m e r i c a n F a m i ly C h i l d r e n ’ s H o s p i t a l This hospital—funded primarily by the Bradleys’ efforts—opened in 1920 as the Mary Cornelia Bradley Hospital for the Study of Children’s Diseases. Mary Cornelia Bradley and her grandfather Cornelius Beach Bradley, circa 1915. After several moves and expansions over the next nine decades, the Bradleys’ legacy would emerge in 2007 as the world-class American Family Children’s Hospital. To ensure that children and families from Wisconsin and beyond continue to receive the very best medical care, we established The Mary Cornelia Bradley Society. Its purpose is simple: to recognize philanthropy committed to continued excellence at American Family Children’s Hospital. The Mary Cornelia Bradley Society recognizes four levels of philanthropic commitment: Legacy (estate gifts); Legends (one-time or cumulative gifts of $25,000 or more); Guardians (one-time or cumulative gifts of $10,000 through $24,999); and Ambassadors (gifts of $1,000 or more within a single calendar year). Learn More As every gift designation is a very personal decision, American Family Children’s Hospital development staff is available for consultation with anyone interested in learning more about joining The Mary Cornelia Bradley Society. Please call us at (608) 264-KIDS, visit or e-mail to learn more. Dear Friends: Nothing you do is more noble than helping sick children. Like us, you have your personal reasons for supporting American Family Children’s Hospital. Whether or not your child or grandchild has been cared for here, your generous support has played an instrumental role in our world-class hospital’s amazing success story that continues to evolve. With more children filling our beds, the time has come to reach even higher. With your help, our Sick Kids Can’t Wait campaign will raise the funds needed to add 26 new critical-care beds and urgently needed clinical spaces to ensure that no child is ever turned away. 10 John Flad (Co-Chair) Jack Salzwedel (Co-Chair) Mark Afable Laurie Benson Christine Bohnsak Anna Burish Debbie Cray Rick Fetherston Tom Grantham Jim Hegenbarth Jerry Kelly Rich Lynch Nick Meriggioli Tim Metcalfe and Julie Bush Metcalfe Dan Rashke Mark and Sarah Tauscher Ken Thompson Kathy Trace Tim Valentyn Theran Welsh HONORARY ADVISORY/EMERITUS BOARD You will never regret being a part of this incredible cause. On behalf of the entire Advisory Board, thank you for everything you do for our hospitalized kids and their families at American Family Children’s Hospital. Patrick Boyle Boo Mortenson Maury Cotter George Nelson Cathy Coyle Jamie Pollard Lea Culver Judy Paul Nancy Dohm Harvey Pierce John Flesch Susan Pierce Jacobsen Lydie Arthos Hudson Sincerely, John J. Flad, Co-Chair Jack C. Salzwedel, Co-Chair Development Partners Development Partners Advisory Board Advisory Board Advisory Board Membership Bob Schlicht Nancy Kaufman Linda Smith Bob Landsee John Suby Marsha Lindsay Sylvia Vaccaro Charles Lobeck, MD David Walsh Michael Zingg Jennifer Moluf 11 Donors and Gifts We are deeply grateful to all those who have made a meaningful difference for the patients and families of American Family Children’s Hospital. On the next four pages, we Rich and Amy Steffen Automation Components, Inc. Enterprise Rent-A-Car - Madison Loose Change Champions for Children David and Jenny Stein The Bacus Family ~ Brian, Lisa, The Entwistle Family Medicine and Public Health Dennis P. Lund, MD and Steinhauer Charitable Trust Department of Radiology, UW School of Medicine and Public Health Brent, Shelby Evans Scholars House Steve and Nicki Stricker Jim and Sue Bakke Matthew T. Lundgren and Family Subway Sandwiches and Salads Kenneth Ballweg Rick and Judy Fetherston Sub-Zero Freezer Company Becker Law Offices Fidelity Information Services Andy and Carolyn Gilb Cynthia P. Spencer Famous Footwear list the names of donors who have enrolled in, or qualify for, membership in The Mary Cornelia Bradley Society. These names can also be found on our Donor Report website Dan DeSalvo Family M&I Foundation Design Circle Maddie’s Miracle David Thomason Joanne Becker DV Trust While we strive to get every donor name correct prior to publication, we apologize for any incorrect listing. Please contact Colleen Fraser at (608) 264-KIDS or by e-mail at Madison Area Friends of Piano Dan and Patti Rashke (TASC) Family Gerry and Vicki Benusa Greg and Marie Gisi Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation The Madison Club Foundation Tracy and Betty Bergquist if your name is incorrect or if you would prefer not to have your name published in future publications. Your support means the world to us. Thank you! Brad and Deborah Gleason Epic Madison Community Foundation Bret Bielema Golden Eagle Log J. H. Findorff & Son Inc. Madison Gas & Electric Foundation Richard and Carolyn Blum Charitable Sherry and Al Goldstein Fire Fighters Local 311 Charities Mike and Jessica McCarthy Golf Flad Development and Investment Corp. The Mary Cornelia Bradley Society Legacy Legends Anonymous (1) American Family Insurance Estate of James Theron Barto The Employees and Agents of Estate of Ned E. Bellerue Roger and Linda Boettcher Founding Families American Family Insurance Family of Helen Bakke, Frederick Estate of Emma J. Christensen and Deborah Schwartz and the George and Ann Croal Sub-Zero Foundation Estate of Roman G. and Elma K. Haas Estate of Eileen Hessling Estate of Alvin F. and Loraine LeMoine Estate of Melvin and Mary Palmer Estate of Alice Piercy Estate of Dorothy A. Sommers Estate of Maurice B. Van Engel Estate of Reed A. and Carolee Walker Estate of John A. Warchol Estate of Lyle Weichmann Clear Channel Madison and Supporters of the Champions for Kids Radiothon Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber Department of Pediatrics Faculty and Staff, UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Surgery, UW School of Joe and Pat Flad and Family John and Jeanne Flesch Oscar Rennebohm Foundation Anonymous (4) Culver Franchising System, Inc. Pierce Family Foundation - Harvey, Robert and Dyan Armstrong Craig and Lea Culver Family BMO Harris Bank Dental Health Associates of Madison Jim Bahensky and Donna Katen- Department of Anesthesiology Faculty, Delores, Jeff, Steve, Julie and Susan Irwin F. and Linda S. Smith University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Bahensky Theodore W. Batterman Family Foundation Health Legends AAA Wisconsin The Bill and Signe Buchholz Family Capitol Bank Kristina P. Schultz - Caps for the Cure Supporters of the Champions for Kids Radiothon George Fait Family J. F. Ahern Co. Clear Channel Madison John and Coleen Flad Family Alliant Energy Foundation Copper for Kids Friends of University of Wisconsin American Girl Coyle Contract AnchorBank and Anchor Foundation George and Ann Croal Donald and Marilyn Anderson J. P. Cullen Family Foundation Gordon Flesch Co. Terry Bolz Michael and Kari Grasee Tri-ing For Children’s, Inc. R.D. and Joy Boschulte Gunder Family Charitable Gift Fund Unity Health Insurance Jeff Bosco Ann and Rob Hamilton Rozanne Flesch McKesson Health Systems U.S. BANK Tami Bosco Mark and Debbie Hamilton Dr. Gregory and Mrs. Nancy Gallo Nick and Barb Meriggioli UW Credit Union Tom and Jennifer Brazelton Heery-HLM Gregory and Penny Gallo Julie Bush Metcalfe Sylvia and James Vaccaro Charles and Linda Brei Jim and Amy Hegenbarth Carl and Sheila Getto Mielcarek Family Foundation and Robert and Mary Voss Brink and Associates David and Melissa Holman Arnold and Ellen Wald Tim and Deb Constien Hooper Corporation and General George and Candy Gialamas Hallman/Lindsay Paints Mortenson Family Foundation John E. Wall Family and DEMCO Justin and Wendy Cruz Gary and Shirley Howard Greater Bucky Open NFL Alumni Madison Chapter Robert and Marlene Wilson Robert and Diane Dempsey Bermans and Jenny Iskandar Green Bay Packers James and Casey Nick Wisconsin Dance Marathon Department of Family Medicine, David Jacobsen and Christopher and Ann Green Noodles & Company WISC - TV UW School of Medicine and Group Health Cooperative of South Promega Corporation WKOW - TV Public Health Jeff and Judi Raymond Family Paul and Kay Young UW School of Medicine and HDR Architecture Robert and Jean Rennebohm Family of Julie Zdeblick Public Health Diane and A.J. Heatley J. P. and Beth Richards Family Joe and Lydie Arthos Hudson Jack and Sarah Salzwedel UW School of Medicine and Hyundai Hope on Wheels Daniel and Patricia Schultz Public Health Kelly Family Foundation The Sekelsky Family Bernard and Sally Kuebler Killoran Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity / Roger and Linda Boettcher The Buchholz Planning Corporation Friends of Tyler’s Place Foundation Tom and Ruthann Grantham Department of Dermatology, Dr. Kok-Peng Yu and Dr. Anna Lee Mrs. Josephine Crane Bradley Jeff and Kristin Tracy Family and Patrick and Mary Cotter Public Health Mortimer B. Zuckerman of Madison, Inc. Corporation (TASC) Helen and Terrence Wall Black Belt America Dr. Harold Cornelius Bradley and Ronald McDonald House Charities Total Administrative Services Milio’s Sandwiches Estate of Reed A. and Carolee Walker Shen Family Tournament Foundation James and Kim Gilmore Family UW School of Medicine and Chartwell Wisconsin Kohl’s Department Stores UW School of Medicine and Public Michael and Kim Bentz Affiliated Engineers, Inc. Medicine and Public Health Hospital and Clinics 12 Marvin J. Levy Laboratory Medicine, UW School of Department of Pathology and Department of Human Oncology, UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Neurological Surgery, Department of Neurology, Department of Ophthalmology and Central Wisconsin (GHC-SCW) Guardians Mark and Peggy Afable Visual Sciences, UW School of The Kresge Foundation Medicine and Public Health Jerome and Joan Kuypers Family Sing for the Children Anonymous (6) Dale Leibowitz and Amy Kaster Kent and Donna Sollenberger Family Ariens Company Robert F. Lemanske, Jr., MD Staff Electric Co., Inc. Associated Bank Irving and Dorothy Levy State Collection Service, Inc. Attainment Company Department of Orthopedic Surgery, UW School of Medicine and Public Health Tour de Touchdown American TV Department of Medicine, UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Psychiatry, UW School of Medicine and Public Health Division of Pediatric Pulmonology Michael’s Frozen Custard Edgewood High School and Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association Gary and Barbara Eiler Jim and Mary Eldridge Heating and Air Conditioning Susan Pierce Jacobsen Brent and JoAnn Johnson Junior League of Madison Inc. Kaufman Hall and Associates Inc. Daniel and Lena Kelly Jerry and Carol Kelly Connie Kinsella Kristin Kirkconnell Michael and Annette Knapstein Stuart and Mary Banks Knechtle Family Lands’ End Inc. Fred and Mary Laufenberg Jeff Levy Christopher and Mary Listau 13 Joel London and Cheryl Kendall Stephen and Jeri Lose Family and Friends of Laurie Ricciardelli Meade Peter and Julie Weil Central Wisconsin Equipment Gary and Mary Housner Mike and Jessica McCarthy Golf Tournament Scott and Vicki Seymour Theran, Julie, Jackson, Taylor and Supporters of the Champions for Kids IBM Corporation Thomas McClaren Shared Health Services Corp. J.T. Packard McKesson Corporation Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity / Radiothon LYCON Inc. Claude Rochon, RN Maddie’s Fund Alicia Rose “Victorious” Foundation Tractors Gone Wild Clear Channel Madison Jim and Tammy Jelinek McKesson Health Systems Madigan Family Foundation Roundy’s Supermarkets Bill and Shela Westrate Tim and Deb Constien Brandi Leigh Jelle Nick and Barb Meriggioli Skipper Bud’s Madison/Mad City Ski Team Terry and Ann Wilkerson Copper for Kids JPMorgan Chase Messiah Lutheran Church Irwin F. and Linda S. Smith Madison Fireworks Fund (Copps & Pick ‘n Save) Lauren Welsh Tour de Touchdown Doug and Patty Malmquist Rubloff Development Group Wisconsin Built Core BTS Inc. Cost Cutters of Madison Tim Metcalfe John and Pamela Stampen Mr. Mario Mancusi-Ungaro and George and Cheryl Ryniak Wisconsin Capital Management Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber MillerCoors Rich and Amy Steffen Ambassadors Dale Leibowitz and Amy Kaster Bret and Sara Saalsaa George and Ann Croal Daniel and Lena Kelly Nicholas and Elaine Mischler David and Jenny Stein Dental Health Associates of Madison Dr. Maureen McCausland Peter and Jennifer Marino Family Jeffrey and Joy Schleusner Joe and Stephanie Martino Jeffrey and Mary Schmoeger Dale and Lila Mathwich Select Comfort Matthew’s Miracle Network Scott and Vicki Seymour Bernard and Susan McCartan Sherman Plaza, Inc. Al and Karen Meyer Michael and Paulette Siebers Mid-State Equipment Abby Smith MillerCoors Jeff and Kathleen Smith Fred and Mary Mohs Hans and Mary Lang Sollinger Darnell, Loretta and Maya Moore Alice and Chris, Noel and Sean Spencer Murphy and Desmond SC John and Pamela Stampen MyMenu Tim and Ann Sweeney Ken and Carrie Noonan Family Donald and Judith Taylor Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals TDS Long Distance Corporation Oscar Mayer / Kraft Foods TeamSoft, Inc. - Paul and Olga Heberer, Park Bank Eric and Nancy Larson, Brian and Pepsi-Cola Company/Madison Karen Worden Daniel and Mary Petersen TechlineUSA Bruce and Deborah Pfaff TeleTracking Technologies Inc. Philips Medical Systems John and Mary Kay Thedinga Jeffrey Pierce Jason and Mary Theilen Richard and Sheila Plotkin Thomas and Ruth Thielke Pointman Inc. Joe and Kay Tisserand Ellen and Jamie Pollard Steven and Mariann Tjugum Jeff Poltawsky and Tom Arnhold Towers Watson Jerry and Diana Rekowski U.S. Cellular Polly ReQua UW Class of 1950 Restaino & Associates Realtors Veridian Foundation Relocation Wal-Mart Foundation Joe and Jan Zwettler Calendar Year 2011 Lauren Burcalow Kelly Vicki Moeser Steinhauer Charitable Trust Dr. Heather Donovan Kelly Family Foundation Richard Moll Strand Associates Inc. EMC Corporation Friends of Ellie Kennedy Murphy and Desmond SC Subway Sandwiches and Salads Robert and Susan Engelke Bernard and Sally Kuebler Killoran Robert and Marianne Nemeth Tom and Cindy Sullivan T.Q. Diamonds Mark and Peggy Afable Epic Michael and Leslie Kim Red Arrow Employees Fundraiser Affiliated Engineers, Inc. Evans Scholars House Kristin Kirkconnell NFL Alumni Madison Chapter Ten/Tenths Ltd. Isthmus Sailboards Alien Golf Outing Rick and Judy Fetherston Josh and Kristen Klein Tom, Julia and Laura Nicholas John and Mary Kay Thedinga Alliant Energy Foundation Fidelity Information Services Michael and Annette Knapstein Robert Nourse and De-Ann Pillers Jason and Mary Theilen American Bottling Company J. H. Findorff & Son Inc. Kohl’s Department Stores Merge Healthcare David Thomason Kollege Klub Estate of Melvin and Mary Palmer Thompson Investment Management American Family Insurance Flad Development and Investment Corp. American Family Insurance District 27 John and Coleen Flad Family John and Lynn Kryger Park Bank Ken, Kristine, Leah and Lucas Thompson Donald and Marilyn Anderson John and Jeanne Flesch Jerome and Joan Kuypers Family James and Michelle Parks Thursday’s Child Ariens Company FORESTERS Lancaster Sports Boosters Nakoma Golf Club Norris and Alice Tibbetts Robert and Dyan Armstrong Friends of University of Wisconsin Robert F. Lemanske, Jr., MD Daniel and Mary Petersen Tractors Gone Wild Marvin J. Levy Nanette Peterson and James Stangel Tuttle Lithography Christopher and Mary Listau Pierce Family Foundation - Harvey, Delores, Unity Health Insurance BMO Harris Bank Badger Motor Officers Assn. Jim Bahensky and Donna Katen-Bahensky Kimberly Baker Kenneth Ballweg Gerry and Vicki Benusa Tracy and Betty Bergquist Black Belt America Roger and Linda Boettcher Mary Borenz The Bill and Signe Buchholz Family Andy and Anna Burish Capitol Bank Kristina P. Schultz - Caps for the Cure Hospital and Clinics Lands’ End Employees– Departments 410 & 468 Loose Change Champions for Children Jeff, Steve, Julie and Susan UW Credit Union Carl and Sheila Getto Maddie’s Miracle Placke Farms Inc. David and Jill Vander Mause Andy and Carolyn Gilb Madigan Family Foundation Project Strong Vita Plus James and Kim Gilmore Family The Madison Club Foundation Richard and Melody Reas Arnold and Ellen Wald Brad and Deborah Gleason Madison Gas & Electric Co. Jerry and Diana Rekowski Bill and Shela Westrate Tom and Ruthann Grantham Mr. Mario Mancusi-Ungaro and J. P. and Beth Richards Family Wisconsin Aviation Claude Rochon, RN Wisconsin Built Michael and Kari Grasee Dr. Maureen McCausland University of Wisconsin - Green Bay Peter and Jennifer Marino Family Bret and Sara Saalsaa Wisconsin Dance Marathon Green Bay Packers Margie Martin Jack and Sarah Salzwedel WKOW-TV Gunder Family Charitable Gift Fund Joe and Stephanie Martino Friends and Family of Scott Schanke Woodlands Senior Park The Haldeman Family Jeffrey and Amanda Yunke Duane and Alice Matson Jeffrey and Joy Schleusner Jim and Amy Hegenbarth Matthew’s Miracle Network Jeffrey and Mary Schmoeger David and Melissa Holman Brad and Jill Maxfield Jason and Lori Schwager American Family Children’s Hospital Hospital Leadership DONNA KATEN-BAHENSKY President and CEO UW Hospital and Clinics and American Family Children’s Hospital JEFF POLTAWSKY, FACHE Vice President American Family Children’s Hospital ELLEN WALD, MD Chair, Department of Pediatrics UW School of Medicine and Public Health Pediatrician-in-Chief, American Family Children’s Hospital JENNIFER BRAZELTON Director, Pediatric Clinics American Family Children’s Hospital BARBARA BYRNE, DNP, RN, PNP-BC Director of Pediatric Nursing and Clinical Services American Family Children’s Hospital NAN PETERSON, RN, MS Program Director, Child Health Advocacy American Family Children’s Hospital DIANE HEATLEY, MD Associate Professor, Pediatric Otolaryngology Medical Director and Interim Surgeon-in-Chief American Family Children’s Hospital Philanthropy Staff NANCY FRANCISCO-WELKE Senior Managing Director of Development Medical Advancement Group UW Foundation BETH BLUM UW Hospital and Clinics COLLEEN FRASER American Family Children’s Hospital JIM GILMORE American Family Children’s Hospital STEVEN RAMIG JR. UW Foundation TERRI SPRING American Family Children’s Hospital KRISTINE THOMPSON American Family Children’s Hospital TOM YOUNG American Family Children’s Hospital The Sekelsky Family 14 15 Fundraising Event Highlights 16 Copper for Kids Mike and Jessica McCarthy Golf Tournament Key Up for Kids Recycled scrap copper from hospital construction projects has raised more than $170,000 for the Children’s Hospital since 2006. Hosted by Green Bay Packers Head Coach Mike McCarthy and his wife, Jessica, this tournament has raised $220,000 through its first two years. Piano students raised more than $9,000 during a daylong Piano Playathon sponsored by Madison Area Friends of Piano. Get in the Game Gala Wisconsin Dance Marathon Radiothon Friends of UW Hospital and Clinics hosted 1,100 guests in February 2012, raising $470,000. More than 300 UW-Madison students danced the night away in March, raising $65,000. Tracy and Mike of 96.3 Star Country in Madison helped raise $528,000 during the three-day, 39-hour Champions for Kids Radiothon in May. “They Are So Brave” University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics 600 Highland Ave., H4/810 Madison, WI 53792 CH-30942-12 Meet more children like Holly inside Check out American Family Children’s Hospital’s new website! has much to offer: • Sign up for our e-newsletter, Kids Connection • Read about our Sick Kids Can’t Wait fundraising campaign • Make an online donation CH-30941-12
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