CIJ/ OZI ZO 10 91-33-2225398b 14:14 0#* e PAGE UCO BANK CMD SECTT. UCO BANK 11™R 8119% f45973 E ir No: HO/Finance/Share/1876/2014-15 Honours Your Trust Date: 05.02.2015 The Vice President National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. "Exchange Plaza", Bandra-Kuria Complex, Bandn] (E) Mumbal - 400 051 Dear Sir, SUB: Reviewed Financial Results for the quarter and nine months ended 31.12.2014 We enclose herewith reviewed financial results for the quarter and nine months ended 31.12.2014 of our Bank duly taken on record by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on this day for your kind perusal. Kindly acknowledge. Youm faithfully, S«· IN P a Chandra Rao) Company Secretary .S/:2\"MA'Oirtio 4.*5Lj2.jnifal:)/ily v-33/9 -40 640 UCO Bank* Finance Departmelit, Head Office, 3rd Floor. 02, India Exchange Place, Kolkata - 700 001 E-mail: hoacs.glcutta ucobank.To. iI, Phone:. 44557227, 44557221 F 033 22485625 01/04 PAGE UCO BANK CMD SECTT. 91-33-2225398b 14:14 CIJ/ OZI ZO 10 «1 4 69 UCO BANK Houd Offi : 10. aT. fdS=rani, Aglib - 700 09 1 mehsote : MWW .£*hanki,„ 7014 REWEWED ANANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND NINE MONTHS ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, PBAO# Sil y in LAkh) Nine Months Bded Y ir Ended Quarter inded 2112,2014 31109.2014 aL11*11 81.12.2014 SL122 13 31„CS.2£114 NO. (Review,1,4 (Revieweit) 111•sviewed%(Reviawed) IReviewei (Audtted) 495759 489768 imm' lemE 13379 1622591 1 Irrterest Earned til*(b}*1*Idl 342052 3520;S (b) Inconie op tmestments 229288 132391 112240 (cl InteNsE on balances With R.8.1 & otheri*r-bank funds 01 Others z Other Income 1009082 1363062 393316 313168 48569 11 10 1164204 354294 [a) interest/disiount on advanips / 51115 5819 3961 2873 13227 7397 1640 1395 1850 5170 108 65980 aE97 19047 134100 26159 9946 - 544739 523662 191#0* 160 95 142 115 19SSG42 1 Totall"Hme (1+31 4 Intereste pmbeled s operating #pelkies- (11*/11) Il) tInployeehw,i G Tot alpendiltur*(418) (excludint PI, vIstor,s and Contingendes) 7 operatins Prallit (Before Prowlatens and Contir,gencies) 1*1 21 336693 351465 316282 1047129 888032 1217083 0/22 69620 61910 19448 179361 24%920 11719 dhiFIi 1;991 12 121552 115244 154753 22468 640·13 89167 24313 (111 Other opelatinx Expenses ViaVISIall; torn4rrharr rwi) ad ari,u,Be, le, 12 Net Profi«/Loss(-) from Ordinary Adlytees *ertalt (10-11) 13 bnionlin ynemstnetott,o expense) 14 NdPreflt[*)/1.nssl-lforthepedod[124*) 15 Pa[4:up Equity Sham Capltal (Faw Value f 14'- eashil 16 Reserve, elteludrng Reval,Katial, Retemes (At per£slance Sheetof pmvious accounti,lkyemr) 17 Anilytical Ratios 0) Percpntgge ofshares hejd by Govt ofindia lilI Capital Adequacy latia: Bael-li Basel-111 Ii;i) Earning PerSham IEPS) (in 13 (NotAnnualised) Bastcand diluted EPS before Extraordinmy items netof lpT expense forthe peR-ed, forthe yearto date and forthe proilous yex Basicand diluted EPS after Extiaoillinary ite ms forthe period, far W* 1 921,7' Rlla '49*51 1 W66 3211BO 0 0 51759 12046 30=4 21*10 1693 1031 30359 1853 0 0 0 90159 10053 R1453 101470.92 1014 92 7526286 0 0 132291 128560 172409 0 198, 21355 92852 122584 151054 0 0 19445 314&% 0 92852 122584 151054 75262.86 laialgi 962418 962416 656208 952418 65GZDS 962418 77.1 77.2096 69.28% 77-20% 59.26% 77.20% 12.5486 12.67% 12,11% 1154% 121196 13.40% 12-12% 1122% 1116% 12.12% 11-15% 1168% 2.99 1.02 4.18 9.15 16.29 19.44 2.99 1-02 418 9.15 16,29 lq44 951062 the yeartodate and fortlte previous year Ov) NPA Ratios a) Gross NPA 72931 142513 103576 113652 368298 356726 494039 9 Exceptional Items 11 Tax Expense 28124 402226 420085 378252 1241623 1167399 2461£*E 0 10 ProfIU+]/1.esst-J fromOrdinaryAalvitesbefol tal:(7*91 131[51 10147312 735&30 662 137 953063 744664 735330 605146 438866 421635 6.51)96 5.20% 5.2096 4 96 of Net NPA 4.25% 3.15% 3.06% e) Return on AssetpjAnnuallsed) [%1 0.51% _M7% a·5796 0.52% 0.78% a70% b) Net NPA 496ofQr)6NPA ms,AS 4218 5 95096 5.20% 355643 3.06% 2.38% 425 6 18 PublicShambdding - No. of Shares tin Wkbi -Perantageof Shaleholding 4.3296 2313.76 2313.76 2213.76 2813.76 2213.76 2313.76 218096 2280% 3074% 22-20% 307456 18096 7233.33 5212.53 7833.33 19 pruln en and Pronloteremp *Mhalding a) Pledeed/Enwmhered NumberofShafes Pel'entage of Shares (*$ )96of the total shareholdingof promoter Nit and promoter group) Percentage of Share. * fa 96 etihetota s.ham Capaj M the company) b) Non-Encumbene Numberof Sharestin lakh) Percentage of Shares (# 4% of the tobi shamholding of promoter and promotergmup) Percentage of Shares (asa% ofthe tat=1 #hare caplial of the · r t.'IUCCS'. )9'Nlilt> » 3.e.6142 77233.2 7/8.33 5212.52 100.0096 100.0036 100.00% 100,00;6 100,00& 100.01 96 77.2096 7110% 69.26% 77.2096 58.2656 77.2036 02/04 05/02/2015 14:14 91-33-22253986 PAGE UCO BANK CMD SECTT. SEGMENT REPORING FOR ™E QUARTER AND NINE MONTHS ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2014 0 in Lakh) PAFT.A BUSINESSSEGMENTS Nine Months Er*d Year Ended Cb,Mer Erwied 9. Particulars No„ 31.12.2014 *11]0.2014 31. 7 7116 31„12.2014 3112-Zm) 31.8.ZL114 (Reviewed) (Rawlewedl [Rawle,#ed' Imeviewid) 111/view#« 18951itedl 1 Segment Rewt, 0 149951 123573 490619 3551.72 507133 1Mflfi ret Feah(11 694790 897403 149827 129711 143789 42 3 4373*7 94422 1054 1424 708 2342 #3 1300SS i) Treasu yoperattorts 11 I tvorpanne/vitiutted. 8.19„5 111) itetail Sinking Ivt Other mt,king Operzrtions 102/9 2965 548739 52501 4213Ill 160913 1414115 1 ;042 Total REvenue 2 Segment Rid# 7ml 4478 110472 &6621 701 1.7229 146[n 2315 9970 1054 1424 552105 BE;37 -12481 39826 65926 30340 78168 388 708 3965 2342 5083 profit Before Tax 513591 1/NG 31#4 132297 125558 1721% Provision for Tax 21400 1693 1031 39 45 *59 10359 al/58 92852 8816·318 918653 7985899 8816248 7985899 8523104 8695742 8449572 8695742 72786 i) Treasury Operations tt) Corporate/Wholesale Banking ill) Retail BARking iv) Othertanking Operations Net Profit 2966 21355 112584 151%54 3 Segment Aaets il Treasury Oper:tiens il) Corporat:e/1Alhelesale mnklnE lilI Remil Binking 8449.572 9131456 6280659 35288784 0 Ivl Othereankir,ROperdons 0 5640240 0 23546580 23 7133 22321821 TaBI Aeets 4 Segmentdabilitia 628 59 0 564£240 9516501 5872&70 0 0 235%589 2232188* 22912475 7327105 7610917 6933612 78271 5 02*12 72 98 1) Treasury Operntierls Ii) 0Dmoaie/wholesale BankinR 9303834 10129426 111)Retail 8*nking iv) Other Bartking Operations 6915641 5866790 0 0 9334024 9%1*331 9334024 10291522 6054245 6215641 6054245 6351155 0 0 2354080 23$07™ 2 18# 23546580 Tout Liihillties 0 0 213*1Rm 8912es (7 in Lakh) Patticulars PART i GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS Nine MonthsEnded Yearlded Quarter Ended n122*14 * 09. 14 3112.2013 31.12.2ull 31.2120 3 01.OU[014 (Revieved} IRevie*ed} IRevienEd] Illeviened) [Revieth'04 1Aildited) Domestic 528932 I) Revenue ill Aasets 511215 479312 1566392 1.29[En 1908765 2{ 99231 21031157 20634646 20999281 20534846 21842968 15807 24448 1.1532 43526 32778 46257 2547200 2525976 1787235 2547300 1727225 201/95/7 544739 525662 Internfonal i) Revenue ii) Aaets Gbbal i) Revenue 491901 23&46580 22607123 22321931 ii) AMetZ 649'*|OCOa;*A /*im»h 1131* 1111 *)*# U. \. MIlts/91 /1/14 1%9918 1424115 1955042 23546580 22321881 22912475 03/04 05/02/2015 14:14 91-33-22253986 UCO BANK CMU bELll. rMuc. Notes: 1. The above financial results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee of Boord in their meeting held on 4#h February, 2015 and approved by the Board of Director in their meeting held on 54 February, 2015. The same have been subjected to Umiled Review by the Statutory Central Auditors of the Bank in line with the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India and eis per the requirements of Lisling Agreement with Stock Exchanges. 2. The Bank has followed the some accounling policies in preparation of these financial results as were followed in the annual financial slote.ments for the year ended 31a March, 2014, 3. The provision for Non-Performing Assets / Nori Performing Investments / Standard Assets /Diminution in Fair Value of Assets Unhedged foreign currency exposure has been arrived cit as per prudential norms / directives issued by Reserve Bank of India. 4. Provision for Income Tax and Depreciation on Fixed Assets, have been made on an estimated and proportionate basis and are subject to adjustment, if any, at the year end. Deferred Tax Liability / Asset are being reckoned on annual basis. 5. Provision has been made for Employee Benefits viz. pension, gratuity, leave encashment, LFC/LTC. sick leave etc. in terms of the Revised Accounting Standard (AS)-15 as notified by the Central Government on actuarial valuation. The provision charged to Profit & Loss Account includes Rs 200.33 crore (Rs. 191.05 Crore) towards current liability for the current quarter and Rs. 552.40 crore IRs.594.43 crorel for the nine months ended 31.12.2014. 6. As per RBI circular DBOD No. BP.BC.80/21.4.018/2010«11 Dated February 09, 2011 issued on reopening of Pension Oplion to employees of Public sector Banks and enhancement in Gratuity Limits.-Prudential Regulatory Treatment. bank is permitted to amorlize. in five years with effect from 2010-11,0 total sum of Rs. 800.35 Crore being the total liability. on account of one more oplion for pension to active staff and for enhancement of upper ceiling or gratuity under the Gratuity Act from Rs. 3.5 lakh to RE.10 lakh and occordingly a sum of Rs. 40.02 crore (Rs. 40.02 Crore) is charged to Profit & Loss Account for the current quarter ended 31.12.2014 and Rs. 120.06 crore (Rs. 120.06 crore) for nine months ended 31.12.2014. Remaining unamortized liabilily stood at Rs.40-02 Crore on 31.12.2014. 7. Based on the available data, available financial statements and the declaration from borrowers wherever received, the Bank has estimated the liability of Rs 48 lacs as on 31.12.2014 on Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposure to their constituents in terms of RBI Circular DBOD.No.BP.BC.85/21.06.200/2013-14 dated 15th January 2014. The entire estimated amount is fully provided for. 8. The Non Performing Loan Provisioning Coverage Rotio is 48.82% os on 3151 December, 2014. 9. Number of Investor Complaints:- fi) Outstanding at the beginning of the quarter - Nil, fii) Received during the quarter- 526 (iii) Disposed of du ng the quarter - 525 and liv) Outstanding at the end of the quarter-1. 10. Figures of the previous periods have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary. The bracketed figures indicate corresponding previous petiod figures. DA..6© U. K. Garg) Executive Director Date: 05.02.2015 Place: Kolkata (Awn Kaul) 1 Chairman & Mana ing Director .ts»' #24118»10 t» E + 18 .St 04/ 04
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