»Hall/Kitchen/Overflow: Wilkinson Family »Nursery/Toddler/Rm 246: Wells Family »Sanctuary: Headley Family »Youth Room/Fireside: Marshall Family »Children’s Areas: Pfeiffer Family »Restrooms: Eric and Jenny Stauffer »Fellowship Hall/Kitchen: Dabrowski Family 2 Mary Hammond Brynlee Damesworth 4 Frank Malcangi 7 Michael Petkof 9 Roy Nelson 10 Cameron Damesworth 11 Charlie Morris M/M Mike Petkof 14 M/M Tim Hammond 16 Paul Pelle 17 Kylie Damesworth M/M Frank Malcangi 19 Bryan Coupland 20 Marie Weathered 26 Rachel Davis 27 Jackson Dabrowski nursery schedule FEBRUA RY Stop into the church library and check out some of our new selections. The latest edition to our shelves is a series by Lee Strobel: a three-part DVD series on The Case for Christ; The Case for Faith; and The Case for a Creator. New books are added to our shelves on a regular basis. We are always willing to accept newer books too, especially children’s books. If you have any questions about our library ministry, please see Ruth Jones. 1st Emily Strom & Ellie Marshall 8th Jody Dabrowski & Mikeala Strom 15th Wendy Bloembergen & Ashlyn Wilkinson 22nd Evelyn Davis & Jillian Dabrowski If you would like to serve in this ministry, please contact Annette Craft. NEW WORSHIP SERIES: What would it have been like to listen to Jesus’ earth shattering words through the ears of a first-century disciple? What would it have been like to sit at his feet as a seeker and listen to his teaching, or watch him perform a miracle beyond belief before your very eyes? The way Jesus lived and taught His disciples was not unique or different than other rabbis, but a part of Judaism that began a few centuries before His time. When Jesus told His disciples to come and follow Him, He didn’t hand them a syllabus or text book of what it meant to follow. They knew what it meant to walk after a rabbi. When He invited them to risk everything to come and live life beside Him, they knew exactly what Jesus was asking them to do. In fact, the disciples did what every good disciple longed to do in following their teacher: they walked so close to Him they could claim “I am covered in the dust of my rabbi!” What this means is, because they longed to be like their rabbi, they would follow him so closely that as he billowed the sandy granules, they would cling to the disciples’ clothes. That is what it means to journey along the path with your rabbi. In our new worship series, Rabbi Jesus—Changing our perception of 21st century Christianity, we are going to look closely at the words and teaching of Jesus in the intended context—the Jewish culture. We’ll explore and contemplate some of the cultural ideas, Jewish thought and Biblical images that give meaning and depth to Jesus’ words. And, we’ll focus our attention on some of the Jewish culture that has been preserved over the ages. Essentially, we are going to walk in the dust of our Rabbi Jesus, cutting through 21st century Christian clutter by peering back to what it was be like to walk on a journey with Jesus. In the end, our goal, our hope, our purpose is that we would not only learn what it meant to follow Jesus back in His day, but how that translates to our day, thereby changing our perception of 21st century Christianity.—Pastor Joe MEN’S NIGHT OUT! Friday, February 20th from 6:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Open to all Men and Teens City Limits East [2120 E. Saginaw Hwy] $10.00 per person which includes shoes & beverages [pop, water, tea] This is a TEAM event 4 players per TEAM TEAMS divided based on skill level No prior experience A great night of fellowship and laughs Sign-up at the Welcome Center See Pastor Joe or Dan Wells for questions THE JOURNEY: Our world tells us: if you work hard, you’ll get the promotion. If you finish your broccoli, you’ll get dessert. If you do these three things, you’ll have a great marriage. Real life is long on law and short on grace—the demands never stop, the failures pile up, and fear sets in. Life requires many things from us—a stable marriage, successful children, a certain quality of life. Anyone living inside the guilt, anxiety, and uncertainty of daily life knows that the weight of life is heavy. We are all in need of some relief. Yet, grace isn't from the world. Grace is unconditional, unpredictable, and way out of your control. Join the Journey class for their study One Way Love as they embrace a fresh encounter with God’s inexhaustible grace. This class is taught by Ben Lott and meets each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in room 120. Plan to come a little early and enjoy some breakfast refreshments! LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP: Divisiveness, partiality, sinful debauchery, false teaching, marital problems, lawsuits, wrong priorities in ministry, abuse of liberty, lack of discipline, lack of care and concern for fellow Believers, and a general lack of love and unity within the church!! What do all these have to do with the church today? Everything! Unfortunately, many of these represent the life of many local churches today and the Apostle Paul addressed these and other issues in his letters to the church in Corinth. Join us in our Sunday morning ABF as we continue our study of I Corinthians: “Growing in Unity and Holiness in the Church” (or, “How NOT to be a dysfunctional church!”) The Lighthouse Fellowship Class meets Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in rooms 146-148. Coffee and doughnuts are usually available before the class begins, so arrive early to enjoy some fellowship time with friends. Kids...join us each Sunday for your very own worship time downstairs in the Kids for Christ area. You will be dismissed during the service so watch for the Power Point which tells you to head downstairs. Each Sunday is a little different. It’s filled with singing, crafts, handson practical lessons, videos and much more. Make it a point to be here each Sunday and feel free to bring a friend with you. BIG GAME PARTY: Teens, join us at the Pelle’s for our Big Game Party Sunday, February 1st at 6:00 p.m. It doesn’t matter if you are cheering for the home team, the away team, or the referees this is going to be a great night of food, football, and fun! Bring your favorite dip to share among friends. We will provide the rest. Grab a friend and join us for a great night. W.I.R.E.: Our next W.I.R.E. will be Sunday, February 18th. Grab a friend and join us at 5:45 p.m. for a great night of youth group followed by food and games throughout the building. The evening will end at 9:00 p.m. B3: Girls, join us Friday, February 6th for our next B3. Meet at the Pelle’s place at 6:00 p.m. so we can swing by Biggby to grab a cup of java and head over to cheer Amanda and her teammates on in their gymnastic meets. Let us know if you need to be picked up. BROYO: Guys, join us Friday, February 27th for our next Broyo. Meet at the Froyo in Okemos at 6:30 p.m. for frozen yogurt and games and followed by a movie at the Pelle’s. Let us know if you need a ride. There are many ways in which you can be involved in our ministry. Below are some opportunities where you can use your talents and abilities within our church. Our effectiveness as a church begins when people contribute to our ministry! SOUND TECHNICIAN/POWER POINT: Would you like to join a team of others who run the sound system or power point on Sunday mornings as well as other special events? Hands on training is offered and it’s an easy way to get involved. If you are available on Sunday mornings, consider this ministry. Please see Pastor Joe. CHILDREN’S WORSHIP HOUR: Do you love the excitement and joy of working with kids? We are looking for twelve people/couples who would be willing to take one month a year in 2015 to teach our children during their own worship hour. The only two pre-requisites are, you must have a love for kids and be passionate about making it a fun and exciting learning environment as you teach our kids the truth of God’s Word. Please see Pastor Paul. CLEAN TEAM: We highlight this opportunity on a consistent basis. It’s easy to be a part of our Clean Team. Sign up for a slot to clean a section of the church at the Welcome Center and invest an hour or so in our ministry each week. Job descriptions may be found in the clean team book. NURSERY: We are in need of some fresh arms to hold our babies or to play with our younger children on Sunday mornings. If you are fortunate enough to have a sleeping baby, we even telecast the worship celebration into the nursery each Sunday. See Annette Craft for questions or if you would like to be a part of this ministry. MOSAIC MEN’S MINISTRY: Men, join us for our night out at City Limits on Friday, February 20th @ 6:45 p.m. This is a team event with 4 evenly matched players per team. Please sign up at the Information Center in the foyer. If you bowled with us last year, we will be using your average from 2014. If not, when you sign up, please let us know what your average score usually is. It will be a great night of fun, comradery and team building. DON’T MISS THIS EVENT! Our S.A.L.T. Ministry [Senior Adults Living Triumphantly] will have their annual Valentine’s Day luncheon on Thursday, February 12th @ 12:00 p.m. Our luncheon will take us to Coral Gable Restaurant located at 2838 East Grand River Avenue in East Lansing [across from Hobby Lobby]. We have reserved the East Room for our meal together and they have a large variety on their menu to choose from. Bring your appetite and a guest with you. We look forward to a great luncheon together. If you have any questions, please see Pastor Joe or Jerry Hull. We look forward to seeing you there. Our college and young professional ministry is planning their next get-together during the month of February. They are still solidifying the details so watch your weekly bulletin for upcoming information. Also, if you are not on their e-mail list for up-to-date information, please see Teressa Lewandowski. We are looking forward to the next handful of months together, to encourage one another before we take a sabbatical for the summer. March 7th is an informal time of getting together, talking, laughing, snacking, playing games and getting to know one another. It’s our Ladies Do Nothing Night at the home of the Lewandowskis. It’s an opportunity to fellowship with other women, both younger and older, and share life together. Come, relax, enjoy, and refresh with others. Please bring your favorite appetizer or dessert to share with others. You can sign up at the Welcome Center during the month of February. It all begins at 6:00 p.m. Questions?...please see Teressa Lewandowski. EXECUTIVE PLANNING TEAM In 2014, an Executive Planning Team was put into place, whose purpose is to plan and help facilitate some new and exciting, as well as some long-standing ministries and events. We met throughout the 2014 calendar year and at the end of last year formulated a calendar of events for 2015. To the right, you will see SOME of our events and ministries for the coming year. These opportunities promote not only fellowship but team building. As each event draws closer, we will provide you with all the information you will need to be a part of what is happening at FBC. Please watch the In FOCUS Newsletter or your weekly bulletin for all of the details of how you can be a part of the growing excitement at FBC. MEN’S NIGHT OUT Friday, February 20th @ 6:45 p.m. LADIES DO NOTHING NIGHT Friday, March 6th @ 6:00 p.m. BATTLE OF BRAUNS Friday, March 27th @ 7:00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP [@FBC] Friday, April 3rd @ 7:00 p.m. RESURRECTION SUNDAY Sunday, April 5th @ 10:45 a.m. THE AMAZING RACE Saturday, May 16th @ TBD GRADUATION SUNDAY Sunday, June 7th @ 10:45 a.m. ZELOS DINNER AND STUDY Wednesday, June 10th @ 6:15 p.m. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 22nd—June 26th [evenings] FAMILY FUN NIGHT Friday, June 26th @ 6:30 p.m. ON GOAL SOCCER CAMP Tuesday, July 14th—Saturday, July 18th ON GOAL SUNDAY Sunday, July 19th @ 10:45 a.m. CEDARVILLE HEARTSONG Sunday, August 2nd [Tentative] HARVEST GATHERING Saturday, October 10th FALL LADIES BRUNCH Saturday, November 7th @ 9:30 a.m.
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