Advanced Topics ƮƷŵŹŚƸģƽźſƵźŞųƽŚƷƮŤƀǀſ ƾƬǀưƨţšŚƗƺƋƺƯ േࢇ Ε ਚ ϰ ̶ Γ߮ωϪરϪड़ ŢſřšŚƗLjƏřƹƵŵřŵƽźǀĭŹŚƧƶŝ ƂƳřŵ Data & Information Knowledge Inference ũŚŤƴŤſřƂƳřŵšŚƗLjƏřƹƵŵřŵææéƪƨƃ ƂƳřŵƕřƺƳř o o o o Procedural Knowledge o Knowledge of processes o Example: how to clean your face? (men v.s. women) Declarative Knowledge o Knowledge of propositions or facts (declarations) that are true or false o Example: rabbits eat grass Tacit Knowledge o Knowledge which cannot be expressed in language o Example: how to drive a car? Meta-knowledge o Knowledge about knowledge o Example: According to my study experience, “types of knowledge” will be a question in the midterm exam. ũŚŤƴŤſřƕřƺƳř o o o o o o o o o Deduction: reasoning where conclusions must follow from premises Induction:– inference is from the specific case to the general Intuition: no proven theory Heuristics: rules of thumb based on experience Generate and test: trial and error Abduction:– reasoning back from a true condition to the premises that may have caused the condition Default:– absence of specific knowledge Nonmonotonic: New evidence may invalidate previous knowledge Analogy: inferring conclusions based on similarities with other situations ̶ਪέάඵෂϛŽŹŶƯ ìì Advanced Topics ƮƷŵŹŚƸģƽźſƵźŞųƽŚƷƮŤƀǀſ ƾƬǀưƨţšŚƗƺƋƺƯ ŢſřšƹŚƠŤƯƽŚƷŽŚǀƤƯŹŵšƹŚƠŤƯƽŚƷƺĮƫřƽźǀĭ ƂƳřŵƶŤƨƳ ƪƨƃ Wisdom Data Knowledge Information ŵźųƹƂƳřŵƽźǀĭƪƨƃ çæéƪƨƃ (Nonaka's spiral of knowledge) ŚĩŚƳƺƳƶųźģƂƳřŵƪƿŶŞţƽƶųźģ ŚĩŚƳƺƳƝƹźƘƯƶųźģèæéƪƨƃ ƽŚƷƶŤƀƳřŵƩŚƤŤƳřƹ ƾƴƷŷ ƽŚƷƩŶƯƹšŚ ǀŝźŬţƩŵŚŞţƶŝ ƾƗŚưŤūřšLjƯŚƘţƢƿźƏŻřƶĩŢſřƝƹźƘƯ ƽŻŚſƾ ƗŚưŤūřƂƳřŵƶŝ ƾƴưƋƂƳřŵ ƾƴưƋƂƳřŵ ŢſřƮƸƟƪŝŚƣƾƫƹŢƀǀƳƱŶƃŮƿźƇ ƪŝŚƣƾĭŵŚſƶŝƾƴưƋƂƳřŵƹŽLjĩŹŵŚƷƁŻƺƯō ƾƿƺĭƱŚŤſřŵ ƩŚŨƯŵŻřŵźěƾƯŵƺųƾŝźŬţƹƾţŹŚƸƯ ƹŵƺƃƾƯ Ƶŵřŵ ƁŻƺƯō ŽŹŵŽLjĩźſƶĩƾŞƫŚƐƯŶƴƳŚƯŶƿōƾƯŢſŵƶŝƹŹŹŵƹŹšŚƏŚŞţŹřŹŵŚƷ ƂƳřŵƕƺƳƲƿř ƽŻŚſƾƗŚưŤūř ƾƴưƋƶŝƾƴưƋƂƳřŵ ŶƴƿƺĭƽŻŚſƾƗŚưŤūř ƂƳřŵƩŵŚŞţƕƺƳƲƿřƶŝŶƳŹřŵƮƷŚŝŵřźƟřƶĩƾƿŚƷŢŞŰƇ ̶ਪέάඵෂϛŽŹŶƯ ìí Advanced Topics ƮƷŵŹŚƸģƽźſƵźŞųƽŚƷƮŤƀǀſ ƾƬǀưƨţšŚƗƺƋƺƯ ƲŤƃƺƳƪŨƯŵƺƃƾ ƯƪƤŤƴƯũŹŚųƶŝƪųřŵŻřƂƳřŵƂƳřŵƪƿŶŞţƲƿřŹŵŢſřƂƳřŵŮƿźƇƱŵźĩŶĩƹŮƋřƹƱŚǀŝƽŻŚſƱƹźŝ ŮƿźƇƶŝƾƴưƋƂƳřŵ ƹƾưƬƗƞƄĩśŚŤĩĨƿ Śŝ Ʊō ƞƬŤŴƯ ƽřżūř ƶĩ ŵƺƃƾ Ư ƶŤƠĭ żǀƳ Ŝǀĩźţ ŮƿźƇƶŝ ŮƿźƇƂƳřŵ ƶŝ ƹ Ţſř ŪƿřŹ źŤƄǀŝ źţƺǀĜƯŚĩ Źŵ ƶĩ Ŝǀĩźţ ŮƿźƇ ƶŝ ŮƿźƇ ƂƳřŵ ŶƳźǀĭƭŚŬƳ řźţƺǀĜƯŚĩƽƶƬ ǀſƹƶŝƮƷƹŚƷƱŚƀƳř ƽƶƬǀſƹƶŝƮƷŶƳřƺţƾƯŶƴƿōźƟƲƿřŶƳřƵŶƃƶŤƀŝƮƷ ƾƠƬŤŴƯƽŚƷƁƹŹ ƽƶŝźŬţĨ ƿšŹƺƇƶŝƹƾŝŚƿŻŹřƵŶƃŜ ǀĩźţƂƳřŵƲƿřƹŵƺƃƾ ƯŜ ǀĩźţƶŝźŬţƽƶƬǀſƹƶŝƂƳřŵƪƿŶŞţƲƿřŹŵƽŻŚſƾƳƹŹŵ ƾƴưƋƶŝŮƿźƇƂƳřŵ ŶƴŤƀƷƶŤſŵƲƿřŻřŚƷƮ ǀţƹŵřźƟřƽŚƷšŹŚƸƯƹŚƷ ŵźǀĭƾ ƶŝźŬţ ƯƪĪƃ ƾƴưƋ ƽĥƺƫŚŤƳō An explicit formal specification of how to represent the objects, concepts and other domain entities and relationships among them. Thesauri “Narrower Term” Relation Frames (properties) Formal is-a Inverse, Disjointness, part of… Catalog/ID DB Schema UMLS RDF Wordnet OO Formal instance Informal is-a Terms/ Glossary RDFS Value Restriction Simple Taxonomies DAML CYC OWL IEEE SUO General Logical constraints Expressive Ontologies ƽĥƺƫŚŤƳōƽŚƷƱŚŝŻ éæéƪƨƃ ŢſřƂƳřŵƾƿŚưƳŻŚŝƱŚŝŻƦƿƱřƺƴƗƶŝƽĥƺƫŚŤƳōƶŤƨƳ TopicMaps Thesauri Taxonomies Semantic Nets Ontologies Extended ER-Model/UML Db schema Logics: Predicate Logics F-Logic Conceptual Graphs Description Logics RDF(S) Frames ƂƳřŵƾƿŚưƳŻŚŝƁƹŹƱřƺƴƗƶŝƽĥƺƫŚŤƳōêæéƪƨƃ ̶ਪέάඵෂϛŽŹŶƯ ìî Advanced Topics ƮƷŵŹŚƸģƽźſƵźŞųƽŚƷƮŤƀǀſ ƾƬǀưƨţšŚƗƺƋƺƯ ƽĥƺƫŚŤƳōŻřƾƿŚƷŵźŝŹŚƧ ƾƿŚƴƘƯśƹŹŵƽĥƺƫŚŤƳōŵźŝŹŚƧëæéƪƨƃ ƵźŞųƽŚƷƮŤƀǀſƹŚƷ ƪƯŚƗ ƪƯŚƗ Actuato r ƎǀŰƯ Sensor ƪƯŚƗƾƬƧŹŚŤųŚſìæéƪƨƃ ƾƗƺƴƈƯƁƺƷŻřƽŹƹōŵŚƿŚƷƪƯŚƗƕřƺƳř (0) Table-driven agents : use a percept sequence/action table in memory to find the next action. Implemented by a (large) lookup table (1) Simple reflex agents Based on condition-action rules, implemented with an appropriate production system; stateless devices with no memory of past world states (2) Agents with memory have internal state that is used to keep track of past states of the world (3) Agents with goals Agents that have state and goal information that describes desirable situations. Agents of this kind take future events into onsideration. (4) Utility-based agents base decisions on classic axiomatic utility theory in order to act rationally ŚƷƲƿźưţ ŶǀƷŵŮǀƋƺţƩŚŨƯŚŝƵřźưƷřŹŵƺųŲſŚěŵŹřŵƵźŞųƽŚƷƮŤ ƀǀſŹŵƾŤǀưƷřƹŵźŝŹŚƧƶģŚƧƺƳŚƳƶųźģƶƧŶǀƴƧƢǀƤŰţ ææéƲƿźưţ źƿŚſŚŝƂƳřŵƾƿŚưƳŻŚŝƁƹŹƦƿƱřƺƴƗƶŝƽĥƺƫŚŤƳōŵƺƃƾƯ ƵŵŚƠŤſř ƾƄƳřŵƽŚƷŹřżƟřƭźƳƹƽŚƷŵźŝŹŚƧƶģŹŵƽĥƺƫŚŤƳō ƶƧŶǀƴƧƢǀƤŰţçæéƲƿźưţ ŶǀƴƧƶƀƿŚƤƯƂƳřŵƾƿŚưƳŻŚŝƽŚƷƁƹŹ ̶ਪέάඵෂϛŽŹŶƯ íå
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