6 May 2011 Volume 26 No 12 A MESSAGE FROM THE HEADMASTER MOTHERS’ DAY – 8 MAY 2011 “My son, obey your father's commands, don't neglect your mother's teaching. Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. Wherever you walk, their counsel can lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up in the morning, they will advise you. For these commands and this teaching are a lamp to light the way ahead of you. The correction of discipline is the way to life.” Proverbs 6:20-23 I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the mothers and grandmothers in our College community a wonderful Mother’s Day on Sunday. I know that your children and grandchildren love you and appreciate all that you do for them. Mothers’ Day is an opportunity to reflect on our mothers and the unconditional love they have for their children. As I reflect on my own childhood, I remember many of the things that my mother did for my sister, my brother and me. I remember great meals she cooked, the work she did to care for us, the sympathy she gave when we hurt and the pride she had when we achieved. I also remember many of the things she taught me in conversations, in actions and even when disciplining us. Even though there were numerous times we argued with her as we grew up, today I remember only a small number of the arguments we had with her. As I reflect on my mother, I am thankful for the love, care and guidance she gave us and the contribution she made towards us becoming the adults we are today. As I think about growing up, I also remember the times that my mother said, when we had done something she was not happy with, “I do not like what you are doing but I will always love you.” Yes, there were times at least one of us did things which upset our mother, times when we did things we were not allowed to do, times when our reports said we were not working hard enough at school, times when we argued with her and times we thought she was ‘the worst mother ever as ALL our friends’ mothers were going to let them go “. Today, I can look back and see that nearly all the arguments between my mother and her children were times that it was the children who were doing or planning to do something silly or dangerous and challenging the values she wanted us to have. I see now that my mother’s reactions were examples of her love for us. Although we may have been stubborn and angry towards her, she still wanted to keep us safe, to help us know right from wrong, to avoid the errors teenagers make and to get the best start in life. There were probably many times that she wished she could give up, but because she loved us she continued to take the hard steps to challenge us and, at times, to discipline us but she never stopped loving us. May I encourage all students to spend some time this weekend to reflect on the unconditional love their mother has for them and to say a big “THANK YOU” to her. I would also like to encourage each of us to reflect on another example of unconditional love - the love that God has shown to us. We are blessed in that God provides all that we need. He cares for us even though every day we all do things that He does not like. He never gives up on loving us. There will be times when He needs to rebuke us, times when He will say ‘No!” times when He will guide us away from things we want to do and towards doing things He wants us we do. The full extent of His unconditional love for us was shown when, although we are sinners and deserve his wrath, He sent his son to die for us so that we may be saved. Please remember that whilst God ‘does not like what we do, He will always love us”, watch over us and offer the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. BROUGHTON Newsletter - 1 THANK YOU FOR MUM’S BIG BREKKY – PARENTS AND FRIENDS This morning’s Mum’s Big Brekky, at which members of the Parents and Friends Association served breakfast to about three hundred Broughton mothers and their children was a wonderful celebration for Mother’ Day. To see such a large number of Broughton mothers and grandmothers having breakfast with their children and grandchildren was exciting. The breakfast was part of the P and F initiative of continuing to build the sense of community within the College. I thank the team who planned and set up for this event. I particularly would like to thank those who arrived at the College at 6 a.m. this morning to prepare the breakfast. P.S. Dads – don’t worry as we will have the chance to have a ‘Blokes Breakfast’ with our children on Friday 2 September 2011. More details about this in a newsletter closer to the date. WORKING BEE – 14 MAY 2011 The Term 2 Working Bee will be held on Saturday 14 May 2011. Further details are provided in the College News section of this newsletter. UNIFORMS Students are reminded that as from Monday all students are to be in winter uniform. As we move into winter uniform could I ask parents and students to review the uniform guidelines which can be found in the Student Handbook (Senior School – Page 18, Junior School – Page - 8). At this week’s Senior School assembly, I raised concerns about the way a small number of students are wearing their uniform. Some matters that were raised included: • • • • • • • a number of boys who need to have haircuts to meet the ‘Eye brow – Ear lobe - Collar’ rule; spiked hair is not allowed; girls with hair that touch their shoulders should have it tied back with a red or white ribbon; the winter uniform does not give an excuse for boys to have their shirts out; the top button of the shirt for boys should be done up and their ties should be worn correctly; blazers and hats should be worn when coming to and from the College; hats should be worn when in the playground. Although there are a number of concerns that I have raised, please note that the majority of the student body are wearing their uniform well. Parents are asked to note that individual and group photographs will be taken on Wednesday 25 May for the Senior School and Thursday 26 May for the Junior School. Students have been advised that if they do not meet uniform requirements on the day, they may be excluded from having their photograph taken. BROUGHTON Newsletter - 2 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS MISA DEBATING TEAM Congratulations to Kye Hooper, Scott Perrin, Michelle Fortescue and Georgi Georgieff for their success in the MISA Debate against John Therry Catholic High School. Mrs Ward reported that the debate was of a high quality and that our team enjoyed the opportunity to meet students from John Therry. I would like to thank Mrs Ward for her enthusiasm and support of our debating teams. MEREDITH YORKE (YEAR 4) – SUCCESS AT CAMDEN SHOW Congratulations to Meredith Yorke (Year 4) and her dog ‘Osso’ for Osso's success at Camden Show Pet Show. They won first place in the Best Personality Category and second place in the Best Dressed Category and were presented with ribbons and dog products as prizes. Meredith also received a 'Highly Commended' in the Juvenile Photography Competition at Camden Show with a series of four pictures of Osso. Well done Meredith. Could I encourage parents to share their pride in the achievements of the children in activities outside of school by emailing reception@broughton.nsw.edu.au. ALLUMNI NEWS HANNAH REEVE (YEAR 12 - 2005) The College congratulates Hannah Reeve (Yr 12 - 2005) on her graduation for her Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Education with First Class Honours from the University of Newcastle and for being awarded the Faculty Medal. Hannah is now teaching students with disabilities at Holroyd Special School. JARROD KENZIG (YEAR 12 – 2005) Congratulations to Jarrod Kenzig (Yr 12 - 2005) who has been named the 2010 winner of the ‘Excellence in Studies” by BlueScope Steel. Jarrod has completed his Electrical Trades course and is presently completing his Diploma in Electrical Engineering. Could I encourage our ex-students to let the College know of your achievements through emailing reception@broughton.nsw.edu.au. Mr O’Connor Headmaster COLLEGE NEWS COLES SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS The Coles Sports gear has arrived! Towards the end of Term 1 the College received delivery of the sports gear from the vouchers that were collected in 2010. Across the College the Parents, students and Staff were able to collect a total of 26,880 vouchers, an amazing effort! The equipment has been on display in the IRC and very shortly will be put to use in both Junior and Senior PE and Sports classes. The trolley contains a range of equipment including, basketballs, soccer balls, AFL balls, and softballs. As well as this there are bean bags, skipping ropes, witches hats, hurdles, batons and bibs. Accompanying the sports equipment are posters Year 7 students created in Term 1 that explore the benefits that physical activity has on all the dimensions of health. A video of the display can be viewed on the IRC website at http://bacirc.edublogs.org/. Click on displays 2011 and then Year 7 Benefits of Health and Physical Activity. Thank you again for all your efforts in collecting the vouchers. BROUGHTON Newsletter - 3 WORKING BEE SATURDAY 14 MAY Our Term 2 Working Bee is next weekend. Saturday 14 May: 8am-4pm. We are grateful for our regular helpers and any assistance you can give, even for a couple of hours will make an improvement to our grounds. We will meet at the cafeteria at 8am. The P & F supply morning tea at 10.30am and a BBQ lunch at about 12.45pm. Work planned for the day includes: • Removing the old garden on the creek side of the IRC. Requires spades, mattocks and gloves. This is the main job of the day. • • • • • Gurney verandahs in the Junior School. Weeding gardens in the Junior School. Cleaning out gutters in the Junior School. Landscaping the area near the Junior School Admin Office. Line marking. If you have any queries please contact Tom Reeve or Chris Noakes via the Property Department at the College on 02 4645 2007. FREE EVENTS FOR PARENTS A series of free seminars for parents are run in the Macarthur area. These seminars address topics such as Decoding the Adolescent Mind and Building Strong and Resilient Young People. For dates and other seminars the following website is very informative: www.macarthurparents.com.au. JUNIOR SCHOOL MRS A BLOCKLEY - HEAD OF THE JUNIOR SCHOOL Welcome to Week 2 of Term 2. By the end of this week we will have finished the various Mothers’ Day events held at the College. I would like to wish all mothers and grandmothers a wonderful day on Sunday and a well deserved rest. NAPLAN Next week we move onto testing in the form of NAPLAN for Years 3 and 5. This will take place on Tuesday for Language and Writing, Wednesday for Reading and Thursday for Numeracy. We encourage all students in Years 3 and 5 to attend on these days to participate in these tests, and to have a relaxing night beforehand as all preparation for these tests has already been done at school in the course of their learning. These tests are a valuable measure of individual student growth over a two year period. Broughton values periodic diagnostic testing as a way of tracking academic development of our students but also finds the additional information gained from NAPLAN valuable. SPORT In the first two weeks of this term students have been trying out for the various winter sporting teams for Terms 2 and 3. Next week the teams will be training. This will be followed by friendly games against Macarthur Anglican School at Broughton on Wednesday 18 May. CARPARK We would like to request that parents refrain from speaking with teachers who are on afternoon duties in the pick up zone. These teachers are responsible for both student safety and for keeping the traffic flowing. If you have an urgent matter to discuss, may we suggest that you park your car and wait for the teacher to finish their duty, or otherwise make an appointment at a more mutually convenient time. BROUGHTON Newsletter - 4 TERM 2 CLASS CAPTAINS Congratulations to the following students on being elected by their peers as Class Captains for Term 2. Cael Sophie Samuel Holly Mitchell Ciarne Alexander Georgia Lara Jonathan Emma Andrew Declan Emily Gabrielle Matthew Nicholas Holly Joshua Amy Stevenson Giannetta McKay Jobson Morris Mustafa Giannetta Williamson Schweizer Ryan Stretton Griffiths Wray Achurch Harrison Quine Maranthou Deer Lipovic Jobson 2B 2B 2K 2K 2P 2P 3B 3B 3J 3J 4D 4D 4W 4W 5/6G 5/6G 5H 5H 6M 6M GETTING READING RIGHT AT BROUGHTON 2011 marks Broughton’s second year of implementing a new synthetic phonics program called Get Reading Right. Our current Year 1 students worked through this program last year, as the first group to begin this exciting program. They are now in their second year with exciting results being achieved. With two grades now using the synthetic phonics program, the Infants teachers have been making resources and have also been trained on how to use the program effectively within the classroom. Children begin their pre-literacy skills early on in life. These begin from the first time they are read a book and are able to delight in a parent’s voice telling them stories that match wonderfully coloured pictures. In Kindergarten, we use these pre-literacy skills and develop them into literacy skills, building on the work that has already happened, just by a child’s mere interaction with books in their younger years. As parents it can be an intense task watching your child develop these new literacy skills as you see them come home with cards labeled “camera words,” and language such as “phonemes” and “graphemes”. The even bigger question that we have as parents is, “how can I help my child with their literacy?” Jo-Ann Dooner the Co- Founder of Get Reading Right recently had her research and experiences appear in an article that explores, and hopefully gives a starting point to, synthetic phonics. The article’s web address, as well as the Get Reading Right web address, have been included to help you understand the synthetic phonics program that we are implementing at Broughton. Although the program is explicitly being taught to Kindergarten and Year 1, the concept of Synthetic phonics is being used throughout all the Junior School, when looking at reading development. Getting Reading Right identifies five reading forms that form the core of a Reading Program: • • • • • Phonemic Awareness Synthetic Phonics Vocabulary Knowledge Reading Fluency Comprehension BROUGHTON Newsletter - 5 All of these reading forms are incorporated into the reading and writing programs for all grade levels to ensure that students are developing their literacy skills. If you have any concerns about your child’s literacy skills or reading development please contact your child’s class teacher. Please enjoy reading the article as well as the Get Reading Right website, which also has a special section for parents. http://www.getreadingright.com.au http://www.getreadingright.com.au/myfiles/file/Literacy%20teaching%20an%20unnatural%20skill.pdf ACTIVE AFTER-SCHOOL COMMUNITIES PROGRAM TERM 2 2011 The Active After-School Communities Program for Term 2, 2011 will commence Monday 9 May 2011 and finish on Wednesday 22 June 2011. Dates for Terms 3 and 4 will be available later in the year. This program is free to attend, as it is funded by the Australian Sports Commission. The commission aims to encourage young people to enjoy being physically active and to eat well. The program will be run on Monday (based on cricket) and Wednesday (based on basketball) afternoons. Both sessions will be lead by an external coach and will be open to any student in Years 1-6. The program will be generally run in the R.A.Webb Sports Centre between 3- 4.15pm. After normal classes, students will meet at the canteen with the Out of School Hours Care Services (OSHCS) to wait for the supervising teacher and get their name marked off and then move as a group to the Sports Centre. At approximately 4pm, at the end of the AASSC program, students will have a break and fruit to eat. Those not involved in the OSHCS program should be collected, and signed off, from the Sports Centre or Senior Cafeteria. Students involved in the OSHCS program will rejoin their regular program at the IRC. Students will need to bring to school with them; suitable footwear for physical activity in the sports centre (white soles), their own water bottle and any required medication such as an asthma puffer. Fruit is provided for afternoon tea at 4pm. Permission forms have been given out for all students in Years 1-6 which need to be returned to the Junior School Office. If numbers are too high, preference will be given to students who return their permission notes early. Should all places be filled, you will be phoned and notified about this. Any parents interested in helping out are welcome to contact Mrs Ferris by phone (02 4633 8365) or email: reception@broughton.nsw.edu.au. REMINDERS GRANDPARENTS DAY – THURSDAY 19 MAY This day starts with a Welcome Assembly at 9.30am. Grandparents who arrive earlier may like to explore the IRC (Information Resource Centre). There will be an opportunity for Grandparents to donate books for the school reading scheme. ST PETER’S AND BROUGHTON STAGE 2 GALA DAY – FRIDAY 20 MAY The activities for this day start at 10am with a welcome from the Headmaster at 9.45am in the Hall. A morning tea and a sausage sizzle will be provided for parents and students of both schools. Please let the Junior School Office know for catering purposes if you will be joining us. Don’t forget to bring a chair or rug to sit on. Mrs A Blockley Head of the Junior School BROUGHTON Newsletter - 6 SENIOR SCHOOL MRS C KENNEDY – HEAD OF THE SENIOR SCHOOL COLLEGE PHOTOGRAPHS On Wednesday 25 May Advance Photography will be conducting College photographs in the Senior School. Photographs that will be taken on this day will be grade and individual photos plus selected groups. Some family photos will also be taken. We will advertise this closer to that date and provide order envelopes and details. There will also be another date for group photos later in the year for events occurring after the May date. The photos will be presented in a photo book with everyone who orders a class/grade photo receiving a photo book plus individual photos of their grade. Further details of packages will be outlined in next week’s newsletter. MISA DEBATE ROUND 1 On Thursday 28 April, the Year 8 Debating team consisting of Kye Hooper, Scott Perrin, Michelle Fortescue and Georgi Georgieff travelled to John Therry Catholic High School to compete in the first round of the MISA 2011 Debating Competition. The topic was 'That the voting age should be lowered to sixteen' and the Broughton team were the affirmative. Kye and Scott ably presented the team's arguments and Michelle forcefully rebutted the negative team's points and very convincingly summed up for her team. Georgi provided commendable support as the team adviser. It was clear that the Broughton Team Line - 'Sixteen and Keen' - was superior. This, combined with cooperative team work and excellent delivery by the speakers, won the debate for Broughton. The John Therry Team were gracious in defeat and provided a sumptuous lunch. The students are looking forward to Round 2 when they meet Magdalene Catholic College here at Broughton. STUDY SKILLS TIP FOR MAY: CARING FOR YOUR NOTEBOOK COMPUTER Have you been working on improving your study skills this year? Working through the units on the Study Skills Handbook site www.studyskillshandbook.com.au will help you learn techniques to complete your work for school more effectively and improve your academic results, helping you move towards your personal best at school and beyond. There are also a number of additional units on the site looking at technology: how you can use technology to help you study, useful iPhone Apps, and ways to manage and organise your files. There is also a section on physical care of your computer, and how to make it last as long as possible. Following are some of the tips from this section. FOOD AND DRINK: Food and drink do not go well with computer screens and keyboards. Keep drinks especially well clear. CASES: Notebooks don’t bounce, so keep them in their protective cases/covers and don’t use them on unstable surfaces. HEAT: Don’t leave a notebook in a car for too long, especially on a hot day. Notebooks don’t like extremes of weather temperature. PETS: Be aware that pets may like to chew through power supply cables. TRIPPING: When you are using your power supply, be aware of trip hazards. The cables inside the power supply are also easily broken so even though it may look as though it is OK, it could stop working. DUST: Avoid dusty or smoky environments. Don’t store the laptop somewhere dusty (like under your bed) as the air filters can get blocked. AIR VENTS: Work out where the air vents are on your computer. Make sure you don’t block the vents when the computer is on or it may overheat. BROUGHTON Newsletter - 7 STORMS: You should always unplug the computer from the power outlet during a lightning storm. Otherwise your data may get fried! Our school’s subscription details to this online study skills website for secondary school students are The username is: forbroughtononly The password is: 95results EARLY ENTRY 2011 – UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG University Of Wollongong’s Early Entry applications will open on Friday 1 July 2011. Early Entry at the University of Wollongong is how 2011 Year 12 students can earn a place in a Bachelor degree at UOW before they sit the Higher School Certificate. They are after people with passion and talent for a subject area—the kind of people who can excel at university. Early Entry applicants are assessed based on their school academic record, not just the ATAR. Excellent results in relevant subjects often mean students are ready for university study. Each year UOW works to refine and improve the Early Entry program which has lead to a few changes which schools and students should be aware of. The key changes for 2011 are: • Students can apply for Early Entry to a of maximum of four undergraduate courses only; • Students will be asked to place their courses in preference order on their application – students are not locked into these preferences in any way, and placing a course lower in preference will not impact on how faculties consider a student’s application; • For the first time, students will be able to apply for Creative Arts degrees through the Early Entry process, rather than the separate process that has been in place previously. Broughton students can access the Early Entry website for full details of this year’s program including eligibility, courses offered, how to apply and process expectations. The 2011 Application Guide will be available in soft copy at this site from late May 2011. PREFECTS’ CORNER VICTORIA TRANBY This Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day. It is the time of year where we thank our Mums for all they do and spoil them. Parents are very special. They are always there to support us when we need help, encourage us and, most importantly, love us. In the Bible it says we should honour our father and mother, which is a commandment God gave to his people. We should always honour our parents and thank them for all they do. On Sunday do something special for your Mum and remember everything she does for you. PRAYER POINTS • • Give thanks for those who so willingly serve on the Parents and Friends Association and who spend countless hours assisting the College and to the many parents who helped at the Mothers Day breakfast. Praise God for the many blessings which he gives to our College and for the opportunity given through this event to bring so many of our community together. Praise God for the gift of parents, particularly this weekend, praise God for our mothers. We pray that God will continue to watch over and bless our families. Mrs C Kennedy Head of the Senior School BROUGHTON Newsletter - 8 P & F ASSOCIATION MRS LISA SIMS - PRESIDENT MUMS’ BIG BREKKY It was great to see so many people at our Mothers’ Day Breakfast. We had over 270 people join us for breakfast, and pancakes were definitely the most popular choice from the menu. We had 360 pancakes to cook! Thank you to everyone that came along for breakfast. We hope you enjoyed the morning and that all of the Mums had a well deserved break with the family. Also a HUGE THANK YOU to the great Broughton “MasterChefs”, and all of the P & F Helpers, who put in a great effort to get the breakfast orders delivered. We could not have done it without your help team! Best wishes to all of our Broughton Mums for Mothers’ Day. P & F GENERAL MEETING The next general meeting will be held on Monday 9 May 2011, at 7.30pm in the IRC (Information Resource Centre). At this month’s meeting we will be having a presentation on the Broughton College Intranet. This will provide some useful information to parents about how to access and use the College website to their best advantage. There will also be an update on what is happening at the College and within the P & F Association. Please come along and join us. Perhaps you have something that you would like to raise as an interesting discussion item. Everyone is welcome to drop in anytime from 7.30pm for pre-meeting coffee, nibblies and a chat, and then our General Meeting will commence at 7.30pm. Hope to see you there. Mrs L Sims P & F President NEWS FROM ST PETER’S ANGLICAN CHURCH CAMPBELLTOWN YOUTH GROUP MEETS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Come along to the St Peter’s Church Youth Group. We meet every Friday night from 7.30-9pm. All students from Years 7-12 are welcome. This term we will be thinking about how to be a Christian when faced with Life’s challenges. This week (6 May): When you can’t have what you want… Next week (13 May): Friends, Betrayal and Loneliness CELEBRATE MOTHER’S DAY AT ST PETER’S This Sunday 8 May, St Peter’s Campbelltown is holding a special Mother’s Day Sunday on which we will: • Celebrate being mums; • Encourage all mums to be even better; • Look at what the Bible has to teach us about being mums. Join us on Sunday 8 May at 8am, 9.45am or 6pm and you will be helped to love your kids like they deserve to be loved. A Children’s program runs at 9.45am Church. For more information contact St Peter’s Church Office on 4625 1041 or stpeters@bigpond.com. BROUGHTON Newsletter - 9 CONTACT ST PETER’S CHURCH Church Office: 4625 1041 stpeters@bigpond.com Nigel Fortescue: 0429 29 939 410 nigel@thefortescues.net Leanne Burns: 4625 1041 lannytish@bigpond.com Stuart Grant: 4626 3436 s.grant@broughton.nsw.edu.au (BAC Chaplain) Mark Schroder: 0412 006 789 mrkschroder@gmail.com Church location: Cordeaux Street, Campbelltown (parking via Howe Street) Find us on Facebook: Campbelltown Anglican Church (St (S Peter’s and St Andrew’s) Campbelltown Anglican Youth Ministry – Campbelltown Anglican Church MEN’S BREAKFAST Man…as God intended Saturday 7 May, 7.30am $5 St Peter’s Anglican Church Campbelltown RSVP: 4625 1041 (Church Office) BROUGHTON Newsletter - 10 BROUGHTON SHOP HOURS BAC Shop Telephone Number: 02 4633 8221 (trading hours only) Mondays 8am–11am Tuesdays 8am–11am Thursdays 12.30pm–4pm CANTEEN ROSTER Canteen Telephone Number: 02 4645 2054 Hours 7am – 1.30pm Monday 9 May Julie Schifino, HELP Tuesday 10 May Sonya Cadden, Jayne Chenhall Wednesday 11 May Jenny Brackenbury, HELP Thursday 12 May Sue Baner, Sharon Becker Friday 13 May Kim Atkins, Pat Skinner, Marlene Rivett Monday 16 May Sue Powers, Dianne Bryant Tuesday 17 May Sue Cartledge, HELP Wednesday 18 May Lynda Walsh, Vesna Johnson Thursday 19 May Sharon Clements, Julie-Ann Cole Friday 20 May Lyn Nonnenmacher, Trish Robinson, Marlene Rivett The canteen is open for orders both for recess and lunch. If you wish to place an order, please call or come down to the canteen. When ordering your child’s lunch remember to put their class on the lunch bag, especially when ordering in the Junior School. This avoids disappointment if their lunch is not in the correct lunch box. CONTACT Senior School Telephone: Junior School Telephone: After School Care: Enrolment Enquiries: Website: Email: 02 4633 8365 02 4633 8366 02 4645 2088 (after 4.00 pm only) 02 4645 2014 www.broughton.nsw.edu.au reception@broughton.nsw.edu.au junior@broughton.nsw.edu.au seniorschool@broughton.nsw.edu.au BROUGHTON Newsletter - 11 Senior School Fax: Junior School Fax: 02 4633 8358 02 4634 8424 CALENDAR UPDATE MONDAY 9 MAY CRU Club (Yr 3-6) K-Yr 2 Chapel 2pm College Hall P & F General Meeting 7.30pm IRC AICES Open Hockey Boys & Girls MONDAY 16 MAY CRU Club (Yr 3-6) K-Yr 2 Chapel 2pm College Hall Yr 10 Half Yearly Examinations NSWCIS Open Hockey – Girls Impact Leadership Primary Program Yr 12 African Aids Fundraising Dinner TUESDAY 10 MAY Yr 12 Careers Seminars & Study Hall 12.30-2.55pm Kids Bible Fun (Yr 1 & 2) Yr 3-6 Chapel 2pm Worship Centre CIS Cup Football Training Yr 3, 5 7, & 9 NAPLAN testing AICES 15 Netball TUESDAY 17 MAY Yr 12 Careers Seminars & Study Hall 12.30-2.55pm Kids Bible Fun (Yr 1 & 2) Yr 3-6 Chapel 2pm Worship Centre CIS Cup Football Training Yr 10 Half Yearly Examinations WEDNESDAY 11 MAY JS Knitting Club Yr 3, 5 7, & 9 NAPLAN testing NSWCIS Rugby League Trials WEDNESDAY 18 MAY JS Knitting Club Yr 10 Half Yearly Examinations NSWCIS Rugby League Trials Yr 6-11 HICES Debating Round 2 THURSDAY 12 MAY SS RAGE Prep-Yr 2 Assembly 2.15pm College Hall Yr 3, 5 7, & 9 NAPLAN testing THURSDAY 19 MAY SS RAGE Yr 2-6 Assembly 2.15pm College Hall Yr 10 Half Yearly Examinations AICES Rugby League Carnival JS Grandparents Day FRIDAY 13 MAY Yr 3, 5 7, & 9 NAPLAN testing – catch up day NSWCIS Open Hockey – Boys Yr 11 Elevate Young Leaders Forum Yr 5 & 6 IPSHA Debating FRIDAY 20 MAY Yr 10 Half Yearly Examinations Yr 4 St Peter’s V Broughton Gala Day JS IPSHA Debating Round 2 SATURDAY 14 MAY Working Bee Scholarship Examinations JS – Junior School SS – Senior School BROUGHTON Newsletter - 12
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