St. Helen Catholic Church 12060 Kinsman Road, Newbury, Ohio 44065 Clustered with Sts. Edward and Lucy February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Jay McPhillips, Pastor February 18, 2015 Fr. Jerry Bednar Weekend Associate, Deacon Will Payne Pastoral Associate, Deacon Larry Somrack Pastoral Associate, Sr. Margaret Hartman SND Principal, Mrs. Rose Torok Office Manager, Mrs. Maria Flauto PSR/EDGE, Mrs. Cindy Yokules Accounting, Mrs. Mary Weber, Pastoral Minister, Mrs. Theresa Zickert Life Teen, Mr. Jack Tayek Music Director Church office – 440-564-5805, Church FAX – 440 5 Mass Schedule Sunday: - Pianist: 7:30 am St. Helen Choir: 9:15 am Testify: 11:00 am Saturday Vigil Mass - Pianist 5:00 pm 64-7367, School office – 440-564-7125 Holy Day Mass Schedule (See Bulletin for Vigil and Holy Day Mass Schedule) Confession Schedule Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 pm Sunday before each Mass by request Life Teen: See Bulletin or call the Parish Office to see if there is a Mass. Monday - Friday: Friday (During the school year) Saturday - Mass 8:00 am 9:00 am 8:00 am Pray for our seminarians: Phillip Lewandowski and Bobby McWilliams Baptisms: By Arrangement - Please call the Parish Office Marriages: By Arrangement - Please call the Parish Office Visitation of Our Sick: We are concerned and want to be advised when someone is ill at home or in the hospital or in a long term care facility. Please call the parish Office to have the shut in place on our Friday calls. Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-395-HELP (4357) THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR Mon Feb 16, 2015 NO School 2:30p - 9:30p Vol/Basketball/soccer/G 5p - 7p Prayer Shawl Ministry/TL 6p - 9p Umpires/SL 6:15p - 7:30p PSRRecon2,3/CH 7:30p - 9:30p Knights of Columbus/ LTC 7:30p - 9:30p Testify practice/CH Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:30a - 9:30a Bible Study/ BR 9a - 12a Adoration Exposition /A 2:30p - 9:30p Vol/Basketball/soccer/G 6p - 7p Life Teen Liturgy planning /R 7p - 10p LIFETEEN band/CH 7p - 9p Women's Renewal/C 7:30p - 9p RCIA/OLCH A =ADORATION CHPL BR =BRIDES ROOM OLCH = OLD CHURCH R =RECTORY Wed Feb 18, 2015 ASH Wednesday 8:00a – Ash Wednesday Mass 8:30a - 10:30a Legion of Mary/ BR 10:30a - 11:30a Fatima Hour /A 11a - 12p Ash Wednesday Mass 2:30p - 4p Dance/OLCH 6p - 7:30p Girl Scouts/OLCH 6:30p - 8:30p Spring retreat mtg/LTC 7p - 8p Men’s Renew /A 8p - 10p /OLCH 7:30 p – Ash Wednesday Mass Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:30p - 4p Dance/OLCH 2:30p - 9:30p Vol/Basketball/soccer/G 6p - 12a Renewal setup/OLCH Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:45a - 9:45a Sunday Scripture Stdy/ BR 2:30p - 9:30p Vol/Basketball/soccer/G 6p - 9:30p Choir/CH 6p - 9p Umpires/SL 7p - 9p Geauga Teens for Life /OLCH 7p - 9p Healing Ministry BR 7p - 9p LT Core/LTC Sun Feb 22, 2015 Men's Renewal / SVdP Collection 9:15a - 10:15a RCIA Scripture/BR 9:30a - 10:30a Testify/OLCH 1:30p - 4:30p Dance/OLCH 6:30p - 9p life night/CH/LTC 6p - 9p AA /C C =CAFETERIA S =SOCCER FIELD CF =CONFERENCE RM SC =SCHOOL The Monthly Calendar is available on our Web-Site CH = CHURCH G = GYM Sat Feb 21, 2015 Men's Renewal / SVdP Collection 8:30a - 10a Healing Tea/BR 8:30a - 3:30p Umpires/SL 9a - 2:30p Booster sports/G LTC = LIFE TEEN CENTER TL =TEACHER’S LNGE PO = PARISH OFFICE Masses for the Week were in attendance and 346 envelopes were used. Thank you all for your continued generosity. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In today’s second reading, St. Paul urges the Corinthians to “do all for the glory of God.” If we follow that advice in everything we do, we cannot help but be good stewards. Lv 13:1-2, 44-46, 1 Cor 10:31—11,1, Mk 1:40-45 7:30 – Rita Rozum – (Mike and Diane Lionti) 9:15 – Denver and Marsha Sallee (Living) (50th Anniv.) – (The Family) 11:00 – Steve Bernard (Living) (90th Birthday) – (The Silvernail Family) 5:30 – Mario Mormile and Family – (Life Teen) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, WEEKDAY, Gn 4:1-15, Mk 8:11-13 8:00 – Mary Peck – (The Family) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, WEEKDAY, THE SEVEN HOLY FOUNDERS OF THE SERVITE ORDER Gn 6:5-8, 7:1-5, 10, Mk 8:14-21 8:00 – Timothy O’Brien – (The Family) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, ASH WEDNESDAY, Jl2:12-18, 2 Cor 5:20—6:2 8:00 – Rae Finomore – (Linda Koeth) 11:00 – Edward D’Elicio – (The Bucar Family) 7:30 – Christine Polzer – (Craig Polzer) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, THURSDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY, Dt 30:15-20, Lk 9:22-25 8:00 - Nick Artino – (Bill and Clare O’Brien) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, FRIDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY Is 58:1-9a, Mt 9:14-15 8:00 – Bill and Clare O’Brien (Living) – (John and Mary Lou Wolfram) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, SATURDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY, SAINT PETER DAMIAN, BISHOP AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH Is 58, 9b-14, Lk 5:27-32 8:00 – Parishioners of St. Helen 5:00 – Florence and Tony Bustardo (70th Anniv.) (Living) – (The Family) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Gn 9:8-15, 1 Pt 3:18-22, Mk 1:12-15 7:30 – George Frances Rowan – (The Rowan Family) 9:15 – Milan and Helen Urbancic – (The Family) 11:00 – Robert Schonbachler – (The Richard Taylor Family) 5:30 – NO LIFETEEN MASS STEWARDSHIP The offering for the week of Feb. 8, was $14,611.48 with 1,370 of our faithful parishioners A Reflection from Robert McWilliams: You Promised… The story goes that a mother barged into a PSR classroom and verbally attacked the teacher. She said: “It’s your fault that my daughter isn’t learning the faith. I send her to you so that she can learn religion.” She went on for a few more moments before the teacher calmly asked her to have this conversation out in the hallway. After exiting the room the mother started again and when she finally took a breath the teacher simply said: “I wasn’t there.” “What?” she said. “I wasn’t there.” He said again. “Are you just going to get smart with me or answer my questions?” she asked. His reply was priceless. “I wasn’t there at your daughter’s Baptism. You promised to train her in the practice of the faith. It’s your duty to bring her up to keep God’s commandments. No one else promised these things, but you and your husband. I do what I can in the hour and fifteen minutes I have each week, but if she’s not getting it at home then there’s nothing else I can do.” This story, I’ll admit, is a bit harsh and before any parent gets up in arms, keep reading, I am not placing the lack of knowledge about our faith solely on you and some of you, not at all. There were a number of years when we as a Church didn’t catechize as well as we ought. My PSR days in the 80’s told me a lot about God’s love, but not much about the faith. Add to that a culture that preaches what is contrary to the faith and the onslaught of social media and entertainment, which vies for our attention, and we have a large number of people who aren’t comfortable talking about their faith and don’t even know where to go to dive deeper into the faith. Whatever the factors may be, and there are others, this story should cause all of us to take pause and reflect about how we pass on the faith to those we care for. Are we equipped to do it? I would like to start changing this. There are great resources out there in every medium to help us learn, know and continue growing in our faith. Three times during Lent, I will be putting together a bulletin insert that tries to give a wide range of resources to help us in this lifelong process of growing in the Church that Jesus founded. Books, daily reflection websites or texts, saint quotes of the day, Catholic political advocacy groups, and many other resources are just a click away for many of us. I will also be adding my own thoughts on popular culture, such as movies, books, art and music, and how we can use these to learn about the truths of the faith and even evangelize others. But wait there’s more…email me at and let me know if you’ve come across anything that you think would be beneficial for everyone. Also, feel free to contact me if you have suggestions for specific information that you think people are lacking. Cynthia Gellar (mother of Samantha Hoar), and for Doris Beukmeman. You and I have a faith that is both personal and communal and we have been charged with passing on this faith and making it personal for those we have been called to serve in whatever vocation we are living. Let us, parent, priest, religious or single, do all that we can to raise up an army of people equipped to live, pass on and defend the faith. Five Minute Bible Study 1 Corinthians 10: 31-11: 1 PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL: Wayne Ardo, Ed Bieznieks, Rita Bieznieks, Lisa Bizjak, Sally Boyer, Laurie Bucar, Jim Cantelli, Cliff Cherni, Annette Cillian, Bill Csonka, George Edgar, Bill Felberg, Len Hosmer, Paul Kovary, Richard and Loretta Lang, Helen Lockhart, Diane Lionti, Mary Ellen Martin, Brendan McMeechan, Linda Mulacek, Helen Nelson, Bill O’Brien, Mary Ann O’Brien, Dave Omerza, Jim Page, Lucy Pishnery, Martin Polomsky, Carol Rakoczy, John Rakoczy Sr., Bob Rasmussen, Evelyn Rowlands, Marilyn Segulin, Richard Stebnicki, John Strzalka, Liz Szuszkiewicz, Derek Turk, Ida Urbancic, Bea White, Terry Williford, Mary Lou Wolfram. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Anna Seipel (grandmother of Theresa Lewandowski), ELIJAH CHALICE SCHEDULE Feb 15 – Kathy, Victoria and William Carson Feb 22 – Jeff and Jacquie Cicchella and Family Mar 1 – Gil and Elena Decipeda If you are interested in joining this vocation prayer ministry, please contact: Marsha Sallee 440.338.8649. BAPTISM MADDALINA ANN MONTAGNA DEVON ADAM SMITH MALACHI WILLIAM SUKALAC St. Paul tells us today the real meaning of living a Christian life.: "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." Every act of a Christian's day, his recreation as well as his work, his joys as well as his sorrows, his sleeping as well as his waking hour, gives honor and glory to God, and prepares heaven for the Christian. There are millions of saints in heaven who did nothing extraordinary in their whole lives but they lived their ordinary lives honestly and well, lives which glorified God. Lives lived carelessly, not glorifying God, will keep your from heaven. Sometime this week, whether on your own, while sitting at the family dinner table or talking with friends, reflect on the following question: If you don’t already, say a Morning Offering – a prayer offering all your actions to God. Then see if your daily actions fulfill the prayer. ATTENTION: ATTENTION: ATTENTION: Men, there’s no need to fear, the Renewal Team is here!!!! Consider joining us for 30 short hours on Feb. 21-22. Come and grow in Christ. Don’t fear Him He loves you! Registration forms are in the Gathering Space or at the Parish Office. RCIA: The next RCIA session will be on Tuesday, Feb.17 at 7:30 p.m. in the Former Church and the topic is Anointing the Sick and Suffering. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL-the February collection will be 2/21 and 2/22. Thank you. FISH FRYDAY NEWS: Lent is quickly approaching and our Lenten Fish Fry will be back again this year, starting February 20th. We will continue the next 5 weeks Feb 27, Mar 6,13,20,27. We will be serving dinners from 4:30-7p. Even though the price of fresh cod has soared, we were able to keep our same price of $10 for a dine in All You Can Eat FISH, fried or baked. We will also offer fries cole slaw or apple sauce, cabbage &noodles, mac&cheese, pizza, roll and butter Beverages are available. DINE IN Adults - $10; Seniors - $8; Kids(6-12) - $6; under 6 free. TAKE OUT - $8 Fish dinner-includes Fish, fries, Cole slaw, roll & butter. Come enjoy a night of community with family, friends and good food, then stay for stations of the cross afterwards. THE MASSES FOR ASH WEDNESDAY ARE 8:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M. (The Children’s Mass) and 7:30 p.m. THERE IS NO BINGO ON ASH WEDNESDAY. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH FOR PRESIDENT’S DAY. ATTENTION LADIES! Please join us for “Christ Renews His Parish”, St. Helen’s Women’s Renewal, March 7th & 8th 2015. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 Who doesn’t want to be overflowed with hope? God wants that for each one of us. Trust in Him and He will fill you with all joy and peace. Trust in Him and join us for a weekend of praying together, getting motivated in increasing your faith, reconciling and moving a step closer to God with the wonderful women of St. Helen’s parish. Stop by our table and pick up a registration or ask questions. Let God fill you with all the joy and peace you deserve and trust in Him to be renewed! For questions or registration, contact: Mary Yeigh (cell: 440-739-1486; or Kathy Carson (cell: 440-552-8965; 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: From February 18-March 29, you are invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. Please help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information email at: please call Bill and Clare O’Brien 440-840-0008. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE KICK OFF RALLY: The rally will be at St. John Vianney church[Mentor] on Feb.16 at 7pm. For more info please contact Bill or Clare O’Brien at 440 840-0008. FR. JERRY’S OPERA OUTING: Mozart’s last grand opera, composed in 1791 (the year of his death), La Clemenza di Tito (The Mercy of Titus) relates the constant escalation of the envy of Vitellia whose plots almost kill Emperor Titus. He defeats her envy by three acts of mercy that will leave you breathless. The opera will be performed by the Cleveland Institute of Music on Friday, Feb. 27 at 7:30 PM. Tickets include transportation, dinner and opera. Dinner at Primo Vino consists of salad, your choice of Scrod or Egg Plant, vegetable, pasta, coffee or soft drink. Vans will leave St. Helen’s parking lot promptly at 5 PM. Tickets cost $45, students $40. Price includes tax but not tips. To reserve your place, send (or give) checks payable to Fr. Bednar, together with the names of those attending, an address, phone number, and entrée preferences to 28700 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OH 44092, no later than Thursday, Feb. 19. STATIONS OF THE CROSS: The first Stations of the Cross will be Friday, Feb. 20th at 7:30 p.m. They will be led by the Brothers of the Cross. USHER’S NEEDED: for the 9:15am Mass. If you would like to become and Usher or have any questions about becoming an Usher please contact Shannon Vaughan. Email or cell:440.840.6028 DO YOU WRITE? ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT OUR FAITH AND WANT TO SHARE SOMETHING YOU'VE LEARNED? DO YOU WANT TO SHARE THE JOY OF YOUR MINISTRY? Then submit an article to the parish bimonthly "Hello" publication. We are looking for submissions from 250-500 words that educate and publicize about the joys of our Catholic faith and ways to live it more fully through our parish life. Articles are now being collected for the current issue on "Lent" (due Feb 20th) and "Sacraments" (due March 20th) Although there is a "theme", all articles are considered, although they may be edited for length if needed. Photos would be accepted as well. Share your talent and passion! Email articles or suggestions with a subject line of "Hello" to; or submit hard copies to the Parish Council mailbox at the rectory. IT’S A MATTER OF LIFE Pro-lifers who do not agree that abortion to "save the life of the mother" is legitimate are portrayed as insensitive and uncaring and worse. The common deception that abortion is sometimes necessary to save the life of the mother is totally false. While there are maternal health risks that require a treatment that can cause the indirect and unintentional death of an unborn child, the intention in these procedures is first and foremost to save the life of the mother, and in order to do so, a physician must perform a procedure that indirectly causes the death of her unborn child. This is not an abortion where the direct intention is to end the life of a preborn child. The destruction of a baby never saves its mother; procedures that may lead to a child’s death may save the life of the mother. THE SISTER CHRISTIN DANCE ENSEMBLE will present “I Have a Dream” on Saturday, Feb. 28th. The concert will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Enrichment Center at St. Helen School. Admission is free. Call 440-338-3696 for more information. MISS ETTA QUETTE: Contrary to what you may have thought this honor of bringing the gifts up before Communion is not some kind of "prize" awarded to the most popular, most attractive, or most devout members of the parish, but rather usually goes to the person(s) having the Mass said. If the ushers cannot locate this party, then they will recruit willing people from the pews. So, people of God, if you would like to volunteer at some Mass, just let the ushers know that you are available when you arrive. OPEN HOUSE: There will be an Open House on February 15 for Helen Lockhart from 2 to 4 at St. Helen Gym. Please stop to see her. BISHOP’S ANNUAL SEMINARY BRUNCH: On March 22, 2015 the Bishop's Annual Seminary Brunch fundraiser will be held at Executive Caterers at Landerhaven, 611 Landerhaven Drive, Mayfield Heights, OH 44124. The Social Gathering is from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm followed by the Meal and Program from 1:00 to 3:00. The cost is $40.00 per person. This event is held to gather support for diocesan seminaries and seminarians. It provides men from our parishes with personal financial support during their seminary years and recognizes that their formation is essential to a strong, vibrant Catholic Church. Mortgage Update Loan Balance – 2/1/15 Standard Principal Payment Additional Principal Payment Interest Payment Loan Balance –2/20/15 Debt reduction envelopes February 33 $1,322,603 $7,426 $7,357 $5,638 $1,307,820 $2,986.00 LIFETEEN NEWS Any teen interested in attending a Steubenville Conference we need to hear from you! As of now we have two weekends booked. The first is June 1921 and the second weekend is July 17-19. We only have limited space so please contact Theresa or Tammy ASAP!! Sunday February 22, we have been invited by St. Barnabas Life Teen in Northfield to attend their Life Teen Mass, concert and talk by Jackie and Bobby Angel. We are planning to car pool so please let us know if you are interested. Please mark your calendars for our 24 Hour Lenten Lock-in and Food Fast on Friday February 27 to Saturday February 28. Permission forms are available on Facebook, in the Narthex and the St. Helen website. Please pray for our Juniors and Seniors that are a part of the Spring Retreat Planning Team. Our meetings begin on Wednesday February 11th and continue on Wednesdays until the retreat which will be held at Camp Wise on April 10-12 SCHOOL NEWS Please check our website (Our School) There is no Bingo on Ash Wednesday, Bingo Workers for Feb. 25 are E. Berschig, Kolenic and Marker.
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