DISPATCH • Marine Corps • Coast Guard • Army • Air Force ARMED FORCES Navy Museum Month brings half-off admissions to SD County area museums in February. Passes may be picked up at any Macy’s store in the San Diego area. Passes may also be printed out on the San Diego Museum Council website: sandiegomuseumcouncil.org/museum-month S a n D i e g o N a v y / M a r i n e C o r p s D i s p a t c h • w w w. a r m e d f o r c e s d i s p a t c h . c o m • 6 1 9 . 2 8 0 . 2 9 8 5 Serving active duty and retired military personnel, veterans and civil service employees Full VEHIClE REGISTRATION SERVICE & INSuRANCE! If you don’t enter, you’ll never win! INSTANT STICKERS Available! This week’s contest 2 tickets to Mardi Gras Gaslamp Tues, Feb. 17, 5 pm to midnight • Downtown FIFTY FOURTH YEAR NO. 33 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 www.PaylessReg.com VISIT ONE OF OuR 2 lOCATIONS See page 12 SAN DIEGO 6960 Camino Maquilador Suite #F 619-661-9377 VISTA 850 E. Vista Way Suite #C 760-659-6046 Contests ............ pages 12 & 20 Base Movies ..................... page 26 Classified Ads ............... pages 25-26 Things to do Around Town ..................... page 27 This weekend: Invincible Spirit Festival @ NMCSD Conquer the bridge! On Saturday, Feb. 7 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Gary Sinese, the Lt. Dan Band, Celebrity Chef Robert Irvine and friends are scheduled to kick-off the third annual Invincible Spirit Festival at Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD) in appreciation of our nation’s service members, veterans and families. The festival kicks off at 12:30 p.m. with a rock wall, bounce houses for children, face painting, prize giveaways and food served by Celebrity Chef Robert Irvine. The opening act, Stolen Silver, will take the stage from 2:30-3 p.m. Gary Sinese and Lt. Dan Band will perform from 3-5 p.m. Last year, more than 3,000 wounded warriors, staff members and families attended the performance. Join us at 8 am, on Sunday, May 17, 2015! WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2015 – “We pause to reflect on our progress and our history -- not only to remember, but also to acknowledge our unfinished work. We reject the false notion that our challenges lie only in the past, and we recommit to advancing what has been left undone,” President Barack Obama said in his proclamation issued Jan. 30 declaring February as National African American History Month. “Like the countless, quiet heroes who worked and bled far from the public eye, we know that with enough effort, empathy, and perseverance, people who love their country can change it. Together, we can help our Nation live up to its immense promise. This month, let us continue that unending journey toward a more just, more equal, and more perfect Union.” Read the full proclamation at armedforcesdispatch.com Department of the Navy releases Fiscal Year 2016 budget proposal WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Department of the Navy released its proposed $161.0 billion budget Feb. 2 for fiscal year 2016. This budget is part of the $534.3 billion defense budget President Barack Obama submitted to Congress on the same day. February celebrations • American Heart Month • Affair to Remember Month • Black History Month • Canned Food Month • Creative Romance Month • Great American Pie Month • National Cherry Month • National Children’s Dental Health Month • National Grapefruit Month • National Weddings Month President proclaims National African American History Month Rear Adm. William Lescher, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget, briefed media at the Department of Defense budget press conference about the Navy and Marine Corps portion of the budget. Register Today! www.navylifesw.com/bridgerun presented by Neither the Navy nor any other part of the Federal Government officially endorses any company, sponsor, or their products or services. 2015 Supercross Autograph Party $XWR3DUN3ODFH&KXOD9LVWD&$ Friday, February 6th -RLQXVIRU$XWRJUDSKV*LYHDZD\V5DIIOHV%%46DOHV0RUH 1/15 “Our PB16 budget submission balances warfighting readiness with our Nation’s fiscal challenges,” said Lescher. “Our force employment approach aligns capability, capacity and readiness to regional mission demands, ensuring our most modern and technologically advanced forces are located where their combat power is needed most, delivering presence where it matters, when it matters.” SEE FY2016 BUDGET on page 5 )HDWXULQJ7($0<$0$+$PHPEHUV -*5-XVWLQ%DUFLD:HVWRQ3HLFN3KLO1LFROHWWL 67$55$&,1*&RRSHU:HEE$DURQ3OHVVLQJHU52&.5,9(5%HQ/DPD\$OH[0DUWLQ 675,.76/$721<$0$+$&ROH0DUWLQH]6FRWW&KDPSLRQ=DFN)UHHEHUJ&KH\HQQH+DUPRQ %$5135265$&,1*&KULV+RZHOO5\GHU6WHII\&RQQHU(OOLRWW &DOOIRU %/8(%8))$/2.LOO\5XVN),)7<(1(5*<5$&,1*$XVWLQ3ROLWHOOL WLPHV 9$//,02725632576-RVK+LOO5LGHUDWWHQGDQFHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH www.sbmotor.com 2 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Veterans News MCRMC final report FRA staff (NED Snee and DLP Davis) met with the members of the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission (MCRMC) and their staff the day the report was released Jan. 30 to discuss the final recommendations of the commission. The report makes 15 major recommendations that include FLEET RESERVE restructuring the military retirement system for ASSOCIATION future retirees, nearly doubling SBP premiums, and replacing all TRICARE programs except for TRICAREFor-Life (TFL) with a selection of commercial insurance plans. The Commission claims that TRICARE is no longer fiscally sustainable. The Commission’s suggested changes are only recommendations and have NOT been introduced as legislation. Capitol Hill reaction to the report so far has been mixed. The FRA Legislative Team is carefully reviewing the impact of the proposed changes and will provide additional analysis in next week’s NewsBytes. Given the size and scope of the 15 recommendations put forward by the co mmission, FRA strongly urges Congress and key stakeholders to conduct a thoughtful analysis of the final report. Military leaders warn Senate panel about sequestration cuts The Joint Chiefs of Staff spoke to the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), warning of dreadful consequences if the Defense Department (DoD) is hit by additional automatic cuts (sequestration) in FY 2016. The administration will release its FY 2016 budget this week; SASC Chairman Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), said, “If we in Congress do not act, sequestration will return in full in fiscal year 2016, setting our military on a far more dangerous course.” He is concerned that sequestration could push our military into a slow state of decline. CNO Adm. Jonathan Greenert warned that a new round of sequestration cuts would require a re-examination of the national defense strategy, pointing out the falling retention rate among the Navy’s highly trained sailors. He also suggested the existing plan for the Ohioclass submarine program could be at risk if more automatic cuts occur. “And that would be a budget-driven strategy,” said Greenert. He also warned the service’s fleet is older than it has ever been. Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Joseph Dunford said the Marines are investing in new hardware at “historically low levels.” SASC Ranking Member Sen. Jack Reed (R.I.), said he knows the service chiefs “will manage” with whatever funding and cuts they are dealt. FRA honors top Marines For the sixteenth consecutive year, FRA recognized outstanding Marines last week at the Combined Awards Ceremony at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Quantico. Newly appointed Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Joseph Dunford attended the event, and FRA National President John Ippert presented special certificates and FRA challenge coins to all awardees. FRA sponsored the Marine Corps’ Combined Awards Ceremony for the top recruiters, drill instructors, combat instructors, security, and career planners of the year. Communications Director Lauren Armstrong, ADLP Stephen Tassin and ADVP Ben Young also attended the event, as well as an FRA-sponsored reception thereafter. Outstanding Navy recruiters Fortress A fortress is not a castle, A building of steel or stone. A fortress is made of people; Their flesh. their blood, their bone. I wear the uniform of my nation. It’s my job to keep her free. In defense of trhe motherland, I’ll do all that’s asked of me. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines; We are Fortress U.S.A. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines; We’ll be standing watch all day. Al Richardson, Lakeside by Candice Villarreal SAN DIEGO - Eight Sailors assigned to NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center San Diego donated their time to feed homeless veterans Jan. 26 in San Diego. global logistics and husbanding, hazardous material management, and integrated logistics support. The Sailors, four first class petty officers and four chief petty officers, lent a helping hand to a project held by Veterans Village of San Diego at their Seasonal Shelter. Go-to resource for veterans to discover benefits: Veterans Resource Center opens at Central Library There, they helped set up tables and a buffet line and organize food and beverages before helping to feed more than 150 homeless veterans from the local community. “We helped feed a lot of veterans, but we also got a chance to talk to them and hear what they had to say about their situations and what they need,” said Culinary Specialist 1st Class Matthew Palafox. “It was hard to hear what some of them were going through, but it was nice to be able to listen to them and relate to some of them regarding their military service.” A local restaurant provided most of the food and gourmet coffee. Veterans were offered breakfast burritos, chilaquiles, a variety of fruits, and a fully stocked coffee bar. “We felt a sense of camaraderie out there,” said Chief Logistics Specialist (SS) Michael Hill. “They enjoyed the food, and they responded well to the active duty members helping them out because we could understand each other on a different level. They expressed a lot of gratitude and, for me, it was very inspiring.” NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center San Diego, one of eight fleet logistics centers under NAVSUP Global Logistics Support, provides global logistics, business and support services to fleet, shore and industrial commands of the Navy, Coast Guard, Military Sealift Command, and other joint and allied forces. Services include contracting, regional transportation, fuel, material management, household goods movement support, postal and consolidated mail, warehousing, VA Disability Claim Denied? Know Your Rights and Don’t Take “No” for an Answer! Don’t Risk a Permanent Denial and Lose Back Pay Call the Professional Advocates Today! No Fees Unless You Win - Free Consultation 800-921-0310 www.VetDisabilityAid.com NAVSUP GLS comprises more than 5,700 military and civilian logistics professionals, The Veterans Resource Center (VRC), one-stop shop for veterans, opened at the San Diego Central Library on Friday, January, 30. The VRC will help veterans learn about the wide range of benefits and services they earned through their service in areas of health, employment, education, and housing. contractors and foreign nationals operating as a single cohesive team providing global logistics services from 110 locations worldwide. A component of the Naval Supply Systems Command, lic Library San Diego Public Library, which is the largest library system in the region, serves a population of more than 1.3 million people. Its mission is to inspire lifelong learning through connections to knowledge and each other. headquartered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, NAVSUP GLS is part of a worldwide logistics network of more than 22,500 military and civilian personnel providing combat capability through logistics. Learn about other events at the San Diego Central Library @ Joan Irwin Jacobs Common and 35 community branch libraries, find links to numerous additional resources, or search for materials in the Library’s online catalog at www.sandiegolibrary.org. Attending the ceremony were Bruce Johnson, Library Deputy Director , Gerald Maginnity, California State Library, Deputy State Librarian, John Kraft, California Department of Veterans Affairs, Director of Field Operations and Roman Nowicki, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The VRC will be located on the third floor of San Diego Central Library @ Joan & Irwin Jacobs Common, near the Circulation Desk, 330 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101. About the San Diego Pub- LIVING TRUST Re-Think Your Trust Protect Your Family Discover : THE FAMILY FLEX TRUST™ t5BYBOE5SVTU-BX$IBOHFT t'BNJMZ'MFY5SVTUTGPS#FZPOE t5SVTU5BY3FDPNNFOEBUJPOT t0WFSMPPLFE$PTUMZ5SVTU.JTUBLFT t$POTFRVFODFTPG0VUEBUFE5SVTUT t-POH5FSN$BSF5SVTUTUIBUXPSLGPSZPV FREE FAMILY FLEX TRUSTS WORKSHOPS: OcEAnSIdE Friday, Feb. 20, 2015 9:15am-11:00am The Broken Yolk in Oceanside 2434 Vista Way Oceanside Complimentary Breakfast SAn MARcOS Friday, Feb. 20, 2015 12:15pm-2:00pm The Broken Yolk in San Marcos cARLSBAd Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015 9:15am-11:00am The Argyle Room in the Golf clubhouse The Park Hyatt Aviara in carlsbad PARK HYATT™ 101 So. Las Posas Road San Marcos Complimentary Lunch 7447 Batiquitos Dr. Carlsbad Complimentary Breakfast FREE VA AId & ATTEndAncE WORKSHOPS: SAn MARcOS Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 12:15pm-2:00pm The Broken Yolk in San Marcos 101 So. Las Posas Road San Marcos Complimentary Lunch Presenter : Arthur S. Brown Esq. t&TUBUF1MBOOJOH5SVTU1SPCBUF -BX$FSUJGJFE4QFDJBMJTU t4UBUF#BSPG$BMJGPSOJB t#PBSEPG-FHBM4QFDJBMJ[BUJPO t7""DDSFEJUFE "SFZPVGBDJOHSJTJOH -POH5FSNDBSFFYQFOTFT ćF'FEFSBM(PWFSONFOUQBZTB NPOUIMZ5BY'SFF-POH5FSNDBSF CFOFĕUPGUPćJTCFOFĕU JTLOPXBT"JE"UUFOEBODFBOEJT BWBJMBCMFUPRVBMJĕFE8BSUJNF)FSPFT BOEUIFJS4VSWJWJOH4QPVTFT Space is limited and reservation are required 760-438-5522 www.WhyProbate.com THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 3 FRA’s National President John Ippert, National Executive Director Tom Snee, and members of FRA’s headquarters staff participated in several events honoring the Navy’s 2013 Recruiters of the Year last week. At a special ceremony at the Navy Memorial, Ippert presented awardees with a complimentary two-year FRA membership and certificate. On Friday, FRA hosted a luncheon for the awardees on Capitol Hill. San Diego Sailors team up to feed homeless veterans National Military U.S., China announce defense talks WASHINGTON, Jan. 29, 2015 – U.S. and Chinese defense officials will meet at the Pentagon Feb. 5 for the Defense Policy Coordination Talks, according to a Pentagon official. David Helvey, deputy assistant secretary of defense for East Asia, will host the talks with Rear Admiral Li Ji, deputy director of the Chinese ministry of national defense foreign affairs office, according to Pentagon spokesman Marine Corps Lt. Col. Jeff Pool. The U.S. delegation will include representatives from the Joint Staff, U.S. Pacific Command, the State Department, and the National Security Council staff, Pool said, while the Chinese delegation will include representatives of the Ministry of National Defense and NEXs to again sell benefit sales ticket for Navy Marine Corps Relief Society From February 2 - March 29, NEX customers at select locations can show their support for the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) by purchasing a $5 benefit sales ticket. The benefit sales ticket will entitle customers to specific percent-off discounts for a one-time purchase from March 27-29. As it has been done for the past several years, the entire $5 donation will be passed onto NMCRS on behalf of NEX customers. relevant military bodies. Anchor Scholarship Foundation deadline nears by Claudette Roulo WASHINGTON - Senior enlisted advisors to the joint chiefs, to the commandant of the Coast Guard and to combatant commanders met at the Pentagon last week for the Defense Senior Enlisted Leader Council, hosted by Sgt. Major Bryan Battaglia, senior enlisted advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Anchor Scholarship Foundation (ASF) provides scholarships to eligible children and spouses of active duty, retired, or honorably discharged Surface Navy personnel across the country. Last year, we had recipients in 12 different states.The scholarship is applied to tuition and tuition related expenses only. The application process is twofold-(1) Eligibility and (2) Scholarship application. We are coming up on a the critical first deadline. Eligibility applications must be postmarked by 1 March, final applications must be postmarked by 1 April. The ASF provided $100K in scholarships to Surface Navy families last year! For more information go to www.anchorscholarship.com. The council is a forum for the most senior enlisted leadership in the Defense Department to receive high-level briefings and conduct tabletop discussions aimed at eliciting recommendations for policy changes or modifications to programs, capabilities, personnel and facilities, Battaglia said. The meeting, the spokesman said, is an important component of the broader program of engagements between the two nations’ militaries, which seeks to foster sustained and substantive dialogue, deepen practical cooperation in areas of mutual interest, and focus on enhancing risk reduction. DoD releases Military Intelligence Program base request for Fiscal Year 2016 With the benefit ticket, customers will receive 20 percent off the entire stock of regular priced apparel, shoes, watches and sunglasses. Already reduced furniture with prices ending in .94, .96 or .97 will be 30 percent off. The maximum discount for any transaction is $250. There are multiple exclusions so see store for details! The Department of Defense released today the Military Intelligence Program (MIP) top line budget request for fiscal year 2016. The total, which includes both the base budget and Overseas Contingency Operations funding, is $17.9 billion.The department determined that releasing this top line figure does not jeopardize any classified activities within the MIP. No other MIP budget figures or program details will be released, as they remain classified for national security reasons. California NEXs participating in this event include NEX San Diego, North Island, Port Hueneme, Lemoore and Monterey. GUN STORE MILITARY DISCOUNTS ON GLOCKS Hours: Tues - Sun 10am - 6pm SELF STORAGE www.STORAGEWEST.com 877-917-7990 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT Carlsbad/760.444.1100 4 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 This year’s talks, he added, will emphasize the positive momentum sustained in the U.S.-China military-to-military relationship over the past year, which included historic agreements to establish new confidence building measures between the two militaries, and endorse the robust program of engagements planned for the rest of the year. Battaglia: Critical time for Senior Enlisted Leader Council “This particular DSELC allowed us to come together at a crucial time as the [Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission] gets ready to release its recommendations on pay, health care and retirement,” the sergeant major said. The senior enlisted leaders were briefed on the commission’s report, he said, which allowed them to capture some of the highlights so they can better explain the report to their troops. “Senior enlisted leaders often find themselves doing damage control in dispelling rumors from folks who pass along erroneous and unsubstantiated information,” Battaglia said. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel joined the enlisted leaders for a frank discussion, said Fleet Master Chief Mike Rudes, the senior enlisted advisor for U.S. Pacific Command. “It was great to hear from the outgoing secretary of defense,” Rudes said. “He sat down and gave us an assessment of where things are and he’s giving us some feedback - some very direct feedback, actually - on how we’re doing in support of some of the messaging and some of the initiatives that we have going on.” The council’s discussions covered a wide range of defense issues, he said, from budgetary matters to service-specific challenges. “It’s been very insightful to get that kind of information to turn back and share with my component leaders in Pacom,” Rudes said, “so that they, in turn, can have correct and accurate information to pass on to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines and their families.” No matter their service branch, senior enlisted leaders’ challenges are very similar, said Sgt. Major of the Marine Corps Micheal Barrett. The same three pillars of leadership apply to every enlisted leader: setting the example, developing those in your charge and caring for those in your charge, he said. “We all singularly have that mission of caring for those in our charge. … We all have the same mission; we may wear a different uniform, but we do the same job,” Barrett said. “We’re one team and we’re one fight,” he added. Business & Service Directory New Energy Massage 8QLYHUVLW\$YH6'&D $ moving gears you can wear Open 7 Days a Week • 9am-10pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY watch the video 1-888-600-8494 www.kinektdesign.com Royal Massage spa AFROCENTRIC +$,5:($9,1*+$,5%5$,',1* HAIR CUTTING 6LQFH 2527 University Ave. • San Diego 92104 619.293.0475 2SHQ:HG)UL6DW6XQ Admission Saturday $1 & Sunday $2 'HHS7LVVXH6ZHGLVK6KLDWVX 5HIOH[RORJ\0RUH 'LVFRXQWRQDQ\0DVVDJH BEAUTICIANZ %5$,'(5= BARBERZ Escondido World Marketplace By the beautiful San Diego Harbor, next to the Airport 1 block West of I-15 619.795.0955 !!Attention Military!! 919 GRAPE SPA & MASSAGE $POWPZ4Ut (Upstairs from Emerald Restaurant) 0QFOEBZTBXFFLt.POćVSTBNQNt8FFLFOETBNQN 30 CoMBo Massage )our (Regȱ $ with coupon 35 FUll BoDy Massage )our (Regȱ $ with coupon Take an additional $2 off any massage with Military ID. )PU4UPOFt"SPNB0JMt%FFQ5JTTVFt3FĘFYPMPHZ t&TTFOUJBM0JMt$PVQMF.BTTBHFt1SJWBUF3PPN"WBJMBCMF 10 OFF 1st Visit $ :*UDSH6WUHHW6' 619.255.8885 Military Get in 2 for 1 Do Your Garage Sales on Saturday $5 :0LVVLRQ$YH Escondido, Ca 92025 2I¿FHRU call Gino 760-535-8880 !!Attention Military!! The Oceanside Swapmeet Open Saturdays & Sundays Admission Saturday $1 & Sunday $2 Military Get in Free on Saturdays with ID Do Your Garage Sales on Saturday $5 3480 Mission Ave., Oceanside, Ca 92058 2I¿FH Call Gino 760-535-8880 ND The Place To go before you go anywhere! Email: travelnetworksan@gmail.com 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102, San Diego, ca 92111 Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency becomes operational The Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) and the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) officially merged Jan. 30 into the newly established Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency in ceremonies at both locations. In March 2014, Secretary of Defense Hagel directed the department to reorganize efforts into a single, accountable organization with comprehensive oversight of the past conflict personnel accounting resources, research, and operations. The new agency combines DPMO, JPAC, and select functions of the U.S. Air Force’s Life Sciences Equipment Laboratory (LSEL). “Today marks an important step in establishing the new agency and the continued commitment to the families of service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and remain unaccounted for,” said Christine E. Wormuth, undersecretary of defense for policy. On Jan. 9 the secretary announced Rear Adm. Mike Franken as the interim director of the agency, Maj. Gen. Kelly McKeague as the interim deputy, and Lt. Gen. Mike Linnington as the senior advisor. They will lead the agency into this phase of the consolidation process and are committed to fulfilling our obligation to the families who have lost a loved one and providing the answers they deserve, while increasing identification capacity. For additional information on the Defense Department’s mission to account for Americans, who went missing while serving our country contact Lt. Col. Melinda Morgan, 703- 699-1169, Melinda. f.morgan.mil@mail.mil. FY 2016 DoN budget proposal Continued from page 1 This year’s budget submission was guided by the Chief of Naval Operations’ tenants of warfighting first, operate forward, and be ready. It makes critical investments in people, ships, and innovation, so that the Department of the Navy can execute the Defense Strategy. $17.9 billion for research and development, reflecting the emphasis on developing key capabilities for the future. This increase in research and development funding supports the Navy-Marine Corps team by providing technological advantages against adversaries in all environments and spectrums. on innovation and reform provided the foundation for maximizing the value of resources invested and sustaining our warfighting edge.” The Department of the Navy requested $44.4 billion for procurement, focused on providing stability in the shipbuilding account and keeping the Navy on track to reach 304 ships by FY20. In FY16 the Navy will buy nine new ships, including two Arleigh Burke destroyers, two Virginiaclass submarines, three Littoral Combat Ships as well as the first next generation logistics fleet resupply ship, the T-AO(X). “Overall, the budget presented to Congress for FY16 reflects a balance of investments guided by the Quadrennial Defense Review strategy and Combatant Commander requirements across capacity, capability and readiness,” said Lescher. “Across the full scope of the request, a strong focus Highlights of the proposed DoD budget are outlined at http://www. finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/16pres/ DON_PB16_Press_Brief.pdf. For more information and to view the entire fiscal 2015 budget proposal, visit http://www.budget.mil and download the “FY 2016 Budget Request Overview Book.” This year’s submission includes Armed Forces Dispatch (619) 280-2985 Published by Western States Weeklies, Inc. PO Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160 E-mail: editor@navydispatch.com Publisher.............................Sarah Hagerty The Dispatch is published weekly on Thursdays, by Western States Weeklies, Inc., as a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is in no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Dispatch, however, is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publishers. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Dispatch or Western States Weeklies, Inc. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $65 per year to CONUS or FPO address. NEED HELP WITH YOUR CREDITORS? Garnishment? Lawsuits? IRS Levy? Financial Issue Jeopardizing Your Security Clearance? WE CAN HELP! More than 20 Years’ Legal Experience! J. Turner Law Group, APC 619-684-4005 info@jturnerlawgroup.com “Because life is worth making a positive step forward!” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 5 Additionally, this includes fully funding the refueling for the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, and the procurement of a Dock Landing Ship (LPD 28) that Congress provided partial funds for in the FY15 budget. The budget includes a $50.4 billion request for operations and maintenance, reflecting a strong emphasis on restoring stressed readiness as the Navy and Marine Corps team continue to operate forward in a challenging security environment. To view the proposed FY16 DoN budget documents, visit http://www.finance.hq.navy.mil/ fmb/PB/BOOKS.htm C hrist Community Church G reater Victory Baptist Church About Your Health Face of Defense: Shooting victim seeks to inspire others "SHINE" Vacation Bible School is August 4-8 from 6-8:30 pm! Only $20 per child. Register on our website! All kids welcome! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 www.gotochrist.com or (858) 549-2479 by Elaine Sanchez Army Spc. Ivan Lopez, who An Army officer who was was just minutes into a shooting severely wounded in a shooting spree across post. hrist Community at Fort Hood, Texas, last year Church Helping people love God and each other more! is using his near-death experiLopez already had shot and Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! ence to give others a new Youth leaseMinistries killed two&soldiers and- 6:30 wounded Friday Evening - Middle High School pm on life. more thanfora listing dozen others Summer Seminars-Check out our website of free classes in 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off by Miramar & I-15 another building theRd.time www.gotochrist.com “I believe I was given a sec-or (858) he549-2479 pulled into the brigade park(Children's Ministry is available for babies thru grade 4 @10am) ond chance,” said 1st Lt. John ing lot. Arroyo, who is recovering at Brooke Army Medical Center 12/25, 1/1, 1/8 The next shot Arroyo heard here. “I hope my story inspires was the one that ripped through others to realize that it’s never his throat. Gasping for breath, too late to make a change or to Arroyo stumbled back to his car make a difference.” and fell to the ground. He lay there, bleeding profusely, and Arroyo had three deployments struggling to breathe. under his belt when he arrived at Fort Hood in November 2013. “I thought, ‘Is this it? Am I The California native had en- going to die?’ he recalled. “But listed in 1998 as a truck driver, then I heard a voice telling me to but jumped at the opportunity get up -- to hurry and get up.” to earn a Green Beret just a few years later. After a dozen years With his wife and three chilin Special Forces, Arroyo was dren in mind, Arroyo drew on commissioned and selected for his last reserves of strength to the Medical Service Corps. stand up and find help. He held his throat to stanch the bleeding He was assigned to the 1st and stumbled toward a man. He Medical Brigade at Fort Hood suddenly realized he was about as a platoon leader. On April 2, to seek aid from the shooter. “I 2014, Arroyo was pulling into was within 10 feet of him, but ther brigade headquarters park- he never saw me,” he said. “He ing lot when he heard shots fired. walked right past me into the He had just stepped out of his car building and started shooting as another car parked close by. again.” He had no idea the driver was A few soldiers spotted Arroyo C swap h Parmela Sawhney, MD. Family Practice & Holistic Medicine Ayurvedic Integrated Wellness VW6W8QLW&RURQDGR&$ 619-435-4488 WE TAKE TRICARE & MOST INSURANCES 6 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Visit our website at: www.AyurvedicIntegrated.com Dr. G.A Williams, Pastor 1045 S 29thStreet San Diego, Ca 92113 (619)236-9041 Sunday Devotional Hour 7:45 am/ Sunday School 9am Sunday Worship Service 10:30am Nursery/Child Care Provided Tuesday Ministry Group for the Family 6:30-7:30pm Tuesday Bible Study led by Pastor Williams 7:30-8:30pm from across the parking lot. They Army 1st Lt. John called out: “Soldier, you Arroyo ollege AvenueareBaptist Church works OK?” HeA was somehow able to onmulti-ethnic cross-generational, cross-cultural, community strengthenanswer: “I’ve been shot.”forWith Seminars and Classes All Ages (babies 9-10 am ing thru adults) his from right no time to spare, theyServices racedinArSunday Worship English &hand Spanish 10:30 am his while royo to Carl R. Darnall Army 4747 College Ave, San Diego 92115 (near o c cSDSU) upational Medical Center. Meanwhile, the therapist, Katie 619.582.7222 - www.CABC.org shooter was confronted seconds Korp, looks on later by airst military police officer.of Mira Baptist Church MesaCenter at the Find andhe Follow She fired"Helping a shot People at him, and re- Jesus" for the Intrepid, at 9:00am and 10:30am sponded Sundays by committing suicide. Army Ministries for preschool, kids, youth Brooke & adults Four soldiers, including Lopez, Medical CenAwana, Wednesdays at 6:15pm were killed and 16 Rd., others wereCa 92126 10770 Rickert San Diego, ter’s rehabilita858-566-3671 tion facility at woundedwww.fbcmm.org that day. Joint Base San Critically injured, Arroyo was A n t o n i o - F o r t rushed to surgery and transferred Sam Houston, to Scott and White Memorial Jan. 16, 2015. Hospital for further care. He was Arroyo, severely told his voice box and right arm wounded in a were damaged beyond repair. shooting at Fort Yet, two months later, he was Hood, hopes his talking again and, after months story of survival of intense rehabilitation at the will inspire othCenter for the Intrepid here, ers. U.S. Army has regained the use of his right photo by Robert Shields hand. C F Places of Worship B C alvary Chapel Coronado Living Waters C hrist Community Church 6126 Benson Avenue, SD 92114 (619) 262-8384 Sunday 7:45 am and 11 am Worship Service Wednesday 6pm Youth Fellowship Wednesday Night Live (WNL) 7pm "A Multi-Cultural, Multi Ethnic, Multi Generational Church" www.bayviewbc.org 1224 10 St (Corner of 10th & B) Coronado CA 92118 (619) 435-8233 www.calvarychapelcoronado.com Sunday Worship 9:30 am - Childrens Sunday School 10am Wednesday Evening Study 7pm - Church Sanctuary Men's Fellowship Breakfast Saturday 7:30 am Weekly Women's Bible Study: Call church for current study information Helping people love God and each other more! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 www.gotochrist.com or (858) 549-2479 F I "It's GOD Time" We are having Revival! Pastor Paul Bertram Sunday Classes (all ages) 10 am Sunday Worship Services 11 am & 6:30 pm Tuesday Worship Service 7:30 pm 12443 Woodside Ave. Lakeside, CA 92040 (619) 938-1070 www.faithmtn.org mmaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Pastor: Rev. André Ramos 537 E Street, Ramona CA 92065 760-789-0583 Confessions: Sat 3:30pm Saturday Mass: 5 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 (in Spanish) ihmramona.parishesonline.com His swift recovery wasn’t surprising, he said. TRICARE patients must attest to health care coverage “I was given a second chance by God,” he added. “I should have died in the parking lot that day. I believe I am here for a purpose and will continue to heal.” by Terri Moon Cronk As tax season begins, Defense Department officials want to remind TRICARE beneficiaries of changes in the tax laws, which require all Americans to have health care insurance or potentially pay a tax penalty. Hoping to inspire others, Arroyo said, he began sharing his story with everyone from inmates to students to fellow patients and service members. “I want everyone to realize that if they’re breathing, they have the opportunity for a second chance,” he explained. Arroyo returned to Fort Hood last month to speak at the hospital’s Holiday Ball and to thank the staff for saving his life. One of the nurses was in tears after Arroyo told her another soldier who had been shot in the spinal cord was walking again, thanks in part to her care. For the first time since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, all U.S. citizens, including service members, military retirees and their family members, must report health care coverage on their 2014 taxes, said Mark Ellis, a Defense Health Agency health care operations program analyst. For this year only, taxpayers will “self-attest” on their 2014 tax forms to each month in which they had health care coverage, he said. The act mandates that health care must meet minimum es- Places of Worship ayview Baptist Church Places Mountain Pentecostal Church aithof Worship C ity of Praise The Perfect Place for Imperfect People to Mature in Christ! A place to belong with exciting life related messages for everyday living. See you at Sunday School - 9:00am & Sunday Moring Celebration-10:30am Tues Bible Connection-7pm Location: 2321 Dryden Rd., El Cajon, CA 92020 619.749.1767 visit us at www.thecityofpraise.org & twitter@citybishop Bishop Stephen M. Brunson, Senior Pastor, USN, Retired F irst Baptist Church F irst Spiritualist Church "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" Pastor Cameron Bernard Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am, (Thursdays Women's Bible Study 9:00-11:30 am) 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 (619) 435-6588 info@fbcoronado.com www.fbcoronado.com 3777 42nd St., San Diego, 92105 • 619-284-4646 www.1st-spiritualistchurch.org Sunday Service: Meditation/Auric Healings......10:00 am Lecture Service/Spiritual Messages.....11:00 am Sunday, Feb 15: Valentine Psychic Fair...........1:30-4:30pm Friday, Feb 20: Metaphysical Friday................6:30-8:30pm Monday, Feb 23: Beginning Spiritual Healing Class.. 6-9pm sential coverage, and TRICARE coverage meets that criteria for the majority of service members and their families, Ellis said. TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Standard, TRICARE for Life, TRICARE Overseas, TRICARE Remote and the Uniformed Services Family Health Plan meet the minimum essential coverage, he added. When purchased, premium-based plan such as TRICARE Reserve Select or TRICARE Retired Reserve also fulfill the act’s requirements. Uniformed service members who have questions about TRICARE, the act and the individual coverage mandate can visit the TRICARE website to download a fact sheet on TRICARE and the act, with TRICARE plans compared to minimum essential coverage, Ellis said. Military beneficiaries that are solely eligible for care in military hospitals and clinics, for example, parents and parents-in-law, have an automatic exemption from the tax penalty for tax year 2014 only. (NOTE: The TRICARE and ACA fact sheet is available at http://www.tricare.mil/~/media/Files/TRICARE/Publications/FactSheets/ACA_FS.pdf) The site also has suggestions for those who need to purchase coverage to meet the act’s minimum requirements, he noted. “That could include retired reservists, Selected Reserve members, young adults up to age 26 and those who leave military service but need transitional coverage,” Ellis said. TRICARE beneficiaries with tax questions should contact the Internal Revenue Service or their tax advisers, he emphasized. “The experts there can help them,” Ellis said. New military families are moving to San Diego every day. Invite them to worship with you in the Dispatch Church Directory. (619)280-2985 M esa View Baptist Church M t. Moriah Christian Church P Dr. Darrow Perkins, Jr., Th.D. Pastor/Servant Seeking Sinners; Saving Souls, Strengthening Saints Sunday School at 9:30 am, morning worship at 11 am New Worship location: 13230 Pomerado Rd, Poway CA 92064 858-485-6110 www.mesaview.org "Purpose Driven" Gospel Church Multi- Cultural, Non-Denominational Services on Sunday at 9 a.m. Near Miramar Base L.J. Thomas - Sr. Pastor 7055 Carroll Rd, San Diego CA 92121 (858) 335-5795 www.mtmoriahcc.org rince of Peace Lutheran Church Pastor Paul Willweber LENTEN WORSHIP SVCS Ash Wed. Feb 18- 7pm & Weds 7pm HOLY WEEK WORSHIP Palm Sunday 9am Wednesdays -12noon Maundy Thurs; Good Friday 7pm Easter Vigil Aprl 4-7pm EASTER WORSHIP- 10am www.princeofpeacesd.net Allied Gardens 6801 Easton Court (619)583-1436 Family Life DoD launches child care website to ease moving transitions by Terri Moon Cronk WASHINGTON - As military families move frequently and face a host of concerns, finding child care can be one of the greatest challenges, Barbara Thompson, director of military community and policy’s office of family policy/children and youth/special needs, said. To streamline and standardize what can be a daunting search, the Defense Department unveiled MilitaryChildCare.com, an online resource to help military, DoD civilian and contractor families find an array of military-operated and military-subsidized child care options for children between the ages of 4 weeks and 12 years, Thompson said. “Child care is a workforce issue that impacts the readiness and retention of the force,” Thompson said. “As families relocate to other areas, it’s really challenging to make sure your child care needs are being met, and this tool gives parents an opportunity in advance to find those child care spots that will work for the family.” MilitaryChildCare.com is a “single gateway” for families to enter as they request child care, she noted. Of the 200,000 children DoD serves in child care, more than 50 percent are younger than age 3, Thompson said. “It’s very difficult to find infant and toddler care in the civilian community,” she said. “[DoD has] young families with young children and we really feel that we’re providing a high-quality environment for those babies and toddlers [with the website].” Families can customize their search, put their children on waiting lists and monitor requests for placement, Thompson said. “The idea is that you have choices, and you see the array pictorially of what’s available at those locations,” she noted. A help desk online and at 1-855-696-2934, toll-free, is also available to help personalize families’ searches, she added. The website initiative used focus groups comprising child care staff and parents, with a goal of making the website functional and intuitive to make sure families can easily navigate the system, Thompson said. A pilot program was also conducted in the study at numerous installations over the past 18 months at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, for the Air Force, Hawaii for the Army, Hawaii and San Diego for the Marine Corps, and Hawaii, San Diego, Key West, Bahrain, Meridian and Singapore for the Navy, she said. Most kids not sleeping enough: how to help (StatePoint) While parents understand the value of good sleep, a majority find it difficult to ensure their kids get enough example, Sleep Number just introduced SleepIQ Kids -- a smart bed for kids. You can adjust the beds firmness as children grow Proper sleep environments will help kids at bedtime. quality sleep each night, according to a recent survey of parents across the country. and monitor their presence in bed, restfulness and restlessness to assess quality of sleep. With these new sleep tools, parents can help kids be their best tomorrow. Recently, 13 more installations were added to the website in addition to the pilots. They are Naval Air Facility El Centro, California; Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada; Naval Air Station Joint Readiness Base Fort Worth, Texas; Naval Air Station Kingsville, Texas; Naval Air Station Joint Readiness Base, New Orleans, Louisiana; Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California; Naval Air Station Lemoore, California; Naval Support Activity Monterey, California; Naval Base Ventura County, California; Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas; Naval Station Everett, Washington; Naval Base Kitsap, Washington; and Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington. The child care website is expected to be fully functional worldwide in September 2016, Thompson said, adding that it will remain a work in progress as it takes in feedback from parents for improvements. From using electronic devices in bed to a lack of bedroom routines, there are plenty of reasons kids are not getting enough sleep. But high-quality sleep is important, reports the same sleep survey, conducted by Sleep Number, with the majority of parents saying that sleep impacts their child’s performance in school and in extracurricular activities. Luckily, new tools are helping kids rest easier at night. For SELF STORAGE www.STORAGEWEST.com 0LVVLRQ*RUJH5G6DQWHH 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT Family owned & operated since 1991 TRANSMISSION 10460 Mission Gorge Rd Santee, CA 92071 3DOP$YH6DQ'LHJR&D 619-749-0742 www.socaltruck.net • Truck Bed Covers • New and Used Camper Shells • Side Steps • Bed Liner • Trucks Racks • Tool Boxes • Fuel Tanks • Carpet Kits • Tow hitches • Mufflers • MILITARY DISCOUNT Get $25.00 off $300 or more with this ad 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQGLIIHUHQWLDOUHSDLUV 0DQXDODQG$XWRPDWLF7UDQVPLVVLRQV 6DPH'D\6HUYLFH$YDLODEOH )5((7RZLQJZLWKLQDUHDIRUPDMRUMREV You name it, We’ve Got It TRANSMISSION REBUILD % OFF /DERU&RVWV 2IIHUH[SLUHV DIFFERENTIAL REPAIR SPECIALISTS CLUTCH REPLACEMENT /DERU $ 6RPH5:'VPDOOFDUV&DOOIRUVSHFLDOVRQLPSRUWV5:' DQGRQDOOWUXFNV)OXLGH[WUD2IIHUH[SLUHV ([WHQGHG:DUUDQW\$FFHSWHG )5((/HDN,QVSHFWLRQ )5((3URIHVVLRQDO(VWLPDWHV )5((&RPSXWHU'LDJQRVWLFZLWKRXUUHSDLU TRANSMISSION 781(83 $ /DERU2QO\3DUWV([WUD 2IIHUH[SLUHV 6H+DEOD(VSDQRO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 7 877-917-7990 Career & Education Marine Corps to conduct onsite, online survey for dress/service cover, prototype female dress blue coat by Lance Cpl. Remington Hall Marine Corps Systems Command will conduct a travelling survey regarding the new prototype female dress blue coat and improved dress/service cover from Jan. 23 to Feb. 27. The survey team is scheduled to travel to different Marine Corps installations to conduct a limited user evaluation. The results of the survey will be used as recommendations for a potential change to the current dress/service cover and the female dress blue coat. The male dress/service cap was adopted as the required cap for female Marines in November 2013. At the same time a review of the fit and comfort of the current male cap was ordered. The final product resulting from the review will be known as the universal dress/service frame cap. As with other recent proposed changes to uniform regulations, the Marine Corps uniform board said the individual Marines’ opinion is necessary to determine the best fit and form of the dress/service cover and prototype female dress blue coat. The onsite survey team will obtain input by providing common sizes of both caps and asking Marines to try on each and provide their input. The prototype female dress blue coat will be displayed by Marines, viewed from posters and then Marines will provide their opinion regarding the coat. The planned dates for the survey are as follows: Installations Parris Island, SC Cherry Point, NC Camp Lejeune, NC Quantico, VA New Orleans, LA Camp Pendleton, CA Miramar, CA 29 Palms, CA In addition to the travelling survey, there will be an online survey open to all Marines between Jan. 23 and Feb. 27. The online survey will be available for Marines to take at: https:// usmcsurveys.natick.army.mil. Any and all Marines are encouraged to attend the user evaluations or participate in the online survey. The improved dress/service cover and prototype female dress blue coat were Commandant of the Marine Corps initiatives from the fiscal year 2014, and are scheduled for CMC decision later this year. Dates 26 Jan 2015 28 Jan 2015 29 Jan 2015 3 Feb 2015 11 Feb 2015 23 Feb 2015 24 Feb 2015 26 Feb 2015 Interpersonal Edge: Be here now for workplace success by Dr. Daneen Skube Q. I always hear about the power of being in the present and can see the “now” might have spiritual benefit. I fail, however, to see how being present can help me make more money or advance in my company. Plus, when I attempt to be more present I tend to see more problems. 8 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 A. What I tell my executive coaching clients is that being present has two outcomes. Yes, you’ll see more problems, which will make you uncomfortable, but you also can solve those problems. The second outcome is you can actually perceive opportunities which are invisible to others who miss out on the power of the now. For centuries spiritual teachers have written about how important it is to your soul’s development to be in the moment. Unfortunately, most spiritual teachers didn’t say much about how to use this power to more effectively handle mundane and worldly concerns. Ironically, the thing you can do that may benefit your soul the most also will benefit your career just as richly. When we show up at work and are unconscious, stuck in the past, numbed out, or caught up in internal reactions, we rarely make decisions that benefit our careers. The sad thing is we usually don’t even know we lost out on all these rich opportunities. Often we end up feeling like hapless victims of cruel fate rather than victims of our unconsciousness. When we attempt to spend a few more minutes being present at work every day we see that we often are the masters of our own fate by how we speak and act. When we merely act to defend our ego and self-worth, we often end up in circumstances that make us feel worthless and miserable. For instance, imagine someone is rude to you in your workplace. You may pout, say something snarky, or act rude right back to the person. Think a minute about the outcome you will get with these choices. Will this result enhance your self-worth or career? My clients start to chuckle when they see that the more they defend their egos in their workplaces the worse they feel. Yes, it is natural to want to tell people off. Yes, it isn’t right that people do things that upset you, but what you do will determine whether they succeed. When you are in the moment, it will occur to you that what people are doing to you is not a personal attack. These people act in these ways with everyone. When you pause in taking everything personally you can ask yourself how you can operate to promote your career instead of defending your ego. Regardless of the common myth that you leave your emotions behind when you go to work, you don’t. When you get into the moment you will have to tolerate feeling upset without acting badly. So much of the really cool opportunities at work only open up if you can act in wise, strategic ways no matter how upset you are. Tomorrow, think of your workplace as being an emotional, spiritual and intellectual gym. Every day you have the opportunity to build the muscle to do the right thing for yourself regardless of how wrong others may act. You can also take the easy way out and never develop capacity for the heavy lifting required for the best job opportunities. Think of the phenomenally hard jobs in the world: running a country, running a company, or changing the world in anyway. How effective do you think leaders can be if defending their ego is more important than doing their job well? Who would you chose for these positions? Whatever you face Monday morning, you will face it more calmly, more creatively, and more effectively if you can spend just a few more minutes every day being in the moment. You won’t always like what you find in the moment but what you find is the only way to steer your career to succeed. 300 officers nominated for new naval strategist subspecialty code The Navy announced the nomination of approximately 300 unrestricted line officers Jan. 15 for a newly established naval strategy subspecialty designation. The initial group of nominees forms a cadre of educated and experienced Navy strategists who are now eligible to fill nearly 80 existing strategy billet assignments on Navy, Joint Staff, Office of the Secretary of Defense, State Department, and Combatant Commander staffs. “If selected for the naval strategy subspecialty you will have a unique opportunity to shape strategy and create the bridge between policy and warfighting by serving in a number of unique billets,” said Rear Adm. Kevin Donegan, acting deputy chief of naval operations for Operations, Plans and Strategy (N3/N5). The establishment of the naval strategy subspecialty for those who meet specific education requirements or have appropriate experience tours is part of a Strategic Enterprise initiative directed by the chief of naval operations. Goals for the enterprise include developing a cadre of Navy strategists by capitalizing on the abilities, experiences, and education of personnel. The subspecialty code will enable manpower professionals to identify, track and assign the right officers to critical N5 and J5 billets during approved community sea/shore rotations. The administrative message says the new subspecialty code 2300 or 2301 is being assigned to select unrestricted line officers based on experience obtained in specific strategist assignments or education received in advanced studies programs. The NAVADMIN 011-15 details the requirements for an officer’s automatic selection. Nominated officers may decline assignment of the new subspecialty by contacting members of the chief of naval operations staff listed in the NAVADMIN. Officers who were not nominated and believe they meet the requirements for the subspecialty can apply. Application guidance is listed in NAVADMIN. For more information on the naval strategy subspecialty, visit the milSuite website at https://www.milsuite.mil/book/groups/navalstrat. A & P CERTIFICATION 0(&+$1,&6$3:5,77(17(6725$/$1'35$&7,&$/(9$/6 $9,21,&6)&&*52/5$'$5/,&(16( GD\$3SUHSFRXUVH 1DY\&22/9$&KDSWHUDSSURYHG ,VA Vets get back $1050, Permissive TDY/TAD, CNP announces Bees-to Badges Enjoy Speaking at Naval Construction Training Center, the Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) announced a new program that will improve Seabee advancement and retention opportunity while also meeting new requirements for the master-at-arms community, Jan. 20. Vice Adm. William Moran, CNP, and Fleet Master Chief April Beldo, Moran’s senior enlisted advisor, laid out to Seabees the details of the program called Bees to Badges. It will provide Seabees the opportunity for conversion to MA prior to their Career Waypoints Reenlistment (C-WAY) window. The program’s goal is to balance an over-manned Seabee community while simultaneously supporting the need for more MA’s. “As our Seabee numbers have decreased, many top-notch Sailors had a hard time finding ways to stay on a viable career path that allowed them to utilize their expeditionary skillsets and “Can-Do” way of doing business,” said Moran. “If we do this right, we will improve Seabee community health, while also filling carrier MA slots with seasoned folks who want to put their talents to good use in a new field that allows them to stay-Navy.” Because Seabees have experience in security patrols and small arms they are more closely aligned with the MA mission than other communities. This rate conversion opportunity will be available for all active duty Seabees; however, it will focus on select ratings, year groups and will be managed closely by the community managers. Below are the details about how to the conversion process works. * Seabee must be at their command for 18-months prior to eligibility for the rate conversion and meet the MA requirement in MPM-1440010 (Change in Rate Requirements). * Qualified Seabees must submit a commanding officer endorsed 1306 to the Seabee School Directory Calvary Christian Academy Preschool & K-12th Grade Otay Ranch in Chula Vista Preschool accepts NACCRRA www.ccaknights.com 619.591.2260 02%,/(75$,1,1*83215(48(67:,7+678'(176 St. Columba Catholic School )OLJKW5RDG5LYHUVLGH&$ Preschool, K-8th Serra Mesa/Tierrasanta (858) 279-1882 www.stcolumbaschool.org $Y7HFK([DPVSince 1971 &DOORU(PDLOLQIR#DYWHFKH[DPVFRP FREE Info Sessions RSVP Today! sandiego.edu/InfoSession Lic #372005946 ECMs currently intend to open this opportunity to all Seabee rates, targeting YGs 2012 and 2003-2008. As the program matures and the community health strengthens, the targets will start to narrow. The target number for fiscal year (FY) 15 is 30-35 Seabees and for FY 16 it increases to 90-110. The Armed Forces Dispatch To place your ad in The Dispatch call (619) 280-2985 VA STREAMLINE Refinance An exclusive program just for U.S. Veterans ,I\RXU9$/2$15$7(LV KLJKHUWKDQ YOU ARE PAYING TOO MUCH! 12,QFRPH9HULILFDWLRQ 12$SSUDLVDO 122XWRI3RFNHW&RVWV &XUUHQW2FFXSDQF\ NOT5HTXLUHG 4XLFN(DV\3URFHVV 844.RING.ASIS (Toll Free) (844.746.4274) 949-480-3443 inquiries@asislending.com CFLL#603J871, VA#9087340000, NMLS #948468. Rates subject to change without notice. VA Streamline eligibility and criteria requirements apply, for terms and restrictions contact AS IS Lending Inc. or visit U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs: http://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/irrrl.asp; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 9 ZZZDYWHFKH[DPVFRP Enlisted Community Manager (ECM) through their Command Career Counselor. * The Seabee ECM will validate a candidate’s eligibility and forward the package to the MA ECM who will screen the package and determine school availability. * If a Seabee is selected, their command will receive the MA “A” school date, within four to 12 months after selection, to ensure that there are no conflicts with critical operations. On Base & On Board 10 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 BOGO Bowling Every Tuesday • 4 pm-close It’s here! Buy one game, get one game FREE every Tuesday at the Admiral Robinson Recreation Center. For more information call 619-556-7486. Bay Bridge Run/Walk Early Bird Registration Special Save $ ~ register early! The Navy’s 29th Bay Bridge Run/Walk, presented by MWR, SDG&E, and Northrop Grumman, is Sunday, May 17. Your only chance to walk across the Coronado Bridge! Register today at www.navylifesw.com/bridgerun. Early Bird prices are good through February 28, 2015. Woof Walk Registration NOW Open! Presented by MWR, USAA and SD Humane Society Saturday, March 21 • 9 am-Noon Take a walk on the wild side! Grab a leash and your four-legged friend and head over to Admiral Baker Picnic Area for a dog-gone good time ~ LIVE music, Pet Expo, dog contests and more! All registered participants receive an event pet tote! Event is open to the public. All proceeds benefit Navy MWR programs. Register today at www. navylifesw.com/woofwalk. Turn Up the Heat this Winter! Active duty, retired military, reservists, dependents and DoD civilians are invited to join an MWR sports league. From softball, to flag football, soccer, basketball, dodgeball and more ~ we have a sport or tournament just right for you! Register online today at www.navylifesw.com/sandiego/fitness/calendar/ You are Worth It! An MWR massage is the perfect addition to your healthy body, mind and spirit routine in 2015. Call for an appointment today! NMCSD, Bldg. 26 1B, 619-532-7629 NBSD, Bldg. 223, 619-556-7450 NBPL, Main Base, Bldg. 1, 619-5537552 NAB, Bldg. 162, 619-437-2186 NASNI, Bldg. 281, 619- 545-2877 TODAY is the DAY! Take the first step towards a healthy and exciting 2015 ~ stop by an MWR Fitness Center TODAY! We offer free or low-cost, personalized training, group exercise classes, command workouts, and more. NBSD - 619-556-7444/9509 NMCSD - 619532-8173 NBPL, Main Base - 619-553-7552/4259 NMAWC - 619-524-4833 NAB - 619-437-2984 NASNI - 619-545-2877 Free Bowling for Active Duty All active duty personnel bowl FREE every Tuesday from 11 am-1 pm at Sea ‘N Air Lanes and Admiral Robinson Recreation Center. For more information call 619-545-7240 or 619-556-7486. FREE Active Duty Golf Clinics Wednesday 5-6 pm and Friday 12-1 pm Improve your game with professional instruction! For more details contact the Naval Base Golf Performance Center at 619-556-7502. LISTED FROM PREVIOUS ISSUES…. LIBERTY Valentine’s Hollywood Hiking Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. Q-Zone, NAB: 619-437-3190 Saturday, February 14 • 7 am • $10 active/$20 guest Join Q-Zone for a strenuous 5-mile hike to LA’s most iconic symbol, the Hollywood sign! The Hollywood sign is LA’s most iconic symbol, not to mention the most famous sign in the world. Originally erected in 1923 and then rebuilt in 1979, each letter is 50-feet high and 30-feet wide and the full sign spans 450-feet across the 1,675-foot summit of Mount Lee, overlooking the entire LA basin. Located within Griffith Park, an urban wilderness right in the heart of Hollywood, this strenuous, 5-mile hike will lead you to an overlook just above and behind the sign. Sign up by 2/7. Indoor Rock Climbing Lessons Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty.Rec, NASNI: 619-545-2878 Friday, February 20 5-10 pm $40 active/$45 guest Indoor rock climb at Solid Rock Gym with Liberty.Rec. Cost includes a climbing lesson and gear. Sign up by 2/13. Torrey Pines Hike Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NBPL, NMAWC: 619-524-6587 Saturday, February 21 • 9 am • $30 active/$35 guest • Sign up by 2/6 Join Liberty Hall as we hike another favorite San Diego trail. Cost includes hiking poles (if desired), transportation and guide. Stop by to sign up today! Oscars Party Event open all MWR patrons. The HUB, NBPL, Main Base: 619-553-9138 Sunday, February 22 • 3 pm • FREE Walk down the red carpet, take pictures with celebrities, or take home the award for best dressed! Watch the Oscars from start to finish on our BIG screen. Black tie optional. SPORTS & FITNESS FREE Running Clinic Third Friday of every month • 10 amNoon • FREE Train with a top level competitive runner at the Peak Physique Fitness Center at NAB, Bldg. 170. For more details call 619-437-2984. WARRIOR WORKOUT Mondays 7:15 am Gain functional strength and improve cardiovascular fitness levels while preparing for the PRT! Try it this Monday at Peak Physique Fitness Center, NAB, Bldg. 170. For more information call 619-437-2984. Get More Out of Your Workout! FREE fitness instruction is offered at all base MWR Fitness Centers for all MWR patrons…that means YOU! Individual or small group sessions are available. For full details or to schedule an appointment, contact the base Fitness Center nearest you or visit www.navylifesw.com for locations. Also, did you know FREE, and low cost, group exercise class schedules are now online? Bookmark www.navylifesw.com today! Stay fit with MWR! AQUATICS Learn to Swim with MWR! Affordable private and semi-private lessons are available for all ages. Admiral Prout Field House Pool, NBSD • Bldg. 3279 • 619-520-3048 Balboa Athletic Complex Pool, NMCSD • Bldg. 12 • 619-532-5757 Main Base Pool, NBPL • Bldg. 1 • 619-553-0934 NAB Pool, NAB • Bldg. 508 • 619-437-5012 FREE Active Duty Swim LessonsLessons are led by an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor. Available for beginning, intermediate and advanced swimmers with instruction on the side stroke available as well. Space is limited ~ call today! Call to schedule your time and location NAB Pool, Bldg. 508, 619-437-5012 NASNI Crews Pool, Bldg. 400, 619-545-2880 Wednesdays • 7-7:45 am NBPL, Main Base Pool, Bldg. 1, 619-553-0934 It’s Always Summer in Coronado! With a 50-meter, 9-lane heated outdoor pool, NAB is the place to be for water fun and exercise! This newly built facility offers recreation and lap swim hours, locker rooms, a family changing area, and deck furniture for relaxation. So dig out your swimsuit and make the short drive to Coronado! Pool use is FREE for active duty, dependents and DoD civilians, and $5 per guest. For more information call 619-437-5012. Water Aerobics Tuesdays and Thursdays • 9-10 am A great fullbody, low-impact workout! FREE for active duty, dependents and DoD, $3 per guest. Visit the Admiral Prout Field House Pool, NBSD, Bldg. 3279, or call 619-520-3048 for more information. Masters Swim Practice NAB Pool, Bldg. 508 • Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:30 am-1 pm NBPL, Main Base Pool, Bldg. 1 • Tuesdays 6:30-7:15 am Are you looking for serious workout? We have the answer, come join us! Call 619-437-5012 (NAB) or 619-553-0934 (NBPL) for more details. One cowhide can produce 10 footballs. Learn even more at National University. Service members are eligible for reduced tuition. Online. On base. Non-profit. Don’t think you have time to learn something new? You just did. Keep learning at think.nu.edu © 2015 National University NU14_1705-1 Local Military Japanese forces train with Marines to enhance amphibious capabilities USNS Lewis B. Puller is scheduled to be christened Feb. 7 at the NASSCO Shipyard in San Diego. by Lance Cpl. Angel Serna CAMP PENDLETON - The cold and gloomy morning starts with troops fighting against the waves of a surf line and feeling Named in honor of Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Puller, the most decorated Marine in history and the only one to be awarded five Navy Crosses. The USNS Lewis B. Puller is the third ship of the Mobile Landing Platform (MLP) class - and the first of the MLP class to be configured as an Afloat Forward Staging Base (AFSB). sance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, taught basic maneuver techniques for the Combat Rubber Raiding Craft to members of the Japan Ground Self-Defense combined ability to conduct amphibious and land-based contingency operations. IF15, currently in its tenth iteration, is scheduled until Feb. 27 in southern California. The JGSDF intends to stand up an amphibious brigade within the next few years. The brigade will be part of the Western Army Infantry Regiment, a battalionsized marine infantry unit in Japan. For the past decade, the regiment has served as Japan’s test bed for amphibious warfare and has participated in joint exercises with U.S.forces. Marines with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, teach Basic Maneuver Techniques for the Combat Rubber Raiding Craft to members of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force aboard Camp Pendleton. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Angel Serna a rush of the cold ocean water drenching their bodies as they strategically ride in Combat Rubber Raiding Crafts along the coast of southern California. Marines with 1st Reconnais- Force Jan. 28 during Exercise Iron Fist 2015. Exercise Iron Fist 15 is an annual bilateral training exercise between U.S. and Japanese military forces that builds their The Marine Corps is the lead for amphibious operations in the U.S. military. With the ability to maneuver combat-ready forces from the sea to the shore and inland in order to achieve a positional advantage over the enemy or to simply provide humanitarian support, they can help develop and fine tune the JGSDF’s understanding of amphibious operations. “This is our bread and butter. It’s what we do,” stated GySgt. Daniel Young, a platoon sergeant with 1st Recon. “The [JGSDF] are our partners and we want to strengthen their abilities in amphibious operations. When we do, they could successfully operate with us and be able to apply this training in their selfdefense force.” While training on the CRRCs, soldiers with JGSDF learned how to go on and off Landing Craft Air Cushions and how to use them as a median between the larger ships at sea and the coastline of an objective. “Something we’re trying to teach the [JGSDF] that we haven’t shown them in the past is how to use an [LCAC] as a connector ship,” said Capt. Trevor Miller, platoon commander with 1st Recon. “This is something that would go from the landing platform dock or the landing helicopter dock to about 20 nautical miles off the coastline and we take the CRRCs from that point to do insertions and amphibious operations. The [JGSDF] has never worked with LCACs so we’re teaching them the procedures and benefits to using one.” USNS Lewis B. Puller to be christened at General Dynamics NASSCO The newly-designed AFSB adds a flight deck, berthing, fuel and equipment storage, repair spaces, and accommodations for up to 250 personnel. The MLP AFSB is capable of supporting missions including counter-piracy operations, maritime security operations, humanitarian aid and disaster relief missions and Marine Corps crisis response. Speaking at the ceremony will be Kevin Graney, Vice President & General Manager of General Dynamics NASSCO; Rear Adm. Thomas K. Shannon, Commander, Military Sealift Command; Vice Adm. Joseph P. Aucoin, Deputy CNO for Warfare Systems; Allison Stiller, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy - Ships; and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., Commandant, Marine Corps. Martha Puller Downs, daughter of the late Gen. Lewis B. Puller, will do a traditional champagne bottle break against the ship’s hull as the ship’s sponsor to officially christen the ship. Along with LCACs, the Southern California coastline also provides a unique amphibious training opportunity, not existent in Japan, for the JGSDF to help enhance their maneuvering techniques in a CRRC to get out of the surf line in a safer and more efficient manner “The [JGSDF] wanted to focus more on the surf passages because it gave them a little bit of difficulty that they’re not used to,” said Young. “If that’s something they want to focus on in order to meet their requirements, we have time to adjust and meet their needs.” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 11 Carrier Air Wing 9 holds airborne change of command FALLON, Nev. - The “Shoguns” of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 9 held an airborne change of command ceremony Jan. 30 while detached to Naval Air Station (NAS) Fallon, Nevada, for the air-to-surface phase of the Strike Fighter Advanced Readiness Program. With the Sailors of CVW-9 looking on, Capt. Rich “Snap” Brophy relieved Capt. Stuart “Studa” Baker as commander of CVW-9 during a ceremonial “passing of the lead” overhead the field. In keeping with naval tradition, Brophy assumed command with the statement, “I relieve you, Sir,” with Baker responding, “I am relieved.” “It has truly been one of the best tours I’ve had, and it’s with no small degree of sadness that I close out my time with the ‘Shogun’ family,” said Baker, “The men and women of the staff and squadrons of CVW-9 reminded me daily of tor course. Following training, our Sailors’ outstanding dedica- Baker reported to Strike Fighter tion to our service and our nation. Weapons School Pacific. ‘Snap’ [Brophy] is taking the In October 1997, Baker returned reins of an elite organization, and to sea as part of the CVW-14 staff I have no doubt t h a t h e w i l l With the Sailors of CVW-9 looking spur them on to on, Capt. Rich “Snap” Brophy reamazing things during the rest lieved Capt. Stuart “Studa” Baker of their workup as commander of CVW-9 during a and deployment ceremonial “passing of the lead” cycle.” overhead the field. Baker, a 1989 graduate of Miami University of Ohio, was commissioned via the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps program and attended flight training that same year. In March 1991, he was designated a Naval Aviator and subsequently served tours at Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 125 and VFA-151. In 1995, Baker reported to U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN) in Miramar, California, as part of the first Strike Fighter Tactics Instruc- as the strike operations officer, and in November 1999, reported to the “Blue Diamonds” of VFA146 for his department head tour. Afterwards, Baker reported in March 2002 to the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, where he earned a master’s degree in National Security and Strategic Studies. In March 2003, Baker reported to the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC) at NAS Fallon, where he served as a TOPGUN instructor and as the TOPGUN executive officer (XO). In July 2005, Baker received orders to the “Kestrels” of VFA-137 as the XO, before assuming command. While attached to CVW-2 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), he completed two cruises in support of Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom. Following this command tour, in May 2008, Baker reported to the Joint Staff in Washington, D.C., and served in the J-39 Special Technical Operations Directorate, as well as the executive assistant for the J-3 Director for Operations. Baker reported to CVW-9 in February 2012 as deputy commander, and assumed command July 12, 2013. Under Baker’s leadership as deputy commander, CVW-9 successfully completed a surge deployment to the U.S. 5th and 7th Fleet areas of responsibility in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Arabian Gulf operations. After assuming command, Baker led CVW-9 through multiple successful training detachments to NAS Fallon, NAS Key West, and Tyndall Air Force Base, and the start of the Strike Fighter Advanced Readiness Program in preparation for their imminent deployment. Brophy is a 1991 graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy and completed tours with VFA-105, VFA-106, and VFA-81. He served as the commanding officer of the “Eagles” of VFA-115. His shore assignments include aide to commander, United States Northern Command; executive assistant to OPNAV Analysis and Assessment Division (N81); and the deputy executive assistant and special assistant to the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. He is a graduate from TOPGUN, the U.S. Naval War College, and was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seminar PHIBRON 1 holds change of command ceremony by Ens. Chloe J. Morgan SAN DIEGO - Capt. Keith G. Moore relieved Capt. Malcolm H. Potts as Commander, Amphibious Squadron (PHIBRON) 1 at a change of command ceremony aboard the amphibious transport dock ship USS New Orleans (LPD 18), Jan. 30. The ceremony’s guest speaker, Rear Adm. Fernandez L. Ponds, commander, Expeditionary Strike Group 3, praised Potts for his commitment and actions in a speech to the attendees. During Potts’ tenure as commander, PHIBRON 1, he led the The Armed Forces Dispatch wants you to be a WINNER! Win 2 tickets to 12 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 MARDI GRAS GASLAMP Tues., Feb. 17, 5 p.m. to midnight Boxer Amphibious Ready Group through numerous bilateral and multinational exercises and operations throughout the U.S. 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th Fleet areas of responsibility. “To my PHIBRON 1 staff, you always deliver superior result,” said Potts. “Continue to lead and assist our great Sailors and Marines across the force. Thank Potts then read his orders and relinquished command to Moore, who read his orders, assumed command and addressed the audience as commander, PHIBRON 1. Moore takes command after serving as the deputy commodore Check Our Great Ticket Prices! Ask us about our special Ticket NOW PAY LATER PLAN MANILA..........$844 CLARK..............$917 CEBU..............$1079 BANGKOK........$1160 SEOUL..............$900 TOKYO.........$1289 OKINAWA.......$1410 SHANGHAI.........$910 HONG KONG......$829 Ask for our Weekly Specials & from Asia Fares ALL TAXES & FEES INCLUDED Some restrictions apply. Prices subject to change. #2007746-10 Downtown San Diego Rules: Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch Newspaper/Mardi Gras, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160. Entries must be in our office by Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015. One entry per family. Must show ID upon pickup. Entries may also be submitted via e-mail to contest@navydispatch.com Subj:Mardi Gras. Include all information requested below in online entries. Winners notified by telephone. you very much for your devoted service. I will be forever indebted to you.” 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102 San Diego, CA 92111 )D[ 7+(3/$&(72*2%()25(<28*2$1<:+(5( email: travelnetworksan@gmail.com of Amphibious Squadron 1. His previous assignments include command of the amphibious dock landing ship USS Germantown (LSD 42), executive officer of the guided-missile frigate USS McClusky (FFG 41), and chief staff officer of Destroyer Squadron 21. Potts’ next assignment will be at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command in San Diego. PHIBRON 1 is one of nine U.S. Navy amphibious squadrons and is currently responsible for the amphibious assault ships USS Boxer (LHD 4), USS Peleliu (LHA 5) and USS America (LHA 6), the amphibious transport dock ships USS New Orleans (LPD 18) and USS Sommerset (LPD 25) and the amphibious dock landing ships USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49) and USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52). PHIBRON 1’s primary mission is to command an amphibious ready group and coordinate with an embarked MEU to perform assigned naval, joint or combined operations. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/Mardi Gras Deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015, at noon. Please answer all questions to be eligible. name____________________________________ address_ _________________________________ city, state, zip______________________________ phone___________________________________ What radio station do you listen to?_______ Active duty military (which base): _______________________________________ Military spouse/family member Civilian Retired military FREE ESTIMATES - Serving Military for Over 23 years CLUTCH A/C Body BRAKE SERVICE SPECIAL $ Service Work from $ Per Axle, Parts & Labor included. Most Cars Standard Brake Packages Don’t Wait Until You Have a Problem! and Repair TIMING BELT SPECIAL from $ Most Cars. Parts & Labor included and Paint CV JOINT AXLE from $ Most Cars. Parts & Labor included Most Cars. Parts & Labor included. Includes: Pressure plate and disc. Adjustment, New throw out bearing. Pilot bearing. Inspect flywheel FUEL INJECTION SERVICE from $ Most Cars. Parts & Labor included 0DLQ6WUHHW6DQ'LHJR 21 fellow. “It’s been an honor to work with Studa [Baker],” said Brophy. “His efforts put CVW-9 on a solid path for workups and cruise, and I look forward to building upon the fantastic foundation that he laid.” Capt. Trey “Fudd” Sisson is the new CVW-9 deputy commander. Coronado High School gets underwater with Sea Perch program by Lt. Andrew C. Legayada SAN DIEGO - A group of 50 students from the Naval Science and Engineering Programs at Coronado High School in Coronado, California, demonstrated their ability to build and control underwater remote operated vehicles (ROVs) Jan. 28. The students are part of the Office of Naval Research’s (ONR) Sea Perch program, building their ROVs from kits provided by grants from ONR and the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). According to ONR, Sea Perch is an innovative underwater robotics program that equips teachers and students with the resources they need to construct an underwater ROV in an in or out-of-school setting. Students build the ROV from a kit comprised of low-cost, easily accessible parts, following a curriculum that teaches basic engineering and science concepts with a marine engineering theme. Coordinating the local Sea Perch program is retired Navy Capt. Kenneth Ireland, the senior naval science instructor for the Coronado High School Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) program. “It’s all about getting these kids jazzedup and excited about science and engineering,” Ireland said. “I like to stress a well-rounded learning experience by having each student participate in each aspect of building the ROV.” Broken up into nine teams, students had the opportunity to learn about robotics, marine engineering principles, and oceanography while building their underwater ROVs. Assembly requirements included soldering parts together, building electrical motors, and ensuring the watertight integrity of the electronic components. At the Coronado High School pool, the teams were challenged to operate the ROVs through timed maneuvering challenges including navigating through a series of underwater obstacles and moving hanging rings from one location to another. William O’Brien, a Coronado High senior, said that working on the ROVs brought together a strong skill set for his team. “Problem solving, teamwork, and the hands-on experience building these ROVs were all a part of the learning value from this project,” he said. Navy recruiters, Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class Nicholas Clark (right) and Gunner’s Mate First Class Dan Rungfarsangaroo help build a playhouse for San Diego’s Habitat for Humanity. Navy photo by MC2 Travis L. Nickell Navy recruiters build playhouses for low income families by MC2 Travis L. Nickell Fifteen Sailors from Navy Recruiting District (NRD) San Diego participated in a community relations project with San Diego Habitat for Humanity (SDHFH), Jan 30. “They [military volunteers] come with a lot of drive to do the work and get the job done quickly,” said Cyr. “This project will better serve the less fortunate and get these houses to kids who may never have anything like this.” Recruiters assigned from seven different San Diego area recruiting stations work together to construct ten wooden playhouses for low income families in the area. After each house is built and painted, SDHFH will load and deliver each playhouse to a low income family. The investment company TD Ameritrade sponsored the building materials, and will later host a playhouse painting competition to fund raise additional money for SDHFH. SDHFH hopes to raise $20,000 from the playhouses. “I get a sense of satisfaction from projects like these,” said Petty Officer First Class Khoi Do, recruiter assigned to NRS College Grove. “I’ve done something with a purpose.” “We volunteer for projects like this not just for families of San Diego but more importantly for children.” James Cyr, construction crew leader for SDHFH, noted that the drive military volunteers bring to projects like these provide safe play areas for children. Established 27 years ago, SDHFH has built and renovated hundreds of homes and changed the lives of even more families through the work of over 200,000 volunteers and supporters. Fort Worth departs Singapore after scheduled maintenance by MC2 Antonio P. Turretto Ramos CHANGI NAVAL BASE, Singapore - The littoral combat ship USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) got underway from Singapore Feb. 2 after completing her first six-day scheduled preventive maintenance period during a maiden 16-month rotational deployment to the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. “The contractors take a lot of the smaller checks and fixes off our plate,” said Gas Tur- bine Systems Technician (Electrical) 1st Class Cody Street. “It makes it easier for a relatively small core engineering department to focus on bigger fixes and operating the ship.” Throughout the course of its deployment, Fort Worth will increase LCS operations in the region by visiting more ports, engaging more regional navies during exercises like Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training and expanding LCS capabilities with tools like the Fire Scout. Military Discount 15% Off Deja Vu Love Boutique With this coupon. Some restrictions may apply. Not valid on any sale items. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Exp. 3/31/15 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 13 Begun Jan. 19, days after Fort Worth returned from supporting AirAsia search efforts in the Java Sea, the maintenance period included more than 400 checks of engineering, deck and combat systems. Compared to other Navy ship platforms, the littoral combat ship has a relatively small crew. Labor and technical support during Fort Worth’s deployment is supplemented with civilian contractors who conduct most of the preventative maintenance schedule (PMS) work. Store, issue, track: Station Ordnance handling all the ammo by Sgt. Raquel Barraza MCAS MIRAMAR - Marines train continuously to be combat ready for any mission. Aviation ordnance system technicians with Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron here make sure Marines have the equipment to do just that. Station Ordnance Marines handle the job of issuing off all of the ordnance used throughout the air station. photo by Sgt. Raquel Barraza Lance Cpl. Matthew Sheffield, left, and Lance Cpl. Corbin McGrath, right, both aviation ordnance system technicians with Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, remove wood holding a pallet of ammunition on a delivery truck aboard MCAS Miramar. Station ordnance Marines handle the storage of ordnance before it is issued to any squadron. An aviation ordnance system technician with Headquarters and Headquarters squadron counts 5.56 mm rounds aboard Miramar. Rounds must be counted by two or more people to ensure each ammo can has the correct amount. The logistic squadrons then supply the squadrons throughout the air station with the ammunition needed to conduct their training missions, added Love. Not only do they provide every missile for the various aircraft, but all ammunition used by Marines on Miramar. “We also supply ammunition to the rifle range, [the Provost Marshal’s Office], and [EOD],” said Love. photo by Sgt. Raquel Barraza “No man can go out there and unload ordnance by themselves,” said Love. During unloading, Marines work in teams of four or more and always have a Marine who is a quality assurance safety officer or QASO. “They supervise and make sure everything is being done safely,” said Cpl. Erik Schilling, a QASO with H&HS station ordnance. “I make sure everyone gets to go home at night.” Another responsibility of storing the ordnance is making sure to keep an accurate inventory. “Proper documentation takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work,” said Love. “A guided missile on an [F/A-18 Hornet] has to be tracked from the time it is stored here, to issue, to the time it is expended or shot off.” These Marines constantly keep track of all bombs, missiles and rounds that are stored. “We always use two-man in- Sgt. Larry P. Guerrero moves ammunition from a truck. photo by Sgt. Raquel Barraza tegrity,” said Lance Cpl. Dustin Newell, aviation ordnance system technician. “If someone counts a hundred rounds there is always a second person who counts and makes sure that number is right.” Although it may seem like a tedious job, some ordnance Marines say differently. “I love my job because I get to deal with a lot of things that most people don’t know about or see on a daily basis or even if they did, wouldn’t know what they were,” said Schilling. “I love every bit of ordnance.” 2400 NatioNal city blvd. 3150 NatioNal city blvd. 2940 NatioNal city blvd. www.franktoyota.com www.frankhyundai.com www.franksubaru.com 888.217.1866 4-WHEEl aliGNMENt X WaS 119 $ 14 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Station ordnance is important here because we supply all the ammunition for the adjacent units being Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS) 11 and 16,” said Staff Sgt. James Love, ammunition stock recording section staff NCO in charge with H&HS station ordnance. They also handle the storage of ordnance before it is issued to any squadron. These Marines help unload and sort ordnance that is delivered to MCAS Miramar. 95 866.542.8238 Military Special only 89 $ 95 +tax 3UHFLVLRQFRPSXWHUL]HGZKHHODOLJQPHQW$GMXVWFDVWHUFDPEHUWRH ,QVSHFWVXVSHQVLRQIRUZHDU&HQWHUVWHHULQJZKHHO,QVSHFWWLUHV 7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRW EHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV cabiN REFRESHER SERvicE Keep the air inside your cabin fresher now only 59 $ 7UHDWVHQWLUHYHQWLODWLRQV\VWHPSDVVHQJHUFDELQVXUIDFHV 5HVWRUHLQWHULRUDLUTXDOLW\ (OLPLQDWHRIIHQVLYHRGRUV 7UHDW0LFURRUJDQLVPFRQWDPLQDWLRQ 95 +tax 7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRW EHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV FRoNt bRaKE SPEcial 19995 $ cHEcK ENGiNE liGHt oil & FiltER cHaNGE FREE $ 95 29 +tax X WaS 3495 $ ,QVWDOO*HQXLQH7R\RWD+\XQGDLRU6XEDUXRLOILOWHU 5HSODFHHQJLQHRLOXSWRTWVFRQYHQWLRQDORLO 7RSRIIXQGHUWKHKRRGIOXLGV FREE&KHFNVHWWLUHSUHVVXUHWRYHKLFOHVSHFLILFDWLRQV FREE 0XOWLSRLQWLQVSHFWLRQ FREE Car Wash FREE Battery Test 24995 battERy SPEcial 0217+3525$7(:$55$17< 9995 $ WD[Z([FKDQJH 7R\RWD+\XQGDL9HKLFOHV as low as 10495 WD[Z([FKDQJH 6XEDUX9HKLFOHV as low as FUEl iNdUctioN SERvicE +(/3,1&5($6()8(/(&2120< &KHPLFDOO\FOHDQLQWDNHSOHQXPDQGGHFDUERQLQWDNHYDOYHV &OHDQWKURWWOHERG\SODWH$GGLQMHFWRUFOHDQHUWRIXHO 11995 $ 7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHU RIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV $Q\UHFRPPHQGHG6HUYLFHVRU5HSDLUV Like us on Facebook facebook.com/franktoyota facebook.com/frankhyundai facebook.com/franksubaru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tax +tax PRVWPRGHOV PRVWPRGHOV ,QFOXGHV5HSODFHIURQWSDGV,QVSHFWFDOLSHUVEUDNHOLQHVKRVHVPDVWHUF\OLQGHU 5HVXUIDFHIURQWURWRUV5HSODFHPHQWURWRUVDWDQDGGLWLRQDOFRVWLIUHVXUIDFLQJZLOOFDXVHURWRUVWREHEHORZVSHFV 7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRW EHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV $ 888.207.1891 www.FrankMotors.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/franktoyotasd twitter.com/frankhyundai.sd twitter.com/franksubaru +tax X WaS 13995 $ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 15 Arts & Entertainment Red Bull Thre3style World DJ Championships announces 2015 USA participants After sifting through applications from some of the top DJs in the nation, judging panel DJ Jazzy Jeff, Four Color Zack, DJ Hedspin, Skratch Bastid, and Z-Trip have selected 60+ participants to compete across 12 regional qualifiers leading up to the 2015 Red Bull Thre3style USA Championships. Logistics Specialist 3rd Class Porsha De La Torre celebrates after winning ‘Bingo’ during a party commemorating the halfway mark of the guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey’s (DDG 105) deployment. Dewey is deployed in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations supporting Operation Inherent Resolve, strike operations in Iraq and Syria as directed, maritime security operations, and theater security cooperation efforts in the region. U.S. Navy photo by MC3 James Vazquez In the San Diego regional qualifier, Virusss, DJ Ricky Jay, DJ Son, DJ A-KO, AkikoLuv, and Dynamix will battle it out at Fluxx Nightclub on Friday, Feb. 13. Doors will open at 9 p.m. and the show will begin at 10 p.m.. Judges Four Color Zack, Shortkut and DJ Hedspin will select one DJ, based on technical ability and crowd reaction, to advance to the Red Bull Thre3style USA Championships in Phoenix, AZ. Out of the 12 regional winners ultimately one DJ will advance to represent the USA in the 2015 Red Bull Thre3style World DJ Championships in Tokyo, Japan. Tickets to San Diego Regional Qualifier are free with RSVP: http://www.fluxxsd. com/event/2015-02-13/red-bullthre3style-world-dj-championships. FULL SCHEDULE OF REGIONAL QUALIFIERS Copyright © 2014 Grantham University.All rights reserved grantham.edu.DETC accredited.1409.049p 16 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 SINCE 1951 MILITARY COMMITTED DEFEND YOUR FUTURE Credit for military training 100% online Frequent course starts San Diego Regional Qualifier Friday, Feb. 13 at Fluxx Nightclub. JOIN THE CONVERSATION: Instagram + Twitter: @RedBull3style | #3style Lunar new year at SeaWorld The park’s Lunar New Year Festival area will be alive with sights, sounds and aromas celebrating Asian culture. Featured will be Asian-inspired culinary offerings and a stage with cultural performances, such as taiko drummers and lion dancers. The Chinese Acrobats of Hebei will amaze the audience with agility and grace displayed throughout seven different acts on the stage at the park’s recently renovated Mission Bay Theater. At the front of the park and at the Lunar New Year Festival SEE Lunar, page 17 ‘The Pleasure of Your Company’ music series continues “The Pleasure of Your Company” music series will present a performance by mandolin-guitar duo, Chris Acquavella and Eric Alan Foster, on Sunday, Feb. 15, at 2:30 p.m. in the informal and intimate setting of the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library Center. Their program will feature an exciting array of music from the Latin American guitar and mandolin repertoire. Chris Acquavella is a classical mandolinist and educator, formerly of San Diego, who now resides in Germany. He graduated First Class Honors from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance in London, England. Chris has performed across Europe and America, as a soloist, chamber and orchestral musician, including recent performances with the San Diego LOCAL ATTRACTIONS BREWERY TOURS OF SAN DIEGO 619-961-7999 *GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE” www.sdbeerbus.com GOLF 12 ((800 800)) 209-3292 209-3292 grantham.edu/SanDiegoArea Call Today Jan 29 – Washington, D.C. Jan 30 – Philadelphia, PA Jan 31 – Pittsburgh, PA Feb 5 – Chicago, IL Feb 6 – Indianapolis, IN Feb 7 – Kansas City, MO Feb 12 – Eugene, OR Feb 13 – San Diego, CA Feb 14 – Phoenix, AZ Feb 19 – Tampa, FL Feb 20 – Charlotte, NC Feb 21 – New Orleans, LA THE HISTORY OF RED BULL THRE3STYLE Red Bull Thre3style began as an underground experiment eight years ago in Western Canada. In 2010 the event went global for the first time, effectively changing the face of modern DJ battles by pitting ten countries’ top DJs against each other. Since then, Red Bull Thre3style has grown to what is now the world’s largest DJ competition. $ OR LESS! With this coupon for $3 OFF most greens fees. Exp. 5/31/15 3DU+ROHV*UHDW&RQGLWLRQ 3OD\LQ+RXUVRU)DVWHU 6SHFLDOUDWHVIRUDFWLYHPLOLWDU\ 3HUIHFWIRUEHJLQQHUVRUVKRUWJDPHFKDOOHQJH t$PMJOB1BSL(PMGDPN 4085 52OE4U4BO%JFHPt/FBS4%46%PXOUPXO Symphony and San Diego Opera. He is passionate about educating about the mandolin and its history in workshops, recordings and performances. Aside from teaching and performing, Chris spends time composing new works for mandolin & mandolin ensembles. Guitarist Eric Alan Foster is a composer, teacher and performer based in San Diego. A native of California, he has traveled extensively abroad and has lived in Taiwan, Liberia, Brazil and Bolivia. He has composed three concertos for guitar and orchestra, each of which have been performed in the U.S. and Mexico by different orchestras with Eric as soloist. He received a Master of Music Degree from San Diego State University with an emphasis in guitar performance and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of California Santa Barbara with an emphasis in music theory and composition. Eric currently teaches at the University of San Diego and MiraCosta College. There is no charge for the concert, which is sponsored by Scripps Ranch Friends of the Library, although donations are appreciated. Meet the musicians at a complimentary reception following the concert. Scripps Miramar Ranch Library Center is located at 10301 Scripps Lake Drive near Miramar Lake. Overflow parking is available on Meanley Drive off Scripps Ranch Blvd. Visit www.srfol. org or call (858) 538-8158 Lunar continued from page 16 area, guests will be greeted with festive red décor and artwork depicting sheep, in honor of the Lunar New Year’s astrological symbol of 2015. And in keeping with the Chinese tradition of wishing good fortune and happiness to family and friends, each SeaWorld guest will receive a red envelope with a special gift inside. Lunar New Year at SeaWorld dates are Feb. 13–16, 21–22 and Feb. 28–March 1. All of SeaWorld’s seasonal events are included with park admission, but the best way to enjoy all the fun is to purchase a 2015 SeaWorld Fun Card, which allows guests to come back again and again, all for the price of a single-day admission! A WHALE-OF-A-VALENTINE’S-DAY CELEBRATION: Valentine’s Evening With Shamu is an elegant, unforgettable, romantic evening at SeaWorld® San Diego on Saturday, Feb. 14. SeaWorld’s award-winning chefs will cook up a delicious California-inspired four-course menu, and diners are sure to be mesmerized by majestic killer whale performances just a few feet away from candlelit tables on Shamu’s private poolside patio. The menu includes a sustainable tuna stack, artisan cheese, organic tomato soup, braised angus short ribs and much more. Seating is limited. To make reservations, call (800) 257-4268 or visit www. SeaWorldSanDiego.com. CELEBRATING INTERNATIONAL POLAR BEAR DAY AT SEAWORLD: On Feb. 27, SeaWorld® San Diego will join several Arctic Ambassador Centers in North America in celebrating International Polar Bear Day. The expert Wild Arctic® zoological team will make a special education presentation in the Mission Bay Theater addressing threats faced by polar bears in their natural habitat, followed by a live-tweet Q&A. CAMP SIGN-UP UNDER WAY: February is the perfect time to sign up for summer camp and registration is under way for SeaWorld Camps. Kids of all ages can get into some serious summer fun at SeaWorld’s camp programs, where activities include interacting with animals and getting a behind-the-scenes look at how they are cared for and trained. Day Camp is available for preschoolers and kindergarteners through 9th graders (fiveday sessions) on select weeks between June 15 and Aug. 14. Five-night Resident Camps for 5th through 12th graders take place June 14–Aug. 14. For more information call (800) 257-4268 or visit www.SeaWorldSanDiego.com/Education. SIGN UP FOR SEAWORLD’S POLE TO POLE 5K FUN RUN: The park is gearing up for SeaWorld’s® Pole to Pole 5K Fun Run on March 15. Participants in the fourth annual 5K will sprint (or stroll) by sea lions and dolphins, birds and Shamu®, too. Runners, walkers, and of course animals, will cheer participants on as they journey through the park. Pole to Pole Fun Run participants will meet SeaWorld costume characters and animal ambassadors, and learn about research and conservation efforts from Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute, the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund and SeaWorld experts. Registered runners will also receive a Pole to Pole 5K Fun Run T-shirt, a light breakfast, an opportunity drawing for prizes and free race-day, single-day admission to SeaWorld Sunday, March 15. Proceeds from this fun event will go directly to on-the-ground research and conservation efforts to help wildlife and wild places around the world. For more information call (800) 257-4268 or visit www.SeaWorldParks. com/poletopolefunrun. The Navy’s 29th Bay Bridge Run/Walk honoring Navy Gold Star Families Experience San Diego from the top of the Coronado Bay Bridge.on foot! The Navy’s 29th Bridge Run/Walk presented by SDG& E and Northrop Grumman takes place Sunday, May 17 at 8 am. This event offers the ONLY opportunity to cross the Coronado Bridge on foot in 2015! The run/walk is capped at 11,000 participants. Registration is now available at www.navylifesw.com/bridgerun. The Navy’s 29th Bay Bridge Run/Walk is proud to partner with Navy Gold Star Program to honor Surviving Family Members of Service Members who lost their life while on active duty. You too can show your appreciation for their sacrifice by participating in this year’s “I Run to Remember” campaign. Write the name of a Fallen Service Member on the space provided on your race bib or honor all Fallen Service Members with a tribute, then run/walk to support Navy Gold Star Families 8. Let’s Be Cops, Top DVD Rentals 20th Century Fox, R 1. Boyhood, IFC Films, R 9. Guardians of 2. The Maze Runner, 20th Century Fox, PG-13 the Galaxy, Marvel 3. A Walk Among the Tombstones, Universal Pictures, R Studios, PG-13 4. The Equalizer, Columbia Pictures, R 10. Tammy, War5. This Is Where I Leave You, Warner Bros., R ner Bros., R 6. No Good Deed, Sony Pictures, PG-13 7. Dawn of the Planent of the Apes, 20th Century Fox, PG-13 as well as current active duty military and their families. The scenic 4-mile racecourse, sanctioned by the U.S.A. Track and Field Association, starts on Park Blvd. between the Hilton San Diego Bayfront and the San Diego Convention Center and finishes in Coronado’s Tidelands Park. The Navy Region Southwest Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Program (MWR) hosts this outstanding event that joins the San Diego community with the military for their shared enjoyment. Profits generated from the event directly support quality of life programs at San Diego Navy installations. Race participants receive a commemorative race shirt; transportation back to the Hilton San Diego Bayfront after the event via bus or ferry, compliments of Flagship Cruises & Events; access to the event’s Runners Expo; LIVE entertainment and entry into prize drawings. Autographed Padres baseball awards will be presented for age group and team division winners. The success of this event relies on the generous support of Navy MWR by Presenting sponsors San Diego Gas & Electric and Northrop Grumman. Additional sponsors include, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Unified Port of San Diego, Flagship Cruises & Events, DECA, EDCO Disposal, HP, Lincoln Military Housing, Navy League of San Diego, Navy Exchange, Road Runner Sports, USAA, and the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System. For more information, visit www.navylifesw.com/bridgerun or call (619) 532-4919. Navy Gold Star (NGS) is a comprehensive Survivor assistance program designed for Families of Service Members who passed while on active duty. The program provides long-term assistance and support to Survivors. Navy Gold Star Coordinators ensure Survivors are not forgotten and remain a part of the Navy Family for as long as they desire. NGS strives to help Families build resilience and offer continued support as they work to establish a new normal. If you are a Survivor or would like more information about the Navy Gold Star Program visit www.navygoldstar.com THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 17 Mexican-American singing star Pepe Aguilar to perform at PALA Mexican-American singing star Pepe Aguilar will perform in concert at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, March 28, in the Events Center at Pala Casino Spa & Resort. Aguilar, the winner of four Grammy Awards and four Latin Grammys, has produced over 16 albums and compilations since 1991 and has sold millions of records. His most recent album, Homenjae, pays tribute to the original “Charro de Mexico” (Mexican Rodeo Star), his father, Antonio Aguilar. The album contains 13 of the most popular hits made famous by his father who passed away in 2008. Pepe Aguilar received the 2,474th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on July 12, 2012. Located at 7060 Hollywood Blvd., his star is located next to his father’s. Tickets on sale at the Pala Box Office in the casino, or call 1-877- Pepe Aguilar Sat, March 28, 7:30 P.M. WIN PALA (1-877-946-7252). Tickets also are available at Star Tickets, 1-800-585-3737, or www.startickets.com. Pala is located in Northern San Diego County; from San Diego/Riverside, take I-15 to Highway 76 east five miles; from Los Angeles County and Orange County, take I-5 south to Highway 76 east, then travel 23 miles. Pala is 15 miles north of Escondido, 12 miles south of Temecula. 11154 Highway 76, Pala, CA 92059 http://www. palacasino.com La Jolla Music Society presents ‘Kodo One Earth Tour 2015: Mystery’ Feb. 6 at Balboa Theatre La Jolla Music Society continues its 46th Season with the Special Event Kodo One Earth Tour 2015: Mystery at Balboa Theatre on Friday, Feb. 6 at 8 pm. Kodo returns to San Diego with their new innovative show, Mystery. Exploring the limitless possibilities of the ancient traditional art of taiko drumming, Mystery includes scenes inspired by traditional folk dances, along with newly created scenes by members of Kodo. Renowned for their theatricality, athleticism and superb musicianship, in this new tour they aim to take audiences on a voyage to an extraordinary mysterious realm. Kodo’s Artistic Director, Tamasaburo Bando shares his vision for Mystery; “I created this piece with the idea that theatre-goers would experience the mood of mystery that they meet at a temple or a shrine, or when you go into the forest - places that are removed from daily life. A feeling that emerges from deep darkness. At the end of the show, I’ll be happy if they leave with a sense of purification.” Tickets are $27-$77 and a very limited number of seats 18 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Your Invitation to a Fun & Romantic Getaway are still available through La Jolla Music Society’s Ticket Services Office, 858.459.3728 or online at www.LJMS.org. About the Artist – Kodo: Making their debut at the Berlin Festival in 1981, Kodo is based on Sado Island in Niigata, Japan, and has given over 5500 performances in 46 countries worldwide under the theme “One Earth.” Spending about a third of the year overseas, a third touring in Japan and a third on Sado Island, Kodo is always on the move, giving performances that transcend borders, genres and time. Kodo returns to North America in 2015 with another new production, Kodo - One Earth Tour: Mystery, created by its Artistic Director and Japanese Living National Treasure Tamasaburo Bando. A leading Kabuki actor and the most popu- lar and celebrated onnagata (actor specializing in female roles) currently on stage, Mr. Bando was a catalyst for Kodo to break new ground in taiko expression. Kodo continues to explore limitless possibilities and forge new directions with their unique and vibrant living art-form. This 2015 North America Tour marks the Kodo - One Earth Tour: Mystery’s debut outside of Japan. When the power goes out by Lisa Smith Molinari “Do you think you bought enough?” I asked sarcastically, as my husband dropped multiple Stop & Shop bags on the kitchen floor. Winter Storm Juno was on its way, and Francis was determined to be prepared. I had the meat and potatoes of life casually mentioned that we might need a gallon of milk and maybe a loaf of bread. Two hours later, he returned to the house with enough supplies for our entire base neighborhood: bags of food, packages of batteries, five cases of water, two lighters, and twenty-seven candles. watch cap sprinkled with fresh flurries, snapped toward me. “It’s not a matter of IF we lose power, it’s a matter of WHEN we lose power, and I, for one, will be prepared. He stomped off to crank the thermostat up to an uncomfortable 74 degrees for “when the power goes out.” But of course, like a true Navy man, my husband’s first stop was the base Package Store where he bought beer, wine, red Solo cups, and enough rum, limes, and ginger beer to make “Dark & Stormy” drinks from now until summer vacation. There was no reasoning with him. Much like our teenage girls who were excited about two snow days of sledding and lounging around in pajama pants, Francis was looking forward to playing hero, and he wasn’t going to let common sense get in the way. I wasn’t sure whether he was preparing for the storm or opening a tavern. Still ensconced in his watch cap and an ill-fitting sweater, he removed his wet boots, poured himself a cold beer, and nestled in to await the impending doom from the comfort of his Barcalounger while binge-watching DVR episodes of “House Hunters”. After unloading the bags, Francis marched out to our garage to retrieve our shovels, road salt, and sleds for “when the power goes out and the garage door opener is disabled.” Then, he drove each car to the gas station to fill up for “when the power goes out and the stations are closed.” Then he drove to the ATM machine on base and withdrew half our life savings in cash, for “when the power goes out and ATMs shut down.” And even though we don’t have a usable fireplace, he brought home seven starter logs for “when the power goes out and we don’t have heat.” “Don’t you think you’re going a bit overboard, Hon? I mean, we don’t even know if we’re going to lose power at all.” His head, topped by a Navy Secretly, I rolled my eyes at Francis’ predictions of “Snowpocolypse”, but the wind howled so loud that night, I wondered if my husband had been right all along. Surely, the unrelenting gusts will snap a power line, I thought. By the time the chill wakes us, it’ll be too late -- in the darkness, we’ll fumble for candles, wrap ourselves in blankets, and huddle together until the house succumbs to the bitter cold. Then, shivering, we’ll hunch over a smoldering starter log in our patio fire pit, our shallow breaths of survival barely visible in the dim light.... But instead, our radiators pumped out heat nonstop while we ate like kings, took long hot showers, watched way too much TV, drank cocktails in the afternoon, put together a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle, and slept with our mouths open. On the third morning, the skies cleared. “I guess we won’t be needing these,” Francis moped around the house before heading to work, lighting one of the seven cinnamon-scented jar candles he had purchased for “when the power goes out.” Sensing his disappointment, I mustered my best damsel in distress. “You know, Hon, thank goodness you were so prepared, because the power definitely… um, really did… uh, almost go out. I shudder to think of what almost happened to our family. I mean, you pretty much saved our lives.” Francis threw me a suspicious glance, then made the split decision to accept the compliment shamelessly. With his watch cap to protect him from the bitter winds, he paused on his way out the door to announce, “Another storm’s coming in a couple days, but don’t worry, I’ll stop by the store on the way home.” My hero. Omarr’s weekly ARIES (March 21-April 19): Remain open-minded in the week ahead. Partners or friends may want to experiment or break with tradition. Go along with spur of the moment ideas and you’ll have a one-of-a-kind experience. Astrological LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In the game of life, you may be tagged as “it.” Make intelligent plans for the future and then follow through. You’ll be offered several opportunities to achieve your dreams as this week unfolds. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Apply your skills and focus on constructive activities. Your partners or coworkers could be inspirational in the week ahead. Follow the leader and end up at the top of the pecking order. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Brainstorming sessions can result in advancement this week, as you’re likely to receive attention for your ideas. However, take into consideration that some people may hide their fears and concerns. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Here today usually means gone tomorrow. Fascinating new acquaintances could brighten your week, but you shouldn’t fear they’ll leave as fast as they arrived. A new friendship may last. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Polish your public persona. This is a good week to promote your wares in the marketplace, especially if you let the buyers come to you. Expect excitement where matters of the heart are concerned. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Perfect timing promotes prosperity. Push hard in the week ahead and your dreams of financial security can come true. You can harness a powerhouse of energy and use it for accomplishment. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Remember that to play in the major leagues you must maintain a reliable batting average. An obsession with something or someone could force you to practice until you’re perfect this week. forecast SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21): Keep the faith, baby. Follow through on promises in the week ahead and everything will turn out just fine. A lack of focus or faith could cause understanding to breakdown within your family. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): To everything there is a season. This week, the celestial weather signals green lights on many levels, so it can be a great time to push your way to the top. Don’t ignore opportunities for romantic moments. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Play hard and work hard all week. Make important phone calls and touch base with old friends this week without ignoring financial obligations. Shine as the center of attention. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Make hay while the sun shines. Flirtations are possible. The week to come may bring extra work and responsibilities, so actively focus on spending quality time with loved ones whenever you can. 3&1"*34 3&/5"-4 463'#0"3%#-"/,4 463'#0"3%4 8&546*54 '6--8&546*54 $ 99 95 15% ,QGLD6WUHHWZZZHOLQGLRFRP .*-*5"3:%*4$06/5 0ODMPUIJOHBDDFTTPSJFT .JTTJPO#MWE .JTTJPO#FBDI (858) 488-9374 tHanK YoU to oUR MiLitaRY! take advantage of these great specials these restaurants are offering you! 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Military ID or with this coupon WE DELIVER - WED-Sun aftER 5pm WE DELIVER TO BONITA, EASTLAKE, NATIONAL CITY, CHULA VISTA Buy One Large Sake & Get a Small Sake for FREE! 5950 Santo Road, Suite G San Diego, Ca. 858.278.8929 Tierrasanta Gateway Center at SR-52 Bonita 4026 Bonita Rd. 619-267-7855 50% OFF WE CatER www.jaliscocafe.com Hours: DaiLY 7am-10pm Select Sushi & Rolls Dine-in Only Lunch: Mon-Fri 11 to 2:30pm Sat 11:30 to 2:30pm Dinner: Mon -Thurs 4:30 to 9pm Fri-Sat 4:30 to 9:30pm Closed Sunday Country Kabobs SPECIALIZING IN KABOBS GREEK & mEDItERRanEan CuISInE 3145 Rosecrans, San Diego, Ca. 92110 DPSP:H&DWHU iMPERiaL BEaCH 1669 Palm ave. 619-575-4955 Spend $25 & get 1 Gyoza Appetizer for FREE! 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT with ID. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 19 Dining Directory Sports & Events Padres single-game tickets go on sale this week — Game times for the 2015 season are now available at padres.com — SAN DIEGO – The San Diego Padres announced 2015 single-game tickets will go on 2015 San Diego Padres Schedule 20 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Mon, 4/6 at Dodgers 1:10p Tue, 4/7 at Dodgers 7:10p Wed, 4/8 at Dodgers 7:10p Thu, 4/9 Giants 3:40p Fri, 4/10 Giants 7:10p Sat, 4/11 Giants 5:40p Sun, 4/12 Giants 1:10p Mon, 4/13 D-backs 7:10p Tue, 4/14 D-backs 7:10p Wed, 4/15 D-backs 6:10p Fri, 4/17 at Cubs 11:20a Sat, 4/18 at Cubs 11:20a Sun, 4/19 at Cubs 11:20a Mon, 4/20 at Rockies 5:40p Tue, 4/21 at Rockies 5:40p Wed, 4/22 at Rockies 5:40p Thu, 4/23 at Rockies 12:10p Fri, 4/24 Dodgers 7:10p Sat, 4/25 Dodgers 5:40p Sun, 4/26 Dodgers 1:10p Mon, 4/27 Astros 7:10p Tue, 4/28 Astros 7:10p Wed, 4/29 Astros 12:40p Fri, 5/1 Rockies 7:10p Sat, 5/2 Rockies 5:40p Sun, 5/3 Rockies 1:10p Mon, 5/4 at Giants 7:15p Tue, 5/5 at Giants 7:15p Wed, 5/6 at Giants 12:45p Thu, 5/7 at D-backs 6:40p Fri, 5/8 at D-backs 6:40p Sat, 5/9 at D-backs 5:10p Sun, 5/10 at D-backs 1:10p Tue, 5/12 at Mariners 7:10p Wed, 5/13 at Mariners 7:10p Thu, 5/14 Nationals 7:10p Fri, 5/15 Nationals 7:10p Sat, 5/16 Nationals 5:40p Sun, 5/17 Nationals 1:10p Tue, 5/19 Cubs 7:10p Wed, 5/20 Cubs 7:10p Thu, 5/21 Cubs 6:10p Fri, 5/22 at Dodgers 7:10p Sat, 5/23 at Dodgers 7:10p Sun, 5/24 at Dodgers 1:10p Mon, 5/25 at Angels 6:05p Tue, 5/26 at Angels 7:05p Wed, 5/27 at Angels 7:05p Thu, 5/28 Pirates 7:10p Fri, 5/29 Pirates 7:10p Sat, 5/30 Pirates 7:10p Sun, 5/31 Pirates TBD Mon, 6/1 Mets 7:10p Tue, 6/2 Mets 7:10p Wed, 6/3 Mets 6:10p Fri, 6/5 at Reds 4:10p Sat, 6/6 at Reds 1:10p Sun, 6/7 at Reds 10:10a Mon, 6/8 at Braves 4:10p Tue, 6/9 at Braves 4:10p Wed, 6/10 at Braves 4:10p Thu, 6/11 at Braves 9:10a Fri, 6/12 Dodgers 7:10p Sat, 6/13 Dodgers 7:10p Sun, 6/14 Dodgers 1:10p Mon, 6/15 Athletics 7:10p Tue, 6/16 Athletics 12:40p Wed, 6/17 at Athletics 7:05p Thu, 6/18 at Athletics 12:35p Fri, 6/19 at D-backs 6:40p sale to the general public on Friday, February 6 at 9:00 a.m. PT at www.padres.com. Padres Season Ticket Members and padres.com registered users will have pre-sale opportunities during the week leading up to the general public on-sale. They will be notified about specifics of their pre-sale opportunity via email, in advance. February 6 will be the first opportunity for fans to secure individual tickets for the season’s most in-demand games, including the Opening Series presented by Sycuan Casino against the San Francisco Giants and matchups against other National League West rivals. Game times for the 2015 sea- son are now available at www. padres.com. Please note: game times are subject to change. Times remain mostly unchanged from the 2014 season, though a few start times have been dictated by national broadcast plans. Details about 2015 promotions and giveaways will be released at a later date. The only way for fans to guarantee their seats now for Opening Day, Thursday, April 9 vs. the San Francisco Giants, is with a Padres Membership. As is always the case, Platinum, Gold and Blue Members receive the best seats and prices, as well as access to year-round events and discounts. SDSU Aztecs Men’s Basketball Upcoming Games 02/08/15 at Boise State 4:00 p.m. MT 02/11/15 vs. Wyoming 8:00 p.m. PT 02/14/15 vs. Colorado State 5:00 p.m. PT 02/17/15 at New Mexico 7:35 p.m. MT 02/21/15 at San Jose State 7:00 p.m. PT 02/28/15 vs. Boise State TBA 03/04/15 at UNLV 8:00 p.m. PT The Armed Forces Dispatch wants you to be a WINNER! Win 2 tickets to ART LABOE VALENTINES SUPER LOVE JAM Sat., Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m. Valley View Casino Center Rules: Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch Newspaper/Valentines Super Love Jam, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160. Entries must be in our office by Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015. One entry per family. Must show ID upon pickup. Entries may also be submitted via e-mail to contest@navydispatch.com Subj:Valentines Super Love Jam. Include all information requested below in online entries. Winners notified by telephone. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/Valentines Super Love Jam Deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015, at noon. Please answer all questions to be eligible. name____________________________________ address_ _________________________________ city, state, zip______________________________ phone___________________________________ What radio station do you listen to?_______ Active duty military (which base): _______________________________________ Military spouse/family member Civilian Retired military AutoMatters+: One Last Look Back at Formula Off-Road Stadium SUPER Trucks showed me the racing number plate that Robby had given her from his personal SUPER Truck – the one that he had raced that evening. She told me that Robby had explained to her that those number plates were hard to come by, yet despite that, since her family members were loyal, long-time fans, he not only gave her that number plate but offered to give her family the other one too! This was not their first SUPER Trucks event and everyone was really excited to be there. Hold that thought and we’ll come back to this near the end. In addition to SUPER Trucks racing, fans enjoyed a full evening’s entertainment that also included Legend car racing, live music from “The Roxy Gun Project” and Traxxas R/C scale models. AutoMatters+ covered three of Robby Gordon’s ‘SPEED Energy Formula Off-Road SUPER Trucks Presented by Traxxas’ events in 2014. The last of these was at a new venue: a challenging, purpose-built racetrack at MGM Resorts Village across Las Vegas Blvd. from the Luxor. This provided the room for a much longer track, as well as better vantage points from which to see the racing, than did last year’s location at Caesar’s Palace. I didn’t realize it at the time but an encounter I had while still in the parking lot would be very meaningful by the end of the evening. Shortly after I parked my car, another pulled up right beside me. I started a conversation with its occupants and learned that the family – which included two little kids, was visiting from California. The SUPER Trucks racing was wild. Trucks launched off of high jumps and often careened into each other, lap after lap. The most exciting feature of the track was an over-and-under jump. It literally sent SUPER Trucks flying directly over other SUPER Trucks that were racing along the track right in front of the jump – and yes, there were some spectacular crashes there too. Many spectators watched the spectacle from atop what looked like a huge, flat-topped water tank. I was absolutely blown away with the event – especially the final SUPER Trucks race. The action got so intense and there was so much going on all over the track that I didn’t know where to look, or where to point my cameras (and speaking of cameras, hopefully they’ll have more light next time). If you love racing do yourself a favor and go to the SUPER Needless to say, the whole family – kids and all, was absolutely thrilled. The mom told me that they will hang them on the walls of their kids’ rooms. She added that their garage walls are covered in colorful racing body panels. Trucks event in Las Vegas this year. It is motorized mayhem! Since this was their season finale, Robby and the drivers had one last, very special treat in store for their fans. They did something that I have never seen done before. After the racing was over the drivers drove their trucks to where the fans could get next to them and check them out. Then some of the crewmembers removed colorful body panels covered in racing graphics from their SUPER Trucks and gave them to several very lucky and appreciative fans as souvenirs! They, in turn, got them autographed by the drivers. Then they carried away their treasures, which included huge truck hoods. I asked a crewmember if the SWEETWATER HARLEY-DAVIDSON “Southwest Corner of Harley Country” New, Pre-Owned Motorcycles and Rental Bikes Available Now! panels – some of which were not damaged from the racing and others which were repairable, are expensive. They said yes, but that they were giving them away to show their appreciation for their fans. One fan walked up to Robby and proceeded to show him a two-page document that he had written. Robby actually took the time to read it. Then, with a warm smile on his face, Robby shook his hand. I have never seen race fans treated nearly as they were that evening. Remember the family that I told you about earlier? Well, shortly after I returned to my car in the parking lot after the races they just happened to walk up to their car. I asked them if they had gotten any souvenirs, to which they excitedly told me that they had. Then the woman For the 2015 Formula Off-Road Stadium SUPER Trucks schedule and to get tickets, go to www.stadiumsupertrucks.com/ssts/. As always, please write to AutoMatters@gmail.com with your comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2015 by Jan Wagner – AutoMatters+ #370 +$5/(<'$9,'621 675((7 Just $ MSRP Price & payment is for a stock black Street 750 & does not reflect color option, and custom accessories shown in picture. 6SHFLDO0LOLWDU\)LQDQFLQJ $SSO\RYHUWKHSKRQH You can own the road for as little as $ 122 3(502 2$& &RPH9LVLW Nasty City Tattoo Located Inside EAVEN HAWG H RVICE E S CHURCH day of n u S d n 2 onth Every M OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - EVERYDAY FOR EVERYTHING +RRYHU$YHQXH1DWLRQDO&LW\&$ZZZ6ZHHWZDWHU+DUOH\FRP *On approved credit. Not everyone will qualify, other restrictions may apply. Call Sweetwater Harley-Davidson for details. Payment calculated with an OTD price calculated as follows: MSRP $7,499. $50 CA emissions, $330 freight, $80 doc fee, $121 DMV fees, $613.18 tax, for a total price of $8,699.18 with a down payment of $1,575.80 with an APR of 6.99% at 72 months. Price & payment does not reflect color option, back rest or custom exhaust. Recipient of Proudly serving the military since 1985 WE HAVE MOTORCYCLE STORAGE AVAILABLE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 21 Bad Credit Ok Divorce Ok Previous Bankruptcy Ok YOU’RE APPROVED! OAC Lucky fan getting his souvenir hood autographed Over-and-under jump TV Listings WEEKDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 TLC USA m9:30 m10 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 The 700 Club Judge Faith CBS This Morning Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Right CBS News 8 at 11AM Good Morning America Sesame Street Today Curious George Curious George Mickey ESPN2 am San Diego Living pm Judge Judy m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 Paternity Paternity The Bill Cunningham Show Court Court Bold/Beautiful The Young and the Restless The Talk 10News Midday The Chew General Hospital Dinosaur Dinosaur Train Train NBC 7 News Access Hollywood Peg Plus Cat Super Why! Thomas & Cat in the Hat Sesame Curious Friends Street George The Meredith Vieira Show Steve Harvey Daniel Tiger First Take His & Hers 19 KidsCount m12 Judge Mathis Live! With Kelly and Michael The View Mickey Doc McMouse Stuffins SportsCenter 19 Kids19 KidsCount Count Varied Programs Judge Faith Daniel Tiger Jake and the Mickey Pirates Mouse SportsCenter SportsCenter DISN Mouse ESPN m9 San Diego 6 News in the Morning My Teen Is Pregnant Varied Programs Sesame Street Days of our Lives Rachael Ray m3 Dr. Phil Judge Judy Judge Judy RightThisMinute Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Let’s Ask America Arthur The Ellen DeGeneres Show NBC 7 News at 4 College Varied Basketball Programs College Basketball Hoarding: Buried Alive What Not to Wear What Not to Wear Varied Programs Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Varied Programs pm m5:30 The Simp- The Simpsons ’ sons ’ CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News Jessie ’ (CC) College Basketball Iowa ESPN at Michigan. (N) College Basketball ESPN2 Auburn at LSU. (N) Say Yes, Say Yes, TLC Dress Dress Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ (CC) Jessie ’ Varied Programs Pardon the SportsCenter Interruption Questionable Around the Pardon the Horn Interruption Disappeared Varied Disappeared Varied Programs Programs Law & Order: Special Victims Unit m6 pm XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G What We Do in the Shadows pm m5:30 The Simp- The Simpsons ’ sons ’ CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 Reign Catherine makes a discovery. Two and Big Bang Half Men Theory Scandal “Where’s the Black Lady?” (N) ’ Midsomer Murders “Dead Man’s Eleven” The Blacklist “Luther Braxton: Conclusion” 22 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Dog Whisperer Dr. Chris Pet Vet (N) Good Morning Sesame Street NBC 7 News Tomorrow- USA m10:30 m11 pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Letterman The Vampire Diaries (N) ’ (CC) Big Bang Mom (N) ’ Theory (CC) Grey’s Anatomy (N) ’ (CC) 1915 Expo Crossing Cen South (N) The Blacklist Red is arrested. (CC) Liv & Mad- Liv & Mad- K.C. Under- Jessie ’ die die cover (CC) College Basketball Cincinnati at Southern Methodist. From Moody Coliseum in Dallas. College Basketball UCLA at Stanford. From Maples Pavilion in Stanford, Calif. (N) (Live) 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Clock” Victims Unit ’ (CC) ›››‡Cars (2006, Comedy) Voices of Owen Austin & Jessie ’ I Didn’t Do Liv & MadWilson, Paul Newman, Bonnie Hunt. ’ Ally (CC) (CC) It ’ die SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Basketball Dad’s Dad’s Keepers of the Streak 30 for 30 The rise, fall and maturation Dream Dream of OU star Brian Bosworth. 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence “Walking Free” “A Bad Bet” (N) (N) ’ (CC) “A Bad Bet” ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Modern Modern Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Family ’ Family ’ m6 San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) Elementary A debt collector is murdered. How to Get Away With Murder (N) ’ Scott & Bailey Unconscious baby. (N) ’ Allegiance “Pilot” (Series Premiere) (N) 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Fred MacMurray: The Guy Next Door (CC) NBC 7 Tonight News Show FEBRUARY 6, 2015 pm m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 The Middle (CC) Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News The Middle Mike & Mike & (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ News Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 Hart of Dixie “Bar-Be-Q Burritos” (N) (CC) Undercover Boss “Armando Montelongo” Last Man Cristela (N) Standing (CC) Washington Roundtable Week Constantine (N) ’ (CC) Girl Meets Girl Meets Dog With a Dog With a Austin & Dog With a Jessie Girl Meets World ’ Blog ’ Blog ’ Ally (CC) Blog (N) (N) ’ World (N) NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers NBA Basketball Miami Heat at San Antonio Spurs. From the ESPN at Toronto Raptors. (N) AT&T Center in San Antonio. (N) (Live) College Basketball Boxing Friday Night Fights. Abie Han vs. Sergio SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN2 Mora. From Biloxi, Miss. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Love, Lust Love, Lust TLC ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL or Run ’ or Run ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special 2015 NFL Characters Modern Modern USA Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Unite (N) Family ’ Family ’ m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm m11:30 Whose Line Masters of Is It? Illusion Hawaii Five-0 “Powehiwehi” (N) ’ (CC) Shark Tank (N) ’ (CC) San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) Blue Bloods A detective upsets Frank. (N) 20/20 ’ (CC) Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Letterman Phineas Wanderand Ferb Yonder SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NBA ToDad’s night (N) Dream Love, Lust Love, Lust or Run (N) or Run (N) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ I Didn’t Do Liv & MadIt ’ die SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Dad’s Dad’s Dream Dream Say Yes: Say Yes: ATL ATL Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ Dog With a Jessie ’ Blog ’ (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Dad’s Countdown Dream Love, Lust Love, Lust or Run (N) or Run ’ Sirens Sirens 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Shakespeare Uncovered Live at the Belly Up (N) Austin City Limits ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) Grimm Murders lead to a Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) NBC 7 Tonight bounty hunter. ’ News Show FEBRUARY 7, 2015 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 m3 pm m3:30 San Diego 6 News in the Morning Weekend With Chase Dog WhisExpedition Expedition Rock the Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program The CleveThe CleveThe CleveCain and Susana Franco. (N) perer Wild ’ (EI) Wild ’ (EI) Park (N) land Show land Show land Show Innovation Recipe All In With NCAA Men of College Basketball Notre Dame at Duke. From Cameron PGA Tour Golf Farmers Insurance Open, Third Round. From Torrey Pines Golf Club in Paid Program San Diego Nation (N) Rehab (N) Laila Ali (N) March Indoor Stadium in Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) San Diego. (N) (Live) (CC) 10News This Morning at Jack Hanna Ocean Sea Rescue The Wildlife Outback World of X Games (N) (CC) 30 for 30 Skating & Gymnastics Spectacular From Jamestown, 8am Saturday (N) (CC) Mysteries ’ (EI) Docs Adventures N.Y. (N) Curious Curious Daniel Tiger Daniel Tiger Rick Steves’ Europe Seville, Córdoba and 1915 Expo This Old Ask This Old Greener A Chef’s Life Test Kitchen Cooking Mexico/Bay- Taste of George George Granada. ’ (CC) Centennial House (N) House World (N) ’ School less Vietnam Astroblast The Chica Tree Fu Tom English Premier League Soccer Everton FC vs Liverpool Skiing World Alpine Championships: Men’s Figure Skating European Championships. From StockPaid Program On the (EI) Show (EI) (EI) FC. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Downhill. From Vail, Colo. ’ holm, Sweden. (Taped) ’ (CC) Money (N) TomorrowTomorrowland land SportsCenter College GameDay (N) (Live) ESPN (N) (CC) NFL Live (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN2 (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program TLC (CC) (CC) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program DISN land m10 pm The Middle Mike & Mike & (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ News Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) SATURDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON m9:30 m10 The Middle (CC) Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News DISN World ’ *subject to change Law & Order: Varied SVU Programs FEBRUARY 5, 2015 m6:30 FRIDAY EVENING TVData© m5 A house of vampires quarrel over dirty dishes, discuss fashion, and go to parties. When they turn Nick into a vampire, the entire house teams up to show him the perks of that world. Genre: Comedy Cast: Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi, Jonathan Brugh am Inside Edition Around the Horn Questionable You Herd Me Olbermann Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, whose late father secretly worked for a spy organization, lives in a South London housing estate and seems headed for a life behind bars. However, dapper agent Harry Hart recognizes potential in the youth and recruits him to be a trainee in the secret service. Meanwhile, villainous Richmond Valentine launches a diabolical plan to solve the problem of climate change via a worldwide killing spree. Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, R Cast: Colin Firth, Michael Caine, Taron Egerton m9 RightThisMinute Odd Squad Doc McStuffins DISN (CC) m8:30 m4:30 Doc McStuffins NFL Live Kingsman: The Secret Service am pm Mickey Mickey Mouse Mouse Outside the NFL Insiders Lines SportsNation 2/13 KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE 2/13 WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS m8 m4 San Diego 6 News at 4pm THURSDAY EVENING m7:30 m3:30 Doc McSofia the First Sofia the First Varied Stuffins Programs SportsCenter SportsCenter Varied Programs First Take TVData© m5 TVData© pm The Doctors Girl Meets Dog With a Jessie ’ Girl Meets Dog With a K.C. Under- Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Liv & Maddie Liv & Maddie Jessie ’ Jessie ’ World ’ Blog (CC) (CC) World ’ Blog (CC) cover ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) College Basketball Illinois at Michigan State. From Breslin College Basketball Kansas at Oklahoma State. From College Basketball Texas at Kansas State. From Bramlage Center in East Lansing, Mich. (N) (Live) Gallagher-Iba Arena in Stillwater, Okla. (N) Coliseum in Mahnattan, Kan. (N) (Live) College Basketball Tennessee at Georgia. From StegeCollege Basketball Texas-Arlington at Louisiana-Lafayette. College Basketball Syracuse at Pittsburgh. From Petersen man Coliseum in Athens, Ga. (N) (Live) From the Cajundome in Lafayette, La. (N) Events Center in Pittsburgh. (N) (Live) Extreme Cheapskates Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Undercover Boss “Oriental “Vacations” ’ (CC) Chea. Chea. Chea. Chea. Chea. Chea. Chea. Chea. Trading Company” Sirens ››‡RobinHood (2010, Adventure) Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, William Hurt. Robin ›››TheBourneUltimatum (2007) Matt Damon. Jason Bourne continand his men battle the Sheriff of Nottingham. ues to look for clues to unravel his true identity. XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm Futurama Futurama ’ (CC) ’ (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour KPBS Wk Spectrum Noodle/ Nightly Doodle News m6 pm m6:30 LoveLoveRaymond Raymond Evening News News 10News at Let’s Ask 6pm America The Lawrence Welk Show NBC 7 Paid ProNews at 6 gram m4:30 FEBRUARY 7, 2015 m7 pm m7:30 The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertainment Tonight (N) ’ (CC) Burn Notice The CIA recruits Fiona. (CC) Keeping Up Hebburn ’ (CC) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune ’ (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Mike & Mike & San Diego 6 News at (CC) (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ 10pm (N) NCIS A research scientist NCIS: New Orleans 48 Hours (N) ’ (CC) is murdered. ’ “Watch Over Me” ’ ›››HarryPotterandtheSorcerer’sStone (2001, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe. An orphan attends a school of witchcraft and wizardry. ’ Miss Fisher’s Murder The Big Band Years (My Music) Big Band hits. ’ Mysteries “Dead Air” (CC) Dateline NBC “Before Dawn” The death of a preg- Saturday Night Live nant newlywed. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Girl Meets Liv & Mad- Liv & Mad- Jessie ’ Jessie ’ PantsonFire (2014) Bradley Steven Mighty Lab Rats ’ K.C. UnderWorld ’ die die (CC) (CC) Perry. Premiere. ’ Med ’ (CC) cover College Basketball College Basketball Kentucky at Florida. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN Louisville at Virginia. (CC) (CC) (CC) College Basketball Missouri State at Wichita State. NHRA Drag Racing Circle K Winterna- College Basketball Gonzaga at San Francisco. Basketball ESPN2 (N) (Live) tionals, Qualifying. (CC) (N) (Live) Undercover Boss “Hoot- Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Sex Sent Me to the E.R. TLC ers” ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) “Cop-Shocker” “Lock and Key” Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit “Swing” Victims Unit “Care” Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit “Sick” Victims Unit “Selfish” Girl Meets DISN World ’ 2X3”ad m5:30 pm Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Dog With a Dog With a (CC) (CC) Blog (CC) Blog (CC) College GameDay (N) (Live) College Basketball Louisville (CC) at Virginia. (N) College Basketball Alabama at LSU. Pete Maravich Assembly Center. (N) (Live) Undercover Boss “Moe’s Undercover Boss “Johnny Southwest Grill” Rockets” (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit “Wet” ’ SATURDAY EVENING TVData© m5 m4 The CleveThe Cleveland Show land Show Judge Judy Judge Judy ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Burn Notice A robbery at a fashion house. (CC) R. Steves’ Crossing Europe South LazyTown Premier “Play Day” League pm Engagement News m11:30 Engagement Blue Bloods ’ 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA Globe Trekker “London City Guide 2” ’ NBC 7 Saturday News Night Live Liv & Mad- Austin & die Ally (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NBA To30 for 30 night (N) (CC) All About All About Sex (CC) Sex (CC) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ TV Listings SUNDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 m9 am m9:30 FEBRUARY 8, 2015 m10 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 m3 m3:30 Paid Program San Diego 6 News in the Morning Weekend With Chase Shaun T’s Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Best Pressure Cooker! Sanctuary “Eulogy” ’ (CC) Cain and Susana Franco. (N) Focus T25 CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Have a Tur- Game College Basketball Michigan at Indiana. From Assembly PGA Tour Golf Farmers Insurance Open, Final Round. From Torrey Pines Golf Club in San Diego. (N) The Insider ’ (N) ’ (CC) Nation (N) key Neck? Changers Hall in Bloomington, Ind. (N) (Live) (CC) (Live) (CC) (CC) Good Morn- 10News This Morning at Born to NBA Count- NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at Oklahoma City Thunder. From NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at Cleveland Cavaliers. From RightThisInside Edition ing 8am Sunday (N) (CC) Explore down (N) Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City. (N) Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. (N) (Live) (CC) Minute (N) Sesame Curious Curious Daniel Tiger Daniel Tiger Washington KPBS Round- Charlie Rose 1915 Expo Ken Kramer’s Start Up (N) Great Performances at the Met “Macbeth” Anna Netrebko portrays Lady Macbeth. (N) Street (N) George George Week table Centennial S.D. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) NBC 7 News Meet the Press (N) (CC) Politically NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at St. Louis Blues. From Scottrade Skiing USSA Freestyle Cup: Snowboarding USSA Grand Skiing Paid Program Graham Speaking Center in St. Louis. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Men’s Aerials. ’ Prix: Halfpipe. ’ Bensinger Austin & Ally Liv & Maddie Girl Meets K.C. Under- Jessie ’ Jessie ’ (CC) (CC) World ’ cover ’ (CC) (CC) PBA Bowling USBC Masters. From Green Bay, Wis. (N) The Friars’ Club Roast of ESPN (Live) (CC) Terry Bradshaw (N) Sports ReDad’s Dream Dad’s Dream Women’s Soccer International Friendly: France vs. United Women’s College Basketball Baylor at Texas. From the ESPN2 porters (N) States. (N) (Live) Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas. (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to TLC (CC) (CC) (CC) the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress David JerPastor Chris Joel Osteen Suits “Respect” Mike must NCIS “Internal Affairs” ’ NCIS DiNozzo investigates a NCIS “Cloak” ’ (CC) USA emiah (N) (CC) hide in plain sight. (CC) suicide. (CC) Tomorrow- TomorrowTomorrowland land SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) DISN land Girl Meets World ’ Dog With a Blog (CC) Dog With a Dog With a Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Blog (CC) Blog (CC) (CC) (CC) Soccer International Friendly -- United States vs Panama. (N) (Live) Women’s College Basketball Nebraska at Maryland. From XFINITY Center in College Park, Md. (N) Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress NCIS Criminal targets NCIS Vance investigates a government secrets. ’ boxer’s death. (CC) TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 ›››ThePrincess Bride (1987) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour SciTech Wk Now (N) Noodle/ Nightly Doodle News m6 pm White Collar Neal wants revenge. (CC) Evening News News 10News at RightThis6pm Minute (N) The Jewel in the Crown (N) (CC) NBC 7 Paid ProNews at 6 gram m7 pm m7:30 Cougar Cougar Town ’ Town 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) America’s Funniest Home Videos (N) ’ Masterpiece Classic ’ (CC) (DVS) Dateline NBC ’ (CC) Liv & Mad- Liv & Mad- Austin & Austin & Dog With a Dog With a die Ally (CC) Ally (CC) Blog ’ Blog ’ The Grantland Basketball 30 for 30 ESPN Hour (N) NHRA Drag Racing Circle K Winternationals. From Pomona, Dad’s ESPN2 Calif. (N Same-day Tape) (CC) Dream Kate Plus 8 “Rocking the Kate Plus 8 “The Room Kate Plus 8 “Cleaning TLC Boat” ’ (CC) Project” (CC) House” ’ (CC) NCIS A member of the NCIS Searching for a NCIS The team investi USA team reminisces. missing Marine. gates a plane crash. XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m5:30 The Simp- The Simpsons ’ sons ’ CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 pm m7 pm m7:30 The Middle (CC) Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News The Middle Mike & Mike & (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ News Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) I Didn’t Do I Didn’t Do Girl Meets Girl Meets Jessie ’ Dog With a It ’ World ’ World ’ (CC) Blog ’ College Basketball Duke College Basketball Iowa State at Oklahoma. (N) ESPN at Florida State. (Live) Women’s College Basketball South Carolina at Auriemma Auriemma ESPN2 Connecticut. (N) (Live) Project Project Say Yes, Say Yes, Love, Lust Love, Lust Kate Plus 8 “Cleaning TLC Dress Dress or Run ’ or Run ’ House” ’ (CC) NCIS Dinozzo’s father NCIS “Freedom” ’ (CC) NCIS A young sailor’s USA helps investigate. ’ body is found. (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 The Simp- The Simpsons ’ sons ’ CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News Dog With a Dog With a Blog ’ College Basketball ESPN Kentucky at LSU. (N) College Basketball DISN Blog ’ ESPN2 TLC USA Kate Plus 8 “New England Adventures” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ (CC) m6 pm pm m5:30 The Simp- The Simpsons ’ sons ’ CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Jessie ’ Nightly Business Nightly News m6 pm The Middle (CC) Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 Austin & K.C. Under- Liv & MadAlly (N) cover die SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 30 for 30 (N) Sister Wives ’ (CC) NCIS The team investigates a murder. ’ Girl Meets Jessie ’ World ’ (CC) SportsCenter (CC) pm m11:30 Dog With a Austin & K.C. UnderBlog ’ Ally (CC) cover SportsCenter (CC) ESPN FC NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers (N) at Oklahoma City Thunder. Sister Wives (N) ’ (CC) Sister Wives Recounting Sister Wives ’ (CC) Robyn’s journey. NCIS Ziva’s father visits. NCIS The team unites to NCIS “Out of the Frying ’ (CC) (DVS) find answers. ’ Pan ...” ’ m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm San Diego 6 News at Seinfeld ’ 10pm (N) (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles “For- News est for the Trees” Castle “Resurrection” 10News at (N) (CC) 11pm Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow (N) A Path Appears Activists fighting for “Austin” (N) (CC) ’ (CC) women’s rights. (N) ’ (CC) The Celebrity Apprentice The Celebrity Apprentice State of Affairs “Here and NBC 7 (N) ’ (CC) The final task. (N) Now” (N) ’ News The Originals “The Devil Is Damned” (N) 2 Broke Mike & Girls (N) Molly (N) The Bachelor (N) ’ (CC) Jane the Virgin “Chapter Thirteen” Scorpion “Love Boat” (N) ’ (CC) ›››ThePrincessandtheFrog Mickey Jessie ’ Liv & Mad(2009) Bruno Campos ’ Mouse ’ (CC) die SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) Basketball The Grantland Basketball NBA To30 for 30 Hour (N) night (N) My Weight Is Killing Me My 600-Lb. Life “Amber’s Fat Fabu- Fat Fabu’ (CC) Story” ’ (CC) lous lous WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman Jimmy Kimmel Life on the Line Tonight Show I Didn’t Do Dog With a It ’ Blog ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) My 600-Lb. Life “Amber’s Story” ’ (CC) Sirens Sirens m10:30 m11 The Middle Mike & Mike & (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ News Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) The Flash Ronnie attacks a physicist. (N) NCIS “Cadence” (N) ’ (CC) (DVS) Fresh Off Fresh Off the Boat the Boat Genealogy Roadshow (N) ’ (CC) Parks/Rec- Parks/Recreat reat Supernatural A ghost seeks vengeance. (N) NCIS: New Orleans (N) ’ (CC) Marvel’s Agent Carter “A Sin to Err” (N) ’ The Forgotten Plague: American Marry Me About a Boy (N) (CC) (N) Austin & Austin & K.C. Under- K.C. UnderAlly (CC) Ally (CC) cover cover College Basketball Wisconsin at Nebraska. From Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, Neb. College Basketball Kansas at Texas Tech. (N) (Live) Kate Plus 8 “Rocking the Kate Plus 8 “The Room Boat” ’ (CC) Project” (CC) Law & Order: Special Modern Modern Victims Unit “Savant” Family ’ Family ’ K.C. Under- Liv & Madcover die SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Basketball The Experts Austin & Girl Meets Jessie ’ Liv & MadAlly (CC) World ’ (CC) die SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) NBA To30 for 30 (CC) night (N) Kate Plus 8 (N) ’ (CC) Fat Fabu- Fat Fabulous lous Modern Modern Sirens (N) Modern Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Kate Plus 8 “Cleaning House” ’ (CC) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) Person of Interest “Guilty” (N) ’ (CC) Forever The murder of an exiled king. (N) Frontline Caring for terminally ill patients. Chicago Fire “Call It Paradise” (N) ’ pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Letterman 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Queen of Swing ’ (CC) NBC 7 News Tonight Show I Didn’t Do Dog With a It ’ Blog ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Boxing From Feb. 10, 1990. Kate Plus 8 ’ (CC) Modern Family ’ Modern Family ’ FEBRUARY 11, 2015 m7 pm m7:30 The Middle Mike & Mike & (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ News Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 Arrow Laurel pursues Vertigo. (N) ’ (CC) The Mentalist “Byzantium” (N) (CC) The Middle The Gold(N) ’ bergs (N) Nature Cross-species relationships. (Taped) The Mysteries of Laura (N) ’ (CC) m9 pm m9:30 The 100 “Rubicon” (N) ’ (CC) Criminal Minds “Scream” (N) ’ Modern blackish (N) Family (N) (CC) NOVA “Colosseum -- Roman Death Trap” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (N) ’ Jessie ’ Dog With a Dog With a Jessie ’ Dog With a HowtoBuildaBetterBoy (2014, Mickey (CC) Blog ’ Blog ’ (CC) Blog ’ Comedy) China Anne McClain. ’ Mouse ’ NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Cleveland Cavaliers. From NBA Basketball Houston Rockets at Los Angeles Clippers. From ESPN Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. (N) (Live) Staples Center in Los Angeles. (N) (Live) College Basketball College Basketball Oregon at USC. From Galen SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN2 Center in Los Angeles. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) My Addic- My Addic- My Strange Addiction My Strange Addiction My 600-Lb. Life “Amber’s My 600-Lb. Life “Susan’s TLC tion tion “Men in Doll Suits” ’ (CC) Story” ’ (CC) Story” (N) ’ ››‡I,Robot (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith, ›››IndependenceDay (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. USA Bridget Moynahan, Bruce Greenwood. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. DISN (CC) m10:30 m11 FEBRUARY 10, 2015 m6:30 The Middle (CC) Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News WEDNESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 pm m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm m11:30 San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) Stalker A rare case of group stalking. (N) ’ Nashville (N) ’ (CC) Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Letterman Jessie ’ Liv & Mad(CC) die SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NBA ToBasketball night (N) Fat and Back “Part 1” (CC) Suits Harvey and Louis help a client. (N) I Didn’t Do Dog With a It ’ Blog ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Live (N) (CC) 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Earth: A New Wild How We Got to Now With “Forests” (N) (CC) Steven Johnson Chicago PD “Erin’s Mom” NBC 7 Tonight (N) ’ News Show Fat and Back “Part 2” (CC) Sirens Sirens 2X3”ad THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 23 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m5:30 m10 Community Community Mike & Mike & San Diego 6 News at Raw Travel New (CC) (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ 10pm (N) (N) P90X3! The 57th Annual Grammy Awards Excellence in the recording industry. (N Same-day Tape) News ’ (CC) ›››TheHungerGames (2012) Jennifer Lawrence. Premiere. In a dystopian 10News at Sports society, teens fight to the death on live TV. ’ 11pm XTRA The Great British Baking Masterpiece Classic (N) Masterpiece Mystery! (N) Scott & Bailey UnconShow (N) ’ ’ (CC) (DVS) ’ (CC) scious baby. (CC) American Ninja Warrior “USA vs. the World” Teams from the U.S., Japan and NBC 7 Jerome’s Europe. ’ (DVS) News Furniture TUESDAY EVENING pm Girl Meets World ’ SportsCenter FEBRUARY 9, 2015 m6:30 DISN It ’ TVData© m5 m4:30 Women’s College Gymnastics Auburn at NHRA Drag Alabama. (Taped) Racing Say Yes to Say Yes to Kate Plus 8 “New England the Dress the Dress Adventures” (CC) NCIS Gibbs must protect his NCIS The team must protect loved ones. ’ (CC) Ziva’s father. MONDAY EVENING pm pm FEBRUARY 8, 2015 m6:30 DISN die TVData© m5 m4 ›››ThePrincessBride (1987) Cary Elwes. Entertainment Tonight ’ (CC) This Week With George Stephanopoulos (N) California’s California’s Gold (CC) Gold (CC) LazyTown Poppy Cat (CC) (EI) Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Girl Meets (CC) (CC) World ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SUNDAY EVENING CROSSWORDPUZZLE XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm Concerts Please confirm concerts before attending. NOTE: Some venues are age 21+ only. February Jukebox the Ghost, Mon, Feb 2, 8pm. 21+. Rock. Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. (619) 255-7224. Rocco Deluca (Voodoo Room). Wed, Feb. 4, 8pm. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 2992583. Tiny Moving Parts and Roswell Kid. Thu, Feb. 5, 8pm. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 2992583. Aziz Ansari, Fri, Feb 6, 8pm. Comedy. Cost $45-$55. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Escape the Fate, Fri, Feb 6, 7:30pm. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Juan Gabriel, Fri, Feb 6, 8pm. Latin. Cost $65-$570. Viejas Arena at Aztec Bowl San Diego State University. Kodo Drummers One Earth Tour, Fri, Feb 6, 8pm. Acoustic/World. Cost $27-$77. Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave. (619) 570-1100. www. sdbalboa.org People on vacation, Alive and Well, Savage Young. Sat, Feb. 7, 7:30pm. Open Air Theatre at SDSU, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. West of 5. Sat, Feb. 7, 5pm. Humphrey’s Backstage Music Club, 2241 Shelter Island Dr., San Diego, (619) 224-3577. Excision, Sun, Feb 8, 7pm. Techno. Cost $30. Soma, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego (Midway district). (619) 226-7662. The Avett Brothers, Sun, Feb 8, 8pm. Bluegrass. Cost $103-$449. Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave. (619) 5701100. www.sdbalboa.org Art Laboe Valentines Super Love Jam, Sat, Feb 14, 7:30pm. Old School. Cost $32-$53. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena We teach healthy cooking ƵƐŝŶŐƚŚĞĮŶĞƐƚ equipment & current technology with a Free healthy dinner show. ͻ&ůĞdžŝďůĞ͕WĂƌƚdŝŵĞ:Žď ͻdžĐĞůůĞŶƚŽŵƉĞŶƐĂƟŽŶ ͻĂƌŶ&ƌĞĞWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ ͻ'ƌĞĂƚƵƐŝŶĞƐƐKƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ ͻ:ŽŝŶtĞůůŶĞƐƐZĞǀŽůƵƟŽŶ ͻ,ĞůƉKƚŚĞƌƐ>ĞĂĚ,ĞĂůƚŚŝĞƌ>ŝǀĞƐ KǁŶĞĚďLJZĞƟƌĞĚDŝůŝƚĂƌLJ 24 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Call 619-869-4118 Cell 619-504-3102 Blvd., San Diego. (619) 2244171. Gladys Knight. Sat, Feb. 14, 7:30pm. Harrah’s Rincón, 777 Harrah’s Rincón Way, Valley Center. (760) 7513100. LOGIC: Under Pressure Tour, Sat, Feb 14, 8pm. Cost $25. North Park Theatre, 2891 University Avenue, San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Meghan Trainor, Wed, Feb 18, 6pm. Rock/Pop. Cost $25$45+. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Howard Hewett, Thu, Feb 19, 8:30pm. 21+. R&B/Urban Soul. Cost $27. Blue Agave Nightclub, 6608 Mission Gorge Rd, San Diego. (619) 521-3194. Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake. Thu, Feb. 19, 8pm. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Kina Grannis. Fri, Feb. 20, 8pm. Open Air Theatre at SDSU, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. Alan Jackson, Jon Pardi, Brandy Clark, Fri, Feb 20, 7:30pm. Country/Pop. $29$95. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. August Burns Red, Miss May I and Northlane. Sat, Feb. 21, 8pm. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Ramon Ayala and Eliseo Robles. Sun, Feb. 22, 7:30pm. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 2992583. Hurricane Chris, Sun, Feb 22, 8pm. Rap. Porter’s Pub at UCSD, 9500 Gilman Drive, Sand Diego, 92093. (858) 213-3890 Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band, Wed, Feb 25, 7:30pm. Viejas Arena at Aztec Bowl San Diego State University. Cold War Kids, Wed, Feb 25, 7pm. North Park Theatre, 2891 university Avenue, Dan Diego, 92104. (619) 2398836. Taking Back Sunday, Letlive and Menzingers. Thu, Feb. 26, 7:30pm. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Chicago. Fri, Feb. 27, 8pm. Pechanga Resort and Casino, 45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula, CA 92592. (951) 693-1819 March Black Veil Brides. sun, Mar. 1, 8pm. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Bayside, Wed, March 11, 6pm. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Ringo Starr, Sat, March 14, 7:30pm. Pala Casino, 35008 Pala Temecula Road., Pala. (877) 946-7252. Talib Kweli, Tues, March 24, 8pm. Rap. North Park Theatre, 2891 University Avenue,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. The Pink Floyd Experience, Wed, March 25, 8pm. Covers/ Rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Hawthorne Heights and Courage My Love. Thu, Mar. 26 8pm. Open Air Theatre at SDSU, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. San Diego Soul Festival, Fri, March 27, 8pm. Soul Music. Cost $49-$79. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. April Maroon 5, Magic! and Rozzi Crane. Wed, April 1. $30-125. Viejas Arena at SDSU, 5500 Top Country Albums 1. Montevallo, Sam Hunt, MCA 2. Man Against Machine, Garth Brooks, Sony Music Nashville 3. Old Boots, New Dirt, Jason Aldean, Broken Bow 4. Greatest Hits: Decade#1, Carrie Underwood, Sony Music Nashville 5. Anything Goes, Florida Georgia Line, Big Machine Records 6. Crash My Party, Luke Bryan, Capitol Nashville 7. Me, RaeLynn, Valory 8. Ignite the Night, Chase Rice, Dack Janiels Records 9. Hippielovepunk, Cody Canada and the Departed, Underground Sound 10. The Outsiders, Eric Church, Universal Nashville Canyon Crest Dr., San Diego, CA. (619) 594-6947. Ariana Grande, Fri, April 10, 7:30pm. Honda Center, 2695 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim. (714) 704-2400. www. hondacenter.com Barry Manilow, Sat, April 11, 7:30pm. Pop.Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Iggy Azalea, Thurs, April 23, 7:30pm. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Foreigner, Fri, April 24, 9pm. Harrah’s Rincón, 777 Harrah’s Rincón Way, Valley Center. (760) 751-3100. CLASSIFIEDS ARMED FORCES DISPATCH AUTOS CLASSIFIEDS To place your ad, please call the Classified Advertising Department (619) 280-2985. Deadline to place an ad is Tuesday at noon. See your ads in print, and on the web, on Thursday! 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Call me today for a FREE consultation Zero Down - SD Co $546K -Orange Co $687K EASY TO QUALIFY! GREAT RATES! P. Michael Seltzer - Branch Manager NMLS #212636 949.478.4360 mseltzer@iservelending.com “WE SERVE THOSE WHO SERVE” Make up to $2500 in a few hours - NO JOKE! Local studio needs in-shape models (over 18 yrs old). Set your own hours. Professional, clean and SAFE atmosphere. Gigs are adult themed. Please apply at: www.sierrablue.cc MOTORCYCLES ________________________ WE BUY BIKES Top Price Paid - All Models Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki 100 used bikes to choose from SOUTH BAY MOTORSPORTS 619-224-2300 TFN _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Use your hard earned 9$EHQHÀWV I &DQ+HOS<RX 619-857-4414 9$%X\HUV'RZQ Expert on Relocation, PCS/MILITARY Buying & Selling your home 6KRUW6DOH&HUWLÀHG Agent DRE Lic: #01404653 Veteran owned since 1991 Offering the world’s finest hand crafted deployment plaques, award plaques, retirement shadow boxes and more available online at: www w.. p l a q u e s a n d p a t c h e s . c o m 1-877-543-6094 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WE DO STUMP GRINDING, ROTOTILLING & MORE 858-997-7062 www.DiscountStumpGrinding.com Your Real Estate Resource Center Specializing in supporting Military Financing • Buying & Selling Your Home • VA Loan Experts • Property Manager Experts • Home Maintenance Specialists BRE #01900160 Call 760-604-3354 _________________________________________________ 2/26 _________________________________________________ PSYCHICS SAN DIEGO PSYCHIC Palm, Tarot & Psychic Readings. Ask about MILITARY DISCOUNT! 619-563-4833; 951-880-6557 TFN REALTOR REPRESENTING BUYERS AND SELLERS Call me today! I am here for all of your realty needs. Steven Sopha 619-997-7771 Century 21 Horizon stevensopha@yahoo. com BRE# 1290291 2/26 619-423-6070 “Military Friendly” PACIFIC LEGACY PROPERTIES 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms available throughout San Diego County. Online Rental Hotsheet www.pacleg.com CALL ME FOR INFO ON OUR WEEKL O AN SEMIN ARS WEEKLYY VA LLO SEMINARS 55 + LIVING CITY HEIGHTS - **MOVE IN SPECIAL*$200 OFF 1ST MONTH’S RENT** Large 1BR/1BA apt for seniors 62+/handicapped. Remodeled w/ceramic tile in kitchen/bath, laminate floor in living room, gated comm, well maintained 3 story bldg w/elevator, lndry on each floor, lots of storage, near all. $725/mo + $700 dep. 4260 44th St #335. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 SAN DIEGO NEAR SOUTH BAY– 2BR/ 2BA, partially furn’d mobile home in 55+ park, remodeled in 2014, $1550/mo, incld gardener/water/sewer, appliances, W/D, lots of storage. 3340 Del Sol Blvd spc # 211. 619-361-6739 2/19 __________________________________ 2/26 BOSE REMOTE CONTROL REPAIR/ REPLACEMENT APO/FPO/MPO/DPO bookbundler@gmail.com $825-$1125/mo. Onsite laundry Assigned parking 619-423-7500 __________________________________ SPARKLING CARPET CLEANING Residential & Commercial Carpet Cleaning & Repair/Grout Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning/Stain & Odor Removal Water Removal/24 Hr Emergency Service Call Andy 619-669-8882 Move-in Special 1 MONTH FREE RENT info@pacificpointprop.net 2/5 2/26 _________________________________________________ IMPERIAL HOUSE APTS OR EMAIL: Thomas Jacobucci REALTOR® tjacobucci@kw.com www.tjacobucci.com PLAQUES NMLS #2914 Check out our low classified advertising rates! Call Maria today 619-280-2985 Marycarmen James Realtor RENTALS APARTMENTS ADVERTISE YOUR RENTAL to the miltary in the Armed Forces Dispatch newspaper. Place your ad by calling Maria at 619-280-2985. ____________________________________ CLAIREMONT – Self contained fully furn’d house ext @ rear of prvt home, 1BR/1BA + sunroom, gar, freezer, elect stove, micro, internet, shops wlkg dist to Balboa & Genesee, $1000/mo + $60 cleaning. 858-531-2947 after 1pm RENTALS CONDOS CORONADO CAYS – Furn’d 2BR/2BA condo on the water, avail May/June/July/Aug. 40 Kingston Ct. Call for pricing & photos. Premier Properties 619-429-4120 2/5 ___________________________________________________ CORONADO SHORES – Furn’d 2BR/2BA, $4500/mo, El Mirador #109, avail Jan-June, pet friendly upon approval. Premier Properties 619-429-4120 2/5 ___________________________________________________ CORONADO SHORES – El Mirador #409, beautiful 2BR corner unit w/water views from every room, furn’d w/balcony, avail March 2015. Call for pricing. Premier Properties 619429-4120 2/5 ____________________________________ THE LANDING CORONADO – Unfurn 2BR/ 2.5BA, 1841sf, $3800/mo, W/D in unit, 2 assign prkg & xtra storage in gar, 1yr lse, sml pets ok. Call Meghan 619-947-2352 2/19 ___________________________________________________ FASHION VALLEY BLUFFS – Hillside view, quiet side, 1BR/1BA, upgraded unit, 1 assign prkg, pool/jac/comm amenities, $1250/mo, free water, cable/HBO, no smkg/pets. Agt Pam 619296-9378 2/12 ___________________________________________________ SPRING VALLEY – Gated, newer upstairs unit, 2BR/2BA, newly painted, upgraded kitchen, AC, bal, W/D, pool, 2 assign prkg, no pets, tenant pays SDG&E/wtr, $1650/mo. Call Jill 619-985-7717 2/19 ____________________________________ 2/19 ____________________________________ LEMON GROVE - $900/mo, studio, completely renovated in quiet residential area, near trolley & downtown, new kitchen, bath, floor & everything! AC, onsite lndry, prkg, no smkg/pets. Call Damien 619-260-3000 2/5 ___________________________________________________ LA JOLLA OCEAN FRONT 939 Coast Blvd. Luxury Condo Military Move-in Special $300 OFF 1st Month’s rent Fab views from every room, 2BR/2BA, 1960sf, gym, pool, billiard room, security, steps to village shops & cafes, $3850/mo. 714-335-0138 (No Agents)) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 25 PAYMENT PLANS 2/5 MILITARY SPOUSES 10% Discount for 2 hour Party for 20 kids or less • SUPPORT • • CUSTODY • • VISITATION • • MEDIATION • • ADOPTION • 619-435-4488 Looking for a vehicle? Mission Valley ... 283-7777 El Cajon ............ 442-6999 Chula Vista ....... 427-3404 _______________________ Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys 1222 1st St. Unit 6 • Coronado, CA 92118 RENTALS APARTMENTS REALTOR TFN BECOME A YOGA TEACHER MyCAA scholarships accepted. www.akashayoga.com Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys VA LOAN EXPERTS CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT 424-653-6967 or 712-526-6741 ATTORNEYS LOW COST BANKRUPTCY Parmela Sawhney MD Ayurvedic Integrated Medicine Free maintenance within 3 mos. of purchase or 3,000 mile warranty. 100% Vehicle inspection before purchase!!! Financing Available through Navy Federal NO CREDIT! BAD CREDIT! NO PROBLEM! Free credit check. Free shuttle service availablle. Contact us at 760.414.1600 ________________________ LOANS - VA LOANS Family Practice & Holistic Medicine Military & DOD contractors with ID FREE LIFETIME OIL CHANGE CALLING ALL SUPERHEROES!! The Xtreme Justice League needs you! Create a costume, fight crime & help your city. www. xtremejusticeleague.org 858-751-9559 2/5 HEALTH & BEAUTY View ads online at www.navydispatch.com • (619) 280-2985 RENTALS COTTAGES RENTALS HOUSES NORMAL HEIGHTS - *MILITARY MOVE-IN SPECIAL* $200 OFF 1ST MONTH’S RENT* 1BR/1BA in a nice small gated complex, sml shared side yrd, nw stove & frig, complete refurb, nw paint & cer tile, 1 assign prkg, fantastic location near Adams Ave Nightlife, cls to Mission Valley & Downtown, THIS IS A MUST SEE ADORABLE COTTAGE! $1195/ mo + $800dep. 4577 Hawley Blvd. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459. 2/5 RENTALS HOUSES La Pacific RV Park offers long term stays! Conveniently located to your station in San Diego. We are a quiet community already housing some of your colleagues. Beaches are 3 miles away. Local shops and restaurants on the doorstep. We only have a limited amount of long term, affordable opportunities. 619.428.4411 CORONADO CAYS – Home on the water, 39 Blue Anchor, furn’d 4BR, 2 car gar, pet friendly upon approval, avail NOW, long term, $5500/mo. Premier Properties 619429-4120 2/5 _____________________________________ CORONADO VILLAGE – Great location, BRAND NEW, 741 D Ave, 3BR/3BA, 2 car gar, $4200/mo, no smkg/pets, avail now. Call 619-995-7630 2/19 ___________________________________________________ CORONADO CAYS – 36 Admiralty Cross, furn’d or unfurn, 4BR/3BA, short or LT, call for pricing. Premier Properties 619-429-4120 25 ___________________________________________________ SELF HELP GROUP SERRA MESA – 3BR/2BA + Xtra rm above gar (perfect for office), new flrs, paint & windows, fplc, rear cvrd patio, 2 car gar, 1yr lse, no pets, $2350/mo. 3518 Marathon St. Agt John Allen 619-980-1407 2/19 ___________________________________________________ SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS THEY SUPPORT THE MILITARY! RENTALS STUDIO CORONADO SHORES – El Cabrillo #801, 8th floor, avail every month except Aug, slight ocean & bay views, $3k-$4800. Premier Properties 619-429-4120 for active military! CARLSBAD – 4BR/2BA on Trieste Dr. Wonderful views on a large lot with a huge backyard. Wonderful neighborhood! $2650/mo w/1yr lse. Jeff @ 619-922-7111 2/12 ____________________________________ CHULA VISTA – 4BR/3BA, 2 MBR’s, W/D incld, quiet area, cls to frwys, $2100/mo, avail now, just cleaned/painted, side-by-side fridge/freezer, self cleaning gas oven. Suzann 619-823-1972 2/26 ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – BRAND NEW 4BR/ 3.5BA, 2 story, 2 car gar, 2100sf, fam rm, wood flrs, fplc, 10 mins to Coronado, $3295/ mo. Connie 619-993-6918 sleeplessness, worry, anger, fears, helplessness, hopelessness? Let Recovery International help you. We do not take the place of the professional, we work in conjunction with. ($1-$5 donation) with daily meetings through out San Diego County. (619) 275-0364. www.LowSelfHelpSystems.org SERVICES OFFERED 2/19 ROOM for RENT BONITA – 2 Rooms available in family house, nice sized rooms, looking for responsible perIMPERIAL BEACH – 3BR/2.5BA, 2 car gar, lrg son, no smoking/drugs/alcohol. 619-434-2505 living room, lrg BR’s , $2000/mo + $2000dep, 2/19 great yrd, fncd, security, appls, W/D hk-ups, pets upon approval w/xtra dep. Avail March. SPA 619-424-9643 2/12 ___________________________________________________ NATIONAL CITY – 1BR/1BA, dining/living room, kitchen, $900/mo + $650dep. Studio - $500/mo + $250dep. Own entrance. 723 W 20th St. 619-985-6180 2/12 ____________________________________ SAN DIEGO/92105 – 2BR/1BA, large den, furn’d or unfurn, large fncd backyard, $1900/ mo, short or long term avail. 619-264-6437 2/19 ___________________________________________________ 5-Feb Thur 6:30 PM *Wild-R 6-Feb Fri 6:30 PM The Imitation Game PG-13 9:00 PM The Gambler-R 7-Feb Sat 8:00 AM Swap Meet Live 3:00 PM Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb-PG 6:30 PM McFarland, USA (FREE Advance Screening)-PG 9:00 PM Big Eyes PG-13 8-Feb Sun 1:00 PM Into the Woods-PG 6:30 PM American Sniper-R NAB, 619-437-5487, Bldg. 337 Thursday, February 5 12:00 p.m. Chicken Run (G) 5:00 p.m. Dracula Untold (PG-13) Friday, February 6 5:00 p.m. Horrible Bosses 2 (R) Saturday, February 7 2:00 p.m. The Best of Me (PG-13) 5:00 p.m. Ouija (PG-13) Tuesday, February 10 12:00 p.m. The Book of Life (PG) 5:00 p.m. Fury (R) WANTED TO BUY WANTED! CASH PAID! CLOTHING • CDS • DVDS LPS • BOOKS • COOL STUFF 2947 El Cajon Blvd 619-261-1744 3939 Iowa • North Park 619-444-CASH 1416 Garnet • Pacific Beach 858-272-7283 4879 Newport Ave. • Ocean Beach 619-222-5011 2/26 ACTIVE DUTY SPOUSES You are invited to join the Navy League of the United States. For Large Quanities Call Jeff 858-382-7396 Just $30 per year. Call (619) 230-0301 Thrift Trader Wild (R) Biography | Drama A chronicle of one woman’s 1,100-mile solo hike undertaken as a way to recover from a recent catastrophe. 115 min VIDEOVIEW by Jay Bobbin STARTING THIS WEEK: “NIGHTCRAWLER”: Jake Gyllenhaal rightfully has received much attention for his man-on-the-fringes performance as a free-lance videographer who provides graphic crime footage to an eager TV-news producer (Rene Russo, whose husband - Dan Gilroy - wrote and directed the film). Bill Paxton and Riz Ahmed also appear in the drama that makes salient, and unnerving, points about what makes much of the media tick these days. Several veterans of local Los Angeles newscasting turn up here, and Robert Elswit’s evocative cinematography also merits note. DVD extras: “making-of” documentary; audio commentary by Gilroy, producer Tony Gilroy and editor John Gilroy (they’re all brothers). *** (R: AS, P, GV) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) “ALEXANDER AND THE TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY”: It’s a bad day, indeed, for young Alexander (Ed Oxenbould) in this Disney offering based on Judith Viorst’s long-popular children’s book. Forever his family’s outcast, he makes a wish the night before his birthday that his relatives could get a taste of how he usually feels ... and guess what happens the next day? Steve Carell and Jennifer Garner play Alexander’s parents, with Dick Van Dyke (as himself) in a very funny appearance at a book reading that goes about as wrong as it possibly could. (PG: AS, P) (Also on Blu-ray) “OLIVE KITTERIDGE”: Academy Award winner Frances McDormand (“Fargo”) and Richard Jenkins (“The Visitor”) head the cast of this poignant, made-for-HBO adaptation of Elizabeth Strout’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about life in a small New England town rocked by tragedy and illicit affairs - as observed by the title character (McDormand). Bill Murray, John Gallagher Jr. (“The Newsroom”), Peter Mullan, Rosemarie DeWitt and Zoe Kazan also star for director Lisa Cholodenko (“The Kids Are All Right”) and teleplay writer Jane Anderson. *** (Not rated: AS, P) (Also on Blu-ray) FAMILY-VIEWING GUIDE KEY: AS, adult situations; N, nudity; P, profanity; V, violence; GV, particularly graphic violence. Camp Pendleton Theater (760) 725-9217 a t the Bases Naval Base Theater - NBSD, 619-556-5568, Bldg. 71 Thursday, February 5 5:50 p.m. Woman in Black 2 Angel of Death (PG-13) 8:20 p.m. Wild (R) Friday, February 6 5:50 p.m. American Sniper (R) 8:30 p.m. The Imitation Game (PG-13) Saturday, February 7 12:50 p.m. Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (PG) 2:50 p.m. The Imitation Game (PG-13) 5:50 p.m. Big Eyes (PG-13) 8:00 p.m. American Sniper (R) *Indicates last showing Q-Zone Theater- GRAPE STREET SPA & MASSAGE 919 W. Grape St., SD 619-255-8885 M ov i e s Miramar Bldg. 2242 (858) 577-4143 Thursday, February 12 12:00 p.m. Big Hero 6 (PG) anxiety, panic, mood disorders, fatigue, RENTALS Bob Hope Theater- Wednesday, February 11 5:00 p.m. The Judge (R) Do you suffer from: stress, tension, EAST SAN DIEGO/REDWOOD VILLAGE 2/5 – 2BR/1BA (can be 3BR using family rm) 1200sf, new kitchen, floors, paint & crpt, fncd yrd, lndry rm, plenty of prkg, select pets ok, SHARE HOUSE quiet area, $1700/mo + $1700 dep. 3416 RANCHITA – Share 3BR/3BA on 10 acres, Winlow St. Call for appt. 619-752-7083; 619mountain property, full house access, retired 742-4836 2/19 preferred, $500/mo. Call 619-672-0758 25 ___________________________________________________ 25/mo Discount $ 26 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 RENTALS HOUSES Sunday, February 8 12:50 p.m. Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (PG) 2:50 p.m. American Sniper (R) 5:50 p.m. The Imitation Game (PG-13) 8:10 p.m. Big Eyes (PG-13) Monday, February 9 5:50 p.m. Big Eyes (PG-13) 8:00 p.m. The Gambler (R) Tuesday, February 10 5:50 p.m. American Sniper (R) 8:30 p.m. Woman in Black 2 Angel of Death (PG-13) Wednesday, February 11 5:50 p.m. The Imitation Game (PG-13) 8:10 p.m. Into The Woods (PG) Thursday, February 12 5:50 p.m. Big Eyes (PG-13) 8:00 p.m. American Sniper (R) Thursday, February 5 6:30pm Into the Woods (PG) Friday, February 6 6:30pm ***FREE SCREENING*** Project Almanac (PG13) 9:00pm The Imitation Game (PG13) Saturday, February 7 1:00pm Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (PG) 4:00pm The Imitation Game (PG13) 6:30pm American Sniper (R) Sunday, February 8 1:00pm American Sniper (R) 4:15pm ***FREE MOVIE*** Big Hero 6 (PG) 7:00pm Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (PG) Lowry Theater – NASNI, 619-545-8479, Bldg. 650 Thursday, February 5 6:00 p.m. Woman in Black 2 Angel of Death (PG-13) 8:00 p.m. Exodus: Gods and Kings (PG-13) Friday, February 6 6:00 p.m. The Imitation Game (PG-13) 8:10 p.m. American Sniper (R) Saturday, February 7 1:00 p.m. Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (PG) 3:00 p.m. American Sniper (R) 6:00 p.m. Big Eyes (PG-13) 8:00 p.m. The Imitation Game (PG-13) Sunday, February 8 1:00 p.m. Into The Woods (PG) 3:20 p.m. The Imitation Game (PG-13) 6:00 p.m. American Sniper (R) 8:30 p.m. Big Eyes (PG-13) Monday, February 9 6:00 p.m. The Imitation Game (PG-13) 8:10 p.m. American Sniper (R) Tuesday, February 10 3:30 p.m. ** No Movie Scheduled ** 8:00 p.m. American Sniper (R) Wednesday, February 11 6:00 p.m. Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (PG) 8:00 p.m. Into The Woods (PG) Thursday, February 12 6:00 p.m. American Sniper (R) 8:30 p.m. Unbroken (PG-13) Around Town Events subject to change or cancellation. Confirm before you go! CULTURE & COCKTAILS: HAVANA NIGHTS. Thu, Feb. 5, 610pm. 21+. Free-$25. Enjoy Cuban sandwiches, coffee, chocolate cigars, desserts, a Signature Cocktail infused with Cuban spirits, and live music. San Diego Museum of Art, 1450 El Prado, San Diego, 92101 FRIDAY NIGHT LIBERTY. First Friday of every month. Fri, Feb. 6, 5-9pm. Free. At this free community art event hear live Brazilian jazz and samba in the Barracks 17 plaza in collaboration with a new show at La Onda Art Latino gallery. NTC at Liberty Station, 2640 Historic Decatur Road, San Diego, 92106. www.ntclibertystation.com FIRST FRIDAY: OCEANSIDE ART WALK. First Friday of Every Month. Fri, Feb. 6, 6-9pm. Dozens of artists and events including live performances, music, and food. Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside, 92054. (760) 435-3721. www.oceansideartwalk.org or www.oma-online.org Feb 6-7 Youth Fishing Derby Camp Out at Lake Poway. (858) 668-4772. www.ci.poway.ca.us. Feb 7 SD Surf vs. Inland Empire Invaders. HourGlass Arena, Miramar College. 7:30pm. www.surfbasketball.com. Feb 7 SD Sockers vs. Baltimore Blast. Valley View Casino Center. 7:05pm. www.valleyviewcasinocenter.com. Feb 7 SD Gulls vs. Long Beach Bombers. Escondido Iceplex. 7:30pm. www.sandiegogullshockey.com. LOVE YOUR WETLANDS DAY. Sat, Feb. 7, 1-4pm. Free. Location: Kendall-Frost Marsh Reserve. Join neighbors, friends, and wetland managers. Bring rubber boots and work gloves to get involved. Kendall-Frost Marsh Reserve, 2055 Pacific Beach Drive, Pacific Beach. missionbaymarshes.org or nrs@ucsd.edu or (858) 534-2077. BATIQUITOS LAGOON TRAIL MAINTENANCE. 9am-noon, Sat, Feb. 7. Free. Wear closed shoes, long pants, hat, sunblock, sunglasses, bring water. Help maintain trails, restore habitat, water plants, clear debris, perform other chores. Community service forms provided on request. Batiquitos Lagoon Nature Ctr, 7380 Gabbiano Ln, Carlsbad. www.batiquitosfoundation.org Tuna Harbor Dockside Market, Sat, Feb 7, 8am-1pm. Free. Focused on San Diego’s historic commercial fishing and aquaculture industries, local customers -- both the public and professional chefs -- can purchase fresh-caught seafood and aquafarmed seaweed direct from local fishermen. Tuna Harbor Dockside Market, 598 Harbor Lane, downtown San Diego. www.thdocksidemarket.com/ ENDANGERED BIRDS. Sat, Feb. 7, 9:30am-12:30pm. Free. Help manage invasive plants in Mission Bay to protect endangered birds. Meet at the San Diego Audubon CA Least Tern Nesting Site signs. Stony Point, Fiesta Island, Mission Bay. hirt@sandiegoaudubon.org or (858) 273-7800 x106. LAKE POWAY FREE YOUTH FISHING DERBY. Sat, Feb. 7, 6am- noon. Free. 20th Annual Youth Fishing Derby, with fishing, prizes, entertainment, storytelling contests, and a free barbeque lunch. Lake is freshly stocked with 3000 pounds of rainbow trout. Event participation open only to ages 15 and younger. Lake Poway Recreation Area, 14644 Lake Poway Road, Poway, 92064. (858) 668-4772. DOLLHOUSE-SIZE MINIATURES SHOW & SALE. Sat, Feb. 7, 10am-5pm, Sun, Feb. 8, 11am-4pm. $2-8. 41st-annual event with exhibits, sales, and classes for DIY crafters, artists, and collectors of dollhouse-size miniatures. Al Bahr Shrine Center, 5440 Kearny Mesa Road, San Diego, 92111. www.sdminiatureshow.com THE MARVEL EXPERIENCE. 10am. Sat, Feb. 7 thru Sun, Feb. 22. $27.50. The Marvel Experience covers over two acres and encompasses seven colossal domes. Swing with Spider-Man, smash with Hulk, and fly with Iron Man to face the forces of Hydra. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Boulevard, Del Mar, 92014 GLUTEN FREE & ALLERGEN-FREE EXPO. Sat, Feb. 7, 10am-4pm. $5-20. In addition to catering to the needs of the celiac community, the expo welcomes those with gluten sensitivities, auto-immune/inflammatory diseases, and autism. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Boulevard, Del Mar, 92014. /www.ireachcontent.com/news RUN, RABBIT, RUN! 9:30-11am, Sat, Feb. 7, Sun, Feb. 8, Wed, Feb. 11. Free. Experience nature’s infinite variety and chance animal sightings while exploring Mission Gorge’s canyon floor. Mission Trails Regional Park, One Father Junípero Serra Trail, San Carlos, 92119 CUPIDS AND CANINES PET ADOPTION EVENT. Sat, Feb 7, 11am-3pm. Free. Over 100 dogs and puppies from 17 local rescue groups will be at Grossmont Center looking for a loving home. Grossmont Center, 5500 Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesa, 91942. www. grossmontcenter.com/event/cupids-and-canines BAKED BEAR: GRAND OPENING. Sat, Feb. 7, noon-4pm. Free. Join us for festivities and free ice cream sandwiches. The Baked Bear La Costa, 7610 Via Campanile #142, Carlsbad, 92009 TEA FOR TWO: SIKES ADOBE HISTORIC FARMSTEAD. Sat, Feb. 7, 1 and 3pm. $12. Enjoy a steaming cup of hot tea and a plate of sweets and sandwiches, and take a tour of the farmhouse. Sikes Adobe Farmhouse, 12655 Sunset Drive, Escondido, 92025. anne@ sdrp.org. LEARN TEXAS HOLD ‘EM: RICHARD LEDERER. Sat, Feb. 7, 2 and 7pm. $25. Learn how to play the game from Richard Lederer. Tickets include the lesson, the game, wine, snacks, and prizes. 14040 Poniente Rd, Poway, CA 92064 MAKE GOOD: REFRESHED OPENING RECEPTION. Sat, Feb. 7, 3-9pm. Free. With Tacos La Mezcla Food Truck, jazz musician Erika Davies (5pm-6pm), music by DJ ALA, and a pop-up marketplace to celebrate the unveiling of the newly revamped store. Make Good, 2207 Fern Street, San Diego, 92104 Feb 8 Bridal Bazaar. San Diego Convention Center. www.bridal- To resist the frigidity of old age, one must combine the body, the mind and the heart. Inspiration Weekly From Colette And to keep these in parallel vigor one must exercise, study and love. - Alan Bleasdale bazaar.com. Feb 8 Harlem Globetrotters. Valley View Casino Center. www. valleyviewcasinocenter.com. BRIDAL BAZAAR. Sun, Feb. 8, 10am-4am. $6-12. The Bridal Bazaar features over 300 wedding professionals and a live bridal fashion show. San Diego Convention Center, 111 W. Harbor Drive, San Diego, 92101 SECOND SUNDAY GARDEN EXCHANGE. Sun, Feb. 8, 1-5pm. Free. Coastal Sage Gardening invites you to share garden stories and harvests. Botanical craft class for kids at 1pm. Building soil talk at 3pm. Music by John Tafolla and Dave Millard from 2pm-4pm. Mention the Reader and receive a free plant or package of seeds. Coastal Sage Gardening, 3685 Voltaire Street, San Diego, 92106 Upcoming BATIQUITOS LAGOON TRAIL MAINTENANCE. 9am-no Feb. 21. Free. Wear closed shoes, long pants, hat, sunblock, sunglasses, bring water. Help maintain trails, restore habitat, water plants, clear debris, perform other chores. Community service forms provided on request. Batiquitos Lagoon Nature Ctr, 7380 Gabbianno Ln, Carlsbad. www. batiquitosfoundation.org Tuna Harbor Dockside Market, Sat, Feb 7, 8am-1pm. Free. Focused on San Diego’s historic commercial fishing and aquaculture industries, local customers -- both the public and professional chefs -- can purchase fresh-caught seafood and aquafarmed seaweed direct from local fishermen. Tuna Harbor Dockside Market, 598 Harbor Lane, downtown San Diego. www.thdocksidemarket.com/ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 27 Think Fuller Ford Fuller Honda Come get your Valentine’s & President’s Day Deal The Switch is on to America’s most popular brand for four straight years! During The Month of February 2015 Mustangs Have Arrived...Get Yours TODAY!!! 2015 All NEW KIA sEDoNA’s 2015 Ford Fiesta 4 Dr. Sedan S MSRP...........................$14,690 Fuller Discount.............-$3,243 Sale Price....................$11,447 Switch Retail Customer Cash..... ...................................-$1,000 2015 Ford Military Appreciation Bonus Cash....................-$500 4743 $ NET SALES COST $ 9,947 *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 2/9/15. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #146218. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. 2015 Ford Escape 4 Dr. S FWD MSRP...........................$23,855 Fuller Discount.............-$3,408 Sale Price....................$20,447 Retail Customer Cash......-$500 Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash...............-$500 Switch Retail Customer Cash..... ...................................-$1,000 2015 Ford Military Appreciation Bonus Cash....................-$500 5908 $ OFF MSRP! Months* On all 2015 Accords, 2014 & % For201560Civics, 2015 Odysseys & 2015 Pilots *Must have Tier One or Two credit. See dealer for details. 2015 Honda CIVIC Sedan 4 Dr. LX $ 129 2014 KIA RIo sx Loaded with Premium Package W/L Ipod Cable C/NC/T Floor Mats. MSRP.........................$21,604 Fuller Discount............-$2,705 Sale Price..................$18,899 KMF Bonus Cash...........-$500 Military Rebate...............-$400 NET SALES COST $ 17,999 AUTOMATIC LEASE FOR Approval Tier 1-3 credit. Includes $400 Military Rebate. 1 at this price #360550. Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. 2014 KIA soUl NEW 2015 Honda Accord LX 4 Dr. Sedan 2014 Ford F-150 Supercrew 4x2 9738 $ 159 $ AUTOMATIC 2014 KIA optImA sxl NEW 2015 CR-V LX 2WD 4 Dr. Wagon 199 $ 560 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA www.fullerford.com $2995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 monthly payments of $199. $0 security deposit. Residual $15,730. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. 619-656-2600 SOUTHBAY’S SAVING ZONE 580 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA Loaded with Gray Nappa Leather Interior, P Roof, All Power MSRP.........................$36,100 Fuller Discount............-$6,101 NET SALES COST $ 29,999 LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH 800-507-1644 18,999 Approval Tier 1-3 credit. Includes $400 Military Rebate. 1 at this price #21317. Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. $2995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $159. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $13,997. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. 25,947 *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 2/9/15 NET SALES COST PLUS TAX PER MONTH OFF MSRP! *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 2/9/15. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #F75596. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. MSRP.........................$22,065 Fuller Discount............-$1,666 Sale Price..................$20,399 KMF Bonus Cash........-$1,000 Military Rebate...............-$400 $ LEASE FOR NET SALES COST $ *Must have Tier One or Two credit. See dealer for details. $2995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $129. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $12,060. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 2/9/15. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #B31204. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. 28 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 1.9 For 60 Months* On all 2014 CRV’s Loaded Auto-Dimming Mirror w/Homelink and Compass Illuminated, Scuff Plates Floor Mats, W/L AUTO, P/W, P/DL 17,947 MSRP...........................$35,685 Fuller Discount.............-$5,738 Sale Price....................$29,947 Retail Customer Cash......-$500 Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash............-$1,000 F-150 STX Bonus Customer Cash...............................-$500 Switch Retail Customer Cash..... ...................................-$1,000 2015 Ford Military Appreciation Bonus Cash.................-$1,000 0.9 % starting at $ 28,777 Fuller Kia is the South Bay’s Fastest Growing Kia Dealer PLUS TAX PER MONTH NET SALES COST $ 2015 Cadenza’s IN stoCK NoW!!! pRICEs stARtING At $ 25,995. 3p*p2,*+ OFF MSRP! Fuller Kia BUYING SERVICE www.fullerhonda.com *Excludes taxes, titles and fees. Not all buyers may qualify. Subject to limited availability. See dealer for complete details. All prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charge. Residency restrictions apply. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Dealer installed options are extra. Alarms can be purchased at additional cost or removed at customers option. Vehicles to retail customers only. No wholesale transactions allowed. See dealer for complete details. Prices & Terms expires 2/9/15 Approval Tier 1-3 credit. 1 at this price #351041. Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. *Warranty is a limited power train warranty. For details see retailer or go to kia.com 800-507-1644 540 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA www.fullerkia.com *Prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges, and any emission testing charges. “On approval of credit”. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 2/9/15
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