"Aoogah" Newsletter -------------------------------------------------------------------------The Newsletter of the Twin Cities Model A Ford Club February 2015 Twin Cities Model “A” Club Events 2015 February 17th- Board Meeting February 19th- Clinics To Be Determined March 10th- Board Meeting March 12th- Men's Clinic Wood Restoration by Doug Portlance (2 sessions) Ladies' Clinic to Be Determined April 14th- Board Meeting April 16thClub Men's Clinic Video-1st Annual Tour Prep-Club Library, 2nd 38 StepsLibrary Ladies' Clinic to Be Determined May 5th- Board Meeting May 7th- Clinics To Be Determined More events sponsored by other clubs and announcements by club members, inside this Newsletter Board Meetings – 7:30 PM, Hall A, Room 104 Restoration Clinic – 7:00 PM, Lunch Room Ladies Clinic – 7:00 PM, Staff Lounge Clinics held at: Brooklyn Center High School, 6500 Humboldt Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN Come in the South door and ask for directions to our Meetings / Clinics. * Noted as non-standard meeting date PAGE 2 "AOOGAH" Newsletter is published monthly for the members of the Twin Cities Model A Ford Club. Newsletter Editor: Mark Leder 952-926-3995 President: Doug Persing 763-434-4110 Past President: Phil Zins 763-546-6923 Vice President: John Roehl 763-427-9185 Senior Board Member: John Pole 651-768-8888 Junior Board Member: Thom Boche 651-770-2370 Treasurer: Doug Portlance 763-783-8920 Secretary: Mel Eder 651-770-3347 Clinic Coordinators: Dale Pomerleau ,Jerry Schilling & Barb Rousseau 763-421-4681, 763-434-7464 & 952-461-2725 Historian: Neal Anderson 952-473-5269 Librarian, Government Affairs: Ken Huber 763-377-1385 Videos: Jim Schleicher 952-448-2254 Tools: Steven Barnacle 952-473-2071 Era Fashion: Barb Rousseau 952-461-2725 Sunshine: Joan Frisk Electronic Information Coordinator: Dale Pomerleau 763-421-4681 Club Photographer: Neal Anderson 952-473-5269 Event Coordinator: Roger Welch 763-753-4810 Membership Director: Barb Rousseau 952-461-2725 Service Advisor: Vince Smith 763-786-4145 Become A Member Interested in joining our club? We would like you to join. Dues are only $25.00 per year. For all the information about what our club has to offer please call our membership director or see www.tcmafc.org Members are recommended to also have a membership in the Model A Ford Club of America or the Model A Restorer’s Club. Doug Persing TCMAFC President President’s Letter—January 2015 Doug Persing Dear Membership: Can you believe that it is already February? Before you know it Spring will be here and we will be getting our cars out for another fun summer. Anoka Technical College hosted our January Board meeting, prior to the meeting we had the pleasure of touring the automotive department. It is amazing the tools that they need to have in order to repair our modern cars. Thank you Roger Welch for setting up the tour. During the meeting we discussed the proposed budget for 2015 and will have the proposed budget available at the February board meeting. If you are interested in seeing the proposed budget feel free to attend the meeting or contact me and I send you a copy. As we move into this year we have some changes that you should be aware of as well as some open positions that we need to fill. Please contact me if you have any questions or are willing to volunteer for any of these positions. Newsletter Editor Jan Noyes has decided that she has too much going on in her life right now and needs to step down as the newsletter editor. We are currently working to transitioning to a new editor. Thank you Jan for your work on the newsletter! Clinic Coordinator Jerry Schilling has decided that he would like to be an attendee instead of a coordinator of the clinics. While Jerry has indicated he will stay on for a while until we can get a replacement he would like to transition this over as soon as possible. If you are interested in helping out at the clinics please contact myself or Jerry for more information. Events Coordinator I am pleased to announce that Tom Owens has agreed to take of the Calendar of Events position, please contact Tom with any events you have. 651-492-4398. Thank you Roger for the great work you have done! Tune-Up Clinic May will be here before we know it and we will want to tune up our cars. We are looking for someone that will host our annual May Tune-Up Clinic. Pancake Breakfast and Mystery Tour June is pancake breakfast/mystery tour and we are looking for both, a place to host the pancake breakfast as well as someone that would be willing to plan/lead the mystery tour. PAGE 3 MAFCA (Model A Ford Club of America) has once again provided us with free membership vouchers for those that have never been a member of the national club. If you meet this requirement and would like a free membership please contact me and I will get you signed up, hurry we have a limited number of vouchers. It seems to be all to common that we have to announce yet another passing of a long time club member. Pat Whittles the wife of Bill Whittles passed away on Jan 7, 2015. While I can’t say I have ever meet Pat I have heard nothing but great things about her. Bill and Pat have been members of our club since the early 90’s and I am proud to say that many members from our club were there to celebrate her life. Hang in there, Spring will be here soon! President Doug Persing MINUTES OF THE TCMAFC MEETING: The January 13, 2015 Board Meeting was called to order at 7:37 PM By President Doug Persing: The Board Meeting was held at the Anoka Technical College after a tour of the automotive training center by board and club members that started at 6:30 PM. Board Members: Present: President Doug Persing, Vice President John Roehl, Past President Phil Zins, Treasurer Doug Portlance, Senior Board Member John Pole, Junior Board Member Thom Boche, Secretary Mel Eder Members Present: Vince Smith, Jerry Schilling, Roger Welch, Wes Noyes, Rollie Radil, Linda Pole, Tom Owens, Peter Trence, Eldon Frisk, Joan Frisk, Gary Thorin, Mary Thorin, Dale Pomerleau, Dave Gerold LAST MONTH’S MINUTES: The December 9, 2014, Board Meeting Minutes were distributed at the meeting and appeared in the January’s “Aoogah News” letter and on the club’s web site. Doug Portlance made a motion to accept the minutes and Thom Boche seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted. TREASURER’S REPORT: Doug Portlance handed out hard copies of the Treasurer’s report reviewed the details. Phil Zins made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and John Roehl seconded the motion. The Treasurer’s report was accepted. Dale Pomerleau presented Doug with a check from the ration sticker sales. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: David & Catherine Kieger Mark & Faye Schilling Benjamin Rowan P.O. Box 212 109th. Ave. S n 8252 Military Road 10220 Tapestry Bend South St. Paul. Mn. 5507 Woodbury, Mn. 55129 Lake Elmo, Mn. 55042 1930 1930 Tudor 55B MEMBERSHIP GREETINGS: No representative present. PAGE 4 CLINICS: No report on the women’s clinic. Jerry Schilling said the January 15 restoration clinic will be on Model A rear ends presented by John Fenske. Jerry stated that he would like to be replaced as the clinic’s coordinator helper and he will stay on until someone takes his place. Government Affairs: Volunteer not present. LIBRARIAN: Volunteer not present. VIDEOS: Volunteer not present. HISTORIAN: Volunteer not present. TOOLS: Volunteer not present. FASHIONS: Volunteer not present. SUNSHINE LADY: Joan Frisk reported that a “Get Well” card was sent to Cindy Pomerleau and a sympathy card for Pat Whittles to Bill. NEWSLETTER: Jan Noyes has resigned the position and Mark Leder is thinking of doing it. OLD BUSINESS: Phil Zins gave an update on MAFCA and MARC clubs. Phil has submitted the club’s membership renewal to MAFCA and MARC. Also, that the current board members must be members of both clubs. John Pole asked Mike Costa what the club owed him for making the club banner. Mike suggested that $30 would be OK. John thought we should pay Mike for making the banner and club membership dues. John Pole made a motion that the club pays Mike Costa $30 for banner, $25 for club membership and $50 gift certificate to Tinucci’s restaurant. Phil Zins seconded the motion. Motion accepted Peter Trence had received an application from the Lady Slippers Model A Club for a free membership to anyone to MAFCA for anyone that has never been a member of MAFCA. This will be made available to the membership to anyone that meets the qualifications. NEW BUSINESS: Phil Zins reported that the librarian Ken Huber stated that some club books are missing after inventory check. The following books are missing – MACFA “How To Restore Your Model A” volumes 1 thru 9, MARC “Technically Speaking volume #12” and Rex Reheis book ”Restoring the A & B Carburetors the Rex Reheis Way.” Phil Zins made a motion for Huber to spend $350 to purchase the missing books. John Pole seconded the motion. During the discussion, Doug Persing mentioned that there is still $150 available in the Library budget. Phil Zins revised the motion to $200. John Pole seconded the revised motion. Motion accepted. The President Doug Persing went through the budget and received feedback for the 2015 budget. Treasurer Doug Portlance will put together the budget with and increase for the following budget items – Brooklyn Center H.S. from $1,000 to $1,100, Charities from $1,000 to $1,200 and Scholarships from $1,594 to $2,000. The proposed budget will be voted on at the February’s board meeting. Dave Gerold mention that we need a place to host the pancake breakfast and thought we should submit something in the next newsletter. He also mentioned that we will need a new Mystery Tour coordinator as well. Dave will compose an article for the newsletter and send it to Doug Persing. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None MEETING ADJOURNED: At 8:20 PM, Doug Portlance made a motion to adjourn. Thom Boche seconded motion. Motion accepted. RECORDING SECRETARY: Mel Eder PAGE 5 Fix Your Model A The Easy Way One of the benefits of belonging to this club is the collection of special Model A specific tools that the club has in it's collection that you can borrow to use on your projects. Steve Barnacle has the collection at his home and is co – coordinator with Neal Anderson. Steve and Neal are located in the Minnetonka / Wayzata area. The club now has over eighty tools in the collection. According to Steve some of the most frequently borrowed items are the various reamers used for bushing work, the rear spring spreader (an extremely important tool for safety when working with the rear spring) and the frame spreader. Two tools most of us do not own are a head puller and a distributor puller. If you are struggling with an old rusted on cylinder head or distributor removal these two items cannot be beat. Do not hesitate to borrow them from the club. You will save time and greatly narrow the chances of damaging your parts. The winter months seem busy for the collection since our cars are put to rest during the winter. In your membership roster is a listing of tools and the rules outlining the process of borrowing, liability and your responsibilities of caring for the tool. Some members of the club have donated their tools to this collection and the club also has purchased tools for the benefit of their members. If there is enough interest in a tool not in the current inventory the board does consider new purchases and does fund the upkeep of the collection. If you would like to donate a special purpose tool or if you have created a tool to benefit the membership please consider a donation. Here is Steve in his Model A garage setting a few brake rivets in the new brake linings he’s rebuilding. He is using a quality tool that easily lets him set a nice well formed head on the rivet. Catch up with Steve or Neal and find out just how they can help you complete your next project easier with the correct tools. PAGE 6 LADIES CLINIC Do you know who this is? It is Betty Crocker circa 1936. Do you have a treasured Betty Crocker cookbook at home or some other family cookbook you would like to share with others? Please bring them to the clinic. At the Feb. 19th Ladies Clinic I will share with you some Betty Crocker history as well as some other cookbook history. Bring any kind of cookbook you have to share. They can be church lady or community cookbooks, small pamphlets, hard bound or paperback books. I will bring some of my old stained up favorite cookbooks and would hope you will bring some of your cookbooks to share. There will be prize for the oldest Betty Crocker cookbook brought and a prize for the oldest cookbook. Future Clinics: March 12 We will make table favors/decorations for the Veterans Day Care Center. April 16 and May 7 subjects to be determined. Hope to see you at the February clinic, Barb Rousseau FOR SALE / WANTED: For Sale: Rebuilt engines in stock. Trade in or bring me yours to re-build. Precision machining and assembly work. Call Dave Gerold for options and pricing at (952) 290-3630 or see my website: ww.durableperformance.net For Sale: For better lights, horn and starting, Call John Roehl at (763-) 427-9185 and get yourself a 6 or 12v Model A Alternator For Sale: 1931 Cabroilet Slant window with new paint. $21,000 Contact Julie Rainey at julieicerainey@gmail.com Veterans Car Show / Ice Cream Social This year we had five Model A's on display at the Minneapolis Veteran's Home on Saturday August 23, 2014 from 2 to 4 P.M. The tour started at Broadway Pizza in north Minneapolis and followed the beautiful West River Road to the Vet's home. Mary and Gary Thorin led the tour with their 1930 Coupe followed by Jim Bateman and his 1931 Phaeton. We met up with Doug and Deb Pershing and their 1930 Town Sedan along the way. We were joined later by Dave and Steff Hetchler and their 1928 AA stake bed truck and David and Mary Granning driving their 1929 Town Sedan. The veterans were very interested in the cars and delicious ice cream was served. Thank you to Doug and Deb and Doug's dad for the efforts put forth for this show. submitted by Gary and Mary Thorin PagePAGE 7 7 Our Stop during the tour at the Veterens Home Pictured starting from the left are our members cars. Jim Bateman with a 1931 Phaeton, Doug and Deb Persing with a 1930 Town Sedan, tour leaders Gary and Mary Thorin with a 1930 Coupe, David and Mary Granning in a 1929 Town Sedan and Dave and Steff Hetchler in their 1928 AA Stake Truck. Whalen Stand Still Parade May 17th, 2015 Whalen Stand Still Parade May 17th, 2015 For those interested in joining in on the fun the weekend of Friday May 15th, Saturday 16th, & Sunday 17th for the annual Whalen Stand Still Parade festivities and would like to stay with the group, Russ Agrimson has made arrangements at a brand new place in Rushford at: Loken’s Rushford Inn 201 state Hwy 16 Rushford, Mn 55971 507-864-2222 rushfordinn@yahoo.com www.rushfordinn.com This is the busiest weekend in that area and rooms are hard to get so don’t delay! Most people get a room for Friday night May 15th and Saturday night the16th. The Inn would not block any rooms for Russ, they may give us a better rate, but you have to mention you are with the Russ Agrimson group / Model A Ford group. Any additional information needed? Russ or Lois can be reached at: 651-454-6521 (home) or cell 651-343-2312 Twin Cities Model A Ford Club Mark Leder 4420 West 25th. Street St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416 mleder22@aol.com
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