Chiropractor Selection Guide - Do NOT Hire a Chiropractor in

Chiropractor Selection
“Everything You MUST Know Before
You Choose a Chiropractor!”
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Have you really hurt your back? Or have you been in so much back pain before that you
couldn’t get out of bed, or off of your couch? If so, then you’ve probably been asked, “Why
don’t you see a chiropractor?” or even had the thought yourself.
A chiropractor is often the first thing people think of when they hear of back pain, because
these specialists are known for treating this type of pain primarily.
However, many people are still hesitant to see one. Questions about the validity of chiropractic
treatment, how safe it is, and just how effective it’s going to be, are all also very common
questions that people consider when they hear the word “chiropractor.” And many people
have been so misinformed that they refuse to see a chiropractor simply because they don’t
want anyone “playing with their spine.”
If those things sound like you, or you’ve just heard the same type of concerns before and want
to know the truth, this report is here to clear that up for you. And while there are still doubters,
that doesn’t change the fact that more and more people are starting to realize the benefits of
chiropractic treatment, and it’s quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of alternative
This is usually one of the first concerns that people have with chiropractic treatment and so,
we’ll get it out of the way. More and more studies are coming out all the time pointing towards
the safety of chiropractic as an alternative form of treatment that does not involve surgery or
medication, when it is performed by a certified and experienced professional chiropractor.
Even though a lot of study is still being done on the safety of chiropractic, the most famous was
also one of the first studies to ever be done. That report is the “Magna Report 1,” which was
published in 1993.
The study was a Canadian study and not only found that chiropractic treatment is in fact safe,
but that it’s much safer than conventional methods of treatment which often involve taking
prescriptions that come with side effects, or having invasive surgery performed. And if, after all,
you’re going to take a look at the safety of chiropractic, you must also look at the safety of the
This report not only showed that chiropractic was a very safe and effective form of treatment
for patients suffering from lower back pain, but that it should be the first treatment of choice
and that conventional methods should be avoided altogether. And, the report also claimed that
there was no evidence whatsoever to suggest that chiropractic treatment was in any way
unsafe for the patient.
The Magna Report also found that chiropractic was more cost-effective than traditional medical
care, and that the savings to the Canadian government would be huge if they incorporated
chiropractic treatment under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP.)
The Magna Report also studied patients and patient responses after they had received both
chiropractic and conventional treatment. The report found that not only were more patients
helped by chiropractic treatment, but that overall patient satisfaction was also dramatically
increased after chiropractic care. In short, patients were much happier when seeing a
chiropractor than when seeing a doctor!
One of the main concerns about chiropractic safety has been said to be the fact that
chiropractic treatment is directly related to the increased chances of the patient suffering from
a stroke. This isn’t actually fact at all. It was an opinion that was widely publicized and that for
some reason, quickly caught on and spread. Unfortunately, what wasn’t so widely publicized
was the research that concluded this was just not in fact true.
That study was medical research performed by Dr. Frank Silver and his team of medical
professionals. The study was then later published in Spine magazine in February 20082.
The study compared incidents of stroke in patients who suffered from their stroke after
receiving traditional treatment for their lower back pain with the number of incidents from
patients who suffered from stroke after receiving chiropractic treatment. It was Dr. Silver that
concluded that there was no increase in incidence in patients who sought chiropractic
treatment instead of traditional medicine.
It’s important to understand that a chiropractor is not a doctor. Although many chiropractors
go by the title of “Dr.” they are not technically doctors. They have more limitations than
medical doctors and do not require as much training.
Chiropractors are required to go through a one-year internship after graduating from
university, along with attending many different clinic courses. Some chiropractic students enter
a residency but it’s not required. Medical doctors on the other hand, go through much more
training with a one-year internship but three to eight years of residency following.
Doctors are also certified with the state and national medical board while chiropractors need to
be certified with the state Chiropractic Board and national chiropractic boards. Doctors must
also pass the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) while chiropractors must pass the
National Board Exam that’s given by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE.)
One of the biggest differences between medical doctors and chiropractors is that chiropractors
do not usually prescribe medication and in fact, in only very few states are they even allowed
to. Chiropractors tend to take a more natural approach and attempt alternative forms of
treatment that do not require medication or surgery in order to fix the problem. Generally, if
you see a chiropractor and you still need medication, your chiropractor will refer you on to your
family doctor.
In the past, chiropractors have also not been given access to hospitals or clinics, leaving them to
only practice in their private firms or offices. However, as the effectiveness and safety of
chiropractic is continually being proven, this is changing. Many hospitals and clinics are now
giving many chiropractors access to out-patient services, or even their own offices set up right
within the clinic.
What’s most important when it comes to the differences between a chiropractor and a medical
doctor is that one is not necessarily better than the other. It will depend on the type of
treatment you need, as well as your own personal preference, as to which one you see. A good
medical doctor though, will always refer you to a chiropractor if you ask or they think it’s need,
and a good chiropractor will not hesitate to do the same if you need a referral to a medical
If you’ve ever had a pain in your back, the chances are good that you’ve at least thought of
going to a chiropractor, even if you never seriously considered it. But, how do you really know
when it’s time to see a chiropractor? Or at least to start thinking about it?
Well in order to know when it might be time to start seeing a chiropractor, you need to first
know a few things about what kinds of conditions chiropractors treat. While it’s true that
chiropractors do most often treat sore backs, they also treat a lot of other conditions too. And if
you’re suffering from any of these conditions, it might also be time to start thinking about
seeing a chiropractor.
Neck Pain and Back Pain
These are probably the two most common types of pain that chiropractors treat. Neck pain can
include things like pinched nerves, whiplash, or chronic pain. Chiropractors may also make
adjustments in the bones of the neck to alleviate pressure on the spine, which can help with
back pain.
Treatments for back pain specifically can include manipulation of the spine. Sometimes things
like massage techniques are also used to help soothe and relax muscles in the back.
Carpal Tunnel
Those who think that they might be suffering from carpal tunnel, the condition that affects the
wrists due to repetitive movement, might find that they greatly benefit from seeing a
chiropractor. A chiropractor can perform manipulations of the spine, the arm, and the wrist to
help alleviate the pain. They also sometimes use ultrasound therapy for carpal tunnel and may
be able to suggest things that will help with the conditions such as wrist supports.
Sciatica is a condition in which the sciatica nerve, located in the buttocks, becomes placed
under great pressure. This causes mild to severe pain that travels down one or both legs. In
some cases, the pain is so great that the person suffering from it can’t even walk. A
chiropractor will perform many tests and procedures including ultrasound, manipulation, and
ice packs to treat the problem.
This is the most common kind of arthritis and many of the millions of people that suffer from it
find that chiropractors are a great help. The chiropractic treatment for osteoarthritis might
include manual therapy, joint manipulation, and manipulation of the spine and soft tissue. All of
these treatments will effectively try to reduce the amount of swelling in the joints and reducing
or eliminating the pain the patient feels.
It’s important to remember that chiropractors don’t necessarily treat specific conditions or
disorders, but that they treat people. This means that they will work with their patients to find
a way that they can live a pain-free life, with treatment that is not invasive and that does not
require any medication. Because each patient’s case and situation will be different, treatment
will be too and a good chiropractor will work with you to diagnose what the problem is, and
then decide with you what the best course of treatment is for you.
Many people also wonder about whether or not they can see a chiropractor while they’re
pregnant. Either they were seeing one before they became pregnant, or all the aches and pains
of pregnancy are simply becoming too much to take, and the new mum needs a natural form of
pain relief. It is completely safe to see a chiropractor during pregnancy and is actually one of
the best forms of treatment an expecting woman can use because it does not involve drugs or
anything that could be harmful to the baby.
There are also several chiropractors who specialize in the care of pregnant women and their
children, so you can be sure that you’re getting a chiropractor who is very trained and
experienced at what they’re doing. Children can also benefit from seeing a chiropractor when
they have a sport injury or when they are suffering from chronic pain. Chiropractic treatment is
often sought for children because it is a drug-free form of treatment.
If you’re thinking about whether or not you should see a chiropractor, you should first focus on
the area of pain. Chiropractors tend to deal with joint, spine, neck, and nerve pain. Their
treatment methods encompass a great deal of conditions and can help with many things. If you
are in pain and think a chiropractor could help, ask your doctor if they think so too. Like it was
said before, a good doctor won’t hesitate to refer you onto a good chiropractor if they think it
will help.
So your pain is in the right location, and that it’s a type of pain that you think a chiropractor
might treat. This has resulted in a decision that it’s probably a good idea for you to go see a
chiropractor. Unfortunately, the hard part isn’t over. Now you have to work to find a good one.
The right one for you. The good news is that there are lots of good chiropractors out there, but
the bad news is that there are some not-so-good ones too.
While many of these chiropractors aren’t “bad” – the just may not be the right specialists for
you. And when it comes to things like manipulating the spine, you want to make sure that you
not only see a chiropractor that’s trained and qualified, but that you feel comfortable with too.
Get Referrals
Just like when you’re looking for a doctor, the first thing you should do is get a referral from
someone. The best person to ask for a referral is your family doctor. They’ll not only be able to
refer you to a qualified professional, but they’ll also be able to go over your concerns with you
and help you decide whether or not you need a chiropractor.
Of course, your doctor isn’t the only person you can ask for a referral. Talk to your friends who
are seeing chiropractors or have seen one in the past. Ask them for not only the name of their
chiropractor, but what they liked about their chiropractor and if there were any concerns they
had about them.
There will be lots of things to do when you’re looking for a good chiropractor. But getting
referrals is going to be one of the most important ones. Talking to chiropractors will of course
give you lots of information, and doing extra research will as well. But, nothing will tell you
more about a chiropractor than talking to the patients of one.
Make a List of Names
The next thing you’ll need to do is make a list of names that you’ve gotten from the referrals.
The chances are that after talking to people, you’ll have the name of more than one
chiropractor. Write them down along with their contact information and office phone numbers
so you can contact each of them.
Along with the names that you collected when asking for referrals, also do some digging on
your own to get some more names. You can look in the phone book, but today it’s much better
to go online. Do a quick Google search for “chiropractors (your area)” and you’ll be given a long
list of chiropractors practicing near you. What’s even better about finding names this way is
that you’ll also be given their website address. Then you’ll be able to go onto their site, get a
feel for what their office is about, what their principles are, and how qualified they are. Many
chiropractors also have testimonials on their site, so you’ll be able to hear from past patients
this way too.
Set up a Phone Interview
After you have a list of chiropractor names that you think you’d like to try, give them each a
call. Chiropractors are very busy and have a list of patients scheduled to see them throughout
the day so, being able to just call and ask them in-depth questions about their practice, their
techniques, and other questions probably is not going to be possible at this time.
But, you also want to make sure that you speak to the actual chiropractor, and not the
receptionist. After all, it’s not the receptionist that’s an expert or that will be treating you so
you really want to talk to the chiropractor himself.
Set up a time, either with the chiropractor or through the front desk, to call back and have a
phone interview with the chiropractor. Explain that you’re in pain or need treatment and that
you’re looking for a chiropractor and are setting up interviews with several of them. In many
cases, you won’t even need to give this explanation.
Chiropractic offices are accustomed to this type of process because they’re aware that their
patients want to get the best care possible and because many patients often call in ahead of
time for a phone interview.
When it’s time to call back for this phone interview, have a list of questions that you want to
ask the different chiropractors. You’ll probably already have a few of your own, especially if
you’ve never seen a chiropractor before.
And you might gather a few other questions along the way while you’re talking to chiropractors
too that you can add to your list. To start you off, here are some questions everyone should ask
anyone chiropractor before becoming their patient:
What educational background do you have?
Of course, this is probably the most important question you should start off with. You need to
know that the chiropractor has a license to practice chiropractic. You will want evidence that
they have passed their National Board Exams and that they are licensed to practice within the
state. Both of these things can usually be found hung up in a frame somewhere on the wall of
the chiropractor’s office. You can check it out when you go for your first consultation visit but
be sure to ask first when you are on the phone.
Do you offer a free consultation?
Most reputable chiropractors will offer the first visit for free. This visit will include taking some
of your medical history, the chiropractor may want to take a quick look at the affected area,
and may make recommendations on this visit.
What tools and equipment do you use in your practice?
Although good chiropractors do need to operate somewhat on touch to identify and fix the
problem, they also won’t rely on touch alone. Good chiropractors will use every technology
available to them such as ultrasounds, x-rays, and para-spinal digital infrared imaging to assist
them in their work.
Do you take x-rays?
Even though you will ask about the technology the chiropractor uses, make sure that they take
x-rays, and that this is one of the first steps. X-rays are necessary to see if there’s a fracture or
other serious problem that needs to be looked after by a doctor.
What techniques do you use?
There should only be one answer: it depends on what the problem is. A good chiropractor will
utilize many different techniques to bring you the full treatment that’s available; and not just
focus on one technique.
How will treatment work and how will you measure progress?
Of course, it’s important to know what sort of treatment the chiropractor may recommend for
you. But also be sure to ask how they measure your progress after treatment has begun. You
need to know whether or not you’re getting better and if the treatment is helping and the
chiropractor especially needs to be able to determine that too.
What kind of preventative care do you recommend?
One of a chiropractor’s goals, other than treating the immediate problem, is to help you
prevent this type of injury, accident, or soreness from occurring again. Even for chronic
problems, such as arthritis, a chiropractor should be able to recommend things like exercises
that the patient can do on their own, in order to help the problem, or stop one from appearing.
Will you put your recommendations in writing?
Many times, people get advice from their chiropractors and are told about many different
things such as techniques, treatment, preventative measures, and costs. Make sure that the
chiropractor will put all recommendations, treatment procedures, and everything related to
them in writing. Not only will this allow you some time to go home and think about everything
the chiropractor told you, but it will also allow you to look back on your progress, your
treatment, etc.
Do you have references?
Get five references from each chiropractor. Choose three of these and call them, or ask the
chiropractor to pass your email address or phone number on to them. When you speak to
them, ask them what the chiropractor helped them with, how they helped, and what they liked
and disliked about the chiropractor.
How much will it cost?
Unfortunately, this is another aspect of a chiropractor’s visit that you need to think about. The
chiropractor won’t be able to give you an exact price for your treatment until they see you and
discuss it with you, but they should be able to give you some estimates about what treatment
options usually cost.
Do you have payment plans available?
Yes, chiropractors are in the business of making money, but they’re also in the big business of
helping people. Because of this, they should be willing to work with you and make it easier for
you to get treatment, rather than harder. Make sure they have a payment plan so that you can
get the treatment you need, when you need it.
After you’ve had your phone interviews with several different chiropractors, you’ll need to go
visit their offices. If you like the chiropractor that you’re speaking with on the phone, you can
set up an initial consultation at that time.
Or, you can take all your answers and names of the chiropractors and then go back later and set
up a consultation with the ones you liked best. There is no set number of office visits that you
should make. If you like all of them, visit all of them.
If you don’t like any of them, scratch them all off your list and start from scratch again. The
important thing is that you make sure you’re going to get a chiropractor that you like, and that
you research enough to know who that is.
The initial consultation will usually just serve as a meet n’ greet. This time will allow you to ask
the chiropractor about any questions that you might still have, and to speak to the chiropractor
in person yourself. It will also give you a chance to look around the office and see what kind of
feel you get from it.
During the first office visit, the chiropractor will get more specific about your actual problem.
The chiropractor will ask about what it is that’s bothering you, how long it’s been bothering
you, etc. They’ll want to know what your medical history is, and what your past history is, and
what conditions you’ve been suffering from lately.
They’ll not only want to know about the pain in your back or neck, but they’ll also want to
know if you’ve had any colds lately, hearing issues, ear infections, weight gain or loss, or other
major conditions.
The chiropractor will also want to know about your job. Many of the aches and pains that we
have are closely associated with the pressure we place on our bones and joints through the
repetitive tasks that we perform throughout the day.
Because of this, the chiropractor needs to know what you do at your job in order to
recommend preventative treatment and know how to treat the problem.
The first office consultation is full of questions as your chiropractor tries to fully understand
you, your medical history, your lifestyle, and of course, about the specific problem that brought
you there in the first place.
Be prepared to answer these questions, and be armed with some questions of your own. Ask
about any other questions you have that have not been cleared up, and where you go from
there, if you like the chiropractor.
Of course, you might go on several of these visits depending on how many chiropractors you
liked after your phone interview with them. Feel free to not make any further commitments at
the initial consultation, and simply thank the chiropractor for their time.
Let them know that you’re going to think about the treatment options they suggested, and that
you’ll contact them when you’re ready to proceed further.
One of the things that you should talk to your chiropractor about, and that you’ll probably be
concerned about, is the price. Chiropractors do come with a cost, but what you will pay will
depend on a few things.
Fortunately, there are some general price ranges that most chiropractors work within. These
figures will give you a good idea of what you can expect to pay, and whether or not a
chiropractor is charging far too much for their services.
For a general vertebrae adjustment in regards to general maintenance and preventative care,
an office visit typically costs about $65.
Chiropractic visits usually cost anywhere from $35 - $106 depending on where you live, how
many different areas of the spine or body are involved, and if further tests are required.
In the United States, chiropractic sessions are higher in the South, where they are typically
about $70 a session. They are lowest in the Midwest, where they typically cost about $60.
After the initial consultation, which should be free, the first visit to a chiropractor usually costs
anywhere from $61-$161. This is because the first visit will be quite long, will include a detailed
medical history, will probably require a complete and detailed assessment of the problem and
the surrounding area, as well as any other conditions or problems that could be complicating it.
If x-rays are required, chiropractors will charge extra for them. The cost of these usually ranges
from $44 to $159.
Chiropractic massage therapy sessions usually cost about $42.
 Speak with your doctor to ask if they think a chiropractor would help.
 Get names of chiropractors from your friends who have seen chiropractors for
treatment before.
 Make a list of the names you collected and then call them each to set up a phone
 During the phone interview, have your list of questions you want to ask handy so that
you can make sure you cover everything.
 After speaking to all the chiropractors on your list, compare notes and cross off any that
you don’t think are the chiropractor for you.
 Set up initial consultations with the chiropractors you think you might like.
 During the consultation, ask any questions and get a feel for the office.
 Set up a first visit with the chiropractor you like best.
 Begin treatment based on chiropractor’s recommendations.
 Have a timeline set in place so you can determine when treatment should start working,
and what to do if it hasn’t yet when that time comes.
 What educational background do you have?
 Do you offer a free consultation?
 What tools and equipment do you use in your practice?
 Do you take x-rays?
 What techniques do you use?
 How will treatment work and how will you measure progress?
 What kind of preventative care do you recommend?
 Will you put your recommendations in writing?
 Do you have references?
 How much will it cost?
 Do you have payment plans available?
Thank you again for downloading this free report. We hope that you found it useful and has
given you the confidence you need to find the perfect chiropractor for you.
If you would like help finding a top quality chiropractor please contact us at:
Recommended Chiropractor
Coming Soon...
If you know of one in the Los Angeles area to recommend please contact us today at:
We know that preparing to see a chiropractor can be quite stressful. While we hope this guide
has provided you with everything you need to give you the confidence in choosing the right
chiropractor for you we have also included a list of other helpful resources for you to check out.
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