Family, Lenten Mission and Community

Father Dillon
Council #13989
Edgewater, FL
Vol. 5, Issue 8
February, 2015
Family, Lenten Mission and Community
Grand Knights Corner
This February we have events that focus on Family
and Loved Ones. There are events that focus on couples,
sweethearts and our church family. On Feb. 7th Sacred
Heart is hosting a Married Couples Mass & Dinner. All
married couples in Sacred Heart and St Gerards are invited
to attend the Saturday 4PM Mass at Sacred Heart for a
special blessing with a dinner to follow in the Social Hall.
The Kof C Fr. Downey Council and CCW are assisting the
parish in hosting this event. I would hope that many of the
married couples in our council will attend.
Brothers, don’t forget about your spouses,
girlfriends, mothers and daughters on Feb. 14-St.
Valentine’s Day. Though historically this was a holiday for
“sweethearts,” over the years this has extended into our
close family members and friends. Even the smallest
gestures are happily received by our loved ones or love
We begin the Lenten Season on Ash Wednesday,
Feb. 18th. Make plans to get your ashes as a sign of your
faith. This is especially important as we begin our
Awakening Faith program inviting fallen away Catholics and
other friends looking for a church.
As the month moves along we have a great mission
given by a lay couple known as The Divine Mercy Mother of
Mercy Messengers (MOMM). This is to occur over 3 days,
Feb 24th, 25th, and 26th at 7 PM at Sacred Heart Church.
Please plan to attend this great mission and invite others to
attend. This is a great event to invite others to as part of
Awakening Faith. You can check out their website for more
information, There will also be
an event for the Sacred Heart School by MOMM on Wed.
morning, Feb.24th. We could use some Knights to help with
parking. Please email me, call me or let me know at the
next meeting on Feb. 10th if you can help during one or all
of the above evenings.
February is Black History Month. Make an effort to
share and learn some of the Black History in our area. St.
Rita’s in New Smyrna Beach is a museum that was the old
Catholic Church that the Redemptorist Fathers utilized to
preach and minister to the needs of the community. This
museum has a lot of information on the Black History of our
community. In a time that so many are trying to divide us
along lines of differences, let us join as Catholics and
Christians to show our community that we are one human
We have many brother Knights and their family
members that are in need of our prayers. Every meeting
we add names of those in need of our prayers. This
weekend, Brother Romeo Urbinelli informed me that he will
be going in for back surgery around Feb. 12th. Please pray
for him, the needs of our sick and distressed brethren and
their families. If you need your name or a family member
added to our prayer list and cannot make the meeting,
send an email to me. I will make sure the names get
added. The email address is,
I am currently in the process of updating records
for the Supreme Knight and State Council. At some time
in the future you will be getting a packet at a meeting or
in the mail. Please make every effort to give me as
much information info as you can. I will explain in a
cover letter the importance of this information.
For a short month there is a lot going on. If you
cannot attend or participate in any of the above events
please take some personal time to share with God.
Vivat Jesus,
Terry Cassidy, GK
The Volconizers were at it again. January 24 th ,
in the rain, some of our intrepid brothers were
cleaning up Volco Rd. Thanks to Bill Albright,
Gerry Racicot, Terry Cassidy, John Gawdun, Pete
Hirst and visitor Hilton, Bill’s friend.
-February 4th, 2015- 4th degree assembly at St Paul’s
Basilica, Daytona. Dinner is served at 1800.
-February 5, 2015-St Francis of Assisi Church, Council #
11573, Apopka, Fl, will be hosting a 2nd Degree
Exemplification. If anyone is interested, let’s carpool
there. See Pete.
-February 10th, 2015-Monthly meeting- Officers meeting
at 1800, general meeting at 1900, St Gerards
page 2
2014 Christmas Party
Council News
Last month, if Joe Knight was able to
attend the January meeting, he would
have been 20 bucks richer, and his
brother Moe Knight hit the 50/50. Who
are these people? They shall remain
Reminders to Members
Continue to pray for Brothers, Clyde
Kuhns, Ed Safford, Frank Koehler, Andy
Chonko, Walter Pont , John Henninger,
Romeo Urbinnelli and any of our
brothers and their families, who are
experiencing hardships, of any kind. If
your name needs to be on our prayer list,
call any Brother Knight and it will get on.
January 600 Club
Happy Birthday to:
Frank Koehler
Gerald Racicot
Walt Petrucci
I thought this was Spirit night. Here’s a couple of
Brothers checking out the spirits at the Christmas
St. Valentine
A priest in Rome and a physician, he was beheaded there
under Claudius the Goth on Feb. 14 and buried on the
Flaminian Way, where a basilica was erected in 350 A.D. On
the same day in Roman martyrology is celebrated another
Valentine who was bishop of Interamna about 60 miles from
Rome and who was scourged, imprisoned, and then
beheaded there by order of Placidus, prefect of Interamna.
Many scholars believe that the two are the same, and it is
suggested that the bishop of Interamna had been a Roman
priest who became bishop and was sentenced there and
brought to Rome for his execution. The custom of sending
Valentines on Feb. 14th stems from a medieval belief that
birds began to pair on that day.
Guys, don’t forget you-know- who on
February 14th.
There was a Scottish tradesman, a painter called Jack, who
was very interested in making a dollar where he could. So,
he often would thin down his paint to make it go a little
further. As it happened, he got away with this for some
time. Eventually the Methodist Church decided to do a big
restoration job on one of their biggest churches. Jack put in
a painting bid and because his price was so competitive, he
got the job. And so he set out, with a good will, erecting
the scaffolding and buying the paint and…yes, I am sorry to
say, thinning it down with turpentine. Well, Jack was up on
the scaffolding, painting away, the job nearly done, when
suddenly there was a horrendous clap of thunder. The sky
opened and the rain poured down, washing the paint from
all over the church and knocking Jack right off the scaffold
and landing on the lawn. Now, Jack was no fool. He knew
this was a judgment from the almighty, so he fell on his
knees and cried, ‘Oh, God! Forgive me! What should I do?’
And from the thunder, a mighty voice spoke, ‘Repaint you
thinner, and go and thin no more!’