NEW JERSEY’S OLDEST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ST. JOSEPH 1765 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT 250 years of faith-filled commitment distinguishes St. Joseph Parish, a Roman Catholic community located in West Milford Township in rural northern New Jersey. Lay people founded this community in 1765 and maintained it in the consistent practice of the Roman Catholic faith, thus earning it the honor of being the State’s oldest parish. Today’s parishioners, responding to the needs of the changing West Milford area, aim to develop further the lay involvement that historically characterizes St Joseph’s They accomplish this by expressing their PASTORAL STAFF and PARISH OFFICE Father Steven Shadwell ................................................................................................................. Pastor Harry White, Ben Lo Paro........................................................................................................... Deacons Sister Janet Brisky, P.B.V.M. ......................................................................................... Pastoral Associate Sister Geraldine Corio, P.B.V.M. ..................................................................... Director of Faith Formation Justine Smith ..................................................................................... Faith Formation\Baptism Assistant Pat Mattera ............................................................................... Adolescent Faith Formation Coordinator Mary Beth Ferriola....................................................................................................... Business Manager Mary O’Neill .................................................................................................................. Parish Secretary Christine Alessio.................................................................................... Director of Volunteer Ministries Camille Kluge .................................................................................................................. Youth Director Jacqueline M. Reilly .......................................................................................................... Music Director Bob Sautter......................................................................................... Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Kevin Kennedy and Diane Parisi ...................................................................................... Parish Trustees SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism arrangements are required to be made at least 2 MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Saturday ...... 9:00 am - Church Saturday evening ................... 5:00 pm - Church Sunday morning ... 7:45, 9:00 am, 12:00 Noon - Church ............... and 10:30 am - Parish Center months in advance by contacting Justine Smith at the Parish Office at 973-697-6100. Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month. Families are asked to attend the 12 Noon Mass, the baptism ceremony will take place immediately following. If a Baptism Preparation class is required, the class will be assigned at HOLY DAYS Please consult the Bulletin NEW PARISHIONERS Please call the Parish Office to register, to learn PARISH OFFICE ....................... 973-697-6100 the time the baptism is scheduled. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday at 3:30 pm until 4:30 pm; or, anytime anyone wishes to receive the Sacrament, please call the Parish Office to set an appointment with a priest. FAX........................................... 973-697-3716 MINISTRY TO THE SICK FAITH FORMATION… .................. 973-208-0636 anointed should call the Parish Office. If you or anyone CONVENT .......................................973-697-2846 E-MAIL .......................... Anyone who is seriously ill or aged and wishes to be you know is in the hospital, please call the Office. WEBSITE ......................... BUSINESS HOURS MARRIAGE PREPARATION PROGRAM Monday thru Thursday ................... 9 AM - 5 PM one year before the wedding. All couples to be married Friday .......................................... 9 AM - 12 PM Saturday and Sunday .............................. Closed 454 G E R M A N T O W N R O A D Arrangements should begin by setting a date with a priest at St. Joseph’s must participate in a Marriage Preparation Program. W E S T M I L F O R D NJ 07480 ST. JOSEPH CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 12:00 PM Youth Mass - CH 2:00 PM Cub Scout Blue and Gold Dinner - PC MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 9:00 AM Moms Club International - KH 7:00 PM Catholicism - KH TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 6:30 PM Boys CYO Basketball - PC 7:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous - KH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 - Ash Wednesday 7:30 PM Boy Scouts - PC THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 9:30 AM Moms and Tots - KH 6:30 PM Boys CYO Basketball - PC FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 9:00 AM Stations of the Cross Following Mass - CH 9:30 AM Kids Playgroup - KH Midnight Alcoholics Anonymous - KH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 9:30 AM Lenten Workshop Grades 4-6 - CR 6:15 PM Casino Night - PC 10:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous - KH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 10:30 AM Year 1 Mass\Sponsor Session - PC 2:00 PM CYO Boys Basketball - PC 6:30 PM Decision Point - NR LECTORS FOR THE WEEKEND OF FEB 21\22 C. Alessio, J. Gaffney, B. Organ, J. P. PC: Brian EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE WEEKEND OF FEB 21\22 SATURDAY 5:00 PM: K. Burns, A. Egan, M. L. Aungst, C. Alessio SUNDAY 7:45 AM: A. M. Cooney, C. Carbone, A. Moralishvili 9:00 AM: C. Gerri, J. & L. Endres, G. Stagg, G. Frey 10:30 AM: M. & S. McKenzie, S. Luke, P. Green 12:00 PM: D. Petronchak, A. Cangelosi, J. Vigna, S. Alessio, A. Cazorla, S. Batory MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 9:00 AM +Fr. Robert Greco, O. Carrm TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 – Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 9:00 AM Thanksgiving For\ Lenny Aupperlee by Pat and Pete Gillen, Jr. Intention\Juan Cazorla by Triscia and Peter WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 – Ash Wednesday 6:30 AM Intention\People of the Parish 9:00 AM +Herbert Eisenhardt by Batory Family 7:30 PM Intention\Sick of the Parish THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 9:00 AM Intention\People of the Parish FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 9:00 AM Intention\Sick of the Parish SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21 – St. Peter Damian, bishop, doctor of church 9:00 AM Intention\Military Service Men and Women 5:00 PM Intention\Anna Marie Demund by Clare Gensheimer SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 – 1st Sunday of Lent 7:45 AM +Andrew Yacykewych by Charles and Joan Donnelly 9:00 AM +Luisa Ziehl De Rangel by Neiderstrasser Family +Charles Amoruso by Vicki and Lou Barrella +Judith Rust - Fetchik by Vicki and Lou Barrella 10:30 AM +Ruth Tolomeo by Dellapi Family 12:00 PM +Robert Muniz by Family +Ita Inglis by Donna Petronchak Budget: OFFERING AT ST. JOSEPH’S $6,340.00 Weekend Feb. 7\8 Difference: $6,019.00 - $ 321.00 ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH, SCHEDULE FOR DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES Masses with the distribution of ashes: 6:30am, 9:00am and 7:30pm. Distribution of ashes only: 12:00 and 4:00pm. The parish office will be closed on Monday, 2/16/15 in observance of Presidents’ Day. SMALL FAITH COMMUNITY Experience a Small Faith Community. We meet in the Upper Room on Tuesday evening for an hour to reflect on the following Sunday’s Scripture from 7:30 - 8:30 pm. Next Week: 1st Sunday of Lent 1st Reading: Genesis 9:8-15 2nd Reading: 1 Peter 3:18-22 Gospel: Mark 1:12-15 SCRIPTURE FOCUS: On this first Sunday of Lent, we hear Mark’s version of Jesus being tempted in the desert. Jesus begins with this confrontation of evil. The rest of his life and work will continue this great battle: casting out demons, healing, struggling for the truth against corrupt leaders and even the blindness of his own disciples. Through it all, he proclaims the good news that the time of God’s reign is now. God’s truth and love is stronger than distortion and injustice. Believe the good news and it can change you. LIFE FOUCS: Describe a time when you were challenged to confront a weakness in your life. CAN YOU HELP? Info: Sr. Janet 973-697-2846 Please leave donations in Sr. Janet’s garage. Thank you! If it’s not in this box, don’t leave it in Sister’s garage. She can’t get her car in! Needed: There is an urgent need for soap, body wash, powder, deodorant and razor blades. Also need toothpaste, shampoo, Fixodent (original), and large umbrellas. If you have any current magazines: inspirational, sports, hobbies, National Geographic. Black out your name and address from the label and leave in Sister’s garage. Needed: A client at Straight and Narrow needs a trumpet to be able to play in the choir. Call Sr. Janet if you can help. Needed: Shower Seat. Needed: Commode. Needed: Newspaper puzzles with the answers stapled to the puzzles. Please put in puzzle box in Sr. Janet’s garage. Please Call Sr. Janet: If you can do a food pantry delivery once a month on a Saturday morning to an apt. just north of Island Spirits on Rt. 23 in Oak Ridge. BINGO AT MILFORD MANOR: Saturday, March 7 2:30 – 3:30pm Come 10 minutes early and stay 10 minutes late to help. Bingo prizes are needed. Sister always needs help. If you need a signature, Sr. Janet will have a pen after bingo. Ash Wednesday is February 18th. Call Sr. Janet if you can bring ashes to the homebound. …………………………………………………………………… MORNING SESSION OF CATHOLICISM: Beginning on Monday, February 23rd and running until Monday, March 30th. Session will be in the Nazareth Room (lower level of the convent) from 9:30 – 10:30am. Space limited to 20 people. Call Sr. Janet if you are interested. Time for Vocations… Please pray for: Deacon Giovanni Rodriguez and Seminarians Henry Pinto and Luke Agnew A Time To Serve In The Military… Please pray for: Nicholas Costello, Lt. Jamie Curcio, Jennifer Smolinski, Tom Oroho, Brian Hartigan, Mario Lanza, Kevin Canova, Alex Richnavsky, Jason Benedict, Ryan Benedict, Jonathan Greenwald, Erik Filipek, Jonathan Gabay, Matthew Lattanzi and Tara Lee Wrocklage A Time To Heal… Please pray for: Bob Weiss, John Paicer, Scott Frew, Sal Domenico, Marilyn Whritenour, Gregory Whritenour, Martha Colombo, Denise Thiel, Emily Hennessy Green, Jim Casey, Walter Roberts, Pat Burd, Peg Misner, Tom Pavlin, Kathy R., Rosemarie Wirth, Colleen Henaghen and Aiden Patrick and Chase Michael Martinez A Time To Die… Please pray for: Margaret Mathews Please Note: Only family members may request to have someone included in prayers for the sick. Calling all Catholic Gentlemen to become a Knight of Columbus this month! 2 men of the Parish are receiving the honor of the First Degree. If you want to join the Knights of Columbus, or just have questions contact Grand Knight Mike Heller at 973-728-6228 or February 16 - Presidents Day - John F Kennedy was a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus February 18 - Ash Wed February 21 - Casino Night February 26 - Exemplification of the 1st Degree - K of C ID Required. During John F Kennedy’s inaugural address on Jan. 20, 1961, President Kennedy made the statement: “ . . . the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” Later in the address, he went on to say, “. . . my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.” ………………………………………………………………….. CATHOLICISM: Fr. Robert Barron’s program of “Catholicism” is going to be presented again. It will begin on Monday, February 16th and run until April 20th at 7:00pm in Koch Hall. There are still seats open. This is an excellent way to improve your Lenten experience and to enjoy a wonderful presentation while increasing your knowledge about the faith. INTENTIONAL DISCIPLESHIP: KNOWING AND FOLLOWING JESUS Are you interested in discussing and deepening your faith? On the Wednesday evenings during Lent you are invited to come and explore what it means to intentionally choose to follow Jesus. We’ll be gathering in the parish center from 7 – 8:30 pm. Sign-up takes place after the Masses this weekend, February 14 and 15. A small booklet, containing the scriptures and format used for the four sessions, will be available for those who sign-up. …………………………………………………………………… During Lent a great family project of giving and making a difference in your community would be donating time or food to the Food Pantry. The pantry needs: juice, coffee, tea, oatmeal, jelly, peanut butter, vegetables, macaroni and cheese. Baby diapers sizes 2, 4, 5, 6. For Easter we would like to give Easter baskets to the 50 children of the families that come to the pantry. We are collecting small to medium size Easter baskets, candy and small toys. We are collecting the following for Easter dinner: hams, vegetables and salad dressings. Your help would be greatly appreciated! …………………………………………………………………… 15TH ANNUAL CASINO NIGHT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2015 Doors open at 6:15pm. Tickets: $45.00 ($40.00 for a group of 6 or more) which includes a light buffet, dessert, beer, wine, soda and $100.00 in casino chips. Games from 7:00 – 10:00pm. If you have any questions or would like to help the committee or donate a prize please call Chris Alessio @ 973-697-6100 or email Tickets are available at the parish office or to reserve tickets please call the parish office during regular business hours. 973 697-6100. …………………………………………………………………… GIFT CARD NEWS: If you haven’t tried the program yet, why not give it a try? Everyone shops at the grocery store and you’re helping St. Joseph Church without having to buy wrapping paper or candy bars! Although I do enjoy a good candy bar now and again! …………………………………………………………………… ST. JOSEPH STATUE RAFFLE: The St. Joseph statue that is being raffled off will be on display in the church beginning this weekend. You may make a donation (no set amount) but not necessary; fill out the card with your name and phone number and drop in the basket. The drawing is March 8th at the 12:00pm Mass. MEMORIES OF OUR PARISH When Rich and I moved to West Milford 22 years ago, we felt so blessed to find St. Joseph Church. The Catholic Church has been a big part of each of our lives growing up. So after we started attending St. Joe’s we were excited to find a church we knew would become part of our married life together. Rich and I immediately felt the warmth and hospitality that is still evident at St. Joseph Church. And then… we filled out the time and talent survey. The rest is history! Sr. Janet did not waste any time. I began playing guitar and singing at the 10:30 am Mass. It was so much fun (and still is)! Since our early time at St. Joes, Rich and I met so many great people. It was so difficult to see the Friars leave St. Joe’s. We had never met such happy, fun loving priests! However, their leaving opened a new door to other fine priests that we have been blessed to call pastor. Working at St. Joes has given me the opportunity to become very good friends with both Sr. Janet and Sr. Geraldine. They have been my mentors and have taught me much. They have also become part of the Kluge family. St. Joe’s has been a big part of my children’s life as well. I can still remember Fr. Bernie holding each of them up high on their baptismal day. They have come to many youth functions and staff meetings when they were babies. They were blessed to attend St. Joseph School even if it was only for a short time. All throughout their lives they have felt welcome at St. Joe’s. Sr. Janet was always ready to entertain them when they were little and engage them in service as they grew up. It is a blessing to see them take part in the life of their parish. It has been a privilege for me to work with the high school youth at St. Joseph. I have learned much from parents of the teens I have been blessed to cross paths with. Over the years I have watched struggles and triumphs. I have witnessed teen hearts turn to the Lord. I have worked with many teens that have made a difference in lives of other teens through their work as peer ministers. And that has been a blessing. St. Joseph Church is truly my home away from home. It is where my family is nourished in the faith. It is where we truly meet Jesus. Camille Kluge Saint Joseph Church 250th Jubilee Gala DATE AND TIME CHANGE Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Date and Time of the Jubilee Gala is changed to: Sunday, March 15, 2015 Cocktail Hour Begins 4:00 Cost reduced to $65.00 per person Casa Bianca - 5266 Berkshire Valley Rd. - Oak Ridge, New Jersey Please use the response cards sent with the original invitation If you have already responded, you will be contacted to ensure that you are still able to attend. Questions? Please call the Rectory at 973-697-6100. St. Paul opens our Second Reading using familiar terms: “Brothers and Sisters.” (1 Corinthians 10). These words are familiar because we hear them all the time and because we refer to each other in the liturgy as Brothers and Sisters (Brethren). However, they are more so familiar terms because God sees His Church as his family. God is the head of the household and we are his children; we are, therefore, truly brothers and sisters. This makes the parish home our home. Too often, though, the Church is seen as a separate entity to which I belong by choice: sort of a club I have joined. It is no wonder then that our relationship to God and to our faith can only be expressed in terms of obligations (after all, we are truly believers) for it never rises to the level of filial love. We call God ‘Our Father’ but these words hold no meaning for us for, in truth, we consider God simply as God (creator, savior, all powerful, the one who must be obeyed, etc.); we do not enter into a love relationship but remain on the Creator/Creature level only. Not so Saint Paul! When Paul writes to those he has perhaps never met using family terms it is because he truly understands them to be a part of him, a part of his family. It is no wonder again that he spends all his self for these people, his family. There is then a difference between being a believer, or having a devotion to God, and being a child of God. Paul continues: “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” In other words, Paul is aware that at all times he is a member of the family of God bearing that identity at all times and in every place and situation. Paul was no Sunday only Catholic. Sunday only Catholicism is as if one were to consider themselves a member of their earthly family only when they were physically present at the homestead, physically at home – a ridiculous proposition indeed. Brothers and Sisters we must avoid this false dichotomy by which I consider my one hour or less at Church on Sunday Morning as fulfilling the requirements to be a good Catholic and the rest of the 7 days as freedom to do as I please. No! You are always and everywhere God’s children, bearing God’s last name as it were, therefore: “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” “Avoid giving offense, whether to the Jews or Greeks or the church of God,” is Paul’s second exhortation in today’s *pericope from 1 Corinthians. We, of course, notice immediately the distinction Paul makes between the whole world (Jews and Greeks) and the family unit (church of God). Having exhorted us to keep ever present to our consciousness our child of God status [whatever you do…] Paul now reminds us that bad behavior besmirches our family if front of others and hurts our brothers and sisters. Every parent reminds their child at some point that bad behavior outside the family unit reflects negatively on the family and brings trouble to the home. This, too, hinges on the simple fact that one is always and everywhere a member of the family. However, Paul has more in mind than simply building up of the family unit by mutual care and consideration; he seeks the conversion of others thru the living example [proclamation] we are of God desire to call all his creation back home to himself: “Avoid giving offense, whether to the Jews or Greeks or the church of God, just as I try to please everyone in every way, not seeking my own benefit but that of the many, that they may be saved.” Every authority knows that good example works far better than simple commands. It is true that a duly constituted authority [say a mom or dad] can oblige by virtue of their office alone; but, coupled with the authority’s own good example, their authority goes a lot further. Thus we come to Saint Paul’s final exhortation for the family of God today: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” If we are to call all the members of the family to discipleship of Jesus it would be well that we ourselves be sincere disciples first. Yes, Paul speaks in familiar terms because he is speaking to family members: brothers and sisters of the same God and Father of all. However, it happens too often that we forget our identity as children of God and consequently of the familiar bond that unites us and binds us as a family. It is easy to see how this leads so many to feel free to make use of the parish on an as needed basis while never contributing to the family in any way. It seems every family has the givers and the takers. In God’s family let us the givers remind the takers of all that they are missing out on and hopefully win them over; or, at least hold them accountable to a larger family unit. *pericope – an extract from a text, especially a passage from the Bible.
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