message - Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce

– Month –
Mark your calendar now for these great networking/
informative meetings & events coming in February
Business After Hours – NEW DAY – NEW TIMES!
Tuesday, February 3rd
5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
Sponsor: Bruce Baker RE/MAX Infinity
Host: Blackwater Bistro, 5147 Elmira Street,
Historic Downtown Milton
n Free to all members & guests
n Refreshments, door prizes, cash drawing
n Bring your business cards & announcements
Small Business Networking Lunch
Friday, February 13th
12:00 Noon @ Nichols Seafood Restaurant
3966 Avalon Boulevard
Cost: $10 at the Door
RSVP Required: 623-2339
Sponsor: Firehouse Subs
E.D.G.E. (Economic Development, Growth & Education)
Wednesday, February 18th
11:30 a.m. @ Benny Russell Center
5330 Berryhill Road
Cost: $10 at the door
RSVP Required: 623-2339 or
Guest Presenter: Men In Action Outreach, Inc.
Military Community Update
Wednesday, February 25th
7:30 a.m. @ The Atrium
Naval Air Station Whiting Field
RSVP Required for Gate Access
Sponsored By: Okaloosa Gas District
Guest Speaker: Capt. Todd Bahlau, Commanding
Officer, NASWF
A.M. Network Breakfast
Friday, February 27th
7:30 a.m. @ Oops Alley Family Entertainment Center
3721 Highway 90, Pace
Cost: $10 at the door
RSVP Required: 623-2339 or
Sponsor: Sacred Heart Health System
It is official now,
January 2015 is in
the record books,
no doubt this
year will be gone
before we know
it. As we move
into February stay
focused on the
goals you have set
for the year. Begin
implementing the
things you need to
in order for 2015 to
R H E T T F E N D L E Y | PR E S I D E N T
be your best ever.
As a member of The Santa Rosa County Chamber of
Commerce you have extensive resources available
and a great staff eager to help. As well as numerous
Volunteers, Committee Members and Ambassadors,
who understand the meaning of “service above self”.
Please let us know what you need so we can focus in
on what may benefit you best.
I would like to extend my appreciation to all
of those who were committed to making the 78th
Annual Leadership Awards and Installation Banquet
a success. Past-President Tracy Allen did a great
job as Chairman and Emcee of this event, thank you
Tracy. To our host for the evening, Captain Todd
Bahlau Commanding Officer of NAS Whiting Field, a
big Thank You. It is great to have such a communityminded partnership as we do with NAS Whiting Field.
I want to take a moment and congratulate NAS
Whiting Field for their receiving the 2014 Installation
Excellence Award, great job.
The Awards Banquet is always a nice opportunity
to recognize those individuals who are dedicated
to “serving and enriching our community”.
Congratulations to all of the award recipients and
thank you for setting an example, we should all strive
for, in making our community a great place to live,
work and play.
I would like to welcome the new 2015 Board of
Directors to the team and thank all of those who
have served prior. We have an exciting year ahead
of us and with your willingness and determination to
serve I know it will be a successful year.
Leadership Santa Rosa Class 29 successfully,…
well mostly successfully, but did complete Sim-Soc
in early January. I have already heard good things
about Class 29 and looking forward to see what
beneficial project comes from this class. Leadership
Santa Rosa is another great opportunity to get
involved in our community and to learn in depth
what Santa Rosa County and the surrounding “area”
has to offer. I want to congratulate the members of
LSR Class 29 for taking the initiative to participate in
this important program.
As mentioned in January and the continued
buzz on social media the 2nd Annual Excellence
in Business and Leadership Conference is set
for April 16, 2015. This will be another great
opportunity to accelerate your year provided by
the Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce.
Make plans to attend and get re-energized going
into the second quarter. Please visit www.
excellenceinbusinessconference and on Facebook:
2015 Excellence In Business and Leadership
Conference for more information, or contact the
Santa Rosa County Chamber at 850-623-2339.
Last, but certainly not least, I am very excited
to announce the Santa Rosa County Chamber of
Commerce is launching a Capital Building Campaign
this year. We have been very fortunate to be able to
facilitate growth in many areas of our membership
and to incubate projects that have grown beyond
anyone’s imagination. In order to continue the
Mission of the Chamber “Serving our Members &
Enriching our Community”, as well as continuing
to provide the catalyst for businesses, community
organizations and individuals to connect and thrive,
we are moving forward with this important endeavor.
This project has gained a lot of momentum recently
with great support from the membership and
community. Please stay tuned for more information
on this exciting opportunity.
In closing, remember to “Shop Local” and support
the local businesses of Santa Rosa County and the
surrounding area. The success of our local economy
is dependent upon working together to support and
encourage one another.
February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan
Would you like to make a difference in your community? Meet new people? Have fun?
Expand your networking and knowledge? Discover how you can accomplish collectively what can be difficult and sometimes impossible to accomplish individually – experience the pride and satisfaction of helping shape Santa Rosa County’s business climate and maintaining the quality of life we all love. As a member
of the Chamber, you are in partnership with more than 700 members, countless community leaders and
thousands of individuals working continuously to sustain and improve the economy of our business climate;
support our school system and military; educate and promote our members, and address the needs of our
We invite you to participate and determine which of these active forums or committees can benefit your
business or help you achieve your goals. Come check us out. If we don’t have something you need, let us
know and we’ll see how we can make it happen.
We’re YOUR Chamber at work for YOU!
JoAnn Sisson
Navy League Santa Rosa Council
Annual Banquet
Tracy Allen
Ernie Parker State Farm Insurance
Budget & Finance
Margarita Vazquez
Primerica - Milton
Building Committee
Archie Collum
Peter Prince Airport
Business After Hours
Anna Weaver
United Bank
Community Service Council
Tammy Ward
American Cancer Society
Charlin Knight
SRC School District
& Leadership Conference
Wes Harrell
Lifeguard Ambulance Service of Florida
Dan McKenzie Golf Classic
Larry Strain
United Bank
July 4th Riverfest
Tiffany Sullivan
Tiffany A. Sullivan, P.A.
Leadership Santa Rosa
Kim Cato Chalmers
Gulf Coast Community Bank
Leadership Santa Rosa Alumni
Bill Brock
NAS Whiting Field
Local Legislative Action
Ed Carson
Individual Member
Ray Walker
Marketing Committee
Lee Parker
Affordable Insurance Solutions
Excellence In Business
Milton Christmas Parade
Connie Clark
Individual Member
New Member Orientation
Hardy Eubanks
UBX Financial Freedom, LLC
Military Community Update
Pete Gandy
SRC Military Liaison
President’s Club
Dan Stewart
Attorney At Law
Shop Local Campaign
Tracy Allen
Ernie Parker State Farm Insurance
Small Business Networking Lunch
Larry Strain
United Bank
The A.M. Network
Tracy Allen
Ernie Parker State Farm Insurance
Santa Rosan
Rhett Fendley
Premier Wealth Management
Past Chair
Jason Kimbrell
Lifeguard Ambulance Service of Florida
Tiffany Sullivan
Tiffany A.Sullivan, P.A.
Sheila Harris
Santa Rosa Young Professionals
Claude Duvall
The Local Yokel/Fast Cash ATM
Capt. Todd Bahlau
Naval Air Station Whiting
Field (Ex-Officio)
Bruce Baker
RE/MAX Infinity
Kevin Brown
Rep. Doug Broxson’s Office
Adair Cotton
Lee Parker
Affordable Insurance
Solutions/USA Benefits Group
Steve Rhodes
Gulf Power Company
JoAnn Sisson
Navy League Santa Rosa
Larry Strain
Kiwanis Club of Milton
United Bank
Greg Cowell
SRC Economic Development
Office (Ex-Officio)
Farm Bureau Insurance
Wes Harrell
Lifeguard Ambulance
Service of Florida
Charlin Knight
SRC School District
Lisa Dampier McKenzie
McKenzie Motors
Tina Stewart
Margarita Vazquez
Primerica – Milton
Brian Watkins
City of Milton (Ex-Officio)
Abby Wiggins
United Bank
Mary Young
Howard Young Flooring | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 3
The following sponsors make the monthly networking events we all enjoy; the informative
programs we learn from; and numerous venues prosper possible ~
Please support these businesses that support our business community!
Hancock Bank
Bruce Baker RE/MAX Infinity
Gulf Power Company
Santa Rosa Medical Center
McKenzie Motor Company
July 4th Riverfest Meet & Greet – Blackwater Bistro
C & G First Response
Sacred Heart Health Systems
Kathy Batterton RE/MAX Infinity
Troy University
Tiffany A. Sullivan, P.A.
Firehouse Subs
Santa Rosa County Fair Association
Gulf Coast Community Bank
West Florida Trophies
Landrum Human Resource Companies, Inc.
Howard Young Flooring
Trent’s Prints & Publishing
United Bank
Harvesters Federal Credit Union
Pensacola Teen Challenge
Sacred Heart Health Systems
City of Milton
Troy University
Howard Young Flooring
L-3 Communications Systems Field Support Vertex Aerospace, LLC
No Meeting
Locklin Technical Center
American Diabetes Association
Retired Senior Volunteer Program
Howard Young Flooring
Autism Pensacola, Inc.
Santa Rosa Health & Rehabilitation Center
Pruitt Health Santa Rosa
Early Learning Coalition
Leadership Santa Rosa
Woodlands Medical Specialists
Primerica Margarita Vazquez
For an up-to-date calendar of events go
to our Website
February 2
12 Noon
February 17
2:30-4 p.m.
Jay Chamber of Commerce Meeting
(New) Member Orientation
Jay Community Center,
SRC Chamber of Commerce, Boardroom,
5259 Booker St., Jay
5247 Stewart St., Milton
February 2
4:30 p.m.
February 18
8-9 a.m.
Leadership Santa Rosa Executive Committee Meeting
Leadership Santa Rosa Curriculum Committee
SRC Chamber of Commerce, Boardroom,
5247 Stewart St., Milton
SRC Chamber of Commerce, Boardroom,
5247 Stewart St., Milton
February 2
5:00 p.m.
Leadership Santa Rosa Alumni
February 18
Governing Board Meeting
E.D.G.E. Meeting
SRC Chamber of Commerce, Boardroom,
Locklin Tech,
5247 Stewart St., Milton
5330 Berryhill Rd, Milton
February 3
5:15-6:30 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
February 19
All day
Business After Hours - Sponsored by Bruce Baker
Leadership Santa Rosa, Class 29: ROPES
Blackwater Bistro,
Adventures Unlimited,
5147 Elmira Street, Milton
8974 Tomahawk Landing Road, Milton
February 6
11:30 a.m.
February 23
4 p.m.
Chamber Ambassadors Luncheon
SRC CoC Board of Directors Meeting
Doris Heart & Soul, 4241 Avalon Blvd,
SRC Chamber of Commerce, Boardroom,
5247 Stewart St., Milton
February 13
12 noon
February 25
7:30 a.m.
Small Business Networking Lunch - Sponsored by
Military Community Update
Firehouse Subs
NAS Whiting Field, Atrium
Nichol’s Seafood,
3966 Avalon Boulevard, Milton
February 27
7:30 a.m.
The A.M. Network - Sponsored by Sacred Heart
February 16
4:00 p.m.
Health System
SRC CoC Executive Committee Meeting
Oops Alley,
SRC Chamber of Commerce, Boardroom,
3721 Highway 90, Pace
5247 Stewart St., Milton
February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan
February 5
5:30 p.m.
Central Santa Rosa Republican Club Meeting
Grover T’s BBQ,
5887 Highway 90, Milton
February 5
6 p.m.
Caregivers Support Group
Santa Rosa Health & Rehab Center,
Conference Room,
5386 Broad Street, Milton
February 6
5:30-7 p.m.
“Color in Freedom” Opening Reception
Pensacola Museum of Art,
407 S. Jefferson St., Pensacola
February 7 9:30 a.m. sign up; 10 a.m. exhibition
Blackwater Saddle Club Play Day
Show starts at 12 noon
June Ates Arena,
8604 Bobby Brown Road, East Milton
February 7
9:30 a.m.
Sacred Heart “Man 2 Man” Prostate Cancer
Education & Support Program
Sacred Heart Cancer Center,
1545 Airport Blvd., 1st Fl. Patient
Education Room, Pensacola
February 7
USS Harry Mudd SF Club Meeting
SRC Chamber of Commerce,
5247 Stewart St., Milton
2 p.m.
February 8
Milton Bridal Show
Milton Garden Club,
5256 Alabama Street, Milton
1-4 p.m.
February 9
Sacred Heart General Cancer Support Group
Sacred Heart Cancer Center,
1545 Airport Blvd., 1st Fl. Patient
Education Room, Pensacola
5 p.m.
February 11
9 a.m.-12 noon
FSBDC at UWF GCS Presents “How to Do Business
With GSA Without A GSA Federal Supply Contract”
Pensacola Chamber,
117 W. Garden Street
February 11
Navy League Santa Rosa Council Meeting
SRC Chamber of Commerce,
5247 Stewart St., Milton
12 Noon
February 12 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
FL Dept of Mgt Srvs Office of Supplier Diversity
Procurement Opportunity Conference & Matchmaker
UWF Campus Conference Center,
February 12
12-1 p.m.
UWF SBDC Workshop “Is Your Business Concept
UWF Small Business Development Center,
9999 University Pkwy, Pensacola
February 12
Alzheimer’s Support Group - Milton
SRC Chamber of Commerce,
5247 Stewart St., Milton
1-2:30 p.m.
February 14
Line up starts 4:30,
parade rolls at 6 p.m.
Milton Mardi Gras Parade
Around Santa Rosa Courthouse, Milton
February 14
6 p.m.-midnight
Adult Christian Singles Valentine’s Day Dinner Party
Doris Heart & Soul,
4241 Avalon Blvd, Milton
February 16
11:30 a.m.
Lions Club of North Santa Rosa County Meeting
United Way,
6479 Caroline St., Milton
February 17
5:45 PM
Santa Rosa County Fair Association Meeting
SRC Chamber of Commerce,
5247 Stewart St., Milton
February 19
9 a.m.-12 noon
UWF FSBDC Workshop “Record Keeping in Small
Business” - Part 2 of 4
418 W. Gaden St., 3rd Fl., Pensacola
February 19
11 a.m.
“eXtra Years of Zest” Senior Adult Ministry Luncheon
First Baptist Church, Life Family Center,
6797 Caroline St., Milton
February 19
5:30 p.m.
GFWC Milton Woman’s Club Meeting
Milton Clubhouse, 6863 Oak Street,
February 20
6 p.m.
Sailor-of-the-Year/Flight Instructor-of-the-Year
Recognition Banquet
NAS Whiting Field, Sikes Hall
February 20
6 p.m.-until
USS Harry Mudd Games Night
SRC Chamber of Commerce, 5247
Stewart St., Milton
February 23
6 p.m.
Main Street Milton Board of Directors Meeting
Faircloth-Carroll House, 5188 Escambia
St., Milton
February 24
9 a.m.-12 noon
UWF FSBDC Workshop “Record Keeping in Small
Business” - Part 3 of 4
418 W. Gaden St., 3rd Fl., Pensacola
9:30-10:30 AM
Friends of the Milton Library Book Sale Committee
Book Shed, 5541 Alabama St., Milton
Contact: Ned France, 981-7323
12 Noon
Milton Rotary Club
Grover T’s BBQ, 5887 Hwy 90, Milton|
Contact: Robin Punyko, 444-6671 or
Tuesdays 2 PM
Sacred Heart Chemotherapy Orientation Class
1545 Airport Blvd., 3rd Fl. Conference
Room, Pensacola
Contact: 416-2770
7 AM
Kiwanis Club of Santa Rosa Sunrise
Tanglewood Golf Club,
5916 Tanglewood Dr., Milton
Contact: Penny Nichols Wilson, 982-7204
7 AM
Pace Rotary Club
Stonebrook Golf Club,
3200 Cobblestone Dr., Pace
Contact: Margaret Porter, 994-9797
Thursdays 7:15 AM
Business Network International/BNI Tri Cities
Grover T’s BBQ, 5887 Hwy 90, Milton
Contact: Lee Parker, 623-0062
February 26
9 a.m.-12 noon
UWF FSBDC Workshop “Record Keeping in Small
Business” - Part 4 of 4
418 W. Gaden St., 3rd Fl., Pensacola
Thursdays 10 AM
Sacred Heart Chemotherapy Orientation Class
1545 Airport Blvd.,
3rd Fl. Conference Room, Pensacola
Contact: 416-2770
February 26
6 p.m.
Military Officers Assoc. of America - MOAA - Santa
Rosa County Chapter
Call (850) 994-0818 for location
Thursdays Primerica Business Opportunity
Call Margarita Vazquez,
626-7188, for location.
February 10
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
UWF SBDC Workshop “Starting Your Business Basics”
Santa Rosa County Economic
Development Office,
6491 Caroline St., Ste 4, Milton
February 17
9 a.m.-12 noon
UWF FSBDC Workshop “Records Keeping in Small
Business” - Part 1 of 4
418 W. Gaden St., 3rd Fl., Pensacola
February 10
City of Milton City Council Meeting
City Hall, 6738 Dixon St., Milton
5 p.m.
February 17
10 a.m.
Genealogical Society of Santa Rosa Meeting
Milton Library, 5541 Alabama St., Milton
the | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 5
Santa Rosan
7 PM
The Compassionate Friends
Register Now for Memorial “Walk to Remember”
The Pensacola Chapter of The Compassionate Friends
invites bereaved parents, siblings, relatives and friends to
register now for a “Walk to Remember” Saturday, March
21st, 2015 at 9:00 am.
As the world’s largest self-help bereavement
organization, The Compassionate Friends offers
friendship, understanding, and hope to families that have
experienced the death of a child. There are more than
650 chapters in the United States, including all 50 states,
Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam. The local event
is patterned after The Compassionate Friends National
Walk to Remember® in Chicago, IL where as many as
1,500 were expected to participate. Dozens of chapters
across the country are expected to hold a local Walk to
Remember during 2015.
The local Walk will be held at Pensacola State College
Track (Main Campus). Following the Walk, there will be
brief memorial service.
“You do not need to be a member of The Compassionate
Friends to join with us and you do not need to walk the
full walk,” says Michelle Knisley. “We welcome everyone
who wants to join hands and hearts in remembering all
children who have died too soon.”
Anyone interested in walking should call Margarita
Vazquez at 850-554-2592, Debbie Zabukovec at
850-516-0810 or Michelle Knisley at 850-712-5841 to
receive a registration form. Registration is $20.00 and
walkers will receive a special Compassionate Friends
walk T-shirt, as well as a walk bib to record the names of
those being remembered. Participants are encouraged to
seek pledges that will go to the local chapter to support
outreach and chapter activities.
The Pensacola Chapter meets at Cokesbury United
Methodist Church on 9th Ave the second Tuesday
of each month at 7:00 pm. For more information, call
Margarita Vazquez for more information about the
national organization and other chapter locations, call
toll-free 877-969-0010 or visit TCF’s national website
at The Compassionate
Friends has a presence in at least 30 countries worldwide.
C & G First Response Training Center
Announces February Classes
CPR Certification and
Babysitting Classes in
February 10, 2015 at
materials for Special Programs such as the Cat in the Hat
and other Summer Reading Promotions.
Annual Dues: Individual $10, Family $15, Lifetime $200,
Organizations/Businesses $50.
Make checks payable to: THE FRIENDS OF THE MILTON
Mail to or drop off at: 5541 Alabama St., Milton, FL
The Friends of the Milton Public Library is a non-profit
volunteer organization.
PH: (850) 981-READ (7323)
Pickard relinquishes command of HT-18 to Coleman
CPR Certification Class Thursday February 19, 2015 at
SitSafe Babysitting Safety Class Saturday February 28, 2015
at 9:00am
All classes will be held at
C & G First Response Training Center
7253 East Highway 90
Milton, Florida 32583
For more information on registration and class
cost visit or email
Friends of the Milton Library
Hosts Membership Drive!
Become a member of the Friends of the Milton Library!
Join us and your dues will help support the Library Special
Programs, such as Summer Reading Program, Books, Audio
Books, Music CDs, and DVDs, Computer Equipment,
Additional Shelving.
We also provide Performers for Special Programs; one
example is The Cat in Hat played by our President Ned
In addition to all those named we also provide
materials, refreshments, decorations, and promotional
Lt. Col. Rafford Coleman
Cmdr. Kevin Pickard Jr.
Lt. Col. Rafford Coleman, USMC, will formally relieve
Cmdr. Kevin Pickard Jr., USN, as the commanding officer
of Helicopter Training Squadron EIGHTEEN, Friday, Jan.
16 at the Naval Air Station Whiting Field Auditorium. The
10 a.m. ceremony will mark the transition of authority
from one officer to the other in front of the assembled
staff, instructors and students. Capt. Hugh Everly,
Commander Helicopter Sea Combat Wing, U.S. Atlantic
Fleet, will serve as the guest speaker for the occasion.
Pickard served as the squadron’s commanding
officer for approximately 15 months and an additional
15 months as executive officer, during which time HT18 set the standard for rotary wing production in every
major metric including lowest time-to-train, total hours
flown, and advancing sortie completion rate. He led
February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan
the “Vigilant Eagles” in completing more than 55,000
mishap-free flight hours and executing in excess of
25,000 syllabus events. Furthermore, he directed a
review and facilitated an upgrade to the formation
and tactics training curriculum for the student aviators.
Safety in flight has been a consistent theme during his
tenure, and HT-18 has continued a streak of more than
42 years without a Class ‘A’ Mishap and successfully
completed two Command Safety Assessments as well as
a positive Safety Culture Workshop under his command.
Coleman’s support as executive officer has certainly
played an important role in HT-18’s successes, and he
will strive to continue the unit’s tradition of excellence
as commanding officer. His career spans duty as an
enlisted Marine during Operations Desert Shield and
Desert Storm before graduating from Rutgers University
in 1993 and gaining his commission. He completed
helicopter flight training with HT-8 at NAS Whiting
Field, becoming a Naval aviator, in 1996. Following
assignments included service with Marine Medium
Helicopter Squadron 263 (HMM-263); duty as a flight
instructor with HT-8; deployment to Iraq in support
of Operation Iraqi Freedom; assignment to 8th Marine
Regiment, 2nd Marine Division and subsequent support
of Operation Secure Tomorrow in Haiti; service with
HMM-261; and transfer to MAG-26 at New River, N.C.
More recently, Coleman participated in Flood Relief
efforts in Thailand as the Expeditionary Operations
officer for the III Marine Expeditionary Force from 2011
to 2013. He assumed duties as the executive officer of
HT-18 in October 2013. He has accumulated more than
3,200 flight hours to this point in his career in a variety
of fixed wing and rotary aircraft.
Pickard leaves the “Vigilant Eagles” to accept orders
as the Navigator for the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower
(CVN-69). This will serve as the next step in his 18-year
career that saw him fly with the “Black Stallions” of HC4, the “Gunbearers” of HC-11, and the “Island Knights” of
HSC-3 in Guam. He also completed tours as the Flag
Lieutenant for Carrier Strike Group Two and a Military
Affairs Officer for the U.S. Department of State prior to
his assignment to HT-18.
Cmdr. Brian Sanderson will replace Coleman as the
executive officer for the squadron.
Identify Theft Presentation Offered
Good Afternoon,
Santa Rosan
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Michael
Dasinger and I am an Identity Theft Victim Specialist
with the Florida Office of the Attorney General, Division
of Victim Services and Criminal Justice Programs. I am
writing to inform you that our office recently joined
with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in an effort to
increase awareness about Identity Theft. Identity Theft
is a crime which continues to rise each year in the State
of Florida and can be damaging not only to an individual,
but also to businesses and their customers.
We offer three different thirty to forty-five minute
power point presentations, free of charge, on the
topic of Identity Theft (Community, Business Staff, and
Business Administrator). The presentations are designed
to inform and provide suggestions on ways to better
protect personal identifiable information (PII).
Our intent is to present to Chamber of Commerce
members, Rotary Clubs, local businesses, medical
facilities, and senior groups with the goal of creating
greater awareness concerning the issue of identity theft
and providing the tools to better protect PII. We are
sending this information regarding our program with
the hope you will schedule a presentation or forward
to others who may be interested in a presentation on
Identity Theft.
If you would like to discuss the presentation in more
detail or schedule a presentation, please contact me
at (850) 595-6067 or via email at Michael.Dasinger@ I look forward to hearing from you.
Michael Dasinger
Victim Services Program Specialist
Office of the Attorney General
Division of Victim Services and Criminal Justice Programs
220 West Garden Street, Suite 808
Pensacola, FL 32502-5744
ph: (850) 595-6061 ext. 105
Santa Rosa Medical Center Announces new CEO
Santa Rosa Medical Center has appointed Doug Sills
as Chief Executive Officer effective January 31. Sills has
more than 30 years of hospital management experience.
His previous role was Market CEO of six hospitals in
the Jackson, Mississippi area. In this position he led
collaborative efforts between hospitals and helped lay
the foundation for what will be a successful healthcare
network. “I’m
work with the
highly qualified
medical staff
and employees
Rosa Medical
Center,” Sills
said. “I look
the work they
have done to provide quality care to patients and
make the hospital an important resource in the Milton
community.” Sills was CEO of River Region Health
System, a 341-bed hospital in the Jackson network, for
three years before being promoted into the role of
Market CEO. At River Region, he successfully recruited
physicians to its medical group, expanded the heart
surgery program, established a robotic surgery program,
and improved employee and physician satisfaction
scores. “On behalf of the board, I look forward to
working with Doug in his new role of CEO,” said Hunter
Walker, Chairman, Santa Rosa Medical Center Board of
Trustees. “His experience as a hospital administrator
brings valuable insight to enhancing how this hospital
cares for our community. Prior to his roles in Mississippi,
Doug was CEO of hospitals in Louisiana, Florida, Alabama
and Texas. He graduated from Mississippi College in
Clinton, Mississippi with a degree in Biology.
Member Benefits at a Glance…
(New) Member Orientation
On the third Tuesday of every month from
February through October your Chamber holds an
orientation meeting for existing and prospective
Chamber members.
This is a great opportunity to network, meet
friends, make business contacts, and brush up on
your knowledge of how the Chambers works, what
we can do for you, and how you can give back to the
community through your Chamber.
You don’t have to be a new member to attend!
Seating is limited to 20, so pre-registration is
required: 623-2339 or | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 7
What Does 2015 Hold in Store for Investors?
If you’re an investor, you probably had a pretty good
year in 2014. But what’s in store for 2015?
It’s essentially impossible to make precise predictions
about the performance of the financial markets — but
it is possible to identify those economic conditions and
market forces that may help shape outcomes in the
investment world for 2015. By paying close attention to
these conditions and forces, you can gain some valuable
insights as to what investment moves might make sense
for you.
Here are a few of these moves:
• Consider adding stocks. With stock prices having
climbed higher and higher for more than five years, you
Michael A. Vazquez
might be wondering if it’s time to scale back on your
Financial Advisor
ownership of equities. After all, no “bull” market lasts
Edward Jones Investments forever. Still, some factors point to continued strength
for stocks over the long term. First, we are seeing signs
of improving economic growth; employment gains and
low oil prices are giving consumers more confidence, leading to a boost in spending.
Second, corporate earnings — a key driver of stock prices — were quite strong in
the second half of 2014, and companies appear poised to show more good results in
2015. Third, stocks — at least large-company stocks — are still reasonably valued, as
measured by their price-to-earnings ratios (P/E). Given these factors, you might want
to think about adding quality stocks to your holdings — assuming, of course, these
stocks can help meet your needs for a balanced portfolio. And be aware that even the
most favorable conditions can’t assure a continued run-up in stock prices, which can
and will fluctuate.
• Prepare for rising interest rates. For several years, interest rates have been at, or
near, historical lows. Given the strengthening economy, and the decreased need for
stimulus, the Federal Reserve may well raise short-term interest rates in 2015, perhaps
as early as this summer. But long-term rates may start rising even before then, so you
may want to take a close look at your bonds and other fixed-rate investments. As
you probably know, when interest rates rise, the value of existing bonds typically falls
because investors won’t pay full price for your bonds when they can get newly issued
ones that pay higher rates. One way to combat the effects of rising rates is to build a
“ladder” consisting of short-, intermediate- and long-term bonds. With such a ladder,
you’ll be able to redeem your maturing short-term bonds and reinvest them in the new,
higher-paying bonds.
• Look for investment opportunities abroad. Although economic growth has been
slow in parts of the world, especially China, many countries have now initiated policies
to spur economic growth. These actions can create opportunities for international
equity investments. Keep in mind, though, that international investing involves
particular risks, such as currency fluctuations and political and economic instability. So
if you are considering foreign investments, you may want to consult with a financial
There are no guarantees, but by following the above suggestions, you may be able
to take advantage of what looks to be a fairly favorable investment environment for
2015. While you should make most of your investment decisions based on long-term
considerations, it’s always a good idea to be attuned to what’s happening in the world
around you — and to respond appropriately.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones
Financial Advisor.
Chair: Anna Weaver, United bank
Thank you to Hancock Bank for sponsoring our first Business After Hours of
2015 AND the first sponsor under our new program which resulted in a great
turnout and a lot of networking going on at Grover T’s BBQ; our host location.
Congratulations to Split The Pot Winner: Jimmy Messick, City of Milton
Thank you to Hancock Bank and Damsel in Defense – Sandra Nolan for providing
door prizes!
February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan
2015 chamber
Chair: JoAnn Sisson, Navy League Santa Rosa Council
Co-Chair: Greg Cowell, Farm Bureau Insurance Agent
Thank you to new owner Taryn Bell, Woody’s
Sports Bar & Grill on Woodbine and the great staff
for a warm welcome, and delicious lunch!
Completes SimSoc!
Congratulations Becky
Macaa, Santa Rosa Health
& Rehabilitation Center,
Ambassador of the Quarter!
JoAnn Sisson (Chair)
Navy League Santa Rosa Council
Greg Cowell (Co-Chair)
Farm Bureau Insurance Agent
Tracy Allen
Ernie Parker State Farm Insurance
Bruce Baker
RE/MAX Infinity
Susan Clark
Granny Nannies
Debbie Coon
Santa Rosa Press Gazette
Eric Diamond
Water Works Sprinkler Systems, Inc.
Hardy Eubanks
UBX Financial Freedom, LLC
David Hanssen
Kleencare Carpet, Rug & Tile Cleaning
Becky Macaa
Santa Rosa Health & Rehabilitation Center
Darlene Parker
Affordable Insurance Solutions
Lee Parker
Affordable Insurance Solutions
Ed Perry
Business Essentials, LLC
Jeremy Reeder
New York Life
Eddie Smith
Lou Sobh’s Milton Chevrolet
Larry Strain
United Bank
Michelle Tait
State Rep. Doug Broxson’s Office
Deb Torgerson
OnMedia Advertising Sales
Juan Vazquez
Primerica – Margarita Vazquez
Margarita Vazquez
Primerica – Margarita Vazquez
Anna Weaver
United Bank
Leigh Anne Weekley
MaryKay Independent Beauty Consultant
Sharon Williams
Landrum Human Resource Companies, LLC
WELCOME to our newest official Ambassador Mr. Ed Perry, Business Essentials, LLC
Santa Rosan
Thank you to our fearless
leader Bob Asmus for another
great exercise & our great
volunteer facilitators
Kim Cato Chalmers
Margaret Nall
Robert Randle
Lee Parker
Anna Weaver
Damon Boutwell
Eric Seib
Robin Vickers
Amie Williamson | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 9
small business
the a.m.
Chair: Larry Strain, United Bank
Chair: Tracy Allen, Ernie Parker State Farm Insurance
Thank you to our January Sponsor: Tiffany A. Sullivan, P.A.
Great program Tiffany!
Thank you to Pensacola Teen Challenge our January Breakfast sponsor. Great
program and what a turnout! Our thanks to the Navy League Santa Rosa County
for the Sailor-Of-The-Quarter recognition. Congratulations to the young men and
woman recognized.
Congratulations split-the-pot winner: Tracy DeVack, Navy Federal Business Services
10 February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Congratulations Split The Pot
Winner Lee Parker, Affordable
Insurance Solutions!
Thank you Pen Air Federal
Credit Union for sponsoring
breakfast for our military attendees.
Our appreciation to Safer
Santa Rosa, Pen Air Federal
Credit Union, Pensacola Teen
Challenge and Margarita
Vazquez for the door prize
Santa Rosan
Santa Rosan | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 11
presented by
Ates Ranch & Tough Mudder
City of Milton
Fast Cash ATM Services
Gulf Power Company
Lifeguard Ambulance Service
Pen Air Federal Credit Union
West Florida Hospital
Affordable Insurance Services
Ameriprise Financial
Navy League Santa Rosa Council
Pensacola State College
PNJ Media Solutions
Tiffany A. Sullivan, P.A.
GEO Group/Blackwater River
Correctional Facility
McKenzie Motor Company
Introducing our 2015 Chair Rhett Fendley
Gulf Coast Community Bank
Howard Young Flooring
Community Achievement
Volunteer of the Year
Business of the Year
Industry of the Year
Emerging Leader of the Year
Community Leader of the Year
Navy League Santa Rosa Council
Susan Clark
Anytime Fitness – Milton
Naval Air Station Whiting Field
Anna Weaver
Doug Lasater
Woman of the Year
Man of the Year
Hall of Fame
Fred Hunter Spirit of Santa Rosa
Frank Gossett Ambassadorship
President’s Award
Robin Punyko
Ed Carson
Jim Williamson
Brenda Gabbert
John & Deborah Roche
Coach Harry Lees
2014 Chair Jason Kimbrell & Staff
Premier Wealth Management
L-3 Communications, Vertex Logistics
Advanced Dental Concepts
Adventures Unlimited Outdoor
All About Food
Blackwater Bistro
Divine Image Hair Salon
Ernie Parker State Farm Insurance
Grover T’s BBQ
Gulf Power Company
Hilton Pensacola Beach Gulf Front
In-Line Fitness
Kay Brown Photography
Keri Sims MaryKay
Kimberly Kaye Thomas MaryKay
Lou Sobh’s Milton Chevrolet
Mobile Attic
Pen Air Federal Credit Union
Santa Rosa Medical Center
Stonebrook Golf & Country Club
Sunburst RV Resort
Texas Roadhouse
Wind Creek Casino
Woodbine Animal Clinic
Woody’s Sports Bar & Grill
Special Thanks To Set Up Volunteers
Incoming Chair Rhett Fendley
Thank you to Rep. Mike Hill for Swearing
thanks Jason for a great year!
In our 2015 Board of Directors
Larry Strain
Susan Clark
Tiffany & John Sullivan
Tracy Allen
Tracy Allen – Ernie Parker State Farm
Outgoing Board Member
“Thank You For Your Service”
2014 Committee Chairs
Connie Clark
Milton Christmas Parade
JoAnn Sisson
Ambassadors Chair
Larry Strain
Small Business Networking Lunch
Dan McKenzie Golf Classic
Margarita Vazquez
July 4th Riverfest
And To Our Partners & Committee
Members That Made It All Happen!
Nouveau Catering
Wedding Walls
Apprise Video Productions
Locklin Tech Culinary Students
Captain Todd Bahlau,
Commanding Office NAS Whiting Field
Welcoming Remarks
Tracy Allen
A.M. Network Breakfast
Military Appreciation Month
Annual Banquet
Pete Gandy
Military Community Update
12 February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Rob Williamson
Leadership Santa Rosa Class 28
Santa Rosan
Tammy Ward
Community Service Council
Santa Rosan
Ed Carson
Santa Rosa County Legislative Coalition
Kenzie Allen
Debbie Torgerson
Scott Perkins
Naval Air Station Whiting Field MWR
Bill Gamblin – Photographer
Anna Weaver – Silent Auction
Tracy Allen – Master of Ceremonies
Marketing Committee | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 13
14 February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan
Santa Rosan | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 15
Chair: Tammy Ward, American Cancer Society
IF you are a not-for-profit,
non-profit, an organization or
business that hosts annual festivals,
events, fundraisers, have a need
for sponsors, volunteers, media
exposure, grants or are in need of
assistance from professionals in
these fields THIS is a meeting you
need to attend.
Held quarterly at the Guy
Thompson Community Center,
the focus is to compare calendars
to try to avoid conflicting events
& fundraisers, share volunteers
and sponsors and in some cases
partner on projects. Meetings
include a guest speaker presenting
on a variety of subjects tailored
to assist you such as grant writing,
press releases, how to solicit area
sponsors, etc.
Our thanks to everyone that has been attending and making the quarterly
Community Service Council beneficial to our community.
Thank you to our January guest presenter Sheila Harris, Santa Rosa County
Special Projects Director.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, April 23rd @ 2:30 p.m. at the Guy Thompson
Community Center
Santa Rosa Clean Community System
Locklin Insurance
East Milton Youth Association, Inc.
Hilton Pensacola Beach Gulf Front
Majors Home Improvement, LLC
Affordable Insurance Solutions/USA Benefits Group
Constant Contact
Dave Reed Insurance
Granny Nannies
State Farm Insurance Eric Cabaniss
Charissa Cotten CPA PA
Know More Investigations, LLC
Keller Williams Realty Gulf Coast - Pace
The Retirement Planners
Please remember to support these businesses &
organizations that support our community!
16 February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan
FREE to our Members
In March 2015, the Chamber is sponsoring a three-hour training class in preparing a basic Powerpoint presentation. The training class is being provided to
Chamber members by RL WESTLY | COPYWRITER. It will be held in the Chamber Boardroom on March 4 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., CST, and will be repeated on
March 11,and 18. There is no cost but seating is limited to 8 attendees per class.
If interested, sign up for one of the training dates by emailing Bob Westly at To get the most out of the class, Bob recommends you
bring your laptop loaded with any version of Powerpoint, and bring a simple
outline of the Powerpoint presentation you’d like to create (including your
wish list of “bells and whistles”). At the end of the three hours, you’ll have a
working knowledge of Powerpoint, your completed preliminary Powerpoint
presentation (including a bell and whistle or two), and a copy of Bob’s Powerpoint presentation prepared for the training which will include a valuable list of
Powerpoint creation resources. To whet your appetite, here’s the outline for
the first hour of training:
1.1 What Powerpoint is and how it can help you.
1.2 The Powerpoint Ribbon and Tabs.
1.3 The basic Powerpoint presentation setup.
1.4 Audience! Audience! Audience!
Gulf Coast Tents
Jim & Jean Bunch
3506 Sycamore Lane, Gulf Breeze
(850) 932-3311
“Like Us” on Facebook
RJ Events
Ryan Sanborn/Jennifer Weideman
5089 Sanborn Drive, Milton
(850) 982-1375
Mary Kay Independent
Beauty Consultant
Keri Sims
5913 Graham Lane, Milton
(850) 712-0666
“Like Me” on Facebook
Emerald Coast Senior Services, LLC
Rachael Parkins
1101 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Suite 307,
Gulf Breeze
(850) 250-3214
“Like Us” on Facebook
West Florida Budokan
Lonnie Ross
5719 Highway 90, Milton
(850) 910-1336
“Like Me” on Facebook
In case you
haven’t already...
Santa Rosan
Pen Air Federal Credit Union
Business Solutions
Lindsay Gibson Durre
40 S. Palafox Place, Pensacola
(850) 505-3200 Ext. 8470
“Like Us” on Facebook
Boyleston Auctions, Inc.
Gina Boyleston
31 West Garden Street, Suite 205
(850) 434-0377
“Like Us” on Facebook
Avalon Middle School PTO
Eric Diamond
5445 King Arthurs Way, Milton
(850) 983-5540
“Like Us” on Facebook
Santa Rosa County
Commissioner District 4
Rob Williamson
6495 Caroline Street, Suite M, Milton
(850) 983-1877
Living Faith Church of NW Florida
Jeremy or Makaylla Harris
7400 Reformation Road, Milton
(850) 736-3484
“Like Us” on Facebook
Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon
Nora Trotman
30 S. Spring Street, Pensacola
(850) 444-3821
“Like Us” on Facebook
Ferris Hill Baptist Church
Kevin & Debbie Parkins
6848 Chaffin Street, Milton
(850) 623-3500
“Like Us” on Facebook
Event Designs
Joy Tompkins
11541 Thousand Oaks Drive, Pensacola
(850) 206-9026
Colonial Life
Danny Black
1-888-636-66 80
East Milton Assembly of God
Brad Odom
5174 Ward Basin Road, Milton
(850) 221-8652
“Like Us” on Facebook | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 17
Pensacola Tent Rentals
Pensacola Tent Rentals is a small locally
owned business with
two sizes of event tents:
30 x 30 and 30 x 60.
These are tent toppers
and do not come with
sides. We cater to the
smaller rental customer
and our prices reflect
that. However, we welcome all rental customers. We do NOT rent
tables and chairs.
If you are looking for
a reasonably priced tent topper for your outdoor event, we are here for you. Tents
can be rented by calling 850-572-3441.
CONGRATULATIONS Pen Air Federal Credit Union
Branch Manager Carol
Lutz joined by CEO Stu
Ramsey and numerous
marketing and management,
staff, community and chamber representatives and several unsuspecting customers
cut a ribbon to celebrate
the exciting new renovations at the branch located
at 5056 Dogwood Drive in
Milton. Go by and check
out the new virtual tellers at
the drive up and the beautiful new interior and walk up
customer service stations
18 February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan
Santa Rosan | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 19
AT & T
Ray Walker
Henry Company Homes, Inc.
Teresa Johnson
Ropella Group
Patrick Ropella
B & C Nursery, Inc.
Calinda McCranie
Howard Young Flooring
Mary & Howard Young
Santa Rosa County Federal Credit Union
Steve German
Bagdad Elementary School
Linda Gooch
Interfaith Ministries, Inc.
Shirley Cornett
Springleaf Financial Services
Tammy Wilson
Buffalo Rock Company
Mark Christiansen
Kimberly M. Grant
Individual Member
Skinny, Healthy & Wealthy, LLC
Gracie L.Turner
Capstone Academy
Kathy Mueller
Locklin Insurance Agency, Inc.
Bob Locklin
Dandy’s Country Market
Allen or Terrie Campbell
Main Street Milton
Sammy Carroll
Durst Jordan CPA’s
Joshua C. Durst, C.P.A., P.A.
Navy Federal Brokerage Services
Tony Strachan
Edward Jones Investments
Darrel Greer
Navy Federal Credit Union – Pace
Jamie Wilson
First Presbyterian Church of Milton
Pastor Jo Kublik
Navy Federal Credit Union Business Services
Tracy DeVack
Future Labs, Inc.
Jennifer L. Boone
Oakes Meat Processing, LLC
Kenneth & Katie Oakes
GFWC Milton Woman’s Club
Paula Lou Mapoles
Pensacola State College
Anthea Amos
Gulf Coast Bluegrass Music Association
Milton Shryock
Penton House Barber Shop
Doug Campbell
Gulf Power Company
Steve Rhodes
Quik Wash CL, LLC
Randy James
Harvesters Credit Union
Denise Burkett
Robert’s Pools
Robert Siyufy
Tax Advisers USA, LLC
Benny M. Turner
Texas Roadhouse
Julie Mills
The Open Rose
Denise McDonald
Turner Financial Group, Inc.
Benny M. Turner
United Bank – Pace Branch
Anna Weaver
University of Florida WFREC
Robin Vickers
West Florida Community Care Center
Carmen Paroby
West Florida Title Company
Donna Perritt or Minnie Smith
West Florida Trophies & Gifts
Kelly Gash
20 February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan
Capital Campaign
CHANCE TO WIN A 2001 Prowler –
4,900+/- Miles | Mulholland Edition
(on display at Milton Dodge Chrysler Jeep)
$100 Per Ticket / Only 500 Will Be Sold
For Information Call: 623-2339 | *Winner Pays All Taxes & Fees
The Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce is 78 years old this
We currently have 601 active members, 16% of which are based in
Escambia County.
Your Chamber is also the official Tourist & Visitors Information
Center for Central/North Santa Rosa County.
We operate solely on funds received from membership dues and
two annual fundraisers (Leadership Awards & Installation Banquet;
Chamber Golf Classic).
We only have two full-time staff persons on payroll.
As per January 21, we have answered 196 phone calls, assisted 74
walk-in visitors, responded to 2 requests for information or relocation
packages, held 4 ribbon cuttings, and signed up 5 new members. Our
website had 1,076 visitors who generated 5,251 page views.
The most interesting question this month was, “Do you guys keep
track of the beauty pageants in the area?”
Santa Rosan | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 21
Chair: Pete Gandy, Santa Rosa County Military Liaison
Our Sincere Thanks &
Appreciation to Men
In Action Outreach,
Inc. for presenting
our Chamber with
the 2015 Community
Service Award
(presented by Morris
“For exemplifying
leadership and
strength of character
through active and
cooperative service to
the community”
In case you
haven’t already...
Thank you to our guest presenter Sergeant Major Herman Spencer, US Army
Special Forces (Ret) who participated in the Son Tay Raid into North Viet Nam to
free American P.O.W.’s
He earned two Silver Stars for cambat in Viet Nam, a true American war hero
who now resides in East Milton. What an incredible presentation, we appreciate
his time and service to our Country.
Join us next month as we hear from the new Commanding Officer of Naval Air
Station Whiting Field, Capt. Todd Bahlau
22 February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan
Export Marketing Plans: Ready…set…go export!
What do ceramic coating for buildings, 3-d
printing, and check scanning software have in
They are all products or services offered by
Northwest Florida companies that have taken
advantage of a unique program to help their companies expand into foreign markets - the Export
Marketing Plan (EMP) program.
On January 22, 2015, Enterprise Florida, Inc.
(EFI) and the Florida Small Business Development
Center (SBDC) Network signed a memorandum
of understanding (MOU) that solidifies ongoing
efforts to help Florida-based companies tap into
overseas markets. This MOU revolves around
Andrea Moore
the creation of these customized EMPs, which
include an export readiness assessment, industry analysis, competitive analysis
and ultimately list of top target market and recommended market entry strategy.
Few small businesses and have the time or in-house skills to develop such a
plan on their own, which takes an average of 120 hours to develop. Fewer still
have the resources to pay for an outside contractor to do that kind of research
and compose a company-specific plan, an approximate $10,000 value.
But the partnership between EFI, the Florida SBDC and the U.S. Commercial
Service (part of the U.S. Department of Commerce), makes it possible for qualifying companies to get a plan done - at a subsidized cost of only $500.
Qualified Florida manufacturers and professional service providers can
enhance their business development efforts these plans, and quite possibly
increase their revenue as a direct result of exporting. Considering that the vast
majority of potential customers resides outside of U.S. borders, this diversification strategy may also help mitigate risk in the event of seasonal fluctuation
and downturns in the domestic market.
Upon delivery of a completed EMP, the support continues - with consultations and action steps such as tapping into additional export promotion
programs such as EFI’s Target Sector Trade Grant and the U.S. Department of
Commerce’s Gold Key matchmaking program.
Enterprise Florida conducts trade missions and stages state pavilions at
prominent global trade shows in target sector industries. These include, but are
not limited to aviation/aerospace/defense, IT and life sciences.
Small enterprises (defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration as having less than 500 employees) would do well to explore this program. Reach out
to your local EFI or SBDC to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
Total trade 2012 (exports + imports): $158.4 billion
Florida Origin Exports surpassed $93 billion
International business (trade + FDI) account for one-sixth (17%) of the state’s economy
Over 60,000 Florida companies export
Florida is number one in the U.S. in manufacturing export-intensity (49% higher)
Florida is the 3rd largest exporter of high-tech goods in the U.S. ($16.1 billion)
Florida’s services exports $36.1 billion
International Trade jobs in Florida pay 30% higher wages
Santa Rosan
Promoted in Full Color on Lighted Marquee
3 Months Daily Rotation of Your Business/
Service Logo (Full Color)
Minimum 2 Times per Hour 24 Hours A Day
Accompanying Announcement of Chamber Events:
“This Message Brought To You By (Your Logo)”
A $2,500.00 Value
The Facts
The Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce is also the Tourist
Information Center for North/Central Santa Rosa County.
ADDT (Annual Average Daily Traffic) Reports estimate 20,000 drivers per day pass through Stewart Street/Berryhill intersection (one way)
40,000 from both directions.
Traffic signal in proximity of sign increases read time.
*Limited Availability* | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center | February 2015 23
“Serving Our Members - Enriching our Community”
Celebrating 79 years of serving the business community
President/CEO: Donna Tucker
Administrative Assistant: Nicole Frenk
Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce
Phone: (850) 623-2339 •
Please help us with our mailing list and check address and addressee.
For changes, phone us at (850) 623-2339. Thank you.
24 February 2015 | Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce & Tourist Information Center |
Santa Rosan