Newsletter - Maitland River Elementary School

Maitland River Elementary School
Alice McDowell – Principal Marie McDade – Vice-Principal
250 John St., E., Wingham, ON N0G 2W0
Tel: (519) 357-3551
Fax: (519) 357-2174
February 2015 Newsletter
Principal’s Message
Dear Families:
Where has the time gone? It is February already and before we know it March Break will be
here. February is a busy month and students are honing their oral communication skills as they
are immersed in their preparation for speeches and storytelling.
Our first term report cards will be coming home on February 19th. Please complete and return
the bottom portion of page 4 of the report card. If you wish to discuss the report card with
your child’s teacher, please indicate this on the return form.
Remember our doors are always open should you have an issue you would like to discuss with
us. Please feel free to book a time to meet with your child’s classroom teacher.
Yours Truly,
Alice McDowell,
Virtue for February: Perseverance
Perseverance is sticking with something and being committed, no matter how long it takes or what
obstacles appear in your way. Without perseverance, people give up on things easily. They don’t
keep their promises. When we persevere, people can depend on us to finish what we start and to
keep our commitments.
Trees, Trees, Trees
As part of our Fundraising Campaign, families still have the opportunity to purchase a tree. Please
call for more information.
Safe Arrival
If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the school at 519-357-3551 ext 1 and
leave a message or e-mail anytime. The Safe Arrival Telephone Program is
used in the event that your child is absent and we have not been contacted. This is to ensure that
your child is safe and not at home alone (as a result of missing the bus, having an accident at home
while waiting to leave, etc.). Please be assured that we will make every effort to contact you or
your emergency contacts in the event that your child is not at school and you have not contacted
us. Please advise the office of any changes to phone numbers addresses, names, etc. Also, please
remember when you are bringing your children late or picking your children up early, to make your
first stop at the office since we must know where your children are at all times during the day.
Story-Telling and Public Speaking
For many years, Public Speaking has been a valued tradition and an event that has been
positively anticipated by many students, teachers, and parents alike. Oral communication skills
are a very important component of today’s curriculum, and as a result, we are happy to
continue with the tradition of public speaking.
As teachers, we know that different students learn in different ways, and that delivering a
prepared speech is not for everyone. In order to fulfill our goals of meeting the needs of every
learner, we feel that it is important to offer options other than the traditional speech that still
meet curriculum expectations for oral communication.
As a result, some staff have decided to continue with our Public Speaking Competition for those
who wish to prepare and deliver a speech. Students who wish to participate are encouraged to
do so, and staff will be sure to encourage these students to take this option. A variety of other
options will also be offered which may include (but are not limited to) the following:
A book talk or retell in front of the class
A power point presentation on a specific topic
A retell of a memorable trip or event
With the above options, it is the hope of the staff that their students will see an opportunity to
demonstrate their oral communication skills in a different way. Having said this, we encourage
students to continue to take the traditional route and deliver a speech with the hopes of
competing in competitions at the school, Legion and Lions levels.
It is the hope of staff that this way of approaching public speaking will allow children to meet
their potential in their areas of strength, and that the needs of all of our learners will be met.
Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.
The in-school speaking competition will be held on Friday, February 13th.
Primary students will begin at 9:15 am and Junior students will speak at
approximately 10:30 am.
Weather date is Tuesday, February 17th: The top three winners in each
division will have the opportunity to move onto the Legion competition.
Maitland River Elementary School will be competing in the Branch Level
of The Royal Canadian Legion in Wingham.
The Branch competition is February 21st (snowdate February 28th).
Valentine’s Day - February 14th
On February 13th we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day. It will be wear Red,
White or Pink Day. Also, we will allocate February 13th as one of our 10 food
days. Treats will be allowed to be brought to school as discussed with your
child’s teacher.
Message From Parent Council
Upcoming Fundraising Events: Both order sheets are going home February 2
Little Caesars Pizzas:
As a busy family you will really enjoy the convenience these kits bring and the fun creations you
can make with your kids!
Forms due to office: TUESDAY, February 17
Our school will earn $5/kit sold which will help with our fundraising commitments.
Easter Fundraiser – Sweets N’ Treats:
Parent Council is running a Sweets N' Treats Easter Chocolate Fundraiser. We are hoping for a
great success in supporting this wonderful local business while raising funds for our school!
Proceeds will be used for items such as school trips, class room supplies, the playground and
more! PLEASE ensure all orders with full payment are returned to the school no later than
February 20th. For more details please see the sheet sent home with your child along with the
order form. If you have any questions you can contact Holly Al at (519) 357-3153 or by email at
What’s That Beat?
No, it’s not the latest Top 40 hit on the radio. That beat you hear is the sound of your heart.
February is Heart Month and it’s all about keeping that beat healthy.
Your heart is actually a muscle. It acts like a pump to deliver blood around your body. The right
side of your heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. The
left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it out the body.
Before each beat, your heart fills with blood and contracts to squirt the blood along.
Help keep your heart beat in tune:
Exercise to keep the heart muscle strong
Eat a variety of healthy foods. Avoid foods high in unhealthy fats
Protect yourself from exposure to first-hand and second-hand smoke
Manage stress using positive coping strategies (deep breathing, yoga, relaxation
Try and get a good amount of sleep each night (recommended 7-9 hours for adults)
Listen to the beat and have a healthy, heart month!
Kate Underwood – Public Health Nurse
519.482.3416 ext. 2247 or toll-free 1.877.837.6143
DanceWorks presents an energetic, enthusiastic and interactive performance program that will
provide girls and boys from the ages of 3 through 15 with the chance to experience dance and
music in the style of musical theatre. Musical Theatre Show Choir is available to ages 8+. Please
contact Devan or Paige Ballagh at or by phone at 519-3926171 for more information. Classes will run every week for 9 weeks, and will conclude with an
in theatre performance "Let The World See". Registration deadline: March 20th, 2015.
2015 Wingham Soccer Registration
Place: Hotstove Lounge
When: Wednesday, February 18 - 7 pm to 9 pm
Wednesday, March 4 - 7 pm to 9 pm
Saturday, March 14 - 10 am to 12 noon
Please bring proof of age, a cheque for registration and a cheque for jersey deposit.
New this year: Local travelling teams for both U18 girls and boys also U9 and above will be split
by gender.
Email: or call (519)357-1994
2015 Brussels Minor Soccer Registration
Brussels Minor Soccer will be holding soccer registration for the 2015 season on the following
dates at the Brussels Arena. The dates for registration are as follows:
Thursday February 12 : 5:30 pm-8:00 pm
Saturday February 21 : 10:00 am - Noon
Thursday February 26: 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Please note these dates are only for travel team registration. The following birth years may
register on the above dates for travel teams. Children born in 1999, 1998, 1997, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.
House league soccer for all other birth years will take place in March during swimming
Registration forms will be available online on Facebook under Brussels Minor Soccer, at
registration, at the Brussels Arena or email us at
Elementary School Fair Information
Ambassador Competition
Any student enrolled in MRES, Hullett, or 7/8 Madill are eligible to register.
Students who would like to be the Ambassador need to write a 2-5 minute speech
(which may include visual aids).
Topic: Elementary School Fair 95th Anniversary.
The Ambassador will:
promote the Elementary School Fair to all students,
in each participating school
walk in the parade with the dignitaries on Fair Day
open the Fair with a speech
A screening process may take place. The 5 best candidates will be chosen to speak at the next
School Fair Board meeting on March 25 @ 7p.m. to determine the 2015 Ambassador.
If you are interested in becoming the 2015 Elementary School Fair Ambassador, please sign up
in the main office.
---------------------------------95th Anniversary Slogan Contest
It's that time of year and we are starting to prepare for the 2015 Elementary School Fair. We
are having a 95th Anniversary Slogan Contest!! We are looking for a student from MRES,
Hullett or 7/8 Madill to create a slogan for this year’s fair.
**We are looking for a catch phrase/slogan to help advertise the 95th Elementary School Fair**
The winner will receive a pizza party for their class.
Please submit your name, grade and slogan to your teacher by Friday, February 6, 2015.
Farm to Table Box
Order Sheet for March 2015
Family Name: _____________________________
_________ (# of boxes) X $18.00 =
__________ total (cash preferred, correct change only)
Orders due February 23rd.
Delivery to the school March 12th – pickup after 3:30 pm.
Bus Contacts
Questions or concerns about the bus? Please contact:
Montgomery Bus Lines: 519-357-9191 /1-855-557-9191
Newry Bus Lines: (519) 356-2611
Milk Program
Milk tickets are available at the office; $20.00 for 20 milks. A purple sheet of milk
tickets will be sent home with your child upon purchase.
Like us on Facebook!!
Absent from School?
Please call 519-357-3551 ext 1, leave a message or e-mail if your
child(ren) are going to be absent from school!
Campbell Soup Labels!
Please save your Campbell Soup Labels! Bring them into the school (preferably counted), we
can redeem them for school equipment for free!
Medication At School
If medications are sent to school with your child there are required forms that need to be filled
out for both prescription and non prescription medications. They can be filled out at the office
when medication is brought to the office by the parent. The form can be found here:
Gluten Free Snacks
Gluten Free snacks are always available. If your child requires gluten free items please inform
the office of this request.
MRES is Nut Free
Maitland River Elementary School has adopted a school-wide ban on nuts and will work with all
parents to provide the safest possible learning environment for all students.
Late Students
When students arrive late they are interrupting class instruction by the teacher and the
learning of the other students. School starts at 9:00 am – please ensure your child/ren are here
on time. Thank you.
MRES Eco news
1. On Friday, February 6th Maitland River will be participating in an Ontario Eco Schools
initiative by celebrating National Sweater Day. We’ll be turning down the heat to
conserve energy and reduce our carbon footprint. So make sure you wear a cozy
2. Each week the MRES monthly calendar asks students to bring litterless lunches for
waste-free Wednesdays. Our eco team conducts weekly tallies that show that there is
still a lot of food packaging that goes in the garbage. So we are asking students to take
their wrappers home! Don’t worry food waste (like banana peels) can still go in the
composter and recyclables (like juice boxes) in the blue bins. Thanks!