Post Applied For ID No. Dist/Sta te Name Achievements About Yourself Your Views Why you want to contest in the BCS Students Council Election.? Still today no achievement I have to mention here. But the father of the nationa M. Gandhi once Said "Be the change you wish to see I really want to do great work for my nation. That time I really thingk that I achieve something. I am your of my college, I am spokperson at Taluka spokperson of Dindori Taluka Nationa Dist student congress. I have organised various event for enlight ment of youth from ruler area. 2013-14 Ladies representative in NBI Law college, Nashik, 201415 Cultural Representative in NBT Law Collage, active in social & Political governing/Conference held in nashik, Member of Student council of Pune uni. 2013-15 I want to do social service. My ambition in life is to do something for my in otherland. I want to do the service for poor perople in india about poverty, education of health. India is the largest democracy in the world. India is country of Mahatmas, Saints, Philosopher, formers & everyone who really do the great work for the nation. India is great. The BCS is a platform for students who really want to do the best for our country & through this medium we really do something great. Social work for our dist as well as nation. I am keen learner, avit render I have intrest in study of indian nationalism, I admire to be inspiring leader of my nation. I want to explore whole world in my life. I belive on principle of mahatma gandhi. Coming from a small town having vision egal commitment towards work, belive of Root change & development theory having leadership quality and influeive personality to change the world participant of BCS 3, 4, 5 and so on come……to energy for a better india. India is a great country or ethics values and culture. India have strenght to be super power in corning decade india is a nation which will lead world with dignity and values. It a platform to get exposure. I yeas I am influenced by student council member that they have sud ethurian my vision is to introduce this platform to ruler youth. Mahatma Gandhiji forum of our nationhas given us the golder mantra ofworld peace which I want to spread the world by working in social life and by being a leader spread be world words of gandhiji so mat we donat head toward 3rd world war. Giving my work a bigger stage like BCS students council elections, and racing and working with other active leaders, bringing my self and others who work for a good course together, so that working for 1000 we can work for 10000 bringing my friends from tribal are, connecting them to BCS and helping them to get inspired to work a direction. Education Qualification Nashik 1854 Kapil Khandu Deore B. Sc. Nashik 3815 Javalkar Vitthal Eknath B. A. Nashik 1471 Komal Suresh Gupta L.L. B.
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