Weekly Newsletter - Mrs. Newey`s Website

Elisse Newey
Mrs. Newey’s News
Happy Monday! I hope you are all staying warm.
We are continuing with Morning Meetings every morning which has been so much fun and has
really helped to set a positive tone each morning. If you would like to know more about morning
meetings, this teacher has provided a summary of each of the components that we follow each
day. (http://www.mrsgoldsclass.com/MorningMeeting4Teachers.htm)
In math we are continuing to look at equations. We have moved on to finding the solution or
unknown in an equation. Our test is currently scheduled for Jan. 16th.
We are continuing our work on our “versus” essays in Language Arts. We are putting finishing
touches on our drafts and publishing on our Ipads. Then we will begin looking at how to write for
the 4th grade STAAR test.
We will not be doing Flocabulary because of the Spelling Bee but we will be focusing heavily on
grammar during our writing lessons.
I have been collaborating with our tech expert Debbie Smith and our instructional coach Kelly
VanMeter to create a really amazing project for Social Studies. Over the next few weeks the
students, in groups of 3-4, will be creating documentaries about the settlement of Texas. We will
be analyzing great documentaries and modeling our own after these. We will be using primary
sources such as letters, journals and art work to highlight the different points of view that existed. I
really look forward to all of the great ways that we will be integrating Language Arts with Social
Studies. Because we are going so in depth with this particular subject, our timeline will be a little
different than the other social studies classes. However, we will cover all of the same TEKS by the
end of the year. I can’t wait to share the finished products with you!
Upcoming Dates:
January 15th: School Spelling
January 19th: No School
January 22nd: Science Day
Science Day
Due to activities in the cafeteria
during science day on Thursday,
Jan 22, there will be a change in
the regular food service that day.
Students may order a brown bag
lunch from the cafeteria or bring
their own from home. A cafeteriaprovided lunch will consist of a
crispy chicken sandwich, carrot
sticks, fresh fruit and drink. If you
would like to order a lunch please
email me or fill out the form that
will be coming home tomorrow.
Thank you!
Learning Activities for Home:
Practice equations and input-output tables
Long division practice
Work on “Versus” essay at home and poll friends
and family about their favorite choice
Watch documentaries and talk about what makes
a great documentary!
Students could record or compose original music
pieces for their documentaries
Visit the Bob Bullock museum to see the La Belle
(the ship La Salle sailed from France to North
America in!)
Read together