Pew Slip - St.Marks Cathedral

St. Mark’
Mark’ss Cathedral Bangalor
Church of South India
Karnataka Central Diocese
Theme: Lent – A time of Reconciliation
COLLECT FOR THE WEEK : Gracious God, who loved us in Jesus
Christ our Lord, give readiness and courage to reconcile with you
all people and whole creation, transcending our barriers and
boundaries. Let the time of Lent refresh us with a new perspective
of looking at the Cross of Christ, through which you have
reconciled us and the whole creation. Strengthen us with your Spirit
so that we may become your channels of reconciliation. Through
Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and ever. AMEN.
7.00 A.M &10.30 A.M holy EuchArist
7.00 A.M
10.30 A.M
: Rev. Prem Mitra
: Rev. Charles Irwin
Opening Hymn No. 162
The Lord’s Supper
: “Christ whose glory fills the skies”
: The Short Order Booklet (Blue)
The Preparation
: Page 1
Confession and Absolution : Page 2
Peace (all stand)
: Page 5
Old Testament Reading
7.00 A.M
10.30 A.M
: Genesis 45: 1-15
: Ms. Sangeetha Lawrence
: Mr. John M. Kohlhoff
Response :
Epistle Reading
7.00 A.M
10.30 A.M
Thanks be to thee, O God.
: Ephesians 2: 11-22
: Dr. R. S. Vijay
: Mr. Stephen Azariah
Gospel Reading
7.00 A.M
10.30 A.M
: Praise be to thee, O Christ.
: Rev. Canon Rajkumar Sathyaraj
: Rev. Canon Robbie Prakasam
7.00 A.M
10.30 A.M
Thanks be to thee, O God.
John 2: 1-11
Lt Gen Ravi Eipe
Dr. Mrs. Jyothi Jason
The Apostles’ Creed
: Page 7
: Page 8
Breaking of the Bread
(all stand)
Offertory Hymn No. 167
: Page 10
: “To the name of our salvation”
Thanksgiving Prayer
: Page 16
Recessional Hymn No. 308 : “Ye holy angels bright”
8.30 A.M chorAl EuchArist
: Rev. Solomon Benjamin
Organ Prelude
Opening Hymn No. 162
The Lord’s Supper
: “Christ whose glory fills the skies”
: Brown Booklet
The Preparation
: Page 1
Summary of the
Law & the Prophets
: Page 1
: Page 3
Confession and Absolution : Page 6
– “The Lord be with you”
– “And with thy Spirit”.
Responsive Reading
: Psalm 85 – Miss. Petenoune Pieny
1. Lord, you were favorable to your land;
you restored the fortunes of Jacob.
2. You forgave the iniquity of your people;
you covered all their sin.
3. You withdrew all your wrath;
you turn from your hot anger.
4. Restore us again, O God of our salvation,
and put away your indignation toward us!
5. Will you be angry with us forever?
Will you prolong your anger to all generations?
6. Will you not revive us again,
that your people may rejoice in you?
7. Show us your steadfast love, O Lord,
and grant us your salvation.
8. Let me hear what God the Lord will speak,
for he will speak peace to his people,
to his saints; but let them not turn back to folly.
9. Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him,
that glory may dwell in our land.
10. Steadfast love and faithfulness meet;
righteousness and peace kiss each other.
11. Faithfulness springs up from the ground,
and righteousness looks down from the sky.
12. Yes, the Lord will give what is good,
and our land will yield its increase.
13. Righteousness will go before him
and make his footsteps a way.
Thanksgiving Prayer
: Page 29
Closing Hymn No. 308
: “Ye holy angels bright”
: Page 30
Organ Postlude
6.15 P.M - EVENsoNG
Preacher : Rev. Prem Mitra
18 February 2015 – Ash Wednesday Service
Theme – Cross : A Call to Self-Denial
7.00 AM – Holy Eucharist
6.30 PM – Holy Eucharist
22 February 2015 – Touching the “Untouchable”
– Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the
Holy Spirit:
Congregation – As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall
be world without end, AMEN.
Special Song
: Sunday School Children
Age Group 16 & 17
Old Testament Reading
: Genesis 45: 1-15
Mrs. Mallika Sigamani
Response (Sung)
: Thanks be to thee O God
Epistle Reading
: Ephesians 2: 11-22
Mr. Robinson Doss
Response (Sung)
: Thanks be to thee O God
Gradual No. 235
: “Lord thy word abideth”
Gospel Reading
: John 2: 1-11
Mrs. Ratna James
Response (Sung)
: Praise be to thee O Christ
: Rev. Prem Mitra
Nicene Creed
: Page 12
: Litany – 1, Page 14
The Breaking of the
Bread (all stand)
: Page 20
Offertory Hymn No. 167 : “To the name of our salvation”
The Great Thanksgiving
: Page 23
Holy Communion
Hymn Nos.
: 174, 269, 30 & 257
– 2 Kings 5: 1-10
– 10: 1-12
– Hebrews 13: 8-17
– Matthew 15: 7-13
In your prayers please remember
Mrs. Ruth Alexander
Mrs. E. C. Jathanna
Mrs. Susheela Patrick
Mrs. Simi Gager
Mrs. Sushila Rao
Ms. Leela Edwin
08.30 A.M
: Sunday School
10.30 A.M
10.30 A.M
: Youth Fellowship
: Junior Choir Practice
Wed 18 February 7.00 A.M
6.30 P.M
: Holy Eucharist Service
: Holy Eucharist Service
Thu 19th February 6.30 P.M
: Choir Practice
Fri 20 February
Sat 21st February
6.30 P.M
6.45 A.M
: Choir Practice
: Praise & Prayer
We extend a warm welcome to all friends and visitors. We hope you will
find the worship service meaningful. Please join us after the Service for
fellowship and a cup of coffee in the lawns near the Resource Centre.
Cooke Town/Seva Nagar today 15 February 2015 at 4.30 PM
At the Residence of
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Deepak L. Bunyan
# 104, Jasper Block, Petra Park Apts
Ram Murthy Nagar
Bangalore – 560016
Mob : 9448954254, 9980856862
R T Nagar/Sadhashiv Nagar on Saturday 21 February 2015 at 12 PM
At the Residence of
Wg Cdr & Dr. Mrs. C. J. Premvardhan
# 103, SMR Castle, Doddabanaswadi
Bangalore – 560043
Resi : 080-25424432, Mob : 9448384568
St Mark’s Outreach Project (Choodasandra) : St Mark’s Outreach
Project (Choodasandra) : On 31 January 2015, the medical camp at
Slum Clearance Board Colony (SCBC), Choodasandra was conducted. Dr.
Anandham Santhiah and Dr. Devi Thomas attended to 42 patients. Dr.
Sushila David had sent 4 nurses. We thank them for their services. We
solicit your support and prayers. Contact church office (2221 3633/2221
4021) or David L Stephen (973 974 0000)
(a) Mission & Evangelism Fund Envelopes : Envelopes are kept at the
entrances for supporting the outreach programmes of our Church. We
thank the congregation for their unstinted support and involvement.
(b) Bible Study on II and IV Saturdays at 1530 hrs at Resource
Centre – The next session is on 28 Feb 2015 and Rev. Canon Robbie
Prakasam will lead the study on “II Corinthians chapter 6 & 7”.
Contact Church office (2221 4021).
this choir should be committed to learning, willing to attend all rehearsals
and sing in various languages. Experience in singing four part harmony
will be an added advantage. Volunteers will be auditioned before being
taken into the choir. Kindly contact the Choir Director Mr. Sudhakar John
Doraiswamy before 22 nd February 2015 either in person or on
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER WORKSHOP has been organised by
INTER CHURCH WOMEN’S FELLOSHIP on Sunday 21st February 2015
from 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM. Registration fee is Rs. 50/- per head. Lunch
will be served. For details contact Mrs. Rachel Mohan (9844253867) or
Mrs. Jasmine Johnson (9538926608).
Bible readers workshop will be held on Sunday 22nd March 2015 after
the 8.30 AM Service at the Resource Centre. Those who would like to
read the Bible during the services including the 6.15 PM service kindly
register your names in the Church office.
COMMUNITY CARE : The Church fasting prayer will be held on every
2nd and 4th Saturday of the month between 1.00 P.M to 3.00 P.M in the
OFFERTORY : Sunday 08th February 2015 : Rs. 90,480.00
The collection for CSI Hospital, Chikkaballapur on 08th February 2015
was Rs. 69, 815.00
MAy GoD BlEss you
oN your BirthDAy
15th February
: Ms. Roshni Eapen, Mr. Sanjay Stephen,
Mrs. Malini Kamath, Master Yowaan Paul Dylan,
Mr. Prithvi Gajaraj, Mrs. Mary Thampi,
Ms. Miriam P. Mohan, Mrs. Mallika Sigamani,
Mrs. Priyadarshini Prabhakaran, Ms. Sanjukta Dutt,
Mr. Joseph Daniel, Ms. Joanna Manickaraj,
Mrs. Neetha Mathew, Ms. Cheryl A Fernando.
16th February
: Ms. Aishwarya G, Mrs. Renu Simon,
Rev. Richard Gnanakan, Lt. Gen. Ravi Eipe,
Mr. Stephen Azariah, Mr. Sapnil Marcus,
Dr. Mrs. Sowmini Albert, Master Rithin Raghavan.
17th February
: Mr. Reuben S. Samuel, Ms. Cecilia John,
Mr. Naveen Aaron, Mr. Santosh Baynes,
Ms. Francesca Benjamine, Ms. Manjula Divakar,
Mr. Steward Arul Raj, Ms. Daisy Premkumar,
Mrs. Sharon Selvaraj, Ms. Rashmika Albert,
(c) Visit to Home : Visit to the Calvary Chapel Home (Home of Hope) is
scheduled today after the 0830 hrs service.
“Talent Day” program will be held on Sunday, 22nd Feb 2015 from 8:30
AM to 5:00 PM. All parents and friends are invited to come and
encourage the participants. It is a full day program. Those who opt for
lunch, please give your name at the registration desk along with Rs. 85/
- per head and collect your coupons today.
VBS : The VBS is planned from 15th of April to 25th April. Parents are
requested to please make a note of these dates and plan your vacation
ST. MARK’S CATHEDRAL CHOIR : The St. Mark’s concert choir is
being augmented. Those 18 years and above desirous of being a part of
18th February
19th February
20th February
21st February
Mr. R. Eugene Moses, Mr. Santosh E. Baynes,
Mr. Sandeep Thomas Verghese.
: Mrs. Susanna Eappen, Dr. Mrs. Usha Iyengar,
Ms. Susan George, Mrs. Sara Abraham,
Master Terence Patrick, Mr. Benu Leeberson.
: Mrs. Jessmie S. John, Dr. Ms. Amrita Mathew,
Mr. Albert Devaprasad, Mr. T. Stanley Rajkumar,
Master Samarun Williams, Ms. Sheena Joseph,
Mrs. Christina Schubert, Ms. Belinda Deborah,
Ms. Anitha Mischel Wilfred.
: Ms. Ashna Silas, Ms. Thangam Chandy,
Mr. R. S. Vijay, Mr. Nitin Koshy,
Mrs. Eliamma George, Air. Cmde. K. C. Kuruvilla,
Mrs. Lal Ralte, Ms. Abigail Sheila,
Mrs. Cynthia Thomas, Mrs. Jannet Robbie,
Mr. Raahul Raghavan.
: Mr. Kurien K. Y. John, Mrs. Susmita Francis,
Ms. Nithya Andrew, Mr. Arun Manesh B.
St. Mark’
Mark’ss Cathedral
No.1, Mahatma Gandhi Road,Bangalore 560 001
Tel No: 22213633, 22214021
Presbyter – In – Charge
Rev. Prem Mitra
Tel No: 22215818 (O)
Office Bearers
Wg Cdr C. J. Premvardhan (Retd) - Secretary
15th Feb – Mr. & Mrs. Mohan Chandy,
Mr. & Mrs. Babu Duraipandian
18th Feb – Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Pratap Varma
20th Feb – Mr. & Mrs. Donald Francis
21st Feb –
Mr. & Mrs. A. Lawrence,
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Paul. M
Air Cmde K. J. Jacob (Retd) - Treasurer
Choir Director
Mr. Sudhakar John Doraiswamy
Mr. E. D. George
Mr. Avinash Grubb
Dr. Arthur Reginold
Mr. Peter Joseph
E-mail Address: 1)