Event Calendar February 2015 1—Superbowl Sunday! Lord’s Accord rehearsal 3—Girls Bible study Jr High Boys Hangout 4—Women’s Weekday Bible study 46 youth group Choir rehearsal 5—Men’s Bible study 7—FHNA Planning meeting 8—Deacons Valentine Brunch 10—NSC Youth Night 11—Women’s Weekday Bible study 46 youth group Choir rehearsal 12—Men’s Bible study 14—Happy Valentine’s Day! 17—Girls Bible study Jr High Boys Hangout 18—Women’s Weekday Bible study Primetimers Lunch Ash Wednesday Service 46 youth group 19—Men’s Bible study 21—Devotions & Work 22—First Sunday of Lent Welcome MEET An Invitation to Prayer 24—NSC Youth Night 25—Women’s Weekday Bible study 46 youth group Choir rehearsal 26—Men’s Bible study 27—Community Kitchen March 2015 Events Guide February—March 2015 1—Second Sunday of Lent Prayer Supper 3—Girls Bible study Jr High Boys Hangout 4—Women’s Weekday Bible study 46 youth group Choir rehearsal 5—Men’s Bible study 8—Third Sunday of Lent (Daylight Savings) Lord’s Accord rehearsal An Invitation to Prayer 10—NSC Youth Night 11—Women’s Weekday Bible study 46 youth group Choir rehearsal 12—Men’s Bible study 15—Fourth Sunday of Lent Lord’s Accord rehearsal 17—Girls Bible study Jr High Boys Hangout 18—Women’s Weekday Bible study Primetimers Luncheon 46 youth group Choir rehearsal 19—Men’s Bible study 21—Spring Yard Clean-Up 22—Fifth Sunday of Lent Lord’s Accord rehearsal An Invitation to Prayer 24—NSC Youth Night 25—Women’s Weekday Bible study 46 youth group Version 1 Choir rehearsal 26—Men’s Bible study 27—Community Kitchen 29—Palm Sunday Lord’s Accord rehearsal Inglewood Presbyterian Church Kirkland, WA Wanting to connect here at Inglewood? Just curious about our life together? Our Community in Prayer Praise God for the humility he displayed in coming to earth as a baby and dying a criminals death on a cross for you and me! Thank him for not only dying for our sins, but for also rising from the dead and giving us new life and relationship with our Father God! Pray for those in our church family and those we know who are suffering, great and small (physical, emotional, spiritual, mental), that they would be comforted during their trial and that they would hold fast We’d love to meet you! to Jesus for their hope and healing. If you’re newer to Inglewood Church, we invite you to either of these venues: Welcome Meet 7 Coffee with Pastor James 7 We invite you to meet our pastor, As a Portland native, he’s glad to be leaders, and some other newcomers. back in the land of good coffee— We’ll gather here in our building for an hour, with a simple lunch provided. You’ll hear a brief snapshot of who we are, what God is doing here, and ways you can connect! and always glad to grab a cup with someone. Email him at pastorkumin@ gmail.com to set something up at a time that works for you. Next Meet: February 22, 2015 Where: IPC Sanctuary When: 11:15am 7 Intergenerational—Friendly for Kids & Adults Alike At IPC, we really value doing things together. When you see this symbol, know that everyone is invited to participate, from birth through 100+ Pray that as we enter into 2015 that we would allow God to continue his good work that he has begun in us: developing and maturing the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, gentleness, self-control. Pray for those who are without jobs, that they may be encouraged and filled with faith during the time of waiting. Ask God for new opportunities. Pray for our overseas missionaries as they seek to bring the light of Christ to various places around the world. Pray for our new Junior High & High School youth programs that are starting up each Tuesday evening in the new year; ask God for healthy and life-giving relationships to be built among the youth and leaders. If you would like others to pray with you for a need or would like someone to pray with, please email our prayer chain: prayerchain@inglewoodpc.org LOVING OUR Through the spring we will finish our tour through Jesus’ conversation with his NEIGHBORS followers in Matt 5-7. Commonly called the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus outlines the EGG HUNT! EMERGENCY FEEDING PROGRAM 7 Pastor James pastorkumin@gmail.com 425-823-9334 / office@inglewoodpc.org Saturday, April 4th , 11am Monday—Thursday, 9am-2pm IPC will be hosting an egg hunt! Our food bank is open to anyone in the Separate areas for toddlers, pre-K, and community and is supported through older kids. Come a few minutes early to generous donations from the Seattle- decorate a bag. Hunt begins promptly based Emergency Feeding Program at 11:10am. and folks in the IPC community. very basics of building a life with him – a life that will last. Lent with Inglewood Church Ash Wednesday—7pm, Feb 18 (youth and kids welcome!) A brief, interactive service of song, word, confession, and imposition of ashes as we mark the beginning of the 40 days of Lent. Non-perishable food donations are gladly accepted. Palm Sunday—10am, March 29 We celebrate Jesus’ authority as our Servant King, enacted in his AA MEETS AT IPC entry into Jerusalem the Sunday before he was crucified. 425-823-9334 / office@inglewoodpc.org Thursdays, Tindall Hall, 6:30-9pm COMMUNITY KITCHEN 7 This group meets weekly and is open Maundy Thursday—7pm, April 2 to anyone in the community. Our celebration of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples before his Annette Friday, Feb. 27th & Mar. 27th 6-9pm, Kitchen We all have busy schedules, but come share a meal with your neighbors. crucifixion. In English named ‘maundy’ from the Latin ‘mandatum’ (commandment) – as Jesus told his disciples “I give you a new CHURCH OF MARY MAGDALENE 7 commandment, that you love one another”. Carol May 2nd Good Friday: an immersive and interactive experience The Church of MM serves homeless and No experience necessary, children are formerly homeless women and children welcome. Learn, eat, share stories, and in downtown Seattle. IPC has the regular swap recipes! privilege of serving breakfast here. Kids All day, April 3 Come at any point through the day to the IPC sanctuary for self-guided reflection and meditation on Jesus’ death in our place to redeem us from sin to life. Brief (±12 minutes) worship in song and prayer will be offered at noon (darkness), 3:00pm (death), and 7:00pm (burial before are welcome as long as they are with an adult. Diaper donations are appreciated. sunset). Easter Sunday—Worship at 10am Come celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and the life he freely gives – in the world to come, and in daily life right now. We will also have an egg hunt on Saturday, April 4 – see Loving Our Neighbors for details. The Ancient Tradition of Lent The forty days leading up to Easter, not counting Sundays In the first few centuries of church life, people who became curious about Jesus were often expected to spend significant time as CHOIR “hearers” before they were baptized. They would join the life of the Joy church, joining in service to others, sharing meals in homes, learning about Jesus and a life with him. When the person decided, “Yes, I want to follow Jesus!” – usually some months or years after first considering Jesus – then they were accepted into baptism (which is a sharing in Jesus’ death and resurrection), and then accepted to the Lord’s Supper (Jesus’ feeding us with his own life). But by the mid-200s AD and even more in the 300s AD, as the number of new Christians swelled dramatically, many parts of the Church took this longer period of spiritual preparation for baptism, and shortened it to just 40 days. The Church also began placing this preparation period directly before Easter, so that “hearers” could be baptized on Saturday night before Easter (the “Easter Vigil”), share communion with other Christians on Easter Sunday, and then receive some additional mentoring after Easter. Some churches still regularly use Lent to prepare new believers for baptism (and new members for membership). But even for those who are already Christians, we observe Lent as a season to remember all Jesus has done for us in life, death, and resurrection – and all he is for us as he serves and prays for us today and forever. We renew our response to his grace, in part, through renewed attention to time-honored spiritual disciplines such as prayer, scripture meditation, confession, generosity, and fasting. February 4th, 11th & 25th Each Wednesday in March 7:15pm-8:30pm Please join us in the sanctuary on most Wednesdays as able. All voices welcome! SPRING YARD CLEAN-UP 7 John March 21st 9:30am-Noon Come join us as IPC teams up with the Scouts and our on-site preschool, Inglemoor Co-op, to beautify the grounds and prepare the church for the coming warm weather! SNOW WATCH 2015 7 If we just happen to get some snow this year, join us for the first day when school is cancelled in the Northshore and Lake WA schools! We’ll meet at 10:30am here at IPC for fun in the snow and hot cocoa. DEACONS VALENTINE BRUNCH 7 Sunday, Feb. 8th after worship IPC Fellowship Hall Tickets - $5.00 per person; $15.00 per family We are hosting our annual Valentine Brunch fundraiser to invest in Deacon ministry. Join us after worship service for brunch! Tickets will be on sale in advance or at the door. We will also be collecting cash/check donations. Thank you for supporting your IPC Deacons as they serve in Jesus’ name! DEVOTIONS & WORK 7 John Feb. 21st 8:30am-Noon Everyone is welcome to help out the Buildings & Grounds team as they tackle projects, big and small; meeting once a month for donuts & devotions and then working to help improve and maintain our building. CONNECT & Growing Anew in Lent alive from roots to leaves GROW MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Craig Every Thursday, IPC Library, 7pm This weekly meeting encourages and One thing Jesus makes very clear: on our own, life is barren – but life PRAYER GATHERINGS 7 comes from him. We are poor, sad, Jessica and hungry – he is rich and joyful be- March 1st yond measure. We distort God’s Supper 5:15pm; Prayer at 6pm equips men to know God and carry out There is power in simple prayer his mission for them in the home, and together. As kids do with a loving marketplace with our church. parent, we go to our good Father to word, he brings us back to its heart. We are invited to live as the Father’s kids, find our treasure in heaven, and live free from all anxiety. We are to be with him, talk with him, and share WOMEN’S WEEKDAY BIBLE STUDY Annette ask and receive, walk the road that our lives together. Open to everyone, leads to life, grow good fruit, and do ages 0-99. Jesus words – finding in him a life Every Wednesday, 10am that lasts. Come meet up during the week for PRIMETIMERS Biblical support and encouragement. Janet Meets off-site. February 18th & March 18th AN INVITATION INTO PRAYER We invite anyone 55+, to gather, Carol share a meal, and enjoy good February 22nd conversation. Contact Janet for March 8th & 22nd details on meal themes. 4-6 Grade Sunday School classroom, 11:20am Join Carol to pray on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month after worship to pray for children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews (who may not necessarily be living with you). The “Amen” will come right at noon. 11:30am, Choir Room There is a very similar image in Psalm 1: that God’s word is the source of our life. As we steadily absorb his instruction and come to know him, we become “like a tree planted beside a channel of water, bearing fruit in season and whose leaves never wither.” During Lent, we will enact this invitation out of barrenness into life in a very tangible way. Each week during lent, you will be invited to place roots and leaves on a barren tree in our sanctuary. a Root: a step you are taking to connect more deeply with Jesus and his word, some new step into the bible, into prayer, into confession, into (secret!) generosity, or some other spiritual discipline. This could be something you commit to do, or something you have recently begun. a Leaf: a step of obedience to Jesus’ word that you have taken (or will take). A step to forgive, reach out, or make amends. A promise made (or kept), a lust cut off, an ungodly anger surrendered to God. A step to live out any of the 8 Beatitudes, or live as salt and light (Matt 5:3-16). CHILDREN’S YOUTH MINISTRY MINISTRY NURSERY Stephanie Parents are welcome to drop off children under the age of 3, beginning at 9:50am on Sunday mornings. Our nursery worker will gladly care for them during worship. Summer 2015 Programs Vacation Bible School: July 13-17 *HS students plan to help with VBS Adventure Camp (4-6 grade): July 20-24 Junior High Camp @Tall Timbers (7-9 grade): June 28-July 3 NEW Jr & Sr High YOUTH NIGHTS Our Jr and Sr high students meet on Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm and join up with the Northshore fun and learning more about God’s plan Community Church youth group for an for our lives! Held in the IPC Fellowship Hall (west end of the building). CHILDREN’S CHOIR (7th-9th GRADE) follow Joey Cruz after the Children’s Judith rooms. Our kids will be continuing exploring the life of Jesus in the Gospel Story Bible curriculum. Our children’s choir rehearses almost every Sunday and sings once a month during the worship service. Open to children in grades 1-6. Rehearsing Feb. 1 and then beginning a four week break. Regular rehearsals resuming March 8. Singing Sundays: Mar. 15 & 29. EGG HUNT 7 April 4th, 11am See Loving Our Neighbors for details! JUNIOR CHURCH On holidays we give the kids a change of pace (and our volunteers a break) by simplifying Sunday School. Children entering 3rd grade and younger follow Joey Cruz after the Children’s Moment. Upcoming dates: April 5 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 7 For children age 3 to 3rd grade (9:00am Joey 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm Feb. 3 & 17, Mar. 4 & 18 Come hang out with Joey! We’ll play Xbox, games and have a short lesson. Meet in the downstairs youth room. GIRLS BIBLE STUDY (7th-12th GRADE) Tatum 425-823-9334 office@inglewoodpc.org 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm Feb. 3 & 17, Mar. 4 & 18 Open to all girls in Jr & Sr High. Come for a light meal and simple, meaningful Bible study. to noon). Our theme is Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid”. We’ll create a marketplace in Nazareth and experience what life was like when Jesus was a kid just like them. If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Allison. the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month Come join us for an evening of friends, All children in Pre-K through 6th grade Sundays, 11-11:45am, Choir Room ~LIVE FAITH (4th-6th GRADE) JR HIGH BOYS HANGOUT Message to their Sunday School class- ~REAL CONNECTIONS 46 YOUTH GROUP LORD’S ACCORD SUNDAY SCHOOL ~REAL CONVERSATIONS Questions about our youth programs? Contact Joey Cruz evening of worship, teaching and our own personal small groups. JUNIOR HIGH will meet at IPC at 6pm and will arrive back for pick up at 8:15pm. SENIOR HIGH will meet at IPC at 7pm and will arrive back at IPC at 9:30pm. NSC YOUTH NIGHTS February 10 & 24 March 10 & 24
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