AGENDA- TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY 120 North Main Street Liberty, New York 12754 February 17, 2015 7:00p.m. 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC HEARING 6:45p.m. -Introductory Local Law #1 of 2015 entitled" A local law amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Liberty with respect to tax map parcels 12.-1-18, 12.-1-19, 12.-120.3 and 12.-1-37.3." REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING 7:00 p.m. RECOGNIZE THE PUBLIC Mark Blauer Grant Writer Katrina Foster- KKPR Marketing & Public Relations CORRESPONDENCE 1. An email invitation from the Office of the State Comptroller regarding a mini seminar on "Board Oversight Responsibilities". 2. An introduction letter from Farr Engineering. 3. A letter from the Sullivan Renaissance congratulating the Town on receiving a matching grant for participation in the "Municipal Partnership Program". PLANNING &ZONING BOARD MINUTES APPROVAL OF AUDIT • February, 2014 Abstract: Claims #136 to #294 totaling $647,582.33 • January Post Audit: Claims #111 to #135 totaling $117,663.08 • January General Ledger Abstract: Claims #1 to #31 totaling $1,334,642.09 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: • Regular Montly Mtg. 0112/1555 AGENDA - TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY 120 North Main Street Liberty, New York 12754 February 17, 2015 7:00p.m. • • • • • End of Year Mtg. Re-organizational Mtg. Regular Monthly Mtg. Bid Opening Special Mtg. 12/30/2014 1/5/2015 1/5/2015 1/29/2015 2/5/2015 ACCEPTANCE OF MONTHLY REPORTS: 1. Town Clerk's Monthly Report 1/2015 2. Revenue & Expense as of 1/31/15 3. Supervisor's Report 12/14 OLD BUSINESS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Loomis WWTF Phase II Plans Loomis Sewer 1&1 Plans Emergency Preparedness Plan Assessor vacancy Proposed Zoning Law NEW BUSINESS: 1. Approval of the following towing licenses: • Kevin Zieres (2) 2. Approval of the following refuse collection licenses: • Waste Pro, Inc. (1) • Thompson Sanitation (1) • Sims Metal East LLC (2) 3. Re-appointment of the following board members: • Robert Werlau Alternate to Zoning Board 12/31/2015 • Denise Birmingham Planning Board Member 12/31/2019 • Lydia Rolle Alternate to Planning Board 12/31/2015 • Branden Reeves Alternate to Planning Board 12/31/2015 • Lynn Dowe Planning Board Chairman 12/31/2015 4. Completion of Annexation of 1885 Route 52 LLC of the Town of Liberty to the Village of Liberty. BOARD DISCUSSION AGENDA- TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY 120 North Main Street Liberty, New York 12754 February 17, 2015 7:00p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. To hear from Walter Garigliano to discuss possible litigation with the board. 2. To discuss a personnel matter involving a particular employee. 3. To discuss assessor applicants interviews. ADJOURN LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF LIBERTY, SULLIVAN COUNTY, NY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT - PHASE 5 The Town of Liberty is requesting proposals for Administrative Services for Office of Community Renewal (OCR) Small Cities CDBG project #641PW61-14. Responses to this request will be accepted until4:00 P.M., February 13, 2015 at the Office of the Town Clerk, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, NY 12754. Please mark on the outside of the envelope, "Response to Administrative Services RFP- White Sulphur Springs Water Main Replacement- Phase 5". Respondents are required to submit one (1) original and five (5) copies of their proposal. This project involves installation of approximately 2,480 linear feet of new HDPE watermain, approximately 30 linear feet of new cement line ductile iron watermain, 6 new hydrants, 32 water services, 5 new valves and site restoration. The project is being undertaken by the Town of Liberty. The project budget is $599,500 including construction, engineering and administrative costs. This project will proceed in March 2015 and the Town expects to award a construction contract by July 2015. The Town is seeking administrative services to prepare the Environmental Review Record, establish and maintain project files, oversee procurement of professional services, coordinate as necessary with the Town's project engineer and Office of Community Renewal, assist with the bidding process, maintain labor standards records, ensure compliance with fair housing and equal opportunity requirements, prepare payment requests, prepare required reports, ensure compliance with citizen participation requirements and prepare closeout documents. Copies of the project application, preliminary engineering report, cost estimate and project area maps are available for review at the Office ofthe Town Clerk, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, NY 12754, between the hours of9:00 AM and 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. Proposals will be evaluated based upon the following criteria and numerical point values: -successful background in the administration of Small Cities funded projects 40 points -comprehensive scope of services 30 points -availability of services as per Program Schedule 15 points -cost of services 15 points Total 100 points The Town of Liberty reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted. Minority and women business enterprises (MBE and WBE) and Section 3 business concerns are encouraged to respond. Laurie Dutcher Town Clerk Town of Liberty TOWN OF LIBERTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that there has been introduced before the Town Board of the Town of Liberty in the County of Sullivan and State of New York, introductory Local Law No.1 ofthe Year 2015 entitled "A local law amending the Zoning Map ofthe Town of Liberty with respect to tax map parcels 12.-1-18, 12.-1-19, 12.-1-20.3 and 12.-137.3." The proposed local law would amend the Town of Liberty Zoning Map with respect to tax map parcels 12.-1-18, 12.-1-19, 12.-1-20.3 and 12.-1-37.3, which are currently located within the AC Agricultural Conservation District by removing such parcels from the AC Agricultural Conservation District and adding them to the adjoining RD Rural Development District. The proposed local law has been determined to be a Type I action pursuant to the regulations promulgated under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, for which a long form environmental assessment form shall be prepared. A copy of the said local law is on file with the Town Clerk of the Town of Liberty, New York, where the same may be examined. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to §20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a public hearing will be held on the aforesaid local law before the Town Board ofthe Town of Liberty, at the Town Hall, 120 Main Street, Liberty, New York, at 6:45p.m. prevailing time, on February 17, 2015, at which time all interested persons will be heard. Dated: January 21, 2015 HON. LAURIE DUTCHER, Town Clerk Angela Dalton From: Sent: To: Subject: Town of Liberty, Supervisor <> Friday, February 06, 2015 12:31 PM Angela Dalton; Brian McPhillips; Charlie Barbuti; Dean Farrand; Russell Reeves FW: Training Opportunity- Board Oversight Responsibilities -----Original Message----From: [] On Behalf Of muniBinghamton@osc.state.ny. us Sent: Friday, February o6, 2015 8:36AM Cc: DFortner@osc.state.ny. us; CFEDORICK@osc.state.ny. us Subject: Training Opportunity- Board Oversight Responsibilities Dear Town Supervisors: We are pleased to invite you and your Town Boards to attend a mini seminar on Board Oversight Responsibilities. This is a free training event courtesy of the New York State Office of the State Comptroller. For your convenience we have scheduled two separate locations/ dates: Date: Wednesday, February 25,2015 Time: 6:30-8:30 pm Location: Town of Hartwick Town Hall, 103 Town Drive, Hartwick, NY Date: Thursday, February 26, 2015 Time: 6:30-8:30 pm Location: Town of Hancock Town Hall, 661 West Main Street, Hancock, NY Please pass this opportunity along to your respective Town Board members. To register, please indicate your interest in attending bye-mailing the number of attendees and date/location preference to or call (607) 721-8306 and ask for Deb Fortner or Chris Fedorick. Please register early as seating is limited. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. In the event of inclement weather, we will reschedule the training for: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 PM, Town of Hancock Town Hall, 661 West Main Street, Hancock, NY Thursday, March 5, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 PM, Town of Hartwick Town Hall, 103 Town Drive, Hartwick, NY Office of the State Comptroller Binghamton Regional Office 44 Hawley Street- Rm 1702 Binghamton, NY 13901-4417 ph. 607-721-8306 fax. 607-721-8313 1 James M. Farr, P.E., Principal Farr Engineering JFarr@Farr- Engineering. com 10 February 2015 Town of Liberty 102 North Street Liberty, NY 12754 ATTENTION: SUPERVISOR BARBUTI AND TOWN BOARD MEMBERS REFERENCE: FARR ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION Dear Supervisor Barbuti and Town Board Members: We would like to introduce the Town of Liberty to Farr Engineering. I have provided municipal engineering services to Sullivan County municipalities and the Catskill Region for over 28 years. I enjoy working with rural communities and developing solutions to suit their needs. Before starting my own independent firm, I was the Principal-President of a regional consulting engineering firm. Please review our mission statement and qualifications. We would appreciate the opportunity to provide one on one engineering services to your unique community. A. MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to provide engineering services with the highest degree of professionalism to a select client base that considers Farr Engineering their consultant. We aspire to create professional partnerships by exceeding client expectations. I will personally undertake the engineering services of my municipal clients and am available 24/7 for any emergency situation that may arise. I love what I do, it's a passion not a job. B. BACKGROUND I have 28 years of practical civil/environmental/municipal engineering experience. I am a licensed Professional Engineer and a Certified Water Operator in New York State. Prior to opening my independent engineering practice in 2013, I was the President and Principal of McGoey, Hauser & Edsall (MH&E) Consulting Engineers. I worked for MH&E for 27 years, progressing from Staff Engineer to President-Principal of the Firm, during my tenure at MH&E. I have been appointed the designated TownNillage/City Engineer for approximately a dozen different municipalities in New York, and have provided engineering design services to the majority of municipalities in Sullivan County, including the Town of Liberty. PO Box 302, Port Jervis, New York 12771 (914) 474-1980 Town of Liberty -2- 10 February 2015 I established Farr Engineering to provide practical, client specific solutions to each of our client's individualized needs. I am personally responsible for every aspect of my clients' projects. C. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING The vast majority of my engineering career has been providing engineering services to municipalities. I enjoy interacting with the elected officials, Department Heads and constituents to provide cost effective, practical solutions to the situation to be addressed. 1. I enjoy working side by side with Highway Superintendents to stretch their highway infrastructure budget. I am experienced with demands of maintaining a rural road system. 2. As a certified water system operator I take pleasure in working the municipal water operators to optimize their water infrastructure to provide high quality, reliable drinking water. I know what it is like to deal with small Town Water District budgets. 3. I enjoy assisting the wastewater treatment plant personnel to satisfy the demanding requirements of balancing their budget constraints while complying with the NYSDEC mandates for discharging a clean effluent. 4. I have vast experience in assisting Building Departments with plan reviews as required, and helping to enforce the Building and Zoning Code to ensure the safety of the public. I am always available to respond to calls where assistance maybe needed in condemning a structure after a fire, vehicle accident or heavy snow. 5. I perform engineering reviews of Planning and Zoning Board plan submittals to maintain a balance in the community and help ensure responsible development and regulatory compliance. 6. I am available in the evening or early mornings for meetings with elected officials and/or Department Heads with their constituents to explain technical situations and answer their questions. 7. I am available to respond to natural disasters that seem to be more frequent each year. 8. I regularly complete applications for and am successful in securing funding for programs such as FEMA, Community Development, and State/Federal Member item requests. PO Box 302, Port Jervis, New York 12771 (914) 474-1980 Town of Liberty D. -3- 10 February 2015 RESUME My professional resume is attached. We appreciate the opportunity to introduce you to Farr Engineering. You may be satisfied with your current engineer, but if you would like to meet with us to personally discuss the issues that your community is facing, we would be happy to do so. If you would be interested in my office submitting a fee proposal for your consideration, we would be happy to do so, as well. If you have any questions or would be interested in additional information about Farr at your Engineering, please call me at (914)474-1980 or e-mail convenience. Very truly yours, FARR ENGINEERING ,-,,,) r)JdV James M. Farr, P.E. Principal PO Box 302, Port Jervis, New York 12771 (914) 474-1980 .. ' JAMES M. FARR P.E. P.O. Box 302 Port Jervis, New York 12771 • 914-474-1980 Jim has 28 years of practical civil/environmental engineering experience. He is licensed in New York State, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and State of Delaware and is a Certified Water Operator in New York State. Prior to opening his independent engineering practice in 2014, he was the President and Principal of McGoey, Hauser & Edsall {MH&E) Consulting Engineers. He worked for MH&E for 27 years, progressing from Staff Engineer to President-Principal of the Firm. During his tenure at MH&E and in 1990, Jim successfully opened and managed the firm's Milford, Pennsylvania office while overseeing the firm's municipal infrastructure design projects. He .was appointed the designated TownNillage/City Engineer for approximately a dozen different municipalities in New York and Pennsylvania. Jim established Farr to provide practical, client specific solutions to each of our client's individualized needs. Jim aspires to create long term professional partnerships by exceeding client expectations. Jim is personally responsible for every aspect of our clients' projects. SUMMARY' OF PRIMARY ENGINEERING SERVICES PROVIDED Municipal Engineering land Development Services Civil Environmental Engineering Professional Testimony WaterM/astewater Facility Design Construction Observation Site Plan Preparation and Review Value Engineering Water System Operations land/Property Surveying Farr maintains professional relationships with engineering firms with different engineering specialties (electrical, mechanical, HVAC engineering) as well as land surveying and architectural firms. Depending on the specific project, a team of professionals is assembled to provide the client with the best possible solution for their needs. EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering- Union College A.S. Engineering Science- SUNY Delhi PROFESSIONAl liCENSES AND AFFILIATIONS New York State Professional Engineer- 1990 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Professional Engineer- 1993 State of Delaware Professional Engineer- 2014 New York State Certified Water Operator Grades D, liB and C- 2012 New York Rural Water Association American Water Works Association Water Environment Federation Orange County Highway Superintendents Association June 1986 May 1984 c/o Gerry Foundation P 0 Box 311 Liberty, NY 12754 (845)295-2445 SUlliVAN Sullivan Renaissance .org info@ su II ivan renaissance .org TDD: Dial 711 RENAISSANCE STEERING COMMmEE Sandra Gerry, Chair Leni Binder Daniel Briggs Karen Cooke Kathy Davidoff Gay Donofrio Cora Edwards Hon. Josephine Finn Kalman Freidus Danielle Gaebel Annelise Gerry Ruby Gold Pete Gozza Judy Green Leif Johansen Cindy Kashan Jacquie Leventoff Dali Levy Barry Lewis Steve Melendez Akira Ohiso Cathy Paty Kristin Porter Joyce Salimeno-Gitlin Nicole Slevin Jerry Skoda Fred Stabbert ill Richard Sush Jennifer Teitelbaum Jasmin Tejera Anna Lise Dyhr Vogel Gillian Williams STAFF Glenn Pontier, Executive Director Helen Budrock Kathleen Capozzoli Colleen Emery Denise Frangipane Allen Frishman, Consultant Saraid Gonzalez Eniko Hunyadi Cara Kowalski Ari Mir-Pontier, Consultant Diana K. Weiner February 3, 2015 Charlie Barbuti, Supervisor Town of Liberty 120 North Main Street Liberty, NY 12754 Dear Charlie, Congratulations on being selected to receive a Sullivan Renaissance Community Development Grant. Based on the information contained in your application, we are pleased to approve a matching grant in the amount of $5,000 for participation in our pilot "Municipal Partnership Program." This includes hiring a "Summer Renaissance Project Supervisor" to assist in the daily maintenance of past projects in downtown Liberty. A grant check payable to the Town of Liberty will be mailed under separate cover. Please make sure to keep Sullivan Renaissance staff informed of your progress with this program. In addition, our staff should be directly involved in certain aspects of project implementation, including seasonal staff training. When the project is complete, your office should send us a final report along with copies of all applicable documentation, including the Summer Renaissance Project Supervisor's time sheets, receipts for materials purchased, and proof of matching funds. Unless other arrangements have been made, the project must be completed by October 15, 2015. If you have any questions, or encounter problems as you proceed, please do not hesitate to contact our community planner Helen Budrock at (845} 295-2462. Thank you again for your participation and your efforts to beautify Sullivan County. Sincerely, ~ ~~~JC~~ Glenn Pontier, Executive Director cc: Brian Scardefield, Liberty Parks & Recreation Director Helen Budrock, Sullivan Renaissance Community Planner Sullivan Renaissance is an equal opportunity provider and employer. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15, 2014 7:00 p.m. At the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Liberty held on December 15, 2014 at 7:00p.m. at Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, New York, the following Town Board Members were present: Present: Supervisor Charlie Barbuti Councilperson Dean Farrand Councilperson Russell Reeves Councilperson Brian McPhillips Absent: Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Laurie Dutcher Also present: Town Attorney Kenneth Klein Finance Director Earl Bertsch Cheryl Gerow Budget and Accounting Clerk Water &Sewer Foreman Thomas Kehrley Dan Fagnani of Delaware Engineering Confidential Secretary Angela Dalton Deputy Town Clerk Sara Sprague Paula Kay Mary Heinle After the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Barbuti called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. CORRESPONDENCE 1. A copy of the Ag & Markets Municipal Shelter Inspection Report. 2. A copy of the Ag & Markets Dog Control Officer Inspection Report. 3. A copy of the Security Guard Services Agreement from Wawanda Investigations & Security Company, LLC. 4. A copy of the proposal for the development of a Liberty Animal Shelter. 5. A copy of the 2015 Insurance rates. RECOGNIZE THE PUBLIC Paula Kay Ms. Kay advised the Board that the previous potential buyers for Daytop were no longer interested in purchasing the property, but new buyers were interested in it for a more traditional style camp. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15,2014 CONTINUED ....... Ms. Kay also showed the board a purchasing agreement whereby they were purchasing the small contiguous piece that they had spoken about at the last meeting. She wanted to know if the board was receptive to the zoning change from ACto RD. After a short discussion the board decided that they would agree to have the Town Attorney draw up a local law changing the zoning but they would like to hear what the neighboring people had to say during the public hearing. Joanne Gerow DCO Gerow detailed to the board her proposal to Alan Gerry to replace the existing dog kennel on Sunset Lake Rd. with a Liberty Animal Shelter. The Board felt that the numbers needed to be worked on a little more and the staffing needed to be looked into further, however the Board agreed to write a letter stating that they are in support of the conceptual plan. RESOLUTION NO 249·14 APPROVAL OF AUDIT Motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, the Town Board approved the following: • December, 2014 Abstract: Claims #2222 to #2422 totaling $495,057.45 • November Post Audit: Claims #2206 to #2221 totaling $105,426.67 • November General Ledger Abstract: Claims #391 to #419 totaling $193,229.69 4 AYES - Carried 1 Absent- Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck RESOLUTION NO 250·14 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15,2014 CONTINUED ....... Motion by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, seconded by Councilperson Russell Reeves, the Town Board approved the following: • • Department Head Mtg. Bid Opening UV system 12/01/14 12/10/14 4 AYES - Carried 1 Absent- Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck RESOLUTION NO 251-14 UV BID ACCEPTED Motion by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, seconded by Councilperson Russell Reeves, the Town Board approved the following bid received by UV Doctor Systems, LLC, 1184 Ferris Road Amelia, OH for the overhaul of the existing 37 lamp Ultron System at the Swan Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of: One Unit $46,440.00 Two Units (at the same time) $88,236.00 4 AYES - Carried 1 Absent- Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck RESOLUTION NO 252-14 ACCEPTANCE OF MONTHLY REPORTS Motion by Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, the Town Board approved the following: • • • Town Clerk's Monthly Report 12/14 Monthly Town Board Revenue &Expense Report as of 11/30/14 Supervisor's Report 10/14 & 11/14 4 AYES - Carried 1 Absent- Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck OLD BUSINESS 1. Loomis Wastewater Treatment Facility Phase II Plans Delaware Engineering gave the following report: 1. Water System DRBC Application • No new comments back from DRBC Application 3 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15,2014 CONTINUED ....... 2. Loomis WWTP Upgrade • Plant Data/Sampling Needs o When significant rain events occur, the Town will continue to collect some wet weather WWTP influent and clarifier effluent data for the design of Phase 2 WWTP (soluble BOD, BOD, TSS, phosphorous, ammonia): • 24 hour composite sampling • Phase 2 NYSDEC o Met with NYSDEC at Region 3 New Paltz offices on October 28 to discuss Phase 2, the permit and Consent Order o Forwarded a meeting summary on October 29 to NYSDEC o Recent correspondence from NYSDEC on Loomis Permit and III-see attached. o For Loomis WWTP: • NYSDEC is still working on a final limit for Phosphorous • Will be based on effluent loading at the time of permit changes 2012 • This means it should be based on 2 to 2.5 mg/1 rather than the 0.5 mg/1 that is contained in the current new permit. • Loading is the product of concentration (mg/1) x flow (MGD) x 8.34 so at previous permit flow of 80,000 gallons per day (0.08 MGD) the loading limit under a revised permit should be 0.08 MGD x 2 mg/1 x 8.34 = 1.3 pounds per day. If our plant flow is less than 80,000 gpd, at the revised loading limit of 1.3 pounds per day, the concentration of phosphorous can be higher than 2 mg/l. • This means that ifNYSDEC revises the permit as planned it is likely that phosphorous compliance can be met with chemical addition alone and no separate process. • NYSDEC does not want any flows to bypass biological (RBC) treatment • no Eq Tank overflow directly to Sand Beds • May end of diverting flows >50,000 gpd to the process train that is offline prior to sending it thru the sand beds • Some more thought required • Regarding Consent Order issues- for example - revising interim dates for Phase 2 submissions- need to contact Region 3 Attomey o Regarding Loomis I/I: • Letter states that current submissions are not acceptable • Long list of things they want to see included 4 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15,2014 CONTINUED ....... • • • • Can address most of their requested items Have a draft of the Loomis Sewer System Map based on drawings and info obtained from W&S - key item required for the report to show facilities as well as problems, repairs, etc. Working on tables summarizing investigative work, problems noted, repair work to date, etc. Plan for work forward will be minimal since flows appear to be alto lower since Town did work in 2014. We will review this carefully with Town before submitting. Phase 2 work- most likely elements generally following the CDBG funded/planned patlt: o Planned items • Items needed to finish up Phase I • New Equalization Tank to provide a more uniform hydraulic load to the plant with an overflow to go to existing sand beds Size and type of tank affects site and cost- evaluating • Second RBC/clarifier train rated at 50,000 gpd • Limited repairs to the existing sand beds • remove and replace 4"to 6" of sand (washed sand, low in fines 0.3 to 0.6mm) • • o working to get good costs from sand suppliers • replace top 12" of liner all around replace one section of concrete berm • Revised or different waste solids holding tank (Draft site plan -roll out) o Possible Items • Treatment to address total phosphorous • Currently proposed limit of0.5 mg/1 under review with NYSDEC • Sodium Bicarbonate feed system relocation • UV repairs • Upgrade influent pumps (depends on location of new Eq tank) • Larger Electrical service (working on motor list to see total needs) • Larger generator ( working on motor list) Pltase 2 Budget: o Looking to keep project cost (including construction, engineering, other cost) at less than or equal to $2M. o Looks possible without phosphorous treatment beyond chemical addition Delaware's contract for Pltase 2 o Phase 2 work budget numbers pending NYSDEC determination of phosphorous limit • We are working on the design plans and engineering report now • Engineering costs included in the project budget ( overall goal <$2M) 5 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15,2014 CONTINUED ....... • Will submit once we get NYSDEC feedback on phosphorous limit and agree upon a final WWTP process schematic/plan and cost with the Town 3. Swan Lake WWTP • Have been developing concept for new sludge dewatering ( drawing) • Looking at screw press for dewatering and replacing/repairing clarifier components • Getting pricing and reviewing with Water and Sewer 4. • 5. Budgets for Waterline Projects for 2015 Conducted site visit with W &S on November 25 to Harris Road and Ferndale Road Working up estimates for Town CF A Grants • White Sulphur Springs Water Project successful per Mark Blauer's Dec II email and attachment- Great news! 6. • 7. • Attachments NYSDEC Letters on Loomis WWTP and III Items Reviewed at Meeting but not distributed: Loomis Upgrade site plan (draft) Loomis SSES and III system map (draft) Swan Lake WWTP Dewatering concept plan (draft) 2. Proposed Zoning changes Carryover 3. Emergency Preparedness Plan Carry over 4. Proposed Local Law #3 of 2014 Ken will make a formal resolution for the 12/30/14 meeting. 5. Town Court Relocation RESOLUTION NO 253-14 ACCEPTANCE OF THE LIBERTY POLICE MUNICIPAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR COURT SECURITY Motion by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, seconded by Councilperson Dean Farrand, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby accept the Municipal Cooperation Agreement for court security with the Village of Liberty Police and does hereby authorize the Supervisor to sign the agreement. *On file in the Town Clerk's Office 4 AYES - Carried 1 Absent- Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck 6 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15, 2014 CONTINUED ....... NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO 254-14 APPROVAL FOR JOAN REDINGTON TO CARRY OVER (5) VACATION DAYS TO 2015 Motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, the Town Board does hereby give its approval for Joan Redington to carry over (5) vacation days to 2015. 4 AYES - Carried 1 Absent- Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck RESOLUTION NO 255-14 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY, NEW YORK, ADOPTED DECEMBER 15, 2014, APPROVING AND ENDORSING THE JOINT CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE LOOMIS SEWER DISTRICT, THE LOOMIS SEWER DISTRICT EXTENSION NO. I, AND THE LOOMIS SEWER DISTRICT EXTENSION NO.2 A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Liberty, in the County of Sullivan, New York, was held at the Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, New York, on December 15,2014. There were present: Charles Barbuti, Supervisor; and Councilpersons: Councilperson Dean Farrand Councilperson Russell Reeves Councilperson Brian McPhillips There were absent: Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck Also present: Laurie Dutcher, Town Clerk * * 7 * REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15,2014 CONTINUED ....... Councilperson Dean Farrand offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY, NEW YORK, ADOPTED DECEMBER 15, 2014, APPROVING AND ENDORSING THE JOINT CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE LOOMIS SEWER DISTRICT, THE LOOMIS SEWER DISTRICT EXTENSION NO. 1, AND THE LOOMIS SEWER DISTRICT EXTENSION NO. 2 Recitals WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty, in the County of Sullivan, New York (herein called the "Town") has reviewed the proposed Joint Consolidation Agreement in connection with the proposed consolidation of the Loomis Sewer District, the Loomis Sewer District Extension No. 1, and the Loomis Sewer District Extension No.2; Now, therefore, the Town Board hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. The proposed Joint Consolidation Agreement in connection with the consolidation of the proposed consolidation of the Loomis Sewer District, the Loomis Sewer District Extension No. 1, and the Loomis Sewer District Extension No.2, in substantially the form appearing in Exhibit A hereto, is hereby approved and endorsed. Section 2. A public hearing shall be held at the Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, New York on January 20, 2015 at 6:45P.M. to hear those in favor 8 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15, 2014 CONTINUED ....... of and those in opposition to the proposed consolidation of the Districts and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish and post notice of such public hearing pursuant to applicable law. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately. * * * * * Supervisor Charlie Barbuti seconded the motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution and said resolution was adopted by a roll call vote, as follows: Supervisor Charles Barbuti voting AYE Councilman Dean Farrand voting AYE Councilman Thomas Hasbrouck voting ABSENT Councilman Brian McPhillips voting AYE Councilman Russell Reeves voting AYE * * * * The resolution was declared adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 256·14 RECOMMEND THE RE-APPOINTMENT OF MARK MCCARTHY AS THE CATSKILL WATERSHED REPRESENTATIVE Motion by Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, seconded by Councilperson Russell Reeves, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby recommend the re-appointment of Mark McCarthy as the Catskill Watershed Representative. 4 AYES - Carried 9 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 15,2014 CONTINUED ....... 1 Absent- Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck RESOLUTION NO 257-14 EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby go into Executive Session at to discuss (2) specific personnel matters. 4 AYES - Carried 1 Absent- Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck RESOLUTION NO 258-14 OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby come out of Executive Session at 9:40p.m. 4 AYES - Carried 1 Absent- Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck ADJOURN On a motion by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, seconded by Councilperson Russell Reeves the Town Board of adjourned the meeting at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Laurie Dutcher, Town Clerk 1 END OF YEAR MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 30, 2014 4:00 p.m. At the End of the Year Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Liberty held on December 30, 2014 at 4:00p.m. at Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, New York, the following Town Board Members were present: Present: Supervisor Charlie Barbuti Councilperson Dean Farrand Councilperson Russell Reeves Councilperson Brian McPhillip Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Laurie Dutcher Also present: Finance Director Earl Bertsch Cheryl Gerow Budget and Accounting Clerk Confidential Secretary Angela Dalton Deputy Town Clerk Sara Sprague Mary Heinle After the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Barbuti called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. RESOLUTION NO APPROVAL OF AUDIT Motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, the Town Board approved the following: • Approval of the End of Year Audit: Claims #2423 to #2554 totaling $503,194.05 5 AYES - Carried RESOLUTION NO OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY FOR THE 2015 TAX SEASON Motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Councilperson Russell Reeves, the Town Board approved M&T as the Official Depository for the 2015 Tax Season. 5 AYES - Carried REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 30, 2014 CONTINUED ...... . RESOLUTION NO APPROVAL OF THE 2014 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS &TRANSFERS Motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, the Town Board approved the following budget modifications &transfers: Account From(-) To(+) $ A 3510.4 A 7110.4 63 $ 1,244 $ A 7150.4 A 7110.1 39 DA 5142.4 DA 5142.1 14,726 MO 8110.2 $ $ 1,346 $ 14,726 $ 787 $ 787 MO 8110.4 1,110 51 9901.9200 518110.4 $ 52 9901.9200 52 8110.4 52 8110.2 $ $ 278 54 9901.9200 $ 230 $ 1,110 $ 3,610 3,332 $ 230 54 8110.4 Wl 9901.9200 $ 581 $ W18310.4 W2 9901.9200 581 $ 1,319 2 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 30, 2014 CONTINUED ..... .. $ 1,319 W3 8310.4 $ $ 6,285 W3 8311.4 133 W2 83104 $ W3 9901.9200 W4 9901.9200 W48310.4 $ W5 9901.9200 $ 6,418 3,501 $ 3,501 167 $ W5 8310.4 167 $ Total: 33,795 $ 33,795 5 AYES - Carried RESOLUTION NO 252·14 ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW #3 OF 2014 Motion by Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty, in the County of Sullivan, State of New York, on 12/30, 2014, duly enacted Local Law No.3 of the Year 2014, and entered it in its minutes. Said local law amends Section 31-5 of Chapter 31, entitled 'Planning Board,' of the Code of the Town of Liberty, Sullivan County, New York, extend through the end of 2015 the time for the Planning Board to complete consideration and determine applications for subdivision approval of (1) the application for the Lake Marie Subdivision [35-2-7], and/or (2) the application for the White Sulphur Home Subdivision [38-1-43 and 38-1-34.12] that were pending and otherwise rendered non-conforming as the result of the adoption of Local Law No. 1 of the Year 2011 and which 3 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DECEMBER 30, 2014 CONTINUED ...... . applications were identified as being subject to the provisions of the version of §31-5 as originally enacted by Local Law No. 4 of 2013. 5 AYES - Carried RESOLUTION NO 253-14 TERMINATION OF PRIOR AGREEMENT WI VILLAGE OF LIBERTY TO RENT COURT SPACE Motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby terminate the prior agreement with the Village of Liberty to rent space for the court. 5 AYES -Carried ADJOURN On a motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips the Town Board of adjourned the meeting at 4:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Laurie Dutcher, Town Clerk 4 TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY RE·ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 5, 2015 4:00P.M. At theRe-organizational Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Liberty held at 4:00p.m. at Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, New York, the following Town Board Members were present: Supervisor Charlie Barbuti Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck Councilperson Dean Farrand Councilperson Russell Reeves Councilperson Brian McPhillips Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Laurie Dutcher Also present: Town Attorney Kenneth Klein Finance Director Earl Bertsch Highway Superintendent Timothy Pellam Water & Sewer Supervisor Albert Picard Code Enforcement Officer Mark VanEtten Assessor Kathy Sprague Park & Rec Director Brian Scardefield Budget Coordinator Cheryl Gerow Deputy Town Clerk Sara Sprague After the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Barbuti called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. RESOLUTION NO. 01·15 TIME AND PLACE OF MEETINGS On a motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, the Town Board approved the following time and place of meetings: • • 151 Monday of the Month-Department Head Mtg. 4:00p.m. 3rd Monday of the Month-Regular Monthly Mtg. 7:00 p.m. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 02·15 DESIGNATION OF THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER On a motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, the Town Board designated the Sullivan County Democrat as the Town of Liberty's official newspaper for 2015. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 03-15 DESIGNATION OF THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES OF THE TOWN On a motion by Council person Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck the Town Board designated the following banks as the official depositories of the Town of Liberty for 2015: • • • • • • Jeff Bank Firs Niagara Bank Catskill Hudson Bank TD Bank M&T Bank National Bank of Delaware County 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 04-15 DESIGNATION OF THE CUSTODIAL BANKS On a motion Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, the Town Board designated the following banks as custodial banks for the Town of Liberty for 2015: • • • • • M&T Bank JP Morgan Chase (for First Niagra Bank) Federal Home Loan Bank (for TD Bank) Bank of America (M&T Bank) National Bank of Delaware County 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 05-15 IRS MILEAGE RATE On a motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, the Town Board raises the IRS Mileage reimbursement rate to .575 cents per mile. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 06-15 APPOINTMENT OF DOG CONTROL OFFICER On a motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, the Town Board does hereby appoint Joanne Gerow as Liberty Dog Control Officer for a term expiring 12/31/2015. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 07-15 APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE ZONING BOARD MEMBER On a motion by Councilperson Russell Reeves, seconded by Councilperson Dean Farrand, the Town Board does hereby appoint Robert Werlau as an alternate to the Zoning Board for a term expiring 12/31/2015. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 08-15 RE-APPOINTMENT OF TOM SPRAGUE AS A ZONING BOARD MEMBER On a motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbroiuck, the Town Board does hereby re-appoint Thomas Sprague as a member of the Zoning Board for a term expiring 12/31/2019. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 09-15 APPOINTMENT OF ZONING BOARD CHAIRMAN On a motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, the Town Board does hereby appoint Thomas Sprague as Zoning Board Chairman for a term expiring 12/21/2015. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 10-12 RE-APPOINTMENT OF DENISE BIRMINGHAM AS A PLANNING BOARD MEMBER On a motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips the Town Board does hereby re-appoint Denise Birmingham as a member of the Planning Board for a term expiring 12/31/2019. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 11·15 APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE PLANNING BOARD MEMBER S On a motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, the Town Board does hereby appoint : • Lydia Rolle • Branden Reeves as an alternate to the Planning Board for a term expiring 12/31/2015. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 12·15 APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING BOARD CHAIRMAN On a motion by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, seconded by Councilperson Russell Reeves, the Town Board does hereby appoint Lynn Dowe as Planning Board Chairman for a term expiring 12/31/2015. 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION N0.13·15 RE-APPOINTMENT OF JOANNE MCPHILLIPS TO THE PARKS &RECREATION BOARD On a motion by Councilperson Russell Reevces, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, the Town Board does hereby re-appoint Joanne McPhillips as Park &Recreation Board for a term expiring 12/31/2019. 5AYES CARRIED TOWN CLERK APPOINTMENTS • Sandra Mathews (Temporary Tax Clerk) RESOLUTION NO. 14-15 EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMITIEE On a motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Maurice Gerry, the Town Board does hereby appoint the following to the Employees Relations Committee: • • • • Highway (3) Matt DeWitt! Bruce Cox I Kevin Austin Town Hall (2) Nancy Saucier/Connie VanKeuren Park &Rec (1) Kevin Delaney Water &Sewer (2) Tom Kehrley I Stacy Yaun 5AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO. 15·15 AUTHORIZE DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CHECKS IN SUPERVISOR'S ABSENCE On a motion by Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, seconded by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, the Town Board authorizes the Deputy Supervisor Thomas Hasbrouck to sign checks in the absence of the Town Supervisor. 5AYES CARRIED ADJOURN On a motion by Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Councilperson Russell Reeves, the Town Board does hereby adjourn the Re-organizational meeting at 4:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Laurie Dutcher, Town Clerk TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING January 5, 2015 At the Dept. Head Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Liberty held on January 5, 2015 at 4:00p.m. at Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, New York, the following Town Board Members were present: Present: Supervisor Charlie Barbuti Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck Councilperson Dean Farrand Councilperson Russell Reeves Councilperson Brian McPhillips Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Laurie Dutcher Also present: Attorney for the Town Kenneth Klein Finance Director Earl Bertsch Highway Superintendent Timothy Pellam Water & Sewer Supervisor Tom Kehrley Assessor Kathy Sprague Park &Recreation Director Brian Scardefield Code Enforcement Officer Mark VanEtten Budget Coordinator Cheryl Gerow Deputy Town Clerk Sara Sprague Supervisor's Confidential Secretary Angela Dalton Dave Ohman Delaware Engineering After the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Barbuti called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. CORRESPONDENCE 1. A letter from the NYS Homes &Community Renewal informing the Town of Liberty that they have been awarded a CDBG grant in the amount of $599,500.00. 2. A letter from Catskill-Delaware Publications asking the board to rename them as the official newspaper of the Town. 3. A letter from John Ballard, Chairperson of the Parks & Recreation Board recommending the reappointment of Joanne McPhillips to the Board for a term expiring on 12/31/2019. 4. A letter from the Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce asking for nominations for the Sullivan County Pride Award. DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 1/5/2015 RECOGNIZE THE DEPARTMENT HEADS (Reports as submitted by the Dept. Heads) ASSESSOR Ongoing Monthly Updates: 911 data-base; updating pictures; exemption renewals; updating driving licenses for exemptions; updating files; processing deeds; field work for the 2015 assessment roll; zoning updates to V4; and regular office duties, etc. • • • The Town's gas card was declined at Citgo, Cheryl's checking into the problem (was the local station error) I sent an email to the County for solid waste fees not consistent with Condo's; Co-ops and mobile home parks Litigation for 2 Carrier Street has been discontinued (Achieve Rehab) Otherwise, business as usual and Happy Holidays to All! HIGHWAY December 2014 December 1 Work on equipment December2 1" Snow Plow and Sand December3 Called in at 4AM Freezing Rain Plow and Sand December4 Work on Equipment DecemberS Freezing Rain Worked all night December6 Went home at 6AM from previous night DecemberS Getting trucks and equipment ready for storm December9 Called in at 3AM Freezing Rain Sand Roads DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 1/5/2015 December 10 Called in at 3AM- 3" Snow Plow and Sand December 11 Called in at 3AM-1" Snow Plow and Sand December 12 Sand all Roads December 15 Ditch Breezy Hill Rd Ditch Townsend Rd Work in Shop December 16 Cut brush Fox Mountain Rd Ditch Elk Point Rd Work in Shop December 17 Cut Brush Fox Mountain Rd Ditch Elk Point Rd Ditch Old Monticello Rd December 18 Trace of Snow Sand all Roads December 19 Ditch Elk Point Rd Ditch Old Monticello Rd December21 Called in at 8AM Light Snow and Rain Sand all Roads December22 Snow Showers Sand all Roads December23 Called in at SAM Rain Sand All Roads DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 1/5/2015 December24 1" Snow Sand All Road December26 Patch Sunset Lake Rd December29 Patch Stanton Corners Rd December30 Patch Cattail Rd December31 Work on Equipment WATER &SEWER No report submitted CEO Building Permits 13 Building Permits closed 8 Complaints 8 Complaints Closed 63 Planning Board new applications 2 Planning Board approved applications 0 Zoning Board new applications 0 Zoning Board approved application 0 Inspections General 35 Fire Inspections PARKS &RECREATION No report submitted DCO No report submitted TOWN CLERK/TAX COLLECTOR Licenses: DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 1/5/2015 Conservation 0 Marriage Licenses 3 Marriage Certificates 3 Building Permits (Collection of$) 24 Photocopies 0 Dog Licenses 16 Refuse Collection 11 Towing Licenses 2 EZ Pass 5 FINANCE Notified employees of new health insurance contributions Notified retirees regarding dental insurance premiums if they request to have dental insurance for 2014 Processed Health Insurance Buyout, Longevity and three regular payrolls Preparation work for year end and beginning of year Researched Swan Lake sewer capacity Spoke with EFC regarding Loomis Sewer Prepared for the consolidation of the Loomis Sewer District and its Extensions Resolved issues with Citgo regarding gas card All other daily duties and responsibilities CDC No report submitted COURT No report submitted DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 1/5/2015 Pat Pomeroy gave a short presentation to the board regarding the Hudson Valley Regional Council RESOLUTION NO NOMINATION OF (2) BOARD MEMBERS TO THE LIBERTY CDC TRANSITION BOARD Motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Councilperson Russell Reeves, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby appoint Councilperson Russell Reeves and Councilperson Brian McPhillips as members of the Liberty Community Development Corporation Transition Board. 5 AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO 21·14 APPROVAL OF THE 2015 PARK & REG FEE SCHEDULE WI CHANGES Motion by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, seconded by Councilperson Dean Farrand, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby approve the following 2015 Park & Recreation Fee Schedule with changes: All Users Fee Resident Non Resident Clean-up depo Full Day per child $ 485.00 $ 595.00 Morning per child $ 335.00 $ 395.00 Afternoon per child $ 360.00 $ 420.00 1 Child $ 50.00 $ 80.00 2 Children $ 70.00 $ 100.00 3 Children $ 90.00 $ 120.00 4 Children $110.00 $ 140.00 Senior Citizens $ 20.00 $ 30.00 Individual $ 25.00 $ 35.00 Family of 3 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 Day Camp Swim Lessons Pool Pass DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 1/5/2015 $ Family of 4 $ 75.00 85.00 Additional Family Member $5.00 Pavilion Rental 25-150 ppl $ 90.00 $ 180.00 $1 00.00 Clean-up depo 151-300 ppl $175.00 $ 350.00 $200.00 Clean-up depo 301+ ppl PRBfTB approve Fee tent space $75.00 $150 $200.00 Clean-up depo Large Group Permit 25-100 ppl $ 150.00 $150.00 Clean-up depo 101-200 ppl $ 250.00 $250.00 Clean-up depo 201-300 ppl $ 350.00 $350.00 Clean-up depo 301 + ppl PRBfTB approve Fee Building Use Rental One Time $ 50.00 $1 00.00 Clean-up depo Multiple Use $20.00/per use $150.00 Clean-up depo Town Sponsored $0.00 0.00 Clean-up depo TownNillage Event $ 0.00 Clean-up depo Group/Org. Event $ 55.00 $1 00.00 Clean-up depo Commercial/For Profit $ 110.00 $1 00.00 Clean-up depo Electric (per day) $ 25.00 P&R Bathrooms $ 50.00 Stage Rental DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 1/5/2015 Field Use Each Use $30.00 Pool Entry Daily $ 2.00 $ P&RID Free if Joining a program $4.00 $40.00 $100 Clean-up Depo 4.00 Individual 13 & under Needs Adult $9.00 Family 5 AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Supervisor Charlie Barbuti, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby go into Executive Session at 6:10p.m. to discuss a specific employee and possible litigation. 5 AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Russell Reeves, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby come out of Executive Session at 6:45p.m. ADJOURN On a motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Councilperson Dean Farrand, the Town Board does hereby adjourn the meeting at 6:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Laurie Dutcher, Town Clerk BID OPENING- Town Hall Drainage Improvements Bid TOWN OF LIBERTY 1/29/15 2:00p.m. At a Bid Opening held on 1/29/15 at 2:00p.m. at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, New York to receive and open bids for Town Hall Drainage Improvements, the following persons were present: Town Clerk Laurie Dutcher Finance & Accounting Clerk Cheryl Gerow Representative from Raines &Nagler Representative from NGS Construction After presenting the necessary "Affidavit of Publication" and "Proof of Posting", Town Clerk Laurie Dutcher called the Bid Opening to order at 2:00 p.m. The following bids were received: Precise Landscaping, Inc. 1903 Albany Post Rd. Wallkill, NY 12589 A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid was included along w/ a non-collusion bidding certificate NGS Construction PO Box 18 Eldred, NY 12732 $229,790.00 $162,000.00 A certified check in the amount of 5% of the bid was included along w/ a non-collusion bidding certificate Jorrey Excavating, Inc. 160 Bart Bull Rd. Middletown, NY 10941 A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid was included along w/ a non-collusion bidding certificate Raines &Nagler Contracting Services, LLC 32 Elkay Drive Chester, NY 10918 $256,000.00 $174,769.86 A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid was included along w/ a non-collusion bidding certificate H. Osterhoudt Excavating 11 Spring Street Ellenville, NY 12428 A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid was included along w/ a non-collusion bidding certificate The Bid Opening was adjourned at 2:15pm Respectfully submitted, Laurie Dutcher, Town Clerk $248,728.00 TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LIBERTY SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 2015 At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Liberty held on February 5, 2015 at 6:30p.m. at Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, New York, the following Town Board Members were present: Present: Supervisor Charlie Barbuti Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck Councilperson Dean Farrand Councilperson Russell Reeves Councilperson Brian McPhillips Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Laurie Dutcher Also present: Daniel Shearer Matthew Rogers After the Pledge of Allegiance, Supervisor Barbuti called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. RESOLUTION NO AUTHORIZE THE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN AGREEMENT WI SARATOGA ASSOCIATES FOR THE ZONING UPDATE Motion by Councilperson Dean Farrand, seconded by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby authorize the Supervisor to sign agreement with Saratoga Associates for the Zoning update. 5 AYES CARRIED At this point in the meeting Town Clerk Laurie Dutcher advised the Supervisor that she had not advertised "and any other business as may come before the board at this time" in her legal notice for this meeting. The Supervisor replied that "he could do whatever he wanted because he was the Supervisor" The Town Board met with Daniel Shearer and Matthew Rogers of Saratoga Associates to conduct meeting #1 which was held to gather additional and relevant information regarding the Town's desired goal for amending the zoning law. The information accumulated during the meeting will assist Saratoga Associates in the preparation of the Technical Memorandum. The next meeting Saratoga Associates will provide the Town Board with a detailed scope of services and the cost to complete this. DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 2/5/15 A meeting will be scheduled in the near future. RESOLUTION NO APPROVAL OF THE PARK ® BY-LAWS Motion by Councilperson Brian McPhillips, seconded by Councilperson Dean Farrand, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby approve the following Park &Recreation By-Laws: By-Laws of The Town of Liberty Parks and Recreation Board ARTICLE I- THE AUTHORITY Section 1. Name of Authority The name of the Authority is the Town of Liberty Parks and Recreation Board (PRB). Section 2. Mission Statement The Town of Liberty Parks and Recreation Department is dedicated to providing quality park, recreation, and public facilities for the citizens of Liberty. The department strives to enhance the town's natural beauty and coordinate recreation, leisure, and athletic activities that promote positive community values. Section 3. Office of Authority The office for the Board shall be located at 119 N. Main Street in the Village of Liberty, or at such place or places that the Authority may from time to time designate by resolution. All books and records of the Board shall be kept at the office herein above designated, unless otherwise provided by board resolution. Section 4. Seal of Authority ARTICLE II- THE BOARD MEMBERS Section 1. Appointment and Term DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 2/5/15 The PRB shall consist of five (5) members who shall be appointed by the Town Board. They must be residents of the Town of Liberty. The term of office shall begin January 1 and end December 31, five (5) years later. The PRB may also have one student liaison member who shall be selected by the PRB from candidates who are enrolled students at Liberty High School. The term of office for this liaison member shall be one school year. Section 2. Re-appointments If a board member desires to continue after their appointment expires, the PRB Chairperson & PRB Board can recommend to the Town Board the reappointment of that individual by December 31st. Section 3. Vacancies The PRB Chairperson and Town Supervisor shall review the file of interested individuals and as a result of that review, the PRB Chairperson and Supervisor will present the names of potential candidates to the Town Board for appointment. The PRB will interview interested candidates and select the student liaison by a majority vote in executive session. Section 4. Remuneration Each member of the PRB shall serve without pay. ARTICLE III- PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD OFFICERS Section 1. Officer Titles The officers for the Board consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary. Section 2. Election of Officers Nominations for office shall come from the floor. Voting shall be by open ballot. Section 3. Officer Purpose - Effective Date The PRB Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary shall be elected by the Board for the purpose of conducting PRB meetings, appointing committees for additional responsibilities, and overseeing the operation of the Board. The duties of Chairperson include, but are not limited to: running regular and emergency business meetings, attending public functions approved by the Board, forming and disbanding committees, communicating Board business to the Town Supervisor and Board members, and meeting with the Director to create and approve meeting agendas. DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 2/5/15 The duties ofVice-Chairperson include, but are not limited to: fulfilling the duties of Chairperson in case of absence and remaining apprised of committee business. The duties of Secretary include, but are not limited to: fulfilling the duties of Vice-Chairperson and/or Chairperson if both are absent, reading coiTespondence at meetings, and writing correspondence deemed necessary by the Board Chairperson. The duties of the student liaison will be, but are not limited to, relaying ideas and information between the PRB, Department, and the student body of Liberty Central School. Effective date of each office shall be immediately after the re-organizational meeting held in December of each year. The PRB Chairperson will be limited to a total of two consecutively elected terms, but may be reelected after not holding the office of Chairperson for one year. Section 4. Officer Vacancies If an officer vacancy occurs, the chain of command will fill vacant positions. Therefore, the Vice-Chairperson would become Chairperson, the Secretary would become Vice-Chairperson. If the normal chain of command does not fill offices, the PRB may vote to hold a special election to fill an officer vacancy. ARTICLE IV- POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD Section 1. PRB Purpose The purpose ofthe PRB is to: 1) provide for increased communication between the community and the Parks & Recreation Department; and 2) provide for the continuity of planning and implementation of programs. Section 2. PRB Authority- Budget The PRB shall work with the Director to plan the overall budget from which the Department will operate. Section 3. Park Responsibility The PRB shall have the responsibility to oversee all park and recreation areas, as designated in Article VI, Section 1, and that all rules, procedures and fees pertaining to their operation are recommended to the Town Board for final approval. ARTICLE V- PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETINGS Section 1. Regular and/or Special Meetings Regular meetings of the PRB shall be held once a month or as deemed necessary by the PRB, and the Director shall report all actions to the Town Board. DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 2/5/15 The PRB Chairperson shall have the authority to request special meetings when necessary. The re-organizational meeting will be held at the December meeting. Items to be covered at this meeting are: 1) election of officers; 2) annual by-law review; 3) review the capital improvement plan; 4) establish goals and objectives for the year ahead; 5) review accomplishments of the past year; 6) review fee schedules, and 7) check committee assignments and make changes if necessary. Section 2. PRB Meetings- Minutes Minutes will be recorded and filed by the PRD Secretary with copies made and presented for approval along with the agenda to the PRB members before each meeting. Business presented before the PRB must be given to the Secretary for inclusion on the agenda by at least one week prior to the meeting. All PRB meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. Section 3. Minutes Forwarded Minutes of the PRB meetings will be forwarded to all Town Board members for their information and review. Section 4. PRB Member Attendance It is understood that member attendance is important to the smooth functioning of the Board. Members will make every effort to attend any and all meetings. Should any member fail to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings, the Chairperson may recommend to the Town Board to have that member dismissed. ARTICLE VI- AREAS AND FACILITIES Section 1. Areas of Charge The Town Board will designate the PRB the responsibility to oversee that the following parks and recreation areas are properly maintained, equipped, and operated: Francis A. Hanofee Memorial Park, Sunset Lake Road Walnut Mountain Park, Walnut Mountain Road Shirley Diamond Community Pool, Hanofee Park, Sunset Lake Road Senior Citizens Center, 119 N. Main Street Liberty Main Street Stage, 101 N. Main Street Swan Lake Park Other properties that may be used for Parks & Recreation purposes. Section 2. Operation and Maintenance DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING 2/5/15 Equipment inventories shall be completed by the Parks and Recreation Director and presented to the PRB and the Town Board at the January meeting. ARTICLE VII- PRB REVIEW Section 1. Review of By-Laws The PRB shall review the PRB By-Laws on an annual basis, at the re-organization meeting, and make any appropriate recommendations to the Town Board. If at any time there is a need for an immediate change in the by-laws, they can be amended by a majority vote of the PRB and sent to theTown Board for Approval. Revised: January 29, 2014 Adopted by PRB: February 3, 2015 Adopted by Town Board: February 5, 2015 5 AYES CARRIED RESOLUTION NO AUTHORIZE THE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN DOCUMENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CORNELL ROADS SUMMER INTERN PROGRAM Motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Councilperson Dean Farrand, the Town Board of the Town of Liberty does hereby authorize the Supervisor to sign documents participating in the Cornell Roads Summer Intern Program 5 AYES CARRIED ADJOURN On a motion by Councilperson Thomas Hasbrouck, seconded by Councilperson Dean Farrand, the Town Board does hereby adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Laurie Dutcher, Town Clerk 02/12/2015 Account# Page Town Clerk Monthly Report January 01, 2015- January 31, 2015 Account Description Fee Description Health Insurance Highway Fund DA Qt~ 0.00 Sub-Total: A2590 Highway Fees $0.00 Road Access Permit 50.00 Sub-Total: A1255 $50.00 Conservation Conservation 2 4.14 Marriage License Marriage License Fee 8 140.00 Permits Refuse Collection 3 300.00 Towing License 5 250.00 EZ Pass 1 25.00 Marriage Certificate 5 50.00 Small Sales Sub-Total: A1620.4 Small Sales $769.14 9 Photo Copies Sub-Total: A1670.4 Building Fees Dog Licensing 116.64 Certified Mailings $116.64 Female, Spayed 9 33.50 Female, Unspayed 2 20.00 Male, Neutered 8 37.00 Male, Unneutered 4 45.00 Sub-Total: A2545 Dog Redeemed Dog $135.50 2 Dog Reimbursement Of Expenses 2 Building Fees 100.00 Variance $100.00 Sub-Total: B2115 Building Fees Special Use 2 Sub-Total: B2770 Building Fees 40.00 $40.00 Sub-Total: B2110 80.00 $80.00 Sub-Total: A3510.4 2.25 $2.25 Sub-Total: A2544 Local Share Bldg Inspections Public Assembly 200.00 $200.00 2 175.00 Building Permit 13 2,488.00 Municipal Search 10 500.00 Sub-Total: $3,163.00 02/12/2015 Town Clerk Monthly Report January 01, 2015- January 31, 2015 Page 2 _A_c_co_u_n_t# ________ .:...A.:.:cc=o=un:..::t:...:D=-e=-s:..:c:.:..r:.r:iP..::ti.::.on:.:.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:Q::.:t:L.y _ _. .: L. .: o. .: . S:. :hc.:. :a. .: r. :. :e Total Local Shares Remitted: Amount paid to: Highway Fund DA Amount paid to: Ny State Dept. Of Health Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation ---· Total State, County & Local Revenues: $5,143.31 $4,656.53 200.92 180.00 35.00 70.86 Total Non-Local Revenues: $486.78 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, Sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Laurie Dutcher, Town Clerk, Town of Liberty during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Supervisor Date Town Clerk Date PRG-BA0096 REPORT AS OF 1/31/15 MONTHLY TOWN BOARD REPORT PAGE REVENUE SUMMARY FUND NAME GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE BUDGET AS MODIFIED CURRENT RECEIPTS Y-T-D RECEIPTS UNCOLLECTED BALANCE 2,630,800.00 1,909.95 1,909.95 2,628,890.05 313,625.00 6.89 6.89 313,618.11 .00 .00 .00 .00 HIGHWAY FUND - TOWNWIDE - HWY 3 & 4 1,397,437.00 1,372,970.30 1,372,970.30 24,466.70 HIGHWAY FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE-HWY1 1,143,873.00 8.35 8.35 1,143,864.65 HIGHWAY CHIPS FUND 225,300.00 .00 .00 225,300.00 WATER AND SEWER OPERATIONAL FUND 814,578.00 .00 .00 814,578.00 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICTS 709,144.00 1,400.70 1,400.70 707,743.30 TOTAL WATER DISTRICTS 1,259,389.00 18,588.97 18,588.97 1,240,800.03 8,494,146.00 1,394,885.16 1,394,885.16 7,099,260.84 TOWN - OUTSIDE VILLAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS GRAND TOTALS ........... . 1 PRG-BA0095 REPORT AS OF 1/31/15 MONTHLY TOWN BOARD REPORT PAGE EXPENSE SUMMARY BUDGET AS MODIFIED CURRENT EXPENDITURES Y-T-D EXPENDITURES P.O. BALANCE UNENCUMBERED UNEX. BALANCE 219211300.00 2021671.76 2021671.76 325.00 217181303.24 3781125.00 251167.78 251167.78 .00 3521957.22 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 HIGHWAY FUND - TOWNWIDE - HWY 3 & 4 114881437.00 1311171.86 1311171.86 281748.41 113281516.73 HIGHWAY FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE-HWY1 111531873.00 421512.17 421512.17 .00 111111360.83 HIGHWAY CHIPS FUND 2251300.00 .00 .00 .00 2251300.00 WATER AND SEWER OPERATIONAL FUND 8141578.00 751964.49 751964.49 .00 7381613.51 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICTS 7721044.00 41 951.71 41 951.71 .00 7671092.29 TOTAL WATER DISTRICTS 113171389.00 71952.98 71952.98 11098.33 113081337.69 910711046.00 4901392.75 4901392.75 301171.74 815501481.51 FUND NAME GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE TOWN - OUTSIDE VILLAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS GRAND TOTALS ............ 1 Town of Liberty Supervisor's Report December 2014 Bank Account# Total General Fund First Niagara *183 $565,923.48 Highway Fund First Niagara *191 $756,644.35 Highway Funds CHB *893 $70,746.21 *521 $1,070,619.77 Name Capital Reserve Fund TD Banknorth Street Light Districts CHB *555 $41,460.84 Water & Sewer Districts First Niagara *205 $444,088.38 Trust & Agency First Niagara *744 $42,847.49 Central Checking First Niagara *175 -0- Health Insurance Jeff Bank *993 $14,894.31 Valuation Update Reserve Jeff Bank Payroll Account Jeff Bank *310 -0- Payroll Withholding Jeff Bank *174 $2.13 First Niagara *418 -0- NYS Comm. Dev. Block Grant *815 $4,058.35 Total 3,011,285.31 CDs: -0- First Niagara CHB $414,324.00 JEFF BANK $250,000.00 Total $664.324.00 &~~~~ Gerald Orseck Kirk 0. Orseck Telephone (845) 292-5800 All Replies to: (845) 292-6749 Est 1928 Therese Wittner, RN Of Counsel Sidney Orseck (1906-1996) Attorneys At Law 1 Dolson Avenue Middletown, NY 10940 1924 State Route 52 P.O. Box469 Liberty, New York 12754 Fax 47 N. Main Street Ellenville, NY 12428 E-Mail January 30,2015 Kenneth Klein, Esq. PO Box 600 Jeffersonville, NY 12748 Re: Annexation of Town of Liberty to Village of Liberty Tax Lot #30-1-76.1 (1885 Route 52 LLC) Dear Ken: Per our discussion, I am enclosing a copy of 1885's petition for annexation I am also enclosing a copy of minutes of the September 10, 2013 meeting of the Village and Town Boards. You were present, as were Barbuti, Gerry, and Farrand. Finally, I am enclosing (in draft) a "Town Order" to be signed by Barbuti, and a resolution, also to be signed by him and by Laurie Dutcher. Your next meeting is on February 17, 2015. It is really important that these papers be executed at that time, and I will arrange to pick up signed copies to file with Sullivan County Real Property Tax Dept. Note: I am sending copy of this letter and of the enclosures to Laurie Dutcher. Thanks for your help. GOlds Enc. cc: Laurie Dutcher Town of Liberty 120 North Main Street Liberty, NY 12754 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------)( In the Matter TOWN ORDER Of Annexation of Certain Territory from the Town of Liberty, State ofNew York, To the Village ofLiberty, StateofNewYork 'ti.411f: T6.)(L"t.:l:' ~D-1-?I..f (ts~.r ~ ~l.i:t) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------)( A petition pursuant to General Municipal Law Article 17, was presented to the Town Board of the Town ofLiberty, New York (the "Town") on or about !UC~:z ~for the It 'f.t113'_, annexation of certain territory in the Town of the Village of Liberty, New York (the "Village"), said territory being described in said petition which is annexed hereto as Exhibit "A" and A joint hearing of the Town Board of the Town and the Village Board of the Village was duly held on said petition for annexation, according to the law in such cases made and provide~. [On ~pft'lf U, IO , 2013, at which time all parties interested in the matter were heard and all objections presented NOW THEREFORE, I, as Supervisor ofthe Town of Liberty, New York, do hereby, ORDER that the lands hereinafter described in the description annexed hereto as fully as if set forth herein at Exhibit "A", be and the same are hereby ceded to the Village~+ L1~1!.Jj by the Town~~ !. 1 ,!)~ Dated in the Town of Liberty, New York, this _ _ day of 20~ .JP4 ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------)( In the Matter Of TOWN RESOLUTION Annexation of Certain Territory from the Town of Liberty, State ofNew York, to the Village of Liberty, State ofNew York. --------------------------------------------------------------------)( WHEREAS, a petition, pursuant to General Municipal Law Article 17, was presented to the Town Board ofthe Town of Liberty, New York (the "Town") on or ~'; about /q _ , 2013, for the annexation of certain territory in the Town of the Village ofLiberty, New York (the "Village"), said territory being described in said efl'itt; ~S2 f..Ll..l .be.~~ 'ft.4"~)df ~ T0-1-76.1 petition which is annexed hereto as Exhibit "A", and A . WHEREAS, a joint hearing of the Town Board of the Town and the Village Board of the Village was duly held on said petition for annexation, according to the law in such cases made and provided, on S'etr!Ab I0 , 2013, at which time all parties interested in the matter were heard and all objections presented, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town finds as follows: (1) That the aforesaid petition for annexation substantially complies in form and content with General Municipal Law Article 17; and (2) That the proposed annexation of certain territory in the Town to the Village as described in the aforesaid petition is in the overall public interest in that the annexed territory thereby has access to municipal sewer service; that all real or personal property and rights in real and personal property, including, but not limited to, streets, avenues, roads, highways, bridges, overpasses, underpasses, culverts, sidewalks, street lighting fixtures, and conduits, pipes, drains, either above or below the ground surface, and appurtenances and appurtenant rights in relation thereto, owned by the Town shall become the property of the Village; and that any such apportionment of any indebtness or and any contract or other liabilities or interest shall be a charge to the Village as required by Article 17 of the General Municipal Law. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the consent and approval of the Town Board of the Town is hereby given to the annexation of the territory now situated in the Town and described in the aforesaid petition at Exhibit "A" to the Town. Town Board of the Town of Liberty, New York By:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ s ~,Supervisor 0 I, Laurie Dutchser, Town Clerk of the Town ofLiberty, Sullivan County, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the above copy of a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Liberty with the one remaining on record in this office, and that the same is a correct transcript and copy thereof, and of the whole of said original. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Town of Liberty, this _ _ day of .§J; ~ , 201 f Laurie Dutcher) Cl ~ 1\
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