Save the Date & Registration Monthly Newsletter February 2015 GAME Meeting and Preconference Workshops at AMEE 5–6 Sept 2015, Glasgow, Scotland In this issue, we hear about GAME’s membership offerings, the 2015 meeting just before AMEE, a report from the ACEhp, and meet Board Member Trudie Roberts. If you would like to tell us about your project in future editions, email GAME Meeting and Workshops and AMEE (5–9, 2015) in Glasgow, Scotland Excellent collaboration between GAME and AMEE has resulted in an expansion of opportunities for the world of CE/CPD in September in Glasgow. We encourage you to view the provisional program at and think about attending GAME and AMEE. In Glasgow, GAME events include. • 4 pre-conference workshops (Saturday 5 September – 0915-1215) • 5 Special Interest Groups – breakfast discussions (Sunday 6 September –0700-0830) • GAME Full Day Conference (Sunday 6 September 0900-1700) • Symposium - Faculty Interprofessional Education (Tuesday 8 September) • Conference Workshops on Outcomes-based education and training: Essential considerations for CPD Professionals and on Evaluating the Quality and Value of a Complex Educational Intervention in a Complex Clinical Environment Information on registration and abstract submission at GAME Membership – Expansion of offerings and how you can get more involved Please visit our website to organize your membership (here is a brief glimpse of our expanded offerings in 2015): • Individual membership - annual membership fee is US$200 • Institutional membership. There are several categories based on member numbers: • o ≤ 5 members - annual membership fee is US$750 o ≤ 10 members - annual membership fee will be US$1,300 o 11-20 members - annual membership fee will be US$1,500 o More than 20 members - please contact GAME to discuss the annual fee Special Interest Group (SIG) membership - member benefit Request to existing Members: Please log into the GAME website, check your profile information (by clicking your name at the top of the screen), and update if necessary. If you want to renew your membership, please click the Join tab in the menu. Page 1 Update from the Board of Directors • Lisa Sullivan is President-Elect and will take over the Presidency from Maureen Doyle-Scharff mid 2015 • Voting for additional Board Members will take place in March: Celine Carrera, Chairperson, Nominating Committee • Replacement chairpersons for the Membership and Communication Committees will be appointed this year Report from GAME and ACEhp joint Session at the 40th Annual Conference (January 16, 2015) The Amazing Race: Beyond Borders: The Power and Impact of CME/CE/CPD on Global Health Issues GAME members and leaders were in full force at the 40th Annual Conference of the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions. For the 6th consecutive year, GAME co-hosted a session with a look at CME/CE/CPD globally. This year 70 professionals joined us to play a game based on the TV show The Amazing Race. Teams used clues to determine 'where they were' (what country) and 'what health crisis' (pneumonia, diabetes, TB, flu, Hep-C) did they need to solve. Then they went to work developing an innovative education strategy to deal with the health crisis they were handed, taking into account each country's CME requirements, and other specifics related to the education of healthcare professionals. After report-outs, the audience voted for the most innovative strategy, with each member of the winning team receiving a complementary registration to the 2015 GAME Annual Conference this September in Glasgow, Scotland. Look for all of the proposals developed during the session, as well as reference material, posted on the GAME website in the coming weeks. Trudie graduated from Manchester with a degree in Medicine and completed early training and research in Manchester and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. In 2000, she was appointed Professor of Medical Education at the University of Leeds and in 2009 became the Director of the Leeds Institute of Medical Education. Trudie has served on the UK General Medical Council, as Chair of the Association for the Study of Medical Education, and as a council member of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) of London, and is currently a Censor for the RCP. In September 2013 she became President of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Also in 2013, she was awarded a Fellowship of the UK organisation the Academy of Medical Educators. Meet the Board Members. This month … Professor Trudie E Roberts (BSc, MB, ChB, PhD, FRCP, FHEA FAoME) Director – Leeds Institute of Medical Education, University of Leeds, England President of AMEE Joined GAME: 2014 Member of Board since: 2014 Disclosure: No CME products or services to sell. For a full list of the Board Members and roles, go to Leadership under About on GAME website. Bios of many Board Members and SIG Leaders are available in past issues of the newsletter. Areas of interest and expertise: Assessment of competence, professionalism, and transitions in training and education. Trudie joined the Board of Game in 2014. “Being involved in both AMEE and GAME I hope to act as a bridge between the two organisations and a catalyst for future collaborative working. Previously it has been perceived that AMEE was an organisation mostly concerned with undergraduate medical education and although this is incorrect (you only have to scan the recent AMEE conference programmes to see this). I believe that the main area of growth in healthcare education and training in the coming years will be in postgraduate and continuing medical education. Revalidation (in the UK) and the changes to certification policies by the American Board of Internal Medicine mean that on-going professional development activities will become increasingly important. Not only increasing regulation but the exciting opportunities afforded by developments in technology mean that increasingly the provision of continued learning will not look like it has done in the past. This then is an extremely stimulating time in healthcare education. I am certain that the innovations that would emanate from the two organisations working more closely together will promote and facilitate major change in the way we do things in the future. I look forward to enabling this closer interaction in the coming years.” For more information and to join GAME, visit or email Page 2
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