Weekly Bulletin - Saint Cecilia Parish

Weekly Bulletin
Today is February 15, 2015 — 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our deepest hurts are the things that cause us to fight one another, our anger and our sense of injustice, our
aggressiveness with one another and our violence. These are the true sorrows of our world. How do we heal
We are back where we started with the advice of St. Paul: “Never do anything offensive to anyone.” In my own
heart the war has to cease. In my own mind the dominating has to stop. In my own actions the controlling has
to end. Other people are not going to change their behavior just because I say so. But other people will be led
to know the Lord if they see the Lord’s grace alive in me. Paul used the extraordinary statement, “Take me for
your model, as I take Christ.” This is not a brag or a boast. It is the highway to peace in the world. Each one of us
is invited to do the very same thing.
First Reading - Genesis 9:8-15
God tells Noah of a covenant, a binding agreement that will exist between God and Noah - and Noah’s descendants.
Second Reading - 1 Peter 3:18-22
At the start of Lent we are reminded that the innocent Christ died for the guilty, to lead us to God. This passage links the waters of the flood
in Noah’s time to waters of baptism by which we come to life in Christ who died for us.
Gospel - Mark 1:12-15
This experience undergone by Jesus after his baptism is not so much a temptation as a time of “testing”. Unlike Matthew and Luke, Mark
does not describe the testings.
MONDAY, February 16, 2015
No Collins Center Classes - President’s Day Holiday
TUESDAY, February 17, 2015
9:00 am - French - Collins Center
10:00 am - Italian - Collins Center
11:00 am – Exercise - Collins Center
12:00 pm - All Levels Conversational Spanish - Collins Center
1:00 pm - Bingo - Collins Center
7:30 pm - Baptismal Preparation - Collins Center
WEDNESDAY, February 18, 2015
7:30 pm - Legion of Mary - Legion Room
THURSDAY, February 19, 2015
10:00 am - Bridge - Collins Center
10:00 am - Scrabble/ Puzzles - Collins Center
1:00 pm - Crochet & Knitting - Collins Center
7:30 pm - Choir Rehearsal - Green Room
FRIDAY, February 20, 2015
8:30 am - Yoga - Collins Center
11:00 am - Exercise - Collins Center
1:30 pm - Homebound Mass - Collins Center
SATURDAY, February 21, 2015
4:30 pm - Vespers & Benediction - Our Lady’s Chapel
SUNDAY, February 22, 2015
5:00 pm - Chinese Bible Sharing & Prayer Group - Tsai Home
Father Landi is away and will return on February 26th.
Msgr. Arcamo is away and will return on March 6th.
Masses: 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am (School Mass), and 5:30 pm. The imposition of ashes will take place
following the Homily at all Masses.
This Sunday the KNIGHTS & THE LEAGUE OF THE SACRED HEART will host coffee and donuts in the auditorium. Next Sunday the
SCHOOL will host the coffee and donuts.
TODAY the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be collecting clean and useable coats, pants, shirts, sweaters, jackets, bedding
materials as well as pots, pans, utensils etc. These items will be directly distributed to the poor and homeless throughout the
city. Please note that the greatest needs are for men’s items as well donations for children’s clothing and accessories. We
ask that you separate the men’s, women’s, and children’s items into separate bags and mark them accordingly. Please
bring your donations to the SVDP van that will be parked outside the church. Thank you very much.
Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Do you know someone who is? Come and see...
We invite all who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith to join our Inquiry group. This group meets on
Saturday mornings beginning on February 28th. The Inquiry group is open to adults interested in finding out more about
baptism and reception into the Roman Catholic Church, as well as to adult Catholics seeking the sacraments of
Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Come and bring a friend! For more information, please call the Rectory at 6648481.
66 adults and 64 children attended our Valentine’s Party on Sunday, February 8th. Many thanks to Sarah and Ivor Bradley
(owner of the Creamery, Iron Cactus and Horner’s Corner restaurants) for donating the sumptuous dinner and the Men’s
Club for providing the wine and beer. The organizing team: Ivor and Sarah Bradley; Antoinette and Jamie Haugh; Pilar and
Tim Manning; Aine and Pete Gavney; Happy Kramer and Gracie Mulcrevy. Also thank you to Ann Marie and Emmett
Quigley and our 8th graders Maggie Baglin, Julia Parashis, Gracie Murphy, Karen Chen, and Aidan Quigley. The young ones
enjoyed various games and a movie and made beautiful Valentine’s cards and crafts for their parents.
The 35th annual St. Patrick’s Dinner and Concert will be held on Saturday, March 7th in the Durocher Pavilion. Doors open at
6:00 pm. Adults, $25.00, children under 18, $5.00, and children under 5 free with a ticketed adult. Tables of 8 or 10 may be
reserved in advance. Individual tickets are also sold. NO tickets will be sold at the door. For tickets call Terry or Mary McHugh
at (415)731-0681.
will have its annual Lunar New Year Dinner Celebration on Saturday, March 14th at
6:00 pm in the Lower Church. The evening features a catered buffet by KC Catering of Lava Lounge, raffles and
performances by our Mandarin Class students. ALL ARE WELCOMED! Cost is $40 for adults, $20 for ages 12 and under
(children 5 years old and under are free). Please RSVP to Karen Lee at Karen.l.ling@gmail.com or
415-713-9869 & pay at the door. Please RSVP by March 7th.
St. Cecilia Mothers Club cordially invites you to Casino Royale, our annual Spring fundraiser on Saturday, March 21st in the
Durocher Pavilion. To purchase a ticket, place an ad in the program, or sponsor the event, please visit our website at:
www.stceciliaschool.org/casinoroyale. All proceeds directly benefit the students of St. Cecilia.
Pete Franceschi will be honored along with Sally Harrington and Dimitrios Tsokas as inductees into the CYO Hall of Fame at
the 2015 CYO Hall of Fame Dinner on Saturday, March 28th at 7:00 pm at the Father O’Reilly Catholic Charities CYO Center
at the St. Emydius gym. Pete is the current St. Cecilia Boys Athletic Director for 29 years, former member of the CYO Advisory
Board, former Boys Basketball Committee member and Boys Soccer Co-Chair and is a great role model for giving back to
the community. For dinner reservations, visit athletics.cccyo.org.
CYO Summer Camp 2015 registrations are now open. You can register online at www.cyocamp.org or by calling 707-8740200 for more information. Register by March 31stand receive an “Early Bird” discount of $40 to your camper fees. CYO
Camp will host their annual Summer Camp Open House on Saturday, March 21st from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please join us on
that day to tour our facilities, meet our wonderful staff, enjoy a free BBQ lunch, and enjoy an afternoon of swimming,
canoeing, archery and a closing campfire. Please RSVP to 707-874-0200. The CYO Summer Camp address is 2136 Bohemian
Hwy., Occidental, CA 95465. We hope to see you there!
Thank you for your prayerful support of our 13 high school pilgrims who with Monsignor Harriman, Andrew Aquino, Barry
Bagaman, and Julianne Bagaman have returned from Rome. This is the last pilgrim reflection:
The last day of the pilgrimage began with a Mass at St. Peter's Basilica in the Chapel of the Madonna with Child.
As we went from the pilgrim house to St. Peter’s Square everything about Rome and this amazing experience seemed to stand out in that short 10 minute walk; the
cold wind of winter in Rome, the cobblestone roads and old architecture of the city, the bond between the pilgrims as we talked so candidly with each other while
trying to keep up with Monsignor Harriman's super hero speed, and the welcoming warmth of being in a city so rich in Catholic culture.
We walked through the empty square into the St. Peter's Basilica free from the usual bustle, with Msgr. Harriman as our guide, to pray in one of the holiest Catholic
sites. You have to imagine that normally long lines circle the square just to get in to St. Peter’s Basilica. There are hundreds of people that wait hours to see the holy
relics and artwork inside and to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to take for granted what this once in a lifetime trip affords you and I wholly felt the
privilege of being a pilgrim with St. Cecilia's parish.
I wish I could articulate the vast beauty and overwhelming sense of the spirit of the interior of St. Peter’s Basilica. To touch the foot of the statue of St. Peter, the first
Bishop of Rome, was indescribable.
As Msgr. Harriman exited the sacristy, in vestments and carrying the hosts, we followed him down the stairs into the chapel of the Madonna with Child. I appreciated
the intimacy of the Mass held by Monsignor Harriman between only the pilgrims. The ability to share prayers and Eucharist with people you know is
heartwarming. The spirit of St. Cecilia's parish was in that small chapel with us and I felt that sense of community being a part of something greater. I truly felt the
importance of thousands of years of tradition and felt the bond with each other as well as the many who have prayed within the chapels.
The portrait of Mary and Baby Jesus stood out during the Mass, because it made me think of myself as an expecting mother. For me, Mary represents obedience and
devotion to God. Her role as a mother and the union with her son is something I want to emulate. The past 8 days with the high school parishioners showed me many
things of motherhood. How the presence of religion, faith, and community while growing up so greatly influences the person you become. These high school
parishioners, were as Msgr. Harriman quoted "life-giving". They are smart, confident, outgoing, kind, and are a reflection of their parents’ guidance. I have been
blessed to be on this pilgrimage with a child's future in my heart. It has made me realize what qualities are important for motherhood.
I want to end by thanking Monsignor Harriman for seeing something in us, the St. Cecilia Parish for the support in this pilgrimage, Youth Minister, Andrew and all the
high school pilgrims for the incredible impact you have all made on our lives and our soon to come baby. We are forever grateful. (Julianne Bagaman)
Sunday Ministries for Next Week
5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass - MUSIC: Frances Peterson - Presider - Msgr. Harriman - Lectors - Megan Lee, Marlies Bruning; Euch. Min – Marlies Bruning,
Josephine Chan, Tina Celi, Garrett Scanlan; Altar Servers - Jack Kiernan, Kate Kiernan, Estefan Granucci, Gino Zarich
7:30 a.m. Mass - Presider – Msgr. Harriman - Lector – Michael Biehl; Euch. Min. - Pat Barsotti, Irma Garcia, Roger Garcia; Altar Servers – Isabella
Dorantes, Miranda Dorantes, David Dorantes, Brian Burke
9:30 a.m. Mass - MUSIC: Cecilia Cardenas - Presider –Fr. Lim - FAMILY MASS: SCHOOL; Euch. Min. – Sue Collins, Leonardo Flores, Rita Mazzei,
George Ibarcena, Conrad Chu; Altar Servers - Olivia Gutierrez, Steven Tong, Jared Quesada, Bianca Rivera
11:30 a.m. Mass - MUSIC: Adult Choir - Presider – Fr. Lim - Lectors – Steve Lau, Wendy Ho; Euch. Min – Wendy Ho, John Ho, Lynne Lanctot, Cecilia
Vargas; Altar Servers - Caitlin Sheeran, Maggie Baglin, Eric Sweeney, Alessio Canessa
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, February 16, 2015
7:00 - Philip C. Kwan
9:00 - Patrick & Eliza Durkin
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
7:00 - Frank Mullen
9:00 - Gary Johnson
5:30 - Nellie Lucey
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
7:00 - Sr. Maria de los Angeles
9:00 - Peter Doran
5:30 - Bill McDonagh
Friday, February 20, 2015
7:00 - Sean Lynch
9:00 - Dr. Francis Charlton
5:30 - Anthony & Dr. Edward Erigero
Thursday, February 19, 2015
7:00 – Denis & Hanna Culloty
9:00 - Casiano Londonio
5:30 – Marion Daly
Saturday, February 21, 2015
7:00 - Evelyn Baiby Aguilar
9:00 - Ben Aguas
5:00 - Joseph Hallisy