Course POST FAX ONLINE Complete and return this form to: Education, St Christopher’s Hospice, 51-59 Lawrie Park Road, London SE26 6DZ Complete and return this form by fax to: 020 8776 5838 Life, Death and Exercise Cost £ 90 Code AHP0215 Life, Death and Exercise Profession (Please Highlight) Nurse / Doctor / AHP / Social Worker / Spiritual Care / Bereavement / Education / Senior Manager / Title Administrator / Care Assistant / Other Are you employed by, or have an honorary Surname contract with one of the following: First Name (Please Highlight) NHS Hospital Trust / Local Authority / Private Sector / Job Title NHS Community or PCT / Independent Hospice, Voluntary Org or Charity / University or Education Facility Organisation Dietary Requirements Who is funding this course? Address Yourself / Organisa on / Other (please specify) How did you hear about the course? Postcode Telephone [ ] Please tick if you would like to receive information about our courses Email Payment Unfortunately, we are unable to accept credit card payments via paper booking forms. However, these can be accepted online via If you would like to pay by an alternative method please X your preferred method below. Cheque Made payable to St Christopher’s Hospice. Please put the course name and course code on the back of the cheque Invoice please invoice the following (if different from above) Name Address BACS Signature (details available on request) Date Booking Conditions The closing date for applications is 7 days prior to the course start date. No refund can be made after the closing date and where participants do not attend without prior notice to Education administration. Your place on the course will be confirmed following receipt of your booking form and fee. In the event of a booking being cancelled less than 2 weeks before the course start date, 50% of the course fee will be charged. This form can be photocopied for additional applications Data Protection - In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, we are required to inform you that your details will be retained and held on file for administrative purposes by St Christopher’s Hospice. Please be assured that we will not pass this information on to any other organisation unless we have your prior consent. St Christopher’s Education How to Apply Gym culture in end of life care 24 February 2015 9.30am - 4.30pm (Registration from 9.00am) Venue: St Joseph’s Hospice, Hackney, London Cost: £90 (Includes lunch and refreshments) Code: AHP0215 This week is the first time in 4 months I’ve been out by myself. And I went out without oxygen. I see this gym as a place of hope. A St Christopher’s gym circuit group user Chair Life, Death and Exercise: Gym culture in end of life care Helena Talbot Rice, Senior Physiotherapist and AHP Lead, St Christopher’s Hospice Helena joined St Christopher’s in June 2011 with a total of thirteen years experience working clinically in the acute sector. She has worked in various large teaching hospitals and has lectured and taught at undergraduate degree level as well as to qualified members of the multidisciplinary team on study days and training sessions. Therapeutic exercise has an increasingly recognised role in the management and support of people with advanced progressive illness. With improving survival rates and an increasing population with multiple co-morbidities, health care professionals are faced with the challenge of providing purposeful rehabilitation to many. As such, the provision of dedicated space for rehabilitation and exercise groups within the hospice setting is growing and many hospices and palliative care units within the United Kingdom and overseas are now developing gym programmes. With the early stages of evidence emerging in this area, this study day will seek to draw together some of this evidence and challenge new ways of thinking around the use of gyms and exercise groups in hospice and end of life care settings. The day will comprise talks, workshops, case studies and discussion time as well as help delegates to think towards future direction and service development. Confirmed speakers Dr Matthew Maddocks, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Cicely Saunders Institute Karen Turner, Clinical Lead Physiotherapist Oncology and Haematology, Royal Free Hospital and Marie Curie Hospice Hampstead Rebecca Tiberini, Therapies Services Manager, St Joseph’s Hospice Nigel Hartley, Director of Supportive Care, St Christopher’s Hospice The AHP team, St Christopher’s Hospice Aim • Who should attend The study day is aimed at specialist and senior physiotherapists and occupational therapists, therapy leads, managers, and anyone wanting to start new or evaluate existing gym programmes. Objectives • • • Follow us on twitter @stcheducation or sign up for updates on education news, courses and offers via To equip delegates to run gym programmes for patients with life-limiting and long term conditions. To look at the research and any existing evidence of efficacy. To look at examples of current service delivery models and evaluation. To facilitate service development, delivery and change management. Book online
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