West Melton School Newsletter 743 Weedons Ross Rd West Melton 7618 Ph: 03 3478 448 Website: www.westmelton.school.nz Principal: Sue Jackson Deputy Principals: Tracey Riley Kim Busch Term Dates 2015 2 Feb – 2 April 20 April – 3 July 20 July – 25 September 12 October – 18 December Dates to Remember Term One Week 3: Tue 17 Feb - Moa Swimming Sports 10am – 3pm (pp Thur 19 Feb) Wed 18 & Thur 19 Feb – Kiwi & Pukeko Life Education Week 4: Mon 23 to Thur 25 Feb – Kiwi & Pukeko Life Education Mon 23 & Tue 24 Feb – Leadership Training for Y7 & 8 Wed 25 Feb - Lincoln Zone Triathlon Week 5: Mon 2 Mar – Kiwi & Pukeko Life Education Mon 2 Mar – BoT meeting @ 6pm Tue 3 Mar – Kiwi Day Camp & Duathlon Wed 4 Mar – Pukeko Swimming Sports (pp Thur 5 Mar) Thur 5 Mar – Lincoln Zone Swimming (pp Mon 9 Mar) Issue 1 12 February 2015 Kia ora koutou e nga matua, e nga whanau - Dear parents /Whanau Woo hoo another year of learning, fun, playing with friends, connecting with community, networking with our wider community, making new friends, meeting new people, welcoming new members of our community, sharing new experiences, facing exciting challenges, moving out of our comfort zone to challenge ourselves, holding hands when things get tough, encouraging each other to be the best we can be, celebrating our successes and achievements and caring for each other! A very warm welcome back to school and 2015. A special woo hoo to all our wonderful new learners in all communities who join us from other schools, communities or countries. A special happy welcome to all learners and their families who are starting school for the first time. Kauri Mindi Bosher, Celia Boyle, Ashleigh Bromley, Parker Buckenham, Libby Cochrane, Alex Cosgriff, Finn Coupland, Olivia Frank, Angel Hulston, William King, Daisy MallinderScott, Ella and Sam McNutt, Eleanor Neale, Zach Parker, Ashlee Pow, Bella Rose, Lewi Rowlands, Micah Sands, Lily Smith, Jack Snowdon, Ava Taylor, Molly Ujkaj, Sophie Veitch, Kayla Wallace and Arabella Woodward. Ngaio welcomes - Ryder Allin, William Cochrane, Pippa Naughton and Oscar Stevenson. Rimu welcomes- Nash Allin and Aaron Rod. Ti Kouka welcomes - Isabella Stevenson, Kelly and Noah Rod. Totara welcomes- Sahara Hinman, Reuben Holden, Tess Jenkins, Campbell Naughton, Joshua Rod, Issac Franks and Alex Jenkins. We have had a great start to the year - thank you. The first week was planned to ease our wonderful learners (including teachers) into 2015. Our first powhiri on Monday was a great opportunity to acknowledge, and to officially welcome new members of our community. Once again our Kapahaka group were outstanding! Our communities - Harakeke, Kauri, Ngaio, Rimu, Ti Kouka, and Totara were ready for action and spent time last week collaborating and creating their unique community which they shared on Wednesday evening at ‘Check out our Communities’ meeting. Teachers spent many hours preparing, and planning to ensure our learners and community felt welcomed, supported and excited ready for learning. A huge thanks to all staff, their husbands, fathers, mothers, children, brothers and sisters and extended family who supported their special family member. Your efforts were appreciated! Our Community Fun Day celebrated our overarching theme this year of ‘Connecting with Community’. I hope you have been on the blogs to check out the fun day! Welcome For all future events please refer to the calendar on the school website Please also refer to the school blogspots: to read about student achievements, trips, etc. Also accessed from the school website. westmeltonschool.blogspot.nz moateam.blogspot.co.nz pukekoteam.blogspot.co.nz kiwi-team.blogspot.co.nz We welcome to the school new staff - Tracey Riley first Deputy Principal and Learning Support Coordinator. Tracey will be deputising for me during the year especially when the new building commences! Diane Van der Zwet teaching our year 7 and 8 learners and Rebecca Brook teaching year 5 and 6 learners in the Totara Community with Mrs McKee. We also welcome Anna Jenkins and her family who live in West Melton and her children to our school! Anna is teaching in the Rimu community with Ms McKendry and Mrs Poulsen. Anna moved down from Hamilton in mid December and will be with us for 2015 whilst Maree O’Boyle is on secondment to the University as a Science advisor to schools. In the next week or so there will be more information about the school on the website including details around school communities and roles and responsibilities of the staff to help with orientation! The school roll is 385 children and up to 35 staff. We predict we will reach 440 children by December 2015. We are well placed to cater for this growth especially in our New Entrant Community (Kauri). Please feel free to speak to any teachers to seek clarification if necessary. New Buildings Currently the Board are working with BECA who are the project managers for the new build. By the end of this week a Design and Build team will be confirmed to commence our new two storey Modern Learning Communities (equal to 12 single cell classrooms) due to roll growth and to replace six old classrooms. Also a new Administration block will be built at the same time -basically we will be building a new school within a school! On the noticeboard outside my office will be updates on progress and plans for your information. This will also be put on the website for ease of accesability. The plan is to move into the completed Modern Learning Environment in late January 2016. The team working with BECA are Corey Woodward (Board Chair), Darren Meyers (Deputy Board Chair) Tracey Riley (Deputy Principal) and Amanda Fernando (Ministry of Education) and myself. We will also co-opt people with expertise in various areas to ensure we have considered the best options to meet the needs of our learners and community. We also have learner representation on this team bringing the learner’s perspective to the Design and Build - Alessandra Ward - Year 7 and Braiden Andrews Year 8. There will be further Community Engagement meetings throughout this year especially in the first two terms. Building is expected to commence in July. Additional Classrooms for 2015 Unfortunately we are still waiting for 2 portacoms to be brought on site to cater for the growth this year. This process has been held up by the Selwyn District Council consent processes. We are still hoping for these portacoms to arrive and be ready for use by the end of February! They will be placed parallel to the Ti Kouka block on the western side of the playing field. School Organisation As part of the Check out our Community Evening some school information has already been shared with you. Below is information that may also be helpful for you. Uniforms All learners are expected to wear the correct school uniform with pride. The uniform was designed with a strong presence and contribution from the children. This is who we are - our image! Staff have had discussions on logo’s on shorts and from Monday we expect all clothing to have no logos. All items of uniform can be purchased on site at school for your convenience. Blue shorts can also be purchased from Farmers and The Warehouse (Schooltex range). We appreciate your support in this area. Leadership Over the last few weeks we have been reviewing the school wide leadership opportunities we provide for our children especially in the Moa Team. As the school continues to grow, opportunities are presented to review existing programmes, improve where necessary and implement changes. As mentioned last year Head Learners (students) will be appointed in the next few weeks. We will be appointing two learners either girls or boys. There will be no deputies. Whanau Communities Previously we had four Whanau communities, these have now been increased to six with new names reflecting West Melton’s history as a result of the 150 celebrations last year. Families will still be together. We will continue with Whanau days, fun activities, points and leaders. The new Whanau’s and colours are: Hill – Green, Tricketts – Yellow, Ross – Red, Langdale – Blue, Newton – Orange, Selwyn - Purple GATES Please ensure ALL GATES are CLOSED at all times ensuring our children are safe especially at this time of the year! Thank you. Administration requests Where possible, we would prefer payment (other than uniform or stationery sales) to be made by direct credit into the school bank account: 12 3441 0011112 000 to reduce cash handling in the office. Please ensure that you make clear reference to your child’s first name, surname and what the payment is for when you make your bank transfer. Lanyards As the school roll grows sometimes it is hard to identify who the staff are. To this end, all staff have been issued with lanyards with West Melton School on which will hopefully help you locate any staff at school! Car Parking Thank you to all drivers who have shown responsibility and courtesy when dropping off or picking up children. Of utmost importance is keeping all our community members safe. Keep up the safe driving! School Website www.westmelton.school.nz All information is located on our website. We continue to receive many positive comments on our website from parents and professionals - so we know it is a great communication tool. Leadership set all the dates for 2015 at their seminar in January so you can book and plan well in advance if your child has an event/s. The calendar on the website is updated regularly although, sometimes changes have to be made to dates set in January… a good idea to check in advance and regularly (TAPA - Think, Act, Plan Ahead) Professional Learning Development (PLD) All teachers are involved in a 20 week course in terms 1 and 2 on either Modern Learning Environments/Practice and Pedagogy, Modern learning Curriculum, Empowering E-Learning Leaders facilitated by Core Education, or other related PLD pertaining to our journey. Staff meetings have always been focused around PLD. These meetings are now held on Mondays 3:20 - 5pm. Therefore we would appreciate appointments to meet staff, are made on alternative days to enable them to be great self managers! Communication We annually review our Communication Strategy 2015-2019 and continue to work hard and improve on communication internally, with our school and wider community. This strategy is our guiding document which we refer to on a regular basis. It supports the Charter and Strategic Plan. Two areas of major focus this year are - less interruptions to learning during the day and notices and information sharing with our community. Please refer to the information shared in this newsletter. It is very important that we have your current or preferred email address/contacts as most, if not all communications will, where possible be sent electronically. This is to save the environment, efficiency of work time and working smarter. This year all school communications will be via the School Links website where this newsletter is sent from. This will enable you to: • • • Receive time critical two-way txt and email alerts for all general communications such as school closures, sport cancellations and emergencies. Receive newsletters and general notices online. Notify the school of your child’s absence 24/7. Next Steps • • • • We will activate your new School-links account. You will have received an email confirmation with a temporary login and password to gain access to our school portal. We suggest you change your password to something meaningful to yourself and keep it secure. Go onto our school portal at www.school-links.org.nz and login using your Username and Password. Please check your contact details are correct by clicking on the “My Profile” link at the top of the page. Click “Edit My Profile” on the right- hand side of the page. Now update your details. If you are unable to access School Links please let the office know so we can arrange for hard copies to be sent home. Twitter Do you read the Tweets on our school website, and have you seen the WMS Blog? These are another two ways in which we communicate with our community. When we Tweet, messages appear on the homepage of our school website. We use Twitter as a cost effective way of getting messages out to our school community. You don’t need to become a Twitter addict to get access to this service, you don’t even need to be a twitter user! Tweets are short messages which can be sent as – daily event reminders, urgent updates/postponements/cancellations or info on late running buses/class trips/ sudden changes of plan. To get messages sent to your phone 1. Text follow WstMeltonSchool to 8987 2. You are now in business! You should receive a confirmation text message as well as our last tweet. To stop texts: Send OFF@WstMeltonSchool to 8987 You might like to get all texts all of the time, or only activate this service when your child is out on a school trip. It is up to you. You can still see all Tweets on the front page of www.westmelton.school.nz and on our school facebook page. Scholastic Book Orders A reminder that ALL Scholastic Book orders are due in by 3:15pm on Monday 16th February. Moa Sports Information Parent Help for Moa Sporting Events - Many thanks, to those of you who already offer your valuable time. Throughout the year, Moa students are able to participate in a huge and varied sporting programme. Each term we ask for parent help to run these events. Without your support some of these events would not be able to go ahead. So, if you have an hour or two spare, are a parent/caregiver, uncle, auntie or grandparent please consider ticking the box next time the yellow sporting notice comes home. Transport - Transport to sporting events will be by bus if at all possible this year. This usually averages between $7 $10 per student. Sport Uniforms - Upon your child being fortunate enough to be selected for zones, they will be required to wear the West Melton School sport uniform. This is owned by the PTA and charged out at a flat rate of $5. This covers jacket, top & shorts. All uniforms need to be returned in the condition they were supplied i.e. cleaned and dry. Sponsorship Required At West Melton we take pride in our Learners and Teachers achievements. One way we celebrate this is through our Achievement Board which is displayed on the wall of the Totara Block, outside the front entrance. This is seen by parents and caregivers of our children as well as the wider West Melton community. It is a fantastic way to get local businesses noticed. Each display costs $500 and will last for approximately 6 weeks. As part of our community we are asking if anyone would consider sponsoring this. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged in several ways. We would place your name and logo on the board, as well as a thank you in our school newsletter encouraging our school community to support your business. Please contact Rita at rita@westmelton.school.nz if you are interested! Outside of School Achievements Has your child competed in competitions outside the school environment? Or have they been selected for a regional team? Or do they belong to a club? Have they achieved fantastic results? Horse riding, motor-cross, dance, tennis, athletics, surfing or arts, we love to celebrate them in our newsletter and blog. Drop a line to rita@westmelton.school.nz with details of their achievement (date, where, what, etc.) plus a photo. City to Surf Violin Tuition Clear your calendar for the Sunday 22nd March! It's the annual city to surf and you can enter through the school, friends and family are encouraged to participate too. We have a special price of $15 with every $5 going towards the school. Violin tuition is available at West Melton School on Thursday afternoons both during and after school from 5 years and upwards. The Malvern School of Music has suitably sized violins for hire. Please contact Pauline Sewell for more information. 03-3178110, 0273791689 or k-p-sewell@xtra.co.nz There are two distances for the run or walk, 6km and 14km. There will be a sign up sheet in the office and in LC 1 & 2. Guitar & Ukulele Lessons If you have any questions please email Kerry Poulsen at kerry@westmelton.school.nz Limited Spaces Enrol Early for 2015 Please contact David Morris, Guitar Tutor Phone: 359-6685 or 021 1853806 PTA – Buskers Festival The West Melton School PTA would like to thank of the Buskers Festival helpers for their time at the Buskers Festival. We are pleased to say we raised $11,000! This money will be going towards future purchases for your children. We are always looking for helpers so if you are interested in joining the PTA please don't hesitate to contact one of the PTA members or come along to one of our meetings (which are on the school calendar). The Christmas Wonderland is something which is often discussed; this is a massive event and requires commitment from a core team of people. Such a team would quite probably run alongside the PTA. Just putting the feelers out there - if you or someone you know is interested in joining or managing such a team could you please contact Jeanette Neal (frisk21nz@hotmail.co.nz) or Lisa Douglas (lisa.marty@xtra.co.nz). COMMUNITY NOTICES On our school website under Notices – Community Notices, you will find further information on the following community activities and groups. • • • • • • • • • • • • • City to Surf Subway Lunch-on-Line Brigit’s Swim School Act2 Drama Stars Course Anna Lee School of Dance Selwyn Parenting Network Selwyn United Football Club Starship Mobile Phones Appeal West Melton Rugby Club West Melton Before and After School Care Recovery Matters – Red Cross Community Workshops Malvern School of Music Children’s Day – Wigram Airforce Museum South Island Field Days West Melton School has been offered another fundraising opportunity. This is to pick up rubbish at the end of each day of the South Island Field Days, at Kirwee. We are supplied with gloves and rubbish bags and this is a great fundraiser for the children to join in and usually takes about an hour. The dates are 25-27 March. Please contact Nikki Edge 027 537 1156 or nikki@leadingedge.gen.nz if you can help.
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