Document 76212

Thursday, September 26, 2013
The Wenatchee World
North Central Washington ◆ Northwest
Columbia Basin Herald
passenger side window and
shoots before running out
of view.
The suspect’s vehicle was
EPHRATA — The man
located by law enforcement
accused of allegedly shooting unoccupied in the Ponderosa
and killing 22-year-old Juan
Trailer Park. While seizing
Jesus Garcia at a Moses Lake the vehicle, the detective
convenience store made his
noticed a cellphone visible
first appearance in Grant
from under one of the seats.
County Superior Court
Investigators were able to
Tuesday afternoon.
verify the cellphone matched
Anthony R. Vasquez, 23,
Vasquez’s phone number,
is charged with first-degree
Manzo was taken to the
murder and second-degree
Moses Lake Police Departunlawful possession of a
ment after it was learned that
firearm. His bail remains at
the suspect’s pickup truck
$1 million.
was his grandfather’s and
Vasquez’s arraignment
it had been reported stolen
was continued to next
earlier in the day.
Monday, but Prosecutor
According to the police
Angus Lee stated the
report, Manzo discussed his
Grant County Department
grandfather’s pickup being
of Public Defense may
stolen, but asked for his
need more time to find an
attorney shortly after the
attorney that didn’t have a
interview began.
conflict with the case.
A female who was
Vasquez was caught
reportedly with Vasquez
Saturday at a Spokane
and Manzo at the time of
home after the house
the shooting also spoke
was surrounded by law
with law enforcement. She
enforcement. He attempted said she was with Vasquez
to flee out of the back door, when a man she didn’t
but was soon caught by
recognize picked them
SWAT team members.
up. Vasquez indicated
Grant County deputies
he wanted to buy some
were dispatched to the
cigarettes and they drove to
Airport Grocery Mart
the Airport Grocery Mart
on Patton Boulevard in
and parked on the side of
response to a shooting. Law the road.
enforcement contacted a
According to her
female who was with the
statement, Vasquez left
victim at the time of the
the vehicle and shortly
after she heard a gunshot.
After she and Garcia
Vasquez allegedly ran back
picked up their son they
to the pickup and jumped
stopped at the grocery mart in yelling for Manzo to
so Garcia could buy some
get out of there. Vasquez
cigarettes, according to the allegedly jumped out of
police report. When Garcia the vehicle on Cochran
returned to the vehicle she
Road while the female and
reportedly heard him say
Manzo continued to the
“go babe” before Vasquez
trailer park.
allegedly approached
The female reportedly
the passenger side of the
told sheriff ’s deputies that
vehicle and shot Garcia.
she saw Manzo throw
The female told police
the shotgun into a shed
she saw Vasquez run to
before she ran away. Law
a blue pickup truck with
enforcement was unable
a canopy and drive away
to find the shotgun inside
heading north on Patton
the shed or at a trailer
nearby. According to
According to court
court documents, deputies
documents, law
provided a photo montage
enforcement showed the
and the female was able
female a photo montage
to identify Manzo as the
and within seconds she was driver within seconds.
able to identify Vasquez.
Manzo was arrested
while working at a Moses
Video surveillance from
Lake fast food restaurant
the Airport Grocery Mart
and transported to Grant
reportedly shows a single
County Sheriff ’s Office
male approach the side of
Maximum Security Facility
the victim’s vehicle. The
and booked for first-degree
male points what appears
to be a firearm at the
Jessica Danielle McLean, 27, of Ephrata, died Saturday,
Sept. 21, 2013.
Survivors include her parents, Edward A. McLean of
Renton and Chris Melinda McLean of Ephrata; and her
sisters, Ariel McLean of Olympia, Heather McLean of
Missouri, and Tessa Evans-Ayres of Ephrata.
A service will be held at noon Tuesday at Nicoles Funeral
Home in Ephrata, followed by a graveside service at Valley
View Memorial Park in Soap Lake. A potluck reception
will follow the burial at Memorial Christian Church, 453 E.
Division Ave., in Ephrata.
Arrangements by Nicoles Funeral Home, Ephrata.
News of record
Reported Sept. 24: 37-inch television and other items taken from a residence
in the 10 block South Garden Avenue, Rock Island.
Reported Sept. 24: Eight firearms taken from a residence in the 1600 block
of Fairview Avenue, Bridgeport.
Vehicle prowls
Reported Sept. 23: 1200 Eastmont Avenue.
Reported Sept. 24: 700 block 13th Street NE; 1300 block North Ashland
Vehicle prowls
Reported Sept. 23: 1700 block Lincoln Park Circle, 1300 block Springwater
Reported Sept. 24: 600 block North Western Avenue; 100 block Pioneer Avenue,
Cashmere; two in the 900 block Woodward Drive.
AP Photo/Elaine Thompson
This Monday photo shows the childhood home of Kurt Cobain, the late frontman of Nirvana, left, along an alley in Aberdeen.
Cobain’s mother is putting the tired, 1.5-story Aberdeen bungalow on the market this week, the same month as the 20th
anniversary of Nirvana’s final studio album. The home, last assessed at less than $67,000, is being listed for $500,000, but
the family would also be happy entering into a partnership with anyone who wants to turn it into a museum.
Mother selling Kurt Cobain’s
childhood home in Aberdeen
The Associated Press
point, he scrawled “I hate
Mom, I hate Dad” on his
bedroom wall, Cross wrote.
ABERDEEN — This month
“It’s a place where he had
marks the 20th anniversary of
very fond memories, but it’s
Nirvana’s final studio album,
the house where his parents
and fans aren’t just able to
got divorced,” Cross said in an
buy a new “super deluxe” box
interview. “He couldn’t wait to
set to celebrate the occasion.
get away, but it’s a place that
They can also buy the childhelped shape who he became.”
hood home of late frontman
The home was last lived in
Kurt Cobain, complete with
by a family friend four years
his mattress.
ago. According to The Agency,
Cobain’s mother, Wendy
the Beverly Hills, Calif.-based
O’Connor, is putting the tired,
luxury real estate firm market1.5-story bungalow two hours
ing the property, it features the
southwest of Seattle on the
dining room table and hutch
AP Photo/Courtesy Kim Cobain
market this week.
from when Cobain lived there.
In this undated photo provided by Kim Cobain, a young Kurt
To help sell it, the family
Cobain’s mattress is tucked
Cobain plays guitar in his childhood home in Aberdeen.
is offering a glimpse into the
away in a musty upstairs crawl
early life of its tortured and
talented son through photos
some interior walls, and a
family lore, Cobain’s father,
Cobain lived in about 20
shot at the house, including
recent coat of yellow paint, is
Don, trapped a rat in a garbage houses in his life, Cross said,
one of a chocolate-frosted
on East 1st Street in Aberdeen, can in the garage. Don tried to and this isn’t the first one
birthday cake for Kurt and
a gritty and struggling former
spear it with a broomstick, but offered for sale based on its
a shot of a teenage Cobain
timber town at the mouth of
the rodent clambered up the
connection to rock history.
smiling, guitar in hand, in his
the Chehalis River near the
handle, over Don’s shoulder to
In 2002, an Oregon couple
messy room.
southwest Washington coast.
the ground and across Kurt’s
bought a home in nearby
The home, last assessed
Cobain’s parents bought it
toes to safety — prompting
Montesano for $42,500. When
at less than $67,000, is being
in 1969, when Kurt was 2. He
endless laughter from the
they learned that Cobain had
listed for $500,000. It’s a
lived there until they separated 5-year-old.
lived there with his father
short walk from a riverfront
when he was 9, and again with
But his parents’ divorce
from 11 to 15, they sold it for
park dedicated to Cobain’s
his mom during his later teen
scarred him deeply. At one
memory, and the family said
it would welcome a partnerThe heroin-addicted Cobain
ship to make the home into a
committed suicide in Seattle in
museum. His room still has
1994, at age 27, after a meteoric
the stencil-like band names — career that popularized the
Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin —
Pacific Northwest’s heavy,
to view tributes & sign guestbooks online.
he reportedly put on the walls, muddy “grunge” rock. The
as well as the holes he put in
last of Nirvana’s three studio
Jean Itrich Barry
albums, “In Utero,” came
July 24, 1929 ~ September 22, 2013
“We’ve decided to sell
out in September 1993, and
Mom is out of our sight now but will always be
the home to create a legacy
Universal Music Group has
for Kurt, and yes, there are
released a re-mastered version in our hearts and memories. At 84, Jean Itrich
Barry went to be with her Savior September
some mixed feelings since
and a “super deluxe” box set.
22, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. She was surrounded by
we have all loved the home
Cobain described his early
her loving husband, daughters and family and
and it carries so many great
childhood in Aberdeen as
slipped quietly away as a rainbow of promise
memories,” Cobain’s sister,
happy. As author Charles R.
appeared in the view of her window. Jean was
Kim Cobain, said in an emailed Cross noted in his Cobain
born on July 24, 1929 and raised in Fargo ND.
statement. “But our family has biography, “Heavier Than
In 1947, Jean married Jack Gordon Itrich from
moved on from Washington,
Heaven,” he would ride his
Hebron, ND. They were married for 62 years
and (we) feel it’s time to let go bike around the small yard
and raised four children. In the 1960s and
of the home.”
and pound on a set of Mickey
70s, the couple served as missionaries in Kenya, East Africa as
The house, a 1923 structure
Mouse drums his parents
well as Bolivia. In between missionary tours, the Itrich’s operated
with dingy carpeting, waterbought him.
pharmacies and gift shops in both North Dakota and Washington
stained wooden shingles on
In one event that entered
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Why Pre-Arrange
A Funeral?
r Relieves children and other survivors of the
responsibility of planning a service when the
death occurs
r Funds can be set aside to cover expenses, removing
them from the estate settlement process
Kevin Precht
r Can reduce estate tax
rProvides peace of mind for the entire family
Reported Sept. 24: Walmart, 2000 N. Wenatchee Ave.; Smoke City, 212 5th St.
Malicious mischief
Reported Sept. 23: 900 block North Wenatchee Avenue.
State. After Gordon’s death in 2009, Jean met and later married
Lawrence Barry of Wenatchee, and had a love affair to remember!
Jean was a wonderful mother, home maker and had a great sense
of adventure and quick humor. She was a strong influence in the
upbringing in her grandchildren’s lives and was very proud of her
children and their successes. She was committed to her work for
the Lord as a camp counselor, bible school leader, youth group
leader, women’s group leader and musician in the church.
She is survived by her four children, Carrie Carpenter (Ray) of
Wenatchee, Amy Torres (Mike) of Chelan, Maggie Kaminoff (Steve)
of East Wenatchee, Wally Itrich of Dickinson, ND; her grandchildren,
“Missy” Melissa Vincini, Donovan Suko (Erin) and Mike Suko; her
great-grand-children, Sam, Simon and Alex Vincini. She is also
survived by her husband, Lawrence Barry of Wenatchee; and her
three stepdaughters, Diann Barry (Mark Guy) of Seattle, Doreen
Olsen (Rob) of Tacoma and Donna Christopher (Tom) of Spokane;
and her sister, Betty Coletto of Simi Valley, CA.
Jean’s Celebration of Life will be held Friday, September
27, 2013 at the Wenatchee Free Methodist, 1601 5th Street,
Wenatchee, WA. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Life
Is Full of Choices, P.O. Box 6179, Whittier, CA 90609, or on line at, and note “Jean Barry”. Thank you
Telford’s Chapel of the Valley, East Wenatchee, WA for making
Remember Nanny, “It might be funny the first time but...” We love
you Mom.
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the passing of a loved one can reprepresent a busy and stressful time for those
who are involved in making final arrangements. Assistance in writing a
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