E-BREAK _TTW_2015030506 Agenda V10 [Lecture seule]

Technology Transfer Workshop 2015
March 05th to 06th 2015, Brussels
Our objectives
Debate on technical subjects to identify valorisation possibilities of achievements
realised within the E-BREAK project
Our objectives are:
To present an overview of FP7 linked projects
ACARE 2020 / 2050 objectives, General E-BREAK targets and challenges
linked to high OPR/BPR, Inter-relation with previous and current EU-funded
projects, Assessment platforms and process
To present the technologies developped in the e-break project
Engine air and oil systems basics, Powerplant structures basics, Materials in
powerplants, Engine variable devices, An introduction to powerplant health
monitoring concepts, …
And in-depth technologies presentation through a poster session
To tackle challenges to overcome on 2 main subjects (Engine manufacturers R&T
challenges and European Aerospace industry ecosystem) through 2 round
tables/plenary session with guest speakers
E-BREAK Technology Transfer Workshop
Agenda – Day 1
8h30 – 9h00
Registration and coffee
9h00 – 9h10
Opening speech : Program and objectives of the TTW
Manuel Silva (TM)
9h10 – 09h30
EC introduction : European Frame (20 min)
Marco Brusati (EC )
Introduction – Overview of FP7 linked projects
09h30 – 11h10
11h10 – 11h30
11h30 – 11h55
E-BREAK Enabling Technologies (25 min)
LEMCOTEC Technologies (25 min)
ENOVAL Technologies (25 min)
ESPOSA Technologies (25 min)
Coffee Break
• E-BREAK Integration into EU cooperative projects
frame (25 min)
Manuel Silva (TM)
Ralf von der Bank (RRD)
Edgar Merkl (MTU)
Pavel Wolf (PBS)
• Stefan Donnerhack (MTU)
E-BREAK technical presentations :
12h00 – 13h00
• Powerplant structures basics (30 min)
• An introduction to powerplant health monitoring concepts (30
E-BREAK Technology Transfer Workshop
• Eric Johann (RRD)
• André Kando (MTU)
Agenda – Day 1
13h00 – 14h30
14h30 – 16h30
Lunch/Poster session
All the participants
Round table – Engine manufacturers R&T challenges
Manuel Silva & SP leaders
• Airframer needs and expectation « Airbus dream and
reality of the perfect engine » (15 min)
• EIMG R&T Challenges :
RRD R&T Roadmap : Small & Medium Range
Civil Engine (15 min)
TURBOMECA R&T Roadmap : Turboshaft (15 min)
MTU R&T Roadmap (15 min)
SN R&T Roadmap : Innovating the Future (15 min)
Guest speakers:
• Philippe Mogilka (AIRBUS)
• Uwe Hessler (RRD- EIMG
• Eric Seinturier (TM)
• Gerhard Ebenhoch (MTU)
• Marius Goutines (SN)
Questions and Answers (30 min)
16h30 – 17h00
End of the workshop/Coffee Break
Social activity
E-BREAK Technology Transfer Workshop
Agenda – Day 2
08h30 – 9h00
9h – 10h30
E-BREAK technical presentations :
• Materials in powerplants (30 min)
• Engine variable devices (30 min)
• Engine air and oil systems basics (30 min)
Coffee break
10h30 – 10h45
Round table – European Aerospace industry ecosystem
10h45 – 12h45
12h45 – 14h30
Cleansky 1 & 2 (20 min)
French cluster : Aerospace Valley (15 min)
Belgium cluster : Skywin (15 min)
Polish Aerospace industry (15 min)
French Aerospace industry : GIFAS/CORAC (15 min)
Italian Aerospace Industry : AIAD (15 min)
The German Aerospace Industry : BDLI (15 min)
Questions and Answers (10 min)
Lunch/Poster session
Serge Selezneff (SN) Michele
Coppola (GE AVIO)
Thomas Klauke (RRD)
Michael Walsh (RRUK)
Manuel Silva & SP leaders
Guest speakers:
• Jean-Francois.Brouckaert (JU
Cleansky )
• Philippe Lattes (Aerospace
• Etienne Pourbaix (Skywin)
• Robert Haligowski (WSK)
• Marius Goutines (SN)
• Gian Paolo De Poli (GE AVIO)
• Thomas Belitz (German
Aerospace Industry Association)
All the participants
Workshop conclusion
Manuel Silva
Technological Transfer
E-BREAK Engine BREAK through Components
and Subsys-tems) will contribute to reducing
air traffic emissions by adapting sub-systems
to new constraints of temperature and
pressure supporting LEMCOTEC. The main
technological objective of E-BREAK is to
develop, validate and integrate specific key
sub-system technologies required for ultrahigh OPR applications and high BPR engines
up to technology readiness levels of 4 to 5. EBREAK will target sub-systems breakthrough,
through improvements regarding mass
reduction, material resistance, sealing
technologies, oil systems, abradables, tip
clearance control, stability of the engine in offdesign operations and health monitoring.
These initiatives will bring all technology
bricks to a TRL level ensuring the possibility to
integrate them in a new aero engines
generation around 2020 and beyond.
LEMCOTEC is developing at component level
ultra-high pressure-ratio core-engine
technologies for an overall pressure ration
(OPR) from 50 to up to 70 to increase the push
the thermal efficiency of the engine cycles.
Advanced concepts and designs of UHPR
compressors, lean burn combustion systems
and hot structures for UHPR engines are being
investigated and validated at up to TRL 5.
LEMCOTEC technologies are expected to
reduce emissions (i.e. CO2 20-30%, NOx 6570%, CO 50%, UHC 50% and smoke by 75% relative to CEAP/2) and the weight of the
propulsion system. The developed
technologies will be assessed using three
types of generic study engines (i.e. regional
turbofan, mid-size open rotor, and large
turbofan) representing 90% of the expected
future commercial aero-engine market. The
implementation of the developed
technologies is planned beyond 2020.
E-BREAK Technology Transfer Workshop
Technological Transfer
The Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small
Aircraft project
is to develop new key components for small
gas turbine engines up to 1000 kW power and
to develop new lean manufacturing
technologies. The project will deal with engine
related systems that will contribute to the
overall propulsion unit efficiency, safety and
pilot workload reduction.
The ESPOSA project plans to deliver better
GTE engine affordability and 10 to 14%
reduction of direct operating costs through the
development of advanced concepts for key
engine components (e.g. high-pressure
compressors with a pressure ratio up to 10,
combustion systems, power transmission
gearbox etc.) , development of lean
manufacturing technologies and modern
engine systems improving engine overall
efficiency and maintainability. The project will
deliver new or improved simulation and
design tools and methodologies for engine
integration into aircraft. The enhanced
simulation capability strengthens the aircraft
design and saves developmental costs.
ESPOSA pioneers the smallest power range
category for the turbine technology.
Clean Sky is the most ambitious aero-nautical
research program ever launched in Europe. Its
mission is to develop breakthrough
technologies to significant-ly increase the
environmental performance of airplanes and
air transport, resulting in less noisy and more
fuel efficient aircraft, hence bringing a key
contribution in achieving the Single European
Sky environmental objectives. The Clean Sky
JTI (Joint Technology Initiative) was born in
2008 and represents a unique Public-Private
Partnership between the European
Commission and the industry. It is managed by
the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking (CSJU) until 31
December 2017. The CSJU will deliver
demonstrators in all segments of civil air
transport, grouped into six technological areas
called Integrated Technology Demonstrators,
e.g. GRA Green Regional Aircraft , SAGE
Sustainable and Green Engines, SFWA Smart
Fixed Wing Aircraft, …
E-BREAK Technology Transfer Workshop
The ENgine mOdule VALidators project will
provide the next step of engine technologies
to achieve or surpass the ACARE 2020 goals on
the way towards Flightpath 2050 and will
focus on the low pressure system of ultra-high
by-pass ratio propulsion systems.
The main technological objective is to increase
the propulsive efficiency due to a higher bypass ratio (12 < BPR < 20) while the increase in
weight and drag shall be compensated by
enhanced module efficiencies due to higher
ultra high overall pressure ratio (50 < OPR <
70), complementing the efforts of LEMCOTEC
and E-BREAK.
This will additionally provide significant
reductions in CO2 emissions in terms of fuel
burn (-3% to -5%) and engine noise (-1.3
ENPdB). ENOVAL will focus on ducted geared
and non-geared turbofan engines, which are
amongst the best candidates for the next
generation of regional, medium range and
long range commercial aircraft applications
with an entry into service from 2025 onwards.
Project Coordinator
Manuel Silva
Avenue du Président Szydlowski
64511 Bordes, France
Tel: + 33 (0)5 59 12 17 63
Fax: +33 (0)5 59 12 51 45
No registration fees for the workshop participation.
Participants will need to pay for their own accommodations
Find out more about the E-BREAK project by visiting our
website : www.e-break.eu
Project Office
Emilie Lhotellier / Laurie Rey
7 Boulevard de la Gare
31500 Toulouse, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 62 30 38 50
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 22 81 55
E-BREAK Technology Transfer Workshop
Venue / Accomodation
21 rue Montoyer
1000 Bruxelles
Tel: + 32 2 318 10 45
Bureau Aquitaine
24, rue du Berger
1050 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 510 83 40
110 € per night , taxes, City taxes and
breakfast included
Use the code « e-break 4 mars »
12, rue de l'Industrie
1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 274 17 80
http://www.accorhotels.com/fr/hotel8602-adagio-access-brusselseurope/index.shtml /
95€ per night + 3 € of taxes
35, rue Du Luxembourg
1050 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 511 18 28
E-BREAK Technology Transfer Workshop