Wynn Vale School Website: http://www.wynnvaleprimary.com.au/ Principal: Graeme Fenton Deputy Principal: Rebekah Goodall Newsletter No. 2—12th February, 2015 PRINCIPAL’S NEWS Diary Dates 20th February Volunteer Mandatory Reporting Training 10.00 a.m. After assembly 23rd February Parent Workshops 3rd-6th March Swimming Rec—Year 5 18th March Harmony Day 8th April Sports Day Inside This Issue Principal News 1 Choir Troup 3 Cricket Workshop 4 Calendar 5 Community News 7-8 Dear Families, Thank you to all the families that joined us for Acquaintance Night this week. It was great to see families take an interest in the learning programs we have available to your child(ren) at Wynn Vale School. This year we are extremely fortunate to have Ms Natasha Liemareff introduce the Japanese language as a specialist subject. All students will receive weekly Japanese lessons, learning about the Japanese culture as well as common words and phrases. This will support students to gain a greater understanding of cultural diversity and benefit students that transition to high schools (such as Golden Grove High) that have Japanese as a specialist language subject. Drama, Dance, Music, Science and PE will also be offered as specialist subjects at Wynn Vale this year. I hope you had an opportunity to visit the outstanding specialist subject learning spaces and classrooms during Acquaintance Night. I would like to take this opportunity to announce our new Governing Council for 2015. A sincere thank you to staff, families and community members that attended the AGM and elected to be on the Governing Council. We have an extremely active and vibrant group of Governing Council members that have volunteered their time for the benefit of the Wynn Vale community. This year our Governing council members are: Dylan Slape Chairperson Graeme Fenton Principal Amanda Segnitz Staff Representative Ryan Williams Deputy Chairperson Tracey Ives Secretary Vicki Moir Treasurer Emma Johnston Member Shannon Pentland Member Matthew Pentland Member Craig Steen Member Shiree Luders Member Kirsty Packham Member Sandy Keane Local Council Member Rebekah Goodall Invited staff member P.T.O. Page 1 PRINCIPAL NEWS (cont..) On Tuesday, February 24th, the Wynn Vale staff will be presenting a range of practical, hands-on workshops for families. All families (including students) are invited along for the evening and will have an opportunity to try a range of learning activities to support literacy and numeracy learning for your child(ren). Kate Beeson (Australian Curriculum coordinator) will demonstrate practical activities that families can use for Mathematics, based on Ann Baker’s Natural Maths Strategies and the Junior Primary staff will showcase a range of hands-on literacy activities that can be used at home. A note will be sent home explaining the format of the night and we would love to see you all out here. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience for resourcing purposes. A friendly reminder about the use of our school and the Golden Grove Lutheran school staff car parks. We understand the frustration caused by the closure of the adjoining laneway for families to access the school. Governing Council is working diligently on this for an outcome. However, in the meantime please ensure that all families refrain from using the staff car parks, as we have limited space for our staff and some students have disability access permits that require additional space for positioning and movement. Warm regards, Graeme Fenton, Principal PARENT WORKSHOPS TUESDAY 24TH FEBRUARY AT 6.00 PM RECEPTION STUDENTS You are invited to attend “Hands-On Literacy” workshops with your child. This session will last for approximately one hour. These workshops provide a wonderful opportunity for students and families to engage in some fun literacy learning which will prove invaluable in helping families to support their children with their learning at home. There are four 20 minute workshops where staff will model appropriate strategies and then you will have opportunities to practise these with your child. This will be very beneficial in teaching your child strategies to become successful readers and writers. YEAR 1 & 2 STUDENTS Year 1 and Year 2 families can choose one of two workshops to attend. The workshops we are offering are: Hands-On Literacy OR Hands-On Maths Hands-On Literacy This will be very beneficial in teaching your child strategies to become successful readers and writers. Please note that these workshops will be similar to the Partners In Print workshops we have run over the previous two years. These workshops will provide you with a good “refresher” or would be valuable if you missed Partners In Print. Hands-On Maths This workshop will also run from 6pm-7pm. It will commence with an introduction from our Co-ordinator of the Australian Curriculum, who will explain some of the Natural Maths strategies we use in school and explain to you about “The Secret Code”. Families will then be given the opportunity to break off into groups to play a range of fun maths games, using Natural Maths strategies and “The Secret Code”. Parent books containing games to support your child’s maths learning will also be on sale on the evening for approximately $8. YEAR 3-7 STUDENTS Hands-On Maths This workshop will commence with an introduction from our Co-ordinator of the Australian Curriculum, who will explain some of the Natural Maths strategies we use in school and explain to you about “The Secret Code”. Families will then be given the opportunity to break off into groups to play a range of fun maths games, using Natural Maths strategies and “The Secret Code”. Parent books containing games to support your child’s maths learning will also be on sale on the evening for approximately $8. We are hoping for a 100% attendance at our workshops as we believe it is crucial in the development of three way partnerships to enhance strong foundations in literacy and mathematics learning. If you as the parent are unable to attend, you would be most welcome to send another adult member (i.e. grandparent/caregiver/aunt/uncle) in your place. FESITVAL OF MUSIC BREAKFAST CLUB Do you like to sing, dance or act? As of Tuesday Week 4 (17/2/15), Wynn Vale will be continuing a breakfast program, where students can meet once a week before school for a nourishing breakfast. According to the Australian Red Cross, ‘children who have eaten breakfast can concentrate better, have a longer attention span and they can perform better physically as there is more energy available to their muscles. Breakfast can also improve behaviour and mood, as children have better concentration and are not tired or hungry’ (www.redcross.org.au). Our Breakfast Club will be located in E5, where the OSHC gates will open for students at 8:20am until 8:40 every Tuesday. Cereals include cornflakes and sultana bran. We will also have yoghurt and various fruits. As we have the space of one classroom, we are restricted to a certain number of students, so unfortunately we have a first- in first-serve rule! Are you in Year 6/7? Want to try something new and challenging? Everyone is welcome! Then the Festival of Music Performance Troupe is for you! Audition bookings open on Monday, 9th February, 2015! Audition bookings close on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Weekly rehearsals are held at 3 locations: North - Parafield Gardens Primary on Tuesdays Central - Gilles Street Primary on Wednesdays South - Darlington Primary on Thursdays Rehearsals are from 4.15 - 5.45 pm. There will also be a few Sunday workshops. Each troupe will be involved in 4 performances accompanying the massed choirs at the Festival Theatre between the 8th and 18th September, 2015. Ask your choir, drama or dance teacher or principal for more information. Check out our website: www.festivalofmusic.org.au or call the Festival Office on 8261 5438 for more information. If you have any questions please contact Michelle Heatlie on 8289 0270. Food items have been donated by Kellogg’s and 'Kick Start' and subsequently there will be no cost to families. We hope to see you there! Warm regards, Cynthia Harbinson & Michaela Martucci VOLUNTEER WORKSHOPS The parent mandatory reporting/volunteer workshop is a requirement by DECD. If you would like to volunteer within the school or assist on excursions, it is mandatory that you attend a workshop. The session will run for approximately one hour. We will be holding a workshop on: Friday, 20th February, 2015 at 10.00 a.m. Please contact Dympna to book in if you would like to attend. SCHOOL FEES 2015 School Fees of $325.00 are now due. Please contact Lyn if you need to make payment plans or apply for school card. CRICKET WORKSHOPS On Tuesday 4th February, Scott Houston from SACA Cricket visited school to lead some of our PE lessons with Mrs Goodall. The sessions were carried out with B3, C4, D3 and D2. Students worked hard on their cricket skills and learned some new, fun games to help to develop these skills. There was a big focus on throwing, catching and aiming skills. Scott commented upon how well behaved our students were and he was very impressed with the levels of skill that were demonstrated. Mrs Goodall also led these same sessions with A2 and A4 the following day. Other classes will have the chance to follow up with the same activities with their class teachers in their PE and fitness times. Whilst on the subject of Cricket, a reminder that Kanga Cricket on Friday evenings will not take place this Friday due to the heat. Kanga cricket will commence on Friday 20th February. Thank you to Charles Thompson, one of our parents, for running the team again this term. A reminder for team members that school uniform and comfortable running shoes are to be worn. This term’s team is: Isaac L Preston B Jake B Kaleb Y Tovie H Maddison T Noah F Riley T Ben M Laura B Term 1—Calendar Of Events Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun 1 26/1 Australia Day 27/1 Term 1 begins 28/1 29/1 Newsletter 30/1 31/1 & 1/2 2 2/2 OSHC Committee Meeting 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 Assembly 9.00 C2 7/2 & 8/2 3 9/2 10/2 Acquaintance Night 5.45pm AGM 7pm Gov Council Meeting 7.30 11/2 12/2 Newsletter 13/2 14/2 & 15/2 4 16/2 17/2 18/2 19/2 20/2 Assembly 9.00 C1 Mandatory Report ing Volunteer Training 10.00 21/2 & 22/2 5 23/2 24/2 Parent Workshops 25/2 26/2 Newsletter 27/2 28/2 & 1/3 6 2/3 3/3 Swimming R-5 4/3 Swimming R-5 5/3 Swimming R-5 6/3 Swimming R-5 7/3 & 8/3 7 9/3 10/3 Adelaide Cup Day 11/3 12/3 Newsletter 13/3 14/3 & 15/3 8 16/3 Governing Council Meeting 7pm 17/3 18/3 Harmony Day Assembly 19/3 20/3 21/3 & 22/3 9 23/3 24/3 25/3 26/3 Newsletter 27/3 28/3 & 29/3 10 30/3 31/3 Parent/Teacher Interviews 1/4 Parent/Teacher Interviews 2/4 3/4 GOOD FRIDAY 4/4 & 5/4 11 6/4 EASTER MONDAY 7/4 8/4 Sports Day 9/4 Newsletter 10/4 Last day of Term 1 2.15 pm dismissal 11/4 & 12/4 SWIMMING Students from Reception to Year 5 will be attending The Aquadome, at Elizabeth in Week 6 of Term 1, (Tuesday 3rd – Friday,6th March) for a four day Swimming Program. Swimming is an important part of DECD Physical Education Curriculum. WHAT THEY NEED Children are asked to bring a suitable bag (to hold all their clothing), a towel and a labelled drink bottle. It is a good idea to take a windcheater or jacket to wear back to school if the weather is cool. Children who wear ear plugs are also encouraged to wear a bathing cap for added security. Be aware that children may experience some eye irritation so you may elect to equip them with goggles. NB All Items taken to the pool should be labelled with child’s name. MEDICAL INFORMATION The Swimming/Aquatic Consent Form was sent home earlier this term. If you have not already sent your form back to school please do so. Students will not be allowed to enter the water without their appropriate plans and medication. COST The cost of swimming (including transport, entrance to swimming centre and equipment use) will be $30.00 per student. Payment needs to be made by Tuesday, 24th February, 2015 so that your child/ren can participate in the program and instructors can be organised. PARENT HELPERS Please note that parents are no longer allowed to help in the water as DECD does not provide insurance cover. Parents are welcome to visit during swimming sessions. Please be aware that cameras are not allowed. Please note that parents will not be permitted to assist with dressing unless they have a current DECD police check and have undergone the parent volunteer mandatory training workshop. SESSION TIMES Tuesday – Friday will be an extended swimming program due to no program on Monday. Tuesday – Thursday: Year 3 – 5 students will leave the school at 9.00 a.m. for 9.30 – 11.30 a.m. lesson Year R – 2 students (Classes A4 & D3) will leave the school at 11.00 a.m. for 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. lesson Year R – 2 students (Classes A2 & D2) will leave the school at 12.30 p.m. for 1.00 – 2.00 p.m. lesson Friday Year 3 – 5 students will leave the school at 9.00 a.m. for 9.30 – 11.00 a.m. lesson Year R – 2 students (Classes A4 & D3) will leave the school at 10.30 a.m. for 11.00 – 11.45 a.m. lesson Year R – 2 students (Classes A2 & D2) will leave the school at 11.05 a.m. for 11.45 – 12.30 p.m. lesson Students are requested not to purchase/consume items from the pool canteen at the pool to avoid delays to bus departure times. SCHOOL BANKING School Banking Rewards now available! Term 1 These new rewards have just been released for Term 1, and are available while stocks last: ET DVD Planet Handball For every deposit made at school, no matter how big or small, students will receive a cool Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for these exclusive School Banking reward items in recognition of their continued savings behaviour. There are 2 new items to come in Term 2 as well! Remember our school earns 5% commission on every deposit made (to a maximum of $10 per individual deposit). If your children are not currently involved in the School Banking program and you would like to know more, please ask for a 2015 School Banking program Information Pack from the School office. Thank you for supporting the School Banking program and don’t forget that Thursday is School Banking day! MONOGRAMMED SCHOOL BAGS We are introducing a school bag for our students. $35.00 Bags are navy and have the school logo on the front. AVAILABLE NOW FROM THE FINANCE WINDOW COMMUNITY NEWS *Para Hills East Junior Soccer Club* (Corner of Murrell & Nelson Roads, Para Hills) Are you looking for a change? Something fun or new & team orientated? If the answer is YES, we need girls to take to the pitch! *We are looking for girls for the following teams: U7 (girls turning 6 and 7) U9 (girls turning 8 and 9) U11 (girls turning 10 and 11) U13 (girls turning 12 and 13) Games are Sunday mornings Training nights depend on team and coach (usually Tuesday and Thursday) Visit our website: www.phesc.net or contact the Secretary on Phone: 0403 422 675 TERM DATES 2015 Term 1 27th January—10th April Term 2 27th April—3rd July Term 3 20th July—25th September Term 4 12th October—11th December
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