
Winter 2015
2015 Board of Directors
Kevin Polivick, Pres
Cindy Hogwood, Vice-Pres
President’s Message/Kevin Polivick
Anna Stoeckel, Treasurer
Annette Schobert, Secretary
Bonnie Goyette, Environment
Sharyn Farley, Pool/Shelter
Dear Owners,
Luke Clark, Security
As we begin to look to 2015 and the projects we’d like to complete, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on our accomplishments in 2014. In addition to the regular tasks of running an organization, the Board focused on the following key areas: Covenants/ByLaws, finances and road improvements.
Bobbie Roberts, Entertainment
Michaela Ward, Membership
Inside this issue:
President’s remarks
Financial News
2015 Projects
Front Entrance
2015 Calendar
For over 2 years Lake Shore reviewed, revised and redrafted the Covenants and ByLaws. The Covenants and By-Laws were sent out for a vote and were approved in September 2014. As this newsletter goes to print, a petition for an injunction has been filed
in Franklin County court and we are scheduled for a court hearing in March 2015. Update to follow in the next newsletter.
Over the years some owners have accumulated large amounts of debt. These owners
were notified of possible legal action and many have cooperated and have started making payments, others have declined. Some were taken to court where a judgment was
ordered and payments will soon follow. A promissory note process was adopted so owners have a way to pay their debt within their means.
Work continued this year on ditching and drainage control. The intersection of LakeShore
and Pheasant and Canary and Sycamore were all upgraded and new culvert pipes installed.
Kevin Polivick, Board President
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Finance Report
As of November 2014 Lake Shore’s Balance Sheet is as follows:
Current Assets: $86,275.22
In the Brookville
newspaper a recent
article discussed
the prospect of repairing the Causeway bridge and
how much it would
cost. The bridge
itself is a pin and
hanger type, very
rare and the design
is no longer used.
If and when the
bridge would need
re-decking, one estimate was 2.45
million dollars,
leaving county officials at a loss for
how this funding
would be raised.
We certainly hope
this obstacle can be
overcome when it
comes time for the
Other Assets: $112,248.53 (Land and Machinery)
Total Assets: $198,523.75
Note: Total revenue for 2014 as of this date is: $165,154.42. In
this YTD period $14,229.06 was collected for Previous Years dues.
Three(3) court cases have resulted in judgments in favor of LSR
and payment plans have been established for these owners.
Website and Email Communications
effective. In order to meet
this goal, quarterly newsletters will be placed on the
Lake Sbore website. Owners are encouraged to visit
the website for program
updates and announcements. In addition, we are
trying to develop an email
list where Owners receive
membership information
and key updates. If you are
interested, include your
email address with your
annual dues payment.
765 647-6887 Office
Dues: $150 per lot
Gate Cards: $25
Debi Reed– Office Asst.
Late fee after April 1: 7%
Tractor: $50/hr
Rodney Reid—Security
$10 added per month to
delinquent accounts, after
July 1st of each year.
Note: Security phone number is 765 580– 1056
So often communication is
key to understanding a situation. Unfortunately, a
company our size, with limited funding must develop
methods to communicate
with our membership which
is both timely and cost-
Our Community
Butch White—Bldg/Grds
Mowing: Fee to be set for
Page 3
2015 Projects
The Board of Directors is prioritizing projects we would like to accomplish in 2015
and to date they are:
1. Repair Shelter house bathrooms and showers
2. Paving of roads (Lake Shore Blvd to Canary & Sycamore to Flamingo)
3. Purchase pool cover
4. Build a community building
5. Seal existing asphalt roads
6. Pave shelter house parking lot
7. Build a community fire pit/picnic area
We would like to accomplish some of these projects in 2015 and will be working on developing estimates for each area noted above. While 2014 has seen our financial position improve
with our focus on collecting back dues, we still have much more work to do. This past month
68 letters were sent to owners who owe Lake Shore money and we strongly encourage owners to meet their financial obligation.
If you have a project in mind or would like to volunteer to help, please contact the office or
simply email us at
Front Entrance Upgrade
One of our 2014 goals was the upgrade of the front entrance. In 2013 underground wire was installed from the guard shack to the front sign and a light
was installed to illuminate the sign and flags. This year landscape timbers were
placed to form a perimeter, flagpoles were re-roped and new flowers and perennials planted. We wish to thank all the volunteers who provided time and talent in making this upgrade. Indeed, it continues to amaze what can be accomplished when we work together.
Lake Shore Resort, Property Owners Association
The Lake Shore Property Owners Association was formed, in part, so all owners
would promote and protect our development. Each owner pledges to meet their
15105 Lake Shore Blvd.
Brookville, In 47012
Phone: 765 647-6887
Fax: 765 747-6887
financial obligation, maintain their property, comply with Lake Shore rules and
treat fellow owners with respect and courtesy.
2015 Calendar (dates to remember)
Wednesday, April 1 - Season Opens
Please make
sure we have
your correct
street address,
phone number
and email address.
Saturday, May 23 - Spring Owners Meeting
Friday, July 4 - Festivities and Entertainment
September (Date to be determined) - Annual Meeting
New Property
Sunday, November 1 - Season Close
We need a copy
of your deed or
land contract
and membership application
Annual Breakfast: 8am ( Saturday, May 23, 2015)
Here’s the beginning of our schedule:
Spring Owners Meeting—May 23,2015 —10AM
May 22 & 23, 2015 Friday/Saturday 7pm: Bingo
Every Friday @ 7pm—Bingo.
Visit our website at for calendar updates on planned activities for the upcoming season.