SETON CATHOLIC COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Established in 1990 through the amalgamation of De Vialar College and St Brendan’s College. Educating in the Fremantle area since 1855. 13 February 2015 Issue #1 Principal: Mr Egmont Melton Dear Parents, Students and Friends Congratulations to everyone for their work involved in providing such a smooth start to the new academic year at Seton. The fact that the College Campus looks quite stunning despite the recent hot weather is no accident. Behind the scenes a huge Maintenance Program included significant refurbishment of the Student and Public Reception as well as turning Room C11 into an extra Dance/Drama Studio. The decision to bring all students on to a one-to-one iPad program has required many weeks of preparation and PD for staff. Besides the “iPad Configuration Day” in 40˚C heat a fortnight ago, all Parents are encouraged to attend a special Seminar on iPads to be held in our Lecture Theatre run by Greg Port. Parents will be shown many useful little tricks, how to avoid its misuse and certainly how to get the best use out of it. This opportunity will be held at 7pm this Wednesday 18 February and is free to anyone interested. This Friday we take Year 7s off Campus for the day as part of their Induction and transition to College life. All Year 7 Parents should be aware that the Year 7 Information Night is on Tuesday 24 February when you will meet your Head of House, your PCG Teacher and the other parents in that House. You will be pleased to hear that our Year 12 students once again did very well academically and have achieved some outstanding results. Jack Paterson’s ATAR score of 99.8 was bettered by only 34 students in the whole of WA. Sam Nunn and Jaime de Gois scored 98.85 and 98.55 respectively. Justin Reid, Cheyenne Payne-Poultney and Joel Galipo all achieved ATAR’s over 96. In fact over a quarter of the students attained an ATAR over 90. Seton’s Median ATAR was 81.5 compared with that of 79.00 for the State with 11 of our 13 Stage 3 Courses above the State mean scaled score. Jack and Cheyenne were each awarded Certificates of Distinction for finishing in the Top 0.05% in the State in Chemistry and CFC respectively, while Jack and Jaime will also be presented with Certificates of Commendation for obtaining at least 20 grades of “A”, in course units over Years 11 & 12. It is well known that I decry the use of League Tables but strongly put our focus on trying to encourage individual students to achieve their best. However, it is always nice to receive public recognition such as a congratulatory letter from the CEO, affirming staff and students on “the excellent Year 12 results in 2014 that follow a pattern of outstanding results from previous years”. We were especially pleased to note that similar to last year, 39% of our students achieved an ATAR in the top third of the State (ie. 33% would be the norm), and only 19% in the bottom third of the State (again, 33% would normally be expected). Finally, it was good to note that for the sixth year running, Seton College achieved a 100% Graduation rate and that nearly all the Leaving Class of 2014 achieved their goals, whether they be to study at University, TAFE or enter the Workplace. They can be very proud of their achievements. With 2015 marking the 25th Anniversary of Seton Catholic College there is much we have cause to celebrate: the richness of our heritage dating back to 1855, the success achieved over the past quarter of a century and, not least, the present culture and quality of education enjoyed within the Seton Community. Later in this Newsletter is a one-page overview that will outline some of our plans to celebrate our Anniversary. Forthcoming Events February Yr 7 Induction Day Ash Wednesday Parent iPad Information Night Seton Swimming Carnival Yr 7 Parent Info Night AGM Board & P&F March Public Holiday Yr 12 Parent Information Night OLNA Testing begins Open Day Seton 25th Anniversary Mass Seton 25th Anniversary International Food and Cultural Festival Fri 13 Wed 18 Wed 18 Fri 20 Tues 24 Wed 25 7pm 7pm 7pm Mon 2 Wed 4 7pm Mon 9 Wed 11 3:40pm Fri 13 9am Fri 13 5 - 9pm Year 7 Parent Information Night De Vialar Centre - 7:00pm Tuesday 24 February 2015 (Parking on the Oval off Letchford Street) The evening offers an opportunity to meet with your child’s Head of House and Pastoral Care Teacher, as well as providing an excellent forum for you to meet other teachers and clarify any issues that may have arisen over the past couple of weeks. We would like all families represented. Following the Meeting, we invite you to join us for drinks and finger food, offering the chance to talk to other parents and staff in an informal setting. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Working Together for Seton 7:00pm Wednesday 25 February 2015 - College Lecture Theatre ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND The Seton College Board and Parents & Friends Association will hold a joint meeting on Wednesday 25 February to report on the activities of 2014 and to establish new membership for 2015. The School Board plans for the operations of the school, oversees school financial matters and works with the College Executive to supply the best facilities for Seton staff and students. The P&F raises funds to support College initiatives, plan Social functions and provides opportunities for parent information and education. In particular, it recognises the importance of building a strong sense of community that helps us take an active interest in the progress of our students in the College. Curriculum I am very impressed by the positive way students from all Years have started. Occasionally schools, or particular students, can take a while to settle into the routine of a new school year particularly with their organisation, homework and study. I do believe that the work teachers have put into providing lessons and programs on SEQTA has given students much needed direction for these early days. I hope this is continuing when students work at home. Teachers place the homework on SEQTA and students expand on those notes more specifically so what work is to be done should be clear both to students and parents. OLNA TESTING Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessments (OLNA) testing occurs for a significant number of Year 10 students and some Year 11 students from Monday 9 March. Correspondence around these tests will be sent to parents next week. It is important that students are preparing themselves to be at their best for these tests because students must demonstrate a minimum standard of literacy to be eligible to graduate with the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). Year 10 Progress On Wednesday I spoke to Year 10s about making sure that they are working in such a way that as many options as possible are still available to them by early Term 3, when we all work through subject selections. One of the reasons why our WACE results have been so consistently pleasing in the last few years is that the students have been well directed through the subject selection process. Students and parents are making informed choices and the school is confident in its advice and decisions. Part of the subject selection process is that prerequisites are required for students to be enrolled in particular Year 11 subjects. It is in the control of parents and students to be aware of these prerequisites at the earliest possible stage so that they are actively working during Semester 1 to achieve these prerequisites. There should not be any surprises come subject selection information evening in Term 3. Whilst there may be some changes, a guide to Year 11 prerequisites is on the College Website. Mr Don Parnell, Deputy Principal Curriculum PASTORAL CARE Year 7 Orientation Our wonderful Year 7 students seem to have settled into life at Seton very well. I would like to thank and congratulate the Peer Support Students who gave up their time at last year’s Welcome Day. Next week Year 7 students will be involved at an Induction Day at Woodman Point with Heads of House and Year 11 Leaders as part of building a sense of belonging and House Spirit. A letter will go home to parents early next week. Uniform and Grooming (Haircuts) We congratulate students on the positive way they have presented themselves at the start of the school year. Whether students are aware of this or not, the way they present certainly makes strong statements about the pride they have in themselves, their work and their College. There were some students who would have been directed by their Pastoral Care Teacher or Head of House to fix an aspect of their uniform and grooming. This should happen as a matter of urgency. Student Communication Information that has been provided to students over the last two weeks includes: Immunisation Forms (to all Year 8s) - Forms should have been returned to the front office Year 10 Camp Information - Medical information Forms to be returned to the front office Year 12 Ball Information and Application Forms - to be returned before purchasing a ticket Driving Permits - to be returned to the front office prior to a student driving to school Mr Campbell Brown, Deputy Principal Pastoral Care PEER SUPPORT LEADERS 2015 McAuley Melissa Blanch Tayla Breglia Alyssa Dening Melissa Di Chiacchio Diana Di Martino Estelle Dunning Nelson Fannon Elena Loreto Sarina Roose Dean Rotondella Danielle Yakas Madison Yakas Loyola Rachael Ah Chong Shae Armstrong Chloe Calameri Eloise De Aguiar Connor Ensor Lani Galipo Eliza Mitchell Panashe Mutizwa Lleyton Palmer Sarah Platt Kayla Polkinghorne Marco Rodgers Delany Antonio Carcione Alisha Cavallo Johnathan Chegwidden - Jackson Tarin Colendo Ashlee Cuijpers Emilio Fernandez Mark Ferron Natasha Griffin Delaney Harper Nicola Jones Joseph Lofthouse Claudia Rocha Isabella Willcocks Marion Brianna Alsop Jessica Delmadoros Jenna Elliott Anita Gallucci Liam Gasbarro Jimmy Lulinda Breeanna Ross Emmanuel Waran Paige Ward Curtis Waterman MacKillop Madison Cammarano Madison Collier Natalie Davies Rafael Fabris Andrea Gavranic Chloe Hunter Reilly Nylund Jasmin Retta Carlos Revelo Zoe Spencer Ward Bradley Anderson Monique Beck Megan Edwards Serena Eldrid Alex Hazell Elvis Kurubone Alice Marler Ally McWilliams Eleanor Narey Amber Taylor Emma Walford The Ministry Team is very busy preparing for Ash Wednesday on 18 February and the Opening School Mass which will be held in the St Brendan’s Centre on Friday 13 March to correspond with the 25 th Anniversary Celebration of the opening of Seton Catholic College. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the Liturgical Season for the preparation of Easter. During Lent the students are asked to engage with Project Compassion. Caritas is a Catholic Charity which supports those much less fortunate than us. We encourage students to give up a little each day and to make a donation through their Pastoral Care Groups. Please support your son or daughter in raising money for Project Compassion. Mrs Joanne Smith, Deputy Principal Staff and Ministry Calling on all of our talented Seton entertainers past and present. Where are you and what are you doing now? It’s time to dust off your dance shoes, rehearse your signature tunes, locate your fellow musicians and tread the boards for one last time to be a part of Seton Catholic College’s 25th Anniversary celebrations on Friday 13 March at the International Food Festival from 5:00 – 9:00pm. All entertainment will be performed on the thrust stage in the St Brendan’s Gymnasium. So if you sing, dance, play an instrument or are part of a performance group or band, or even if you have a special skill or talent that you would like to share, then we urge you to be a part of our celebrations. To book your timeslot, please contact Sharon Le Ray on 9331 9627 or email ********************************************************************************************* SETON CATHOLIC COLLEGE 25th ANNIVERSARY - OVERVIEW A During 2015 we will celebrate the theme of our Silver Anniversary in a variety of ways that will include the St Brendan Lecture, Seton Day, the Brother Francis Exhibition, Awards Night, Cockburn Fun Run, conservation of Samson Park, some multi-cultural lunches, art work on display, student research into the lives of our House Patrons and Academic Portfolio Files for students & staff. B We have selected Friday 13 March, as our special Day of Celebration. 1. In the MORNING, we will welcome our VIPs to Our whole-school Anniversary Mass (St Brendan Centre 9:00am) Morning Tea in DVC Visit normal classes (between Recess & Lunch) Archival displays in DVC Tours of the College (11:30am - 12:30pm) 2. In the AFTERNOON Whole-school aerial photo (Period 5) Set up for the Evening Fair (Period 6) 3. In the EVENING - International Food Festival with Entertainment for all ages. Open to the public for families to enjoy (5:00pm - 9:00pm) Parking on the Oval C Prior to 13 March, we will have on display Launch new Seton Website 25th Anniversary Logo stickers and Letterhead Half a dozen 3 metre high banners Old uniforms on display Past photos on display Digital recordings of life at Seton Documenting “our Story” Flags of nations (related to our Seton Community) D Our Annual Open Day on Wednesday 11 March from 3:40pm offers families looking to enrol their child a guided Tour of the College led by volunteer students SPORT COLLEGE SWIMMING CARNIVAL Friday 20 February 2015 - (First Event 10:00am) HBF (Challenge) Stadium - (Mt Claremont Indoor Pool area) Students will arrive at Seton at the normal time and be taken to and from HBF Stadium by Bus. Lunch: Students must supply their own lunch and drinks Uniform: Students must be dressed in their College PE uniform with their HOUSE T-Shirt Bathers: Seton Bathers or Plain Black Racing Bathers (wearing a Black Rashie is allowed) Bathers are not to be worn with other bathers underneath unless they are black. Entry Fee: Parents/Spectators $3.40 (Students paid for by the College). A full program of events will be run in the 50m pool, while a modified program plus novelties will also be run throughout the day in the diving pool. Parents are welcome to attend and a section of the main stand has been allocated for parents to sit directly above the finish line. Parents are requested not to move into the student sections of the stands at any time. If parents would like to take their son/daughter home from the Carnival at the end of the day a letter should be forwarded to their Head of House prior to the Carnival. ACC Swimming Training – North Lake Pool - 7.00am on Tuesdays Students need to be dropped at North Lake Senior Campus and they will then be bussed back to the College. Breakfast is provided. ACC Junior Sport - Current Teams - Games are on a Wednesday afternoon (4pm – 5pm) Year 7 Boys – Cricket Year 7 Girls – Basketball Year 8/9 Boys – Touch and Cricket Year 8/9 Girls – Touch and Basketball HATS - Physical Education (Term One) Parents and students are reminded that it is College Policy that students are to wear a hat during PE classes and After-School Sport in Terms 1 and 4. All students are expected to have purchased a College Hat from the Uniform Shop. Sunscreen is also available to students in Oval Store 1. Wed 18 February – Seton vs Corpus Christi AWAY – Yr 7 Girls Basketball and Yr 8/9 Boys Touch & Cricket (Returning to Seton at approx. 5.20pm). HOME – Yr 7 Boys Cricket and Yr 8/9 Girls Basketball & Touch (Finishing at approx. 5pm). Wed 25 Feb – Seton vs John Wollaston AWAY – Yr 7 Girls Basketball and Yr 8/9 Boys Cricket & Touch (Returning to Seton at approx. 5.40pm) HOME – Yr 7 Boys Cricket and Yr 8/9 Girls Basketball & Touch (Finishing at 5pm). John Chegwidden had success in athletics at the end of 2014, when he tied for first place in the State All Schools High Jump championships in the National event in Adelaide. In midJanuary 2015, John became the WA Athletics U18 Decathlon Champion. His gold qualifies him to compete in the decathlon at the National Athletics Championships in Brisbane in March. He will also compete in six events in the State Little Athletics Championships in late March. We wish him all the best of luck in these events. TECHNOLOGY IN MATHS The Faculty is looking forward to an exciting year of Learning through technology. Besides the E-book replacing the textbook we have the following: Mathletics in years 7 and 8 Mathspace in Years 9 and 10 In addition, the Lightbook by Pearson for the new Year 11 courses is an exciting challenge for teachers. In all of the above, teachers can track student progress through instant feedback. Teachers get to know the capabilities of students early in the year and plan lessons accordingly. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ COMMUNITY NEWS St Jerome's Primary School is celebrating 80 years! We want it to be a true celebration and are keen to connect with St Jerome's current and past students and members of our broader school community. Register your interest via our new website at and we will keep you updated or perhaps you would like to join the organising committee. Enquiries are also welcome at Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation: Looking for some soul-food now the kids are back at school? Married to a Catholic, but not one yourself? Just want to explore something new? Why not take a course at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation. Many courses are during school time, there are no exams or assignments and you don’t have to be a “good” Catholic (or a Catholic at all!). Topics for Term One include “Exploring Faith: Theology for Beginners,” and “Ways of Praying”. For more information or to register for a course, visit or call 9241 5221. COCKBURN DRAGON BOAT CLUB need Juniors for their new squad. To express interest, please visit: or email KARDINYA JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB are holding a Registration Day on Sunday 22 February from 10am 2pm. If you are interested in joining a team, head down to Kardinya Hall at Morris Buzzacott Reserve to sign up. Spearwood Dalmatinac Netball Team have their registration day on Tuesday 17 Feb 4:30 - 7:30pm. Players turning 8 in 2015 are eligible to commence playing netball. For enquiries: please email or ph 0438 933 134. Tennis Coaching with Pop Tennis @ The Melville Tennis Centre, Corner Stock Rd & Canning Hwy, Melville. Lessons starting from 3 years old, all standards welcome, for more information visit or call Glen on 0433 340 646
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