February 2015 Upcoming Meetings and Events! Volume 55, Issue 2 Inside this issue: Feb 5th—Membership Meeting at St Andrews Church—Special election for the Secretary Position, Budget approval and Sigma’s—KN4KL with IRLP and KV4JM with SDR Notices 1 Public Service 2 Election Results 3 Classes & Testing 4 Radio sports 5 CBBT 50 Yrs. 6,7 Contacts 8 Feb 11th— Board Meeting at Beach Shack Mar 5th— Membership Meeting at St Andrews Church. The program will be Foxhunting by WA4AXY. April 6th - Membership Meeting at the EOC. We are planning on meeting at the VB EOC to learn about its Operation. Member’s Corner—Jim’s QSL card Pay your 2015 Dues! Page 2 VBARC Wavefront PUBLIC SERVICE by Terry Buzzard, KA8TNF & Tom Moore WS9B 2015 Schedule: Public Service: Our next event will be Shamrock SportsFest, Mar. 21 -22. The SportsFest consists of an 8K and Final Mile run on Saturday and a ½ Marathon and full Marathon on Sunday. We will need 65 to 70 people for Sunday. Please talk this event up at other club meetings. Have anyone one interested in helping contact Terry or I. We will have the usually pre-race meeting on Mar. 19th at VB Convention Center/Pavilion at 6:30 PM. We meet in the front of convention center around Hall D. We will have signup sheets for all events at club meeting. Please see any of us to sign up for events. E-mails will be sent out asking for assistance. Well, we are in need of some people to fill a couple of positions: 1. Ride with Race Coordinator. The Race Coordinator position basically involves riding around with Race Coordinator. Informing him of info from the Ham’s, asking him questions from Net Control and help him a little. We can talk to you about what others have done when riding with Race Coordinator. Terry and I have both ridden with Race Coordinator. George, WA4GDB has done this for years and could tell you about it also. 2. Drive pickup van. Hopefully with the van position I can get the past years driver to do the several hours showing you what is involved. You would pickup vans a Police Training Center, then pickup lunches and water for your side of the course. Deliver the lunches, then wait for someone who needs picked up. Once picked up Net Control will director you as to whether to bring runner back or pickup others. Radios and APRS unit will be in vans. Scott, KK4FXS will be in other van and can help with getting started at Police Training Center. Both of these positions require a long day. Both would start around 5 AM and end around 3 PM. Whomever is interested, please let me know. Tom WS9B March 19—22 Shamrock May 30th Pungo Festival Aug 8th Mud Run Sept 6th Run for Hope Oct 31st Wicked Events Nov 21-22 Harbor Lights Dec 5th VB Holiday Parade Dec 19th Surf & Santa Volume 55, Issue 2 Page 3 VBARC Elections — 2015 The following people were elected at the January Meeting: President—John Roberts WA4AXY Vice President—Ed Gibbs KC4UFN Secretary—none Treasurer—Bob Zabot K4NTO Directors Steve Isenmann W0JTC Mark Passaro KM4EER Ken Ascher KK4EIR Jim Arab KV4JM Doug Duggan KJ4IRK George Schmidt WA4GDB Dick Peglowski KE4SAV We will have a special election at the February meeting for Secretary. Stan Winner, KK4QJN, has stepped forward to announce for this position. Pay your 2015 Dues! Regular Member—$15.00 Family—$20.00 Associate—$15.00 Accept check or cash at the meeting or pay via Paypal or credit card online! Page 4 VBARC Wavefront Classes & Exams The TECH only class begins Feb 14 – 10am till roughly noon. A study session will be held every other Saturday throughout the year. VBARC will have 4 VE sessions in 2015….March 20 at 6:30 pm, June 20 at 10 am Sept 12 at HamFest, Dec 11 at 6:30pm. VBARC is in need of MENTORS to help out at the study sessions every other Saturday. They will not be teaching course material but will be there to answer Questions and explain the electronics. If anyone can help out, please contact ED GIBBS to schedule a Saturday. The licensing sessions will be different this year. There will NOT BE an Instructor teaching in a classroom setting. We will be using the material From HAMTESTONLINE for the students to study on their own at home and Then they can come in on designated Saturdays for one-on-one help. We Will NOT be TEACHING the material, but will be helping to understand the Material through a MENTOR system on Saturdays. The students will be free To come in and get their questions answered and then leave. The course will Be left up to the students to do more learning on their own. We have 4 testing Sessions scheduled but will be free to add testing sessions if needed Between the main sessions. If a student is not ready, we will continue mentoring Until they are ready. The first session will be TECHNICIAN ONLY and we will Add the General and Extra at the other classes. We are planning to hold 4 major class starts throughout the year and follow along. Doug Duggan KJ4IRK PIO - VBARC CARS will hold classes starting on March 28th for Tech and May 30th for General. Exams are planned for April 12th (Springfest) and June 20th. So if you know of anyone that would like to get their license here is the opportunity to get them and move up the food chain. Volume 55, Issue 2 Radio Sports Radio Sport offers a multitude of contests in Jan covering every mode of Amateur Radio. For a complete calendar go to the WA7BNM contest calendar website at: www.hornucipia.com/contestcal/contestcal.html Largest events of the month: Feb 6—YL—OM contest Feb 7—Vermont QSO Party Feb 7—10-10 Winter Phone QSO Party Feb 7—Minnesota QSO Party Feb 7—British Colombia QSO Party Feb 9—School Club roundup Feb 14—CQWW RTTY WPX Feb 14—Ole Miss QSO Party Feb 14—New Hampshire QSO Party Feb 20—Russian WW PSK contest Feb 21—ARRL Int’l CW DX Contest Feb 27—CQWW 160 mtr SSB Feb 28—NA QSO Party RTTY Most of these events are multiple days—date listed is the contest start date. Our suggestion for logging software is to use either N3FJP or N1NM. Both have excellent contesting properties. Page 5 Page 6 VBARC Wavefront CBBT 50 YR Special Event Station Jim, Kv4JM working PSK Chris working 17 mtr SSB Terry, K8TNF, and Butch Ken, KK4EIR, and Ed, W8NLZ working 20 mtr SSB SE Mgr. Steve, W0JTC Volume 55, Issue 2 Page 7 Q The Seniors, Charlie W1WTG, and Rue, W4RUE Future entrance panel with Polyphaser protection Three stations above and below Business Name Informal Breakfast Meetings Every other Wednesday a group meets at the Brass Bell at 1628 Independence Blvd at 8:45am to “shoot the bull”. Always looking for new faces. Chieftain is Stewart K4STW. Next one is Feb 11th & 25th. PO BOX 62003 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23466 WEB: VBARC.COM OR W4UG.COM FB: FACEBOOK/VBARC info@w4ug.com Title President Vice President Every Saturday a group of DX’ers from VADXCC/PVRC & VBARC meets at the Golden Corral, 400 South Independence Blvd, VB at 7:15 am. Everyone is invited to attend and there is no agenda. Name Call Primary # Email John Roberts WB4AXY 409-9610 president@w4ug.com Ed Gibbs KC4UFN 431-1401 vicepresident@w4ug.com secretary@w4ug.com Secretary Bob Zabot K4NTO 369-6257 treasurer@w4ug.com Director Steve Isemann W0JTC 752-1303 director1@w4ug.com Director Doug Duggan KJ4IRK 416-8782 director2@w4ug.com Director Ken Ascher KK4IER Director George Schmidt WA4GDB Director Jim Arab KV4JM director5@w4ug.com Director Mark Passaro KM4EER director6@w4ug.com Director Dick Peglowski KE4SAV 588-2222 director7@w4ug.com PIO Doug Duggan KJ4IRK 416-8782 pio@w4ug.com Ed Williams KN4KL 486-3597 ve@w4ug.com Terry Buzzard KA8TNF 938-9519 ares@w4ug.com Public Service Tom Moore WS9B 464-3482 communityservices@w4ug.com W4UG Trustee Ron Young W8RJL 427-5695 trustee@w4ug.com Lew Steingold W4BLO Treasurer VE Liaison ARES TRCI Rep Spec Events director3@w4ug.com 499-2403 director4@w4ug.com Hamfest@w4ug.com
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