Cromer Courier Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus120 South Creek Road, Cromer NSW 2099 Telephone: 9981 1155 Fax: 9982 5398 Email: website: Term 1 Issue 1 2015 From the Principal A very big welcome back to 2015 to all students and parents to what I know will be an exciting year for Cromer Campus. I would like to thank the Cromer community for the overwhelmingly warm welcome that you have extended to me as your new Principal. Last year as I researched and prepared to move into this new role I spoke to a lot of people from the Cromer community who told me the same 2 things repeatedly: 1. There are a lot of great students at our school. 2. There are a lot of great teachers at Cromer Campus. In my first 2 weeks I am happy to report that this is exactly what I have discovered. Teachers keep telling me how committed they are to making Cromer Campus an even greater school. You will see evidence of this each morning as I, and a number of my staff, meet your children at the school gate. Not only are we congratulating students for arriving in their correct school uniform, but more importantly we are greeting the students as they arrive and wishing them a great day. Similarly I have met all students at assemblies and year meetings and also in the playground and classrooms. I have enjoyed meeting our student leaders who also showed me a similar commitment to making our school even better. It was great to read the Manly Daily on Saturday and discover an article about our school captain Errol Bousfield. Congratulations Errol on this positive publicity for our school and also on your $1000 scholarship award. This is the type of inspiring student leadership that exists within our school. Fantastic students, committed and dedicated teachers, this is the foundation of a great school. This is why I know 2015 will be a great year for Cromer Campus. In speaking to the both the staff and students in the first few days the message that I have been giving is that I have the highest expectations of all. I expect all students to wear their school uniform, to attend all lessons, to work collaboratively with their peers and teachers but more importantly I expect all students to do their best and work hard at their learning in the classroom. I know from experience that this commitment to doing your best leads to success and to the achievement of goals. My hope is for all students to be in possession of a well-rounded education rich in positive values and a wide variety of experiences that has prepared each student for further education, training or employment in a field that they will be great at and enjoy. I am very much looking forward to working with the P&C and wider community. Our first P&C meeting for 2015 is this Tuesday 10th February at 7pm. At this meeting I will be discussing my vision for Cromer Campus and would enjoy the opportunity to meet and speak to as many parents as possible. Please come along even if you have never attended a P&C meeting before. As members of this community your input into the school is extremely valuable and the opportunities to make our school even better are boundless. I am also looking forward to meeting Yr7 parents on the same evening Tuesday 10th February at 6pm for our annual Meet the Year 7 Teacher Evening. Justin Hong Principal P & C MEETING Tuesday 10 February 7.00 pm in the Staff Common Room Page 1 CROMER COURIER Deputy Principal Years 7, 9, 11 I would like to welcome all students back to Cromer for 2015. This year I will have the responsibility for years 7, 9 and 11. Year 7 The transition from primary school has been very smooth and all students are now reading their timetable and finding their own way around Cromer Campus. The implementation of home rooms for Year 7 has been very successful and the students are more settled as they do not have to move to a new room each period. Each home room has a class noticeboard where students can refer to important information about their class and school related activities. All students should have their diary at school each day so they can record their homework and due dates for assessment tasks. Your child will bring home their assessment booklet this week. This booklet identifies the task and the due week for each subject. The last page of the booklet shows the due weeks for tasks for the whole year. It is a good idea to copy this page and place it on the refrigerator so you can remind your child when tasks are due. There has been a delay in the installation of the Year 7 lockers. They will now be installed in week 5 which is the week of the Year 7 camp. If you would like to contact the school regarding your child, either call myself or the year adviser Jana Tsolakis. Phone the school on 9981 1155 and the Office staff will forward your call to the correct extension. The Peer Support Program will run over the next 7 weeks. The aim of these sessions is to develop friendship groups, help students understand the procedures at Cromer Campus and give students the opportunity to ask questions about high school. Year 10 students have been trained to run the peer support groups. On Tuesday 24 March you are invited to attend our peer support celebration. The event will start at 12 noon in The Hub. There will be a presentation of certificates for our peer support leaders and participants. Year 9 This year your child starts Stage 5 of their schooling. This means they have had the opportunity to choose some of the subjects they will be studying towards their Stage 5 Record of School Achievement (ROSA). Students have till Friday 13 February to make changes to their Year 9 elective subjects. If they do not see me by then, they will continue to study their selected subjects this year. Early term 4 they will have the option to select new subjects for Year 10 but they must study at least one elective for both Years 9 and 10 (200 hours). Richard Delrennie is the Year Adviser of Year 9. There are many leadership opportunities available for Year 9 students. Soon I will be asking for students to volunteer to be mentors for Design Make Innovate. This is a College project where our Year 9 students mentor Year 5 and 6 students at Dee Why Public School and Collaroy Plateau to create a marvellous toy or a bridge. Students will receive mentor training and will be required to attend the primary schools for 2 ½ days to design the projects and 1 full day to mentor the primary school students whilst they create the project. Year 11 Year 11 have started their final stage of schooling and Kerrianne Lee is their Year Adviser. Year 11 students also have till the 13 February to make subject changes. Many of the students study subjects one afternoon a week in a 4 hour block. It is essential no doctor or dentist appointments etc. are made during these times as they miss a whole week’s work if they miss these lessons. If students are studying cross campus or TAFE subjects and they are sick and cannot attend a courtesy phone call to the relevant organisation would be appreciated. Year 11 students will receive their assessment booklet at the year meeting on Thursday. Encourage them to put a copy of the grid on the refrigerator so you are aware of when tasks are due. Students have a very busy three terms of Year 11 with 5 -6 tasks for each of their six subjects. To ensure success in the HSC students should be completing at least 10 hours work on homework, revision and assignment tasks each week. Lynda Peters Deputy Principal Years 7, 9, 11 Page 2 CROMER COURIER Deputy Principal Years 8, 10, 12 Welcome back to all our families for another great year at Cromer Campus. I’m looking forward to working with you and your child during this term whilst I am relieving as Deputy Principal, looking after Years 8, 10 and 12. I strongly believe that when the school and home work as a team, the student gains the greatest benefit. I am here to support your child during their day at school. I will contact parents to inform you of any issues of concern but I would also like you to inform me of any issues that are of concern to you with your child’s progress. In general I would have to say that most students demonstrate a positive attitude towards their peers, teachers and studies. This is a great start towards success. For those students whose behaviour is not always as positive, I look forward to working closely with you the parent to assist those students gain more positive outcomes. There are a couple of points that are related to students in years, 8, 10 and 12. I would greatly appreciate your support with these issues. The first is the mobile phone. If your child has to have a mobile phone at school, please don’t let them bring the latest in technology that is extremely expensive. Ultimately it is your child who needs to take responsibility for their phone. Within this first week several phones have already quite innocently just dropped out of a student’s pocket, which have been picked up by other students and handed in. We have new bell times as we have now moved to a 6 period day. These times are in your child’s diary. Please do not ring your child during lesson time as we have asked them to not to have phones out during lesson time. Unless absolutely needed it would be preferable if they left their mobile phones at home. Neither should students be listening to music or iPods during lesson time. Any emergency contact or message can be passed on from the front office. If you or your child is having any concerns about issues at school. Please inform us early in the process so we can investigate the issue. Many times students do not inform staff of ongoing issues and we may not hear about them for quite some time. We want to assist all students make positive and appropriate choices in their behaviour so that they have the opportunity to make friends and enjoy their school days. Uniform Congratulations to all the students who have made a very positive start to the school year by coming in correct uniform. It is such a pleasure seeing students taking pride in their appearance, especially down to their white socks and black leather shoes. Although your child may inform you that black canvas shoes are permitted, we want to see all students in black leather shoes as this provides their feet with greater protection particularly in the practical lessons of Food Technology, Timber and Metal work classes. The uniform shop is opened on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8am to 8.30am each week. Year Advisors Your child’s Year Advisor should be their first point of contact if you want to clarify any issues or get advice. The following staff are your child’s Year Adviser, Year 8 - Mr Nick Astin, Year 10 – Ms Dimity Bailey and Year 12 – Mr Steve Collins. Year 8 Vaccinations will be occurring in Week 5 with any catch ups occurring in Week 6. Year 10 Students need to realise that they are now associated with the requirements demanded by the Board of Studies. They need to step up their maturity to meet these requirements particularly in relation to handing assessments tasks on time and demonstrating due diligence towards their studies. I will provide you with more information regarding these expectations in future articles. They will also need to start considering their choices of subjects for Yr 11 in the near future as well as the many options that may be available to them Year 12 Your child will have access to Students online on the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards, (BOSTES) which provides a great source of information, study tips, access to past papers and sample high quality answers to a variety of questions as well as relevant dates. Similarly the BOSTES site has a section titled “Useful information for parents.” Please check this site, but I will also try and provide you with some of this information in future newsletters. Page 3 CROMER COURIER HSC On-line parents information Parents of HSC students will find the Parents Pages on the HSC Online website very valuable. There are hints on making life with an HSC student more bearable for both parents and students! You will find this information at S Sullivan Relieving Deputy Principal Years 8,10,12 Time to Say Goodbye Toward the end of last year I applied to be a Zoo Education Officer at Taronga Zoo. I was certainly not keen to leave Cromer Campus. I thoroughly enjoy working at the school and have been very fortunate with the various roles I have been allowed to undertake and the wonderful staff I've had the opportunity to collaborate with, across the School and the College. I know 2015 is going to be a great year for Cromer and I was ready to be part of that. However, these zoo jobs don't come up very often and in my 'previous life' (before teaching) I was a veterinary nurse and enjoyed working with animals. The zoo job is a 3-year appointment, still with the DEC, and I get to return to public schools as a Head Teacher after that time…it seemed too good an opportunity not to go for. I only received confirmation of my appointment two weeks before the start of Term 1 and therefore did not have the opportunity to say Thank You and Goodbye to staff, students and parents last year…so I wanted to take this opportunity to do so. We have amazing staff at Cromer Campus who are dedicated to helping all students achieve success. I am proud to have worked alongside them, especially when we were working on innovative ideas and programs. Thank you to all of the parents that I have worked with, especially the Year 8 parents last year. Whether the conversations were for outstanding student performance or areas that needed improvement, Cromer Campus parents are willing to listen and work with us for the best educational outcomes for our students. Your support of the school and its teachers is such an important part of student success in learning. It has been a pleasure to teach at Cromer Campus and I will take with me great memories of the students of this school both past and present. Being involved with Year 8 during 2014 as Head Teacher Year 8, will always be one of the highlights of my career. I will endeavour to come back and say goodbye properly but if I don’t see you…I wish you all happiness and success in 2015 and beyond!! Mrs S Coble-Runge Previous Head Teacher Science NSW School-Based Vaccination Program 2015 Over the next fortnight your child will be given a kit which contains information and consent forms about the Vaccination Program that will be conducted at school. Please take the time to read the information and return the signed consent forms to school if you wish your child to participate. Consent forms need to be returned to the office by 28th February 2015. The dates which the NSW Department of Health will be visiting Cromer Campus in 2015 are included in this newsletter. Alison Stevens Supervisor of Girls Page 4 CROMER COURIER Page 5 CROMER COURIER Northern Sydney Public Health Unit Adolescent School Vaccination Program Cromer Campus Vaccination Clinic Visits Schedule 4 March 2015 Year 7 Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (Dose 1) Year 8 (catch-up) Human Papillomavirus Vaccine 5 May 2015 Year 7 Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (Dose 2) Year 8 (catch-up) Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Year 7 Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Year 12 MMR Catch-Up 1 September 2015 Year 7 Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (Dose 3) Year 8 (catch-up) Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Year 7 Chicken Pox Year 11 MMR Catch-Up *No Year 9 HPV Vaccinations for 2015. Page 6 CROMER COURIER Page 7 CROMER COURIER SCHOOL BUSES Dear Parent, With the 2015 school year upon us we would like to assist you with searching for possible school services which may be available to your child. Please follow the steps below to access timetables and maps of all school services to and from your child’s school. Enter the Sydney Buses website – Click on the School Routes link Select the School and then click on the Show school routes tab Review map and list of School Services and click on School Service route for timetable information Page 8 CROMER COURIER Detail of the trip can be found here including timetable, map, days of operation and addition info such as trip restrictions, where applicable School Student Travel Pass Info Whilst Transport for NSW are processing new pass application a grace period has been established where a school student travel pass is not required to travel on school services. This grace period will continue to Friday 10 February 2015 inclusive. And as a reminder a new school pass application is required when a student: enrols in kindergarten, progresses from Year 2 to Year 3, progresses from Year 6 to Year 7 or changes name, school and/or address. A School Student Travel Pass application form can be picked up from your school’s administration office. Sydney Buses – Northern Region Page 9 CROMER COURIER Sport at Cromer Welcome back to another busy and exciting year in Sport. Our return to school this year has seen us ‘hit the ground running’ with knockouts, Sydney North trials and the School swimming carnival all happening this month. This year your Sports Coordinators are Miss Kristie Crawford and Ms Sandra Bonello, so please contact them if you have any enquires. Students, please check the daily notices or noticeboards for all sporting information. Cromer’s 38th Annual Swimming Carnival 2015 This will be held on Wednesday 18th February for Year 7 & 8 and competitors from Years 9-12. The carnival will be at the Andrew ‘Boy’ Charlton Swimming Centre, Kenneth Rd, Manly from 9.30-12.30pm. Participants will meet at School at 8.30am unless they are competing in the 200m Freestyle (these students need to make their way to the pool by 8.30am). There is still time for some practice training, so put on your goggles and follow the black line! Year 9 & 10 Recreational Sport All Year 9 and 10 and IS students are required to select a Recreational Sport for this term. Recreational Sport for Term 1 will commence on 11th February and progress through until 1st April (8weeks). Choices for Term 1 will be made on 4th February. Sport Choices Sport Venues Paying Sports Ten Pin Bowling $80 DY AMF Bowl Surfing $100 Long Reef Beach Learn to surf $130 Long Reef Beach Fishing $20 Dee Why Beach Gymnastics $75 Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club Lawn Bowls $30 Dee Why Bowling Club Chocolate Box $65 Cromer Zone 3/Soccer $55 (Students will alternate weekly between Zone 3 and Zone 3/Cromer Park Soccer) Non Paying Sports – Students will participate in each rotation for 2 weeks Rotation A: Weights Room Rotation B: Badminton Rotation C: Basketball Rotation D: Vortex Weights Room Gym Courts Cromer Park Students may pay by cash or cheque, made payable to NBSC Cromer Campus, on the day of the sports choices. Any student that does not have their fees on the day will not be able to choose a paying sport. Payment plans can be arranged through consultation with Miss Crawford or Ms Bonello. ALL students must have a signed permission note (by parent or care giver) to leave the school grounds. If you do not wish for your child to leave the school grounds, please contact the Sports Office. Students will be walking to their venues under the supervision of teachers. All students must wear full Sports uniform on Wednesdays. Page 10 CROMER COURIER CHS Knock-Out Sport Cromer has entered into 18 sports for the CHS Knock-Out, with many of them having to play their first game in February. The sports include: Open Boys/Girls Touch; Open Boys/Girls Basketball; 15’s Boys/Girls Basketball; Open Mixed Lawn Bowls; Open Boys/Girls Volleyball; Open Boys Cricket; Open Boys/Girls Soccer; Open Boys Tennis; Open Girls Netball; 15’s Girls Netball 15’s Boys AFL; 14’s Boys Rugby League and Mixed Open Table Tennis. If students are interested in any of these sports they should listen out for the daily notices or see the teacher in charge for information on trial dates. A list of the teachers in charge of each sport is on the noticeboards. Sydney North Trials Opens trials are being held for the following sports: Baseball; Tennis; Basketball; Volleyball; Golf and Football (Soccer). For all information visit and select Sydney North or contact your School Sports Coordinators. Golf at Manly Vale PS The year 4 students at Manly Vale Public School were given the opportunity to learn golf in Term 4, 2014. Ms Bonello (PDHPE) spent six weeks teaching the basic strokes, rules and techniques using the MyGolf Program designed by Jack Newton (Australian Golf Champion). The students then designed their own golf course using the school surroundings and finished off the program by playing the course. The Year 4 students and their teacher Mrs Ward always looked forward to participating in the program and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Who knows, maybe there’s a future champion amongst them! Year 8 Amazing Race 2014 Race winners were treated to a pizza lunch in Week 9 of Term 4. Another big congratulations goes to Ms Emo and her team for their amazing effort, and to all the Year 8s and staff who participated in or helped with the event. We look forward to racing again in 2015. Here at Cromer we do our best to report and acknowledge all of our Student’s sporting achievements. Please email with your child’s results and achievements and any action photos. Page 11 CROMER COURIER Cromer Calendar Week 3A Tuesday 10 February Wednesday 11 February Year 7 Meet the Teacher evening 6pm P & C Meeting 7pm Rec Sport begins Week 4B Monday 16 February Wednesday 18 February Open Night 4pm School Swimming Carnival Week 5A Mon 23 to Thurs 26 February Year 11 interviews – Senior School Expectations – Ms Bird I/C Mon 23 to Wed 25 February Year 7 Camp – Mrs L Peters I/C Tuesday 24 February Vaccinations HPV 1 & Year 8 Week 6B Tuesday 3 March Wednesday 4 March Inspire Day – Ms Bird I/C Year 7 Vaccinations (Year 8 catchup) – Mrs Stevens I/C Week 7A Thursday 12 March Zone Swimming Carnival – Mr Amery I/C Selective Schools Placement Test Week 8B Mon 16 to Friday 20 March Tues 17 & Wed 18 Tuesday 17 March Thursday 19 March Year 7 Interviews On Show at Balgowlah Boys’ Campus Regional Swimming Carnival – Mr Amery I/C Year 7 2016 Academic Placement Test Week 9A Mon 23 to Friday 27 March Tues 24 March Thurs 26 to Sat 28 March Thursday 26 March Year 12 Half Yearly Exams Year 7 Celebration Assembly Period 4 – Ms Bird I/C CHS Swimming Carnival at Homebush Design Make Innovate Expo Week 10B Mon 30 March to Thur 2 April Year 12 Yearly Exams Mon 30 March to Wed 1 April Year 11 Crossroads Camp Friday 3 April Good Friday GUIDED SCHOOL TOURS last Monday of every month Meet at 9.30am at the school Admin Office Page 12
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