May 16–19, 2015 Exhibit Dates: May 17–19, 2015 Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center WHERE MEDICINE MEETS INNOVATION Hall C Saturday, May 16, to Tuesday, May 19, 2015 POSTER PRESENTATION GUIDELINES Poster Hall Hours: 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Poster Presentation Hours: Noon–2 p.m. Table of Contents Abstract Publication ...................................................................................................................................... 2 DDW Registration.......................................................................................................................................... 2 Poster Tours .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Preparing Your Poster for DDW .................................................................................................................... 2 Poster Size and Details .............................................................................................................................. 2 Suggested Guidelines for Preparing an Effective Poster .......................................................................... 3 Poster Presenter Training Sessions ........................................................................................................... 3 Poster Printing Service .............................................................................................................................. 4 ePosters .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Benefits of Submitting an ePoster ............................................................................................................ 5 Acceptable Formats for ePoster Files ....................................................................................................... 5 ePoster Online Forums Feature ................................................................................................................ 5 At DDW: The Day of Your Presentation ........................................................................................................ 5 Schedule .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Poster Presentation ..................................................................... 6 Poster Presenter Checklist ............................................................................................................................ 7 Contacts ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Abstract Publication Abstracts accepted by AASLD, AGA, and SSAT will be published in the April 2015 supplement of Gastroenterology. Abstracts accepted for publication by ASGE will be published in the April 2015 supplement of GIE: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. DDW Registration All presenters (members and nonmembers) must register for Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) and pay the appropriate registration fees. Please visit for more information. IMPORTANT: You are not automatically registered for the DDW Scientific Sessions or housing. You will not be permitted into the Poster Hall without a badge which you must obtain by registering for DDW. Additionally, you must secure your own housing. Poster Tours Subject matter experts from AGA, ASGE and SSAT will help attendees navigate the Poster Hall by leading tours of the most significant research presented in six topic areas. The tours will be held on Sunday, May 17 and Monday, May 18 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and will each focus on approximately six abstracts displayed in the Poster Hall. Tour registration will open in March after accepted abstracts have been selected. There is a $20 charge for each poster tour. Visit to view poster tour topics and to register. Preparing Your Poster for DDW • Poster Size and Details • Suggested Guidelines for Preparing an Effective Poster • Poster Presenter Training Sessions • Poster Printing Service • ePosters • Acceptable Formats for ePoster Files • ePoster Online Forums Feature Poster Size and Details The maximum size of DDW poster presentations is 4 feet high by 8 feet wide (view diagram below). DDW will supply the tacks for affixing your presentation to the poster board. Each poster board will be assigned a number corresponding to your number in the program. For example, Sa1000 is poster 1000 presented on Saturday. Please use the board that corresponds with your abstract number. Poster presentations must include full disclosure information for the entire author string. No product-specific promotional material or event may appear or occur in educational space or material or during an educational activity. Suggested Guidelines for Preparing an Effective Poster Text Lettering: Lettering for text and illustrations must be at least a font size of 36 points (3/8” or 10mm). Depicting Sections: Each section should be numbered with text in a font size of 150 points (1 ½” or 33mm) to guide the reader through your poster. Color is an effective method for separating sections and adding graphic impact. Try to avoid color combinations that are difficult to read. Premise: Your poster should include three to five brief sentences which outline the information necessary to understand the study and why it was done. The question(s) to be asked or the hypotheses to be tested should be clearly and succinctly stated. Methods: Outline your methods briefly, providing only details for new methods, or modifications of older methods. Graphics: Results presented in the form of a graph or chart are always more effective than blocks of text. Provide a legend for symbols and other details, and interpretation of results below each panel. Conclusion: State the conclusion succinctly in large type. (Many viewers read this first; hence, it should be easily understandable.) Poster Presenter Training Sessions In the morning before the Poster Hall opens, you will have the opportunity to learn techniques for effective poster presentations from experienced presenters. Visit for details. Saturday, May 16, 7:30-7:45 a.m.: Dr. Helen Shields Sunday, May 17, 7:30-7:45 a.m.: Dr. Robin Rutherford Monday, May 18, 7:30-7:45 a.m.: Dr. Francis Giardiello Poster Printing Service DDW is offering a poster printing service for accepted poster presenters at DDW 2015. This professional poster service includes printing, packaging, and shipping directly to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. The inclusive printing and delivery cost is $110 to $160, depending on selected size if ordered by the advance printing deadline. Poster presenters will receive an email with instructions in March 2015. ePosters To increase the visibility and reach of your science, you are encouraged to submit an electronic version of your poster. Please note that you are still required to present it in a traditional format on a 4 foot high by 8 foot wide presentation board. The Flash-based viewer allows attendees to examine every detail of your poster while protecting the content from download or re-use. Mobile users with devices that do not support Flash can view ePoster content in a protected Adobe PDF format that disables copying, printing or extracting content. Unlike the printed poster, you may add video or audio files to your ePoster presentation highlighting the key points of your study or you can conveniently record audio narration online through the ePoster submission site. These incorporated supplemental media are accessible during and after the meeting. In addition, DDW provides a custom QR code on every poster board that lets an attendee viewing the printed poster easily access the ePoster and audio with their smartphone or tablet. The ePoster service is provided free of charge and expands your reach of science to your colleagues. As an added convenience, when submitting your ePoster file, you can choose to have your poster professionally printed and shipped directly to the meeting to pick up on site in the Poster Hall. Your ePoster and printed version can be the same file or two different files, depending on whether you prefer to submit a single-page or multi-page ePoster. Poster presenters will receive an encoded link to the ePoster submission site in March 2015. Use the encoded link to submit your file and then follow the step-by-step instructions on the submissions site. You will receive an email after you submit when your poster is ready for review. You will need to return to the site before the start of the meeting to review and approve your poster. Posters will not be shown on the kiosk unless they have been specifically approved by the author. Presenters with multiple posters will receive an email for each one. Presenters will have access to all of their posters assigned to their email address at the submission site. Benefits of Submitting an ePoster While a printed poster is up for only a single day, ePosters are available over the Internet during and after the meeting as well as on workstations in the Poster Hall during the meeting to extend exposure to your research. ePosters expand on the printed poster by supporting accompanying video or author narration. ePosters encourage submission of attendee questions through the secure forums feature, allowing peer interaction to continue beyond the meeting. DDW will provide printed QR codes which our staff will place beside your printed poster. This will allow attendees with smartphones immediate access to your abstract, poster, video and audio narration, if provided. Acceptable Formats for ePoster Files An ePoster file is PowerPoint PPT/PPTX, Adobe PDF, Word DOC/DOCX, or Single Screen Image files BMP/GIF/PNG/JPEG. Please do not protect the file. After processing the file, we will automatically protect it with a secure unique key. The file name cannot include special characters (e.g., £, à, ñ, °) or other non-English character formats. If your file name contains these characters, it will not be processed. You are encouraged to use smaller file names to assist with reviewing versions. How many slides can I use? We recommend six slides, not including a title and disclosure slide, per presentation. However, you should refer to the poster presenter documentation sent by your association. Can my presentation be one large slide? Yes, you may provide a single-page version matching your printed poster if you have one; however, multiple slide presentations are easier to read on screen. Both single-page and multi-page ePosters support the audio narration feature. What if I am presenting multiple posters? You will receive an ePoster submission invitation email for each poster; however, once you sign into the submission site, you will be able to access and upload all of your posters in one location. Be sure upload the correct file for the correct presentation number. ePoster Online Forums Feature While viewing an online poster, attendees may submit questions or comments to the poster’s presenting author. The author may either respond privately to the attendee directly or publicly by posting the comment and response in the forum displayed on the abstract page for that poster. Posting comments and responses publicly in the forum will foster interaction among attendees. At DDW: The Day of Your Presentation Schedule All poster sessions will take place in Hall C in the lower level of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. 7:30--9 a.m.: Poster Hall is open for authors to place their presentations on the boards. 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.: DDW Poster Hall Information Desk is open. 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m.: Poster presentations are displayed. Noon–2 p.m.: Authors must be present during this time to answer questions. 4–6 p.m.: Remove poster presentations. 6 p.m.: Any presentations left on the boards after this time will be discarded. Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Poster Presentation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Attend the 7:30–7:45 a.m. session “Tips for Maximizing Your Poster Presentation” on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Bring business cards with your contact information. Wear comfortable shoes and be sure to eat breakfast and lunch. Have a notebook to take down attendees’ questions, suggestions, and criticisms. Prepare a summary of your poster and memorize it. Consider preparing a long, very complete summary and a shorter, abbreviated version of your data. After introducing yourself to each person who stops at your poster, ask whether he/she prefers the long or short version of your summary. Walk the attendee through your poster data, focusing on its highlights and importance to your field. If an attendee does not wish to hear a summary of your data but prefers to look at the poster himself, tell him that you are happy to answer any questions about the data or methodology. Have prepared answers to expected questions and possible methodological or study design issues. If there are other posters on similar topics, discuss how your poster fits in. Write down any possible future collaboration with attendees. Ask for email addresses or business cards and put them in your notebook. Do not be afraid to question attendees as to whether they are working in the same field. They may be a fountain of information. Always be pleasant, even if negative comments are made about your data. Remember that you are the salesperson of your data and its message. Enjoy selling your interesting results. View the poster session as one continuous question and answer period where you will learn from your audience. Submit an ePoster for maximum exposure. Poster Presenter Checklist Register for DDW: register by the early bird deadline (April 1, 2015) and save at least $100! Create Poster. Submit to Poster Printing Service (optional; requires additional fees). Submit to ePosters. Present your poster at DDW 2015 in Washington, DC! Do you have questions? If so, our staff is eager to help. Contacts Abstracts/Presentations Abbey Ammerman, DDW program manager Anna Martin, DDW program coordinator Crystal Young, director of program operations Registration Corie Stretton, DDW convention senior coordinator General Information Digestive Disease Week® Saturday, May 16–Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Exhibit Dates: Sunday, May 17–Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center
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